Theory Hybrid_Multiv_Algorithm
theory Hybrid_Multiv_Algorithm
imports Hybrid_Multiv_Matrix
section "Most recent code"
function lc_assump_generation:: "rmpoly ⇒ assumps⇒ (assumps × rmpoly) list"
where "lc_assump_generation q assumps =
(if q = 0 then [(assumps, 0)] else
(case (lookup_assump_aux (Polynomial.lead_coeff q) assumps) of
None ⇒
let zero = lc_assump_generation (one_less_degree q) ((Polynomial.lead_coeff q, (0::rat)) # assumps);
one = ((Polynomial.lead_coeff q, (1::rat)) # assumps, q);
minus_one = ((Polynomial.lead_coeff q, (-1::rat)) # assumps, q) in
| (Some i) ⇒
(if i = 0 then lc_assump_generation (one_less_degree q) assumps
[(assumps, q)]
)) "
by auto
termination apply (relation "measure (λ(q, assumps). (let w = (if q ≠ 0 then 1 else 0) in w + q))")
apply (auto) using one_less_degree_degree
apply (smt (verit, del_insts) Multiv_Poly_Props.one_less_degree_def Polynomial.coeff_diff Polynomial.lead_coeff_monom cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel coeff_eq_0 degree_monom_eq leading_coeff_neq_0 linorder_neqE_nat)
using one_less_degree_degree
by (smt (verit) Multiv_Poly_Props.one_less_degree_def Polynomial.coeff_diff Polynomial.lead_coeff_monom cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel coeff_eq_0 degree_monom_eq leading_coeff_neq_0 linorder_neqE_nat)
declare lc_assump_generation.simps[simp del]
value "lc_assump_generation ([:Var 1:]::rmpoly) [(Var 1, 1)]"
fun lc_assump_generation_list:: "rmpoly list ⇒ assumps ⇒ (assumps × rmpoly list) list"
where "lc_assump_generation_list [] assumps = [(assumps, [])]"
| "lc_assump_generation_list (q#qs) assumps = (let rec = lc_assump_generation q assumps in
concat (map (
λ(new_assumps, r). (let list_rec = lc_assump_generation_list qs new_assumps in
map (λelem. (fst elem, r#(snd elem))) list_rec) ) rec ))"
declare lc_assump_generation_list.simps[simp del]
value "lc_assump_generation_list [([:Var 1:]::rmpoly), ([:Var 1:]::rmpoly)] []"
value "(lc_assump_generation_list [([:Var 1:]::rmpoly)] []) ! 1"
definition poly_p:: "rmpoly list ⇒ rmpoly"
where "poly_p qs = (let prod_list = prod_list qs in
prod_list*(pderiv prod_list))"
primrec check_all_const_deg_gen:: "('a::zero) Polynomial.poly list ⇒ bool"
where "check_all_const_deg_gen [] = True"
| "check_all_const_deg_gen (h#T) = (if h = 0 then (check_all_const_deg_gen T) else False)"
primrec prod_list_var_gen:: "('a::idom) list ⇒ ('a::idom)"
where "prod_list_var_gen [] = 1"
| "prod_list_var_gen (h#T) = (if h = 0 then (prod_list_var_gen T) else (h* prod_list_var_gen T))"
fun poly_p_in_branch:: "(assumps × rmpoly list) ⇒ rmpoly"
where "poly_p_in_branch (assumps, qs) =
(if (check_all_const_deg_gen qs = True) then [:0, 1:] else
(pderiv (prod_list_var_gen qs)) * (prod_list_var_gen qs)
fun limit_points_on_branch:: "(assumps × rmpoly list) ⇒ (rat list × rat list)"
where "limit_points_on_branch (assumps, qs) =
(map (λq. if q = 0 then 0 else (rat_of_int ∘ Sturm_Tarski.sign) (lookup_assump (Polynomial.lead_coeff q) assumps)) qs,
map (λq. if q = 0 then 0 else (rat_of_int ∘ Sturm_Tarski.sign) (lookup_assump (Polynomial.lead_coeff q) assumps)*(-1)^( q)) qs)"
:: "(assumps × matrix_equation) list ⇒ (assumps × rat list list) list"
where "extract_signs qs = map (λ(assumps, (mat , (subs, signs))). (assumps, signs)) qs"
fun sign_determination_inner:: "rmpoly list ⇒ assumps ⇒ (assumps × rat list list) list"
where "sign_determination_inner qs assumps =
( let branches = lc_assump_generation_list qs assumps in
concat (map (λbranch.
let poly_p_branch = poly_p_in_branch branch;
(pos_limit_branch, neg_limit_branch) = limit_points_on_branch branch;
calculate_data_branch = extract_signs (calculate_data_assumps_M poly_p_branch (snd branch) (fst branch))
in map (λ(a, signs). (a, pos_limit_branch#neg_limit_branch#signs)) calculate_data_branch
) branches
:: "atom fm ⇒ real mpoly list"
where "extract_polys (Atom (Less p)) = [p]" |
"extract_polys (Atom (Leq p)) = [p]" |
"extract_polys (Atom (Eq p)) = [p]" |
"extract_polys (Atom (Neq p)) = [p]" |
"extract_polys (TrueF) = []" |
"extract_polys (FalseF) = []" |
"extract_polys (And φ ψ) = (extract_polys φ )@ (extract_polys ψ)" |
"extract_polys (Or φ ψ) = (extract_polys φ)@(extract_polys ψ)" |
"extract_polys (Neg φ) = (extract_polys φ)" |
"extract_polys (ExN 0 φ) = (extract_polys φ)" |
"extract_polys (AllN 0 φ) = (extract_polys φ)" |
"extract_polys _ = []"
fun lookup_sem_M :: "atom fm ⇒ (real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ bool option"
"lookup_sem_M TrueF ls = Some (True)"
| "lookup_sem_M FalseF ls = Some (False)"
| "lookup_sem_M (And l r) ls = (case (lookup_sem_M l ls, lookup_sem_M r ls)
of (Some i, Some j) ⇒ Some (i ∧ j)
| _ ⇒ None)"
| "lookup_sem_M (Or l r) ls = (case (lookup_sem_M l ls, lookup_sem_M r ls)
of (Some i, Some j) ⇒ Some (i ∨ j)
| _ ⇒ None)"
| "lookup_sem_M (Neg l) ls = (case (lookup_sem_M l ls)
of Some i ⇒ Some ((¬i))
| _ ⇒ None)"
| "lookup_sem_M (Atom (Less p)) ls =
(case (lookup_assump_aux p ls) of
Some i ⇒ Some (i < 0)
| _ ⇒ None
| "lookup_sem_M (Atom (Leq p)) ls =
(case (lookup_assump_aux p ls) of
Some i ⇒ Some (i ≤ 0)
| _ ⇒ None
| "lookup_sem_M (Atom (Eq p)) ls =
(case (lookup_assump_aux p ls) of
Some i ⇒ Some (i = 0)
| _ ⇒ None
| "lookup_sem_M (Atom (Neq p)) ls =
(case (lookup_assump_aux p ls) of
Some i ⇒ Some (i ≠ 0)
| _ ⇒ None
| "lookup_sem_M (ExN 0 l) ls = lookup_sem_M l ls"
| "lookup_sem_M (AllN 0 l) ls = lookup_sem_M l ls"
| "lookup_sem_M _ ls = None"
fun assump_to_atom:: "(real mpoly × rat) ⇒ atom"
where "assump_to_atom (p, r) =
(if r = 0 then (Eq p)
else (if r < 0 then (Less p)
else (Less (-p))
fun assump_to_atom_fm:: "assumps ⇒ atom fm"
where "assump_to_atom_fm [] = TrueF"
| "assump_to_atom_fm ((p, r)#T) = And (Atom (assump_to_atom (p, r))) (assump_to_atom_fm T)"
fun create_disjunction:: "(assumps × rat list list) list ⇒ atom fm"
where "create_disjunction [] = FalseF"
| "create_disjunction ((a, _)#T) = Or (assump_to_atom_fm a) (create_disjunction T)"
fun elim_forall:: "atom fm ⇒ atom fm"
where "elim_forall F =
let qs = extract_polys F;
univ_qs = univariate_in qs 0;
reindexed_univ_qs = map (map_poly (lowerPoly 0 1)) univ_qs;
data = sign_determination_inner reindexed_univ_qs [];
new_data = filter (λ(assumps, signs_list).
list_all (λ signs.
let paired_signs = zip qs signs in
lookup_sem_M F paired_signs = (Some True))
) data
in create_disjunction new_data
definition elim_exist:: "atom fm ⇒ atom fm"
where "elim_exist F = Neg (elim_forall (Neg F))"
fun structural_complexity:: "atom fm ⇒ (nat × nat)"
"structural_complexity TrueF = (0, 1)"
| "structural_complexity FalseF = (0, 1)"
| "structural_complexity (Atom a) = (0, 1)"
| "structural_complexity (And F1 F2) =
(let (qF1, sF1) = structural_complexity F1;
(qF2, sF2) = structural_complexity F2
in (qF1 + qF2, 1 + sF1 + sF2))"
| "structural_complexity (Or F1 F2) =
(let (qF1, sF1) = structural_complexity F1;
(qF2, sF2) = structural_complexity F2
in (qF1 + qF2, 1 + sF1 + sF2))"
| "structural_complexity (Neg F) =
(let (qF, sF) = structural_complexity F
in (qF, 1 + sF))"
| "structural_complexity (ExQ F) =
(let (qF, sF) = structural_complexity F
in (1+ qF, 1 + sF))"
| "structural_complexity (AllQ F) =
(let (qF, sF) = structural_complexity F
in (1+ qF, 1 + sF))"
| "structural_complexity (ExN n F) =
(let (qF, sF) = structural_complexity F
in (2 + n+qF, 2+n+sF))"
| "structural_complexity (AllN n F) =
(let (qF, sF) = structural_complexity F
in (2 + n+qF, 2+n+sF))"
declare structural_complexity.simps[simp del]
fun qe:: "atom fm ⇒ atom fm"
"qe TrueF = TrueF"
| "qe FalseF = FalseF"
| "qe (Atom a) = (Atom a)"
| "qe (And F1 F2) = And (qe F1) (qe F2)"
| "qe (Or F1 F2) = Or (qe F1) (qe F2)"
| "qe (Neg F) = Neg (qe F)"
| "qe (ExQ F) = elim_exist (qe F)"
| "qe (AllQ F) = elim_forall (qe F)"
| "qe (AllN n F) = (elim_forall ^^ n) (qe F)"
| "qe (ExN n F) = (elim_exist ^^ n) (qe F)"
definition qe_with_VS:: "atom fm ⇒ atom fm"
where "qe_with_VS F = (qe ∘ VSLEG) F"
value "((MPoly (Pm_fmap (fmap_of_list [(Pm_fmap (fmap_of_list []), 1)])))::real mpoly) = Const 1"
fun eval_ground :: "atom fm ⇒ real list ⇒ bool" where
"eval_ground (Atom a) Γ = aEval a Γ" |
"eval_ground (TrueF) _ = True" |
"eval_ground (FalseF) _ = False" |
"eval_ground (And φ ψ) Γ = ((eval_ground φ Γ) ∧ (eval_ground ψ Γ))" |
"eval_ground (Or φ ψ) Γ = ((eval_ground φ Γ) ∨ (eval_ground ψ Γ))" |
"eval_ground (Neg φ) Γ = (¬ (eval_ground φ Γ))"
value "VSLEG (ExQ (ExQ (Atom (Less (Var 0^2*Var 1 ::real mpoly)))))"
value "(qe_with_VS (ExQ (ExQ (Atom (Less (Var 0^2*Var 1 ::real mpoly))))))"
section "Decision Portion"
:: "assumps ⇒ real mpoly list"
where "extract_polys_from_assumps [] = []"
| "extract_polys_from_assumps ((p, i)#T) = p#(extract_polys_from_assumps T)"
fun assumps_are_consistent:: "assumps ⇒ rat list list ⇒ bool"
where "assumps_are_consistent assump ls = ((map snd assump) ∈ set ls)"
fun find_consistent_signs_at_roots_single_M:: "(assumps × matrix_equation) ⇒ rat list list"
where "find_consistent_signs_at_roots_single_M (assumps, (M, (subsets, signs))) = signs"
fun find_consistent_signs_at_roots_M:: "(assumps × matrix_equation) list ⇒ rat list list"
where "find_consistent_signs_at_roots_M l = concat (map find_consistent_signs_at_roots_single_M l)"
subsection "Limit Points and Helper Functions"
definition expand_signs_list:: "real mpoly list ⇒ rat list list ⇒ (real mpoly × rat) list list"
where "expand_signs_list qs csas = map (λcsa. zip qs csa) csas"
fun first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper:: "(real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ real mpoly list ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × rat)"
where "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps [] n = (n, 0)"
| "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (h # T) n =
(case lookup_assump_aux h assumps of
(Some i) ⇒ (if i ≠ 0 then (n, i) else first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps T (n-1))
| None ⇒ first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps T (n-1))"
fun first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp:: "(real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ real mpoly list ⇒ (nat × rat)"
where "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps [] = (0, 0)"
| "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (h # T) =
(case lookup_assump_aux h assumps of
(Some i) ⇒ (if i ≠ 0 then (length T, i) else first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps T)
| None ⇒ first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps T)"
lemma first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp:
shows "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps ell
= first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps ell (length ell - 1)"
proof (induct "ell")
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons a ell)
moreover {
assume *: "lookup_assump_aux a assumps = Some 0"
then have "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (a # ell) =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (a # ell) (length (a # ell) - 1)"
using Cons.hyps
by simp
moreover {
assume *: "∃k≠0. lookup_assump_aux a assumps = Some k"
then obtain k where k_prop: "k≠0 ∧ lookup_assump_aux a assumps = Some k "
by auto
then have "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (a # ell) =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (a # ell) (length (a # ell) - 1)"
using Cons.hyps
by simp
moreover {
assume *: "lookup_assump_aux a assumps = None"
then have "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (a # ell) =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (a # ell) (length (a # ell) - 1)"
by (simp add: local.Cons)
ultimately have "first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (a # ell) =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (a # ell) (length (a # ell) - 1)"
by fastforce
then show ?case by auto
declare pull_out_pairs.simps [simp del]
declare construct_rhs_vector_rec_M.simps [simp del]
declare first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper.simps[simp del]
declare first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp.simps[simp del]
definition sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient:: "(real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ rmpoly ⇒ (nat × rat)"
where "sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient assumps q =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper assumps (rev (Polynomial.coeffs q)) ((length (Polynomial.coeffs q)) - 1)"
definition sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp:: "(real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ rmpoly ⇒ (nat × rat)"
where "sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp assumps q =
first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp assumps (rev (Polynomial.coeffs q))"
lemma sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp:
"sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient assumps q = sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp assumps q"
using first_nonzero_coefficient_degree_helper_simp
by (simp add: sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_def sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp_def)
definition sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_list:: "rmpoly list ⇒ (real mpoly × rat) list ⇒ (nat × rat) list"
where "sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_list qs assumps =
map (λq. sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_simp assumps q) qs"
fun all_pos_limit_points:: "rmpoly list ⇒ rat list list ⇒ rat list list"
where "all_pos_limit_points qs coeffs_signs =
(if qs = [] then []
else (if (all_coeffs qs = []) then ([map (λx. 0) qs])
(let expand_coeffs_signs = expand_signs_list (all_coeffs qs) coeffs_signs in
map ((map snd) ∘ sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_list qs) expand_coeffs_signs)))"
fun all_neg_limit_points_aux:: "(nat × rat) list ⇒ rat list"
where "all_neg_limit_points_aux deg_sign_list = map (λ(deg, sgn). (-1)^deg*sgn) deg_sign_list"
fun all_neg_limit_points:: "rmpoly list ⇒ rat list list ⇒ rat list list"
where "all_neg_limit_points qs coeffs_signs =
(let expand_coeffs_signs = expand_signs_list (all_coeffs qs) coeffs_signs;
(sgn_and_deg_list::(nat × rat) list list) = map (sign_and_degree_of_first_nonzero_coefficient_list qs) expand_coeffs_signs
in map all_neg_limit_points_aux sgn_and_deg_list)"
subsection "Top-level functions QE"
definition transform:: "real mpoly list ⇒ real mpoly Polynomial.poly list"
where "transform qs = (let vs = variables_list qs in
map (λq. (mpoly_to_mpoly_poly_alt (nth vs (length vs - 1)) q)) qs)"
fun calculate_data_to_signs:: "(assumps × matrix_equation) list ⇒ (assumps × rat list list) list"
where "calculate_data_to_signs ell = map (λx. (fst x, snd (snd (snd x)))) ell"
fun sum_list:: "nat list ⇒ nat"
where "sum_list [] = 0"
| "sum_list (a # ell) = a + (sum_list ell)"
fun limit_point_data:: "(rat × nat) list ⇒ (rat list × rat list)"
where "limit_point_data ell = (map fst ell, map (λx. fst x * (-1)^(snd x)) ell)"
fun generate_signs_and_assumptions:: "rmpoly list ⇒ (assumps × rat list list) list"
where "generate_signs_and_assumptions qs_univ =
(let p = poly_p qs_univ; calc_data = calculate_data_M p qs_univ in [])"
export_code calculate_data_assumps_M qe VSLEG add mult C V pow minus
real_of_int real_mult real_plus real_minus real_div print_mpoly
in SML module_name export