Theory Sturm_Tarski.Pseudo_Remainder_Sequence
section ‹An implementation for calculating pseudo remainder sequences›
theory Pseudo_Remainder_Sequence
imports Sturm_Tarski
subsection ‹Misc›
function spmods :: "'a::idom poly ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ ('a poly) list" where
"spmods p q= (if p=0 then [] else
m=(if even(degree p+1-degree q) then -1 else -lead_coeff q)
Cons p (spmods q (smult m (pseudo_mod p q))))"
by auto
apply (relation "measure (λ(p,q).if p=0 then 0 else if q=0 then 1 else 2+degree q)")
by (simp_all add: degree_pseudo_mod_less)
declare spmods.simps[simp del]
lemma spmods_0[simp]:
"spmods 0 q = []"
"spmods p 0 = (if p=0 then [] else [p])"
by (auto simp:spmods.simps)
lemma spmods_nil_eq:"spmods p q = [] ⟷ (p=0)"
by (metis list.distinct(1) spmods.elims)
lemma changes_poly_at_alternative:
"changes_poly_at ps a= changes (map (λp. sign(poly p a)) ps)"
"changes_poly_at ps a= changes (map (λp. sgn(poly p a)) ps)"
unfolding changes_poly_at_def
subgoal by (subst changes_map_sign_eq) (auto simp add:comp_def)
subgoal by (subst changes_map_sgn_eq) (auto simp add:comp_def)
lemma smods_smult_length:
assumes "a≠0" "b≠0"
shows "length (smods p q) = length (smods (smult a p) (smult b q))" using assms
proof (induct "smods p q" arbitrary:p q a b )
case Nil
thus ?case by (simp split:if_splits)
case (Cons x xs)
hence "p≠0" by auto
define r where "r≡- (p mod q)"
have "smods q r = xs" using Cons.hyps(2) `p≠0` unfolding r_def by auto
hence "length (smods q r) = length (smods (smult b q) (smult a r))"
using Cons.hyps(1)[of q r b a] Cons by auto
moreover have "smult a p≠0" using `a≠0` `p≠0` by auto
moreover have "-((smult a p) mod (smult b q)) = (smult a r)"
by (simp add: Cons.prems(2) mod_smult_left mod_smult_right r_def)
ultimately show ?case
unfolding r_def by auto
lemma smods_smult_nth[rule_format]:
fixes p q::"real poly"
assumes "a≠0" "b≠0"
defines "xs≡smods p q" and "ys≡smods (smult a p) (smult b q)"
shows "∀n<length xs. ys!n = (if even n then smult a (xs!n) else smult b (xs!n))" using assms
proof (induct "smods p q" arbitrary:p q a b xs ys)
case Nil
thus ?case by (simp split:if_splits)
case (Cons x xs)
hence "p≠0" by auto
define r where "r≡- (p mod q)"
have xs:"xs=smods q r" "p#xs=smods p q" using Cons.hyps(2) `p≠0` unfolding r_def by auto
define ys where "ys≡smods (smult b q) (smult a r)"
have "- ((smult a p) mod (smult b q)) = smult a r"
by (simp add: Cons.hyps(4) mod_smult_left mod_smult_right r_def)
hence ys:"smult a p # ys = smods (smult a p) (smult b q)" using `p≠0` `a≠0`
unfolding ys_def r_def by auto
have hyps:"⋀n. n<length xs ⟹ ys ! n = (if even n then smult b (xs ! n) else smult a (xs ! n))"
using Cons.hyps(1)[of q r b a,folded xs ys_def] `a≠0` `b≠0` by auto
thus ?case
apply (fold xs ys)
apply auto
by (case_tac n,auto)+
lemma smods_smult_sgn_map_eq:
fixes x::real
assumes "m>0"
defines "f≡λp. sgn(poly p x)"
shows "map f (smods p (smult m q)) = map f (smods p q)"
"map sgn_pos_inf (smods p (smult m q)) = map sgn_pos_inf (smods p q)"
"map sgn_neg_inf (smods p (smult m q)) = map sgn_neg_inf (smods p q)"
proof -
define xs ys where "xs≡smods p q" and "ys≡smods p (smult m q)"
have "m≠0" using `m>0` by simp
have len_eq:"length xs =length ys"
using smods_smult_length[of 1 m] `m>0` unfolding xs_def ys_def by auto
moreover have
"(map f xs) ! i = (map f ys) ! i"
"(map sgn_pos_inf xs) ! i = (map sgn_pos_inf ys) ! i"
"(map sgn_neg_inf xs) ! i = (map sgn_neg_inf ys) ! i"
when "i<length xs" for i
proof -
note nth_eq=smods_smult_nth[OF one_neq_zero `m≠0`,of _ p q,unfolded smult_1_left,
folded xs_def ys_def,OF `i<length xs` ]
then show "map f xs ! i = map f ys ! i"
"(map sgn_pos_inf xs) ! i = (map sgn_pos_inf ys) ! i"
"(map sgn_neg_inf xs) ! i = (map sgn_neg_inf ys) ! i"
using that
unfolding f_def using len_eq `m>0`
by (auto simp add:sgn_mult sgn_pos_inf_def sgn_neg_inf_def lead_coeff_smult)
ultimately show "map f (smods p (smult m q)) = map f (smods p q)"
"map sgn_pos_inf (smods p (smult m q)) = map sgn_pos_inf (smods p q)"
"map sgn_neg_inf (smods p (smult m q)) = map sgn_neg_inf (smods p q)"
apply (fold xs_def ys_def)
by (auto intro: nth_equalityI)
lemma changes_poly_at_smods_smult:
assumes "m>0"
shows "changes_poly_at (smods p (smult m q)) x =changes_poly_at (smods p q) x "
using smods_smult_sgn_map_eq[OF `m>0`]
by (metis changes_poly_at_alternative(2))
lemma spmods_smods_sgn_map_eq:
fixes p q::"real poly" and x::real
defines "f≡λp. sgn (poly p x)"
shows "map f (smods p q) = map f (spmods p q)"
"map sgn_pos_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_pos_inf (spmods p q)"
"map sgn_neg_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_neg_inf (spmods p q)"
proof (induct "spmods p q" arbitrary:p q)
case Nil
hence "p=0" using spmods_nil_eq by metis
thus "map f (smods p q) = map f (spmods p q)"
"map sgn_pos_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_pos_inf (spmods p q)"
"map sgn_neg_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_neg_inf (spmods p q)"
by auto
case (Cons p' xs)
hence "p≠0" by auto
define r where "r≡- (p mod q)"
define exp where " exp≡degree p +1 - degree q"
define m where "m≡(if even exp then 1 else lead_coeff q)
* (lead_coeff q ^ exp)"
have xs1:"p#xs=spmods p q"
by (metis (no_types) Cons.hyps(4) list.distinct(1) list.inject spmods.simps)
have xs2:"xs=spmods q (smult m r)" when "q≠0"
proof -
define m' where "m'≡if even exp then - 1 else - lead_coeff q"
have "smult m' (pseudo_mod p q) = smult m r"
unfolding m_def m'_def r_def
apply (subst pseudo_mod_mod[symmetric])
using that exp_def by auto
thus ?thesis using `p≠0` xs1 unfolding r_def
by (simp add:spmods.simps[of p q,folded exp_def, folded m'_def] del:spmods.simps)
define ys where "ys≡smods q r"
have ys:"p#ys=smods p q" using `p≠0` unfolding ys_def r_def by auto
have qm:"q≠0 ⟹ m>0"
using `p≠0` unfolding m_def
apply auto
subgoal by (simp add: zero_less_power_eq)
subgoal using zero_less_power_eq by fastforce
show "map f (smods p q) = map f (spmods p q)"
proof (cases "q≠0")
case True
then have "map f (spmods q (smult m r)) = map f (smods q r)"
using smods_smult_sgn_map_eq(1)[of m x q r,folded f_def] qm
Cons.hyps(1)[OF xs2,folded f_def]
by simp
thus ?thesis
apply (fold xs1 xs2[OF True] ys ys_def)
by auto
case False
thus ?thesis by auto
show "map sgn_pos_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_pos_inf (spmods p q)"
proof (cases "q≠0")
case True
then have "map sgn_pos_inf (spmods q (smult m r)) = map sgn_pos_inf (smods q r)"
using Cons.hyps(2)[OF xs2,folded f_def] qm[OF True]
smods_smult_sgn_map_eq(2)[of m q r,folded f_def] by auto
thus ?thesis
apply (fold xs1 xs2[OF True] ys ys_def)
by (simp add:f_def)
case False
thus ?thesis by auto
show "map sgn_neg_inf (smods p q) = map sgn_neg_inf (spmods p q)"
proof (cases "q≠0")
case True
then have "map sgn_neg_inf (spmods q (smult m r)) = map sgn_neg_inf (smods q r)"
using Cons.hyps(3)[OF xs2,folded f_def] qm[OF True]
smods_smult_sgn_map_eq(3)[of m q r,folded f_def] by auto
thus ?thesis
apply (fold xs1 xs2[OF True] ys ys_def)
by (simp add:f_def)
case False
thus ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Converting @{typ "rat poly"} to @{typ "int poly"} by clearing the denominators›
definition int_of_rat::"rat ⇒ int" where
"int_of_rat = inv of_int"
lemma of_rat_inj[simp]: "inj of_rat"
by (simp add: linorder_injI)
lemma (in ring_char_0) of_int_inj[simp]: "inj of_int"
by (simp add: inj_on_def)
lemma int_of_rat_id: "int_of_rat o of_int = id"
unfolding int_of_rat_def
by auto
lemma int_of_rat_0[simp]:"int_of_rat 0 = 0"
by (metis id_apply int_of_rat_id o_def of_int_0)
lemma int_of_rat_inv:"r∈ℤ ⟹ of_int (int_of_rat r) = r"
unfolding int_of_rat_def
by (simp add: Ints_def f_inv_into_f)
lemma int_of_rat_0_iff:"x∈ℤ ⟹ int_of_rat x = 0 ⟷ x = 0"
using int_of_rat_inv by force
lemma [code]:"int_of_rat r = (let (a,b) = quotient_of r in
if b=1 then a else Code.abort (STR ''Failed to convert rat to int'')
(λ_. int_of_rat r))"
apply (auto simp add:split_beta int_of_rat_def)
by (metis Fract_of_int_quotient inv_f_eq of_int_inj of_int_rat quotient_of_div surjective_pairing)
definition de_lcm::"rat poly ⇒ int" where
"de_lcm p = Lcm(set(map (λx. snd (quotient_of x)) (coeffs p)))"
lemma de_lcm_pCons:"de_lcm (pCons a p) = lcm (snd (quotient_of a)) (de_lcm p)"
unfolding de_lcm_def
by (cases "a=0∧p=0",auto)
lemma de_lcm_0[simp]:"de_lcm 0 = 1" unfolding de_lcm_def by auto
lemma de_lcm_pos[simp]:"de_lcm p > 0"
apply (induct p)
apply (auto simp add:de_lcm_pCons)
by (metis lcm_pos_int less_numeral_extra(3) quotient_of_denom_pos')+
lemma de_lcm_ints:
fixes x::rat
shows "x∈set (coeffs p) ⟹ rat_of_int (de_lcm p) * x ∈ ℤ"
proof (induct p)
case 0
then show ?case by auto
case (pCons a p)
define a1 a2 where "a1≡fst (quotient_of a)" and "a2≡snd (quotient_of a)"
have a:"a=(rat_of_int a1)/(rat_of_int a2)" and "a2>0"
using quotient_of_denom_pos'[of a] unfolding a1_def a2_def
by (auto simp add: quotient_of_div)
define mp1 where "mp1≡a2 div gcd (de_lcm p) a2"
define mp2 where "mp2≡de_lcm p div gcd a2 (de_lcm p) "
have lcm_times1:"lcm a2 (de_lcm p) = de_lcm p * mp1"
using lcm_altdef_int[of "de_lcm p" a2,folded mp1_def] `a2>0`
unfolding mp1_def
apply (subst div_mult_swap)
by (auto simp add: abs_of_pos gcd.commute lcm_altdef_int mult.commute)
have lcm_times2:"lcm a2 (de_lcm p) = a2 * mp2"
using lcm_altdef_int[of a2 "de_lcm p",folded mp1_def] `a2>0`
unfolding mp2_def by (subst div_mult_swap, auto simp add:abs_of_pos)
show ?case
proof (cases "x ∈ set (coeffs p)")
case True
show ?thesis using pCons(2)[OF True]
by (smt (verit) Ints_mult Ints_of_int a2_def de_lcm_pCons lcm_times1
mult.assoc mult.commute of_int_mult)
case False
then have "x=a"
using pCons cCons_not_0_eq coeffs_pCons_eq_cCons insert_iff list.set(2) not_0_cCons_eq
by fastforce
show ?thesis unfolding `x=a` de_lcm_pCons
apply (fold a2_def,unfold a)
by (simp add: de_lcm_pCons lcm_times2 of_rat_divide)
definition clear_de::"rat poly ⇒ int poly" where
"clear_de p = (SOME q. (map_poly of_int q) = smult (of_int (de_lcm p)) p)"
lemma clear_de:"of_int_poly(clear_de p) = smult (of_int (de_lcm p)) p"
proof -
have "∃q. (of_int_poly q) = smult (of_int (de_lcm p)) p"
proof (induct p)
case 0
show ?case by (metis map_poly_0 smult_0_right)
case (pCons a p)
then obtain q1::"int poly" where q1:"of_int_poly q1 = smult (rat_of_int (de_lcm p)) p"
by auto
define a1 a2 where "a1≡fst (quotient_of a)" and "a2≡snd (quotient_of a)"
have a:"a=(rat_of_int a1)/ (rat_of_int a2)" and "a2>0"
using quotient_of_denom_pos' quotient_of_div
unfolding a1_def a2_def by auto
define mp1 where "mp1≡a2 div gcd (de_lcm p) a2"
define mp2 where "mp2≡de_lcm p div gcd a2 (de_lcm p) "
have lcm_times1:"lcm a2 (de_lcm p) = de_lcm p * mp1"
using lcm_altdef_int[of "de_lcm p" a2,folded mp1_def] `a2>0`
unfolding mp1_def
by (subst div_mult_swap, auto simp add: abs_of_pos gcd.commute lcm_altdef_int mult.commute)
have lcm_times2:"lcm a2 (de_lcm p) = a2 * mp2"
using lcm_altdef_int[of a2 "de_lcm p",folded mp1_def] `a2>0`
unfolding mp2_def by (subst div_mult_swap, auto simp add:abs_of_pos)
define q2 where "q2≡pCons (mp2 * a1) (smult mp1 q1)"
have "of_int_poly q2 = smult (rat_of_int (de_lcm (pCons a p))) (pCons a p)" using `a2>0`
apply (simp add:de_lcm_pCons )
apply (fold a2_def)
apply (unfold a)
apply (subst lcm_times2,subst lcm_times1)
by (simp add: Polynomial.map_poly_pCons mult.commute of_int_hom.map_poly_hom_smult q1 q2_def)
then show ?case by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding clear_de_def by (meson someI_ex)
lemma clear_de_0[simp]:"clear_de 0 = 0"
using clear_de[of 0] by auto
lemma [code abstract]: "coeffs (clear_de p) =
(let lcm = de_lcm p in map (λx. int_of_rat (of_int lcm * x)) (coeffs p))"
proof -
define mul where "mul≡rat_of_int (de_lcm p)"
have "map_poly int_of_rat (of_int_poly q) = q" for q
apply (subst map_poly_map_poly)
by (auto simp add:int_of_rat_id)
then have clear_eq:"clear_de p = map_poly int_of_rat (smult (of_int (de_lcm p)) p)"
using arg_cong[where f="map_poly int_of_rat",OF clear_de]
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "p=0")
case True
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
define g where "g≡(λx. int_of_rat (rat_of_int (de_lcm p) * x))"
have "de_lcm p ≠ 0" using de_lcm_pos by (metis less_irrefl)
moreover have "last (coeffs p) ≠0"
by (simp add: False last_coeffs_eq_coeff_degree)
have False when asm:"last (map g (coeffs p)) =0"
proof -
have "coeffs p ≠[]" using False by auto
hence "g (last (coeffs p)) = 0" using asm last_map[of "coeffs p" g] by auto
hence "last (coeffs p) = 0"
unfolding g_def using `coeffs p ≠[]` `de_lcm p ≠ 0`
apply (subst (asm) int_of_rat_0_iff)
by (auto intro!: de_lcm_ints )
thus False using `last (coeffs p) ≠0` by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
apply (auto simp add: coeffs_smult clear_eq comp_def smult_conv_map_poly map_poly_map_poly coeffs_map_poly)
apply (fold g_def)
by (metis False Ring_Hom_Poly.coeffs_map_poly coeffs_eq_Nil last_coeffs_eq_coeff_degree
subsection ‹Sign variations for pseudo-remainder sequences›
locale order_hom =
fixes hom :: "'a :: ord ⇒ 'b :: ord"
assumes hom_less: "x < y ⟷ hom x < hom y"
and hom_less_eq: "x ≤ y ⟷ hom x ≤ hom y"
locale linordered_idom_hom = order_hom hom + inj_idom_hom hom
for hom :: "'a :: linordered_idom ⇒ 'b :: linordered_idom"
lemma sgn_sign:"sgn (hom x) = of_int (sign x)"
by (simp add: sign_def hom_less sgn_if)
locale hom_pseudo_smods= comm_semiring_hom hom
+ r1:linordered_idom_hom R⇩1 + r2:linordered_idom_hom R⇩2
for hom::"'a::linordered_idom ⇒ 'b::{comm_semiring_1,linordered_idom}"
and R⇩1::"'a ⇒ real"
and R⇩2::"'b ⇒ real" +
assumes R_hom:"R⇩1 x = R⇩2 (hom x)"
lemma map_poly_R_hom_commute:
"poly (map_poly R⇩1 p) (R⇩2 x) = R⇩2 (poly (map_poly hom p) x)"
apply (induct p)
using r2.hom_add r2.hom_mult R_hom by auto
definition changes_hpoly_at::"'a poly list ⇒ 'b ⇒ int" where
"changes_hpoly_at ps a= changes (map (λp. eval_poly hom p a) ps)"
lemma changes_hpoly_at_Nil[simp]: "changes_hpoly_at [] a = 0"
unfolding changes_hpoly_at_def by simp
definition changes_itv_spmods:: "'b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ int" where
"changes_itv_spmods a b p q= (let ps = spmods p q in
changes_hpoly_at ps a - changes_hpoly_at ps b)"
definition changes_gt_spmods:: "'b ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ int" where
"changes_gt_spmods a p q= (let ps = spmods p q in
changes_hpoly_at ps a - changes_poly_pos_inf ps)"
definition changes_le_spmods:: "'b ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ int" where
"changes_le_spmods b p q= (let ps = spmods p q in
changes_poly_neg_inf ps - changes_hpoly_at ps b)"
definition changes_R_spmods:: "'a poly ⇒ 'a poly ⇒ int" where
"changes_R_spmods p q= (let ps= spmods p q in changes_poly_neg_inf ps
- changes_poly_pos_inf ps)"
lemma changes_spmods_smods:
shows "changes_itv_spmods a b p q
= changes_itv_smods (R⇩2 a) (R⇩2 b) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
and "changes_R_spmods p q = changes_R_smods (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
and "changes_gt_spmods a p q = changes_gt_smods (R⇩2 a) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
and "changes_le_spmods b p q = changes_le_smods (R⇩2 b) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
proof -
define pp qq where "pp = map_poly R⇩1 p" and "qq = map_poly R⇩1 q"
have spmods_eq:"spmods (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q) = map (map_poly R⇩1) (spmods p q)"
proof (induct "spmods p q" arbitrary:p q )
case Nil
thus ?case by (metis list.simps(8) map_poly_0 spmods_nil_eq)
case (Cons p' xs)
hence "p≠0" by auto
define m where "m≡(if even (degree p + 1 - degree q) then - 1 else - lead_coeff q)"
define r where "r≡smult m (pseudo_mod p q)"
have xs1:"p#xs=spmods p q"
by (metis (no_types) Cons.hyps(2) list.distinct(1) list.inject spmods.simps)
have xs2:"xs=spmods q r" using xs1 ‹p≠0› r_def
by (auto simp add:spmods.simps[of p q,folded exp_def,folded m_def])
define ys where "ys≡spmods (map_poly R⇩1 q) (map_poly R⇩1 r)"
have ys:"(map_poly R⇩1 p)#ys=spmods (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
using ‹p≠0› unfolding ys_def r_def
apply (subst (2) spmods.simps)
unfolding m_def by (auto simp:r1.pseudo_mod_hom hom_distribs)
show ?case using Cons.hyps(1)[OF xs2]
apply (fold xs1 xs2 ys ys_def)
by auto
have changes_eq_at:"changes_poly_at (smods pp qq) (R⇩2 x) = changes_hpoly_at (spmods p q) x"
(is "?L=?R")
for x
proof -
define ff where "ff = (λp. sgn (poly p (R⇩2 x)))"
have "?L = changes (map ff (smods pp qq))"
using changes_poly_at_alternative unfolding ff_def by blast
also have "... = changes (map ff (spmods pp qq))"
unfolding ff_def using spmods_smods_sgn_map_eq by simp
also have "... = changes (map ff (map (map_poly R⇩1) (spmods p q)))"
unfolding pp_def qq_def using spmods_eq by simp
also have "... = ?R"
proof -
have "ff ∘ map_poly R⇩1 = sign ∘ (λp. eval_poly hom p x)"
unfolding ff_def comp_def
by (simp add: map_poly_R_hom_commute poly_map_poly_eval_poly r2.sgn_sign)
then show ?thesis
unfolding changes_hpoly_at_def
apply (subst (2) changes_map_sign_of_int_eq)
by (simp add:comp_def)
finally show ?thesis .
have changes_eq_neg_inf:
"changes_poly_neg_inf (smods pp qq) = changes_poly_neg_inf (spmods p q)"
(is "?L=?R")
proof -
have "?L = changes (map sgn_neg_inf (map (map_poly R⇩1) (spmods p q)))"
unfolding changes_poly_neg_inf_def spmods_smods_sgn_map_eq
by (simp add: spmods_eq[folded pp_def qq_def])
also have "... = changes (map (sgn_neg_inf ∘ (map_poly R⇩1)) (spmods p q))"
using map_map by simp
also have "... = changes (map ((sign:: _ ⇒ real) ∘ sgn_neg_inf) (spmods p q))"
proof -
have "(sgn_neg_inf ∘ (map_poly R⇩1)) = of_int o sign ∘ sgn_neg_inf"
unfolding sgn_neg_inf_def comp_def
by (auto simp:r1.sgn_sign)
then show ?thesis by (simp add:comp_def)
also have "... = changes (map sgn_neg_inf (spmods p q))"
apply (subst (2) changes_map_sign_of_int_eq)
by (simp add:comp_def)
also have "... = ?R"
unfolding changes_poly_neg_inf_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
have changes_eq_pos_inf:
"changes_poly_pos_inf (smods pp qq) = changes_poly_pos_inf (spmods p q)"
(is "?L=?R")
proof -
have "?L = changes (map sgn_pos_inf (map (map_poly R⇩1) (spmods p q)))"
unfolding changes_poly_pos_inf_def spmods_smods_sgn_map_eq
by (simp add: spmods_eq[folded pp_def qq_def])
also have "... = changes (map (sgn_pos_inf ∘ (map_poly R⇩1)) (spmods p q))"
using map_map by simp
also have "... = changes (map ((sign:: _ ⇒ real) ∘ sgn_pos_inf) (spmods p q))"
proof -
have "(sgn_pos_inf ∘ (map_poly R⇩1)) = of_int o sign ∘ sgn_pos_inf"
unfolding sgn_pos_inf_def comp_def
by (auto simp:r1.sgn_sign)
then show ?thesis by (auto simp:comp_def)
also have "... = changes (map sgn_pos_inf (spmods p q))"
apply (subst (2) changes_map_sign_of_int_eq)
by (simp add:comp_def)
also have "... = ?R"
unfolding changes_poly_pos_inf_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
show "changes_itv_spmods a b p q
= changes_itv_smods (R⇩2 a) (R⇩2 b) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
unfolding changes_itv_spmods_def changes_itv_smods_def
using changes_eq_at by (simp add: Let_def pp_def qq_def)
show "changes_R_spmods p q = changes_R_smods (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
unfolding changes_R_spmods_def changes_R_smods_def Let_def
using changes_eq_neg_inf changes_eq_pos_inf
by (simp add: pp_def qq_def)
show "changes_gt_spmods a p q = changes_gt_smods
(R⇩2 a) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
unfolding changes_gt_spmods_def changes_gt_smods_def Let_def
using changes_eq_at changes_eq_pos_inf
by (simp add: pp_def qq_def)
show "changes_le_spmods b p q = changes_le_smods
(R⇩2 b) (map_poly R⇩1 p) (map_poly R⇩1 q)"
unfolding changes_le_spmods_def changes_le_smods_def Let_def
using changes_eq_at changes_eq_neg_inf
by (simp add: pp_def qq_def)