Theory OptionMonadND
theory OptionMonadND
"_doO" :: "[dobinds, 'a] => 'a" ("(DO (_);// (_)//OD)" 100)
"_doO (_dobinds b bs) e" == "_doO b (_doO bs e)"
"_doO (_nobind b) e" == "b |>> (CONST K_bind e)"
"DO x <- a; e OD" == "a |>> (λx. e)"
ogets :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b option)"
"ogets f ≡ (λs. Some (f s))"
ocatch :: "('s,('e + 'a)) lookup ⇒ ('e ⇒ ('s,'a) lookup) ⇒ ('s, 'a) lookup"
(infix "<ocatch>" 10)
"f <ocatch> handler ≡
DO x ← f;
case x of
Inr b ⇒ oreturn b
| Inl e ⇒ handler e
odrop :: "('s, 'e + 'a) lookup ⇒ ('s, 'a) lookup"
"odrop f ≡
DO x ← f;
case x of
Inr b ⇒ oreturn b
| Inl e ⇒ ofail
osequence_x :: "('s, 'a) lookup list ⇒ ('s, unit) lookup"
"osequence_x xs ≡ foldr (λx y. DO _ <- x; y OD) xs (oreturn ())"
osequence :: "('s, 'a) lookup list ⇒ ('s, 'a list) lookup"
"osequence xs ≡ let mcons = (λp q. p |>> (λx. q |>> (λy. oreturn (x#y))))
in foldr mcons xs (oreturn [])"
omap :: "('a ⇒ ('s,'b) lookup) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ ('s, 'b list) lookup"
"omap f xs ≡ osequence (map f xs)"
opt_cons :: "'a option ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list" (infixr "o#" 65)
"opt_cons x xs ≡ case x of None ⇒ xs | Some x' ⇒ x' # xs"
lemmas monad_simps =
gets_the_def bind_def assert_def assert_opt_def
simpler_gets_def fail_def return_def
lemma gets_the_opt_map:
"gets_the (f |> g) = do x ← gets_the f; assert_opt (g x) od"
by (rule ext) (simp add: monad_simps opt_map_def split: option.splits)
lemma gets_the_opt_o:
"gets_the (f |> Some o g) = do x ← gets_the f; return (g x) od"
by (simp add: gets_the_opt_map assert_opt_Some)
lemma gets_the_obind:
"gets_the (f |>> g) = gets_the f >>= (λx. gets_the (g x))"
by (rule ext) (simp add: monad_simps obind_def split: option.splits)
lemma gets_the_return:
"gets_the (oreturn x) = return x"
by (simp add: monad_simps oreturn_def K_def)
lemma gets_the_fail:
"gets_the ofail = fail"
by (simp add: monad_simps ofail_def K_def)
lemma gets_the_returnOk:
"gets_the (oreturnOk x) = returnOk x"
by (simp add: monad_simps K_def oreturnOk_def returnOk_def)
lemma gets_the_throwError:
"gets_the (othrow e) = throwError e"
by (simp add: monad_simps othrow_def throwError_def K_def)
lemma gets_the_assert:
"gets_the (oassert P) = assert P"
by (simp add: oassert_def assert_def gets_the_fail gets_the_return)
lemmas omonad_simps [simp] =
gets_the_opt_map assert_opt_Some gets_the_obind
gets_the_return gets_the_fail gets_the_returnOk
gets_the_throwError gets_the_assert
section "Relation between option monad loops and non-deterministic monad loops."
lemma gets_the_conv:
"(gets_the B s) = (case B s of Some r' ⇒ ({(r', s)}, False) | _ ⇒ ({}, True))"
by (auto simp: gets_the_def gets_def get_def bind_def return_def fail_def assert_opt_def split: option.splits)
lemma gets_the_loop_terminates:
"whileLoop_terminates C (λa. gets_the (B a)) r s
⟷ (∃rs'. (Some r, rs') ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s))" (is "?L ⟷ ?R")
assume ?L then show ?R
proof (induct rule: whileLoop_terminates.induct[case_names 1 2])
case (2 r s) then show ?case
by (cases "B r s") (auto simp: gets_the_conv intro: option_while'.intros)
qed (auto intro: option_while'.intros)
assume ?R then show ?L
proof (elim exE)
fix rs' assume "(Some r, rs') ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s)"
then have "whileLoop_terminates C (λa. gets_the (B a)) (the (Some r)) s"
by induct (auto intro: whileLoop_terminates.intros simp: gets_the_conv)
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma gets_the_whileLoop:
fixes C :: "'a ⇒ 's ⇒ bool"
shows "whileLoop C (λa. gets_the (B a)) r = gets_the (owhile C B r)"
proof -
{ fix r s r' s' assume "(Some (r,s), Some (r', s')) ∈ whileLoop_results C (λa. gets_the (B a))"
then have "s = s' ∧ (Some r, Some r') ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s)"
by (induct "Some (r, s)" "Some (r', s')" arbitrary: r s)
(auto intro: option_while'.intros simp: gets_the_conv split: option.splits) }
note wl'_Inl = this
{ fix r s assume "(Some (r,s), None) ∈ whileLoop_results C (λa. gets_the (B a))"
then have "(Some r, None) ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s)"
by (induct "Some (r, s)" "None :: (('a × 's) option)" arbitrary: r s)
(auto intro: option_while'.intros simp: gets_the_conv split: option.splits) }
note wl'_Inr = this
{ fix r s r' assume "(Some r, Some r') ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s)"
then have "(Some (r,s), Some (r',s)) ∈ whileLoop_results C (λa. gets_the (B a))"
by (induct "Some r" "Some r'" arbitrary: r)
(auto intro: whileLoop_results.intros simp: gets_the_conv) }
note option_while'_Some = this
{ fix r s assume "(Some r, None) ∈ option_while' (λa. C a s) (λa. B a s)"
then have "(Some (r,s), None) ∈ whileLoop_results C (λa. gets_the (B a))"
by (induct "Some r" "None :: 'a option" arbitrary: r)
(auto intro: whileLoop_results.intros simp: gets_the_conv) }
note option_while'_None = this
have "⋀s. owhile C B r s = None
⟹ whileLoop C (λa. gets_the (B a)) r s = ({}, True)"
by (auto simp: whileLoop_def owhile_def option_while_def option_while'_THE gets_the_loop_terminates
split: if_split_asm dest: option_while'_None wl'_Inl option_while'_inj)
have "⋀s r'. owhile C B r s = Some r'
⟹ whileLoop C (λa. gets_the (B a)) r s = ({(r', s)}, False)"
by (auto simp: whileLoop_def owhile_def option_while_def option_while'_THE gets_the_loop_terminates
split: if_split_asm dest: wl'_Inl wl'_Inr option_while'_inj intro: option_while'_Some)
show ?thesis
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff gets_the_conv split: option.split)