Theory Virtual_Substitution.Heuristic

subsection "Heuristic Algorithms"
theory Heuristic
  imports VSAlgos Reindex Optimizations
fun IdentityHeuristic :: "nat  atom list  atom fm list  nat" where
  "IdentityHeuristic n _ _ = n"

fun step_augment :: "(nat  atom list  atom fm list  atom fm)  (nat  atom list  atom fm list  nat)  nat  nat  atom list  atom fm list  atom fm" where
  "step_augment step heuristic 0 var L F = list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F)" |
  "step_augment step heuristic (Suc 0) 0 L F = step 0 L F" |
  "step_augment step heuristic _ 0 L F = list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F)" |
  "step_augment step heuristic (Suc amount) (Suc i) L F =(
  let var = heuristic (Suc i) L F in
  let swappedL = map (swap_atom (i+1) var) L in
  let swappedF = map (swap_fm (i+1) var) F in
 list_disj[step_augment step heuristic amount i al fl. (al,fl)<-dnf ((push_forall  nnf  unpower 0 o groupQuantifiers o clearQuantifiers)(step (i+1) swappedL swappedF))])"

fun the_real_step_augment :: "(nat  atom list  atom fm list  atom fm)  nat  (atom list * atom fm list * nat) list  atom fm" where
  "the_real_step_augment step 0 F = list_disj (map (λ(L,F,n). ExN n (list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F))) F)" |
  "the_real_step_augment step (Suc amount) F =(
 ExQ (the_real_step_augment step amount (dnf_modified ((push_forall  nnf  unpower 0 o groupQuantifiers o clearQuantifiers)(list_disj(map (λ(L,F,n). ExN n (step (n+amount) L F)) F))))))"

fun aquireData :: "nat  atom list  (nat fset*nat fset*nat fset)"where
  "aquireData n L = fold (λA (l,e,g). 
 case A of
  Eq p  
    funion l (fset_of_list(filter (λv. let (a,b,c) = get_coeffs v p in
    (( p v = 1 p v = 2)  (check_nonzero_const a  check_nonzero_const b  check_nonzero_const c))) [0..<(n+1)])),
  funion e (fset_of_list(filter (λv.( p v = 1 p v = 2)) [0..<(n+1)]))
  ,ffilter (λv. p v  2) g)
 | Leq p  (l,e,ffilter (λv. p v  2) g)
 | Neq p  (l,e,ffilter (λv. p v  2) g)
 | Less p  (l,e,ffilter (λv. p v  2) g)
) L (fempty,fempty,fset_of_list [0..<(n+1)])"

datatype natpair = Pair "nat*nat"

instantiation natpair :: linorder 
definition [simp]: "less_eq (A::natpair) B = (case A of Pair(a,b)  (case B of Pair(c,d)  if a=c then bd else a<c))"
definition [simp]: "less (A::natpair) B = (case A of Pair(a,b)  (case B of Pair(c,d)  if a=c then b<d else a<c))"
instance proof
  fix x :: natpair
  fix y :: natpair
  fix z :: natpair
  obtain a b where x : "x = Pair (a,b)" apply(cases x) by auto
  obtain c d where y : "y = Pair (c,d)" apply(cases y) by auto
  obtain e f where z : "z = Pair (e,f)" apply(cases z) by auto
  show "(x < y) = strict (≤) x y"
    unfolding x y by auto
  show "xx" unfolding x by auto
  show "x y  y z  x z" unfolding x y z apply auto
    apply (metis dual_order.trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    by (metis less_trans)
  show "x  y  y  x  x = y" unfolding x y apply auto
    apply (metis not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    by (metis antisym_conv not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
  show "x  y  y  x" unfolding x y by auto

fun getBest :: "nat fset  atom list  nat option" where
  "getBest S L = (let X =  fset_of_list(map (λx. Pair(count_list (map (λl. case l of
   Eq p p x = 0
|  Less p p x = 0
|  Neq p p x = 0
|  Leq p p x = 0
) L) False,x)) (sorted_list_of_fset S)) in
(case (sorted_list_of_fset X) of []  None | Cons (Pair(x,v)) _  Some v))

fun heuristicPicker :: "nat  atom list  atom fm list  (nat*(nat  atom list  atom fm list  atom fm)) option"where
  "heuristicPicker n L F = (case (let (l,e,g) = aquireData n L in
(case getBest l L of
  None  (case F of 
    (case getBest g L of 
    None  (case getBest e L of None  None | Some v  Some(v,qe_eq_repeat))
    | Some v  Some(v,gen_qe)
  | _  (case getBest e L of None  None | Some v  Some(v,qe_eq_repeat))
| Some v  Some(v,luckyFind')
)) of None => None | Some(var,step) => (if var > n then None else Some(var,step)))"

fun superPicker :: "nat  nat  atom list  atom fm list  atom fm" where
  "superPicker 0 var L F = list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F)"|
  "superPicker amount 0 L F = (case heuristicPicker 0 L F of Some(0,step)  step 0 L F | _  list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F))" |
  "superPicker (Suc amount) (Suc i) L F =(
  case heuristicPicker (Suc i) L F of
    let swappedL = map (swap_atom (i+1) var) L in
    let swappedF = map (swap_fm (i+1) var) F in
    list_disj[superPicker amount i al fl. (al,fl)<-dnf ((push_forall  nnf  unpower 0 o groupQuantifiers o clearQuantifiers)(step (i+1) swappedL swappedF))]
  | None  list_conj (map fm.Atom L @ F))"

datatype quadnat = Quad "nat × nat × nat × nat"

instantiation quadnat :: linorder begin
definition [simp]:"A<B =
  (case A of  Quad(a1,b1,c1,d1)  (case B of Quad(a2,b2,c2,d2) 
  (if a1=a2 then (
    if b1=b2 then (
      if c1=c2 then d1<d2 else c1<c2
    ) else b1<b2
  ) else a1<a2)))"
definition [simp]:"AB =
  (case A of  Quad(a1,b1,c1,d1)  (case B of Quad(a2,b2,c2,d2) 
  (if a1=a2 then (
    if b1=b2 then (
      if c1=c2 then d1d2 else c1<c2
    ) else b1<b2
  ) else a1<a2)))"
instance proof
  fix x y z
  obtain a1 b1 c1 d1 where x : "x = Quad(a1,b1,c1,d1)"
    by (metis prod_cases4 quadnat.exhaust) 
  obtain a2 b2 c2 d2 where y : "y = Quad(a2,b2,c2,d2)"
    by (metis prod_cases4 quadnat.exhaust) 
  obtain a3 b3 c3 d3 where z : "z = Quad(a3,b3,c3,d3)"
    by (metis prod_cases4 quadnat.exhaust) 
  show "(x < y) = strict (≤) x y" unfolding x y by auto
  show "x  x" unfolding x by auto
  show "x  y  y  z  x  z" unfolding x y z apply auto
    apply (metis dual_order.trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    apply (metis less_trans)
    apply (metis dual_order.strict_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    apply (metis less_trans)
    apply (metis dual_order.strict_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    apply (metis less_trans)
    apply (metis less_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    by (metis less_trans)
  show "x  y  y  x  x = y" unfolding x y apply auto
    apply (metis less_imp_not_less)
    apply (metis not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    apply (metis not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
    by (metis antisym_conv not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
  show "x  y  y  x" unfolding x y by auto

fun brownsHeuristic :: "nat  atom list  atom fm list  nat" where
  "brownsHeuristic n L _ = (case sorted_list_of_fset (fset_of_list (map (λx.
  case (foldl (λ(maxdeg,totaldeg,appearancecount) l. 
  let p = case l of Eq p  p | Less p  p | Leq p  p | Neq p  p in
  let deg = p x in
  (max maxdeg deg,totaldeg+deg,appearancecount+(if deg>0 then 1 else 0))) (0,0,0) L) of (a,b,c)  Quad(a,b,c,x)
 ) [0..<n])) of []  n | Cons (Quad(_,_,_,x)) _  if x>n then n else x)"
