Theory Ex

theory Ex
  imports Pushdown_Systems.PDS_Code

(* Query specific part START *)
abbreviation ctr_locN :: nat where "ctr_locN  3"
abbreviation labelN :: nat where "labelN  2"
abbreviation stateN :: nat where "stateN  3"
typedef ctr_loc = "{0 ..< ctr_locN}" by (auto intro!: exI[of _ 0])
typedef label = "{0 ..< labelN}" by (auto intro!: exI[of _ 0])
typedef state = "{0 ..< stateN}" by (auto intro!: exI[of _ 0])
setup_lifting type_definition_ctr_loc
setup_lifting type_definition_label
setup_lifting type_definition_state

lift_definition p1 :: ctr_loc is 0 by auto
lift_definition p2 :: ctr_loc is 1 by auto
lift_definition p3 :: ctr_loc is 2 by auto
lift_definition x :: label is 0 by auto
lift_definition y :: label is 1 by auto
lift_definition q1 :: state is 0 by auto
lift_definition q2 :: state is 1 by auto
lift_definition qf :: state is 2 by auto

(* Define rules of PDS, and the two P-automata *)
definition pds_rules :: "(ctr_loc, label) rule set" where
  "pds_rules = {
  ((p1, y), (p1, push x y)),
  ((p1, x), (p2, swap y)),
  ((p2, x), (p3, pop)),
  ((p3, y), (p2, swap x))}"
definition initial_automaton :: "((ctr_loc, state, label) PDS.state, label) transition set" where
  "initial_automaton = {
  ((Init p1, y, Noninit qf)),
  ((Init p2, y, Noninit qf)),
  ((Init p2, x, Init p2)),
  ((Init p3, x, Noninit qf))}"
definition final_automaton :: "((ctr_loc, state, label) PDS.state, label) transition set" where
  "final_automaton = {
  ((Init p2, y, Noninit q1)),
  ((Init p3, x, Noninit q1)),
  ((Noninit q1, y, Noninit q2))}"

definition final_ctr_loc where "final_ctr_loc = {}"
definition final_ctr_loc_st where "final_ctr_loc_st = {q2}"
definition initial_ctr_loc where "initial_ctr_loc = {}"
definition initial_ctr_loc_st where "initial_ctr_loc_st = {qf}"
(* Query specific part END *)

instantiation ctr_loc :: finite begin
instance by (standard, rule finite_surj[of "{0 ..< ctr_locN}" _ Abs_ctr_loc])
  (simp, metis Rep_ctr_loc Rep_ctr_loc_inverse imageI subsetI)
instantiation label :: finite begin
instance by (standard, rule finite_surj[of "{0 ..< labelN}" _ Abs_label])
  (simp, metis Rep_label Rep_label_inverse imageI subsetI)
instantiation state :: finite begin
instance by (standard, rule finite_surj[of "{0 ..< stateN}" _ Abs_state])
  (simp, metis Rep_state Rep_state_inverse imageI subsetI)

lift_definition (code_dt) ctr_loc_list :: "ctr_loc list" is "[0 ..< ctr_locN]" by (auto simp: list.pred_set)
instantiation ctr_loc :: enum begin
definition "enum_ctr_loc = ctr_loc_list"
definition "enum_all_ctr_loc P = list_all P ctr_loc_list"
definition "enum_ex_ctr_loc P = list_ex P ctr_loc_list"
instance by (standard, auto simp: enum_ctr_loc_def enum_all_ctr_loc_def enum_ex_ctr_loc_def
       ctr_loc_list_def image_iff distinct_map inj_on_def Abs_ctr_loc_inject
       list.pred_map list.pred_set list_ex_iff) (metis Abs_ctr_loc_cases)+

instantiation ctr_loc :: linorder begin
lift_definition less_ctr_loc :: "ctr_loc  ctr_loc  bool" is "(<)" .
lift_definition less_eq_ctr_loc :: "ctr_loc  ctr_loc  bool" is "(≤)" .
instance by (standard; transfer) auto

instantiation ctr_loc :: equal begin
lift_definition equal_ctr_loc :: "ctr_loc  ctr_loc  bool" is "(=)" .
instance by (standard; transfer) auto

lift_definition (code_dt) label_list :: "label list" is "[0 ..< labelN]" by (auto simp: list.pred_set)
instantiation label :: enum begin
definition "enum_label = label_list"
definition "enum_all_label P = list_all P label_list"
definition "enum_ex_label P = list_ex P label_list"
instance by (standard, auto simp: enum_label_def enum_all_label_def enum_ex_label_def
       label_list_def image_iff distinct_map inj_on_def Abs_label_inject
       list.pred_map list.pred_set list_ex_iff) (metis Abs_label_cases)+

instantiation label :: linorder begin
lift_definition less_label :: "label  label  bool" is "(<)" .
lift_definition less_eq_label :: "label  label  bool" is "(≤)" .
instance by (standard; transfer) auto

instantiation label :: equal begin
lift_definition equal_label :: "label  label  bool" is "(=)" .
instance by (standard; transfer) auto

instantiation state :: equal begin
lift_definition equal_state :: "state  state  bool" is "(=)" .
instance by (standard; transfer) auto

(* The check function agrees with the encoded answer (Some True) 
   and therefore the proof succeeds as expected. *)
  "check pds_rules initial_automaton initial_ctr_loc initial_ctr_loc_st
                   final_automaton   final_ctr_loc   final_ctr_loc_st   = Some True"
  by eval
