Theory PST_General
section ‹General Priority Search Trees›
theory PST_General
text ‹\noindent
We show how to implement priority maps
by augmented binary search trees. That is, the basic data structure is some
arbitrary binary search tree, e.g.\ a red-black tree, implementing the map
from @{typ 'a} to @{typ 'b} by storing pairs ‹(k,p)› in each node. At this
point we need to assume that the keys are also linearly ordered. To
implement ‹getmin› efficiently we annotate/augment each node with another pair
‹(k',p')›, the intended result of ‹getmin› when applied to that subtree. The
specification of ‹getmin› tells us that ‹(k',p')› must be in that subtree and
that ‹p'› is the minimal priority in that subtree. Thus the annotation can be
computed by passing the ‹(k',p')› with the minimal ‹p'› up the tree. We will
now make this more precise for balanced binary trees in general.
We assume that our trees are either leaves of the form @{term Leaf} or nodes
of the form @{term "Node l (kp, b) r"} where ‹l› and ‹r› are subtrees, ‹kp› is
the contents of the node (a key-priority pair) and ‹b› is some additional
balance information (e.g.\ colour, height, size, \dots). Augmented nodes are
of the form \<^term>‹Node l (kp, (b,kp')) r›.
type_synonym ('k,'p,'c) pstree = "(('k×'p) × ('c × ('k × 'p))) tree"
text ‹
The following invariant states that a node annotation is actually a minimal
key-priority pair for the node's subtree.
fun invpst :: "('k,'p::linorder,'c) pstree ⇒ bool" where
"invpst Leaf = True"
| "invpst (Node l (x, _,mkp) r) ⟷ invpst l ∧ invpst r
∧ is_min2 mkp (set (inorder l @ x # inorder r))"
text ‹The implementation of ‹getmin› is trivial:›
fun pst_getmin where
"pst_getmin (Node _ (_, _,a) _) = a"
lemma pst_getmin_ismin:
"invpst t ⟹ t≠Leaf ⟹ is_min2 (pst_getmin t) (set_tree t)"
by (cases t rule: pst_getmin.cases) auto
text ‹
It remains to upgrade the existing map operations to work with augmented nodes.
Therefore we now show how to transform any function definition on un-augmented
trees into one on trees augmented with ‹(k',p')› pairs. A defining equation
‹f pats = e› for the original type of nodes is transformed into an equation
‹f pats' = e'› on the augmented type of nodes as follows:
▪ Every pattern @{term "Node l (kp, b) r"} in ‹pats› and ‹e› is replaced by
@{term "Node l (kp, (b,DUMMY)) r"} to obtain ‹pats'› and ‹e⇩2›.
▪ To obtain ‹e'›, every expression @{term "Node l (kp, b) r"} in ‹e⇩2› is
replaced by ‹mkNode l kp b r› where:
definition "min2 ≡ λ(k,p) (k',p'). if p≤p' then (k,p) else (k',p')"
definition "min_kp a l r ≡ case (l,r) of
(Leaf,Leaf) ⇒ a
| (Leaf,Node _ (_, (_,kpr)) _) ⇒ min2 a kpr
| (Node _ (_, (_,kpl)) _,Leaf) ⇒ min2 a kpl
| (Node _ (_, (_,kpl)) _,Node _ (_, (_,kpr)) _) ⇒ min2 a (min2 kpl kpr)"
definition "mkNode c l a r ≡ Node l (a, (c,min_kp a l r)) r"
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Note that this transformation does not affect the asymptotic complexity
of ‹f›. Therefore the priority search tree operations have the same complexity
as the underlying search tree operations, i.e.\ typically logarithmic
(‹update›, ‹delete›, ‹lookup›) and constant time (‹empty›, ‹is_empty›).
text ‹It is straightforward to show that @{const mkNode} preserves the invariant:›
lemma is_min2_Empty[simp]: "¬is_min2 x {}"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def)
lemma is_min2_singleton[simp]: "is_min2 a {b} ⟷ b=a"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def)
lemma is_min2_insert:
"is_min2 x (insert y ys)
⟷ (y=x ∧ (∀z∈ys. snd x ≤ snd z)) ∨ (snd x ≤ snd y ∧ is_min2 x ys)"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def)
lemma is_min2_union:
"is_min2 x (ys ∪ zs)
⟷ (is_min2 x ys ∧ (∀z∈zs. snd x ≤ snd z))
∨ ((∀y∈ys. snd x ≤ snd y) ∧ is_min2 x zs)"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def)
lemma is_min2_min2_insI: "is_min2 y ys ⟹ is_min2 (min2 x y) (insert x ys)"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def min2_def split: prod.split)
lemma is_min2_mergeI:
"is_min2 x xs ⟹ is_min2 y ys ⟹ is_min2 (min2 x y) (xs ∪ ys)"
by (auto simp: is_min2_def min2_def split: prod.split)
theorem invpst_mkNode[simp]: "invpst (mkNode c l a r) ⟷ invpst l ∧ invpst r"
apply (cases l rule: invpst.cases;
cases r rule: invpst.cases;
simp add: mkNode_def min_kp_def)
subgoal using is_min2_min2_insI by blast
subgoal by (auto intro!: is_min2_min2_insI simp: insert_commute)
subgoal by (smt (verit, del_insts) Un_assoc Un_insert_left Un_insert_right is_min2_mergeI is_min2_min2_insI)