Theory Exchange
section ‹Exchange Protocol\label{sec:exchange}›
theory Exchange
record ('p, 't) configuration =
c_temp :: "'p ⇒ 't zmultiset"
c_msg :: "'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ 't zmultiset list"
c_glob :: "'p ⇒ 't zmultiset"
c_caps :: "'p ⇒ 't zmultiset"
c_data_msg :: "('p × 't) multiset"
Description of the configuration:
@{term "c_msg c p q"} global, all progress messages currently in-flight from p to q
@{term "c_data_msg c"} global, capabilities carried by in-flight data messages
@{term "c_temp c p"} local, aggregated progress updates of worker p that haven't been sent yet
@{term "c_glob c p"} local, worker p's conservative approximation of all capabilities in the system
@{term "c_caps c p"} local, worker p's capabilities
global = state of the whole system to which no worker has access
local = state that is kept locally by each worker and which it can access
type_synonym ('p, 't) computation = "('p, 't) configuration stream"
context order begin
abbreviation "timestamps M ≡ {# t. (x,t) ∈#⇩z M #}"
definition vacant_upto :: "'a zmultiset ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"vacant_upto a t ≡ (∀s. s ≤ t ⟶ zcount a s = 0)"
definition nonpos_upto :: "'a zmultiset ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"nonpos_upto a t = (∀s. s ≤ t ⟶ zcount a s ≤ 0)"
definition supported :: "'a zmultiset ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"supported a t ≡ (∃s. s < t ∧ zcount a s < 0)"
definition supported_strong :: "'a zmultiset ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"supported_strong a t ≡ (∃s. s < t ∧ zcount a s < 0 ∧ nonpos_upto a s)"
definition justified where
"justified C M = (∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶ supported M t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ zcount M t < zcount C t)"
lemma justified_alt:
"justified C M = (∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶ supported_strong M t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ zcount M t < zcount C t)"
unfolding justified_def supported_def supported_strong_def
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
apply clarsimp
subgoal for t s
apply (drule spec[of _ s])
apply safe
apply (meson le_less_trans less_le_trans nonpos_upto_def)
using order.strict_trans2 apply blast
using order.order_iff_strict apply auto
apply blast
definition justified_with where
"justified_with C M N =
(∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶
(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount N s < 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s) ∨
zcount (M+N) t < zcount C t)"
lemma justified_with_alt: "justified_with C M N =
(∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶
(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount N s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s) ∨
zcount (M+N) t < zcount C t)"
unfolding justified_with_def
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
apply clarsimp
subgoal for t s
apply (drule spec[of _ s])
apply safe
using order.strict_trans order.strict_trans2 apply blast+
apply (simp add: not_less not_le)
apply (smt (verit, best) antisym_conv2)
apply blast
definition PositiveImplies where
"PositiveImplies v w ≡ ∀t. zcount v t > 0 ⟶ zcount w t > 0"
definition minting_self where
"minting_self C M = (∀t∈#M. ∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount C t')"
definition minting_msg where
"minting_msg C M = (∀(p,t)∈#M. ∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t')"
definition records where
"records c = (∑p∈UNIV. c_caps c p) + timestamps (zmset_of (c_data_msg c))"
definition InfoAt where
"InfoAt c k p q = (if 0 ≤ k ∧ k < length (c_msg c p q) then (c_msg c p q) ! k else {#}⇩z)"
definition IncomingInfo :: "('p, 'a) configuration ⇒ nat ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a zmultiset" where
"IncomingInfo c k p q ≡ sum_list (drop k (c_msg c p q)) + c_temp c p"
definition GlobalIncomingInfo :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ nat ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a zmultiset" where
"GlobalIncomingInfo c k p q ≡ ∑p' ∈ UNIV. IncomingInfo c (if p' = p then k else 0) p' q"
abbreviation GlobalIncomingInfoAt where
"GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q ≡ GlobalIncomingInfo c 0 q q"
definition init_config :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"init_config c ≡
(∀p. c_temp c p = {#}⇩z) ∧
(∀p1 p2. c_msg c p1 p2 = []) ∧
(∀p t. 0 ≤ zcount (c_caps c p) t) ∧
(∀p. c_glob c p = records c) ∧
c_data_msg c = {#}"
definition next_recvcap' :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ ('p, 'a) configuration ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t = (
(p,t) ∈# c_data_msg c0
∧ c1 = c0⦇c_caps := (c_caps c0)(p := c_caps c0 p + {#t#}⇩z),
c_data_msg := c_data_msg c0 - {#(p,t)#}⦈)"
abbreviation next_recvcap where
"next_recvcap c0 c1 ≡ ∃p t. next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
Can minting of capabilities be described as a refinement of the Abadi model?
Short answer: No, not in general.
Long answer:
Could slightly modify Abadi model, such that a capability always comes with a multiplicity $2^64$ (or
similar, could be parametrized over arbitrarily large constant). In that case minting new
capabilities can be described as an upright change, dropping one of the capabilities, to make the
change upright. This only works as long as no capability is required more than the constant number
of times.
- Not fully general, due to the arbitrary constant
- Not clear whether refinement proofs would be easier than simply altering the model to support the operations
text‹Rationale for the condition on @{term "c_caps c0 p"}:
In Abadi, the operation @{term next_performop'} has the premise @{term "∀t. int (count Δneg t) ≤ zcount (records c0) t"},
(records corresponds to the global field @{term nrec} in that model)
which means the processor performing the transition must verify that this condition is met.
Since @{term "records c"} is "global" state, which no processor can know, an implementation of
this protocol has to include some other protocol or reasoning for when it is safe to do this
Naively using a processor's @{term "c_glob c p"} to approximate @{term "records c"} and justify
transitions can cause a race condition, where a processor drops a pointstamp, e.g.,
@{term "Δneg = {#t#}"}, after which @{term "zcount (records c) t = 0"} but other processors might still
use the pointstamp to justify the creation of pointstamps that violate the safety property.
Instead we model ownership of pointstamps, calling "owned pointstamps" ❙‹capabilities›, which are
tracked in @{term "c_caps c"}. In place of @{term nrec} we define @{term "records c"}, which is the sum of
all capabilities, as well as @{term "c_data_msg c"}, which contains the capabilities carried by data
messages. Since @{term "∀p t. zcount (c_caps c p) t ≤ zcount (records c) t"}, our condition
@{term "∀t. int (count Δneg t) ≤ zcount (c_caps c0 p) t"} implies the one on @{term nrec} in Abadi's model.
text‹Conditions in performop:
The performop transition takes three msets of pointstamps, @{term Δneg}, @{term Δmint_msg}, and @{term Δmint_self}
@{term Δneg} contains dropped capabilities (a subset of @{term c_caps})
@{term Δmint_msg} contains pairs @{term "(p,t)"}, where a data message is sent (i.e. capability added to the pool), creating a capability at t, owned by p
@{term Δmint_self} contains pointstamps minted and owned by worker @{term p}
@{term Δneg} in combination with @{term Δmint_msg} also allows any upright updates to be made as in the Abadi model,
meaning this definition allows strictly more behaviors.
The @{term "Δmint_msg ≠ {#} ∨ zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg ≠ {#}⇩z"} condition ensures that
no-ops aren't possible. However, it's still possible that the combined @{term Δ} is empty. E.g. a processor
has capabilities 1 and 2, uses cap 1 to send a message, minting capability 2. Simultaneously it
drops a capability 2 (for unrelated reasons), cancelling out the overall change but shifting a
capability to the pool, possibly with a different owner than itself.›
definition next_performop' :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ ('p, 'a) configuration ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a multiset ⇒ ('p × 'a) multiset ⇒ 'a multiset ⇒ bool" where
"next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self =
(let Δpos = timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self;
Δ = Δpos - zmset_of Δneg
(Δmint_msg ≠ {#} ∨ zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg ≠ {#}⇩z)
∧ (∀t. int (count Δneg t) ≤ zcount (c_caps c0 p) t)
∧ minting_self (c_caps c0 p) Δmint_self
∧ minting_msg (c_caps c0 p) Δmint_msg
∧ c1 = c0⦇c_caps := (c_caps c0)(p := c_caps c0 p + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg),
c_data_msg := c_data_msg c0 + Δmint_msg,
c_temp := (c_temp c0)(p := c_temp c0 p + Δ)⦈)"
abbreviation next_performop where
"next_performop c0 c1 ≡ (∃p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self. next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self)"
definition next_sendupd' :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ ('p, 'a) configuration ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'a set ⇒ bool" where
"next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt =
(let γ = {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p. t ∈ tt#} in
γ ≠ 0
∧ justified (c_caps c0 p) (c_temp c0 p - γ)
∧ c1 = c0⦇c_msg := (c_msg c0)(p := λq. c_msg c0 p q @ [γ]),
c_temp := (c_temp c0)(p := c_temp c0 p - γ)⦈)"
abbreviation next_sendupd where
"next_sendupd c0 c1 ≡ (∃p tt. next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt)"
definition next_recvupd' :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ ('p, 'a) configuration ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ bool" where
"next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q ≡
c_msg c0 p q ≠ []
∧ c1 = c0⦇c_msg := (c_msg c0)(p := (c_msg c0 p)(q := tl (c_msg c0 p q))),
c_glob := (c_glob c0)(q := c_glob c0 q + hd (c_msg c0 p q))⦈"
abbreviation next_recvupd where
"next_recvupd c0 c1 ≡ (∃p q. next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q)"
definition "next'" where
"next' c0 c1 = (next_performop c0 c1 ∨ next_sendupd c0 c1 ∨ next_recvupd c0 c1 ∨ next_recvcap c0 c1 ∨ c1 = c0)"
abbreviation "next" where
"next s ≡ next' (shd s) (shd (stl s))"
definition spec :: "('p :: finite, 'a) computation ⇒ bool" where
"spec s ≡ holds init_config s ∧ alw next s"
abbreviation GlobVacantUpto where
"GlobVacantUpto c q t ≡ vacant_upto (c_glob c q) t"
abbreviation GlobNonposUpto where
"GlobNonposUpto c q t ≡ nonpos_upto (c_glob c q) t"
abbreviation RecordsVacantUpto where
"RecordsVacantUpto c t ≡ vacant_upto (records c) t"
definition SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec :: "('p :: finite, 'a) computation ⇒ bool" where
"SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec s =
(let c = shd s in ∀t q. GlobVacantUpto c q t ⟶ alw (holds (λc. RecordsVacantUpto c t)) s)"
subsection‹Auxiliary Lemmas›
lemma finite_induct_select [consumes 1, case_names empty select]:
assumes "finite S"
and empty: "P {}"
and select: "⋀T. finite T ⟹ T ⊂ S ⟹ P T ⟹ ∃s∈S - T. P (insert s T)"
shows "P S"
proof -
from assms(1) have "P S ∧ finite S"
by (induct S rule: finite_induct_select) (auto intro: empty select)
then show ?thesis by blast
lemma finite_induct_decompose_sum:
fixes f :: "'c ⇒ ('b :: comm_monoid_add)"
assumes "finite X"
and "x∈X"
and "A (f x)"
and "∀Z. B (sum f Z)"
and "⋀x Z. A (f x) ⟹ B (sum f Z) ⟹ A (f x + sum f Z)"
and "⋀x Z. B (f x) ⟹ A (sum f Z) ⟹ A (f x + sum f Z)"
shows "A (∑x∈X. f x)"
using assms(1,2,3)
apply (induct X rule: finite_induct_select)
apply simp
apply (simp add: sum.insert_remove)
subgoal for T
apply (cases "x ∈ T"; simp add: assms(3))
apply (drule psubset_imp_ex_mem)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for z
apply (rule bexI[of _ z])
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule assms(6)[of z T])
apply (rule assms(4)[THEN spec, of "{z}", simplified])
apply simp
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule bspec[of _ _ x])
apply safe
apply (rule assms(2))
using assms(4) assms(5) apply blast
lemma minting_msg_add_records: "minting_msg C1 M ⟹ ∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C2 t ⟹ minting_msg (C1+C2) M"
by (auto simp: minting_msg_def intro: add_strict_increasing dest!: bspec)
lemma add_less: "(a::int) < c ⟹ b ≤ 0 ⟹ a + b < c"
by linarith
lemma disj3_split: "P ∨ Q ∨ R ⟹ (P ⟹ thesis) ⟹ (¬ P ∧ Q ⟹ thesis) ⟹ (¬ P ⟹ ¬ Q ⟹ R ⟹ thesis) ⟹ thesis"
by blast
lemma filter_zmset_conclude_predicate: "0 < zcount {# x ∈#⇩z M. P x #} x ⟹ 0 < zcount M x ⟹ P x"
by (auto split: if_splits)
lemma alw_holds2: "alw (holds P) ss = (P (shd ss) ∧ alw (holds P) (stl ss))"
by (meson alw.simps holds.elims(2) holds.elims(3))
lemma zmset_of_remove1_mset: "x ∈# M ⟹ zmset_of (remove1_mset x M) = zmset_of M - {#x#}⇩z"
by (induct M) auto
lemma timestamps_zmset_of_pair_image[simp]: "timestamps (zmset_of {# (c,t). t ∈# M #}) = zmset_of M"
by (induct M) auto
lemma timestamps_image_zmset_fst[simp]: "timestamps {# (f x, t). (x, t) ∈#⇩z M #} = timestamps M"
apply transfer
apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_zmset_def)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prod_unfold image_mset_cong prod.collapse prod.inject)
lemma lift_invariant_to_spec:
assumes "(⋀c. init_config c ⟹ P c)"
and "(⋀s. holds P s ⟹ next s ⟹ nxt (holds P) s)"
shows "spec s ⟹ alw (holds P) s"
unfolding spec_def
apply (elim conjE)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI assms(1))
apply safe
proof -
fix sa :: "('b, 'a) configuration stream"
assume a1: "init_config (shd sa)"
assume a2: "alw next sa"
assume "¬ alw (holds P) (stl sa)"
then have "¬ alw (λs. holds P s ⟶ nxt (holds P) s) sa"
using a1 by (metis (no_types) alw.cases alw_invar assms(1) holds.elims(3))
then show "init_config (shd (stl sa))"
using a2 by (metis (lifting) alw_iff_sdrop assms(2))
apply auto
lemma timestamps_sum_distrib[simp]: "(∑p ∈ A. timestamps (f p)) = timestamps (∑p ∈ A. f p)"
by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma timestamps_zmset_of[simp]: "timestamps (zmset_of M) = zmset_of {# t. (p,t) ∈# M #}"
by (induct M) auto
lemma vacant_upto_add: "vacant_upto a t ⟹ vacant_upto b t ⟹ vacant_upto (a+b) t"
by (simp add: vacant_upto_def)
lemma nonpos_upto_add: "nonpos_upto a t ⟹ nonpos_upto b t ⟹ nonpos_upto (a+b) t"
by (auto intro: add_nonpos_nonpos simp: nonpos_upto_def)
lemma nonzero_lt_gtD: "(n::_::linorder) ≠ 0 ⟹ 0 < n ∨ n < 0"
by auto
lemma zero_lt_diff: "(0::int) < a - b ⟹ b ≥ 0 ⟹ 0 < a"
by auto
lemma zero_lt_add_disj: "0 < (a::int) + b ⟹ 0 ≤ a ⟹ 0 ≤ b ⟹ 0 < a ∨ 0 < b"
by auto
subsubsection‹Transition lemmas›
lemma next_performopD:
assumes "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
"Δmint_msg ≠ {#} ∨ zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg ≠ {#}⇩z"
"∀t. int (count Δneg t) ≤ zcount (c_caps c0 p) t"
"minting_self (c_caps c0 p) Δmint_self"
"minting_msg (c_caps c0 p) Δmint_msg"
"c_temp c1 = (c_temp c0)(p := c_temp c0 p + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg))"
"c_msg c1 = c_msg c0"
"c_glob c1 = c_glob c0"
"c_data_msg c1 = c_data_msg c0 + Δmint_msg"
"c_caps c1 = (c_caps c0)(p := c_caps c0 p + (zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg))"
using assms by (simp_all add: next_performop'_def Let_def algebra_simps)
lemma next_performop_complexD:
assumes "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
"records c1 = records c0 + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg)"
"GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q = GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg)"
"IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg)
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
"∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c0 p) t' = 0 ⟹ zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg)) t = 0"
"InfoAt c1 k p' q = InfoAt c0 k p' q"
proof -
let ?Δ = "timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg"
note change = next_performopD[OF assms(1)]
show "records c1 = records c0 + ?Δ"
unfolding records_def change
apply simp
apply (subst add_diff_eq[symmetric])
apply (subst sum_if_distrib_add)
apply (simp_all add: algebra_simps zmset_of_plus)
show "IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg)
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
unfolding IncomingInfo_def change
by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
show "GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q = GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q + ?Δ" for q
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def IncomingInfo_def
by (rule Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem[where m = p]) (simp_all add: change algebra_simps)
show "∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c0 p) t' = 0 ⟹ zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg)) t = 0" for t
by (rule ccontr) (clarsimp dest!: image_zmset_pre change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
show "InfoAt c1 k p' q = InfoAt c0 k p' q"
unfolding InfoAt_def change by simp
lemma next_sendupdD:
assumes "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
"{#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p. t ∈ tt#} ≠ {#}⇩z"
"justified (c_caps c0 p) (c_temp c0 p - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p. t ∈ tt#})"
"c_temp c1 p' = (if p' = p then c_temp c0 p - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p. t ∈ tt#} else c_temp c0 p')"
"c_msg c1 = (λp' q. if p' = p then c_msg c0 p q @ [{#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p. t ∈ tt#}] else c_msg c0 p' q)"
"c_glob c1 = c_glob c0"
"c_caps c1 = c_caps c0"
"c_data_msg c1 = c_data_msg c0"
using assms by (simp_all add: next_sendupd'_def Let_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma next_sendupd_complexD:
assumes "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
"records c1 = records c0"
"IncomingInfo c1 0 = IncomingInfo c0 0"
"IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p ∧ length (c_msg c0 p q) < k
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#}
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
"k ≤ length (c_msg c0 p q) ⟹ IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = IncomingInfo c0 k p' q"
"length (c_msg c0 p q) < k ⟹
IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#}
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
"GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q = GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q"
"InfoAt c1 k p' q = (if p' = p ∧ k = length (c_msg c0 p q) then {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#} else InfoAt c0 k p' q)"
proof -
note change = next_sendupdD[OF assms]
show "records c1 = records c0"
by (simp add: records_def change)
show ii: "IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p ∧ length (c_msg c0 p q) < k
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#}
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
by (simp add: algebra_simps IncomingInfo_def change)
then show "k ≤ length (c_msg c0 p q) ⟹ IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = IncomingInfo c0 k p' q"
by auto
from ii show "length (c_msg c0 p q) < k ⟹
IncomingInfo c1 k p' q = (if p' = p
then IncomingInfo c0 k p' q - {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#}
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q)"
by auto
have "IncomingInfo c1 0 p q = IncomingInfo c0 0 p q" for p q
by (simp add: algebra_simps IncomingInfo_def change)
then show "IncomingInfo c1 0 = IncomingInfo c0 0"
by auto
then show "GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q = GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q"
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def by auto
show "InfoAt c1 k p' q = (if p' = p ∧ k = length (c_msg c0 p q) then {#t ∈#⇩z c_temp c0 p'. t ∈ tt#} else InfoAt c0 k p' q)"
unfolding InfoAt_def change
by (auto simp: nth_append)
lemma next_recvupdD:
assumes "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
"c_msg c0 p q ≠ []"
"c_temp c1 = c_temp c0"
"c_msg c1 = (λp' q'. if p' = p ∧ q' = q then tl (c_msg c0 p q) else c_msg c0 p' q')"
"c_glob c1 = (c_glob c0)(q := c_glob c0 q + hd (c_msg c0 p q))"
"c_caps c1 = c_caps c0"
"c_data_msg c1 = c_data_msg c0"
using assms by (simp_all add: next_recvupd'_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma next_recvupd_complexD:
assumes "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
"records c1 = records c0"
"IncomingInfo c1 0 p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q then IncomingInfo c0 0 p' q' - hd (c_msg c0 p q) else IncomingInfo c0 0 p' q')"
"IncomingInfo c1 k p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q
then IncomingInfo c0 (k+1) p' q'
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q')"
"GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q' = (if q' = q then GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q' - hd (c_msg c0 p q) else GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q')"
"InfoAt c1 k p q = InfoAt c0 (k+1) p q"
"InfoAt c1 k p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q then InfoAt c0 (k+1) p q else InfoAt c0 k p' q')"
proof -
note change = next_recvupdD[OF assms]
show "records c1 = records c0"
by (simp add: records_def change)
show ii: "IncomingInfo c1 0 p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q then IncomingInfo c0 0 p' q' - hd (c_msg c0 p q) else IncomingInfo c0 0 p' q')" for p' q'
by (auto simp: IncomingInfo_def change algebra_simps sum_list_hd_tl)
show "IncomingInfo c1 k p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q
then IncomingInfo c0 (k+1) p' q'
else IncomingInfo c0 k p' q')"
by (auto simp: IncomingInfo_def change algebra_simps sum_list_hd_tl drop_Suc)
show "GlobalIncomingInfoAt c1 q' = (if q' = q then GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q' - hd (c_msg c0 p q) else GlobalIncomingInfoAt c0 q')"
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def
apply (cases "q'=q")
apply simp
apply (subst diff_conv_add_uminus)
apply (intro Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem[where m = p])
apply (simp_all add: ii)
show "InfoAt c1 k p q = InfoAt c0 (k+1) p q"
unfolding InfoAt_def change
by (auto simp: nth_tl)
show "InfoAt c1 k p' q' = (if p' = p ∧ q' = q then InfoAt c0 (k+1) p q else InfoAt c0 k p' q')"
unfolding InfoAt_def change
by (auto simp: nth_tl)
lemma next_recvcapD:
assumes "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
"(p,t) ∈# c_data_msg c0"
"c_temp c1 = c_temp c0"
"c_msg c1 = c_msg c0"
"c_glob c1 = c_glob c0"
"c_caps c1 = (c_caps c0)(p := c_caps c0 p + {#t#}⇩z)"
"c_data_msg c1 = c_data_msg c0 - {#(p,t)#}"
using assms by (simp_all add: next_recvcap'_def)
lemma next_recvcap_complexD:
assumes "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
"records c1 = records c0"
"IncomingInfo c1 = IncomingInfo c0"
"GlobalIncomingInfo c1 = GlobalIncomingInfo c0"
"InfoAt c1 k p' q = InfoAt c0 k p' q"
proof -
note change = next_recvcapD[OF assms]
show "records c1 = records c0"
unfolding records_def change fun_upd_apply
apply (subst sum_if_distrib_add)
using change(1) apply (simp_all add: zmset_of_remove1_mset algebra_simps records_def change)
show "IncomingInfo c1 = IncomingInfo c0"
unfolding IncomingInfo_def change by simp
then show "GlobalIncomingInfo c1 = GlobalIncomingInfo c0"
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def by simp
show "InfoAt c1 k p' q = InfoAt c0 k p' q"
unfolding InfoAt_def change by simp
lemma ex_next_recvupd:
assumes "c_msg c0 p q ≠ []"
shows "∃c1. next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
using assms unfolding next_recvupd'_def
by (intro
exI[of _ "c0⦇c_msg := (λp' q'. if p' = p ∧ q' = q then tl (c_msg c0 p q) else c_msg c0 p' q'),
c_glob := (λq'. if q' = q then c_glob c0 q + hd (c_msg c0 p q) else c_glob c0 q')⦈"])
(auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
subsubsection‹Facts about @{term justified}'ness›
lemma justified_empty[simp]: "justified {#}⇩z {#}⇩z"
by (simp add: justified_def)
text‹It's sufficient to show justified for least pointstamps in M.›
lemma justified_leastI:
assumes "∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶ (∀t'<t. zcount M t' ≤ 0) ⟶ supported_strong M t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ (zcount M t < zcount C t)"
shows "justified C M"
unfolding justified_alt supported_strong_def
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for t' s
apply (drule assms(1)[unfolded supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (auto intro: ccontr) []
apply (elim disj3_split)
apply (rule disjI1)
using order.strict_trans2 apply blast
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1)
using order.strict_trans2 apply blast
apply (clarsimp simp: nonpos_upto_def)
apply (metis le_less_linear linear le_imp_less_or_eq preorder_class.le_less_trans)
lemma justified_add:
assumes "justified C1 M1"
and "justified C2 M2"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C1 t"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C2 t"
shows "justified (C1+C2) (M1+M2)"
apply (rule justified_leastI)
apply (intro allI impI)
subgoal for t
apply (cases "0 < zcount M1 t")
apply (drule assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disj3_split)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s s'
apply (cases "zcount (M1 + M2) s' < 0")
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (auto intro!: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def) []
apply (subst (asm) not_less)
apply (cases "0 < zcount M2 s'")
prefer 2
subgoal by auto
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disj3_split)
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s''
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ s''] simp: nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def add_nonpos_neg)
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s''
using assms(3) by (auto simp: add_nonneg_pos intro!: exI[of _ s''])
by (metis add.right_neutral add_strict_increasing2 assms(3) less_add_same_cancel1 order.strict_trans1 pos_add_strict zcount_union)
by (metis add.commute add_mono_thms_linordered_field(4) assms(4) add_0 zcount_union)
apply (cases "supported_strong M2 t")
apply (rule disjI1)
using assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt]
apply (subst supported_strong_def)
apply (subst (asm) supported_strong_def)
apply (elim exE conjE)
unfolding not_ex
subgoal for s
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (intro conjI)
apply blast
apply (rule add_nonpos_neg)
apply (metis assms(3) le_less_linear less_trans order_class.le_less supported_strong_def)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: nonpos_upto_def)
apply (cases "∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C2 t'")
by (metis add_cancel_left_left assms(3) order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict zcount_union)
apply (intro disjI2)
apply clarsimp
using assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, of t]
apply (metis add.commute add_cancel_left_right add_mono_thms_linordered_field(5) add_strict_increasing2 assms(4) nonzero_lt_gtD)
apply (cases "0 < zcount M2 t")
prefer 2
subgoal by auto
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disj3_split)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s s'
apply (cases "zcount (M1 + M2) s' < 0")
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (auto intro!: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def) []
apply (subst (asm) not_less)
apply (cases "0 < zcount M1 s'")
prefer 2
subgoal by auto
apply (drule assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disj3_split)
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s''
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ s''] simp: nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def add_neg_nonpos)
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s''
using assms(4) by (auto simp: add_pos_nonneg intro!: exI[of _ s''])
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1, rule exI[of _ s'], rule conjI)
using assms(4) by (auto intro!: add_pos_nonneg)
by (metis add_mono_thms_linordered_field(4) assms(3) add_0 zcount_union)
apply (cases "supported_strong M1 t")
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (simp only: supported_strong_def)
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s
apply (clarsimp simp: nonpos_upto_def intro!: exI[of _ s])
using assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def, rule_format, of s]
assms(4)[rule_format, of s]
apply (smt (verit, best) dual_order.strict_trans)
apply (cases "∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C1 t'")
by (metis add.commute add_cancel_left_left assms(4) order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict zcount_union)
apply (intro disjI2)
apply (metis add.commute add_strict_increasing2 assms(3) not_le sublist_order.add_less zcount_union)
lemma justified_sum:
assumes "∀p∈P. justified (f p) (g p)"
and "∀p∈P. ∀t. 0 ≤ zcount (f p) t"
shows "justified (∑p∈P. f p) (∑p∈P. g p)"
using assms
by (induct P rule: infinite_finite_induct)
(auto intro!: justified_add sum_nonneg simp: zcount_sum)
lemma justified_add_records:
assumes "justified C M"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C' t"
shows "justified (C+C') M"
using assms unfolding justified_def
apply (clarsimp intro: add_pos_nonneg)
apply (metis add.commute add_strict_increasing2 assms(2))
lemma justified_add_zmset_records:
assumes "justified C M"
shows "justified (add_zmset t C) M"
using assms
apply (subst add_zmset_add_single)
apply (rule justified_add_records)
apply simp_all
lemma justified_diff:
assumes "justified C M"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
and "∀t. count Δ t ≤ zcount C t"
shows "justified (C - zmset_of Δ) (M - zmset_of Δ)"
proof (intro justified_leastI allI impI)
fix t
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) t' ≤ 0"
assume "0 < zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) t"
then have Mt: "0 < zcount M t"
by auto
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF Mt]
then consider "supported_strong M t" | "∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t'" | "zcount M t < zcount C t"
by blast
then show "supported_strong (M - zmset_of Δ) t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) t') ∨ zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) t < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s
by (auto intro!: disjI1 exI[of _ s] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
case 2
then obtain s where s: "s < t" "0 < zcount C s" "∀s'<s. zcount C s' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for t' s
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (intro conjI)
apply auto [2]
apply (intro allI impI)
subgoal for s'
using assms(2)[rule_format, of s']
apply auto
then consider
"0 < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) s < 0" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (M - zmset_of Δ) s > 0"
using assms(3)[rule_format, of s] by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using s by auto
case 2
then show ?thesis
using s least by (auto simp: nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def)
case 3
note case3 = 3
with s(2) have Ms: "0 < zcount M s"
by - (rule ccontr, auto simp: not_less)
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF Ms]
then consider "supported_strong M s" | "∃t'<s. 0 < zcount C t'" | "zcount M s < zcount C s"
using not_less by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s'
apply (intro disjI1 exI[of _ s'])
using s(1,2) apply (auto intro: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using s(3) by auto
case 3
from case3 have "zcount C s = zcount M s"
by auto
with 3 show ?thesis
by linarith
case 4
then show ?thesis
using least s(1) by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma justified_add_msg_delta:
assumes "justified C M"
and "minting_msg C Δ"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
shows "justified C (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ))"
proof (intro allI impI justified_leastI)
fix t
assume t: "0 < zcount (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t"
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t' ≤ 0"
have Δt: "0 < zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ⟹ supported_strong (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ zcount (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t < zcount C t"
by (auto dest: pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated] assms(2)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
{ assume Δt: "zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ≤ 0"
with t have Mt: "0 < zcount M t"
by auto
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF Mt]
then consider
"supported_strong M t" "∀t'<t. zcount C t' = 0" "zcount M t ≥ zcount C t" |
"∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t'" |
"zcount M t < zcount C t"
using not_less assms(3)
by (metis order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
then have "supported_strong (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ zcount (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t < zcount C t"
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s where s: "s < t" "zcount M s < 0" "∀s'<s. zcount M s' = 0"
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg')
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s s'
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def order_class.order_antisym)
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "∃s'≤s. zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) s' > 0")
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s'
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply simp
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
apply (auto simp: supported_strong_def)
apply (intro disjI1 exI[of _ s])
unfolding not_less
apply (metis (full_types) le_less_linear least eq_refl order.strict_trans1 nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def sublist_order.add_less zcount_union)
case 2
then show ?thesis by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
using Δt by auto
then show "supported_strong (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t') ∨ zcount (M + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t < zcount C t"
apply (cases "zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t ≤ 0")
apply blast
apply (rule Δt)
apply auto
lemma justified_add_same:
assumes "justified C M"
and "minting_self C Δ"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
shows "justified (C + zmset_of Δ) (M + zmset_of Δ)"
proof (intro allI impI justified_leastI)
fix t
assume t: "0 < zcount (M + zmset_of Δ) t"
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount (M + zmset_of Δ) t' ≤ 0"
from t consider
"0 < zcount M t" |
"0 < zcount (zmset_of Δ) t" "zcount M t ≤ 0"
by atomize_elim (auto simp: not_less count_inI)
then show "supported_strong (M + zmset_of Δ) t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount (C + zmset_of Δ) t') ∨ zcount (M + zmset_of Δ) t < zcount (C + zmset_of Δ) t"
proof cases
case 1
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF 1]
then consider
"supported_strong M t" |
"∃t'<t. 0 < zcount C t'" |
"zcount M t < zcount C t"
by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for t'
apply (cases "∃s≤t'. zcount (zmset_of Δ) s > 0")
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s
apply simp
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded minting_self_def, rule_format])
apply (smt (z3) order.strict_trans1 of_nat_0_le_iff)
apply (intro disjI1 exI[of _ t'] conjI)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (metis add_cancel_right_left add_mono_thms_linordered_field(1) count_eq_zero_iff order.order_iff_strict of_nat_eq_0_iff)
using least nonpos_upto_def apply auto
case 2
then show ?thesis
by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
by auto
case 2
then obtain t' where t': "t' ≤ t" "0 < zcount C t'"
using assms(2)[unfolded minting_self_def]
by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "t'=t")
using 2(2) by auto
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1)
using assms(3) order.not_eq_order_implies_strict apply fastforce
subsubsection‹Facts about @{term justified_with}'ness›
lemma justified_with_add_records:
assumes "justified_with C1 M N"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C2 t"
shows "justified_with (C1+C2) M N"
unfolding justified_with_def
apply (intro allI impI)
subgoal for t
apply (drule assms(1)[unfolded justified_with_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disjE)
by blast
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1)
using assms(2)[rule_format, of s] by auto
apply (intro disjI2)
using assms(2)[rule_format, of t]
by auto
lemma justified_with_leastI:
"(∀t. 0 < zcount M t ⟶ (∀t'<t. zcount M t' ≤ 0) ⟶
(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount N s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s) ∨
zcount (M+N) t < zcount C t)"
shows "justified_with C M N"
unfolding justified_with_alt
proof (intro allI impI)
fix t
assume t: "0 < zcount M t"
from t obtain t' where t': "t' ≤ t" "0 < zcount M t'" "∀s<t'. zcount M s ≤ 0"
by atomize_elim (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
note assms[rule_format, OF t'(2)]
with t'(3) consider
"∃s<t'. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount N s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t'. 0 < zcount C s" |
"zcount (M+N) t' < zcount C t'"
using not_less by blast
then show "(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount N s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)) ∨ (∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s) ∨ zcount (M+N) t < zcount C t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using order.strict_trans2 t'(1) by blast
case 2
then show ?thesis
using order.strict_trans2 t'(1) by blast
case 3
then consider
"zcount (M+N) t' < 0" |
"zcount C t' > 0"
by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then have "zcount N t' < 0"
using t'(2) by auto
with t'(3) show ?thesis
apply (cases "t'=t")
using 3(1) by blast
using t'(1) by (auto intro: exI[of _ t'])
case 2
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "t'=t")
apply (intro disjI2)
using 3(1) apply blast
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule disjI1)
using order.not_eq_order_implies_strict t'(1) apply blast
lemma justified_with_add:
assumes "justified_with C1 M N1"
and "justified C1 N1"
and "justified C2 N2"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C1 t"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C2 t"
shows "justified_with (C1+C2) M (N1+N2)"
proof (intro justified_with_leastI allI impI)
fix t
assume count_t: "0 < zcount M t"
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount M t' ≤ 0"
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_with_alt, rule_format, OF count_t]
then consider
"∃s<t. zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. zcount N1 s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. 0 < zcount C1 s" |
"zcount (M + N1) t < zcount C1 t"
by blast
then show "(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount (N1 + N2) s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount (C1 + C2) s) ∨ zcount (M + (N1 + N2)) t < zcount (C1 + C2) t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 2
then obtain s where s: "s < t" "zcount N1 s < 0" "∀s'<s. 0 ≤ zcount N1 s'"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg')
using order.strict_trans order.strict_trans1 apply blast
then consider
"zcount (N1 + N2) s < 0" |
"0 < zcount N2 s" "zcount (N1 + N2) s ≥ 0"
by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using least order.strict_trans s(1) by blast
case 2
note assms(3)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF 2(1)]
then consider
"supported_strong N2 s" "∀t'<s. zcount C2 t' ≤ 0" "zcount N2 s ≥ zcount C2 s" |
"∃t'<s. 0 < zcount C2 t'" |
"zcount N2 s < zcount C2 s"
using not_less by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s' where s': "s' < s" "zcount N2 s' < 0" "nonpos_upto N2 s'"
unfolding supported_strong_def
by blast
from s'(2) have nonneg: "0 ≤ zcount (N1+N2) s' ⟹ 0 < zcount N1 s'"
by auto
show ?thesis
apply (cases "zcount (N1 + N2) s' < 0")
using least order.strict_trans s'(1) s(1) by (intro disjI1) blast
unfolding not_less
apply (drule nonneg)
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disjE exE conjE)
subgoal for u
by (meson local.order.strict_trans not_less s'(1) s(3))
subgoal for u
by (metis add_strict_increasing assms(5) local.less_trans s'(1) s(1) zcount_union)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(5) local.dual_order.strict_trans s'(1) s(1) s(3) zcount_union)
case 2
then show ?thesis
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s'
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule disjI1)
using assms(4)[rule_format, of s'] s(1)
apply (auto intro!: exI[of _ s'])
case 3
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) "2"(1) assms(4) s(1) zcount_union)
case 3
then show ?thesis
using assms(5)
apply -
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (metis add_strict_increasing zcount_union)
case 4
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "zcount (M + (N1 + N2)) t < zcount (C1 + C2) t")
case True
then show ?thesis
by blast
case False
then have N2t: "0 < zcount N2 t"
using 4 assms(5)[rule_format, of t]
unfolding not_less zcount_union
by linarith
then show ?thesis
using assms(3)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format, OF N2t]
apply (elim exE conjE disjE)
subgoal for s
apply (cases "0 < zcount N1 s")
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim exE conjE disjE)
subgoal for s'
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (rule exI[of _ s'])
apply (intro conjI)
apply simp
apply (metis add_cancel_right_right add_neg_neg order.strict_implies_order nonpos_upto_def order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict zcount_union)
apply (meson least less_trans)
subgoal for s'
by (metis add_pos_nonneg assms(5) less_trans zcount_union)
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (clarsimp simp: not_le not_less)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_cancel_right_right add_neg_neg assms(4) assms(5) least less_trans not_less order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict pos_add_strict)
apply (intro disjI1 exI[of _ s])
apply (intro disjI2 conjI)
apply simp
apply simp
using least apply simp
subgoal for s
by (metis add.comm_neutral add_mono_thms_linordered_field(4) assms(4) zcount_union)
using 4 by auto
lemma justified_with_sum':
assumes "finite X" "X≠{}"
and "∀x∈X. justified_with (C x) M (N x)"
and "∀x∈X. justified (C x) (N x)"
and "∀x∈X. ∀t. 0 ≤ zcount (C x) t"
shows "justified_with (∑x∈X. C x) M (∑x∈X. N x)"
using assms
proof (induct X rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F)
show ?case
apply (cases "F={}")
using insert(5) by simp
apply (subst (1 2) sum.insert_remove)
using insert(1) apply simp
using insert(2) apply simp
apply (rule justified_with_add)
using insert(5) apply simp
using insert(6) apply simp
apply (rule justified_sum)
using insert(6) apply simp
using insert(7) apply simp
using insert(7) apply simp
apply (intro allI)
unfolding zcount_sum
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
using insert(7) apply simp
lemma justified_with_sum:
assumes "finite X" "X≠{}"
and "x ∈ X"
and "justified_with (C x) M (N x)"
and "∀x∈X. justified (C x) (N x)"
and "∀x∈X. ∀t. 0 ≤ zcount (C x) t"
shows "justified_with (∑x∈X. C x) M (∑x∈X. N x)"
using assms
proof (induct X rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case
by simp
case (insert y F)
thm insert
show ?case
apply (cases "F={}")
using insert by simp
apply (subst (1 2) sum.insert_remove)
using insert(1) apply simp
using insert(2) apply simp
apply (cases "y=x")
apply (rule justified_with_add)
using insert(6) apply simp
using insert(7) apply simp
apply (rule justified_sum)
using insert(7) apply simp
using insert(8) apply simp
using insert(8) apply simp
apply (intro allI)
unfolding zcount_sum
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
using insert(8) apply simp
apply (subst (1 2) add.commute)
apply (rule justified_with_add)
apply (rule insert(3))
apply simp
using insert(5) apply simp
using insert(6) apply simp
using insert(7) apply simp
using insert(8) apply simp
apply (rule justified_sum)
using insert(7) apply simp
using insert(8) apply simp
using insert(7) apply simp
apply (intro allI)
unfolding zcount_sum
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
using insert(8) apply simp
using insert(8) apply simp
lemma justified_with_add_same:
assumes "justified_with C M N"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
shows "justified_with (C + zmset_of Δ) M (N + zmset_of Δ)"
unfolding justified_with_def
proof (intro allI impI)
fix t
assume Mt: "0 < zcount M t"
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_with_alt, rule_format, OF Mt]
with Mt consider
"∃s<t. zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. zcount N s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s" |
"zcount (M + N) t < zcount C t"
using not_less by blast
then show "(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount (N + zmset_of Δ) s < 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount (C + zmset_of Δ) s) ∨ zcount (M + (N + zmset_of Δ)) t < zcount (C + zmset_of Δ) t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 2
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_less_same_cancel2 assms(2) not_less preorder_class.le_less_trans zcount_union)
case 3
then show ?thesis
by fastforce
case 4
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma justified_with_add_msg_delta:
assumes "justified_with C M N"
and "minting_msg C Δ"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
shows "justified_with C M (N + timestamps (zmset_of Δ))"
unfolding justified_with_def
proof (intro allI impI)
fix t
assume Mt: "0 < zcount M t"
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_with_alt, rule_format, OF Mt]
with Mt consider
"∃s<t. zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. zcount N s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s" |
"zcount (M + N) t < zcount C t"
using not_less by blast
then show "(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount (N + timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) s < 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s) ∨ zcount (M + (N + timestamps (zmset_of Δ))) t < zcount C t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 2
then obtain s where s: "s < t" "zcount N s < 0"
by blast
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "∃(p,s')∈#Δ. s' ≤ s")
case True
then show ?thesis
apply -
apply clarsimp
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
using order.strict_trans order.strict_trans1 s(1) not_less apply blast
case False
then have "zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) s = 0"
by (force intro: ccontr dest: pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
then show ?thesis
by (metis plus_int_code(1) s(1,2) zcount_union)
case 3
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 4
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δ)) t > 0")
apply (auto dest: pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated] assms(2)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format]) []
unfolding not_less apply auto
lemma justified_with_diff:
assumes "justified_with C M N"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount C t"
and "∀t. count Δ t ≤ zcount C t"
and "justified C N"
shows "justified_with (C - zmset_of Δ) M (N - zmset_of Δ)"
proof (intro allI impI justified_with_leastI)
fix t
assume Mt: "0 < zcount M t"
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount M t' ≤ 0"
note assms(1)[unfolded justified_with_alt, rule_format, OF Mt]
with Mt consider
"∃s<t. zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. zcount N s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t. 0 < zcount C s" "∀s<t. zcount M s ≥ 0 ∨ ¬ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" "∀s<t. zcount N s ≥ 0 ∨ ¬ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)" "zcount (M + N) t ≥ zcount C t" |
"zcount (M + N) t < zcount C t"
using not_less by blast
then show "(∃s<t. (zcount M s < 0 ∨ zcount (N - zmset_of Δ) s < 0) ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount M s' ≤ 0)) ∨
(∃s<t. 0 < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s) ∨ zcount (M + (N - zmset_of Δ)) t < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) t"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 2
then show ?thesis
using diff_add_cancel zcount_union zcount_zmset_of_nonneg by auto
case 3
then obtain s where s: "s < t" "0 < zcount C s" "∀s'<s. zcount C s' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for t' s
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (intro conjI)
apply auto [2]
apply (intro allI impI)
subgoal for s'
using assms(2)[rule_format, of s'] by auto
then consider
"0 < zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (N - zmset_of Δ) s < 0" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (N - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" |
"zcount (C - zmset_of Δ) s = 0" "zcount (N - zmset_of Δ) s > 0"
using assms(3)[rule_format, of s] by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
using s by auto
case 2
then show ?thesis
using s least by (auto simp: nonpos_upto_def)
case 3
note case3 = 3
with s(2) have Ns: "0 < zcount N s"
by (auto intro: ccontr simp: not_less)
note assms(4)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF Ns]
then consider "supported_strong N s" | "∃t'<s. 0 < zcount C t'" | "zcount N s < zcount C s"
using not_less by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s'
using s(1,2) least by (auto intro: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using s(3) by auto
case 3
from case3 have "zcount C s = zcount N s"
by auto
with 3 show ?thesis
by linarith
case 4
then have Ns: "0 < zcount N s"
by auto
note assms(4)[unfolded justified_alt, rule_format, OF Ns]
then consider "supported_strong N s" | "∃t'<s. 0 < zcount C t'" | "zcount N s < zcount C s"
using not_less by blast
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
unfolding supported_strong_def
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s'
using s(1,2) least by (auto intro: exI[of _ s'] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using s(3) by auto
case 3
have "zcount C s = zcount N s"
using 3 4(1,2) by auto
with 3 show ?thesis
by linarith
case 4
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma PositiveImplies_justified_with:
assumes "justified C (M+N)"
and "PositiveImplies M (M+N)"
shows "justified_with C M N"
unfolding justified_with_def
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (drule assms(2)[unfolded PositiveImplies_def, rule_format])
apply (frule assms(1)[unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (elim disjE)
subgoal for t
apply (intro disjI1)
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for s
apply (clarsimp intro!: exI[of _ s])
subgoal for t
using less_imp_le by blast
subgoal for t
by (intro disjI2 exI[of _ t]) auto
lemma justified_with_add_zmset[simp]:
assumes "justified_with C M N"
shows "justified_with (add_zmset c C) M N"
using assms
apply (subst add_zmset_add_single)
apply (rule justified_with_add_records)
apply simp_all
lemma next_performop'_preserves_justified_with:
assumes "justified_with (c_caps c0 p) M N"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "∀t. 0 ≤ zcount (c_caps c0 p) t"
and "justified (c_caps c0 p) N"
shows "justified_with (c_caps c0 p + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg) M (N + zmset_of Δmint_self + timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) - zmset_of Δneg)"
apply (rule justified_with_diff)
apply (rule justified_with_add_msg_delta)
apply (rule justified_with_add_same)
using assms(1) apply simp
using assms(3) apply simp
apply (rule minting_msg_add_records)
using next_performopD(4)[OF assms(2)] apply simp
apply simp
using assms(3) apply simp
using assms(3) apply simp
using next_performopD(2)[OF assms(2)] apply (simp add: add.commute add_increasing)
apply (rule justified_add_msg_delta)
apply (rule justified_add_same)
using assms(4) apply simp
using next_performopD(3)[OF assms(2)] apply simp
using assms(3) apply simp
apply (rule minting_msg_add_records)
using next_performopD(4)[OF assms(2)] apply simp
apply simp
using assms(3) apply (simp add: add.commute add_increasing)
text‹InvRecordCount states that for every processor, its local approximation @{text "c_glob c q"}
and the sum of all incoming progress updates @{text "GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q"} together are equal
to the sum of all capabilities in the system.›
definition InvRecordCount where
"InvRecordCount c ≡ ∀q. records c = GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q + c_glob c q"
lemma init_config_implies_InvRecordCount: "init_config c ⟹ InvRecordCount c"
by (simp add: InvRecordCount_def init_config_def GlobalIncomingInfo_def IncomingInfo_def)
lemma performop_preserves_InvRecordCount:
assumes "InvRecordCount c0"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
shows "InvRecordCount c1"
proof -
note change = next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
show "InvRecordCount c1"
unfolding InvRecordCount_def complex_change
by (auto intro: assms(1)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def, rule_format] simp: change)
lemma sendupd_preserves_InvRecordCount:
assumes "InvRecordCount c0"
and "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
shows "InvRecordCount c1"
proof -
note change = next_sendupdD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_sendupd_complexD[OF assms(2)]
from assms(1) show "InvRecordCount c1"
unfolding InvRecordCount_def complex_change change(5) by assumption
lemma recvupd_preserves_InvRecordCount:
assumes "InvRecordCount c0"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
shows "InvRecordCount c1"
proof -
note change = next_recvupdD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_recvupd_complexD[OF assms(2)]
show "InvRecordCount c1"
unfolding InvRecordCount_def complex_change change(4)
by (auto simp: assms(1)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def, rule_format])
lemma recvcap_preserves_InvRecordCount:
assumes "InvRecordCount c0"
and "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvRecordCount c1"
proof -
note change = next_recvcapD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_recvcap_complexD[OF assms(2)]
show "InvRecordCount c1"
unfolding InvRecordCount_def complex_change change(4)
by (auto simp: assms(1)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def, rule_format])
lemma next_preserves_InvRecordCount: "InvRecordCount c0 ⟹ next' c0 c1 ⟹ InvRecordCount c1"
unfolding next'_def
apply (elim disjE)
using performop_preserves_InvRecordCount by auto
using sendupd_preserves_InvRecordCount by auto
using recvupd_preserves_InvRecordCount by auto
using recvcap_preserves_InvRecordCount by auto
by simp
lemma alw_InvRecordCount: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvRecordCount) s"
using lift_invariant_to_spec init_config_implies_InvRecordCount next_preserves_InvRecordCount
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) holds.elims(2) holds.elims(3) nxt.simps)
subsubsection‹InvCapsNonneg and InvRecordsNonneg›
text‹InvCapsNonneg states that elements in a processor's @{text "c_caps c p"} always have
non-negative cardinality. InvRecordsNonneg lifts this result to @{text "records c"}›
definition InvCapsNonneg :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"InvCapsNonneg c = (∀p t. 0 ≤ zcount (c_caps c p) t)"
definition InvRecordsNonneg where
"InvRecordsNonneg c = (∀t. 0 ≤ zcount (records c) t)"
lemma init_config_implies_InvCapsNonneg: "init_config c ⟹ InvCapsNonneg c"
unfolding init_config_def InvCapsNonneg_def by simp
lemma performop_preserves_InvCapsNonneg:
assumes "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δ⇩m Δ⇩p⇩1 Δ⇩p⇩2"
shows "InvCapsNonneg c1"
using assms unfolding InvCapsNonneg_def next_performop'_def Let_def
by clarsimp (metis add.right_neutral add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) of_nat_0_le_iff)
lemma sendupd_performs_InvCapsNonneg:
assumes "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
shows "InvCapsNonneg c1"
using assms by (simp add: InvCapsNonneg_def next_sendupd'_def Let_def)
lemma recvupd_preserves_InvCapsNonneg:
assumes "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
shows "InvCapsNonneg c1"
using assms unfolding InvCapsNonneg_def next_recvupd'_def
by simp
lemma recvcap_preserves_InvCapsNonneg:
assumes "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvCapsNonneg c1"
using assms unfolding InvCapsNonneg_def next_recvcap'_def
by simp
lemma next_preserves_InvCapsNonneg: "holds InvCapsNonneg s ⟹ next s ⟹ nxt (holds InvCapsNonneg) s"
unfolding next'_def
apply (elim disjE)
using performop_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by auto
using sendupd_performs_InvCapsNonneg by auto
using recvupd_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by auto
using recvcap_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by auto
by simp
lemma alw_InvCapsNonneg: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvCapsNonneg) s"
using lift_invariant_to_spec next_preserves_InvCapsNonneg init_config_implies_InvCapsNonneg
by blast
lemma alw_InvRecordsNonneg: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvRecordsNonneg) s"
apply (rule alw_mp[where φ = "holds InvCapsNonneg"])
using alw_InvCapsNonneg apply assumption
apply (rule all_imp_alw)
unfolding InvCapsNonneg_def InvRecordsNonneg_def records_def
apply (auto intro!: add_nonneg_nonneg sum_nonneg simp: zcount_sum)
subsubsection‹Resulting lemmas›
lemma pos_caps_pos_records:
assumes "InvCapsNonneg c"
shows "0 < zcount (c_caps c p) x ⟹ 0 < zcount (records c) x"
proof -
fix x
assume "0 < zcount (c_caps c p) x"
then have "0 < zcount (∑p∈UNIV. c_caps c p) x"
using assms(1)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def]
by (auto intro!: sum_pos2 simp: zcount_sum)
then show "0 < zcount (records c) x"
unfolding records_def by simp
text‹The records in the system are monotonic, i.e. once @{text "records c"} contains no records up
to some timestamp t, then it will stay that way forever.›
definition SafeRecordsMono :: "('p :: finite, 'a) computation ⇒ bool" where
"SafeRecordsMono s = (∀t. RecordsVacantUpto (shd s) t ⟶ alw (holds (λc. RecordsVacantUpto c t)) s)"
lemma performop_preserves_RecordsVacantUpto:
assumes "RecordsVacantUpto c0 t"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "InvRecordsNonneg c1"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
shows "RecordsVacantUpto c1 t"
proof -
note InvRecordsNonneg = assms(3)[rule_format]
{ fix s
let ?Δpos = "timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self"
let ?Δ = "?Δpos - zmset_of Δneg"
note change = next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
assume s: "s ≤ t" "zcount (records c1) s ≠ 0"
then have s_pos: "0 < zcount (records c1) s"
using InvRecordsNonneg
by (simp add: order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict InvRecordsNonneg_def)
have Δ_in_nrec: "0 < zcount ?Δ t ⟹ ∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (records c0) t'" for t
apply (subst (asm) zcount_diff)
apply (subst (asm) zcount_union)
apply (drule zero_lt_diff)
apply simp
apply (drule zero_lt_add_disj)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (erule disjE)
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply (auto dest!: change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format] pos_caps_pos_records[OF assms(4)] less_imp_le)
by (auto dest!: change(3)[unfolded minting_self_def, rule_format] pos_caps_pos_records[OF assms(4)])
have nrec0s: "zcount (records c0) s = 0"
by (rule assms(1)[unfolded vacant_upto_def, rule_format, OF s(1)])
have "zcount (records c1) s ≤ 0"
unfolding complex_change
apply (subst zcount_union)
apply (subst nrec0s)
apply (subst add_0)
apply (rule ccontr)
unfolding not_le
apply (drule Δ_in_nrec[of s])
apply (meson assms(1) order_trans pos_zcount_in_zmset s(1) vacant_upto_def zcount_ne_zero_iff)
with s_pos have False
by linarith
note r = this
from assms show ?thesis
unfolding next_performop'_def Let_def vacant_upto_def
apply clarify
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (rule r)
apply auto
lemma next'_preserves_RecordsVacantUpto:
fixes c0 :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration"
shows "InvCapsNonneg c0 ⟹ InvRecordsNonneg c1 ⟹ RecordsVacantUpto c0 t ⟹ next' c0 c1 ⟹ RecordsVacantUpto c1 t"
unfolding next'_def
apply (elim disjE)
by (auto intro: performop_preserves_RecordsVacantUpto)
by (auto simp: next_sendupd'_def Let_def records_def)
by (auto simp: next_recvupd'_def records_def)
by (auto dest: next_recvcap_complexD)
by simp
lemma alw_next_implies_alw_SafeRecordsMono:
"alw next s ⟹ alw (holds InvCapsNonneg) s ⟹ alw (holds InvRecordsNonneg) s ⟹ alw SafeRecordsMono s"
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
subgoal for s
unfolding spec_def next'_def SafeRecordsMono_def Let_def
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply safe
subgoal for t
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s rule: alw.coinduct)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply blast
apply (erule alw.cases)
apply clarsimp
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) next'_def next'_preserves_RecordsVacantUpto alw_holds2)
apply blast
lemma alw_SafeRecordsMono: "spec s ⟹ alw SafeRecordsMono s"
by (auto intro!: alw_next_implies_alw_SafeRecordsMono alw_InvRecordsNonneg alw_InvCapsNonneg simp: spec_def)
subsubsection‹InvJustifiedII and InvJustifiedGII›
text‹These two invariants state that any net-positive change in the sum of incoming progress updates
is "justified" by one of several statements being true.›
definition InvJustifiedII where
"InvJustifiedII c = (∀k p q. justified (c_caps c p) (IncomingInfo c k p q))"
definition InvJustifiedGII where
"InvJustifiedGII c = (∀k p q. justified (records c) (GlobalIncomingInfo c k p q))"
text‹Given some zmset @{term M} justified wrt to @{term "caps c0 p"}, after a performop @{term "M + Δ"} is justified wrt to
@{term "c_caps c1 p"}. This lemma captures the identical argument used for preservation of InvTempJustified
and InvJustifiedII.›
lemma next_performop'_preserves_justified:
assumes "justified (c_caps c0 p) M"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
shows "justified (c_caps c1 p) (M + (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self - zmset_of Δneg))"
proof -
let ?Δpos = "timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg) + zmset_of Δmint_self"
let ?Δ = "?Δpos - zmset_of Δneg"
let ?M1 = "M + ?Δ"
note change = next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
note complex_change = next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
note inv0 = assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt, rule_format]
{ fix k q t
assume t: "0 < zcount ?M1 t"
assume least: "∀t'<t. zcount ?M1 t' ≤ 0"
from t consider "0 < zcount M t" | "zcount M t ≤ 0" "0 < zcount ?Δ t"
by atomize_elim (auto simp: complex_change)
then have "supported_strong ?M1 t ∨ (∃t'<t. 0 < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t') ∨ zcount ?M1 t < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t"
proof cases
case 1
note Mcount = 1
note assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt, rule_format, OF Mcount]
then consider
"supported_strong M t" |
"¬ supported_strong M t" "∃t'<t. 0 < zcount (c_caps c0 p) t'" |
"∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c0 p) t' ≤ 0" "zcount M t < zcount (c_caps c0 p) t"
by atomize_elim auto
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
{ assume nosupp: "¬ supported_strong ?M1 t"
assume "∀t'<t. ¬ 0 < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t'"
then have nocaps: "∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c1 p) t' = 0"
using InvCapsNonneg_def assms(2) assms(3) order_class.le_less performop_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by fastforce
from 1 obtain s where s: "s < t" "zcount M s < 0" "⋀s'. s' < s ⟹ zcount M s' = 0"
unfolding nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg)
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for _ s
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (rule conjI)
using le_less_trans apply blast
using less_imp_le order_trans order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict apply blast
have count1s: "0 ≤ zcount ?M1 s"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (subst (asm) not_le)
using nosupp[unfolded nonpos_upto_def supported_strong_def, simplified, rule_format]
using least order.strict_trans2 s(1) apply fastforce
have Δinc: "0 < zcount ?Δ s"
using complex_change(3) count1s s(2) by auto
have "0 < zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg)) s"
using Δinc change(2)[rule_format, of s] nocaps[rule_format, OF s(1)]
unfolding change(9) fun_upd_same zcount_union zcount_diff
by linarith
then obtain u where u: "u < s" "0 < zcount (c_caps c0 p) u" "∀u'<u. zcount (c_caps c0 p) u' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
apply clarify
subgoal for p'
apply simp
apply (drule change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
apply simp
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for s' u
apply (rule exI[of _ u])
apply clarsimp
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def, rule_format]
apply (metis le_less_trans order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
have count1u: "zcount ?M1 u < 0"
using complex_change(4)[of u] nocaps[unfolded change(9) fun_upd_same] order.strict_trans[OF u(1) s(1)] s(3)[OF u(1)] u(2) u(3)
by auto
then have "nonpos_upto ?M1 u"
unfolding nonpos_upto_def
using least order.strict_implies_order order.strict_trans1 s(1) u(1) by blast
then have "supported_strong ?M1 t"
using count1u order.strict_trans s(1) u(1) supported_strong_def by blast
with nosupp have False
by blast
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 2
{ assume nosupp: "¬ supported_strong ?M1 t"
assume "∀t'<t. ¬ 0 < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t'"
then have nocaps: "∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c1 p) t' = 0"
using InvCapsNonneg_def assms(2) assms(3) order_class.le_less performop_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by fastforce
from 2(2) obtain s where s: "s < t" "0 < zcount (c_caps c0 p) s" "∀s'<s. zcount (c_caps c0 p) s' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for _ s
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (rule conjI, simp)
apply (rule conjI, simp)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (rule ccontr)
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def, rule_format]
apply auto
by (metis order_class.le_less zcount_ne_zero_iff)
have Δcounts:
"⋀s. s < t ⟹ count Δneg s = zcount (c_caps c0 p) s"
"⋀s. s < t ⟹ count Δmint_self s = 0"
"⋀p s'. s' ≤ s ⟹ count Δmint_msg (p,s') = 0"
subgoal for s'
using change(2) nocaps s(1) order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict
by (fastforce simp: change(9))
subgoal for s'
using nocaps[rule_format, of s']
by (simp add: change(9) ‹⋀s'. s' < t ⟹ int (count Δneg s') = zcount (c_caps c0 p) s'›)
subgoal for p s'
using change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format, of "(p,s')"] s(3)
by (force intro: ccontr)
have caps_le_ii0: "zcount (c_caps c0 p) s ≤ zcount M s"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume nle: "¬ zcount (c_caps c0 p) s ≤ zcount M s"
have "zcount ?M1 s < 0"
unfolding complex_change(3)
using complex_change(4) nle s(3) by (auto simp: Δcounts(1,2)[OF s(1)])
then show False
using s(1) least
by (force dest!: nosupp[unfolded supported_strong_def, simplified, rule_format] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
with s(2) have count0s: "0 < zcount M s"
by auto
have False
using inv0[OF count0s]
apply (elim disj3_split)
using 2(1) order.strict_trans s(1) supported_strong_def apply blast
using s(3) apply auto []
using caps_le_ii0 apply linarith
then show ?thesis
by blast
case 3
then show ?thesis
apply (intro disjI2)
unfolding complex_change(3) change(9)
apply (simp only: if_P zcount_union zcount_diff)
apply (subst complex_change(4)[of t])
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def, rule_format]
apply (simp_all add: antisym)
case 2
{ assume nosupp: "¬ supported_strong ?M1 t"
assume "∀t'<t. ¬ 0 < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t'"
then have nocaps: "∀t'<t. zcount (c_caps c1 p) t' = 0"
using InvCapsNonneg_def assms(2) assms(3) order_class.le_less performop_preserves_InvCapsNonneg by metis
assume "¬ zcount ?M1 t < zcount (c_caps c1 p) t"
then have caps_le: "zcount (c_caps c1 p) t ≤ zcount ?M1 t"
by linarith
from 2 have "count Δneg t < zcount ?Δpos t"
by auto
then have "0 < count Δmint_self t ∨ 0 < zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg)) t"
by (metis 2(2) add.commute add.left_neutral not_gr_zero of_nat_0 zero_lt_diff zcount_diff zcount_of_mset zcount_union zcount_zmset_of_nonneg)
then obtain s where s: "s ≤ t" "0 < zcount (c_caps c0 p) s" "∀s'<s. zcount (c_caps c0 p) s' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim disjE)
apply simp
apply (drule change(3)[unfolded minting_self_def, rule_format])
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for s' u
apply (rule exI[of _ u])
apply clarsimp
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def, rule_format]
apply (metis order.trans order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
apply clarify
subgoal for p'
apply simp
apply (drule change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
apply simp
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for s' u
apply (rule exI[of _ u])
apply clarsimp
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def, rule_format]
apply (metis order.strict_trans1 less_imp_le order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
have Δcounts:
"⋀s. s < t ⟹ count Δneg s = zcount (c_caps c0 p) s"
"⋀s. s < t ⟹ count Δmint_self s = 0"
"⋀p s'. s' ≤ s ⟹ count Δmint_msg (p,s') = 0"
subgoal for s'
using change(2) nocaps s(1) order_class.order.not_eq_order_implies_strict
by (fastforce simp: change(9))
subgoal for s'
using nocaps[rule_format, of s']
by (simp add: change(9) ‹⋀s'. s' < t ⟹ int (count Δneg s') = zcount (c_caps c0 p) s'›)
subgoal for p s'
using change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format, of "(p,s')"] s(3)
by (force intro: ccontr)
{ assume less: "s < t"
have caps_le_ii0: "zcount (c_caps c0 p) s ≤ zcount M s"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume nle: "¬ zcount (c_caps c0 p) s ≤ zcount M s"
have "zcount ?M1 s < 0"
unfolding complex_change(3)
using complex_change(4) nle s(3) by (auto simp: Δcounts(1,2)[OF less])
then show False
using less least order.strict_trans2
by (force dest!: nosupp[unfolded supported_strong_def, simplified, rule_format] simp: nonpos_upto_def)
with s(2) have count0s: "0 < zcount M s"
by auto
have False
using inv0[OF count0s]
apply (elim disj3_split)
proof -
assume "supported_strong M s"
then obtain u where u: "u < s" "zcount M u < 0"
unfolding supported_strong_def
by blast
have "0 ≤ zcount ?M1 u"
using least nosupp[unfolded supported_strong_def nonpos_upto_def, simplified, rule_format, of u] order.strict_trans[OF u(1) less]
by fastforce
then have "0 < zcount ?Δpos u"
using Δcounts(1)[of u] s(3) u(1) u(2) less by force
then have "0 < count Δmint_self u ∨ 0 < zcount (timestamps (zmset_of Δmint_msg)) u"
using gr0I by fastforce
then obtain u' where "u' ≤ u" "0 < zcount (c_caps c0 p) u'"
apply atomize_elim
apply (elim disjE)
apply simp
apply (drule change(3)[unfolded minting_self_def, rule_format])
using s(1) s(2) apply blast
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
apply clarify
subgoal for p'
apply simp
apply (drule change(4)[unfolded minting_msg_def, rule_format])
using order.strict_iff_order apply auto
then show False
using s(3) u(1) by auto
using s(3) apply auto []
using caps_le_ii0 apply linarith
{ assume eq: "s = t"
have count0t: "0 < zcount M t"
using eq caps_le change(9) complex_change(3,4) s(2,3) by auto
have False
using 2(1) count0t by auto
ultimately have False
using order.not_eq_order_implies_strict s(1) by blast
then show ?thesis
by blast
then show "justified (c_caps c1 p) ?M1"
by (intro justified_leastI) blast
lemma InvJustifiedII_implies_InvJustifiedGII:
assumes "InvJustifiedII c"
and "InvCapsNonneg c"
shows "InvJustifiedGII c"
using assms
by (auto intro!: justified_add_records justified_sum)
lemma init_config_implies_InvJustifiedII: "init_config c ⟹ InvJustifiedII c"
by (simp add: init_config_def InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt IncomingInfo_def)
lemma performop_preserves_InvJustifiedII:
assumes "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
shows "InvJustifiedII c1"
unfolding InvJustifiedII_def
apply clarify
subgoal for k p' q
apply (cases "p'=p")
unfolding next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
apply (simp only: if_P)
apply (rule next_performop'_preserves_justified[
OF assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def, rule_format, of p k q],
OF assms(2,3)])
next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
using assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def]
by simp
lemma sendupd_preserves_InvJustifiedII:
assumes "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
shows "InvJustifiedII c1"
unfolding InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt supported_strong_def next_sendupdD(6)[OF assms(2)]
apply (intro allI)
subgoal for k p' q t
apply (cases "k ≤ length (c_msg c0 p q)")
apply (drule next_sendupd_complexD(4)[OF assms(2), of _ _ p'])
apply (auto dest: assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply (subst (asm) not_le)
apply (subst (1 2 3 4) next_sendupd_complexD(5)[OF assms(2), of _ _ p'])
apply simp
apply simp
apply (cases "p'=p")
apply rule
apply (subst (asm) if_P)
apply simp
apply (subst (1 2 3) if_P)
apply simp
apply simp
unfolding IncomingInfo_def
apply (subst (asm) drop_all)
apply simp
apply (subst drop_all)
apply simp
apply (simp del: zcount_diff)
apply (drule next_sendupdD(2)[OF assms(2), unfolded justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
apply simp
by (auto intro!: assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
lemma recvupd_preserves_InvJustifiedII:
assumes "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
shows "InvJustifiedII c1"
using assms(1)
next_recvupd_complexD[OF assms(2)]
next_recvupdD[OF assms(2)]
by auto
lemma recvcap_preserves_InvJustifiedII:
assumes "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvJustifiedII c1"
unfolding InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt supported_strong_def next_recvcap_complexD[OF assms(2)] next_recvcapD(5)[OF assms(2)]
by (auto dest!: assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def justified_alt supported_strong_def, rule_format])
lemma next'_preserves_InvJustifiedII:
"InvCapsNonneg c0 ⟹ InvJustifiedII c0 ⟹ next' c0 c1 ⟹ InvJustifiedII c1"
by blast
lemma alw_InvJustifiedII: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvJustifiedII) s"
apply (frule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
unfolding spec_def
apply (elim conjE)
apply (subst (asm) holds.simps)
apply (drule init_config_implies_InvJustifiedII)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s rule: alw.coinduct)
apply (subst (asm) (1 2) alw_nxt)
apply clarsimp
using next'_preserves_InvJustifiedII apply blast
lemma alw_InvJustifiedGII: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvJustifiedGII) s"
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedII)
apply (drule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
apply (simp add: alw_iff_sdrop InvJustifiedII_implies_InvJustifiedGII)
definition InvTempJustified where
"InvTempJustified c = (∀p. justified (c_caps c p) (c_temp c p))"
lemma init_config_implies_InvTempJustified: "init_config c ⟹ InvTempJustified c"
unfolding init_config_def InvTempJustified_def
using justified_add_records[OF justified_empty]
by auto
lemma recvcap_preserves_InvTempJustified:
assumes "InvTempJustified c0"
and "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvTempJustified c1"
using assms(1)[unfolded InvTempJustified_def, rule_format, of p] assms(1)
unfolding next_recvcapD[OF assms(2)] InvTempJustified_def
by - (frule justified_add_records[of _ _ "{#t#}⇩z"], auto)
lemma recvupd_preserves_InvTempJustified:
assumes "InvTempJustified c0"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvTempJustified c1"
using assms(1)
unfolding next_recvupdD[OF assms(2)] InvTempJustified_def
by assumption
lemma sendupd_preserves_InvTempJustified:
assumes "InvTempJustified c0"
and "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p tt"
shows "InvTempJustified c1"
using assms(1)
unfolding next_sendupdD[OF assms(2)] InvTempJustified_def
using next_sendupdD(2)[OF assms(2)]
by auto
lemma performop_preserves_InvTempJustified:
assumes "InvTempJustified c0"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
shows "InvTempJustified c1"
unfolding InvTempJustified_def
apply clarify
subgoal for p'
apply (cases "p'=p")
unfolding next_performopD(5)[OF assms(2)] fun_upd_apply
apply (simp only: if_P)
apply (rule next_performop'_preserves_justified[
OF assms(1)[unfolded InvTempJustified_def, rule_format, of p],
OF assms(2,3)])
next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)]
using assms(1)[unfolded InvTempJustified_def]
by simp
lemma next'_preserves_InvTempJustified:
"InvCapsNonneg c0 ⟹ InvTempJustified c0 ⟹ next' c0 c1 ⟹ InvTempJustified c1"
by blast
lemma alw_InvTempJustified: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvTempJustified) s"
apply (frule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
unfolding spec_def
apply (elim conjE)
apply (subst (asm) holds.simps)
apply (drule init_config_implies_InvTempJustified)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s rule: alw.coinduct)
apply (subst (asm) (1 2) alw_nxt)
apply clarsimp
using next'_preserves_InvTempJustified apply blast
text‹InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos states that each processor's @{term "c_glob c q"} is a conservative
approximation of @{term "records c"}.›
definition InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos c = (∀t q. nonpos_upto (c_glob c q) t ⟶ nonpos_upto (records c) t)"
definition InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant :: "('p :: finite, 'a) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c = (∀t q. GlobVacantUpto c q t ⟶ RecordsVacantUpto c t)"
lemma invs_imp_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos:
assumes "InvJustifiedGII c"
and "InvRecordCount c"
and "InvRecordsNonneg c"
shows "InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos c"
unfolding InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos_def
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (clarsimp simp: nonpos_upto_def)
subgoal for t q u
proof -
let ?GII = "GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q"
assume gvu: "∀sa≤t. zcount (c_glob c q) sa ≤ 0"
assume uleqt: "u ≤ t"
assume "¬ zcount (records c) u ≤ 0"
with assms(2) have u: "0 < zcount (records c) u"
by linarith
with uleqt obtain u' where u': "0 < zcount (records c) u'" "∀u. 0 < zcount (records c) u ⟶ ¬ u < u'" "u' ≤ t"
using order_zmset_exists_foundation[OF u] by auto
from u'(1,3) assms(2) gvu have pos_gii: "0 < zcount ?GII u'"
by (simp add: InvRecordCount_def) (smt (verit) zcount_union)
assume "supported_strong ?GII u'"
then obtain v where v: "v ≤ u'" "zcount ?GII v < 0"
using order.strict_implies_order supported_strong_def by blast
with u'(3) v(1) assms(2) have "zcount (records c) v < 0"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) InvRecordCount_def gvu local.order_trans zcount_union)
with assms(3) have "False"
unfolding InvRecordsNonneg_def
using order_class.leD by blast
assume "∃t'<u'. 0 < zcount (records c) t'"
then obtain v where v: "v < u'" "0 < zcount (records c) v"
by auto
with u'(2) have "False"
by auto
assume "zcount ?GII u' < zcount (records c) u'"
then have "0 < zcount (c_glob c q) u'"
by (simp add: assms(2)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def, rule_format, of q])
then have False
using gvu u'(3) by auto
ultimately show False
using pos_gii assms(1)[unfolded InvJustifiedGII_def justified_alt, rule_format, OF pos_gii]
by auto
text‹InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant is the one proved in the Abadi paper. We prove
InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos, which implies this.›
lemma invs_imp_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant:
assumes "InvJustifiedGII c"
and "InvRecordCount c"
and "InvRecordsNonneg c"
shows "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c"
proof -
{ fix p x
assume "GlobVacantUpto c p x"
then have "GlobNonposUpto c p x"
unfolding nonpos_upto_def vacant_upto_def by simp
note invs_imp_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos[OF assms, unfolded InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos_def, rule_format, OF this]
then have "RecordsVacantUpto c x"
using assms(3)
unfolding nonpos_upto_def vacant_upto_def InvRecordsNonneg_def
by (simp add: order_class.order.antisym)
then show ?thesis
unfolding InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant_def by simp
lemma alw_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos) s"
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedGII)
apply (frule alw_InvRecordCount)
apply (drule alw_InvRecordsNonneg)
apply (simp add: alw_iff_sdrop invs_imp_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos)
lemma alw_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant) s"
apply (frule alw_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos)
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedGII)
apply (frule alw_InvRecordCount)
apply (drule alw_InvRecordsNonneg)
apply (simp add: alw_iff_sdrop invs_imp_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
text‹This is the main safety property proved in the Abadi paper.›
lemma invs_imp_SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec:
"SafeRecordsMono s ⟹ holds InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant s ⟹ SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec s"
by (simp add: InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant_def SafeRecordsMono_def SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec_def)
lemma alw_SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec:
"spec s ⟹ alw SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec s"
by (meson alw_iff_sdrop invs_imp_SafeGlobVacantUptoImpliesStickyNrec alw_SafeRecordsMono alw_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
text‹The least pointstamps in glob are always positive, i.e. @{term nonpos_upto} and @{term vacant_upto} on glob
are equivalent.›
definition InvGlobNonposEqVacant where
"InvGlobNonposEqVacant c = (∀q t. GlobVacantUpto c q t = GlobNonposUpto c q t)"
lemma invs_imp_InvGlobNonposEqVacant:
assumes "InvRecordCount c"
and "InvJustifiedGII c"
and "InvRecordsNonneg c"
shows "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c"
proof -
note safe = invs_imp_InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos[OF assms(2,1,3), unfolded InvGlobNonposImpRecordsNonpos_def nonpos_upto_def, THEN spec2, THEN mp]
note nonneg = assms(3)[unfolded InvRecordsNonneg_def, rule_format]
note count = assms(1)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def, rule_format]
{ fix q t
assume np: "GlobNonposUpto c q t"
assume nv: "¬ GlobVacantUpto c q t"
obtain s where s: "s ≤ t" "zcount (c_glob c q) s < 0" "∀s'<s. zcount (c_glob c q) s' = 0"
apply atomize_elim
using nv[unfolded vacant_upto_def]
apply clarsimp
apply (drule elem_order_zmset_exists_foundation)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for _ s
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (meson order.ordering_axioms nonpos_upto_def np order_class.le_less order_trans zcount_ne_zero_iff)
have norec: "s' ≤ s ⟹ zcount (records c) s' = 0" for s'
by (metis (full_types) nonneg nonpos_upto_def np order_class.antisym_conv order_trans s(1) safe)
have gii: "zcount (GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q) s > 0"
using count[of q] s(2) norec[of s, simplified]
by (metis add.commute less_add_same_cancel1 zcount_union)
then consider
"supported_strong (GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q) s" |
"∃t'<s. 0 < zcount (records c) t'" |
"zcount (GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q) s < zcount (records c) s"
using assms(2)[unfolded InvJustifiedGII_def justified_alt, rule_format, OF gii]
by atomize_elim auto
then have False
proof cases
case 1
then show False
using norec count s(3)
unfolding supported_strong_def
by (metis (full_types) add.commute add.left_neutral less_le preorder_class.less_irrefl zcount_union)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using norec s(2,3) order.order_iff_strict by auto
case 3
then show ?thesis
unfolding norec[of s, simplified]
using gii by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding InvGlobNonposEqVacant_def
apply (intro allI)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: nonpos_upto_def vacant_upto_def)
apply auto
lemma alw_InvGlobNonposEqVacant: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvGlobNonposEqVacant) s"
by (metis alw_iff_sdrop holds.elims(2) holds.elims(3))
subsubsection‹InvInfoJustifiedWithII and InvInfoJustifiedWithGII›
definition InvInfoJustifiedWithII where
"InvInfoJustifiedWithII c = (∀k p q. justified_with (c_caps c p) (InfoAt c k p q) (IncomingInfo c (k+1) p q))"
definition InvInfoJustifiedWithGII where
"InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c = (∀k p q. justified_with (records c) (InfoAt c k p q) (GlobalIncomingInfo c (k+1) p q))"
lemma init_config_implies_InvInfoJustifiedWithII: "init_config c ⟹ InvInfoJustifiedWithII c"
unfolding init_config_def InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def justified_with_def InfoAt_def
by auto
text‹This proof relies heavily on the addition properties summarized in the lemma
@{thm "next_performop'_preserves_justified_with"}›
lemma performop_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c0"
and "next_performop' c0 c1 p' Δneg Δmint_msg Δmint_self"
and "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1"
unfolding InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def
apply (intro allI)
subgoal for k p q
apply (cases "p'=p")
unfolding next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)] next_performopD[OF assms(2)]
apply (simp only: add_diff_eq if_P fun_upd_same)
apply (subst (4) add.commute)
apply (subst add.assoc[symmetric])
apply (rule next_performop'_preserves_justified_with)
using assms(1)[unfolded InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def] apply simp
using assms(2) apply simp
using assms(4)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def] apply simp
using assms(3)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def] apply simp
using assms(1)[unfolded InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def justified_with_def]
by (auto simp: not_less justified_with_def next_performop_complexD[OF assms(2)] next_performopD[OF assms(2)])
lemma sendupd_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c0"
and "next_sendupd' c0 c1 p' tt"
and "InvTempJustified c0"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1"
unfolding InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def
proof (intro allI impI)
fix k :: nat and p q
note complex = next_sendupd_complexD[OF assms(2)]
note change = next_sendupdD[OF assms(2)]
"p' = p" "k < length (c_msg c0 p q)" |
"p' = p" "k = length (c_msg c0 p q)" |
"p' = p" "k > length (c_msg c0 p q)" |
"p' ≠ p"
by atomize_elim auto
then show "justified_with (c_caps c1 p) (InfoAt c1 k p q) (IncomingInfo c1 (k+1) p q)"
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by (metis InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_eq assms(1) change(6) complex(4,7) order_class.less_le)
case 2
have temp0: "c_temp c0 p = InfoAt c1 k p q + c_temp c1 p"
unfolding complex change
using 2 by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
have pi: "PositiveImplies (InfoAt c1 k p q) (c_temp c0 p)"
unfolding PositiveImplies_def complex
using 2(2) by (auto simp: InfoAt_def)
have iitemp: "IncomingInfo c1 (k+1) p q = c_temp c1 p"
unfolding IncomingInfo_def
using 2 by (simp add: change)
show ?thesis
apply (rule PositiveImplies_justified_with)
unfolding iitemp temp0[symmetric]
unfolding change
using assms(3) apply (simp add: InvTempJustified_def)
using pi apply simp
case 3
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_cancel_right_left complex(7) justified_with_leastI preorder_class.less_asym InfoAt_def zcount_union)
case 4
then show ?thesis
unfolding complex change
using assms(1)[unfolded InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def, rule_format]
apply simp
lemma recvupd_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c0"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1"
using assms(1)
next_recvupd_complexD[OF assms(2)]
next_recvupdD[OF assms(2)]
by auto
lemma recvcap_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c0"
and "next_recvcap' c0 c1 p t"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1"
using assms(1)
next_recvcap_complexD[OF assms(2)]
next_recvcapD[OF assms(2)]
by simp
lemma invs_imp_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c"
and "InvJustifiedII c"
and "InvCapsNonneg c"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c"
unfolding InvInfoJustifiedWithGII_def
apply clarify
subgoal for k p q
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def records_def
apply (rule justified_with_add_records)
apply (rule justified_with_sum[where x = p])
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
using assms(1)[unfolded InvInfoJustifiedWithII_def, rule_format, of p k q]
apply simp
using assms(2)[unfolded InvJustifiedII_def] apply simp
using assms(3)[unfolded InvCapsNonneg_def] apply simp
apply simp
lemma next'_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII:
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c0"
and "next' c0 c1"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "InvTempJustified c0"
shows "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1"
using assms unfolding next'_def
apply (elim disjE exE)
apply (drule (4) performop_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply (drule (3) sendupd_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply (drule (2) recvupd_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply (drule (2) recvcap_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply simp
lemma alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithII: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvInfoJustifiedWithII) s"
apply (frule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedII)
apply (frule alw_InvTempJustified)
unfolding spec_def
apply (elim conjE)
apply (subst (asm) holds.simps)
apply (drule init_config_implies_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s rule: alw.coinduct)
apply (subst (asm) (1 2 3) alw_nxt)
apply clarsimp
using next'_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII
apply blast
lemma alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvInfoJustifiedWithGII) s"
by (metis alw_InvCapsNonneg alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithII alw_InvJustifiedII alw_iff_sdrop holds.elims(2,3) invs_imp_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII)
subsubsection‹SafeGlobMono and InvMsgInGlob›
text‹The records in glob are monotonic. This implies the corollary InvMsgInGlob; No incoming message
carries a timestamp change that would cause glob to regress.›
definition SafeGlobMono where
"SafeGlobMono c0 c1 = (∀p t. GlobVacantUpto c0 p t ⟶ GlobVacantUpto c1 p t)"
definition InvMsgInGlob where
"InvMsgInGlob c = (∀p q t. c_msg c p q ≠ [] ⟶ t ∈#⇩z hd (c_msg c p q) ⟶ (∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (c_glob c q) t'))"
lemma not_InvMsgInGlob_imp_not_SafeGlobMono:
assumes "¬ InvMsgInGlob c0"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c0"
shows "∃c1. next_recvupd c0 c1 ∧ ¬ SafeGlobMono c0 c1"
proof -
note npeq0 = assms(2)[unfolded InvGlobNonposEqVacant_def, rule_format]
from assms(1) obtain p q t c1 where t:
"next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
"t ∈#⇩z hd (c_msg c0 p q)"
"GlobVacantUpto c0 q t"
by (auto simp: InvMsgInGlob_def npeq0 nonpos_upto_def not_less dest!: ex_next_recvupd)
have nvu: "¬ GlobVacantUpto c1 q t"
unfolding vacant_upto_def next_recvupdD(4)[OF t(1)]
using t(2) t(3) vacant_upto_def by auto
from t(3) nvu have "¬ SafeGlobMono c0 c1"
by (auto simp: SafeGlobMono_def)
with t(1) show ?thesis
by blast
lemma GII_eq_GIA: "GlobalIncomingInfo c 1 p q = (if c_msg c p q = [] then GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q else GlobalIncomingInfoAt c q - hd (c_msg c p q))"
unfolding GlobalIncomingInfo_def
apply (cases "c_msg c p q = []")
apply (simp add: IncomingInfo_def)
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl], simp)
apply simp
apply (subst diff_conv_add_uminus)
apply (rule Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem)
apply (auto simp: IncomingInfo_def drop_Suc sum_list_hd_tl algebra_simps)
lemma recvupd_preserves_GlobVacantUpto:
assumes "GlobVacantUpto c0 q t"
and "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
and "InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c0"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c1"
and "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c0"
and "InvRecordCount c0"
shows "GlobVacantUpto c1 q t"
proof (rule ccontr)
note npeq1 = assms(4)[unfolded InvGlobNonposEqVacant_def, rule_format]
note gvu0 = assms(1)[unfolded vacant_upto_def, rule_format]
note nvu0 = assms(5)[unfolded InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant_def, rule_format, OF assms(1)]
note recordcount = assms(6)[unfolded InvRecordCount_def zmultiset_eq_iff zcount_union, rule_format]
note change = next_recvupdD[OF assms(2)]
let ?κ = "hd (c_msg c0 p q)"
from change(1) have iaκ: "?κ = InfoAt c0 0 p q"
unfolding InfoAt_def by (simp add: hd_conv_nth)
assume gvu1: "¬ GlobVacantUpto c1 q t"
obtain t' where t':
"t' ≤ t"
"0 < zcount (c_glob c1 q) t'"
"zcount (c_glob c0 q) t' = 0"
"∀s<t'. zcount (c_glob c1 q) s ≤ 0"
apply atomize_elim
using gvu1
unfolding npeq1 nonpos_upto_def
apply (simp add: not_le)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (drule order_zmset_exists_foundation')
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for s s'
apply (rule exI[of _ s'])
using gvu0 apply auto
from t'(2,3) have countκ: "0 < zcount ?κ t'"
by (auto simp: change(4))
note assms(3)[unfolded InvInfoJustifiedWithGII_def justified_with_alt, rule_format, OF countκ[unfolded iaκ]]
then consider
"∃s<t'. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t'. zcount (GlobalIncomingInfo c0 1 p q) s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s' ≤ 0)"
"∄s. s < t' ∧ zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s < 0 ∧ (∀s'<s. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s' ≤ 0)" |
"∃s<t'. 0 < zcount (records c0) s" |
"zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q + GlobalIncomingInfo c0 1 p q) t' < zcount (records c0) t'"
by atomize_elim auto
then show False
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s where s: "s < t'" "zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s < 0" "∀s'<s. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s' ≤ 0"
by blast
then have globs: "zcount (c_glob c1 q) s < 0"
using gvu0 iaκ t'(1) by (auto simp: change(4))
have "zcount (c_glob c1 q) s ≤ 0"
using globs by linarith
then have "∀s'≤s. zcount (c_glob c1 q) s' ≤ 0"
using s(1) t'(4) by auto
with globs show False
by (auto simp: npeq1[unfolded nonpos_upto_def, symmetric] vacant_upto_def)
case 2
then obtain s where s: "s < t'" "zcount (GlobalIncomingInfo c0 1 p q) s < 0" "∀s'<s. zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s' ≤ 0"
by blast
from 2(2) s(1,3) have "zcount (InfoAt c0 0 p q) s ≥ 0"
by force
have rc: "zcount (records c0) s = 0"
using order.strict_implies_order order.strict_trans2 nvu0 s(1) t'(1) vacant_upto_def by blast
show False
using assms(6) change(1,4) s(1,2) rc t'(4)
unfolding GII_eq_GIA InvRecordCount_def fun_upd_same
by clarsimp (metis add.commute add_mono_thms_linordered_field(1) not_le recordcount)
case 3
with nvu0 t'(1) show False
unfolding vacant_upto_def by auto
case 4
then have "0 < zcount (c_glob c0 q) t'"
using change(1) iaκ t'(3)
unfolding GII_eq_GIA
apply clarsimp
apply (metis add.right_neutral preorder_class.less_irrefl recordcount)
then show False
by (simp add: t'(3))
lemma recvupd_imp_SafeGlobMono:
assumes "next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q"
and "InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c0"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c1"
and "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c0"
and "InvRecordCount c0"
shows "SafeGlobMono c0 c1"
unfolding SafeGlobMono_def
apply clarify
subgoal for q' t
apply (cases "q'=q")
apply (rule recvupd_preserves_GlobVacantUpto)
using assms apply simp_all
unfolding next_recvupdD[OF assms(1)]
by simp
lemma next'_imp_SafeGlobMono:
assumes "next' c0 c1"
and "InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c0"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c1"
and "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c0"
and "InvRecordCount c0"
shows "SafeGlobMono c0 c1"
using assms unfolding next'_def
apply (elim disjE exE)
by (auto simp: SafeGlobMono_def dest: next_performopD(7))
by (auto simp: SafeGlobMono_def dest: next_sendupdD(5))
by (auto intro: recvupd_imp_SafeGlobMono)
by (auto simp: SafeGlobMono_def dest: next_recvcapD(4))
by (simp add: SafeGlobMono_def)
lemma invs_imp_InvMsgInGlob:
fixes c0 :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration"
assumes "InvInfoJustifiedWithGII c0"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c0"
and "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c0"
and "InvRecordCount c0"
and "InvJustifiedII c0"
and "InvCapsNonneg c0"
and "InvRecordsNonneg c0"
shows "InvMsgInGlob c0"
using assms
apply -
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (drule not_InvMsgInGlob_imp_not_SafeGlobMono[rotated, OF assms(2)])
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (frule recvupd_imp_SafeGlobMono)
apply simp
apply (rule invs_imp_InvGlobNonposEqVacant)
apply (drule (2) recvupd_preserves_InvRecordCount)
apply (drule (1) recvupd_preserves_InvJustifiedII)
apply (rule InvJustifiedII_implies_InvJustifiedGII)
apply simp
apply (drule (2) recvupd_preserves_InvCapsNonneg)
apply (simp add: InvRecordsNonneg_def next_recvupd_complexD)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
lemma alw_SafeGlobMono: "spec s ⟹ alw (relates SafeGlobMono) s"
proof -
assume spec: "spec s"
{ assume "alw next s"
moreover assume "alw (holds InvGlobNonposEqVacant) s"
moreover assume "alw (holds InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant) s"
moreover assume "alw (holds InvInfoJustifiedWithGII) s"
moreover assume "alw (holds InvRecordCount) s"
ultimately have "alw (relates SafeGlobMono) s"
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply (clarsimp simp: relates_def intro!: next'_imp_SafeGlobMono)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule next'_imp_SafeGlobMono)
apply auto [2]
apply (subst (asm) alw_holds2)
apply clarify
apply (drule alwD)+
apply simp
apply auto
with spec show ?thesis
apply -
apply (frule alw_InvGlobNonposEqVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII)
apply (frule alw_InvRecordCount)
unfolding spec_def
apply auto
lemma alw_InvMsgInGlob: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds InvMsgInGlob) s"
apply (frule alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII)
apply (frule alw_InvGlobNonposEqVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvRecordCount)
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedII)
apply (frule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
apply (drule alw_InvRecordsNonneg)
apply (simp add: alw_iff_sdrop invs_imp_InvMsgInGlob)
lemma SafeGlobMono_preserves_vacant:
assumes "∀t'≤t. zcount (c_glob c0 q) t' = 0"
and "(λc0 c1. SafeGlobMono c0 c1)⇧*⇧* c0 c1"
shows "∀t'≤t. zcount (c_glob c1 q) t' = 0"
using assms(2,1)
by (induct rule: rtranclp_induct)(auto simp: SafeGlobMono_def vacant_upto_def)
lemma rtranclp_all_imp_rel: "r⇧*⇧* x y ⟹ ∀a b. r a b ⟶ r' a b ⟹ r'⇧*⇧* x y"
by (metis mono_rtranclp)
lemma rtranclp_rel_and_invar: "r⇧*⇧* x y ⟹ Q x ⟹ ∀a b. Q a ∧ r a b ⟶ P a b ∧ Q b ⟹ (λx y. P x y ∧ Q y)⇧*⇧* x y"
apply (induct rule: rtranclp_induct)
apply auto []
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) rtranclp.simps)
lemma rtranclp_invar_conclude_last: "(λx y. P x y ∧ Q y)⇧*⇧* x y ⟹ Q x ⟹ Q y"
using rtranclp.cases by fastforce
lemma InvCapsNonneg_imp_InvRecordsNonneg: "InvCapsNonneg c ⟹ InvRecordsNonneg c"
unfolding InvCapsNonneg_def InvRecordsNonneg_def records_def
by (auto simp: zcount_sum intro!: sum_nonneg add_nonneg_nonneg)
lemma invs_imp_msg_in_glob:
fixes c :: "('p::finite, 'a) configuration"
assumes "M ∈ set (c_msg c p q)"
and "t ∈#⇩z M"
and "InvGlobNonposEqVacant c"
and "InvJustifiedII c"
and "InvInfoJustifiedWithII c"
and "InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c"
and "InvRecordCount c"
and "InvCapsNonneg c"
and "InvMsgInGlob c"
shows "∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (c_glob c q) t'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (c_glob c q) t')"
then have vacant: "∀t'≤t. zcount (c_glob c q) t' = 0"
using assms(3)
by (auto simp: InvGlobNonposEqVacant_def vacant_upto_def nonpos_upto_def)
let ?c1 = "the (while_option (λc. hd (c_msg c p q) ≠ M) (λc. SOME c'. next_recvupd' c c' p q) c)"
have r[simp]: "M ∈ set (c_msg c p q) ⟹ c_msg (SOME c'. next_recvupd' c c' p q) p q = tl (c_msg c p q)" for c
by (rule someI2_ex[OF ex_next_recvupd]) (auto simp: next_recvupd'_def)
obtain c1 where while_some:
"while_option (λc. hd (c_msg c p q) ≠ M) (λc. SOME c'. next_recvupd' c c' p q) c = Some c1"
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule measure_while_option_Some[where P="λc. M ∈ set (c_msg c p q)"
and f="λc. Min {i. i < length (c_msg c p q) ∧ M = c_msg c p q ! i}"])
apply clarsimp
apply safe
apply (metis list.exhaust_sel list.sel(2) set_ConsD)
apply (subst Min_gr_iff)
apply (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_tl) [2]
apply clarsimp
apply (subst Min_less_iff)
apply (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_tl) []
apply (clarsimp simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_tl)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Suc_less_eq Suc_pred hd_conv_nth list.size(3) not_gr_zero not_less_zero)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_tl)
subgoal for s x
by (rule exI[of _ "x-1"])
(metis One_nat_def Suc_le_eq Suc_pred' diff_less diff_less_mono hd_conv_nth length_tl list.size(3) not_gr_zero nth_tl zero_less_Suc)
apply (meson assms(1) in_set_conv_nth)
have c1: "(λc0 c1. next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q)⇧*⇧* c c1" "c_msg c1 p q ≠ []" "hd (c_msg c1 p q) = M"
apply (rule conjunct2)
apply (rule while_option_rule[OF _ while_some, where P="λd. M ∈ set (c_msg d p q) ∧ (λc0 c1. next_recvupd' c0 c1 p q)⇧*⇧* c d"])
apply (rule conjI)
apply (metis list.sel(1) list.sel(3) list.set_cases r)
apply (auto simp: assms(1) elim!: rtrancl_into_rtrancl[to_pred] intro: someI2_ex[OF ex_next_recvupd])
using while_option_rule[OF _ while_some, where P="λc. M ∈ set (c_msg c p q)"]
by (metis assms(1) empty_iff hd_Cons_tl list.set(1) r set_ConsD)
using while_option_stop[OF while_some] by simp
have invs_trancl:
"(λc0 c1. SafeGlobMono c0 c1 ∧ InvJustifiedII c1 ∧ InvGlobNonposEqVacant c1 ∧ InvInfoJustifiedWithII c1 ∧ InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant c1 ∧ InvRecordCount c1 ∧ InvCapsNonneg c1)⇧*⇧* c c1"
apply (rule rtranclp_rel_and_invar)
using c1(1) apply simp
using assms(3-8) apply simp
apply clarsimp
subgoal for a b
apply (frule InvJustifiedII_implies_InvJustifiedGII)
apply simp
apply (frule recvupd_preserves_InvJustifiedII)
apply simp
apply (frule InvCapsNonneg_imp_InvRecordsNonneg)
apply (frule next_preserves_InvRecordCount[of _ b])
apply (auto simp: next'_def) []
apply (frule recvupd_preserves_InvCapsNonneg[of _ b])
apply simp
apply (frule InvJustifiedII_implies_InvJustifiedGII[of b])
apply simp
apply (frule InvCapsNonneg_imp_InvRecordsNonneg[of b])
apply (frule invs_imp_InvGlobNonposEqVacant[of b])
apply simp_all [2]
apply (frule recvupd_preserves_InvInfoJustifiedWithII[of _ b])
apply simp
apply (frule invs_imp_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII)
apply simp_all [2]
apply (frule invs_imp_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII[of b])
apply simp_all [2]
apply (intro conjI)
apply (rule next'_imp_SafeGlobMono)
apply (clarsimp simp: next'_def)
apply simp_all [7]
apply (rule invs_imp_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
apply simp_all
then have trancl_mono: "(λc0 c1. SafeGlobMono c0 c1)⇧*⇧* c c1"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) rtranclp_all_imp_rel)
then have vacant_c1: "∀t'≤t. zcount (c_glob c1 q) t' = 0"
by (rule SafeGlobMono_preserves_vacant[OF vacant])
have InvMsgInGlob: "InvMsgInGlob c1"
using rtranclp_invar_conclude_last[OF invs_trancl] assms
apply (intro invs_imp_InvMsgInGlob)
using invs_imp_InvInfoJustifiedWithGII InvCapsNonneg_imp_InvRecordsNonneg apply blast+
have "∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (c_glob c1 q) t'"
using InvMsgInGlob[unfolded InvMsgInGlob_def] c1(2,3) assms(1,2)
by auto
then show False
using vacant_c1 by auto
lemma alw_msg_glob: "spec s ⟹
alw (holds (λc. ∀p q t. (∃M ∈ set (c_msg c p q). t ∈#⇩z M) ⟶ (∃t'≤t. 0 < zcount (c_glob c q) t'))) s"
apply (frule alw_InvGlobNonposEqVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvJustifiedII)
apply (frule alw_InvInfoJustifiedWithII)
apply (frule alw_InvGlobVacantImpRecordsVacant)
apply (frule alw_InvRecordCount)
apply (frule alw_InvCapsNonneg)
apply (drule alw_InvMsgInGlob)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarify
apply (rule invs_imp_msg_in_glob)
apply auto [2]
using holds.elims(2) apply blast+