Theory Subgraph_Threshold
section‹The subgraph threshold theorem›
theory Subgraph_Threshold
lemma (in edge_space) measurable_pred[measurable]: "Measurable.pred P Q"
by (simp add: P_def sets_point_measure space_point_measure subset_eq)
text‹This section contains the main theorem. For a fixed nonempty graph $H$, we consider the graph
property of `containing an isomorphic subgraph of $H$'. This is obviously a valid property, since
it is closed under isomorphism.
The corresponding threshold function is
\[ t(n) = n^{-\frac{1}{\rho'(H)}}, \]
where $\rho'$ denotes @{term max_density}.›
definition subgraph_threshold :: "ugraph ⇒ nat ⇒ real" where
"subgraph_threshold H n = n powr (-(1 / max_density H))"
assumes nonempty: "nonempty_graph H" and finite: "finite_graph H" and wellformed: "uwellformed H"
shows "is_threshold {G. H ⊑ G} (subgraph_threshold H)"
show "ugraph_property {G. H ⊑ G}"
unfolding ugraph_property_def using subgraph_isomorphic_closed by blast
fix p :: "nat ⇒ real"
obtain H⇩0 where H⇩0: "density H⇩0 = max_density H" "subgraph H⇩0 H" "nonempty_graph H⇩0" "finite_graph H⇩0" "uwellformed H⇩0"
using subgraph_has_max_density assms by blast
hence card: "0 < card (uverts H⇩0)" "0 < card (uedges H⇩0)"
unfolding nonempty_graph_def finite_graph_def by auto
let ?v = "card (uverts H⇩0)"
let ?e = "card (uedges H⇩0)"
assume p_nz: "nonzero_prob_fun p"
hence p: "valid_prob_fun p"
by (fact nonzero_fun_is_valid_fun)
assume "p ≪ subgraph_threshold H"
fix n
have "p n / n powr (-(1 / max_density H)) = p n * n powr (1 / max_density H)"
by (simp add: powr_minus_divide)
also have "… = p n * n powr (1 / density H⇩0)"
using H⇩0 by simp
also have "… = p n * n powr (?v / ?e)"
using card unfolding density_def by simp
finally have "p n / n powr (-(1 / max_density H)) = …"
ultimately have "(λn. p n * n powr (?v / ?e)) ⇢ 0"
unfolding subgraph_threshold_def by simp
moreover have "⋀n. 1 ≤ n ⟹ 0 < p n * n powr (?v / ?e)"
by (auto simp: p_nz)
ultimately have "(λn. (p n * n powr (?v / ?e)) powr ?e) ⇢ 0"
using card(2) p by (force intro: tendsto_zero_powrI)
hence limit: "(λn. p n powr ?e * n powr ?v) ⇢ 0"
by (rule LIMSEQ_cong[OF _ eventually_sequentiallyI[where c = 1]])
(auto simp: p card p_nz powr_powr powr_mult)
fix n
assume n: "?v ≤ n"
interpret ES: edge_space n "(p n)"
by unfold_locales (auto simp: p)
let ?graph_of = "ES.edge_ugraph"
let ?X = "λH⇩0'. rind {es ∈ space ES.P. subgraph H⇩0' (?graph_of es) ∧ H⇩0 ≃ H⇩0'}"
let ?I = "{(v, e). v ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card v = ?v ∧ e ⊆ all_edges v ∧ card e = ?e}"
let ?Y = "λes. ∑H⇩0' ∈ ?I. ?X H⇩0' es"
have "prob_in_class p {G. H ⊑ G} n = probGn p n (λes. H ⊑ ?graph_of es)"
by simp
also have "… ≤ probGn p n (λes. 1 ≤ ?Y es)"
proof (rule ES.finite_measure_mono, safe)
fix es
assume es: "es ∈ space (MGn p n)"
assume "H ⊑ ?graph_of es"
hence "H⇩0 ⊑ ?graph_of es"
using H⇩0 by (fast intro: subgraph_isomorphic_pre_subgraph_closed)
then obtain H⇩0' where H⇩0': "subgraph H⇩0' (?graph_of es)" "H⇩0 ≃ H⇩0'"
unfolding subgraph_isomorphic_def
by blast
show "1 ≤ ?Y es"
proof (rule sum_lower_or_eq)
show "1 ≤ ?X H⇩0' es"
using H⇩0' es by simp
have "uverts H⇩0' ⊆ {1..n}" "uedges H⇩0' ⊆ es"
using H⇩0'(1) unfolding subgraph_def ES.edge_ugraph_def ES.S_verts_def ES.S_edges_def by simp+
moreover have "card (uverts H⇩0') = ?v" "card (uedges H⇩0') = ?e"
by (simp add: isomorphic_cards[OF ‹H⇩0 ≃ H⇩0'›])+
moreover have "uedges H⇩0' ⊆ all_edges (uverts H⇩0')"
using H⇩0' by (simp add: wellformed_all_edges)
ultimately show "H⇩0' ∈ ?I"
by auto
have "?I ⊆ subgraphs (complete {1..n})"
unfolding complete_def subgraphs_def subgraph_def using all_edges_mono by auto blast
moreover have "finite (subgraphs (complete {1..n}))"
by (simp add: complete_finite subgraphs_finite)
ultimately show "finite ?I"
by (fact finite_subset)
qed simp
qed simp
also have "… ≤ ES.expectation ?Y / 1"
by (rule prob_space.markov_inequality) (auto simp: ES.prob_space_P sum_nonneg)
also have "… = ES.expectation ?Y"
by simp
also have "… = (∑H⇩0' ∈ ?I. ES.expectation (?X H⇩0'))"
by (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_sum(1)) simp
also have "… ≤ (∑H⇩0' ∈ ?I. p n ^ ?e)"
proof (rule sum_mono)
fix H⇩0'
assume H⇩0': "H⇩0' ∈ ?I"
have "ES.expectation (?X H⇩0') = ES.prob {es ∈ space ES.P. subgraph H⇩0' (?graph_of es) ∧ H⇩0 ≃ H⇩0'}"
by (rule ES.expectation_indicator) (auto simp: ES.sets_eq ES.space_eq)
also have "… ≤ ES.prob {es ∈ space ES.P. uedges H⇩0' ⊆ es}"
unfolding subgraph_def by (rule ES.finite_measure_mono) (auto simp: ES.sets_eq ES.space_eq)
also have "… = ES.prob (cylinder ES.S_edges (uedges H⇩0') {})"
unfolding cylinder_def ES.space_eq by simp
also have "… = p n ^ card (uedges H⇩0')"
proof (rule ES.cylinder_empty_prob)
have "uverts H⇩0' ⊆ {1..n}" "uedges H⇩0' ⊆ all_edges (uverts H⇩0')"
using H⇩0' by auto
hence "uedges H⇩0' ⊆ all_edges {1..n}"
using all_edges_mono by blast
thus "uedges H⇩0' ⊆ ES.S_edges"
unfolding ES.S_edges_def ES.S_verts_def by simp
also have "… = p n ^ ?e"
using H⇩0' by fastforce
finally show "ES.expectation (?X H⇩0') ≤ …"
also have "… = card ?I * p n ^ ?e"
by (rule sum_constant)
also have "… = ((n choose ?v) * ((?v choose 2) choose ?e)) * p n ^ ?e"
proof (rule arg_cong[where x = "card ?I"])
have "card ?I = (∑v | v ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card v = ?v. card (all_edges v) choose ?e)"
by (rule card_dep_pair_set[where A = "{1..n}" and n = "?v" and f = all_edges])
(auto simp: finite_subset all_edges_finite)
also have "… = (∑v | v ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card v = ?v. (?v choose 2) choose ?e)"
proof (rule sum.cong)
fix v
assume "v ∈ {v. v ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card v = ?v}"
hence "v ⊆ {1..n}" "card v = ?v"
by auto
thus "card (all_edges v) choose ?e = (?v choose 2) choose ?e"
by (simp add: card_all_edges finite_subset)
qed rule
also have "… = card ({v. v ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card v = ?v}) * ((?v choose 2) choose ?e)"
by simp
also have "… = (n choose ?v) * ((?v choose 2) choose ?e)"
by (simp add: n_subsets)
finally show "card ?I = …"
also have "… = (n choose ?v) * (((?v choose 2) choose ?e) * p n ^ ?e)"
by simp
also have "… ≤ (n ^ ?v) * (((?v choose 2) choose ?e) * p n ^ ?e)" (is "_ ≤ _ * ?r")
proof (rule mult_right_mono)
have "n choose ?v ≤ n ^ ?v"
by (rule binomial_le_pow) (rule n)
thus "real (n choose ?v) ≤ real (n ^ ?v)"
by (metis of_nat_le_iff)
show "0 ≤ ?r" using p by simp
also have "… ≤ ((?v choose 2) choose ?e) * (p n ^ ?e * n ^ ?v)" (is "_ ≤ ?factor * _")
by simp
also have "… = ?factor * (p n powr ?e * n powr ?v)"
using n card(1) ‹nonzero_prob_fun p› by (simp add: powr_realpow)
finally have "prob_in_class p {G. H ⊑ G} n ≤ ?factor * (p n powr ?e * n powr ?v)"
thus "prob_in_class p {G. H ⊑ G} ⇢ 0"
by (rule LIMSEQ_le_zero[OF tendsto_mult_right_zero[OF limit] eventually_sequentiallyI[OF measure_nonneg] eventually_sequentiallyI])
fix p :: "nat ⇒ real"
assume p_threshold: "subgraph_threshold H ≪ p"
from assms obtain f where f: "is_fixed_selector H f"
using ex_fixed_selector by blast
let ?v = "card (uverts H)"
let ?e = "card (uedges H)"
have v_e_nz: "0 < real ?v" "0 < real ?e"
using nonempty finite unfolding nonempty_graph_def finite_graph_def by auto
hence "0 < real ?v ^ ?v" by simp
hence vpowv_inv_gr_z: "0 < 1 / ?v ^ ?v" by simp
let ?A = "λn. λS. {es ∈ space (edge_space.P n (p n)). subgraph (f S) (induced_subgraph S (edge_space.edge_ugraph n es))}"
let ?I = "λn. {S. S ⊆ {1..n} ∧ card S = ?v}"
assume p_nz: "nonzero_prob_fun p"
hence p: "valid_prob_fun p"
by (fact nonzero_fun_is_valid_fun)
fix n
assume n_2v: "2 * ?v ≤ n"
hence n: "?v ≤ n"
by simp
have is_es: "edge_space (p n)"
by unfold_locales (auto simp: p)
then interpret edge_space n "p n"
let ?A = "?A n"
let ?I = "?I n"
fix S
assume "S ∈ ?I"
hence 0: "S ⊆ {1..n}" "?v = card S" "finite S"
by (auto intro: finite_subset)
hence 1: "H ≃ f S" "uverts (f S) = S"
using f wellformed_finite unfolding finite_graph_def is_fixed_selector_def by auto
have 2: "finite_graph (f S)"
using 0(3) 1(1,2) by (metis wellformed_finite)
have 3: "nonempty_graph (f S)"
using 0(2) 1(1,2) by (metis card_eq_0_iff finite finite_graph_def isomorphic_cards(2) nonempty nonempty_graph_def prod.collapse snd_conv)
note 0 1 2 3
note I = this
fix S
assume S: "S ∈ ?I"
note S' = I[OF S]
have "prob (?A S) = p n ^ ?e"
using isomorphic_cards(2)[OF S'(4)] S' by (simp add: S_verts_def induced_subgraph_prob)
note prob_A = this
fix S T
assume "S ∈ ?I" note S = I[OF this]
assume "T ∈ ?I" note T = I[OF this]
have "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) = prob {es ∈ space P. subgraph (S ∪ T, uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T)) (induced_subgraph (S ∪ T) (edge_ugraph es))}" (is "_ = prob ?M")
proof (rule arg_cong[where f = prob])
have "?A S ∩ ?A T = {es ∈ space P. subgraph (f S) (induced_subgraph S (edge_ugraph es)) ∧ subgraph (f T) (induced_subgraph T (edge_ugraph es))}"
by blast
also have "… = ?M"
using S T by (auto simp: subgraph_union_induced)
finally show "?A S ∩ ?A T = …"
also have "… = p n ^ card (uedges (S ∪ T, uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T)))"
proof (rule induced_subgraph_prob)
show "uwellformed (S ∪ T, uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T))"
using S(4,5) T(4,5) unfolding uwellformed_def by auto
show "S ∪ T ⊆ S_verts"
using S(1) T(1) unfolding S_verts_def by simp
qed simp
also have "… = p n ^ card (uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T))"
by simp
finally have "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) = p n ^ card (uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T))"
note prob_A_intersect = this
have is_psi: "prob_space_with_indicators P ?I ?A"
show "finite ?I"
by (rule finite_subset[where B = "Pow {1..n}"]) auto
show "?A ` ?I ⊆ sets P"
unfolding sets_eq space_eq by blast
let ?V = "{1..?v}"
have "0 < prob (?A ?V)"
by (simp add: prob_A n p_nz)
moreover have "?V ∈ ?I"
using n by force
ultimately show "∃i ∈ ?I. 0 < prob (?A i)"
by blast
then interpret prob_space_with_indicators "P" ?I ?A
have compl_prob: "1 - prob {es ∈ space P. ¬ H ⊑ edge_ugraph es} = prob_in_class p {G. H ⊑ G} n"
by (subst prob_compl[symmetric]) (auto simp: space_eq sets_eq intro: arg_cong[where f = prob])
have "prob {es ∈ space P. ¬ H ⊑ edge_ugraph es} ≤ prob {es ∈ space P. Y es = 0}" (is "?compl ≤ _")
proof (rule finite_measure_mono, safe)
fix es
assume "es ∈ space P"
hence es: "uwellformed (edge_ugraph es)"
unfolding space_eq by (rule wellformed_and_finite(2))
assume H: "¬ H ⊑ edge_ugraph es"
fix S
assume "S ⊆ {1..n}" "card S = ?v"
moreover hence "finite S" "S ⊆ uverts (edge_ugraph es)"
unfolding uverts_edge_ugraph S_verts_def by (auto intro: finite_subset)
ultimately have "¬ subgraph (f S) (induced_subgraph S (edge_ugraph es))"
using H es by (metis fixed_selector_induced_subgraph[OF f])
hence "X S es = 0"
unfolding X_def by simp
thus "Y es = 0"
unfolding Y_def by simp
qed simp
hence compl_upper: "?compl ≤ 1 / μ + Δ⇩d / μ^2"
by (rule order_trans) (fact prob_μ_Δ⇩d)
have "1 / ?v ^ ?v * (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e) = (n / ?v) ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e"
by (simp add: power_divide)
also have "… ≤ (n choose ?v) * p n ^ ?e"
proof (rule mult_right_mono, rule binomial_ge_n_over_k_pow_k)
show "?v ≤ n"
using n .
show "0 ≤ p n ^ ?e"
using p by simp
also have "… = (∑S ∈ ?I. p n ^ ?e)"
by (simp add: n_subsets)
also have "… = (∑S ∈ ?I. prob (?A S))"
by (simp add: prob_A)
also have "… = μ"
unfolding expectation_X_Y X_def using expectation_indicator by force
finally have ex_lower: "1 / (?v ^ ?v) * (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e) ≤ μ"
have ex_lower_pos: "0 < 1 / ?v ^ ?v * (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e)"
proof (rule mult_pos_pos[OF vpowv_inv_gr_z mult_pos_pos])
have "0 < real n"
using n nonempty finite unfolding nonempty_graph_def finite_graph_def by auto
thus "0 < real n ^ ?v"
by simp
show "0 < p n ^ card (uedges H)"
using p_nz by simp
hence "1 / μ ≤ 1 / (1 / ?v ^ ?v * (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))"
by (rule divide_left_mono[OF ex_lower zero_le_one mult_pos_pos[OF μ_non_zero]])
hence inv_ex_upper: "1 / μ ≤ ?v ^ ?v * (1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))"
by simp
fix S T
assume "S ∈ ?I" "T ∈ ?I"
hence *: "prob (?A S) * prob (?A T) = p n ^ (2 * ?e)"
using prob_A by (simp add: power_even_eq power2_eq_square)
note S = I[OF ‹S ∈ ?I›]
note T = I[OF ‹T ∈ ?I›]
assume disj: "S ∩ T = {}"
have "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) = p n ^ card (uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T))"
using ‹S ∈ ?I› ‹T ∈ ?I› by (fact prob_A_intersect)
also have "… = p n ^ (card (uedges (f S)) + card (uedges (f T)))"
proof (rule arg_cong[OF card_Un_disjoint])
have "finite_graph (f S)" "finite_graph (f T)"
using S T by (auto simp: wellformed_finite)
thus "finite (uedges (f S))" "finite (uedges (f T))"
unfolding finite_graph_def by auto
have "uedges (f S) ⊆ all_edges S" "uedges (f T) ⊆ all_edges T"
using S(4,5) T(4,5) by (metis wellformed_all_edges)+
moreover have "all_edges S ∩ all_edges T = {}"
by (fact all_edges_disjoint[OF disj])
ultimately show "uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T) = {}"
by blast
also have "… = p n ^ (2 * ?e)"
using isomorphic_cards(2)[OF isomorphic_sym[OF S(4)]] isomorphic_cards(2)[OF isomorphic_sym[OF T(4)]] by (simp add: mult_2)
finally have **: "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) = …"
from * ** have "indep (?A S) (?A T)"
unfolding indep_def by force
note indep = this
have "Δ⇩d = (∑S ∈ ?I. ∑T | T ∈ ?I ∧ ineq_dep S T. prob (?A S ∩ ?A T))"
unfolding Δ⇩d_def ..
also have "… ≤ (∑S ∈ ?I. ∑T | T ∈ ?I ∧ S ∩ T ≠ {}. prob (?A S ∩ ?A T))"
by (rule sum_mono[OF sum_mono2]) (auto simp: indep measure_nonneg)
also have "… = (∑S ∈ ?I. ∑T ∈ (⋃k ∈ {1..?v}. {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k}). prob (?A S ∩ ?A T))"
proof (rule sum.cong, rule refl, rule sum.cong)
fix S
assume "S ∈ ?I"
note I(2,3)[OF this]
hence "{T. S ∩ T ≠ {}} = (⋃k ∈ {1..?v}. {T. card (S ∩ T) = k})"
by (simp add: partition_set_of_intersecting_sets_by_card)
thus "{T ∈ ?I. S ∩ T ≠ {}} = (⋃k∈{1..?v}. {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k})"
by blast
qed simp
also have "… = (∑S ∈ ?I. ∑k = 1..?v. ∑T | T ∈ ?I ∧ card (S ∩ T) = k. prob (?A S ∩ ?A T))"
by (rule sum.cong, rule refl, rule sum.UNION_disjoint) auto
also have "… = (∑k = 1..?v. ∑S ∈ ?I. ∑T | T ∈ ?I ∧ card (S ∩ T) = k. prob (?A S ∩ ?A T))"
by (rule sum.swap)
also have "… ≤ (∑k = 1..?v. ∑S ∈ ?I. ∑T | T ∈ ?I ∧ card (S ∩ T) = k. p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k))"
proof (rule sum_mono)+
fix k
assume k: "k ∈ {1..?v}"
fix S T
assume "S ∈ ?I" "T ∈ {T. T ∈ ?I ∧ card (S ∩ T) = k}"
hence "T ∈ ?I" and ST_k: "card (S ∩ T) = k"
by auto
note S = I[OF ‹S ∈ ?I›]
note T = I[OF ‹T ∈ ?I›]
let ?cST = "card (uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T))"
have "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) = p n ^ card (uedges (f S) ∪ uedges (f T))"
using ‹S ∈ ?I› ‹T ∈ ?I› by (fact prob_A_intersect)
also have "… = p n ^ (card (uedges (f S)) + card (uedges (f T)) - ?cST)"
using S T unfolding finite_graph_def by (simp add: card_union)
also have "… = p n ^ (?e + ?e - ?cST)"
by (metis isomorphic_cards(2)[OF S(4)] isomorphic_cards(2)[OF T(4)])
also have "… = p n ^ (2 * ?e - ?cST)"
by (simp add: mult_2)
also have "… = p n powr (2 * ?e - ?cST)"
using p_nz by (simp add: powr_realpow)
also have "… = p n powr (real (2 * ?e) - real ?cST)"
using isomorphic_cards[OF S(4)] S(6) by (metis of_nat_diff card_mono finite_graph_def inf_le1 mult_le_mono mult_numeral_1 numeral_One one_le_numeral)
also have "… ≤ p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)"
proof (rule powr_mono3)
have "?cST = density (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T)) * k"
unfolding density_def using k ST_k by simp
also have "… ≤ max_density (f S) * k"
proof (rule mult_right_mono, cases "uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T) = {}")
case True
hence "density (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T)) = 0"
unfolding density_def by simp
also have "0 ≤ density (f S)"
unfolding density_def by simp
also have "density (f S) ≤ max_density (f S)"
using S by (simp add: max_density_is_max subgraph_refl)
finally show "density (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T)) ≤ max_density (f S)"
case False
show "density (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T)) ≤ max_density (f S)"
proof (rule max_density_is_max)
show "finite_graph (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T))"
using T(3,6) by (metis finite_Int finite_graph_def fst_eqD snd_conv)
show "nonempty_graph (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T))"
unfolding nonempty_graph_def using k ST_k False by force
show "uwellformed (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T))"
using S(4,5) T(4,5) unfolding uwellformed_def by (metis Int_iff fst_eqD snd_eqD)
show "subgraph (S ∩ T, uedges (f S) ∩ uedges (f T)) (f S)"
using S(5) by (metis fst_eqD inf_sup_ord(1) snd_conv subgraph_def)
qed (simp add: S)
qed simp
also have "… = max_density H * k"
using assms S by (simp add: isomorphic_max_density[where G⇩1 = H and G⇩2 = "f S"])
finally have "?cST ≤ max_density H * k"
thus "2 * ?e - max_density H * k ≤ 2 * ?e - real ?cST"
by linarith
qed (auto simp: p_nz)
finally show "prob (?A S ∩ ?A T) ≤ …"
also have "… = (∑k = 1..?v. ∑(S, T) ∈ (SIGMA S : ?I. {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k}). p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k))"
by (rule sum.cong, rule refl, rule sum.Sigma) auto
also have "… = (∑k = 1..?v. card (SIGMA S : ?I. {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k}) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k))"
by (rule sum.cong) auto
also have "… ≤ (∑k = 1..?v. ?v ^ k * (real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)))"
proof (rule sum_mono)
fix k
assume k: "k ∈ {1..?v}"
let ?p = "p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)"
have "card (SIGMA S : ?I. {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k}) = (∑S ∈ ?I. card {T ∈ ?I. card (S ∩ T) = k})" (is "?lhs = _")
by simp
also have "… = (∑S ∈ ?I. (?v choose k) * ((n - ?v) choose (?v - k)))"
using n k by (fastforce simp: card_set_of_intersecting_sets_by_card)
also have "… = (n choose ?v) * ((?v choose k) * ((n - ?v) choose (?v - k)))"
by (auto simp: n_subsets)
also have "… ≤ n ^ ?v * ((?v choose k) * ((n - ?v) choose (?v - k)))"
using n by (simp add: binomial_le_pow)
also have "… ≤ n ^ ?v * ?v ^ k * ((n - ?v) choose (?v - k))"
using k by (simp add: binomial_le_pow)
also have "… ≤ n ^ ?v * ?v ^ k * (n - ?v) ^ (?v - k)"
using n_2v by (simp add: binomial_le_pow)
also have "… ≤ n ^ ?v * ?v ^ k * n ^ (?v - k)"
by (simp add: power_mono)
also have "… = ?v ^ k * (n ^ (?v + (?v - k)))"
by (simp add: power_add)
also have "… = ?v ^ k * n ^ (2 * ?v - k)" (is "_ = ?rhs")
using k by (simp add: mult_2)
finally have "?lhs ≤ ?rhs" .
hence "real ?lhs ≤ real ?rhs"
using of_nat_le_iff by blast
moreover have "0 ≤ ?p"
by simp
ultimately have "?lhs * ?p ≤ ?rhs * ?p"
by (rule mult_right_mono)
also have "… = ?v ^ k * (real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * ?p)"
by simp
finally show "?lhs * ?p ≤ …"
finally have delta_upper: "Δ⇩d ≤ (∑k = 1..?v. ?v ^ k * (real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)))"
note is_es is_psi compl_prob compl_upper ex_lower ex_lower_pos inv_ex_upper delta_upper
note facts = this
have "(λn. 1 / prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n)) ⇢ 0"
proof (rule LIMSEQ_le_zero)
have "(λn. 1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e)) ⇢ 0"
proof (rule LIMSEQ_le_zero[OF _ eventually_sequentiallyI eventually_sequentiallyI])
fix n
show "0 ≤ 1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e)"
using p by simp
assume n: "1 ≤ n"
have "1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e) = 1 / (real n powr ?v * p n powr ?e)"
using n p_nz by (simp add: powr_realpow[symmetric])
also have "… = real n powr -real ?v * p n powr -real ?e"
by (simp add: powr_minus_divide)
also have "… = (real n powr -(?v / ?e)) powr ?e * (p n powr -1) powr ?e"
using v_e_nz by (simp add: powr_powr)
also have "… = (real n powr -(?v / ?e) * p n powr -1) powr ?e"
by (simp add: powr_mult)
also have "… = (real n powr -(1 / (?e / ?v)) * p n powr -1) powr ?e"
by simp
also have "… ≤ (real n powr -(1 / max_density H) * p n powr -1) powr ?e"
apply (rule powr_mono2[OF _ _ mult_right_mono[OF powr_mono[OF le_imp_neg_le[OF divide_left_mono]]]])
using n v_e_nz p p_nz
by (auto simp:
max_density_is_max[unfolded density_def, OF finite finite nonempty wellformed subgraph_refl]
max_density_gr_zero[OF finite nonempty wellformed])
also have "… = (real n powr -(1 / max_density H) * (1 / p n powr 1)) powr ?e"
by (simp add: powr_minus_divide[symmetric])
also have "… = (real n powr -(1 / max_density H) / p n) powr ?e"
using p p_nz by simp
also have "… = (subgraph_threshold H n / p n) powr ?e"
unfolding subgraph_threshold_def ..
finally show "1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e) ≤ (subgraph_threshold H n / p n) powr ?e" .
show "(λn. (subgraph_threshold H n / p n) powr real (card (uedges H))) ⇢ 0"
using p_threshold p_nz v_e_nz
by (auto simp: subgraph_threshold_def divide_nonneg_pos intro!: tendsto_zero_powrI)
hence "(λn. ?v ^ ?v * (1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))) ⇢ real (?v ^ ?v) * 0"
by (rule LIMSEQ_const_mult)
thus "(λn. ?v ^ ?v * (1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))) ⇢ 0"
by simp
show "∀⇧∞n. 0 ≤ 1 / prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n)"
by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF less_imp_le[OF divide_pos_pos[OF _ prob_space_with_indicators.μ_non_zero[OF facts(2)]]]]) simp+
show "∀⇧∞n. 1 / prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) ≤ ?v ^ ?v * (1 / (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))"
using facts(7) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI)
moreover have "(λn. prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n)) ≪ (λn. (prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n))^2)"
proof (rule less_fun_bounds)
let ?num = "λn k. ?v ^ k * (real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k))"
let ?den = "λn. ((1 / ?v ^ ?v) * (real n ^ ?v * p n ^ ?e))^2"
fix k
assume k: "k ∈ {1..?v}"
let ?den' = "λn. (1 / ?v ^ ?v)^2 * (real n ^ (2 * ?v) * p n ^ (2 * ?e))"
have den': "?den' = ?den"
by (subst power_mult_distrib) (simp add: power_mult_distrib power_even_eq)
have "(λn. ?num n k) ≪ ?den'"
proof (rule less_fun_const_quot)
have "(λn. (subgraph_threshold H n / p n) powr (max_density H * k)) ⇢ 0"
using p_threshold mult_pos_pos[OF max_density_gr_zero[OF finite nonempty wellformed]] p_nz k
by (auto simp: subgraph_threshold_def divide_nonneg_pos intro!: tendsto_zero_powrI)
thus "(λn. (real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)) / (real n ^ (2 * ?v) * p n ^ (2 * ?e))) ⇢ 0"
proof (rule LIMSEQ_cong[OF _ eventually_sequentiallyI])
fix n :: nat
assume n: "1 ≤ n"
have "(real n ^ (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)) / (real n ^ (2 * ?v) * p n ^ (2 * ?e)) =
(n powr (2 * ?v - k) * p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k)) / (n powr (2 * ?v) * p n powr (2 * ?e))" (is "?lhs = _")
using n p_nz by (simp add: powr_realpow[symmetric])
also have "… = (n powr (2 * ?v - k) / n powr (2 * ?v)) * (p n powr (2 * ?e - max_density H * k) / (p n powr (2 * ?e)))"
by simp
also have "… = (n powr (real (2 * ?v - k) - 2 * ?v)) * p n powr ((2 * ?e - max_density H * k) - (2 * ?e))"
by (simp add: powr_diff [symmetric] )
also have "… = n powr -real k * p n powr ((2 * ?e - max_density H * k) - (2 * ?e))"
apply (rule arg_cong[where y = "- real k"])
using k by fastforce
also have "… = n powr -real k * p n powr - (max_density H * k)"
by simp
also have "… = (n powr -(1 / max_density H)) powr (max_density H * k) * p n powr - (max_density H * k)"
using max_density_gr_zero[OF finite nonempty wellformed] by (simp add: powr_powr)
also have "… = (n powr -(1 / max_density H)) powr (max_density H * k) * (p n powr -1) powr (max_density H * k)"
by (simp add: powr_powr)
also have "… = (n powr -(1 / max_density H) * p n powr -1) powr (max_density H * k)"
by (simp add: powr_mult)
also have "… = (n powr -(1 / max_density H) * (1 / p n powr 1)) powr (max_density H * k)"
by (simp add: powr_minus_divide[symmetric])
also have "… = (n powr -(1 / max_density H) / p n) powr (max_density H * k)"
by (simp add: p p_nz)
also have "… = (subgraph_threshold H n / p n) powr (max_density H * k)" (is "_ = ?rhs")
unfolding subgraph_threshold_def ..
finally have "?lhs = ?rhs"
thus "?rhs = ?lhs"
by simp
show "(1 / ?v ^ ?v)^2 ≠ 0"
using vpowv_inv_gr_z by auto
hence "(λn. ?num n k) ≪ ?den"
by (rule subst[OF den'])
hence "(λn. ∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k / ?den n) ⇢ (∑k = 1..?v. 0)"
by (rule tendsto_sum)
hence "(λn. ∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k / ?den n) ⇢ 0"
by simp
moreover have "(λn. ∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k / ?den n) = (λn. (∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k) / ?den n)"
by (simp add: sum_left_div_distrib)
ultimately show "(λn. ∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k) ≪ ?den"
by metis
show "∀⇧∞n. prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) ≤ (∑k = 1..?v. ?num n k)"
using facts(8) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI)
show "∀⇧∞n. ?den n ≤ (prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n))^2"
using facts(5) facts(6) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF power_mono[OF _ less_imp_le]])
show "∀⇧∞n. 0 ≤ prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n)"
using facts(2) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d_nonneg])
show "∀⇧∞n. 0 < (prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n))^2"
using facts(2) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF prob_space_with_indicators.μ_sq_non_zero])
show "∀⇧∞n. 0 < ?den n"
using facts(6) by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF zero_less_power])
ultimately have "(λn.
1 / prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) +
prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) / (prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n))^2
) ⇢ 0"
by (subst add_0_left[where a = 0, symmetric]) (rule tendsto_add)
hence "(λn. probGn p n (λes. ¬ H ⊑ edge_space.edge_ugraph n es)) ⇢ 0"
proof (rule LIMSEQ_le_zero)
show "∀⇧∞n. 0 ≤ probGn p n (λes. ¬ H ⊑ edge_space.edge_ugraph n es)"
by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI) (rule measure_nonneg)
show "∀⇧∞n.
probGn p n (λes. ¬ H ⊑ edge_space.edge_ugraph n es) ≤
1 / prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) +
prob_space_with_indicators.Δ⇩d (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n) / (prob_space_with_indicators.μ (MGn p n) (?I n) (?A n))^2"
by (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[OF facts(4)])
hence "(λn. 1 - probGn p n (λes. ¬ H ⊑ edge_space.edge_ugraph n es)) ⇢ 1"
using tendsto_diff[OF tendsto_const] by fastforce
thus "prob_in_class p {G. H ⊑ G} ⇢ 1"
by (rule LIMSEQ_cong[OF _ eventually_sequentiallyI[OF facts(3)]])