Theory Tau_Sim

   Title: Psi-calculi   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Tau_Sim
  imports Tau Sum

nominal_datatype 'a prefix =
  pInput "'a::fs_name" "name list" 'a
| pOutput 'a 'a                           
| pTau                                    

context tau

nominal_primrec bindPrefix :: "'a prefix  ('a, 'b, 'c) psi  ('a, 'b, 'c) psi"  ("__" [100, 100] 100)
  "bindPrefix (pInput M xvec N) P = M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P"
| "bindPrefix (pOutput M N) P = MN⟩.P"
| "bindPrefix (pTau) P = τ.(P)"
by(rule TrueI)+

lemma bindPrefixEqvt[eqvt]:
  fixes p :: "name prm"
  and   α :: "'a prefix"
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  shows "(p  (αP)) = (p  α)(p  P)"
by(nominal_induct α rule: prefix.strong_inducts) (auto simp add: eqvts)

lemma prefixCases[consumes 1, case_names cInput cOutput cTau]:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   α  :: "'a prefix"
  and   P  :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   β  :: "'a action"
  and   P' :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  αP β  P'"
  and     rInput: "M xvec N K Tvec. Ψ  M  K; set xvec  supp N; length xvec = length Tvec; distinct xvec  
                                       Prop (pInput M xvec N) (KN[xvec::=Tvec]) (P[xvec::=Tvec])"
  and     rOutput: "M N K. Ψ  M  K  Prop (pOutput M N) (KN) P"
  and     rTau: "Ψ  P  P'  Prop (pTau) (τ) P'"

  shows "Prop α β P'"
using Ψ  αP β  P'
proof(nominal_induct rule: prefix.strong_induct)
  case(pInput M xvec N)
  from Ψ  (pInput M xvec N)P β  P' have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P β  P'" by simp
  thus ?case by(auto elim: inputCases intro: rInput)
  case(pOutput M N)
  from Ψ  (pOutput M N)P β  P' have "Ψ  MN⟩.P β  P'" by simp
  thus ?case by(auto elim: outputCases intro: rOutput)
  case pTau
  from Ψ  (pTau)P β  P' have "Ψ  τ.(P) β  P'" by simp
  thus ?case
    by(nominal_induct rule: action.strong_induct) (auto dest: tauActionE intro: rTau)
lemma prefixTauCases[consumes 1, case_names cTau]:
  fixes α  :: "'a prefix"
  and   P  :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   P' :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  αP τ  P'"
  and     rTau: "Ψ  P  P'  Prop (pTau) P'"

  shows "Prop α P'"
proof -
  from Ψ  αP τ  P' obtain β where "Ψ  αP β  P'" and "β = τ" 
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by(induct rule: prefixCases) (auto intro: rTau)

lemma hennessySim1:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel  (Ψ, P, R)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  τ.(P) ↝«Rel» Q"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q Ψ  Q τ  Q'
  obtain P' where PChain: "Ψ  P ^τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel"
    by(blast dest: weakSimE)

  from PChain obtain P'' where "Ψ  τ.(P) τ P''" and "Ψ  P'  P''"
    by(rule tauChainStepCons)
  thus ?case using P'RelQ' by(metis bisimE C1)

lemma hennessySim2:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes PTrans: "Ψ  P τ  P'"
  and     P'RelQ: "(Ψ, P', Q)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R. (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel; Ψ  Q  R  (Ψ, P, R)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  P ↝«Rel» τ.(Q)"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  τ.(Q) τ  Q' have "Ψ  Q  Q'" by(blast dest: tauActionE)
  with PTrans P'RelQ show ?case by(metis C1 tauActTauStepChain)

lemma hennessySim3:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q"
  and     C1: "Q'. Ψ  Q τ  Q'  (Ψ, P, Q')  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  P ↝«Rel» Q"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q Ψ  Q τ  Q'
  obtain P' where PChain: "Ψ  P ^τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel"
    by(blast dest: weakSimE)
  with C1 Ψ  Q τ  Q' show ?case 
    by(force simp add: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)

lemma tauLaw1SimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q"
  and     "eqvt Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel  (Ψ, P, R)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  τ.(P) ↝<Rel> Q"
proof(induct rule: weakSimI2)
  case(cAct Ψ' α Q')
  from bn α ♯* (τ.(P)) have "bn α ♯* P" by simp
  with Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q Ψ  Q α  Q' bn α ♯* Ψ α  τ
  obtain P'' P' where PTrans: "Ψ : Q  P α  P''" and P''Chain: "Ψ  Ψ'  P'' ^τ P'"
                  and P'RelQ': "(Ψ  Ψ', P', Q')  Rel"
    by(blast dest: weakSimE)

  from PTrans bn α ♯* Ψ bn α ♯* P obtain P''' where "Ψ : Q  τ.(P) α  P'''" and "Ψ  P''  P'''"
    by(rule weakTransitionTau)
  moreover from Ψ  P''  P''' have "Ψ  Ψ'  P''  P'''" by(rule bisimE)
  with P''Chain obtain P'''' where "Ψ  Ψ'  P''' ^τ P''''" and "Ψ  Ψ'  P'  P''''"
    by(rule tauChainBisim)
  ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', P', Q')  Rel by(metis bisimE C1)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  P ↝<Rel> Q Ψ  Q τ  Q'
  obtain P' where PChain: "Ψ  P ^τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel"
    by(blast dest: weakSimE)

  from PChain obtain P'' where "Ψ  τ.(P) ^τ P''" and "Ψ  P'  P''"
    by(rule tauChainCons)
  thus ?case using P'RelQ' by(metis bisimE C1)  

lemma tauLaw1SimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "eqvt Rel"
  and     "(Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R. (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel; Ψ  Q  R  (Ψ, P, R)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  P ↝<Rel> τ.(Q)"
using eqvt Rel
proof(induct rule: weakSimI[where C=Q])
  case(cAct Ψ' α Q')
  hence False by(cases rule: actionCases[where α=α]) auto
  thus ?case by simp
  case(cTau Q')
  have "Ψ  Q ^τ Q" by simp
  moreover from Ψ  τ.(Q) τ  Q' have "Ψ  Q  Q'" by(rule tauActionE)
  with (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel have "(Ψ, P, Q')  Rel" by(rule C1)
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma tauLaw3SimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   α :: "'a prefix"

  assumes "eqvt Rel"
  and     "(Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"
  and     Subst: "xvec Tvec. length xvec = length Tvec  (Ψ, P[xvec::=Tvec], Q[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"
  and     rExt: "Ψ P Q Ψ'. (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel  (Ψ  Ψ', P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  α(τ.(P)) ↝<Rel> αQ"
using eqvt Rel
proof(induct rule: weakSimI[where C=Q])
  case(cAct Ψ' β Q')
  from Ψ  αQ β  Q' β  τ show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixCases)
    case(cInput M xvec N K Tvec)
    note Ψ  M  K distinct xvec set xvec  supp N length xvec = length Tvec
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q)) Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭" by auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q)  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P))) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P))[xvec::=Tvec]" 
      by(rule weakInput)
    hence "Ψ : (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q)  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P))) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])"
      using length xvec = length Tvec distinct xvec
      by simp
    moreover obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]) τ  P'" and "Ψ  Ψ'  (P[xvec::=Tvec])  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
    moreover from length xvec = length Tvec have "(Ψ, P[xvec::=Tvec], Q[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel" by(rule Subst)
    hence "(Ψ  Ψ', P[xvec::=Tvec], Q[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel" by(rule rExt)
    with Ψ  Ψ'  P[xvec::=Tvec]  P' have "(Ψ  Ψ', P', Q[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel" by(blast intro: bisimE C1 bisimReflexive)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce
    case(cOutput M N K)
    note Ψ  M  K
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame (MN⟩.Q)) Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭" by auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : MN⟩.Q  MN⟩.(τ.(P)) KN  τ.(P)" by(rule weakOutput)
    moreover obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P) τ  P'" and "Ψ  Ψ'  P  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
    moreover from (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel have "(Ψ  Ψ', P, Q)  Rel" by(rule rExt)
    with Ψ  Ψ'  P  P' have "(Ψ  Ψ', P', Q)  Rel" by(blast intro: bisimE C1 bisimReflexive)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce
    case cTau
    with τ  τ show ?case
      by simp
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  αQ τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where tPTrans: "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)) τ  P'" and "Ψ  τ.(P)  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans Ψ  τ.(P)  P' obtain P''' where P'Trans: "Ψ  P' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P''  P'''"
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
      apply(drule_tac simE, auto)
      by(metis bisimE)
    from tPTrans P'Trans have "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)) ^τ P'''" by(fastforce dest: tauActTauChain)
    moreover from (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P''  P''' Ψ  Q  Q' have "(Ψ, P''', Q')  Rel"
      by(metis bisimTransitive C1 bisimSymmetric)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw3SimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "eqvt Rel"
  and     Subst: "Ψ xvec Tvec. length xvec = length Tvec  (Ψ, P[xvec::=Tvec], τ.(Q[xvec::=Tvec]))  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"
  and     "Ψ. (Ψ, P, τ.(Q))  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  αP ↝<Rel> α(τ.(Q))"
using eqvt Rel
proof(induct rule: weakSimI[where C=Q])
  case(cAct Ψ' β Q')
  from Ψ  α(τ.(Q)) β  Q' β  τ
  show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixCases)
    case(cInput M xvec N K Tvec)
    note Ψ  M  K distinct xvec set xvec  supp N length xvec=length Tvec
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(Q)))) Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭" by auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(Q)))  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  P[xvec::=Tvec]"
      by(rule weakInput)
    moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  P[xvec::=Tvec] ^τ P[xvec::=Tvec]" by auto
    ultimately show ?case using Subst length xvec=length Tvec distinct xvec
      by fastforce
    case(cOutput M N K)
    note Ψ  M  K
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame (MN⟩.(τ.(Q)))) Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭" by auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : MN⟩.(τ.(Q))  MN⟩.P KN  P" by(rule weakOutput)
    moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  P ^τ P" by auto
    ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', P, τ.(Q))  Rel by fastforce
    case cTau
    with τ  τ show ?case by simp
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  α(τ.(Q)) τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P'" and "Ψ  P  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  τ.(P) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
    moreover from Ψ  P  P' Ψ  τ.(Q)  Q'  (Ψ, P, τ.(Q))  Rel
    have "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel" by(metis bisimTransitive bisimSymmetric C1)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw3CongSimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "(Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"
  and     rExt: "Ψ P Q Ψ'. (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel  (Ψ  Ψ', P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  α(τ.(P)) ↝«Rel» αQ"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  αQ τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where tPTrans: "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)) τ  P'" and "Ψ  τ.(P)  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans Ψ  τ.(P)  P' obtain P''' where P'Trans: "Ψ  P' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P''  P'''"
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
      apply(drule_tac simE, auto)
      by(metis bisimE)
    from tPTrans P'Trans have "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)) τ P'''" by(fastforce dest: tauActTauStepChain)
    moreover from (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P''  P''' Ψ  Q  Q' have "(Ψ, P''', Q')  Rel"
      by(metis bisimTransitive C1 bisimSymmetric)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw3CongSimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "(Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"
  and     "Ψ. (Ψ, P, τ.(Q))  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  αP ↝«Rel» α(τ.(Q))"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  α(τ.(Q)) τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P'" and "Ψ  P  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  τ.(P) τ P'" by(rule tauActTauStepChain)
    moreover from Ψ  P  P' Ψ  τ.(Q)  Q'  (Ψ, P, τ.(Q))  Rel
    have "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel" by(metis bisimTransitive bisimSymmetric C1)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce


locale tauSum = tau + sum

lemma tauLaw2SimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes Id: "Ψ P. (Ψ, P, P)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  P  τ.(P) ↝<Rel> τ.(P)"
proof(induct rule: weakSimI2)
  case(cAct Ψ' α P')
  thus ?case by(nominal_induct α rule: action.strong_inducts) auto
  case(cTau P')
  from Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P' have "Ψ  P  P'" by(rule tauActionE)
  obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
    by auto
  have "guarded(τ.(P))" by(rule guardedTau)
  with PTrans have "Ψ  P  τ.(P) τ  P''" by(rule Sum2)
  hence "Ψ  P  τ.(P) ^τ P''" by(rule tauActTauChain)
  moreover from Ψ  P  P'' (Ψ, P, P)  Rel Ψ  P  P' have "(Ψ, P'', P')  Rel"
    by(metis C1 bisimE)
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma tauLaw2CongSimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes Id: "Ψ P. (Ψ, P, P)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q R S. Ψ  P  Q; (Ψ, Q, R)  Rel; Ψ  R  S  (Ψ, P, S)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  P  τ.(P) ↝«Rel» τ.(P)"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau P')
  from Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P' have "Ψ  P  P'" by(rule tauActionE)
  obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
    by auto
  have "guarded(τ.(P))" by(rule guardedTau)
  with PTrans have "Ψ  P  τ.(P) τ  P''" by(rule Sum2)
  hence "Ψ  P  τ.(P) τ P''" by(rule tauActTauStepChain)
  moreover from Ψ  P  P'' (Ψ, P, P)  Rel Ψ  P  P' have "(Ψ, P'', P')  Rel"
    by(metis C1 bisimE)
  ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma tauLaw2SimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  τ.(P) ↝<Rel> P  τ.(P)"
proof(induct rule: weakSimI2)
  case(cAct Ψ' α P')
  from Ψ  P  τ.(P) α  P'
  show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1 
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  τ.(P) ^τ P''" by(rule tauActTauChain)
    moreover from guarded P have "insertAssertion (extractFrame P) Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭"
      by(rule insertGuardedAssertion)
    with Ψ  P  P'' have "insertAssertion (extractFrame P'') Ψ F ⟨ε, Ψ  𝟭"
      by(metis bisimE FrameStatEqTrans FrameStatEqSym)
    hence "insertAssertion (extractFrame(P  τ.(P))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame P'') Ψ"
      by(simp add: FrameStatEq_def)
    moreover from PTrans bn α ♯* (τ.(P)) have "bn α ♯* P''" by(rule tauFreshChainDerivative)
    with Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P α  P' bn α ♯* Ψ
    obtain P''' where P''Trans: "Ψ  P'' α  P'''" and "Ψ  P'''  P'"
      by(metis bisimE simE)
    ultimately have "Ψ : (P  τ.(P))  τ.(P) α  P'''"
      by(rule_tac weakTransitionI)
    moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  P''' ^τ P'''" by auto
    moreover from Ψ  P'''  P' have "Ψ  Ψ'  P'''  P'" by(rule bisimE)
    hence "(Ψ  Ψ', P''', P')  Rel" by(rule C1)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case cSum2
    thus ?case using α  τ
      by(nominal_induct α rule: action.strong_inducts) auto
  case(cTau P')
  from Ψ  P  τ.(P) τ  P'
  show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1 
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    moreover from Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P τ  P' 
    obtain P''' where P''Trans: "Ψ  P'' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P'''  P'"
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
      by(drule_tac simE, auto)
    ultimately have "Ψ  τ.(P) ^τ P'''" by(auto dest: tauActTauChain rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
    moreover from Ψ  P'''  P' have "(Ψ, P''', P')  Rel" by(rule C1)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case cSum2
    from Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P' have "Ψ  P  P'" by(rule tauActionE)
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    hence "Ψ  τ.(P) ^τ P''" by(rule_tac tauActTauChain)
    moreover from Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P  P' have "(Ψ, P'', P')  Rel"
      by(metis C1 bisimTransitive bisimE)
    ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma tauLaw2CongSimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  τ.(P) ↝«Rel» P  τ.(P)"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau P')
  from Ψ  P  τ.(P) τ  P'
  show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1 
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    moreover from Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P τ  P' 
    obtain P''' where P''Trans: "Ψ  P'' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P'''  P'"
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
      apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
      by(drule_tac simE) auto
    ultimately have "Ψ  τ.(P) τ P'''" by(auto dest: tauActTauStepChain trancl_into_trancl)
    moreover from Ψ  P'''  P' have "(Ψ, P''', P')  Rel" by(rule C1)
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case cSum2
    from Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P' have "Ψ  P  P'" by(rule tauActionE)
    obtain P'' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
      by auto
    hence "Ψ  τ.(P) τ P''" by(rule_tac tauActTauStepChain)
    moreover from Ψ  P  P'' Ψ  P  P' have "(Ψ, P'', P')  Rel"
      by(metis C1 bisimTransitive bisimE)
    ultimately show ?case by blast

lemma tauLaw4SimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   M :: 'a
  and   N :: 'a

  assumes "Ψ P. (Ψ, P, P)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) ↝<Rel> α(τ.(P)  Q)"
proof(induct rule: weakSimI2)
  case(cAct Ψ' β PQ)
  from Ψ  α(τ.(P)  Q) β  PQ β  τ
  show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixCases)
    case(cInput M xvec N K Tvec)
    have "Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ αP  α(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame(α(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(αP  α(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
      using insertTauAssertion Identity
      by(nominal_induct α rule: prefix.strong_inducts, auto) 
        (rule FrameStatImpTrans[where G="⟨ε, Ψ"], auto simp add: FrameStatEq_def AssertionStatEq_def)
    moreover from Ψ  M  K distinct xvec set xvec  supp N length xvec=length Tvec
    have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]"
      by(rule Input)
    hence "Ψ  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]" 
      by(rule_tac Sum2) auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]"
      by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
    moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec] ^τ (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]" by auto
    ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec], (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel by fastforce
    case(cOutput M N K)
    have "Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ αP  α(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
    moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame(α(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(αP  α(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
      using insertTauAssertion Identity
      by(nominal_induct α rule: prefix.strong_inducts, auto) 
        (rule FrameStatImpTrans[where G="⟨ε, Ψ"], auto simp add: FrameStatEq_def AssertionStatEq_def)

    moreover from Ψ  M  K have "Ψ  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)"
      by(rule Output)
    hence "Ψ  MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)" by(rule_tac Sum2) auto
    ultimately have "Ψ : (MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))  MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)"
      by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
    moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P)  Q ^τ τ.(P)  Q" by auto
    ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', τ.(P)  Q, τ.(P)  Q)  Rel by fastforce
    case cTau
    from τ  τ show ?case
      by simp
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  α(τ.(P)) ⊕⇩ Q  τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  (τ.(P))  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) τ  P'" by(rule_tac Sum2) (auto intro: guardedTau)
    hence "Ψ  (τ.(P))  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
    moreover from Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  P' Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  Q' have "Ψ  P'  Q'" by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
    hence "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel" by(rule C1)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw4CongSimLeft:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   M :: 'a
  and   N :: 'a

  assumes "Ψ P. (Ψ, P, P)  Rel"
  and     C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) ↝«Rel» α(τ.(P)  Q)"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau Q')
  from Ψ  α(τ.(P)) ⊕⇩ Q  τ  Q' show ?case
  proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
    case cTau
    obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  P'" using tauActionI
      by auto
    from PTrans have "Ψ  (τ.(P))  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) τ  P'" by(rule_tac Sum2) (auto intro: guardedTau)
    hence "Ψ  (τ.(P))  τ.(τ.(P)  Q) τ P'" by(rule tauActTauStepChain)
    moreover from Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  P' Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  Q' have "Ψ  P'  Q'" by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
    hence "(Ψ, P', Q')  Rel" by(rule C1)
    ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw4SimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   α :: "'a prefix"

  assumes C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"
  and         "Ψ P. (Ψ, P, P)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  α(τ.(P)  Q) ↝<Rel> αP  α(τ.(P)  Q)"
proof(induct rule: weakSimI2)
  case(cAct Ψ' β PQ)
  from Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) β  PQ show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1
    from Ψ  αP β  PQ β  τ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixCases)
      case(cInput M xvec N K Tvec)
      have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
      moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame((M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
        by auto
      moreover from Ψ  M  K distinct xvec set xvec  supp N length xvec = length Tvec
      have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]" by(rule Input)
      ultimately have "Ψ : ((M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec]) (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]"
        by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
      with length xvec = length Tvec distinct xvec
      have "Ψ : ((M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  Q[xvec::=Tvec])"
        by auto
      moreover obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]) τ  P'" and "Ψ  Ψ'  P[xvec::=Tvec]  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      have "guarded(τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]))" by(rule guardedTau)
      with PTrans have "Ψ  Ψ'  (τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]))  (Q[xvec::=Tvec]) τ  P'" by(rule Sum1)
      hence "Ψ  Ψ'  (τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec]))  (Q[xvec::=Tvec]) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
      moreover from Ψ  Ψ'  P[xvec::=Tvec]  P' have "(Ψ  Ψ', P', P[xvec::=Tvec])  Rel" by(metis bisimE C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce
      case(cOutput M N K)
      have "Ψ  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
      moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame(MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
        by auto
      moreover from Ψ  M  K have "Ψ  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)" by(rule Output)
      ultimately have "Ψ : (MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)"
        by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
      moreover obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P) τ  P'" and "Ψ  Ψ'  P  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      have "guarded(τ.(P))" by(rule guardedTau)
      with PTrans have "Ψ  Ψ'  (τ.(P))  Q τ  P'" by(rule Sum1)
      hence "Ψ  Ψ'  (τ.(P))  Q ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
      moreover from Ψ  Ψ'  P  P' have "(Ψ  Ψ', P', P)  Rel" by(metis bisimE C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce 
      case cTau
      from τ  τ show ?case by simp
    case cSum2
    from Ψ  α(τ.(P)  Q) β  PQ β  τ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixCases)
      case(cInput M xvec N K Tvec)
      have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
      moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame((M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
        by auto
      moreover from Ψ  M  K distinct xvec set xvec  supp N length xvec = length Tvec
      have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P)  Q)[xvec::=Tvec]"
        by(rule Input)
      with length xvec = length Tvec distinct xvec
      have "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  Q[xvec::=Tvec])"
        by simp
      ultimately have "Ψ : ((M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q))  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.(τ.(P)  Q) K(N[xvec::=Tvec])  (τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  Q[xvec::=Tvec])"
        by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
      moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  (Q[xvec::=Tvec]) ^τ τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  (Q[xvec::=Tvec])" by auto
      ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  (Q[xvec::=Tvec]), τ.(P[xvec::=Tvec])  (Q[xvec::=Tvec]))  Rel length xvec = length Tvec distinct xvec
        by fastforce
      case(cOutput M N K)
      have "Ψ  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) ^τ MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q)" by auto
      moreover have "insertAssertion (extractFrame(MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ F insertAssertion (extractFrame(MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))) Ψ"
        by auto
      moreover from Ψ  M  K have "Ψ  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)"
        by(rule Output)
      ultimately have "Ψ : (MN⟩.P  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q))  MN⟩.(τ.(P)  Q) KN  (τ.(P)  Q)"
        by(rule_tac weakTransitionI) auto
      moreover have "Ψ  Ψ'  τ.(P)  Q ^τ τ.(P)  Q" by auto
      ultimately show ?case using (Ψ  Ψ', τ.(P)  Q, τ.(P)  Q)  Rel by fastforce
      case cTau
      from τ  τ show ?case by simp
  case(cTau PQ)
  from Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) τ  PQ show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1
    from Ψ  αP  τ  PQ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
      case cTau
      obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      obtain P'' where P'Trans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
        by auto
      from P'Trans have "Ψ  τ.(P)  Qτ  P''" by(rule_tac Sum1) (auto intro: guardedTau)
      with Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P' obtain P''' where P''Trans: "Ψ  P' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P''  P'''"
        apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
        apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
        apply(drule_tac simE)
        by(auto dest: bisimE)
      from PTrans P''Trans have "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) ^τ P'''" by(fastforce dest: tauActTauChain)
      moreover from Ψ  P  PQ Ψ  P''  P''' Ψ  P  P'' have "Ψ  P'''  PQ"
        by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
      hence "(Ψ, P''', PQ)  Rel" by(rule C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce
    case cSum2
    from Ψ  α((τ.(P))  Q) τ  PQ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
      case cTau
      obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      from PTrans have "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) ^τ P'" by(rule tauActTauChain)
      moreover from Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P' Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  PQ have "Ψ  P'  PQ"
        by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
      hence "(Ψ, P', PQ)  Rel" by(rule C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce

lemma tauLaw4CongSimRight:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   α :: "'a prefix"

  assumes C1: "Ψ P Q. Ψ  P  Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Ψ  α(τ.(P)  Q) ↝«Rel» αP  α(τ.(P)  Q)"
proof(induct rule: weakCongSimI)
  case(cTau PQ)
  from Ψ  αP  α(τ.(P)  Q) τ  PQ show ?case
  proof(induct rule: sumCases)
    case cSum1
    from Ψ  αP  τ  PQ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
      case cTau
      obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      obtain P'' where P'Trans: "Ψ  τ.(P) τ  P''" and "Ψ  P  P''" using tauActionI
        by auto
      from P'Trans have "Ψ  τ.(P)  Qτ  P''" by(rule_tac Sum1) (auto intro: guardedTau)
      with Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P' obtain P''' where P''Trans: "Ψ  P' τ  P'''" and "Ψ  P''  P'''"
        apply(drule_tac bisimE(4))
        apply(drule_tac bisimE(2))
        apply(drule_tac simE)
        by(auto dest: bisimE)
      from PTrans P''Trans have "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ P'''" by(fastforce dest: tauActTauStepChain)
      moreover from Ψ  P  PQ Ψ  P''  P''' Ψ  P  P'' have "Ψ  P'''  PQ"
        by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
      hence "(Ψ, P''', PQ)  Rel" by(rule C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce
    case cSum2
    from Ψ  α((τ.(P))  Q) τ  PQ show ?case
    proof(induct rule: prefixTauCases)
      case cTau
      obtain P' where PTrans: "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ  P'" and "Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P'" using tauActionI
        by auto
      from PTrans have "Ψ  τ.((τ.(P))  Q) τ P'" by(rule tauActTauStepChain)
      moreover from Ψ  (τ.(P))  Q  P' Ψ  τ.(P)  Q  PQ have "Ψ  P'  PQ"
        by(metis bisimSymmetric bisimTransitive)
      hence "(Ψ, P', PQ)  Rel" by(rule C1)
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce

