Theory Background_on_graphs

theory Background_on_graphs

imports Main


section ‹Special Graph Theoretical Notions›

text ‹This theory provides a background on specialized graph notions and    properties.  We follow the approach by L. Noschinski available in the AFPs.  Since not all elements of Noschinski theory are required, we prefer not to import it.

 The proof are desiccated in several steps since the focus is clarity instead proof automation. ›

record ('a,'b) pre_digraph =
  verts :: "'a set"
  arcs :: "'b set"
  tail :: "'b  'a"
  head :: "'b  'a"
definition tails:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set" where
   "tails G   {tail G e |e. e  arcs G }"

definition tails_set :: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'b set  'a set" where
   "tails_set G E   { tail G e |e. e  E  E  arcs G }"

definition heads:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set" where
   "heads G   { head G e |e.  e  arcs G }"

definition heads_set:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'b set  'a set" where
   "heads_set G E   { head G e |e.  e  E  E  arcs G }"

(* Incident vertexes *)
definition neighbour::  "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a  'a  bool" where
   "neighbour G v u  
   e. e (arcs G)  (( head G e = v  tail G e = u) 
   (head G e  = u  tail G e = v))"

(* Vertex neighbourhood *)
definition neighbourhood:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a   'a set" where
   "neighbourhood G v  {u |u. neighbour G u v}"

definition bipartite_digraph:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set  'a set  bool" where
   "bipartite_digraph G X Y   
       (X  Y = (verts G))   X  Y = {} 
       (e  (arcs G).(tail G e)  X  (head G e)  Y)"

(* Left to right directed bipartite digraph *)
definition dir_bipartite_digraph:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set  'a set  bool" 
  "dir_bipartite_digraph G X Y   (bipartite_digraph G X Y)  
   ((tails G = X)   ( e1  arcs G.  e2  arcs G. e1 = e2  head G e1 = head G e2  tail G e1 = tail G e2))"  

(* Directed bipartite digraph with finite neighbourhoods of its tails *)
definition K_E_bipartite_digraph:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set  'a set  bool" 
  "K_E_bipartite_digraph G X Y 
  (dir_bipartite_digraph G X Y)  (xX.  finite (neighbourhood G x))"

(* Matchings in directed bipartite digraphs *)
definition dirBD_matching:: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set  'a set  'b set  bool"
  "dirBD_matching G X Y E    
           dir_bipartite_digraph G X Y  (E    (arcs G)) 
           ( e1E. ( e2 E.  e1  e2 
           ((head G e1)  (head G e2))  
           ((tail G e1)  (tail G e2))))"

lemma tail_head:
  assumes "dir_bipartite_digraph G X Y" and "e  arcs G" 
  shows "(tail G e)  X  (head G e)  Y"
  using assms
     by (unfold dir_bipartite_digraph_def, unfold bipartite_digraph_def, unfold tails_def, auto)

lemma tail_head1:
  assumes "dirBD_matching G X Y E" and "e  E" 
  shows "(tail G e)  X  (head G e)  Y"
  using assms tail_head[of G X Y e] by(unfold dirBD_matching_def, auto) 

lemma dirBD_matching_tail_edge_unicity:
   "dirBD_matching G X Y E   
    (e1  E. ( e2 E. (tail G e1 = tail G e2)  e1 = e2))"
(* Slederhammer proof: by (meson dirBD_matching_def) *)
  assume "dirBD_matching G X Y E"
  thus "e1E. e2E. tail G e1 = tail G e2  e1 = e2"
     by (unfold dirBD_matching_def, auto)

lemma dirBD_matching_head_edge_unicity:
   "dirBD_matching G X Y E   
    (e1  E. ( e2 E. (head G e1 = head G e2)  e1 = e2))"
(* Slederhammer proof:  by (meson dirBD_matching_def) *)
  assume "dirBD_matching G X Y E"
  thus " e1E. e2E. head G e1 = head G e2  e1 = e2"
     by(unfold dirBD_matching_def, auto)

(* Perfect matching (covering tail vertexes) in directed bipartite digraphs *)
definition dirBD_perfect_matching::
  "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'a set  'a set  'b set  bool"
  "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  
   dirBD_matching G X Y E  (tails_set G E = X)"

lemma Tail_covering_edge_in_Pef_matching: 
      "xX. dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  (e  E. tail G e = x)"
  fix x 
  assume Hip1: "x  X"
  show "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  (eE. tail G e = x)"
    assume "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E"
    hence "x  tails_set G E" using Hip1 
           by (unfold dirBD_perfect_matching_def, auto)
    thus "eE. tail G e = x " by (unfold tails_set_def, auto)

lemma Edge_unicity_in_dirBD_P_matching: 
   "xX. dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  (∃!e  E. tail G e = x)"
(* Shorter proof:  by (metis Tail_covering_edge_in_Pef_matching dirBD_matching_def dirBD_perfect_matching_def) *)
  fix x 
  assume Hip1: "x  X"
  show "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  (∃!e  E. tail G e = x)" 
    assume Hip2: "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E" 
    then obtain "e. e  E  tail G e = x"
    using Hip1  Tail_covering_edge_in_Pef_matching[of X G Y E] by auto
    then obtain e where e: "e  E   tail G e = x" by auto
    hence a: "e  E   tail G e = x" by auto
    show "∃!e. e  E  tail G e = x"
      show  "e  E  tail G e = x"  using a by auto
      fix e1 
      assume Hip3: "e1  E  tail G e1 = x"
      hence "tail G e = tail G e1  e  E   e1  E" using a by auto
      have "dirBD_matching G X Y E"
        using Hip2  by(unfold dirBD_perfect_matching_def, auto)
      show "e1 = e" 
        using Hip2 dirBD_matching_tail_edge_unicity[of G X Y E]
        by auto 

definition E_head :: "('a,'b) pre_digraph  'b set   ('a   'a)" 
  "E_head G E = (λx. (THE y.  e. e  E  tail G e = x   head G e = y))"

lemma unicity_E_head1:
   assumes "dirBD_matching G X Y E  e  E  tail G e = x  head G e = y"
   shows "(z.( e. e  E  tail G e = x  head G e = z) z = y)"
using assms dirBD_matching_tail_edge_unicity by blast

lemma unicity_E_head2:
   assumes "dirBD_matching G X Y E  e  E  tail G e = x  head G e = y" 
   shows  "(THE a.  e. e  E  tail G e = x  head G e = a) = y" 
using assms dirBD_matching_tail_edge_unicity by blast

lemma  unicity_E_head:
  assumes "dirBD_matching G X Y E  e  E  tail G e = x  head G e = y" 
  shows "(E_head G E) x = y"
  using assms unicity_E_head2[of G X Y E e x y] by(unfold E_head_def, auto)

lemma E_head_image : 
  "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E   
   (e  E  tail G e = x  (E_head G E) x = head G e)"
(* Shorter proof:  by (meson dirBD_perfect_matching_def unicity_E_head) *)
  assume "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E" 
  thus "e  E  tail G e = x  (E_head G E) x = head G e"
    using dirBD_matching_tail_edge_unicity [of G X Y E] 
    by (unfold E_head_def, unfold dirBD_perfect_matching_def, blast)

lemma E_head_in_neighbourhood:
  "dirBD_matching G X Y E  e  E  tail G e = x  
   (E_head G E) x  neighbourhood G x"
(* Shorter proof:  by (metis dirBD_matching_def in_mono mem_Collect_eq neighbour_def neighbourhood_def unicity_E_head) *)
proof (rule impI)+
  dir_BDm: "dirBD_matching G X Y E" and ed: "e  E" and hd: "tail G e = x"
  show "E_head G E x  neighbourhood G x" 
    have  "(y. y = head G e)" using hd by auto
    then obtain y where y: "y = head G e" by auto
    hence "(E_head G E) x = y" 
      using dir_BDm ed hd unicity_E_head[of G X Y E e x y] 
      by auto
    have "e  (arcs G)" using dir_BDm ed by(unfold dirBD_matching_def, auto)
    hence "neighbour G y x" using ed hd y by(unfold neighbour_def, auto)
    show ?thesis using  hd ed by(unfold neighbourhood_def, auto)

lemma dirBD_matching_inj_on:
   "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E  inj_on (E_head G E) X"
(* A shorter proof:  
by (smt (verit, best) E_head_image Edge_unicity_in_dirBD_P_matching dirBD_matching_head_edge_unicity dirBD_perfect_matching_def inj_onI) *)
proof(rule impI)
  assume dirBD_pm : "dirBD_perfect_matching G X Y E"
  show "inj_on (E_head G E) X" 
  proof(unfold inj_on_def)
    show "xX. yX. E_head G E x = E_head G E y  x = y"
      fix x
      assume 1: "x X"
      show "yX. E_head G E x = E_head G E y  x = y"
        fix y
        assume 2: "y X" 
        show "E_head G E x = E_head G E y  x = y"
        proof(rule impI)
          assume same_eheads: "E_head G E x = E_head G E y" 
          show "x=y"
            have hex: " (∃!e  E. tail G e = x)"
              using dirBD_pm 1 Edge_unicity_in_dirBD_P_matching[of X G Y E] 
              by auto
            then obtain ex where hex1: "ex  E  tail G ex = x" by auto
            have ey: " (∃!e  E. tail G e = y)" 
              using  dirBD_pm 2 Edge_unicity_in_dirBD_P_matching[of X G Y E] 
              by auto
            then obtain ey where hey1: "ey  E  tail G ey = y" by auto
            have ettx: "E_head G E x = head G ex"
              using  dirBD_pm hex1 E_head_image[of G X Y E ex x] by auto
            have etty: "E_head G E y = head G ey"
              using  dirBD_pm hey1 E_head_image[of G X Y E ey y] by auto
            have same_heads: "head G ex = head G ey" 
              using same_eheads ettx etty by auto
            hence same_edges: "ex = ey" 
              using dirBD_pm 1 2 hex1 hey1 
                    dirBD_matching_head_edge_unicity[of G X Y E]
            by(unfold dirBD_perfect_matching_def,unfold dirBD_matching_def, blast)
            thus ?thesis using  same_edges hex1 hey1 by auto
