Theory Modal_Kleene_Algebra_Converse

Title: Modal Kleene Algebra with converse
Author: Cameron Calk, Georg Struth
Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>

section ‹Modal Kleene algebra with converse›

theory "Modal_Kleene_Algebra_Converse"
  imports Modal_Kleene_Algebra_Var Kleene_Algebra_Converse


text ‹Here we mainly study the interaction of converse with domain and codomain.›

subsection ‹Involutive modal Kleene algebras›

class involutive_domain_semiring = domain_semiring + involutive_dioid


notation domain_op ("dom")

lemma strong_conv_conv: "dom x  x  x  x  x  x  x"
  assume h: "dom x  x  x"
  have "x = dom x  x"
    by simp
  also have "   x  x  x"
    using h local.mult_isor by presburger
  finally show ?thesis.


class involutive_dr_modal_semiring  = dr_modal_semiring + involutive_dioid

class involutive_dr_modal_kleene_algebra = involutive_dr_modal_semiring + kleene_algebra

subsection ‹Modal semirings algebras with converse›

class dr_modal_semiring_converse = dr_modal_semiring + dioid_converse


lemma d_conv [simp]: "(dom x) = dom x"
  have "dom x  dom x  (dom x)  dom x"
    by (simp add: local.strong_gelfand)
  also have  "  1  (dom x)  1"
    by (simp add: local.subid_conv)
  finally have a: "dom x  (dom x)"
    by simp
  hence "(dom x)  dom x"
    by (simp add: local.inv_adj)
  thus ?thesis
    using a by auto

lemma cod_conv: "(cod x) = cod x"
  by (metis d_conv local.dc_compat)

lemma d_conv_cod [simp]: "dom (x) = cod x"
  have "dom (x) = dom ((x  cod x))"
    by simp
  also have " = dom ((cod x)  x)"
    using local.inv_contrav by presburger
  also have " = dom (cod x  x)"
    by (simp add: cod_conv)
  also have " = dom (dom (cod x)  x)"
    by simp
  also have " = dom (cod x)  dom (x)"
    using local.dsg3 by blast
  also have " = cod x  dom (x)"
    by simp
  also have " = cod x  cod (dom (x))"
    by simp
  also have " = cod (x  cod (dom (x)))"
    using local.rdual.dsg3 by presburger
  also have " = cod (x  dom (x))"
    by simp
  also have " = cod ((x)  (dom (x)))"
    by simp
  also have " = cod ((dom (x)  x))"
    using local.inv_contrav by presburger
  also have " = cod ((x))"
    by simp
  also have " = cod x"
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma cod_conv_d: "cod (x) = dom x"
  by (metis d_conv_cod local.inv_invol)

lemma "dom y = y  fd (x) y = bd x y"
  assume h: "dom y = y"
  have "fd (x) y = dom (x  dom y)"
    by (simp add: local.fd_def)
  also have " = dom ((dom y  x))"
    by simp
  also have " = cod (dom y  x)"
    using d_conv_cod by blast
  also have " = bd x y"
    by (simp add: h local.bd_def)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma "dom y = y  bd (x) y = fd x y"
  by (metis cod_conv_d d_conv local.bd_def local.fd_def local.inv_contrav)


subsection ‹Modal Kleene algebras with converse›

class dr_modal_kleene_algebra_converse = dr_modal_semiring_converse + kleene_algebra

class dr_modal_semiring_strong_converse = involutive_dr_modal_semiring + 
  assumes weak_dom_def: "dom x  x  x"
  and weak_cod_def: "cod x  x  x"

subclass (in dr_modal_semiring_strong_converse) dr_modal_semiring_converse
  by unfold_locales (metis local.ddual.mult_isol_var local.dsg1 local.eq_refl local.weak_dom_def)

class dr_modal_kleene_algebra_strong_converse = dr_modal_semiring_strong_converse + kleene_algebra
