Theory List_Aux
theory List_Aux
section ‹Auxiliary List Lemmas›
lemma nth_rotate_conv_nth1_conv_nth:
assumes "m < length xs"
shows "rotate1 xs ! m = xs ! (Suc m mod length xs)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: m)
case (Cons x xs)
show ?case
proof (cases "m < length xs")
case False
with Cons.prems have "m = length xs" by force
then show ?thesis by (auto simp: nth_append)
qed (auto simp: nth_append)
qed simp
lemma nth_rotate_conv_nth:
assumes "m < length xs"
shows "rotate n xs ! m = xs ! ((m + n) mod length xs)"
using assms
proof (induction n arbitrary: m)
case 0 then show ?case by simp
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof cases
assume "m + 1 < length xs"
with Suc show ?thesis using Suc by (auto simp: nth_rotate_conv_nth1_conv_nth)
assume "¬(m + 1 < length xs)"
with Suc have "m + 1 = length xs" "0 < length xs" by auto
{ have "Suc (m + n) mod length xs = (Suc m + n) mod length xs"
by auto
also have "… = n mod length xs" using ‹m + 1 = _› by simp
finally have "Suc (m + n) mod length xs = n mod length xs" .}
show ?thesis by (auto simp: nth_rotate_conv_nth1_conv_nth Suc.IH)
lemma not_nil_if_in_set:
assumes "x ∈ set xs" shows "xs ≠ []"
using assms by auto
lemma length_fold_remove1_le:
"length (fold remove1 ys xs) ≤ length xs"
proof (induct ys arbitrary: xs)
case (Cons y ys)
then have "length (fold remove1 ys (remove1 y xs)) ≤ length (remove1 y xs)" by auto
also have "… ≤ length xs" by (auto simp: length_remove1)
finally show ?case by simp
qed simp
lemma set_fold_remove1':
assumes "x ∈ set xs - set ys" shows "x ∈ set (fold remove1 ys xs)"
using assms by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) auto
lemma set_fold_remove1:
"set (fold remove1 xs ys) ⊆ set ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (auto, metis notin_set_remove1 subsetCE)
lemma set_fold_remove1_distinct:
assumes "distinct xs" shows "set (fold remove1 ys xs) = set xs - set ys"
using assms by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) auto
lemma distinct_fold_remove1:
assumes "distinct xs"
shows "distinct (fold remove1 ys xs)"
using assms by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) auto