Theory Partial_State
section ‹Partial state›
theory Partial_State
imports Quantum_Program Deep_Learning.Tensor_Matricization
lemma nths_intersection_eq:
assumes "{0..<length xs} ⊆ A"
shows "nths xs B = nths xs (A ∩ B)"
proof -
have "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x < length xs"
by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff atLeastLessThan_upt in_set_zip nth_mem)
then have "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x ∈ A" using assms by auto
then have eqp: "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x ∈ B = (snd x ∈ (A ∩ B))" by simp
then have "filter (λp. snd p ∈ B) (zip xs [0..<length xs]) = filter (λp. snd p ∈ (A ∩ B)) (zip xs [0..<length xs])"
using filter_cong[of "(zip xs [0..<length xs])" "(zip xs [0..<length xs])", OF _ eqp] by auto
then show "nths xs B = nths xs (A ∩ B)" unfolding nths_def by auto
lemma nths_minus_eq:
assumes "{0..<length xs} ⊆ A"
shows "nths xs (-B) = nths xs (A - B)"
proof -
have "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x < length xs"
by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff atLeastLessThan_upt in_set_zip nth_mem)
then have "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x ∈ A" using assms by auto
then have eqp: "⋀x. x ∈ set (zip xs [0..<length xs]) ⟹ snd x ∈ (-B) = (snd x ∈ (A - B))" by simp
then have "filter (λp. snd p ∈ (-B)) (zip xs [0..<length xs]) = filter (λp. snd p ∈ (A-B)) (zip xs [0..<length xs])"
using filter_cong[of "(zip xs [0..<length xs])" "(zip xs [0..<length xs])", OF _ eqp] by auto
then show "nths xs (-B) = nths xs (A - B)" unfolding nths_def by auto
lemma nths_split_complement_eq:
assumes "A ∩ B = {}"
and "{0..<length xs} ⊆ A ∪ B"
shows "nths xs A = nths xs (-B)"
proof -
have "nths xs (-B) = nths xs (A ∪ B - B)" using nths_minus_eq assms by auto
moreover have "A ∪ B - B = A" using assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma lt_set_card_lt:
fixes A :: "nat set"
assumes "finite A" and "x ∈ A"
shows "card {y. y ∈ A ∧ y < x} < card A"
proof -
have "x ∉ {y. y ∈ A ∧ y < x}" by auto
then have "{y. y ∈ A ∧ y < x} ⊆ A - {x}" by auto
then have "card {y. y ∈ A ∧ y < x} ≤ card (A - {x})"
using card_mono finite_Diff[OF assms(1)] by auto
also have "… < card A" using card_Diff1_less[OF assms] by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
definition ind_in_set where
"ind_in_set A x = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < x}"
lemma bij_ind_in_set_bound:
fixes M :: "nat" and v0 :: "nat set"
assumes "⋀x. f x = card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x}"
shows "bij_betw f ({0..<M} ∩ v0) {0..<card ({0..<M} ∩ v0)}"
unfolding bij_betw_def
let ?dom = "{0..<M} ∩ v0"
let ?ran = "{0..<card ({0..<M} ∩ v0)}"
fix x1 x2 :: nat assume x1: "x1 ∈ ?dom" and x2: "x2 ∈ ?dom" and "f x1 = f x2"
then have "card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x1} = card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x2}" using assms by auto
then have "pick v0 (card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x1}) = pick v0 (card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x2})" by auto
moreover have "pick v0 (card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x1}) = x1" using pick_card_in_set x1 by auto
moreover have "pick v0 (card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x2}) = x2" using pick_card_in_set x2 by auto
ultimately have "x1 = x2" by auto
then show "inj_on f ?dom" unfolding inj_on_def by auto
fix x assume x: "x ∈ ?dom"
then have "(y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x) = (y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x)" for y using x by auto
then have "card {y. y ∈ v0 ∧ y < x} = card {y. y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x}" by auto
moreover have "card {y. y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x} < card ?dom" using x lt_set_card_lt[of ?dom] by auto
ultimately have "f x ∈ ?ran" using assms by auto
then have sub: "(f ` ?dom) ⊆ ?ran" by auto
fix y assume y: "y ∈ ?ran"
then have yle: "y < card ?dom" by auto
then have pyindom: "pick ?dom y ∈ ?dom" using pick_in_set_le[of y ?dom] by auto
then have "pick ?dom y < M" by auto
then have "⋀z. (z < pick ?dom y ⟹ z ∈ v0 = (z ∈ ?dom))" by auto
then have "{z. z ∈ v0 ∧ z < pick ?dom y} = {z. z ∈ ?dom ∧ z < pick ?dom y}" by auto
then have "card {z. z ∈ v0 ∧ z < pick ?dom y} = card {z. z ∈ ?dom ∧ z < pick ?dom y}" by auto
then have "f (pick ?dom y) = y" using card_pick_le[OF yle] assms by auto
with pyindom have "∃x∈?dom. f x = y" by auto
then have sup: "?ran ⊆ (f ` ?dom)" by fastforce
show "(f ` ?dom) = ?ran" using sub sup by auto
lemma ind_in_set_bound:
fixes A :: "nat set" and M N :: "nat"
assumes "N ≥ M"
shows "ind_in_set A N ∉ (ind_in_set A ` ({0..<M} ∩ A))"
proof -
have "{0..<M}∩A ⊆ {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < N}" using assms by auto
then have "card ({0..<M}∩A) ≤ card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < N}"
using card_mono[of "{i. i ∈ A ∧ i < N}"] by auto
moreover have "ind_in_set A N = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < N}" unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
ultimately have "ind_in_set A N ≥ card ({0..<M}∩A)" by auto
moreover have "y ∈ ind_in_set A ` (A ∩ {0..<M}) ⟹ y < card ({0..<M}∩A)" for y
proof -
let ?dom = "{0..<M} ∩ A"
assume "y ∈ ind_in_set A ` (A ∩ {0..<M})"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ ?dom" and y: "ind_in_set A x = y" by auto
then have "(y ∈ A ∧ y < x) = (y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x)" for y using x by auto
then have "card {y. y ∈ A ∧ y < x} = card {y. y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x}" by auto
moreover have "card {y. y ∈ ?dom ∧ y < x} < card ?dom" using x lt_set_card_lt[of ?dom] by auto
ultimately show "y < card ({0..<M}∩A)" using y unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
lemma bij_minus_subset:
"bij_betw f A B ⟹ C ⊆ A ⟹ (f ` A) - (f ` C) = f ` (A - C)"
by (metis Diff_subset bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_imp_surj_on inj_on_image_set_diff)
lemma ind_in_set_minus_subset_bound:
fixes A B :: "nat set" and M :: "nat"
assumes "B ⊆ A"
shows "(ind_in_set A ` ({0..<M} ∩ A)) - (ind_in_set A ` B) = (ind_in_set A ` ({0..<M} ∩ A)) ∩ (ind_in_set A ` (A - B))"
proof -
let ?dom = "{0..<M} ∩ A"
let ?ran = "{0..<card ({0..<M} ∩ A)}"
let ?f = "ind_in_set A"
let ?C = "A - B"
have bij: "bij_betw ?f ?dom ?ran"
using bij_ind_in_set_bound[of "?f" A M] unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
then have eq: "?f ` ?dom = ?ran" using bij_betw_imp_surj_on by fastforce
have "(?f ` B) = (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ B)) ∪ (?f ` ({n. n ≥ M} ∩ B))"
by fastforce
then have "(?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` B)
= (?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` ({n. n ≥ M} ∩ B)) - (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ B))"
by fastforce
moreover have "(?f ` ({n. n ≥ M} ∩ B)) ∩ (?f ` ?dom) = {}" using ind_in_set_bound[of M _ A] by auto
ultimately have eq1: "(?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` B) = (?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ B))" by auto
have "{0..<M} ∩ B ⊆ ?dom" using assms by auto
then have "(?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ B)) = ?f ` (?dom - ({0..<M} ∩ B))"
using bij bij_minus_subset[of "?f"] by auto
also have "… = ?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C)" by auto
finally have eq2: "(?f ` ?dom) - (?f ` B) = ?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C)" using eq1 by auto
have "(?f ` ?C) = (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C)) ∪ (?f ` ({n. n ≥ M} ∩ ?C))" by fastforce
moreover have "(?f ` ({n. n ≥ M} ∩ ?C)) ∩ (?f ` ?dom) = {}" using ind_in_set_bound[of M _ A] by auto
ultimately have eq3:"(ind_in_set A ` ?dom) ∩ (?f ` ?C) = (ind_in_set A ` ?dom) ∩ (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C))" by auto
have "{0..<M} ∩ ?C ⊆ ?dom" using assms by auto
then have "(ind_in_set A ` ?dom) ∩ (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C)) = (?f ` ({0..<M} ∩ ?C))" using bij by fastforce
then show ?thesis using eq2 eq3 by auto
lemma ind_in_set_iff:
fixes A B :: "nat set"
assumes "x ∈ A" and "B ⊆ A"
shows "ind_in_set A x ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B) = (x ∈ B)"
have lemm: "card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < (x::nat) } = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < (y::nat) } ⟹ x ∈ A ⟹ y ∈ A ⟹ x = y" for A x y
by (metis (full_types) pick_card_in_set)
assume "ind_in_set A x ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)"
then have "∃y ∈ B. card {i ∈ A. i < x} = card {i ∈ A. i < y}" unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
then obtain y where y1: "y ∈ B" and ceq: "card {i ∈ A. i < x} = card {i ∈ A. i < y}" by auto
with y1 assms have y0: "y ∈ A" by auto
then have "x = y" using lemm[OF ceq] y0 assms by auto
then show "x ∈ B" using y1 by auto
qed (simp add: ind_in_set_def)
lemma nths_reencode_eq:
assumes "B ⊆ A"
shows "nths (nths xs A) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths xs B"
proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (snoc x xs)
have seteq: "{i. i < length xs ∧ i ∈ A} = {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs}" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "length xs ∈ B")
case True
have "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ B}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
moreover have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ B} = [x]" using nths_singleton True by auto
ultimately have eqT1: "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B @ [x]" by auto
then have "length xs ∈ A" using True assms by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = [x]" using nths_singleton by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ [x]" by auto
then have eqT2: "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (ind_in_set A ` B)" by auto
have eqT3: "nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (ind_in_set A ` B)
= nths xs B @ (nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)})"
using nths_append[of "nths xs A"] snoc by auto
have "ind_in_set A (length xs) = card {i. i < length xs ∧ i ∈ A}" using ind_in_set_def seteq by auto
moreover have "length (nths xs A) = card {i. i < length xs ∧ i ∈ A}" using length_nths by auto
ultimately have "length (nths xs A) = ind_in_set A (length xs)" by auto
moreover have "ind_in_set A (length xs) ∈ ind_in_set A ` B" using True by auto
ultimately have "length (nths xs A) ∈ ind_in_set A ` B" by auto
then have "(nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)}) = [x]" using nths_singleton by auto
then have "nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths xs B @ [x]" using eqT3 by auto
then show ?thesis using eqT1 eqT2 by auto
case False
have "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ B}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
moreover have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ B} = []" using nths_singleton False by auto
ultimately have eqT1: "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B" by auto
have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths xs B"
proof (cases "length xs ∈ A")
case True
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = [x]" using nths_singleton by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ [x]" by auto
then have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (ind_in_set A ` B)" by auto
then have eqT2: "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (ind_in_set A ` B)
= nths xs B @ (nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)})"
using nths_append[of "nths xs A"] snoc by auto
have "length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B) ⟹ length xs ∈ B"
proof -
assume "length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)"
moreover have "length (nths xs A) = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs}"
using length_nths[of xs] seteq by auto
ultimately have "card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs} ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)" unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
then show "length xs ∈ B" using ind_in_set_iff True assms unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
then have "length (nths xs A) ∉ (ind_in_set A ` B)" using False by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)} = []" using nths_singleton by auto
then show "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (ind_in_set A ` B) = nths xs B" using eqT2 by auto
case False
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = []" using nths_singleton by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A" by auto
then show ?thesis using snoc by auto
with eqT1 show ?thesis by auto
lemma nths_reencode_eq_comp:
assumes "B ⊆ A"
shows "nths (nths xs A) (- ind_in_set A ` B) = nths xs (A - B)"
proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (snoc x xs)
have sub20: "A - B ⊆ A" using assms by auto
have seteq: "{i. i < length xs ∧ i ∈ A} = {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs}" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "length xs ∈ (A - B)")
case True
have "nths (xs @ [x]) (A - B) = nths xs (A - B) @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ (A - B)}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
moreover have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ (A - B)} = [x]" using nths_singleton True by auto
ultimately have eqT1: "nths (xs @ [x]) (A - B) = nths xs (A - B) @ [x]" by auto
then have "length xs ∈ A" using True sub20 by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = [x]" using nths_singleton by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ [x]" by auto
then have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B) = nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)" by auto
then have eqT2: "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)
= nths xs (A - B) @ (nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)})"
using nths_append[of "nths xs A"] snoc by auto
have "length (nths xs A) ∈ ((ind_in_set A) ` B) ⟹ length xs ∈ B"
proof -
assume "length (nths xs A) ∈ ((ind_in_set A) ` B)"
moreover have "length (nths xs A) = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs}"
using length_nths[of xs] seteq by auto
ultimately have "ind_in_set A (length xs) ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)" unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
then show "length xs ∈ B" using ind_in_set_iff True assms by auto
moreover have "length xs ∉ B" using True by auto
ultimately have "length (nths xs A) ∈ (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)" by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)} = [x]"
using nths_singleton by auto
then have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B) = nths xs (A - B) @ [x]" using eqT2 by auto
then show ?thesis using eqT1 by auto
case False
have "nths (xs @ [x]) (A - B) = nths xs (A - B) @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ (A - B)}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
moreover have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ (A - B)} = []" using nths_singleton False by auto
ultimately have eqT1: "nths (xs @ [x]) (A - B) = nths xs (A - B)" by auto
have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B) = nths xs (A - B)"
proof (cases "length xs ∈ A")
case True
then have True1: "length xs ∈ B" using False by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = [x]" using nths_singleton True by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ [x]" by auto
then have "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B) = nths (nths xs A @ [x]) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)" by auto
then have eqT2: "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)
= nths xs (A - B) @ (nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)})"
using nths_append[of "nths xs A"] snoc by auto
have "length (nths xs A) ∈ ((ind_in_set A) ` B)"
proof -
have "length (nths xs A) = card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs}"
using length_nths[of xs] seteq by auto
moreover have "card {i. i ∈ A ∧ i < length xs} ∈ (ind_in_set A ` B)"
unfolding ind_in_set_def using True ind_in_set_iff[of "length xs"] True1 by auto
ultimately show "length (nths xs A) ∈ (ind_in_set A) ` B" by auto
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length (nths xs A) ∈ (- (ind_in_set A) ` B)} = []" using nths_singleton by auto
then show "nths (nths (xs @ [x]) A) (- (ind_in_set A) ` B) = nths xs (A - B)" using eqT2 by auto
case False
then have "nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A} = []" using nths_singleton by auto
moreover have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {l. l + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
ultimately have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A" by auto
then show ?thesis using snoc by auto
with eqT1 show ?thesis by auto
lemma nths_prod_list_split:
fixes A :: "nat set" and xs :: "nat list"
assumes "B ⊆ A"
shows "prod_list (nths xs A) = (prod_list (nths xs B)) * (prod_list (nths xs (A - B)))"
proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
let ?C = "A - B"
case (snoc x xs)
have SA: "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ nths [x] {j. j + length xs ∈ A}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
have SB: "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B @ nths [x] {j. j + length xs ∈ B}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
have SC: "nths (xs @ [x]) ?C = nths xs ?C @ nths [x] {j. j + length xs ∈ ?C}" using nths_append[of xs] by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "length xs ∈ A")
case True
then have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A @ [x]" using SA by auto
then have eqA: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) A) = prod_list (nths xs A) * x" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "length xs ∈ B")
case True
then have "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B @ [x]" using SB by auto
then have eqB: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) B) = prod_list (nths xs B) * x" by auto
have "length xs ∉ ?C" using True assms by auto
then have "nths (xs @ [x]) ?C = nths xs ?C" using SC by auto
then have eqC: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) ?C) = prod_list (nths xs ?C)" by auto
then show ?thesis using snoc eqA eqB eqC by auto
case False
then have "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B" using SB by auto
then have eqB: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) B) = prod_list (nths xs B)" by auto
then have "length xs ∈ ?C" using True False assms by auto
then have "nths (xs @ [x]) ?C = nths xs ?C @ [x]" using SC by auto
then have eqC: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) ?C) = prod_list (nths xs ?C) * x" by auto
then show ?thesis using snoc eqA eqB eqC by auto
case False
then have ninB: "length xs ∉ B" and ninC: "length xs ∉ ?C" using assms by auto
have "nths (xs @ [x]) A = nths xs A" using SA False nths_singleton by auto
then have eqA: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) A) = prod_list (nths xs A)" by auto
have "nths (xs @ [x]) B = nths xs B" using SB ninB nths_singleton by auto
then have eqB: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) B) = prod_list (nths xs B)" by auto
have "nths (xs @ [x]) ?C = nths xs ?C" using SC ninC nths_singleton by auto
then have eqC: "prod_list (nths (xs @ [x]) ?C) = prod_list (nths xs ?C)" by auto
then show ?thesis using eqA eqB eqC snoc by auto
subsection ‹Encodings›
lemma digit_encode_take:
"take n (digit_encode ds a) = digit_encode (take n ds) a"
proof (induct n arbitrary: ds a)
case 0
then show ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
then show ?case
proof (cases ds)
case Nil
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Cons d ds')
then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Suc)
lemma nths_minus_upt_eq_drop:
"nths l (-{..<n}) = drop n l"
apply (induct l rule: rev_induct)
by (auto simp add: nths_append)
lemma digit_encode_drop:
"drop n (digit_encode ds a) = digit_encode (drop n ds) (a div (prod_list (take n ds)))"
proof (induct n arbitrary: ds a)
case 0
then show ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
then show ?case
proof (cases ds)
case Nil
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Cons d ds')
then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Suc div_mult2_eq)
text ‹List of active variables in the partial state›
locale partial_state = state_sig +
fixes vars :: "nat set"
context partial_state
text ‹Dimensions of active variables›
abbreviation avars :: "nat set" where
"avars ≡ {0..<length dims}"
definition dims1 :: "nat list" where
"dims1 = nths dims vars"
definition dims2 :: "nat list" where
"dims2 = nths dims (-vars)"
lemma dims1_alter:
assumes "avars ⊆ A"
shows "dims1 = nths dims (A ∩ vars)"
using nths_intersection_eq assms unfolding dims1_def by auto
lemma dims2_alter:
assumes "avars ⊆ A"
shows "dims2 = nths dims (A-vars)"
using nths_minus_eq assms unfolding dims2_def by auto
text ‹Total dimension for the active variables›
definition d1 :: nat where
"d1 = prod_list dims1"
text ‹Total dimension for the non-active variables›
definition d2 :: nat where
"d2 = prod_list dims2"
text ‹Translating dimension in d to dimension in d1›
definition encode1 :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"encode1 i = digit_decode dims1 (nths (digit_encode dims i) vars)"
lemma encode1_alter:
assumes "avars ⊆ A"
shows "encode1 i = digit_decode dims1 (nths (digit_encode dims i) (A ∩ vars))"
using length_digit_encode[of dims i] nths_intersection_eq[of "digit_encode dims i" A vars] assms unfolding encode1_def
by (subgoal_tac "nths (digit_encode dims i) (vars) = nths (digit_encode dims i) (A ∩ vars)", auto)
text ‹Translating dimension in d to dimension in d2›
definition encode2 :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"encode2 i = digit_decode dims2 (nths (digit_encode dims i) (-vars))"
lemma encode2_alter:
assumes "avars ⊆ A"
shows "encode2 i = digit_decode dims2 (nths (digit_encode dims i) (A-vars))"
using length_digit_encode[of dims i] nths_minus_eq[of "digit_encode dims i" A] assms unfolding encode2_def
by (subgoal_tac "nths (digit_encode dims i) (- vars) = nths (digit_encode dims i) (A - vars)", auto)
lemma encode1_lt [simp]:
assumes "i < d"
shows "encode1 i < d1"
unfolding d1_def encode1_def apply (rule digit_decode_lt)
using dims1_def assms d_def digit_encode_valid_index valid_index_nths by auto
lemma encode2_lt [simp]:
assumes "i < d"
shows "encode2 i < d2"
unfolding d2_def encode2_def apply (rule digit_decode_lt)
using dims2_def assms d_def digit_encode_valid_index valid_index_nths by auto
text ‹Given dimensions in d1 and d2, form dimension in d›
fun encode12 :: "nat × nat ⇒ nat" where
"encode12 (i, j) = digit_decode dims (weave vars (digit_encode dims1 i) (digit_encode dims2 j))"
declare encode12.simps [simp del]
lemma encode12_inv:
assumes "k < d"
shows "encode12 (encode1 k, encode2 k) = k"
unfolding encode12.simps encode1_def encode2_def
using assms d_def digit_encode_valid_index dims1_def dims2_def valid_index_nths by auto
lemma encode12_inv1:
assumes "i < d1" "j < d2"
shows "encode1 (encode12 (i, j)) = i"
unfolding encode12.simps encode1_def
using assms unfolding d1_def d2_def dims1_def dims2_def
by (metis digit_decode_encode_lt digit_encode_decode digit_encode_valid_index valid_index_weave(1,2))
lemma encode12_inv2:
assumes "i < d1" "j < d2"
shows "encode2 (encode12 (i, j)) = j"
unfolding encode12.simps encode2_def
using assms unfolding d1_def d2_def dims1_def dims2_def
by (metis digit_decode_encode_lt digit_encode_decode digit_encode_valid_index valid_index_weave(1,3))
lemma encode12_lt:
assumes "i < d1" "j < d2"
shows "encode12 (i, j) < d"
using assms unfolding encode12.simps d_def d1_def d2_def dims1_def dims2_def
by (simp add: digit_decode_lt digit_encode_valid_index valid_index_weave(1))
lemma sum_encode: "(∑i = 0..<d1. ∑j = 0..<d2. f i j) = sum (λk. f (encode1 k) (encode2 k)) {0..<d}"
apply (subst sum.cartesian_product)
apply (rule sum.reindex_bij_witness[where i="λk. (encode1 k, encode2 k)" and j=encode12])
by (auto simp: encode12_inv1 encode12_inv2 encode12_inv encode12_lt)
subsection ‹Tensor product of vectors and matrices›
text ‹Given vector v1 of dimension d1, and vector v2 of dimension d2, form
the tensor vector of dimension d1 * d2 = d›
definition tensor_vec :: "'a::times vec ⇒ 'a vec ⇒ 'a vec" where
"tensor_vec v1 v2 = Matrix.vec d (λi. v1 $ encode1 i * v2 $ encode2 i)"
lemma tensor_vec_dim [simp]:
"dim_vec (tensor_vec v1 v2) = d"
unfolding tensor_vec_def by auto
lemma tensor_vec_carrier:
"tensor_vec v1 v2 ∈ carrier_vec d"
unfolding tensor_vec_def by auto
lemma tensor_vec_eval:
assumes "i < d"
shows "tensor_vec v1 v2 $ i = v1 $ encode1 i * v2 $ encode2 i"
unfolding tensor_vec_def using assms by simp
lemma tensor_vec_add1:
fixes v1 v2 v3 :: "'a::comm_ring vec"
assumes "v1 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v2 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v3 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
shows "tensor_vec (v1 + v2) v3 = tensor_vec v1 v3 + tensor_vec v2 v3"
apply (rule eq_vecI, auto)
unfolding tensor_vec_eval
using assms(2) comm_semiring_class.distrib by force
lemma tensor_vec_add2:
fixes v1 v2 v3 :: "'a::comm_ring vec"
assumes "v1 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v2 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
and "v3 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
shows "tensor_vec v1 (v2 + v3) = tensor_vec v1 v2 + tensor_vec v1 v3"
apply (rule eq_vecI, auto)
unfolding tensor_vec_eval
using assms(3) semiring_class.distrib_left by force
text ‹Given d1-by-d1 matrix m1, and d2-by-d2 matrix m2, form d-by-d matrix›
definition tensor_mat :: "'a::comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"tensor_mat m1 m2 = Matrix.mat d d (λ(i,j).
m1 $$ (encode1 i, encode1 j) * m2 $$ (encode2 i, encode2 j))"
lemma tensor_mat_dim_row [simp]:
"dim_row (tensor_mat m1 m2) = d"
unfolding tensor_mat_def by auto
lemma tensor_mat_dim_col [simp]:
"dim_col (tensor_mat m1 m2) = d"
unfolding tensor_mat_def by auto
lemma tensor_mat_carrier:
"tensor_mat m1 m2 ∈ carrier_mat d d"
unfolding tensor_mat_def by auto
lemma tensor_mat_eval:
assumes "i < d" "j < d"
shows "tensor_mat m1 m2 $$ (i, j) = m1 $$ (encode1 i, encode1 j) * m2 $$ (encode2 i, encode2 j)"
unfolding tensor_mat_def using assms by simp
lemma tensor_mat_zero1:
shows "tensor_mat (0⇩m d1 d1) m1 = 0⇩m d d"
apply (rule eq_matI)
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_eval)
lemma tensor_mat_zero2:
shows "tensor_mat m1 (0⇩m d2 d2) = 0⇩m d d"
apply (rule eq_matI)
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_eval)
lemma tensor_mat_add1:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat (m1 + m2) m3 = tensor_mat m1 m3 + tensor_mat m2 m3"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_eval
using assms(2) comm_semiring_class.distrib by force
lemma tensor_mat_add2:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat m1 (m2 + m3) = tensor_mat m1 m2 + tensor_mat m1 m3"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_eval
using assms(3) semiring_class.distrib_left by force
lemma tensor_mat_minus1:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat (m1 - m2) m3 = tensor_mat m1 m3 - tensor_mat m2 m3"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_eval
apply (subst index_minus_mat)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal using assms by auto
using assms(2) ring_class.left_diff_distrib by force
lemma tensor_mat_matrix_sum2:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "(⋀k. k < n ⟹ f k ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2)
⟹ matrix_sum d (λk. tensor_mat m1 (f k)) n = tensor_mat m1 (matrix_sum d2 f n)"
proof (induct n)
case 0
then show ?case apply simp using tensor_mat_zero2[of m1] by auto
case (Suc n)
then have "k < n ⟹ f k ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2" for k by auto
then have ds: "matrix_sum d2 f n ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2" using matrix_sum_dim by auto
have dn: "f n ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2" using Suc by auto
have "matrix_sum d2 f (Suc n) = f n + matrix_sum d2 f n" by simp
then have eq: "tensor_mat m1 (matrix_sum d2 f (Suc n))
= tensor_mat m1 (f n) + tensor_mat m1 (matrix_sum d2 f n)"
using tensor_mat_add2 dn ds assms by auto
have "matrix_sum d (λk. tensor_mat m1 (f k)) (Suc n)
= tensor_mat m1 (f n) + matrix_sum d (λk. tensor_mat m1 (f k)) n" by simp
also have "… = tensor_mat m1 (f n) + tensor_mat m1 (matrix_sum d2 f n)"
using Suc by auto
finally show ?case using eq by auto
lemma tensor_mat_scale1:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat (a ⋅⇩m m1) m2 = a ⋅⇩m tensor_mat m1 m2"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_eval
using assms comm_semiring_class.distrib by force
lemma tensor_mat_scale2:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat m1 (a ⋅⇩m m2) = a ⋅⇩m tensor_mat m1 m2"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_eval
using assms comm_semiring_class.distrib by force
lemma tensor_mat_trace:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "trace (tensor_mat m1 m2) = trace m1 * trace m2"
apply (auto simp add: tensor_mat_carrier trace_def tensor_mat_eval)
apply (subst Groups_Big.sum_product)
apply (subst sum_encode[symmetric])
using assms by auto
lemma tensor_mat_id:
"tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) = 1⇩m d"
proof (rule eq_matI, auto)
show "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) $$ (i, i) = 1" if "i < d" for i
using that by (simp add: tensor_mat_eval)
show "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) $$ (i, j) = 0" if "i < d" "j < d" "i ≠ j" for i j
using that apply (simp add: tensor_mat_eval)
by (metis encode12_inv)
lemma tensor_mat_mult_vec:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "v1 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v2 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
shows "tensor_vec (m1 *⇩v v1) (m2 *⇩v v2) = tensor_mat m1 m2 *⇩v tensor_vec v1 v2"
proof (rule eq_vecI, auto)
fix i j :: nat
assume i: "i < d"
let ?i1 = "encode1 i" and ?i2 = "encode2 i"
have "tensor_vec (m1 *⇩v v1) (m2 *⇩v v2) $ i = (m1 *⇩v v1) $ ?i1 * (m2 *⇩v v2) $ ?i2"
using i by (simp add: tensor_vec_eval)
also have "… = (row m1 ?i1 ∙ v1) * (row m2 ?i2 ∙ v2)"
using assms i by auto
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d1. m1 $$ (?i1, i) * v1 $ i) * (∑j = 0..<d2. m2 $$ (?i2, j) * v2 $ j)"
using assms i by (simp add: scalar_prod_def)
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d1. ∑j = 0..<d2. (m1 $$ (?i1, i) * v1 $ i) * (m2 $$ (?i2, j) * v2 $ j))"
by (rule Groups_Big.sum_product)
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d. (m1 $$ (?i1, encode1 i) * v1 $ (encode1 i)) * (m2 $$ (?i2, encode2 i) * v2 $ (encode2 i)))"
by (rule sum_encode)
also have "… = row (tensor_mat m1 m2) i ∙ tensor_vec v1 v2"
apply (simp add: scalar_prod_def tensor_mat_eval tensor_vec_eval i)
by (rule sum.cong, auto)
finally show "tensor_vec (m1 *⇩v v1) (m2 *⇩v v2) $ i = row (tensor_mat m1 m2) i ∙ tensor_vec v1 v2" by auto
lemma tensor_mat_mult:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "m4 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "tensor_mat (m1 * m2) (m3 * m4) = tensor_mat m1 m3 * tensor_mat m2 m4"
proof (rule eq_matI, auto)
fix i j :: nat
assume i: "i < d" and j: "j < d"
let ?i1 = "encode1 i" and ?i2 = "encode2 i" and ?j1 = "encode1 j" and ?j2 = "encode2 j"
have "tensor_mat (m1 * m2) (m3 * m4) $$ (i, j) = (m1 * m2) $$ (?i1, ?j1) * (m3 * m4) $$ (?i2, ?j2)"
using i j by (simp add: tensor_mat_eval)
also have "… = (row m1 ?i1 ∙ col m2 ?j1) * (row m3 ?i2 ∙ col m4 ?j2)"
using assms i j by auto
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d1. m1 $$ (?i1, i) * m2 $$ (i, ?j1)) * (∑j = 0..<d2. m3 $$ (?i2, j) * m4 $$ (j, ?j2))"
using assms i j by (simp add: scalar_prod_def)
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d1. ∑j = 0..<d2. (m1 $$ (?i1, i) * m2 $$ (i, ?j1)) * (m3 $$ (?i2, j) * m4 $$ (j, ?j2)))"
by (rule Groups_Big.sum_product)
also have "… = (∑i = 0..<d. (m1 $$ (?i1, encode1 i) * m2 $$ (encode1 i, ?j1)) * (m3 $$ (?i2, encode2 i) * m4 $$ (encode2 i, ?j2)))"
by (rule sum_encode)
also have "… = row (tensor_mat m1 m3) i ∙ col (tensor_mat m2 m4) j"
apply (simp add: scalar_prod_def tensor_mat_eval i j)
by (rule sum.cong, auto)
finally show "tensor_mat (m1 * m2) (m3 * m4) $$ (i, j) = row (tensor_mat m1 m3) i ∙ col (tensor_mat m2 m4) j" .
lemma tensor_mat_adjoint:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "adjoint (tensor_mat m1 m2) = tensor_mat (adjoint m1) (adjoint m2)"
apply (rule eq_matI, auto)
unfolding tensor_mat_def adjoint_def
using assms by (simp add: conjugate_dist_mul)
lemma tensor_mat_hermitian:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "hermitian m1"
and "hermitian m2"
shows "hermitian (tensor_mat m1 m2)"
using assms by (metis hermitian_def tensor_mat_adjoint)
lemma tensor_mat_unitary:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "unitary m1"
and "unitary m2"
shows "unitary (tensor_mat m1 m2)"
using assms apply (auto simp add: unitary_def tensor_mat_adjoint)
using assms unfolding inverts_mat_def
apply (subst tensor_mat_mult[symmetric], auto)
by (rule tensor_mat_id)
lemma tensor_mat_positive:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "positive m1"
and "positive m2"
shows "positive (tensor_mat m1 m2)"
proof -
obtain M1 where M1: "m1 = M1 * adjoint M1" and dM1:"M1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1" using positive_only_if_decomp assms by auto
obtain M2 where M2: "m2 = M2 * adjoint M2" and dM2:"M2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2" using positive_only_if_decomp assms by auto
have "(adjoint (tensor_mat M1 M2)) = tensor_mat (adjoint M1) (adjoint M2)" using tensor_mat_adjoint dM1 dM2 by auto
then have "tensor_mat M1 M2 * (adjoint (tensor_mat M1 M2)) = tensor_mat (M1 * adjoint M1) (M2 * adjoint M2)"
using dM1 dM2 adjoint_dim[OF dM1] adjoint_dim[OF dM2] by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_mult)
also have "… = tensor_mat m1 m2" using M1 M2 by auto
finally have "tensor_mat m1 m2 = tensor_mat M1 M2 * (adjoint (tensor_mat M1 M2))"..
then have "∃M. M * adjoint M = tensor_mat m1 m2" by auto
moreover have "tensor_mat m1 m2 ∈ carrier_mat d d" using tensor_mat_carrier by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using positive_if_decomp[of "tensor_mat m1 m2"] by auto
lemma tensor_mat_positive_le:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "positive m1"
and "positive m2"
and "m1 ≤⇩L A"
and "m2 ≤⇩L B"
shows "tensor_mat m1 m2 ≤⇩L tensor_mat A B"
proof -
have dA: "A ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1" using assms lowner_le_def by auto
have pA: "positive A" using assms dA lowner_le_trans_positiveI[of m1] by auto
have dB: "B ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2" using assms lowner_le_def by auto
have pB: "positive B" using assms dB lowner_le_trans_positiveI[of m2] by auto
have "A - m1 = A + (- m1)" using assms by (auto simp add: minus_add_uminus_mat)
then have "positive (A + (- m1))" using assms unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
then have p1: "positive (tensor_mat (A + (- m1)) m2)" using assms tensor_mat_positive by auto
moreover have "tensor_mat (- m1) m2 = - tensor_mat m1 m2" using assms apply (subgoal_tac "- m1 = -1 ⋅⇩m m1")
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_scale1)
moreover have "tensor_mat (A + (- m1)) m2 = tensor_mat A m2 + (tensor_mat (- m1) m2)" using
assms by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_add1 dA)
ultimately have "tensor_mat (A + (- m1)) m2 = tensor_mat A m2 - (tensor_mat m1 m2)" by auto
with p1 have le1: "tensor_mat m1 m2 ≤⇩L tensor_mat A m2" unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
have "B - m2 = B + (- m2)" using assms by (auto simp add: minus_add_uminus_mat)
then have "positive (B + (- m2))" using assms unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
then have p2: "positive (tensor_mat A (B + (- m2)))"
using assms tensor_mat_positive positive_one dA dB pA by auto
moreover have "tensor_mat A (-m2) = - tensor_mat A m2"
using assms apply (subgoal_tac "- m2 = -1 ⋅⇩m m2")
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_scale2 dA)
moreover have "tensor_mat A (B + (- m2)) = tensor_mat A B + tensor_mat A (- m2)"
using assms by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_add2 dA dB)
ultimately have "tensor_mat A (B + (- m2)) = tensor_mat A B - tensor_mat A m2" by auto
with p2 have le20: "tensor_mat A m2 ≤⇩L tensor_mat A B" unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
show ?thesis apply (subst lowner_le_trans[of _ d "tensor_mat (A) m2"])
subgoal using tensor_mat_carrier by auto
subgoal using tensor_mat_carrier by auto
using le1 le20 by auto
lemma tensor_mat_le_one:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "positive m1"
and "positive m2"
and "m1 ≤⇩L 1⇩m d1"
and "m2 ≤⇩L 1⇩m d2"
shows "tensor_mat m1 m2 ≤⇩L 1⇩m d"
proof -
have "1⇩m d1 - m1 = 1⇩m d1 + (- m1)" using assms by (auto simp add: minus_add_uminus_mat)
then have "positive (1⇩m d1 + (- m1))" using assms unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
then have p1: "positive (tensor_mat (1⇩m d1 + (- m1)) m2)" using assms tensor_mat_positive by auto
moreover have "tensor_mat (- m1) m2 = - tensor_mat m1 m2" using assms apply (subgoal_tac "- m1 = -1 ⋅⇩m m1")
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_scale1)
moreover have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1 + (- m1)) m2 = tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2 + (tensor_mat (- m1) m2)" using
assms by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_add1)
ultimately have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1 + (- m1)) m2 = tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2 - (tensor_mat m1 m2)" by auto
with p1 have le1: "(tensor_mat m1 m2) ≤⇩L tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2" unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
have "1⇩m d2 - m2 = 1⇩m d2 + (- m2)" using assms by (auto simp add: minus_add_uminus_mat)
then have "positive (1⇩m d2 + (- m2))" using assms unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
then have p2: "positive (tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2 + (- m2)))" using assms tensor_mat_positive positive_one by auto
moreover have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (-m2) = - tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2" using assms apply (subgoal_tac "- m2 = -1 ⋅⇩m m2")
by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_scale2)
moreover have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2 + (- m2)) = tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) + (tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (- m2))" using
assms by (auto simp add: tensor_mat_add2)
ultimately have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2 + (- m2)) = tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) - (tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2)" by auto
with p2 have le20: "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2 ≤⇩L tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2)" unfolding lowner_le_def by auto
then have le2: "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2 ≤⇩L 1⇩m d" apply (subst tensor_mat_id[symmetric]) by auto
have "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) = 1⇩m d" using tensor_mat_id by auto
show ?thesis apply (subst lowner_le_trans[of _ d "tensor_mat (1⇩m d1) m2"])
subgoal using tensor_mat_carrier by auto
subgoal using tensor_mat_carrier by auto
using le1 le2 by auto
subsection ‹Extension of matrices›
definition mat_extension :: "'a::comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"mat_extension m = tensor_mat m (1⇩m d2)"
lemma mat_extension_carrier:
"mat_extension m ∈ carrier_mat d d"
by (simp add: mat_extension_def tensor_mat_carrier)
lemma mat_extension_add:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "mat_extension (m1 + m2) = mat_extension m1 + mat_extension m2"
using assms by (simp add: mat_extension_def tensor_mat_add1)
lemma mat_extension_trace:
assumes "m ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "trace (mat_extension m) = d2 * trace m"
unfolding mat_extension_def
using assms by (simp add: tensor_mat_trace)
lemma mat_extension_id:
"mat_extension (1⇩m d1) = 1⇩m d"
unfolding mat_extension_def by (rule tensor_mat_id)
lemma mat_extension_mult:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "mat_extension (m1 * m2) = mat_extension m1 * mat_extension m2"
using assms by (simp add: mat_extension_def tensor_mat_mult[symmetric])
lemma mat_extension_hermitian:
assumes "m ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "hermitian m"
shows "hermitian (mat_extension m)"
using assms by (simp add: hermitian_one mat_extension_def tensor_mat_hermitian)
lemma mat_extension_unitary:
assumes "m ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "unitary m"
shows "unitary (mat_extension m)"
using assms by (simp add: mat_extension_def tensor_mat_unitary unitary_one)
abbreviation "tensor_mat ≡ partial_state.tensor_mat"
abbreviation "mat_extension ≡ partial_state.mat_extension"
context state_sig
text ‹Swapping the order of matrices, as well as switching vars, should have no effect›
lemma tensor_mat_comm:
assumes "vars1 ∩ vars2 = {}"
and "{0..<length dims} ⊆ vars1 ∪ vars2"
and "m1 ∈ carrier_mat (prod_list (nths dims vars1)) (prod_list (nths dims vars1))"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat (prod_list (nths dims vars2)) (prod_list (nths dims vars2))"
shows "tensor_mat dims vars1 m1 m2 = tensor_mat dims vars2 m2 m1"
proof -
fix i
have "nths dims (- vars2) = nths dims vars1" using nths_split_complement_eq[symmetric] assms by auto
then have eq2211: "partial_state.dims2 dims vars2 = partial_state.dims1 dims vars1"
unfolding partial_state.dims2_def partial_state.dims1_def by auto
have "nths dims (- vars1) = nths dims vars2" using nths_split_complement_eq[symmetric, of vars2] assms by auto
then have eq2112: "partial_state.dims2 dims vars1 = partial_state.dims1 dims vars2"
unfolding partial_state.dims2_def partial_state.dims1_def by auto
have "vars1 ∪ vars2 - vars2 = vars1" using assms by auto
then have e1:"partial_state.encode2 dims vars2 i = partial_state.encode1 dims (vars1) i"
using assms(2) partial_state.encode2_alter[of dims "vars1 ∪ vars2" vars2]
unfolding partial_state.encode2_def partial_state.encode1_def apply (subst eq2211[symmetric]) by auto
have "vars1 ∪ vars2 - vars1 = vars2" using assms by auto
then have e2:"partial_state.encode2 dims vars1 i = partial_state.encode1 dims (vars2) i"
using assms(2) partial_state.encode2_alter[of dims "vars1 ∪ vars2" vars1]
unfolding partial_state.encode2_def partial_state.encode1_def apply (subst eq2112[symmetric]) by auto
note e1 e2
note e = this
show ?thesis
unfolding partial_state.tensor_mat_def apply (rule cong_mat, simp_all)
unfolding partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def
using e by auto
subsection ‹Partial tensor product›
text ‹In this context, we assume two disjoint sets of variables, and define
the tensor product of two matrices on these variables›
locale partial_state2 = state_sig +
fixes vars1 :: "nat set"
and vars2 :: "nat set"
assumes disjoint: "vars1 ∩ vars2 = {}"
definition vars0 :: "nat set" where
"vars0 = vars1 ∪ vars2"
definition dims0 :: "nat list" where
"dims0 = nths dims vars0"
definition dims1 :: "nat list" where
"dims1 = nths dims vars1"
definition dims2 :: "nat list" where
"dims2 = nths dims vars2"
definition d0 :: nat where
"d0 = prod_list dims0"
definition d1 :: nat where
"d1 = prod_list dims1"
definition d2 :: nat where
"d2 = prod_list dims2"
lemma dims_product:
"d0 = d1 * d2"
unfolding d0_def d1_def d2_def dims0_def dims1_def dims2_def vars0_def
using disjoint nths_prod_list_split[of vars1 "vars1 ∪ vars2" dims]
apply (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 - vars1 = vars2")
by auto
text ‹Locations of variables in vars1 relative to vars0.
For example: if vars0 = {0,1,2,4,5,6,9} and vars1 = {1,4,6,9}, then
vars1' should be {1,3,5,6}.›
definition vars1' :: "nat set" where
"vars1' = (ind_in_set vars0) ` vars1"
definition vars2' :: "nat set" where
"vars2' = (ind_in_set vars0) ` vars2"
lemma vars1'I:
"x ∈ vars1 ⟹ card {y∈vars0. y < x} ∈ vars1'"
unfolding vars1'_def ind_in_set_def by auto
lemma vars1'D:
"i ∈ vars1' ⟹ ∃x∈vars1. card {y∈vars0. y < x} = i"
unfolding vars1'_def ind_in_set_def by auto
text ‹Main property of vars1'›
lemma ind_in_set_bij:
"bij_betw (ind_in_set vars0) ({0..<length dims} ∩ vars0) {0..<card ({0..<length dims} ∩ vars0)}"
using bij_ind_in_set_bound unfolding ind_in_set_def by auto
lemma length_dims0:
"length dims0 = card ({0..<length dims} ∩ vars0)"
unfolding dims0_def using length_nths[of dims vars0]
apply (subgoal_tac "{i. i < length dims ∧ i ∈ vars0}= {0..<length dims} ∩ vars0")
by auto
lemma length_dims0_minus_vars2'_is_vars1':
"{0..<length dims0} - vars2' = {0..<length dims0} ∩ vars1'"
proof -
have sub20: "vars2 ⊆ vars0" unfolding vars0_def by auto
have sub1: "vars1 = vars0 - vars2" unfolding vars0_def using disjoint by auto
have eq: "{0..<length dims0} = ind_in_set vars0 ` ({0..<length dims} ∩ vars0)"
using ind_in_set_bij length_dims0 bij_betw_imp_surj_on[of "ind_in_set vars0"] by auto
show ?thesis unfolding vars2'_def vars1'_def eq using ind_in_set_minus_subset_bound[OF sub20] sub1 by auto
lemma length_dims0_minus_vars1'_is_vars2':
"{0..<length dims0} - vars1' = {0..<length dims0} ∩ vars2'"
proof -
have sub10: "vars1 ⊆ vars0" unfolding vars0_def by auto
have sub2: "vars2 = vars0 - vars1" unfolding vars0_def using disjoint by auto
have eq: "{0..<length dims0} = ind_in_set vars0 ` ({0..<length dims} ∩ vars0)"
using ind_in_set_bij length_dims0 bij_betw_imp_surj_on[of "ind_in_set vars0"] by auto
show ?thesis unfolding vars2'_def vars1'_def eq using ind_in_set_minus_subset_bound[OF sub10] sub2 by auto
lemma nths_vars1':
"nths dims0 vars1' = dims1"
using nths_reencode_eq[of vars1 vars0 dims]
using nths_reencode_eq_comp[of vars1 vars0 dims]
unfolding vars0_def ind_in_set_def vars1'_def dims1_def dims0_def by auto
lemma nths_vars1'_comp:
"nths dims0 (-vars2') = dims1"
using nths_reencode_eq_comp[of vars2 vars0 dims] disjoint
unfolding vars0_def ind_in_set_def vars2'_def dims1_def dims0_def
apply (subgoal_tac "(vars1 ∪ vars2 - vars2) = vars1") by auto
lemma nths_vars2':
"nths dims0 (-vars1') = dims2"
using nths_reencode_eq_comp[of vars1 vars0 dims] disjoint
unfolding vars0_def ind_in_set_def vars1'_def dims2_def dims0_def
apply (subgoal_tac "(vars1 ∪ vars2 - vars1) = vars2") by auto
lemma nths_vars2'_comp:
"nths dims0 (vars2') = dims2"
using nths_reencode_eq[of vars2 vars0 dims]
unfolding vars0_def ind_in_set_def vars2'_def dims2_def dims0_def
by auto
lemma ptensor_encode1_encode2:
"partial_state.encode1 dims0 vars1' = partial_state.encode2 dims0 vars2'"
proof -
have "partial_state.encode1 dims0 vars1' i
= digit_decode (partial_state.dims1 dims0 vars1') (nths (digit_encode dims0 i) ({0..<length dims0} ∩ vars1'))" for i
using partial_state.encode1_alter by auto
moreover have "partial_state.encode2 dims0 vars2' i
= digit_decode (partial_state.dims2 dims0 vars2') (nths (digit_encode dims0 i) ({0..<length dims0} - vars2'))" for i
using partial_state.encode2_alter by auto
moreover have "partial_state.dims1 dims0 vars1' = partial_state.dims2 dims0 vars2'"
unfolding partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def using nths_vars1' nths_vars1'_comp by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using length_dims0_minus_vars2'_is_vars1' by auto
lemma ptensor_encode2_encode1:
"partial_state.encode1 dims0 vars2' = partial_state.encode2 dims0 vars1'"
proof -
have "partial_state.encode1 dims0 vars2' i
= digit_decode (partial_state.dims1 dims0 vars2') (nths (digit_encode dims0 i) ({0..<length dims0} ∩ vars2'))" for i
using partial_state.encode1_alter by auto
moreover have "partial_state.encode2 dims0 vars1' i
= digit_decode (partial_state.dims2 dims0 vars1') (nths (digit_encode dims0 i) ({0..<length dims0} - vars1'))" for i
using partial_state.encode2_alter by auto
moreover have "partial_state.dims1 dims0 vars2' = partial_state.dims2 dims0 vars1'"
unfolding partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def using nths_vars2' nths_vars2'_comp by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using length_dims0_minus_vars1'_is_vars2' by auto
text ‹Given vector v1 of dimension d1, and vector v2 of dimension d2, form
the tensor vector of dimension d1 * d2 = d0›
definition ptensor_vec :: "'a::times vec ⇒ 'a vec ⇒ 'a vec" where
"ptensor_vec v1 v2 = partial_state.tensor_vec dims0 vars1' v1 v2"
lemma ptensor_vec_dim [simp]:
"dim_vec (ptensor_vec v1 v2) = d0"
by (simp add: ptensor_vec_def partial_state.tensor_vec_dim state_sig.d_def d0_def)
lemma ptensor_vec_carrier:
"ptensor_vec v1 v2 ∈ carrier_vec d0"
by (simp add: carrier_dim_vec)
lemma ptensor_vec_add:
fixes v1 v2 v3 :: "'a::comm_ring vec"
assumes "v1 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v2 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "v3 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
shows "ptensor_vec (v1 + v2) v3 = ptensor_vec v1 v3 + ptensor_vec v2 v3"
unfolding ptensor_vec_def
apply (rule partial_state.tensor_vec_add1)
unfolding partial_state.d1_def partial_state.d2_def
partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def nths_vars1' nths_vars2'
using assms unfolding d1_def d2_def by auto
definition ptensor_mat :: "'a::comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ 'a mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"ptensor_mat m1 m2 = partial_state.tensor_mat dims0 vars1' m1 m2"
lemma ptensor_mat_dim_row [simp]:
"dim_row (ptensor_mat m1 m2) = d0"
by (simp add: ptensor_mat_def partial_state.tensor_mat_dim_row d0_def state_sig.d_def)
lemma ptensor_mat_dim_col [simp]:
"dim_col (ptensor_mat m1 m2) = d0"
by (simp add: ptensor_mat_def partial_state.tensor_mat_dim_col d0_def state_sig.d_def)
lemma ptensor_mat_carrier:
"ptensor_mat m1 m2 ∈ carrier_mat d0 d0"
by (simp add: carrier_matI)
lemma ptensor_mat_add:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "ptensor_mat (m1 + m2) m3 = ptensor_mat m1 m3 + ptensor_mat m2 m3"
unfolding ptensor_mat_def
apply (rule partial_state.tensor_mat_add1)
unfolding partial_state.d1_def partial_state.d2_def
partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def nths_vars1'
using assms unfolding d1_def d2_def by auto
lemma ptensor_mat_trace:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "trace (ptensor_mat m1 m2) = trace m1 * trace m2"
unfolding ptensor_mat_def
apply (rule partial_state.tensor_mat_trace)
unfolding partial_state.d1_def partial_state.d2_def
partial_state.dims1_def partial_state.dims2_def nths_vars1' nths_vars2'
using assms unfolding d1_def d2_def by auto
lemma ptensor_mat_id:
"ptensor_mat (1⇩m d1) (1⇩m d2) = 1⇩m d0"
unfolding ptensor_mat_def
by (metis d0_def d1_def d2_def nths_vars1' nths_vars2'
partial_state.d1_def partial_state.d2_def partial_state.dims1_def
partial_state.dims2_def partial_state.tensor_mat_id state_sig.d_def)
lemma ptensor_mat_mult:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m3 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "m4 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
shows "ptensor_mat (m1 * m2) (m3 * m4) = ptensor_mat m1 m3 * ptensor_mat m2 m4"
proof -
interpret st: partial_state dims0 vars1'.
have "st.d1 = d1" unfolding st.d1_def st.dims1_def d1_def nths_vars1' by auto
moreover have "st.d2 = d2" unfolding st.d2_def st.dims2_def d2_def nths_vars2' by auto
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding ptensor_mat_def
using st.tensor_mat_mult assms by auto
lemma ptensor_mat_mult_vec:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "v1 ∈ carrier_vec d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d2 d2"
and "v2 ∈ carrier_vec d2"
shows "ptensor_vec (m1 *⇩v v1) (m2 *⇩v v2) = ptensor_mat m1 m2 *⇩v ptensor_vec v1 v2"
proof -
interpret st: partial_state dims0 vars1'.
have "st.d1 = d1" unfolding st.d1_def st.dims1_def d1_def nths_vars1' by auto
moreover have "st.d2 = d2" unfolding st.d2_def st.dims2_def d2_def nths_vars2' by auto
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding ptensor_mat_def ptensor_vec_def
using st.tensor_mat_mult_vec assms by auto
subsection ‹Partial extensions›
definition pmat_extension :: "'a::comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ 'a mat" where
"pmat_extension m = ptensor_mat m (1⇩m d2)"
lemma pmat_extension_carrier:
"pmat_extension m ∈ carrier_mat d0 d0"
by (simp add: pmat_extension_def ptensor_mat_carrier)
lemma pmat_extension_add:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "pmat_extension (m1 + m2) = pmat_extension m1 + pmat_extension m2"
using assms by (simp add: pmat_extension_def ptensor_mat_add)
lemma pmat_extension_trace:
assumes "m ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "trace (pmat_extension m) = d2 * trace m"
using assms by (simp add: pmat_extension_def ptensor_mat_trace)
lemma pmat_extension_id:
"pmat_extension (1⇩m d1) = 1⇩m d0"
by (simp add: pmat_extension_def ptensor_mat_id)
lemma pmat_extension_mult:
assumes "m1 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
and "m2 ∈ carrier_mat d1 d1"
shows "pmat_extension (m1 * m2) = pmat_extension m1 * pmat_extension m2"
using assms by (simp add: pmat_extension_def ptensor_mat_mult[symmetric])
context state_sig
abbreviation "ptensor_vec ≡ partial_state2.ptensor_vec"
abbreviation "ptensor_mat ≡ partial_state2.ptensor_mat"
abbreviation "pmat_extension ≡ partial_state2.pmat_extension"
text ‹Key property: commutativity of tensor product›
lemma ptensor_mat_comm:
fixes m1 m2 :: "complex mat"
assumes "vars1 ∩ vars2 = {}"
shows "ptensor_mat dims vars1 vars2 m1 m2 = ptensor_mat dims vars2 vars1 m2 m1"
proof -
interpret st1: partial_state2 dims vars1 vars2
apply unfold_locales using assms by auto
interpret st2: partial_state2 dims vars2 vars1
apply unfold_locales using assms by auto
have eq1: "partial_state.encode1 st1.dims0 st1.vars1' = partial_state.encode2 st2.dims0 st2.vars1'"
apply (subst st1.ptensor_encode1_encode2)
unfolding st1.dims0_def st1.vars0_def st1.vars2'_def st2.dims0_def st2.vars0_def st2.vars1'_def
by (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 = vars2 ∪ vars1", auto)
have eq2: "partial_state.encode2 st1.dims0 st1.vars1' = partial_state.encode1 st2.dims0 st2.vars1'"
apply (subst st1.ptensor_encode2_encode1[symmetric])
unfolding st1.dims0_def st1.vars0_def st1.vars2'_def st2.dims0_def st2.vars0_def st2.vars1'_def
by (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 = vars2 ∪ vars1", auto)
show ?thesis unfolding st1.ptensor_mat_def st2.ptensor_mat_def partial_state.tensor_mat_def
apply (rule cong_mat, auto)
subgoal unfolding st1.dims0_def st1.vars0_def st2.dims0_def st2.vars0_def by (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 = vars2 ∪ vars1", auto)
subgoal unfolding st1.dims0_def st1.vars0_def st2.dims0_def st2.vars0_def by (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 = vars2 ∪ vars1", auto)
using eq1 eq2 by auto
text ‹Key property: associativity of tensor product›
lemma ind_in_set_mono:
fixes a b :: nat and A :: "nat set"
assumes "a ∈ A" "b ∈ A" "a < b"
shows "ind_in_set A a < ind_in_set A b"
unfolding ind_in_set_def
apply (rule psubset_card_mono)
subgoal by auto
proof -
have "x ∈ {i ∈ A. i < b}" if "x ∈ {i ∈ A. i < a}" for x
using assms that by auto
moreover have "a ∈ {i ∈ A. i < b}" using assms by auto
moreover have "b ∉ {i ∈ A. i < b}" by auto
ultimately show "{i ∈ A. i < a} ⊂ {i ∈ A. i < b}" by blast
lemma ind_in_set_inj:
fixes a b :: nat and A :: "nat set"
assumes "a ∈ A" "b ∈ A" "ind_in_set A a = ind_in_set A b"
shows "a = b"
proof -
have "ind_in_set A a < ind_in_set A b" if "a < b"
by (rule ind_in_set_mono[OF assms(1) assms(2) that])
moreover have "ind_in_set A b < ind_in_set A a" if "b < a"
by (rule ind_in_set_mono[OF assms(2) assms(1) that])
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(3) by arith
lemma ind_in_set_mono2:
fixes a b :: nat and A :: "nat set"
assumes "a ∈ A" "b ∈ A" "ind_in_set A a < ind_in_set A b"
shows "a < b"
using ind_in_set_mono ind_in_set_inj
by (metis assms not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
lemma ind_in_set_bij_betw:
fixes A B :: "nat set"
assumes "B ⊆ A" "c ∈ B"
shows "bij_betw (ind_in_set A) {i ∈ B. i < c} {i ∈ ind_in_set A ` B. i < ind_in_set A c}"
unfolding bij_betw_def apply auto
proof -
show "inj_on (ind_in_set A) {i ∈ B. i < c}"
unfolding inj_on_def apply auto
using assms(1) ind_in_set_inj by blast
show "ind_in_set A x < ind_in_set A c" if "x ∈ B" "x < c" for x
by (meson assms that ind_in_set_mono subsetCE)
show "ind_in_set A x ∈ ind_in_set A ` {i ∈ B. i < c}" if "ind_in_set A x < ind_in_set A c" "x ∈ B" for x
using that ind_in_set_mono2 assms by blast
lemma ind_in_set_assoc:
fixes A B C :: "nat set"
assumes "C ⊆ B" "B ⊆ A"
shows "ind_in_set (ind_in_set A ` B) ` (ind_in_set A ` C) = ind_in_set B ` C"
proof -
have "x ∈ ind_in_set (ind_in_set A ` B) ` (ind_in_set A ` C)" if x: "x ∈ ind_in_set B ` C" for x
proof -
obtain c where c: "c ∈ C" and x_eq: "x = card {i ∈ B. i < c}"
using x by (auto simp add: ind_in_set_def)
have "card {i ∈ B. i < c} = card {i ∈ ind_in_set A ` B. i < ind_in_set A c}"
apply (rule bij_betw_same_card)
using c assms by (auto intro: ind_in_set_bij_betw)
then have "ind_in_set (ind_in_set A ` B) (ind_in_set A c) = x"
apply (subst ind_in_set_def) using x_eq by auto
then show ?thesis
using ‹c ∈ C› by blast
moreover have "x ∈ ind_in_set B ` C" if x: "x ∈ ind_in_set (ind_in_set A ` B) ` (ind_in_set A ` C)" for x
proof -
obtain c where c: "c ∈ C" and x_eq: "x = card {i ∈ ind_in_set A ` B. i < ind_in_set A c}"
using x by (auto simp add: ind_in_set_def)
have "card {i ∈ B. i < c} = card {i ∈ ind_in_set A ` B. i < ind_in_set A c}"
apply (rule bij_betw_same_card)
using c assms by (auto intro: ind_in_set_bij_betw)
then have "ind_in_set B c = x"
apply (subst ind_in_set_def) using x_eq by auto
then show ?thesis
using ‹c ∈ C› by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma nths_reencode_eq3:
fixes A B C :: "nat set"
assumes "C ⊆ B" "B ⊆ A"
shows "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set A ` B)) (ind_in_set B ` C) = nths xs (ind_in_set A ` C)"
apply (subst ind_in_set_assoc[OF assms, symmetric])
apply (rule nths_reencode_eq)
using assms by blast
lemma nths_assoc_three_A:
fixes A B C :: "nat set"
assumes "A ∩ B = {}"
and "(A ∪ B) ∩ C = {}"
shows "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (A ∪ B))) (ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` A)
= nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` A)"
apply (rule nths_reencode_eq3) by auto
lemma nths_assoc_three_B:
fixes A B C :: "nat set"
assumes "A ∩ B = {}"
and "(A ∪ B) ∩ C = {}"
shows "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (A ∪ B))) (ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` B)
= nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (B ∪ C))) (ind_in_set (B ∪ C) ` B)"
proof -
have "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (A ∪ B))) (ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` B) = nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` B)"
using nths_assoc_three_A[of B A C xs] assms by (simp add: inf_commute sup_commute)
moreover have "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (B ∪ C))) (ind_in_set (B ∪ C) ` B) = nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` B)"
using nths_assoc_three_A[of B C A xs] assms by (smt (verit) Un_empty inf_commute inf_sup_distrib2 sup_assoc sup_commute)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma nths_assoc_three_C:
fixes A B C :: "nat set"
assumes "A ∩ B = {}"
and "(A ∪ B) ∩ C = {}"
shows "nths (nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` (B ∪ C))) (ind_in_set (B ∪ C) ` C)
= nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B ∪ C) ` C) "
using nths_assoc_three_A[of C B A xs] assms
by (smt (verit) Un_empty inf_commute inf_sup_distrib2 sup_assoc sup_commute)
lemma valid_index_ind_in_set:
assumes "is ⊲ nths dims A" "B ⊆ A"
shows "nths is (ind_in_set A ` B) ⊲ nths dims B"
apply (subst nths_reencode_eq[OF assms(2), symmetric])
apply (rule valid_index_nths)
by (rule assms(1))
lemma ind_in_set_id:
fixes A :: "nat set"
assumes "finite A"
shows "ind_in_set A ` A = {0..< card A}"
unfolding ind_in_set_def apply auto
subgoal using assms lt_set_card_lt by auto
proof -
fix x assume x: "x < card A"
have *: "card {i ∈ A. i < pick A x} = x"
apply (rule card_pick_le) by (rule x)
show "x ∈ (λx. card {i ∈ A. i < x}) ` A"
apply (subst *[symmetric])
apply (rule imageI)
apply (rule pick_in_set_le) by (rule x)
lemma nths_complement_ind_in_set:
fixes A B :: "nat set"
assumes "A ∩ B = {}"
"card (A ∪ B) = length xs"
shows "nths xs (- ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` A) = nths xs (ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` B)"
apply (rule nths_split_complement_eq[symmetric])
subgoal apply auto using assms(1) ind_in_set_inj
by (metis disjoint_iff_not_equal subsetCE sup_ge1 sup_ge2)
proof -
have *: "ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` B ∪ ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` A = ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` (A ∪ B)"
by auto
show "{0..<length xs} ⊆ ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` B ∪ ind_in_set (A ∪ B) ` A"
apply (auto simp add: * assms(2))
using ind_in_set_id
by (metis assms(2) atLeastLessThan_iff card.infinite not_le_imp_less not_less_zero)
lemma ind_in_set_inj':
fixes A B :: "nat set"
assumes "B ⊆ A"
shows "inj_on (ind_in_set A) B"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix x y assume x: "x ∈ B" and y: "y ∈ B" and eq: "ind_in_set A x = ind_in_set A y"
have x': "x ∈ A" using x assms by auto
have y': "y ∈ A" using y assms by auto
show "x = y" by (rule ind_in_set_inj[OF x' y' eq])
lemma ind_in_set_less:
fixes x :: nat and A :: "nat set"
assumes "finite A" "x ∈ A"
shows "ind_in_set A x < card A"
unfolding ind_in_set_def
apply (rule psubset_card_mono) using assms by auto
lemma ptensor_mat_assoc:
assumes "vars1 ∩ vars2 = {}"
and "(vars1 ∪ vars2) ∩ vars3 = {}"
and "vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3 ⊆ {0..< length dims}"
shows "ptensor_mat dims (vars1 ∪ vars2) vars3 (ptensor_mat dims vars1 vars2 m1 m2) m3 =
ptensor_mat dims vars1 (vars2 ∪ vars3) m1 (ptensor_mat dims vars2 vars3 m2 m3)"
proof -
interpret a: partial_state2 dims vars1 vars2
by (unfold_locales, rule assms(1))
interpret b: partial_state2 dims "vars1 ∪ vars2" vars3
by (unfold_locales, rule assms(2))
interpret c: partial_state2 dims vars2 vars3
apply unfold_locales using assms(2) by auto
interpret d: partial_state2 dims vars1 "vars2 ∪ vars3"
apply unfold_locales using assms by auto
have uassoc: "vars1 ∪ (vars2 ∪ vars3) = vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3"
by auto
have **: "{i. i < length dims ∧ (i ∈ vars1 ∨ i ∈ vars2 ∨ i ∈ vars3)} = vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3"
using assms(3) by auto
have finite_union: "finite (vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3)"
using assms(3)
using subset_eq_atLeast0_lessThan_finite by blast
have m1eq: "digit_encode a.dims0 (digit_decode b.dims1 (nths (digit_encode b.dims0 i) b.vars1'))
= nths (digit_encode b.dims0 i) b.vars1'" if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding a.dims0_def a.vars0_def b.dims1_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def b.vars1'_def
apply (subst digit_encode_decode)
apply (rule valid_index_ind_in_set)
apply (rule digit_encode_valid_index)
using that unfolding state_sig.d_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def by auto
have m1index: "partial_state.encode1 a.dims0 a.vars1' (partial_state.encode1 b.dims0 b.vars1' i)
= partial_state.encode1 d.dims0 d.vars1' i" if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding partial_state.encode1_def partial_state.dims1_def a.nths_vars1' d.nths_vars1' b.nths_vars1'
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="digit_decode d.dims1"])
apply (subst m1eq[OF that])
unfolding a.vars0_def a.vars1'_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def b.vars1'_def d.dims0_def d.vars0_def d.vars1'_def
using nths_assoc_three_A[OF assms(1-2)] using uassoc by auto
have m2eq1: "digit_encode a.dims0 (digit_decode (nths b.dims0 b.vars1') (nths (digit_encode b.dims0 i) b.vars1'))
= nths (digit_encode b.dims0 i) b.vars1'"
if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding a.dims0_def a.vars0_def b.nths_vars1' b.dims1_def
apply (subst digit_encode_decode)
unfolding b.vars1'_def
apply (rule valid_index_ind_in_set)
unfolding b.dims0_def
apply (rule digit_encode_valid_index)
using that unfolding state_sig.d_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def by auto
have m2eq2: "digit_encode c.dims0 (digit_decode (nths d.dims0 (- d.vars1')) (nths (digit_encode d.dims0 i) (- d.vars1')))
= nths (digit_encode d.dims0 i) (- d.vars1')"
if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding c.dims0_def c.vars0_def d.nths_vars2' d.dims2_def
apply (subst digit_encode_decode)
unfolding d.vars1'_def d.vars0_def
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_digit_encode d.dims0_def d.vars0_def length_nths)
by (auto simp add: ** uassoc)
apply (rule valid_index_ind_in_set)
unfolding d.dims0_def d.vars0_def
apply (rule digit_encode_valid_index)
using that unfolding state_sig.d_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def using uassoc by auto
have m2index: "partial_state.encode2 a.dims0 a.vars1' (partial_state.encode1 b.dims0 b.vars1' i) =
partial_state.encode1 c.dims0 c.vars1' (partial_state.encode2 d.dims0 d.vars1' i)"
if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding partial_state.encode2_def partial_state.encode1_def
partial_state.dims2_def a.nths_vars2' partial_state.dims1_def c.nths_vars1'
a.dims2_def c.dims1_def
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="digit_decode (nths dims vars2)"])
apply (subst m2eq1[OF that])
apply (subst m2eq2[OF that])
unfolding b.dims0_def b.vars0_def b.vars1'_def a.vars1'_def a.vars0_def
d.dims0_def d.vars0_def d.vars1'_def c.vars1'_def c.vars0_def
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_nths length_digit_encode)
apply (rule bij_betw_same_card[where f="ind_in_set (vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3)"])
unfolding bij_betw_def apply (rule conjI)
subgoal apply (rule ind_in_set_inj') by auto
apply auto using finite_union by (auto simp add: ** intro: ind_in_set_less)
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_digit_encode length_nths)
by (auto simp add: ** uassoc)
using nths_assoc_three_B[OF assms(1-2)] uassoc by auto
have m3eq: "digit_encode c.dims0 (digit_decode d.dims2 (nths (digit_encode d.dims0 i) (- d.vars1')))
= nths (digit_encode d.dims0 i) (- d.vars1')" if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding c.dims0_def c.vars0_def d.dims2_def d.dims0_def d.vars1'_def d.vars0_def
apply (subst digit_encode_decode)
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_digit_encode length_nths)
by (auto simp add: ** uassoc)
apply (rule valid_index_ind_in_set)
apply (rule digit_encode_valid_index)
using that unfolding state_sig.d_def b.dims0_def b.vars0_def using uassoc by auto
have m3index: "partial_state.encode2 c.dims0 c.vars1' (partial_state.encode2 d.dims0 d.vars1' i) =
partial_state.encode2 b.dims0 b.vars1' i"
if "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" for i
unfolding partial_state.encode2_def partial_state.dims2_def c.nths_vars2' d.nths_vars2' b.nths_vars2'
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="digit_decode c.dims2"])
apply (subst m3eq[OF that])
unfolding d.dims0_def d.vars0_def d.vars1'_def c.vars1'_def b.dims0_def b.vars1'_def b.vars0_def c.vars0_def
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_digit_encode length_nths)
by (auto simp add: ** uassoc)
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_nths length_digit_encode)
apply (rule bij_betw_same_card[where f="ind_in_set (vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3)"])
unfolding bij_betw_def apply (rule conjI)
subgoal apply (rule ind_in_set_inj') by auto
apply (auto simp add: uassoc) using finite_union
by (auto simp add: ** intro: ind_in_set_less)
apply (subst nths_complement_ind_in_set)
subgoal using assms by auto
subgoal apply (auto simp only: length_nths length_digit_encode)
by (auto simp add: ** uassoc)
using nths_assoc_three_C[OF assms(1-2)] uassoc by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding a.ptensor_mat_def b.ptensor_mat_def c.ptensor_mat_def d.ptensor_mat_def partial_state.tensor_mat_def
apply (rule cong_mat)
subgoal unfolding b.dims0_def d.dims0_def b.vars0_def d.vars0_def
apply (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3 = vars1 ∪ (vars2 ∪ vars3)") by auto
subgoal unfolding b.dims0_def d.dims0_def b.vars0_def d.vars0_def
apply (subgoal_tac "vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3 = vars1 ∪ (vars2 ∪ vars3)") by auto
subgoal for i j
proof -
assume lti: "i < state_sig.d b.dims0" and ltj: "j < state_sig.d b.dims0"
have lti': "i < state_sig.d d.dims0" using ‹state_sig.d b.dims0 = state_sig.d d.dims0› lti by auto
have ltj': "j < state_sig.d d.dims0" using ‹state_sig.d b.dims0 = state_sig.d d.dims0› ltj by auto
have eq1: "partial_state.d2 d.dims0 d.vars1' = state_sig.d c.dims0"
unfolding partial_state.d2_def partial_state.dims2_def d.nths_vars2'
d.dims2_def state_sig.d_def c.dims0_def c.vars0_def by auto
have eq2: "partial_state.d1 b.dims0 b.vars1' = state_sig.d a.dims0"
unfolding partial_state.d1_def partial_state.dims1_def b.nths_vars1'
b.dims1_def state_sig.d_def a.dims0_def a.vars0_def by auto
have lt1: "partial_state.encode2 d.dims0 d.vars1' i < state_sig.d c.dims0"
using partial_state.encode2_lt[OF lti', where vars=d.vars1'] eq1 by auto
have lt2: "partial_state.encode2 d.dims0 d.vars1' j < state_sig.d c.dims0"
using partial_state.encode2_lt[OF ltj', where vars=d.vars1'] eq1 by auto
have lt3: "partial_state.encode1 b.dims0 b.vars1' i < state_sig.d a.dims0"
using partial_state.encode1_lt[OF lti, where vars=b.vars1'] eq2 by auto
have lt4: "partial_state.encode1 b.dims0 b.vars1' j < state_sig.d a.dims0"
using partial_state.encode1_lt[OF ltj, where vars=b.vars1'] eq2 by auto
show ?thesis
apply (auto simp add: lt1 lt2 lt3 lt4)
apply (simp only: m1index[OF lti] m1index[OF ltj] m2index[OF lti] m2index[OF ltj] m3index[OF lti] m3index[OF ltj])
by auto
text ‹Some simple consequences of associativity›
lemma pmat_extension_assoc:
assumes "vars1 ∩ vars2 = {}"
and "(vars1 ∪ vars2) ∩ vars3 = {}"
and "vars1 ∪ vars2 ∪ vars3 ⊆ {0..< length dims}"
shows "pmat_extension dims vars1 (vars2 ∪ vars3) m =
pmat_extension dims (vars1 ∪ vars2) vars3 (pmat_extension dims vars1 vars2 m)"
proof -
interpret a: partial_state2 dims vars1 vars2
by (unfold_locales, rule assms(1))
interpret b: partial_state2 dims "vars1 ∪ vars2" vars3
by (unfold_locales, rule assms(2))
interpret c: partial_state2 dims vars2 vars3
apply unfold_locales using assms(2) by auto
interpret d: partial_state2 dims vars1 "vars2 ∪ vars3"
apply unfold_locales using assms by auto
have "a.d2 = c.d1"
by (simp add: c.d1_def a.d2_def c.dims1_def a.dims2_def)
have "c.d0 = d.d2"
by (simp add: c.d0_def d.d2_def c.dims0_def d.dims2_def c.vars0_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding a.pmat_extension_def b.pmat_extension_def d.pmat_extension_def
apply (simp add: ptensor_mat_assoc[OF assms])
apply (simp add: ‹a.d2 = c.d1› c.ptensor_mat_id)
by (simp add: ‹c.d0 = d.d2›)
subsection ‹Commands on subset of variables›
context state_sig
definition Utrans_P :: "nat set ⇒ complex mat ⇒ com" where
"Utrans_P vars U = Utrans (mat_extension dims vars U)"
lemma well_com_Utrans_P:
assumes "U ∈ carrier_mat (prod_list (nths dims vars)) (prod_list (nths dims vars))"
and "unitary U"
shows "well_com (Utrans_P vars U)"
proof -
have 1: "mat_extension dims vars U ∈ carrier_mat d d"
by (rule partial_state.mat_extension_carrier)
have 2: "unitary (mat_extension dims vars U)"
apply (rule partial_state.mat_extension_unitary)
unfolding partial_state.d1_def partial_state.dims1_def using assms by auto
show "well_com (Utrans_P vars U)"
using 1 2 Utrans_P_def by auto
definition Measure_P :: "nat set ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat ⇒ complex mat) ⇒ com list ⇒ com" where
"Measure_P vars n Ps Cs = Measure n (λn. mat_extension dims vars (Ps n)) Cs"
definition While_P :: "nat set ⇒ complex mat ⇒ complex mat ⇒ com ⇒ com" where
"While_P vars M0 M1 C = While (λn.
if n = 0 then mat_extension dims vars M0
else if n = 1 then mat_extension dims vars M1
else undefined) C"