Theory Q0

section ‹Q0 abbreviations›

theory Q0
  imports Set_Theory 
  abbrevs "App" = ""
    and "Abs" = "[λ_:_. _]"
    and "Eql" = "[_ =_= _]"
    and "Con" = ""
    and "Forall" = "[_:_. _]"
    and "Imp" = ""
    and "Fun" = ""

lemma arg_cong3: "a = b  c = d  e = f  h a c e = h b d f"
  by auto

section ‹Syntax and typing›

datatype type_sym =
  Ind | 
  Tv |
  Fun type_sym type_sym (infixl  80)

type_synonym var_sym = string
type_synonym cst_sym = string

datatype trm =
  Var var_sym type_sym |
  Cst cst_sym type_sym |
  App trm trm (infixl  80) |
  Abs var_sym type_sym trm ([λ_:_. _] [80,80,80])

fun vars :: "trm  (var_sym * type_sym) set" where
  "vars (Var x α) = {(x,α)}"
| "vars (Cst _ _) = {}"
| "vars (A  B) = vars A  vars B"
| "vars ([λx:α. A]) = {(x,α)}  vars A"

fun frees :: "trm  (var_sym * type_sym) set" where
  "frees (Var x α) = {(x,α)}"
| "frees (Cst _ _) = {}"
| "frees (A  B) = frees A  frees B"
| "frees ([λx:α. A]) = frees A - {(x,α)}"

lemma frees_subset_vars:
  "frees A  vars A"
  by (induction A) auto

inductive wff :: "type_sym  trm  bool" where
  wff_Var: "wff α (Var _ α)"
| wff_Cst: "wff α (Cst _ α)"
| wff_App: "wff (α  β) A  wff β B  wff α (A  B)"
| wff_Abs: "wff α A  wff (α  β) [λx:β. A]"

fun type_of :: "trm  type_sym" where
  "type_of (Var x α) = α"
| "type_of (Cst c α) = α"
| "type_of (A  B) =
     (case type_of A of β  α  β)"
| "type_of [λx:α. A] = (type_of A)  α"

lemma type_of[simp]:
  "wff α A  type_of A = α"
  by (induction rule: wff.induct) auto

lemma wff_Var'[simp, code]: 
  "wff β (Var x α)  β = α"
  using wff.cases wff_Var by auto

lemma wff_Cst'[simp, code]:
  "wff β (Cst c α)  β = α"
  using wff.cases wff_Cst by auto

lemma wff_App'[simp]:
  "wff α (A  B)  (β. wff (α  β) A  wff β B)"
  assume "wff α (A  B)"
  then show "β. wff (α  β) A  wff β B" 
    using wff.cases by fastforce
  assume "β. wff (α  β) A  wff β B"
  then show "wff α (A  B)"
    using wff_App by auto

lemma wff_Abs'[simp]:
  "wff γ ([λx:α. A])  (β. wff β A  γ = β  α)"
  assume "wff γ [λx:α. A]"
  then show "β. wff β A  γ = β  α" 
    using wff.cases by blast
  assume "β. wff β A  γ = β  α"
  then show "wff γ [λx:α. A]" 
    using wff_Abs by auto     

lemma wff_Abs_type_of[code]:
  "wff γ [λx:α. A]  (wff (type_of A) A  γ = (type_of A)  α)"
  assume "wff γ [λx:α. A]"
  then show "wff (type_of A) A  γ = (type_of A)  α" 
    using wff.cases by auto
  assume "wff (type_of A) A  γ = (type_of A)  α"
  then show "wff γ [λx:α. A]" 
    using wff_Abs by auto

lemma wff_App_type_of[code]:
  "wff γ ((A  B))  (wff (type_of A) A  wff (type_of B) B  type_of A = γ  (type_of B))"
  assume "wff γ (A  B)"
  then show "wff (type_of A) A  wff (type_of B) B  type_of A = γ  (type_of B)" 
    by auto
  assume "wff (type_of A) A  wff (type_of B) B  type_of A = γ  (type_of B)"
  then show "wff γ (A  B)"
    by (metis wff_App')

lemma unique_type:
  "wff β A  wff α A  α = β"
proof (induction arbitrary: α rule: wff.induct)
  case (wff_Var α' y)
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (wff_Cst α' c)
  then show ?case
    by simp 
  case (wff_App α' β A B)
  then show ?case
    using wff_App' by blast
  case (wff_Abs β A α x)
  then show ?case
    using wff_Abs_type_of by blast

section ‹Replacement›

inductive replacement :: "trm  trm  trm  trm  bool" where
  replace: "replacement A B A B"
| replace_App_left: "replacement A B C E  replacement A B (C  D) (E  D)"
| replace_App_right: "replacement A B D E  replacement A B (C  D) (C  E)"
| replace_Abs: "replacement A B C D  replacement A B [λx:α. C] [λx:α. D]"

lemma replacement_preserves_type:
  assumes "replacement A B C D"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff α B"
  assumes "wff β C"
  shows "wff β D"
  using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: α β rule: replacement.induct)
  case (replace A B)
  then show ?case
    using unique_type by auto
  case (replace_App_left A B C E D)
  then have "β'. wff (β  β') C"
    by auto
  then obtain β' where wff_C: "wff (β  β') C"
    by auto
  then have e: "wff (β  β') E"
    using replace_App_left by auto
  define α' where "α' = β  β'"
  have "wff β' D"
    using wff_C unique_type replace_App_left.prems(3) by auto
  then have "wff β (E  D)"
    using e by auto
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (replace_App_right A B D E C)
  have "β'. wff (β  β') C"
    using replace_App_right.prems(3) by auto
  then obtain β' where wff_C: "wff (β  β') C"
    by auto
  have wff_E: "wff β' E"
    using wff_C unique_type replace_App_right by fastforce
  define α' where α': "α' = β  β'"
  have "wff β (C  E)"
    using wff_C wff_E by auto
  then show ?case
    using α' by auto
  case (replace_Abs A B C D x α')
  then have "β'. wff β' D"
    by auto
  then obtain β' where wff_D: "wff β' D"
    by auto
  have β: "β = β'  α'"
    using wff_D unique_type replace_Abs by auto
  have "wff (β'  α') ([λx:α'. D])"
    using wff_D by auto
  then show ?case
    using β by auto

lemma replacement_preserved_type:
  assumes "replacement A B C D"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff α B"
  assumes "wff β D"
  shows "wff β C"
  using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: α β rule: replacement.induct)
  case (replace A B)
  then show ?case 
    using unique_type by auto
  case (replace_App_left A B C E D)
  then obtain γ where γ: "wff (β  γ) E  wff γ D"
    by auto
  then have "wff (β  γ) C"
    using replace_App_left by auto
  then show ?case
    using γ by auto 
  case (replace_App_right A B D E C)
  then obtain γ where γ: "wff (β  γ) C  wff γ E"
    by auto
  then have "wff γ D"
    using replace_App_right by auto
  then show ?case
    using γ by auto 
  case (replace_Abs A B C D x α')
  then obtain γ where "wff γ D"
    by auto
  then show ?case
    using unique_type replace_Abs by auto

section ‹Defined wffs›
  ― ‹This section formalizes most of the definitions and abbreviations from page 212.
    We formalize enough to define the Q0 proof system.›

subsection ‹Common expressions›

abbreviation (input) Var_yi (yi) where
  "yi == Cst ''y'' Ind"

abbreviation (input) Var_xo (xo) where
  "xo == Var ''x'' Tv"

abbreviation (input) Var_yo (yo) where
  "yo == Var ''y'' Tv"

abbreviation (input) Fun_oo (oo) where
  "oo == Tv  Tv"

abbreviation (input) Fun_ooo (ooo) where
  "ooo == oo  Tv"

abbreviation (input) Var_goo (goo) where
  "goo == Var ''g'' oo"

abbreviation (input) Var_gooo (gooo) where
  "gooo == Var ''g'' ooo"

subsection ‹Equality symbol›

abbreviation QQ :: "type_sym  trm" (Q) where
  "Q α  Cst ''Q'' α"

subsection ‹Description or selection operator›

abbreviation ιι :: "trm" (ι) where
  "ι  Cst ''i'' (Ind  (Tv  Ind))"

subsection ‹Equality›

definition Eql :: "trm  trm  type_sym  trm" where
  "Eql A B α  (Q (Tv  α  α))  A  B"

abbreviation Eql' :: "trm  type_sym  trm  trm" ([_ =_= _] [89]) where
  "[A =α= B]  Eql A B α"

definition LHS where
  "LHS EqlAB = (case EqlAB of (_  A  _)  A)"

lemma LHS_def2[simp]: "LHS [A =α= B] = A"
  unfolding LHS_def Eql_def by auto

definition RHS where
  "RHS EqlAB = (case EqlAB of (_  B )  B)"

lemma RHS_def2[simp]: "RHS ([A =α= B]) = B"
  unfolding RHS_def Eql_def by auto

lemma wff_Eql[simp]:
  "wff α A  wff α B  wff Tv [A =α= B]"
  unfolding Eql_def by force

lemma wff_Eql_iff[simp]:
  "wff β [A =α= B]  wff α A  wff α B  β = Tv"
  using Eql_def by auto

subsection ‹Truth›

definition T :: trm where
  "T  [(Q ooo) =ooo= (Q ooo)]"

lemma wff_T[simp]: "wff Tv T"
  unfolding T_def by auto

lemma wff_T_iff[simp]: "wff α T  α = Tv"
  using unique_type wff_T by blast

subsection ‹Falsity›

abbreviation F :: trm where
  "F  [[λ''x'':Tv. T] = oo= [λ''x'':Tv. xo]]"

lemma wff_F[simp]: "wff Tv F"
  by auto

lemma wff_F_iff[simp]: "wff α F  α = Tv"
  using unique_type wff_F by blast

subsection ‹Pi›

definition PI :: "type_sym  trm" where
  "PI α  (Q (Tv  (Tv  α)  (Tv  α)))  [λ ''x'':α. T]"

lemma wff_PI[simp]: "wff (Tv  (Tv  α)) (PI α)"
  unfolding PI_def by auto

lemma wff_PI_subterm[simp]: "wff (Tv  α) [λ ''x'':α. T]"
  by auto

lemma wff_PI_subterm_iff[simp]:
  "wff β [λ ''x'':α. T]  β = (Tv  α)"
  by auto

subsection ‹Forall›

definition Forall :: "string  type_sym  trm  trm" ([_:_. _] [80,80,80]) where 
  "[x:α. A] = (PI α)  [λx:α. A]"

lemma wff_Forall[simp]: "wff Tv A  wff Tv [x:α. A]"
  unfolding Forall_def by force

lemma wff_Forall_iff[simp]: "wff β [x:α. A]  wff Tv A  β = Tv"
  assume "wff β [x:α. A]"
  then show "wff Tv A  β = Tv"
    by (smt Forall_def unique_type type_sym.inject wff_Abs' wff_App' wff_PI)
  assume "wff Tv A  β = Tv"
  then show "wff β [x:α. A]" 
    unfolding Forall_def by force

subsection ‹Conjunction symbol›

definition Con_sym :: trm where
    [λ''x'':Tv. [λ''y'':Tv.
      [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T]  =Tv  ooo=  [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]

lemma wff_Con_sym[simp]: "wff ooo Con_sym"
  unfolding Con_sym_def by auto

lemma wff_Con_sym'[simp]: "wff α Con_sym  α = ooo"
  unfolding Con_sym_def by auto

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm0[simp]:
  "wff Tv A  wff Tv B  wff (Tv  ooo) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  A  B]"
  by force

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm0_iff[simp]:
  "wff β [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  A  B]  wff Tv A  wff Tv B  β = (Tv  ooo)"
  assume wff: "wff β [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  A  B]"
  then have "wff Tv A"
    by auto
  from wff have "wff Tv B"
    by auto
  from wff have "β = Tv  ooo"
    by auto
  ultimately show "wff Tv A  wff Tv B  β = Tv  ooo"
    by auto
  assume "wff Tv A  wff Tv B  β = Tv  ooo"
  then show "wff β [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  A  B]"
    by force

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm1[simp]:
  "wff Tv [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]"
  by auto

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm1_iff[simp]:
  "wff α [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]  α = Tv"
  using unique_type wff_Con_sym_subterm1 by blast

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm2[simp]:
  "wff oo [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]"
  by auto

lemma wff_Con_sym_subterm2_iff[simp]:
  "wff α [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo   xo  yo]]]  α = oo"
  by auto

subsection ‹Conjunction›

definition Con :: "trm  trm  trm" (infix  80) where
  "A  B = Con_sym  A  B"

lemma wff_Con[simp]: "wff Tv A  wff Tv B  wff Tv (A  B)"
  unfolding Con_def by auto

lemma wff_Con_iff[simp]: "wff α (A  B)  wff Tv A  wff Tv B  α = Tv"
  unfolding Con_def by auto

subsection ‹Implication symbol›

definition Imp_sym :: trm where
  "Imp_sym  [λ''x'':Tv. [λ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]]"

lemma wff_Imp_sym[simp]:
  "wff ooo Imp_sym"
  unfolding Imp_sym_def by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_iff[simp]:
  "wff α Imp_sym  α = ooo"
  unfolding Imp_sym_def by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm0[simp]:
  "wff Tv (xo  yo)"
  by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm0_iff[simp]:
  "wff α (xo  yo)  α = Tv"
   by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm1[simp]:
  "wff Tv [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]"
  by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm1_iff[simp]:
  "wff α [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]  α = Tv"
  using unique_type wff_Imp_sym_subterm1 by blast

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm2[simp]:
  "wff oo [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]"
  by auto

lemma wff_Imp_sym_subterm2_iff[simp]:
  "wff α [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]  α = oo"
  by auto

subsection ‹Implication›

definition Imp :: "trm  trm  trm" (infix  80) where
  "A  B = Imp_sym  A  B"

lemma wff_Imp[simp]: "wff Tv A  wff Tv B  wff Tv (A  B)"
  unfolding Imp_def by auto

lemma wff_Imp_iff[simp]: "wff α (A  B)  wff Tv A  wff Tv B  α = Tv"
  using Imp_def by auto

section ‹The Q0 proof system›

definition axiom_1 :: trm where
  "axiom_1  [((goo  T)  (goo  F)) =Tv= [''x'':Tv. goo  xo]]"

lemma wff_axiom_1[simp]: "wff Tv axiom_1"
  unfolding axiom_1_def by auto

definition axiom_2 :: "type_sym  trm" where
  "axiom_2 α 
       [(Var ''x'' α) =α= (Var ''y'' α)] 
       [((Var ''h'' (Tv  α))  (Var ''x'' α)) =Tv= ((Var ''h'' (Tv  α))  (Var ''y'' α))]"

definition axiom_3 :: "type_sym  type_sym  trm" where
  "axiom_3 α β 
       [[(Var ''f'' (α  β)) =α  β= (Var ''g'' (α  β))] =Tv=
       [''x'':β. [((Var ''f'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β)) =α= ((Var ''g'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β))]]]"

definition axiom_4_1 :: "var_sym  type_sym  trm  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_1 x α B β A  [([λx:α. B]  A) =β= B]"

definition axiom_4_1_side_condition :: "var_sym  type_sym  trm  type_sym  trm  bool" where
  "axiom_4_1_side_condition x α B β A  (c. B = Cst c β)  (y. B = Var y β  (x  y  α  β))"

definition axiom_4_2 :: "var_sym  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_2 x α A = [([λx:α. Var x α]  A) =α= A]"

definition axiom_4_3 :: "var_sym  type_sym  trm 
                          type_sym  type_sym  trm  trm   trm" where
  "axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A = [([λx:α. B  C]  A) =β= (([λx:α. B]  A)  ([λx:α. C]  A))]"

definition axiom_4_4 :: "var_sym  type_sym  var_sym  type_sym  trm  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_4 x α y γ B δ A = [([λx:α. [λy:γ. B]]  A) =δ  γ= [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]]"

definition axiom_4_4_side_condition :: "var_sym  type_sym  var_sym  type_sym  trm  type_sym  trm  bool" where
  "axiom_4_4_side_condition x α y γ B δ A  (x  y  α  γ)  (y, γ)  vars A"

definition axiom_4_5 :: "var_sym  type_sym  trm  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_5 x α B δ A = [([λx:α. [λx:α. B]]  A) =δ  α = [λx:α. B]]"

definition axiom_5 where
  "axiom_5 = [(ι  ((Q (Tv  Ind  Ind))  yi)) =Ind= yi]"

inductive axiom :: "trm  bool" where
  "axiom axiom_1"
| by_axiom_2: 
  "axiom (axiom_2 α)"
| by_axiom_3: 
  "axiom (axiom_3 α β)"
| by_axiom_4_1: 
  "wff α A 
   wff β B 
   axiom_4_1_side_condition x α B β A 
   axiom (axiom_4_1 x α B β A)"
| by_axiom_4_2: 
  "wff α A 
   axiom (axiom_4_2 x α A)"
| by_axiom_4_3: 
  "wff α A 
   wff (β  γ) B 
   wff γ C 
   axiom (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A)"
| by_axiom_4_4: 
  "wff α A 
   wff δ B 
   axiom_4_4_side_condition x α y γ B δ A 
   axiom (axiom_4_4 x α y γ B δ A)"
| by_axiom_4_5: 
  "wff α A 
   wff δ B 
   axiom (axiom_4_5 x α B δ A)"
| by_axiom_5: 
  "axiom (axiom_5)"

inductive rule_R :: "trm  trm  trm  bool" where
  "replacement A B C D  rule_R C ([A =α= B]) D"

definition "proof" :: "trm  trm list  bool" where
  "proof A p  (p  []  last p = A 
                    (i<length p. axiom (p ! i) 
                   (j<i. k<i. rule_R (p ! j) (p ! k) (p ! i))))"

(* Peter Andrews defines theorems directly from "proof", here I instead define it as an inductive predicate based on rule_R *)
inductive "theorem" :: "trm  bool" where
  by_axiom: "axiom A  theorem A"
| by_rule_R: "theorem A  theorem B  rule_R A B C  theorem C"

(* Two variant formulations of axiom 4_1: *)
definition axiom_4_1_variant_cst :: "var_sym  type_sym  var_sym  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_1_variant_cst x α c β A  [([λx:α. Cst c β]  A) =β= (Cst c β)]"

definition axiom_4_1_variant_var :: "var_sym  type_sym  var_sym  type_sym  trm  trm" where
  "axiom_4_1_variant_var x α y β A   [([λx:α. Var y β]  A) =β= Var y β]"

definition axiom_4_1_variant_var_side_condition :: "var_sym  type_sym  var_sym  type_sym  trm  bool" where
  "axiom_4_1_variant_var_side_condition x α y β A  x  y  α  β"

section ‹Semantics›

type_synonym 's frame = "type_sym  's"

type_synonym 's denotation = "cst_sym  type_sym  's"

type_synonym 's asg = "var_sym * type_sym  's"

definition agree_off_asg :: "'s asg  's asg  var_sym  type_sym  bool" where
  "agree_off_asg φ ψ x α  (y β. (yx  β  α)  φ (y,β) = ψ (y,β))"

lemma agree_off_asg_def2:
  "agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  (xa. φ((x, α) := xa) = ψ)"
  unfolding agree_off_asg_def by force

lemma agree_off_asg_disagree_var_sym[simp]:
  "agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  x  y  ψ(y,β) = φ(y,β)"
  unfolding agree_off_asg_def by auto

lemma agree_off_asg_disagree_type_sym[simp]:
  "agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  α  β  ψ(y,β) = φ(y,β)"
  unfolding agree_off_asg_def by auto

context set_theory

definition wf_frame :: "'s frame  bool" where
  "wf_frame D  D Tv = boolset  (α β. D (α  β) ⊆: funspace (D β) (D α))  (α. D α  Ø)"

definition inds :: "'s frame  's" where
  "inds Fr = Fr Ind"

inductive wf_interp :: "'s frame  's denotation  bool" where
  "wf_frame D 
   c α. I c α ∈: D α 
   α. I ''Q'' (Tv  α  α) = iden (D α) 
   (I ''i'' (Ind  (Tv  Ind))) ∈: funspace (D (Tv  Ind)) (D Ind) 
   x. x ∈: D Ind  (I ''i'' (Ind  (Tv  Ind)))  one_elem_fun x (D Ind) = x 
   wf_interp D I"

definition asg_into_frame :: "'s asg  's frame  bool" where
  "asg_into_frame φ D  (x α. φ (x, α) ∈: D α)"

abbreviation(input) asg_into_interp :: "'s asg  's frame  's denotation  bool" where
  "asg_into_interp φ D I  asg_into_frame φ D"

(* Note that because Isabelle's HOL is total, val will also give values to trms that are not wffs *)
fun val :: "'s frame  's denotation  's asg  trm  's" where
  "val D I φ (Var x α) = φ (x,α)"
| "val D I φ (Cst c α) = I c α"
| "val D I φ (A  B) = val D I φ A  val D I φ B"
| "val D I φ [λx:α. B] = abstract (D α) (D (type_of B)) (λz. val D I (φ((x,α):=z)) B)"

fun general_model :: "'s frame  's denotation  bool" where
  "general_model D I  wf_interp D I  (φ A α. asg_into_interp φ D I  wff α A  val D I φ A ∈: D α)"

fun standard_model :: "'s frame  's denotation  bool" where
  "standard_model D I  wf_interp D I  (α β. D (α  β) = funspace (D β) (D α))"

lemma asg_into_frame_fun_upd:
  assumes "asg_into_frame φ D"
  assumes "xa ∈: D α"
  shows "asg_into_frame (φ((x, α) := xa)) D"
  using assms unfolding asg_into_frame_def by auto

lemma asg_into_interp_fun_upd:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  shows "asg_into_interp (φ((x, α) := val D I φ A)) D I"
  using assms asg_into_frame_fun_upd by auto

lemma standard_model_is_general_model: (* property mentioned on page 239 *)
  assumes "standard_model D I"
  shows "general_model D I" 
proof -
  have "wf_interp D I"
    using assms by auto
  have "wff α A  asg_into_interp φ D I  val D I φ A ∈: D α" for φ α A
  proof (induction arbitrary: φ rule: wff.induct)
    case (wff_Var α uu)
    then show ?case
      unfolding asg_into_frame_def using assms by auto
    case (wff_Cst α uv)
    then show ?case 
      using assms using wf_interp.simps by auto
    case (wff_App α β A B)
    then show ?case
      using apply_in_rng assms by fastforce
    case (wff_Abs β A α x)
    then show ?case 
      using assms abstract_in_funspace asg_into_frame_fun_upd by force
  have "general_model D I"
    unfolding general_model.simps by auto
  then show "general_model D I"
    by auto

abbreviation agree_on_asg :: "'s asg  's asg  var_sym  type_sym  bool" where
  "agree_on_asg φ ψ x α == (φ (x, α) = ψ (x, α))"

(* Corresponds to Andrews' proposition 5400 *)
proposition prop_5400:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp ψ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "(x,α)  frees A. agree_on_asg φ ψ x α"
  shows "val D I φ A = val D I ψ A"
  using assms(4) assms(1-3,5)
proof (induction arbitrary: φ ψ rule: wff.induct)
  case (wff_Var α x)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wff_Cst α c)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wff_App α β A B)
  show ?case
    using wff_App(1,2,5,6,7,8) wff_App(3,4)[of φ ψ] by auto
  case (wff_Abs β A α x)
  have "abstract (D α) (D β) (λz. val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A) = 
        abstract (D α) (D β) (λz. val D I (ψ((x, α) := z)) A)"
  proof (rule abstract_extensional, rule, rule)
    fix xa
    assume "xa ∈: D α"
    then have "val D I (φ((x, α) := xa)) A ∈: D β"
      using wff_Abs asg_into_frame_fun_upd by auto
      have "asg_into_frame (ψ((x, α) := xa)) D"
        using xa ∈: D α asg_into_frame_fun_upd wff_Abs by auto
      have "asg_into_frame (φ((x, α) := xa)) D"
        using xa ∈: D α asg_into_frame_fun_upd wff_Abs by auto
      have "(yfrees A. (φ((x, α) := xa)) y = (ψ((x, α) := xa)) y)"
        using wff_Abs by auto
      have "val D I (φ((x, α) := xa)) A = val D I (ψ((x, α) := xa)) A"
        using assms wff_Abs by (smt case_prodI2) 
    show "val D I (φ((x, α) := xa)) A ∈: D β  val D I (φ((x, α) := xa)) A = val D I (ψ((x, α) := xa)) A"
      by auto
  then show ?case
    using wff_Abs by auto 

(* definitions on page 239 *)
abbreviation satisfies :: "'s frame  's denotation  's asg  trm  bool" where
  "satisfies D I φ A  (val D I φ A = true)"

definition valid_in_model :: "'s frame  's denotation  trm  bool" where
  "valid_in_model D I A  (φ. asg_into_interp φ D I  val D I φ A = true)"

definition valid_general :: "trm  bool" where
  "valid_general A  D I. general_model D I  valid_in_model D I A"

definition valid_standard :: "trm  bool" where
  "valid_standard A  D I. standard_model D I  valid_in_model D I A"

section ‹Semantics of defined wffs›

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 a *)
lemma lemma_5401_a:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A" "wff β B"
  shows "val D I φ ([λx:α. B]  A) = val D I (φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)) B"
proof -
  have val_A: "val D I φ A ∈: D α"
    using assms  by simp
  have "asg_into_interp (φ((x, α) := val D I φ A)) D I"
    using assms asg_into_frame_fun_upd  by force
  then have val_B: "val D I (φ((x, α) := val D I φ A)) B ∈: D β"
    using assms by simp

  have "val D I φ ([λx:α. B]  A) =
          (abstract (D α) (D β) (λz. val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) B))  val D I φ A"
    using assms by auto
  have "... = val D I (φ((x, α) := val D I φ A)) B"
    using apply_abstract val_A val_B by auto
  show ?thesis 
    by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 b *)
lemma lemma_5401_b_variant_1:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A" "wff α B"
  shows "val D I φ ([A =α= B]) = (boolean (val D I φ A = val D I φ B))"
proof -
  have "val D I φ ([A =α= B]) = (I ''Q'' (Tv  α  α))  val D I φ A  val D I φ B"
    unfolding Eql_def by auto
  have "... = (iden (D α))  val D I φ A  val D I φ B"
    using assms general_model.simps wf_interp.simps by auto 
  have "... = boolean (val D I φ A = val D I φ B)"
    using apply_id using assms general_model.simps by blast
  finally show ?thesis 
    unfolding Eql_def by simp

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 b *)
lemma lemma_5401_b:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A" "wff α B"
  shows "val D I φ ([A =α= B]) = true  val D I φ A = val D I φ B"
  using lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms] boolean_eq_true by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 b *)
lemma lemma_5401_b_variant_2: ― ‹Just a reformulation of @{thm [source] lemma_5401_b}'s directions› 
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A" "wff α B"
  assumes "val D I φ A = val D I φ B"
  shows "val D I φ ([A =α= B]) = true"
  using assms(5) lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2,3,4)] by auto 

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 b *)
lemma lemma_5401_b_variant_3: ― ‹Just a reformulation of @{thm [source] lemma_5401_b}'s directions› 
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A" "wff α B"
  assumes "val D I φ A  val D I φ B"
  shows "val D I φ ([A =α= B]) = false"
  using assms(5) lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1,2,3,4)] by (simp add: boolean_def) 

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 c *)
lemma lemma_5401_c:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "val D I φ T = true"
  using assms lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2)] unfolding T_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 d *)
lemma lemma_5401_d:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "val D I φ F = false"
proof -
  have "iden boolset ∈: D ooo"
    using assms general_model.simps wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def by metis
  then have "(val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. T])  false  (val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. xo])  false" 
    using assms wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def true_neq_false 
      apply_id[of "iden boolset" "(D ooo)" "iden boolset"]
    unfolding boolean_def Eql_def T_def by auto
  then have neqLR: "val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. T]  val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. xo]"
    by metis
  have "val D I φ F = boolean (val D I φ ([λ''x'':Tv. T]) = val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. xo])"
    using lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1,2), 
        of "oo" "([λ''x'':Tv. T])" "[λ''x'':Tv. xo]"] assms
    by auto
  have "... = boolean False"
    using neqLR by auto
  have "... = false"
    unfolding boolean_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "asg_into_interp (φ((x, Tv) := true)) D I"
  using asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms wff_T, of x] lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] by auto

lemma asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "asg_into_interp (φ((x, Tv) := false)) D I"
  using asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms wff_F, of x] lemma_5401_d[OF assms] by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 e_1 *)
lemma lemma_5401_e_1:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "(val D I φ Con_sym)  true  true = true"
proof -
  define φ' where "φ'  φ((''x'',Tv) := val D I φ T)"
  define φ'' where "φ''  φ'((''y'',Tv) :=  val D I φ' T)"
  define φ''' where "φ'''  λz. φ''((''g'', ooo) := z)"
  have φ'_asg_into: "asg_into_interp φ' D I"
    unfolding φ'_def using asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms wff_T] by blast
  have φ''_asg_into: "asg_into_interp φ'' D I"
    unfolding φ''_def using asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1) φ'_asg_into wff_T] by blast

  have "(val D I φ Con_sym)  true  true = val D I φ (Con_sym  T  T)"
    using lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] by auto
  have "... = val D I φ ([λ''x'':Tv. [λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]]  T  T)"
    unfolding Con_sym_def by auto 
  have "... = (val D I φ (([λ''x'':Tv. [λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]]  T)))  val D I φ T"
    by simp
  have "... = (val D I (φ((''x'',Tv) := val D I φ T)) (([λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]])))  val D I φ T"
    by (metis lemma_5401_a[OF assms(1,2)] wff_Con_sym_subterm2 wff_T)
  have "... = (val D I φ' (([λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]])))  val D I φ T"
    unfolding φ'_def ..
  have "... = (val D I φ' (([λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]])))  val D I φ' T"
    using φ'_asg_into assms(2) lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] by auto
  have "... = (val D I φ' ([λ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]  T))"
    by simp
  have "... = (val D I (φ'((''y'',Tv) :=  val D I φ' T)) ([[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]))"
    by (meson φ'_asg_into assms(1) lemma_5401_a[OF assms(1)] wff_Con_sym_subterm1 wff_T)
  have "... = (val D I φ'' ([[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]))"
    unfolding φ''_def ..
  have "... = true"
  proof (rule lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1)])
    show "wff (Tv  ooo) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T]"
      by auto
    show "wff (Tv  ooo) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]"
      by auto
    show "asg_into_frame φ'' D"
      using φ''_asg_into by blast
    have "val D I φ'' [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv)
                  (λz. val D I (φ''((''g'', ooo) := z)) 
                     (gooo  T  T))"
      by (simp only: val.simps(4) type_of.simps
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv) 
                  (λz. val D I (φ''' z) (gooo  T  T))"
      unfolding φ'''_def ..
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv) 
                  (λz. val D I (φ''' z) gooo  val D I (φ''' z) T
                      val D I (φ''' z) T)"
      unfolding val.simps(3) ..
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv) 
                  (λz. val D I (φ''' z) gooo  true  true)"
    proof (rule abstract_extensional')
      fix x
      assume "x ∈: D ooo"
      then have "val D I (φ''' x) (gooo  T  T) ∈: D Tv"
        using φ'''_def φ''_asg_into asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(1) 
          general_model.elims(2) type_sym.inject wff_Abs_type_of wff_Con_sym_subterm0 wff_T 
        by (metis wff_App wff_Var)
      then show "val D I (φ''' x) gooo  val D I (φ''' x) T 
                   val D I (φ''' x) T
                 ∈: D Tv"
        by simp
      fix x
      assume "x ∈: D ooo"
      then have "val D I (φ''' x) T = true"
        unfolding φ'''_def using  φ''_asg_into asg_into_frame_fun_upd 
          lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] by blast
      then show "val D I (φ''' x) gooo  val D I (φ''' x) T 
                   val D I (φ''' x) T =
                 val D I (φ''' x) gooo  true  true" by auto
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv) 
                  (λz. val D I (φ''' z) gooo 
                         val D I (φ''' z) xo  val D I (φ''' z) yo)"
    proof (rule abstract_extensional')
      fix x
      assume x_in_D: "x ∈: D ooo"
      then have "val D I (φ''' x) (gooo  T  T) ∈: D Tv"
        using φ'''_def φ''_asg_into asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(1) 
          general_model.elims(2) type_sym.inject wff_Abs_type_of wff_Con_sym_subterm0 wff_T 
        by (metis wff_App wff_Var)
      then have "val D I (φ''' x) gooo  val D I (φ''' x) T 
                   val D I (φ''' x) T ∈: D Tv"
        by simp
      then show "val D I (φ''' x) gooo  true  true ∈: D Tv"
        by (metis φ'''_def φ''_asg_into lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] asg_into_frame_fun_upd x_in_D)
      fix x
      assume x_in_D: "x ∈: D ooo"
      then have "val D I (φ''' x) xo = true"
        unfolding φ'''_def φ''_def φ'_def using lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] by auto
      from x_in_D have "val D I (φ''' x) yo = true"
        unfolding φ'''_def φ''_def using φ'_asg_into lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] by auto
      show "val D I (φ''' x) gooo  true  true =
        val D I (φ''' x)
            val D I (φ''' x) xo  val D I (φ''' x) yo" 
        by auto
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv) (λz. val D I (φ''' z)
                  (gooo  xo  yo))"
      unfolding val.simps(3) ..
    have "... = abstract (D ooo) (D Tv)
                  (λz. val D I (φ''((''g'', ooo) := z)) 
                         (gooo  xo  yo))"
      unfolding φ'''_def ..
    have "... = val D I φ'' [λ''g'':ooo.
                                gooo  xo  yo]"
      by (simp only: val.simps(4) type_of.simps
    show "val D I φ'' [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] = val D I φ'' [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]" 
  finally show ?thesis .

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 e_2 *)
lemma lemma_5401_e_2:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "y = true  y = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Con_sym)  false  y = false"
proof -
  define give_x :: trm where "give_x = [λ''y'':Tv. xo]"
  define give_fst :: trm where "give_fst = [λ ''x'':Tv. give_x]"
  define val_give_fst :: 's where "val_give_fst = val D I φ give_fst"
  have wff_give_x: "wff oo give_x"
    unfolding give_x_def by auto

  have "a b. a ∈: D Tv  
               b ∈: D Tv  
               val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := a)) give_x ∈: D (type_of give_x)"
    using wff_give_x asg_into_frame_def assms(1,2) by auto
  have "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := a)) give_x  b = a"
    unfolding give_x_def by auto
  have "a b. a ∈: D Tv 
               b ∈: D Tv  
               abstract (D Tv) (D (type_of give_x)) (λz. val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := z)) give_x)  a  b
               = a"
    by auto
  then have val_give_fst_simp: "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  val_give_fst  a  b = a"
    unfolding val_give_fst_def give_fst_def by auto

  have wff_give_fst: "wff ooo give_fst"
    unfolding give_fst_def give_x_def by auto
  then have val_give_fst_fun: "val_give_fst ∈: D ooo"
    unfolding val_give_fst_def using assms by auto

  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                   (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                   (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T ∈: D Tv"
    by (smt Pair_inject wff_give_fst assms(1,2,3) fun_upd_twist general_model.simps
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1,2)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] 
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1)] type_sym.distinct(5) val_give_fst_def wff_T)
  then have val_give_fst_D:
    "val_give_fst  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                               (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                               (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T 
                      val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                               (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                               (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T
       ∈: D Tv"
    using val_give_fst_simp[of
        "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                    (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                    (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T" 
        "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                     (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                     (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T" ]
    by auto

  have false_y_TV: "false ∈: D Tv  y ∈: D Tv"
    using assms(1) assms(3) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto
  then have val_give_fst_in_D: "val_give_fst  false  y ∈: D Tv"
    using val_give_fst_simp by auto

  have "true ∈: D Tv"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] wff_T)
  from this val_give_fst_in_D false_y_TV have "val_give_fst  true  true  val_give_fst  false  y"
    using val_give_fst_simp true_neq_false by auto
  then have val_give_fst_not_false: 
    "val_give_fst  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T
                   val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_fst)) T 
      val_give_fst  false  y"
    using asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(1) assms(2) lemma_5401_c false_y_TV val_give_fst_fun by auto
  have Con_sym_subterm0TT_neq_Con_sym_subterm0xy: 
    "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T]  
     val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]"
    using abstract_cong_specific[of
        "(D ooo)" 
        "(λz. z  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                           (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                           (''g'', ooo) := z)) T
                  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, 
                            (''y'', Tv) := y, 
                            (''g'', ooo) := z)) T)" 
        "(D Tv)"
        "(λz. z  false  y)"]
    using val_give_fst_fun val_give_fst_D val_give_fst_in_D val_give_fst_not_false by auto

  have "asg_into_frame (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) D"
    using asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1)] general_model.simps[of D I] assms wff_Con_sym_subterm1
      asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] by auto
  then have val_Con_sym_subterm1: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]] = false"
    using Con_sym_subterm0TT_neq_Con_sym_subterm0xy lemma_5401_b_variant_3[OF assms(1)] 
    by auto

  have "y ∈: D Tv"
    using general_model.simps lemma_5401_d[OF assms(1,2)] wff_F assms
    by (metis lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] wff_T) 
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]] ∈: D Tv"
    using asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1)] general_model.simps[of D I] assms wff_Con_sym_subterm1 
      asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] by auto
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]] = false"
    using val_Con_sym_subterm1 by auto
  have val_y: "(val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]])  y = false"
    by simp

  have 11: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]] ∈: D oo"
    using asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1,2)] general_model.simps[of D I] assms
      wff_Con_sym_subterm2 by blast 
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]  y = false"
    using val_y by auto
  have "(val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]])  false  y = false"
    using false_y_TV by simp
  then show "(val D I φ Con_sym)  false  y = false"
    unfolding Con_sym_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 e_3 *)
lemma lemma_5401_e_3:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "x = true  x = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Con_sym)  x  false = false"
proof -
  (* proof adapted from lemma_5401_e_2 *)
  define give_y :: trm where "give_y = ([λ ''y'':Tv. yo])"
  define give_snd :: trm where "give_snd = [λ ''x'':Tv. give_y]"
  define val_give_snd :: 's where "val_give_snd = val D I φ give_snd"
  have wff_give_y: "wff oo give_y"
    unfolding give_y_def by auto

  have  "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  a ∈: D Tv"
    by simp
  have "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := a)) give_y ∈: D (type_of give_y)"
    using wff_give_y asg_into_frame_def assms(1) assms(2) by auto
  have "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := a)) give_y  b = b"
    unfolding give_y_def by auto
  have val_give_snd_simp: "a b. a ∈: D Tv  b ∈: D Tv  val_give_snd  a  b = b"
    unfolding val_give_snd_def give_snd_def by auto

  have wff_give_snd: "wff ooo give_snd"
    unfolding give_snd_def give_y_def by auto
  then have val_give_snd_in_D: "val_give_snd ∈: D ooo"
    unfolding val_give_snd_def using assms
    by auto

  then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                   (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                   (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T ∈: D Tv"
    by (smt Pair_inject wff_give_snd assms(1,2,3) 
        fun_upd_twist general_model.simps asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1,2)] 
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] 
        type_sym.distinct(5) val_give_snd_def wff_T)
  then have val_give_snd_app_in_D: 
    "val_give_snd  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T
                   val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T
     ∈: D Tv"
    using val_give_snd_simp[of
        "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                    (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                    (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T" 
        "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                     (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                     (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T" ]
    by auto

  have false_and_x_in_D: "false ∈: D Tv  x ∈: D Tv"
    using assms(1,3) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto
  then have val_give_snd_app_x_false_in_D: "val_give_snd  x  false ∈: D Tv"
    using val_give_snd_simp by auto

  have "true ∈: D Tv"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] wff_T)
  then have "val_give_snd  true  true  val_give_snd  x  false"
    using val_give_snd_simp true_neq_false val_give_snd_app_in_D false_and_x_in_D by auto
  then have
    "val_give_snd  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T
                   val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, 
                             (''y'', Tv) := false, 
                             (''g'', ooo) := val_give_snd)) T 
     val_give_snd  x  false"
    using asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(1) assms(2) lemma_5401_c false_and_x_in_D val_give_snd_in_D
    by auto
  then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := false)) [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T]  
        val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := false)) 
          [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]"
    using abstract_cong_specific[of 
        "(D ooo)" 
        "(λz. z  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := false, (''g'', ooo) := z))
             T  val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := false, (''g'', ooo) := z)) T)" 
        "(D Tv)"
        "(λz. z  x  false)"
    using val_give_snd_in_D val_give_snd_app_x_false_in_D val_give_snd_app_in_D by auto
  then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := false)) [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]] = false"
    using asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(1,2) lemma_5401_b_variant_3 false_and_x_in_D by auto
  then have val_Con_sym_subterm2_false: "(val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]])  false = false"
    using false_and_x_in_D by simp

  have "x ∈: D Tv"
    by (simp add: false_and_x_in_D)
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]] ∈: D oo"
    by (metis assms(1,3) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] 
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1,2)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1,2)] 
        wff_Con_sym_subterm2 wff_T)
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]  false = false"
    using val_Con_sym_subterm2_false by auto
  have "(val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [[λ''g'':ooo. gooo  T  T] =(Tv  ooo)= [λ''g'':ooo. gooo  xo  yo]]]])  x  false = false"
    by auto
  then show "(val D I φ Con_sym)  x  false = false"
    unfolding Con_sym_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 e *)
lemma lemma_5401_e_variant_1:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "y = true  y = false"
  assumes "x = true  x = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Con_sym)  x  y = boolean (x = true  y = true)"
proof (cases "y = true")
  case True
  note True_outer = this
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x = true")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using True_outer assms lemma_5401_e_1 unfolding boolean_def by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using True_outer assms  lemma_5401_e_2 unfolding boolean_def by auto
  case False
  note False_outer = this
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "x = true")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using False_outer assms lemma_5401_e_3 unfolding boolean_def by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using False_outer assms lemma_5401_e_2 unfolding boolean_def by auto

lemma asg_into_interp_is_true_or_false:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "φ (x, Tv) = true  φ (x, Tv) = false"
proof -
  have "wff Tv (Var x Tv)"
    by auto
  then have "val D I φ (Var x Tv) ∈: D Tv"
    using assms general_model.simps by blast
  then have "val D I φ (Var x Tv) ∈: boolset"
    using assms unfolding general_model.simps wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using mem_boolset by simp 

lemma wff_Tv_is_true_or_false:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "wff Tv A"
  shows "val D I φ A = true  val D I φ A = false"
proof -
  have "val D I φ A ∈: D Tv"
    using assms by auto
  then have "val D I φ A ∈: boolset"
    using assms unfolding general_model.simps wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def by force
  then show ?thesis
    using mem_boolset by blast

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 e *)
lemma lemma_5401_e_variant_2:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "wff Tv A"
  assumes "wff Tv B"
  shows "(val D I φ (A  B)) = boolean (satisfies D I φ A  satisfies D I φ B)"
  using assms wff_Tv_is_true_or_false[of φ D I] lemma_5401_e_variant_1 unfolding Con_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 f_1 *)
lemma lemma_5401_f_1:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "y = true  y = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  false  y = true"
proof -
  define Imp_subterm2 :: trm where
    "Imp_subterm2  [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]"

  have val_Imp_subterm0_false: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) (xo  yo) = false"
    using assms asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false[OF assms(1)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] 
      boolean_def lemma_5401_e_variant_2 by auto

  have "asg_into_frame (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) D"
    using assms(1, 2, 3) lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd wff_T
      asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false by metis
  then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false, (''y'', Tv) := y)) [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)] = true"
    using lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1)] val_Imp_subterm0_false unfolding boolean_def by auto
  then have val_Imp_subterm2_true: "(val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]])  y = true"
    using assms(1,3) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto 

  have "val D I φ [λ ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]]  false  y = true"
  proof -
    have "false ∈: D Tv"
      by (metis asg_into_frame_def asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false assms(1) assms(2) fun_upd_same)
    then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := false)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]] = val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]]  false"
      using asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false assms(1,2) Imp_subterm2_def[symmetric] wff_Imp_sym_subterm2_iff by force
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis val_Imp_subterm2_true)
  then show "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  false  y = true"
    unfolding Imp_sym_def Imp_subterm2_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 f_2 *)
lemma lemma_5401_f_2:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "x = true  x = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  x  true = true"
proof -
  have asg: "asg_into_frame (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := true)) D"
    using assms(1,2,3) asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1)] by blast
  then have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := true)) (xo  yo) = x"
    using lemma_5401_e_variant_2 assms unfolding boolean_def by auto
  then have val_Imp_subterm1_true: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x, (''y'', Tv) := true)) [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)] = true"
    using asg lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1)] boolean_eq_true  by auto 

  have val_Imp_subterm2_true: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]  true = true"
    using val_Imp_subterm1_true assms(1) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto 

  have "x ∈: D Tv"
    by (metis asg_into_frame_def assms(1) assms(3) fun_upd_same asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false 
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1,2)])
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := x)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]] ∈: D oo"
    using wff_Imp_sym_subterm2
    by (metis assms(1,2,3) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)]
        asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1,2)] asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false wff_T)
  have "(val D I φ [λ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]])  x  true = true"
    using val_Imp_subterm2_true by auto
  then show "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  x  true = true"
    unfolding Imp_sym_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 f_3 *)
lemma lemma_5401_f_3:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  true  false = false"
proof -
  have asg: "asg_into_frame (φ((''x'', Tv) := true, (''y'', Tv) := false)) D"
    by (meson assms(1,2) asg_into_interp_fun_upd_false asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true)
  have "false = true  false = false"
    unfolding boolean_def by auto
  have "boolean (true = true  false = true) = false"
    unfolding boolean_def by auto
  have 3: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true, (''y'', Tv) := false)) (xo  yo) = false"
    using lemma_5401_e_variant_2 assms by auto
  then have Imp_subterm1_false: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true, (''y'', Tv) := false)) [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)] = false"
    using subst lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1)] asg boolean_def by auto

  have asdff: "wff Tv [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]"
    by auto

  have false_Tv: "false ∈: D Tv"
    using assms(1) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true, (''y'', Tv) := false)) [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)] ∈: D Tv"
    by (simp add: Imp_subterm1_false false_Tv)
  have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true, (''y'', Tv) := false)) [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)] = false"
    using Imp_subterm1_false by auto
  have Imp_subterm2_app_false: "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]  false = false"
    by auto

  have wff_Imp_sym_subterm2: "wff oo [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]"
    by auto

  have "(val D I φ [λ ''x'':Tv. [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]])  true  false = false"
  proof -
    have "true ∈: D Tv"
      by (metis assms(1) assms(2) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] wff_T)
    have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]] ∈: D oo"
      using wff_Imp_sym_subterm2 
      by (metis assms(1) general_model.simps asg_into_interp_fun_upd_true[OF assms(1,2)])
    have "val D I (φ((''x'', Tv) := true)) [λ ''y'':Tv. [xo =Tv= (xo  yo)]]  false = false"
      using Imp_subterm2_app_false by auto
    show ?thesis
      by auto
  then show "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  true  false = false"
    unfolding Imp_sym_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 f *)
lemma lemma_5401_f_variant_1:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "x = true  x = false"
  assumes "y = true  y = false"
  shows "(val D I φ Imp_sym)  x  y = boolean (x = true  y = true)"
proof (cases "y = true")
  case True
  note True_outer = this
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x = true")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using True_outer assms lemma_5401_f_2 unfolding boolean_def by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using True_outer assms  lemma_5401_f_2 unfolding boolean_def by auto
  case False
  note False_outer = this
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "x = true")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using False_outer assms lemma_5401_f_3 unfolding boolean_def by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using False_outer assms lemma_5401_f_1 unfolding boolean_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 f *)
lemma lemma_5401_f_variant_2:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "wff Tv A"
  assumes "wff Tv B"
  shows "(val D I φ (A  B)) = boolean (satisfies D I φ A  satisfies D I φ B)"
  using assms unfolding Imp_def
  by (simp add: lemma_5401_f_variant_1 wff_Tv_is_true_or_false)

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 g *)
lemma lemma_5401_g:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff Tv A"
  shows "satisfies D I φ [x:α. A]  
        (ψ. asg_into_interp ψ D I  agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  satisfies D I ψ A)"
proof -
  have "wff (Tv  α) [λ ''x'':α. T]"
    by auto
  then have PI_subterm_in_D: "val D I φ [λ ''x'':α. T] ∈: D (Tv  α)"
    using assms(1,2) general_model.simps by blast

  have "wff (Tv  α) ([λx:α. A])"
    using assms by auto
  have "φ. asg_into_frame φ D  (A α. wff α A  val D I φ A ∈: D α)"
    using assms(1) by auto
  then have "t cs. val D I φ [λcs:t. A] ∈: D (Tv  t)"
    using wff_Abs assms(1,2,3) by presburger
  then have "abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λu. val D I (φ((x, α) := u)) A) ∈: D (Tv  α)"
    using assms(3) by simp
  have val_lambda_A: "val D I φ ([λx:α. A]) ∈: D (Tv  α)"
    using assms by auto

  have true_and_A_in_D: "z. z ∈: D α  true ∈: D Tv  val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A ∈: D Tv"
    by (metis assms(1,2,3) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] asg_into_frame_fun_upd wff_T)

  have "satisfies D I φ [ x: α. A]  val D I φ [x: α. A] = true"
    by auto
  moreover have "...  val D I φ (PI α)  val D I φ [λx:α. A] = true"
    unfolding Forall_def by simp
  moreover have "...  I ''Q'' ((Tv  (Tv  α))  (Tv  α))
                             val D I φ [λ ''x'':α. T]  val D I φ [λx:α. A] =
    unfolding PI_def by simp
  moreover have "...  (iden (D (Tv  α)))  val D I φ [λ ''x'':α. T]  val D I φ [λx:α. A] =
    unfolding PI_def using wf_interp.simps assms by simp
  moreover have "...  val D I φ [λ''x'':α. T] = val D I φ [λx:α. A]"
    using PI_subterm_in_D val_lambda_A apply_id_true by auto
  moreover have "...  abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. val D I (φ((''x'', α) := z)) T) = val D I φ [λx:α. A]"
    using assms wff_T by simp
  moreover have "...  abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. true) = val D I φ [λx:α. A]"
  proof -
    have "x. x ∈: D α  val D I (φ((''x'', α) := x)) T ∈: D Tv  true ∈: D Tv"
      using true_and_A_in_D assms(1,2)  asg_into_frame_fun_upd by auto
    have "x. x ∈: D α  val D I (φ((''x'', α) := x)) T ∈: D Tv  satisfies D I (φ((''x'', α) := x)) T"
      using true_and_A_in_D assms(1) assms(2) lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1)] asg_into_frame_fun_upd by auto
    have "abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. val D I (φ((''x'', α) := z)) T) = abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. true)"
      using abstract_extensional by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by auto
  moreover have "...  abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. true) = val D I φ ([λx:α. A])"
    by auto
  moreover have "...  abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. true) = 
                         abstract (D α) (D Tv) (λz. val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
    using assms by simp
  moreover have "...  (z. z ∈: D α  true ∈: D Tv  true = val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
  proof -
    have "z. z ∈: D α  true ∈: D Tv  val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A ∈: D Tv"
      using true_and_A_in_D by auto
    then show ?thesis
      using abstract_iff_extensional by auto
  moreover have "...  (z. z ∈: D α  true = val D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
    by (metis assms(1,2) general_model.simps lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] wff_T)
  moreover have "...  (z. z ∈: D α  satisfies D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
    by auto
  moreover have "...  (ψ. asg_into_interp ψ D I  agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  satisfies D I ψ A)"
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      assume A_sat: "z. z ∈: D α  satisfies D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A"
      show "ψ. asg_into_frame ψ D  agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  satisfies D I ψ A"
      proof (rule; rule; rule)
        fix ψ
        assume a1: "asg_into_frame ψ D"
        assume a2: "agree_off_asg ψ φ x α"
        have "xa. (φ((x, α) := xa)) = ψ"
          using a1 a2 agree_off_asg_def2 by blast
        then show "satisfies D I ψ A"
          using A_sat a1 a2 by (metis asg_into_frame_def fun_upd_same)
      assume "ψ. asg_into_frame ψ D  agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  satisfies D I ψ A"
      then show "z. z ∈: D α  satisfies D I (φ((x, α) := z)) A"
        using asg_into_frame_fun_upd asg_into_interp_fun_upd[OF assms(1,2)] assms(2) fun_upd_other 
        unfolding agree_off_asg_def by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' lemma 5401 g *)
theorem lemma_5401_g_variant_1:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "wff Tv A"
  shows "val D I φ [x:α. A] =
        boolean (ψ. asg_into_interp ψ D I  agree_off_asg ψ φ x α  satisfies D I ψ A)"
proof -
  have "val D I φ [x:α. A] = (if satisfies D I φ [x:α. A] then true else false)"
    using assms wff_Forall wff_Tv_is_true_or_false by metis
  then show ?thesis
    using assms lemma_5401_g[symmetric] unfolding boolean_def by auto

section ‹Soundness›

lemma fun_sym_asg_to_funspace:
  assumes "asg_into_frame φ D"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  shows "φ (f, α  β) ∈: funspace (D β) (D α)"
proof -
  have "wff (α  β) (Var f (α  β))"
    by auto
  then have "val D I φ (Var f (α  β)) ∈: D (α  β)"
    using assms
    using general_model.simps by blast
  then show "φ (f, α  β) ∈: funspace (D β) (D α)"
    using assms unfolding general_model.simps wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def
    by (simp add: subs_def)

lemma fun_sym_interp_to_funspace:
  assumes "asg_into_frame φ D"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  shows "I f (α  β) ∈: funspace (D β) (D α)"
proof -
  have "wff (α  β) (Cst f (α  β))"
    by auto
  then have "val D I φ (Cst f (α  β)) ∈: D (α  β)"
    using assms general_model.simps by blast
  then show "I f (α  β) ∈: funspace (D β) (D α)"
    using assms subs_def unfolding general_model.simps wf_interp.simps wf_frame_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for rule R *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_rule_R:
  assumes A_eql_B: "valid_general ([A =α= B])"
  assumes "valid_general C"
  assumes "rule_R C ([A =α= B]) C'"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff α B"
  assumes "wff β C"
  shows "valid_general C'"
  unfolding valid_general_def 
proof (rule allI, rule allI, rule impI)
  fix D :: "type_sym  's" and I :: "char list  type_sym  's"
  assume DI: "general_model D I"
  then have "valid_in_model D I ([A =α= B])"
    using A_eql_B unfolding valid_general_def by auto
  then have x: "φ. asg_into_frame φ D  (val D I φ A = val D I φ B)"
    unfolding valid_in_model_def using lemma_5401_b[OF DI, of _ α A B ] assms(4,5) by auto
  have r: "replacement A B C C'"
    using assms(3) using Eql_def rule_R.cases by fastforce 
  from r have "φ. asg_into_frame φ D  (val D I φ C = val D I φ C')"
    using x assms(4,5,6) 
  proof (induction arbitrary: β rule: replacement.induct)
    case (replace A B)
    then show ?case by auto
    case (replace_App_left A B C E D')
    define α' where "α' = type_of C"
    define β' where "β' = type_of D'"
    show ?case
    proof (rule, rule)
      fix φ
      assume asg: "asg_into_frame φ D"
      have α': "α' = β  β'"
        using trm.distinct(11) trm.distinct(3,7) trm.inject(3) replace_App_left.prems(4) wff.simps
        by (metis α'_def β'_def wff_App_type_of)
      from asg have "wff α' C"
        using replace_App_left trm.distinct(3,7,11) trm.inject(3) wff.simps
        by (metis α' β'_def type_of wff_App')   
      then have "val D I φ C = val D I φ E"
        using asg replace_App_left by auto
      then show "val D I φ (C  D') = val D I φ (E  D')"
        using α' by auto
    case (replace_App_right A B D' E C)
    define α' where "α' = type_of C"
    define β' where "β' = type_of D'"
    show ?case 
    proof (rule, rule)
      fix φ
      assume asg: "asg_into_frame φ D"
      have α': "α' = β  β'"
        using trm.distinct(11) trm.distinct(3) trm.distinct(7) trm.inject(3) 
          replace_App_right.prems(4) wff.simps by (metis α'_def β'_def type_of wff_App')
      from asg have "wff β' D'"
        using β'_def replace_App_right.prems(4) by fastforce
      then have "val D I φ D' = val D I φ E"
        using asg replace_App_right by auto
      then show "val D I φ (C  D') = val D I φ (C  E)"
        using α' by auto
    case (replace_Abs A B C D' x α')
    define β' where "β' = type_of C"
    show ?case
    proof (rule, rule)
      fix φ
      assume asg: "asg_into_frame φ D"
      then have val_C_eql_val_D':
        "z. z ∈: D α'  val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C = val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D'"
        using asg replace_App_right
        by (metis trm.distinct(11) trm.distinct(5) trm.distinct(9) trm.inject(4) 
            asg_into_frame_fun_upd replace_Abs.IH replace_Abs.prems(1) replace_Abs.prems(2) 
            replace_Abs.prems(3) replace_Abs.prems(4) wff.cases)

      have val_C_eql_val_D'_type: 
        "z. z ∈: D α' 
                val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C ∈: D (type_of C) 
                  val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C = val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D'"
      proof (rule; rule)
        fix z 
        assume a2: "z ∈: D α'"
        have "val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C ∈: D (type_of C)"
          using DI asg a2 asg_into_frame_fun_upd replace_Abs.prems(4) by auto
        have "val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C = val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D'"
          using a2 val_C_eql_val_D' replace_Abs by auto
          "val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C ∈: D (type_of C) 
          val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) C = val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D'"
          by auto
      have "wff (type_of C) D'"
        using replacement_preserves_type replace_Abs.hyps replace_Abs.prems(2) 
          replace_Abs.prems(3) replace_Abs.prems(4) wff_Abs_type_of by blast
      then have same_type: 
        "abstract (D α') (D (type_of C)) (λz. val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D') =
         abstract (D α') (D (type_of D')) (λz. val D I (φ((x, α') := z)) D')"
        using type_of by presburger
      then show "val D I φ [λx:α'. C] = val D I φ ([λx:α'. D'])"
        using val_C_eql_val_D'_type same_type 
          abstract_extensional[of _ _ _ "λxa. val D I (φ((x, α') := xa)) D'"]
        by (simp add: val_C_eql_val_D'_type same_type)
  then show "valid_in_model D I C'"
    using assms(2) DI unfolding valid_in_model_def valid_general_def by auto

theorem Fun_Tv_Tv_frame_subs_funspace:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "D oo ⊆: funspace (boolset) (boolset)"
  by (metis assms(1) general_model.elims(2) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps)

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 1 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_1_variant:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "satisfies D I φ axiom_1"
proof (cases "(φ (''g'',oo))  true = true  (φ (''g'',oo))  false = true")
  case True
  then have val: "val D I φ ((goo  T)  (goo  F)) = true"
    using assms lemma_5401_e_variant_2
    by (auto simp add: boolean_eq_true lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] lemma_5401_d[OF assms(1,2)])
  have "ψ. asg_into_frame ψ D  
            agree_off_asg ψ φ ''x'' Tv  
            satisfies D I ψ (goo  xo)"
  proof (rule; rule; rule)
    fix ψ
    assume ψ: "asg_into_frame ψ D" "agree_off_asg ψ φ ''x'' Tv"
    then have "ψ (''x'', Tv) = true  ψ (''x'', Tv) = false"
      using asg_into_interp_is_true_or_false assms
      by auto
    then show " satisfies D I ψ (goo  xo)"
      using True ψ unfolding agree_off_asg_def by auto
  then have  "val D I φ ([''x'':Tv. (goo  xo)]) = true"
    using lemma_5401_g using assms by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_1_def
    using lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2)] val by auto
  case False
  have "φ (''g'', oo) ∈: D oo"
    using assms
    by (simp add: asg_into_frame_def) 
  then have 0: "φ (''g'', oo) ∈: funspace (D Tv) (D Tv)"
    using assms(1) assms(2) fun_sym_asg_to_funspace by blast

  from False have "(φ (''g'', oo)  true  true  φ (''g'', oo)  false  true)"
    by auto
  then have "z. φ (''g'', oo)  z = false  z ∈: D Tv"
    assume a: "φ (''g'', oo)  true  true"
    have "φ (''g'', oo)  true ∈: boolset"
      by (metis "0" apply_abstract assms(1) boolset_def general_model.elims(2) in_funspace_abstract 
          mem_two true_def wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps)
    from this a have "φ (''g'', oo)  true = false  true ∈: D Tv"
      using assms(1) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto  
    then show "z. φ (''g'', oo)  z = false  z ∈: D Tv"
      by auto
    assume a: "φ (''g'', oo)  false  true"
    have "φ (''g'', oo)  false ∈: boolset"
      by (metis "0" apply_abstract assms(1) boolset_def general_model.elims(2) in_funspace_abstract 
          mem_two false_def wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps)
    from this a have "φ (''g'', oo)  false = false  false ∈: D Tv" 
      using assms(1) wf_frame_def wf_interp.simps by auto
    then show "z. φ (''g'', oo)  z = false  z ∈: D Tv"
      by auto
  then obtain z where z_p: "φ (''g'', oo)  z = false  z ∈: D Tv"
    by auto
  have "boolean (satisfies D I φ (goo  T)
           satisfies D I φ (goo  F)) = false"
    using False
    by (smt boolean_def val.simps(1) val.simps(3) lemma_5401_c[OF assms(1,2)] 
        lemma_5401_d[OF assms(1,2)])
  then have 1: "val D I φ ( 
         (goo  T) 
         (goo  F)) = false"
    using lemma_5401_e_variant_2 assms by auto
  have 3: "asg_into_frame (φ((''x'', Tv) := z)) D 
    agree_off_asg (φ((''x'', Tv) := z)) φ ''x'' Tv 
    φ (''g'', oo)  (φ((''x'', Tv) := z)) (''x'', Tv)  true"
    using z_p Pair_inject agree_off_asg_def2 asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(2) true_neq_false by fastforce
  then have 2: "val D I φ ([''x'':Tv. (goo  xo)]) = false"
    using  lemma_5401_g_variant_1 assms boolean_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_1_def using 1 2 lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1,2)] by auto 

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 1 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_1: "valid_general axiom_1"
  using theorem_5402_a_axiom_1_variant unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 2 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_2_variant:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_2 α)"
proof (cases "φ(''x'',α) = φ(''y'',α)")
  case True
  have "val D I φ ((Var ''h'' (Tv  α))  (Var ''x'' α)) = 
           (φ (''h'', (Tv  α)))  φ (''x'', α)"
    using assms by auto
  have "... = φ (''h'', (Tv  α))  φ (''y'', α)"
    using True by auto
  have "... = val D I φ ((Var ''h'' (Tv  α))  (Var ''y'' α))"
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_2_def 
    using lemma_5401_f_variant_2 assms lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1,2)] boolean_def by auto
  case False
  have "asg_into_frame φ D"
    using assms(2) by blast
  have "general_model D I"
    using assms(1) by blast
    "boolean (satisfies D I φ [Var ''x'' α =α= Var ''y'' α] 
       satisfies D I φ
         [(Var ''h'' (Tv  α)  Var ''x'' α) =Tv= Var ''h'' (Tv  α)  Var ''y'' α]) =
    using boolean_eq_true lemma_5401_b by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms lemma_5401_f_variant_2 unfolding axiom_2_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 2 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_2: "valid_general (axiom_2 α)"
  using theorem_5402_a_axiom_2_variant unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 3 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_3_variant:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_3 α β)"
proof (cases "φ (''f'',α  β) = φ (''g'',α  β)")
  case True
    fix ψ
    assume agree: "agree_off_asg ψ φ ''x'' β"
    assume asg: "asg_into_interp ψ D I"
    have "val D I ψ ((Var ''f'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β)) = ψ (''f'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
      by auto
    have "... = φ (''f'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
      using agree by auto
    have "... = φ (''g'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
      using True by auto
    have "... = ψ (''g'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
      using agree by auto
    have "... = val D I ψ ((Var ''g'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β))"
      by auto
      "val D I ψ
            ([((Var ''f'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β)) =α= ((Var ''g'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β))]) 
       = true"
      using lemma_5401_b_variant_1[OF assms(1)] assms agree asg boolean_eq_true by auto
  then have "satisfies D I φ
        ([''x'':β. [(Var ''f'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β) =α= Var ''g'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β]])"
    using assms lemma_5401_g by force
  have "satisfies D I φ [Var ''f'' (α  β) =α  β= Var ''g'' (α  β)]"
    using True assms using lemma_5401_b_variant_2 wff_Var by auto
  show ?thesis
    using axiom_3_def lemma_5401_b_variant_2 assms by auto
  case False
  then have "z. z ∈: D β  φ (''f'', α  β)  z  φ (''g'', α  β)  z"
    using funspace_difference_witness[of "φ (''f'', α  β)" "D β" "D α" "φ (''g'', α  β)"]
      assms(1,2) fun_sym_asg_to_funspace by blast
  then obtain z where
    : "z ∈: D β" and
    z_neq: "φ (''f'', α  β)  z  φ (''g'', α  β)  z"
    by auto
  define ψ where "ψ = (φ((''x'',β):= z))"
  have agree: "agree_off_asg ψ φ ''x'' β"
    using ψ_def agree_off_asg_def2 by blast
  have asg: "asg_into_interp ψ D I"
    using  ψ_def asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(2) by blast
  have "val D I ψ ((Var ''f'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β)) = ψ (''f'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
    by auto
  have "... = φ (''f'',α  β)  z"
    by (simp add: ψ_def)
  have "...  φ (''g'',α  β)  z"
    using False z_neq by blast
  have "φ (''g'',α  β)  z = ψ (''g'',α  β)  ψ (''x'', β)"
    by (simp add: ψ_def)
  have "... = val D I ψ ((Var ''g'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β))"
    by auto
    "val D I ψ
            ([((Var ''f'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β)) =α= ((Var ''g'' (α  β))  (Var ''x'' β))]) 
       = false"
    by (metis asg assms(1) lemma_5401_b_variant_3 wff_App wff_Var)
  have "val D I φ
        ([''x'':β. [(Var ''f'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β) =α= Var ''g'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β]]) = false"
    by (smt (verit) val D I ψ [(Var ''f'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β) =α= Var ''g'' (α  β)  Var ''x'' β] = false 
        agree asg assms(1,2) lemma_5401_g wff_App wff_Eql wff_Forall wff_Tv_is_true_or_false wff_Var)
  have "val D I φ [Var ''f'' (α  β) =α  β= Var ''g'' (α  β)] = false"
    using False assms(1,2) lemma_5401_b_variant_3 wff_Var by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(1,2) axiom_3_def lemma_5401_b by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 3 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_3: "valid_general (axiom_3 α β)"
  using theorem_5402_a_axiom_3_variant unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_1 with a constant *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1_variant_cst:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_1_variant_cst x α c β A)"
proof -
  let  = "φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  have "val D I φ ([λx:α. (Cst c β)]  A) = val D I  (Cst c β)"
    by (rule lemma_5401_a[of _ _ _ _ _ β]; use assms in auto)
  then have "val D I φ ([λx:α. Cst c β]  A) = val D I φ (Cst c β)"
    by auto
  have "wff β ([λx:α. Cst c β]  A)"
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_1_variant_cst_def
    using lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1,2)] by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_1 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1_variant_var:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "axiom_4_1_variant_var_side_condition x α y β A"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_1_variant_var x α y β A)"
proof -
  let  = "φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  have  "val D I φ ([λx:α. (Var y β)]  A) = val D I  (Var y β)"
    by (rule lemma_5401_a[of _ _ _ _ _  β], use assms in auto)
  then have "val D I φ ([λx:α. Var y β]  A) = val D I φ (Var y β)"   
    using assms unfolding axiom_4_1_variant_var_side_condition_def by auto
  have "wff β ([λx:α. Var y β]  A)"
    using assms by auto
  have "wff β (Var y β)"
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_1_variant_var_def
    using lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1,2)] by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_1 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1:
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "axiom_4_1_side_condition x α y β A"
  assumes "wff α A"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_1 x α y β A)"
  using assms theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1_variant_cst theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1_variant_var
  unfolding axiom_4_1_variant_cst_def axiom_4_1_variant_var_side_condition_def
    axiom_4_1_side_condition_def axiom_4_1_variant_var_def
    axiom_4_1_def by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_2 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_2: 
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_2 x α A)"
proof -
  let  = "φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  have "wff α ([λx:α. Var x α]  A)"
    using assms by auto
  have "wff α A"
    using assms by auto
  have "val D I φ ([λx:α. Var x α]  A) = val D I φ A"
    using lemma_5401_a[of _ _ _ _ _ α _ _] assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_2_def by (rule lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1,2)])

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_3 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_3: 
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff (β  γ) B"
  assumes "wff γ C"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A)"
proof -
  let  = "φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  let ?E = "B  C"

  have "val D I φ (LHS (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A)) = val D I  ?E"
    by (metis LHS_def2 assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) axiom_4_3_def lemma_5401_a[OF assms(1,2)] wff_App)
  have "... = val D I  (B  C)"
    by simp
  have "... = (val D I  B)  val D I  C"
    by simp
  have "... = (val D I φ ([λx:α. B]  A))  val D I φ (App [λx :α. C] A)"
    by (metis assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) lemma_5401_a[OF assms(1,2)])
  have "... = val D I φ (RHS (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A))"
    unfolding axiom_4_3_def by auto
  have "val D I φ (LHS (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A)) = val D I φ (RHS (axiom_4_3 x α B β γ C A))"
    by auto
  then have "val D I φ ([λx:α. B  C]  A) = val D I φ ([λx:α. B]  A  ([λx:α. C]  A))"
    unfolding axiom_4_3_def by auto
  have "wff β ([λx:α. B  C]  A)"
    using assms by auto
  have "wff β ([λx:α. B]  A  ([λx:α. C]  A))"
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_3_def using lemma_5401_b_variant_2[OF assms(1,2)] by auto

lemma lemma_to_help_with_theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_4:
  assumes lambda_eql_lambda_lambda: 
    "z. z ∈: D γ  val D I ψ [λy:γ. B]  z = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]  z" 
  assumes ψ_eql: "ψ = φ((x, α) := val D I φ A)" 
  assumes "asg_into_frame φ D" 
  assumes "general_model D I" 
  assumes "axiom_4_4_side_condition x α y γ B δ A" 
  assumes "wff α A" 
  assumes "wff δ B"
  shows "val D I ψ [λy:γ. B] = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]"
proof -
    fix e
    assume e_in_D: "e ∈: D γ"
    then have "val D I (ψ((y, γ) := e)) B ∈: D (type_of B)"
      using asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(3,4,6,7) ψ_eql by auto
    then have val_lambda_B: "val D I ψ [λy:γ. B]  e = val D I (ψ((y, γ) := e)) B"
      using e_in_D by auto
      "val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]  e = 
       abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
         (λz. val D I (φ((y, γ) := e, (x, α) := z)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := e)) A"
      using apply_abstract e_in_D asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(3,4,6,7) by auto
    then have "val D I (ψ((y, γ) := e)) B =
        abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
         (λz. val D I (φ((y, γ) := e, (x, α) := z)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := e)) A" 
      using val_lambda_B lambda_eql_lambda_lambda e_in_D by metis
  note val_eql_abstract = this

    "e. e ∈: D γ 
            val D I (ψ((y, γ) := e)) B ∈: D (type_of B) 
            val D I (ψ((y, γ) := e)) B =
            abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
              (λza. val D I (φ((y, γ) := e, (x, α) := za)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := e)) A"
    using asg_into_frame_fun_upd assms(3,4,6,7) ψ_eql val_eql_abstract by auto
  then have 
    "abstract (D γ) (D (type_of B)) (λz. val D I (ψ((y, γ) := z)) B) =
     abstract (D γ) (D (type_of B))
       (λz. abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
         (λza. val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := za)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A)"
    by (rule abstract_extensional)
  then show ?thesis 
    by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_4 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_4:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "axiom_4_4_side_condition x α y γ B δ A"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff δ B"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_4 x α y γ B δ A)"
proof -
  define ψ where "ψ = φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  let ?E = "[λy:γ. B]"
  have fr: "(y, γ)  vars A"
    using assms(3) axiom_4_4_side_condition_def by blast
    fix z
    assume z_in_D: "z ∈: D γ"
    define φ' where "φ' = φ((y,γ) := z)"
    have "asg_into_frame φ' D"
      using assms z_in_D unfolding asg_into_frame_def φ'_def by auto
    have "(x, α)vars A. agree_on_asg φ φ' x α"
      using fr unfolding φ'_def by auto
    have "val D I φ A = val D I φ' A"
      using prop_5400[OF assms(1), of _ _ α] assms(2) assms(4) frees_subset_vars by blast
    then have Az: "φ'((x,α):=(val D I φ' A)) = ψ((y,γ):=z)"
      using assms(3) unfolding axiom_4_4_side_condition_def
      by (simp add: fun_upd_twist φ'_def ψ_def) 
    then have "abstract (D γ) (D (type_of B)) (λz. val D I (ψ((y, γ) := z)) B)  z = 
               val D I (ψ((y, γ) := z)) B"
      using apply_abstract_matchable assms(1,2,4,5) type_of asg_into_frame_fun_upd 
        general_model.elims(2) z_in_D by (metis φ'_def)
    then have "(val D I ψ ?E)  z = (val D I (ψ((y,γ):=z)) B)"
      by auto
    have "... = val D I φ' ([λx:α. B]  A)"
      using assms(1,2,4,5) asg_into_frame_fun_upd lemma_5401_a z_in_D
      by (metis Az φ'_def) 
    have "... = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]  z"
    proof -
      have valA: "val D I φ' A ∈: D α"
        using φ'_def asg_into_frame_fun_upd z_in_D assms by simp
      have valB: "val D I (φ'((x, α) := val D I φ' A)) B ∈: D (type_of B)" 
        using asg_into_frame_fun_upd z_in_D assms by (simp add: Az ψ_def) 
      have valA': "val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A ∈: D α"
        using z_in_D assms asg_into_frame_fun_upd valA unfolding ψ_def φ'_def 
        by blast
      have valB':
        "val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A)) B 
         ∈: D (type_of B)"
        using asg_into_frame_fun_upd z_in_D assms valB φ'_def by blast 
        "val D I (φ'((x, α) := val D I φ' A)) B =
         val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A)) B"
        unfolding ψ_def φ'_def by (metis apply_abstract asg_into_frame_fun_upd)
      then have valB_eql_abs: 
        "val D I (φ'((x, α) := val D I φ' A)) B =
         abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
           (λza. val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := za)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A"
        using valA' valB' by auto
      then have "abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
              (λza. val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := za)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A 
            ∈: D (type_of B)"
        using valB assms z_in_D by auto
      then have 
        "val D I (φ'((x, α) := val D I φ' A)) B =
         abstract (D γ) (D (type_of B))
           (λz. abstract (D α) (D (type_of B))
             (λza. val D I (φ((y, γ) := z, (x, α) := za)) B)  val D I (φ((y, γ) := z)) A)  z"
        using z_in_D valB_eql_abs by auto
      then show "val D I φ' ([λx:α. B]  A) = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]  z"
        using valA valB by auto
    have "val D I ψ [λy:γ. B]  z = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]  z"
      by simp
  note lambda_eql_lambda_lambda = this
  have equal_funs: "val D I ψ ?E = val D I φ ([λy:γ. ([λx:α. B])  A])"
    using lambda_eql_lambda_lambda ψ_def assms lemma_to_help_with_theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_4 by metis
  have "val D I φ ([λx:α. [λy:γ. B]]  A) = val D I φ [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]"
    using equal_funs by (metis ψ_def assms(1,2,4,5) lemma_5401_a wff_Abs) 
  then have "satisfies D I φ [([λx:α. [λy:γ. B]]  A) =δ  γ= [λy:γ. [λx:α. B]  A]]"
    using lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2)] assms by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_4_def .

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 4_5 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_5:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  assumes "wff α A"
  assumes "wff δ B"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_4_5 x α B δ A)"
proof -
  define ψ where "ψ = φ((x,α):=val D I φ A)"
  let ?E = "[λx:α. B]"

    assume val: "φ. asg_into_frame φ D  (A α. wff α A  val D I φ A ∈: D α)"
    assume asg: "asg_into_frame φ D"
    assume wffA: "wff α A"
    assume wffB: "wff δ B"
    have valA: "val D I φ A ∈: D α"
      using val asg wffA by blast
    have "t cs. val D I φ [λcs:t. B] ∈: D (δ  t)"
      using val asg wffB wff_Abs by blast
    then have "abstract (D α) (D (δ  α)) 
                 (λu. abstract (D α) (D δ) (λu. val D I (φ((x, α) := u)) B))  val D I φ A =
               abstract (D α) (D δ) (λu. val D I (φ((x, α) := u)) B)"
      using valA wffB by simp
  note abstract_eql = this

  have "val D I ψ ?E = val D I φ ?E"
    using prop_5400[OF assms(1), of _ _ "δ  α"] ψ_def assms(2) by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_4_5_def using lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2)] assms abstract_eql by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a for axiom 5 *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_axiom_5:
  assumes "general_model D I"
  assumes "asg_into_interp φ D I"
  shows "satisfies D I φ (axiom_5)"
proof -
  have iden_eql: "iden (D Ind)  I ''y'' Ind = one_elem_fun (I ''y'' Ind) (D Ind)"
  proof -
    have "I ''y'' Ind ∈: D Ind"
      using assms unfolding  general_model.simps wf_interp.simps[simplified] iden_def one_elem_fun_def
      by auto
    have "abstract (D Ind) boolset (λy. boolean (I ''y'' Ind = y)) ∈: funspace (D Ind) boolset"
      using boolean_in_boolset by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding iden_def one_elem_fun_def by auto

  have "val D I φ (ι  ((Q (Tv  Ind  Ind))  yi)) = 
          val D I φ ι  val D I φ ((Q (Tv  Ind  Ind))  yi)"
    by auto
  have "... = val D I φ yi"
    using assms iden_eql unfolding general_model.simps wf_interp.simps[simplified] by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding axiom_5_def using lemma_5401_b[OF assms(1,2)] by auto

lemma theorem_isa_Tv:
  assumes "theorem A"
  shows "wff Tv A"
  using assms proof (induction)
  case (by_axiom A)
  then show ?case 
  proof (induction)
    case by_axiom_1
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_1_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_2 α)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_2_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_3 α β)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_3_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_1 α A β B x)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_4_1_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_2 α A x)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_4_2_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_3 α A β γ B C x)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_4_3_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_4 α A δ B x y γ)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_4_4_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_5 α A δ B x)
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_4_5_def by auto
    case by_axiom_5
    then show ?case 
      unfolding axiom_5_def by auto
  case (by_rule_R A B C)
  then show ?case
    by (smt replacement_preserves_type rule_R.cases wff_Eql_iff)

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_general:
  assumes "theorem A"
  shows "valid_general A"
  using assms 
proof (induction)
  case (by_axiom A)
  then show ?case
  proof (induction)
    case by_axiom_1
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_1 by auto
    case (by_axiom_2 α)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_2 by auto
    case (by_axiom_3 α β)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_3 by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_1 α A β B x)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_1
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_2 α A x)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_2 
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_3 α A β γ B C x)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_3 
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_4 α A δ B x y γ)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_4 
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
    case (by_axiom_4_5 α A δ B x)
    then show ?case 
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_4_5 
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
    case by_axiom_5
    then show ?case
      using theorem_5402_a_axiom_5 
      unfolding valid_general_def valid_in_model_def by auto
  case (by_rule_R C AB C')
  then have C_isa_Tv: "wff Tv C"
    using theorem_isa_Tv by blast
  have "A B β. AB = [A =β= B]  wff β A  wff β B"
    using by_rule_R rule_R.simps theorem_isa_Tv by fastforce
  then obtain A B β where A_B_β_p: "AB = [A =β= B]  wff β A  wff β B"
    by blast
  then have R: "rule_R C [A =β= B] C'"
    using by_rule_R by auto
  then have "replacement A B C C'"
    using Eql_def rule_R.cases by fastforce
  show ?case
    using theorem_5402_a_rule_R[of A B β C C' Tv] by_rule_R.IH R
      A_B_β_p C_isa_Tv by auto

(* Corresponds to Andrews' theorem 5402 a *)
theorem theorem_5402_a_standard:
  assumes "theorem A"
  shows "valid_standard A"
  using theorem_5402_a_general assms standard_model_is_general_model valid_general_def 
    valid_standard_def by blast

