Theory PositionalDeterminacy

section ‹Positional Determinacy of Parity Games›

theory PositionalDeterminacy

context ParityGame begin

subsection ‹Induction Step›

text ‹
  The proof of positional determinacy is by induction over the size of the finite set
  @{term "ω ` V"}, the set of priorities.  The following lemma is the induction step.

  For now, we assume there are no deadends in the graph.  Later we will get rid of this assumption.

lemma positional_strategy_induction_step:
  assumes "v  V"
    and no_deadends: "v. v  V  ¬deadend v"
    and IH: "(G :: ('a, 'b) ParityGame_scheme) v.
       card (ωG` VG) < card (ω ` V); v  VG;
        ParityGame G;
        v. v  VG ¬Digraph.deadend G v  
       p. v  ParityGame.winning_region G p"
  shows "p. v  winning_region p"
  text ‹First, we determine the minimum priority and the player who likes it.›
  define min_prio where "min_prio = Min (ω ` V)"
  have "p. winning_priority p min_prio" by auto
  then obtain p where p: "winning_priority p min_prio" by blast
  text ‹Then we define the tentative winning region of player @{term "p**"}.
    The rest of the proof is to show that this is the complete winning region.
  define W1 where "W1 = winning_region p**"
  text ‹For this, we define several more sets of nodes.
    First, U› is the tentative winning region of player @{term p}.
  define U where "U = V - W1"
  define K where "K = U  (ω -` {min_prio})"
  define V' where "V' = U - attractor p K"

  define G' where [simp]: "G' = subgame V'"
  interpret G': ParityGame G' using subgame_ParityGame by simp

  have U_equiv: "v. v  V  v  U  v  winning_region p**"
    unfolding U_def W1_def by blast

  have "V'  V" unfolding U_def V'_def by blast
  hence [simp]: "VG'= V'" unfolding G'_def by simp

  have "VG' V" "EG' E" "ωG'= ω" unfolding G'_def by (simp_all add: subgame_ω)
  have "G'.VV p = V'  VV p" unfolding G'_def using subgame_VV by simp

  have V_decomp: "V = attractor p K  V'  W1" proof-
    have "V  attractor p K  V'  W1"
      unfolding V'_def U_def by blast
    moreover have "attractor p K  V"
      using attractor_in_V[of K] unfolding K_def U_def by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding W1_def winning_region_def using V'  V by blast

  have G'_no_deadends: "v. v  VG' ¬G'.deadend v" proof-
    fix v assume "v  VG'⇙"
    hence *: "v  U - attractor p K" using VG'= V' V'_def by blast
    moreover hence "w  U. vw"
      using removing_winning_region_induces_no_deadends[of v "p**"] no_deadends U_equiv U_def
      by blast
    moreover have "w.  v  VV p**; vw   w  U"
      using * U_equiv winning_region_extends_VVp by blast
    ultimately have "w  V'. vw"
      using U_equiv winning_region_extends_VVp removing_attractor_induces_no_deadends V'_def
      by blast
    thus "¬G'.deadend v" using v  VG'⇙› V'  V by simp

  text ‹
    By definition of @{term W1}, we obtain a winning strategy on @{term W1} for player @{term "p**"}.
  obtain σW1 where σW1:
    "strategy p** σW1" "v. v  W1  winning_strategy p** σW1 v"
    unfolding W1_def using merge_winning_strategies by blast

    fix v assume "v  VG'⇙"

    text ‹Apply the induction hypothesis to get the winning strategy for @{term v} in @{term G'}.›
    have G'_winning_strategy: "p. v  G'.winning_region p" proof-
      have "card (ωG'` VG') < card (ω ` V)" proof-
        { assume "min_prio  ωG'` VG'⇙"
          then obtain v where v: "v  VG'⇙" "ωG'v = min_prio" by blast
          hence "v  ω -` {min_prio}" using ωG'= ω by simp
          hence False using V'_def K_def attractor_set_base VG'= V' v(1)
            by (metis DiffD1 DiffD2 IntI contra_subsetD)
        hence "min_prio  ωG'` VG'⇙" by blast
        moreover have "min_prio  ω ` V"
          unfolding min_prio_def using priorities_finite Min_in assms(1) by blast
        moreover have "ωG'` VG' ω ` V" unfolding G'_def by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis by (metis priorities_finite psubsetI psubset_card_mono)
      thus ?thesis using IH[of G'] v  VG'⇙› G'_no_deadends G'.ParityGame_axioms by blast

    text ‹
      It turns out the winning region of player @{term "p**"} is empty, so we have a strategy
      for player @{term p}.
    have "v  G'.winning_region p" proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬?thesis"
      moreover obtain p' σ where p': "G'.strategy p' σ" "G'.winning_strategy p' σ v"
        using G'_winning_strategy unfolding G'.winning_region_def by blast
      ultimately have "p'  p" using v  VG'⇙› unfolding G'.winning_region_def by blast
      hence "p' = p**" by (cases p; cases p') auto
      with p' have σ: "G'.strategy p** σ" "G'.winning_strategy p** σ v" by simp_all

      have "v  winning_region p**" proof
        show "v  V" using v  VG'⇙› VG' V by blast
        define σ' where "σ' = override_on (override_on σ_arbitrary σW1 W1) σ V'"
        thus "strategy p** σ'"
          using valid_strategy_updates_set_strong valid_arbitrary_strategy σW1(1)
                valid_strategy_supergame σ(1) G'_no_deadends VG'= V'
          unfolding G'_def by blast
        show "winning_strategy p** σ' v"
        proof (rule winning_strategyI, rule ccontr)
          fix P assume "vmc_path G P v p** σ'"
          then interpret vmc_path G P v "p**" σ' .
          assume "¬winning_path p** P"
          text ‹
            First we show that @{term P} stays in @{term V'}, because if it stays in @{term V'},
            then it conforms to @{term σ}, so it must be winning for @{term "p**"}.›

          have "lset P  V'" proof (induct rule: vmc_path_lset_induction_closed_subset)
            fix v assume "v  V'" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p**"
            hence "v  ParityGame.VV (subgame V') p**" by auto
            moreover have "¬G'.deadend v" using G'_no_deadends VG'= V' v  V' by blast
            ultimately have "σ v  V'"
              using subgame_strategy_stays_in_subgame p'(1) p' = p**
              unfolding G'_def by blast
            thus "σ' v  V'  W1" unfolding σ'_def using v  V' by simp
            fix v w assume "v  V'" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p****" "vw"
            show "w  V'  W1" proof (rule ccontr)
              assume "w  V'  W1"
              hence "w  attractor p K" using V_decomp vw by blast
              hence "v  attractor p K" using v  VV p**** attractor_set_VVp vw by auto
              thus False using v  V' V'_def by blast
            have "v. v  W1  σW1 v = σ' v" unfolding σ'_def V'_def U_def by simp
            thus "lset P  W1 = {}"
              using path_hits_winning_region_is_winning σW1 ¬winning_path p** P
              unfolding W1_def
              by blast
            show "v  V'" using VG'= V' v  VG'⇙› by blast
          text ‹This concludes the proof of @{term "lset P  V'"}.›
          hence "G'.valid_path P" using subgame_valid_path by simp
          moreover have "G'.maximal_path P"
            using lset P  V' subgame_maximal_path V'  V by simp
          moreover have "G'.path_conforms_with_strategy p** P σ" proof-
            have "G'.path_conforms_with_strategy p** P σ'"
              using subgame_path_conforms_with_strategy V'  V lset P  V'
              by simp
            moreover have "v. v  lset P  σ' v = σ v" using lset P  V' σ'_def by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using G'.path_conforms_with_strategy_irrelevant_updates by blast
          ultimately have "G'.winning_path p** P"
            using σ(2) G'.winning_strategy_def G'.valid_maximal_conforming_path_0 P_0 P_not_null
            by blast
          moreover have "G'.VV p****  VV p****" using subgame_VV_subset G'_def by blast
          ultimately show False
            using G'.winning_path_supergame[of "p**"] ωG'= ω
                  ¬winning_path p** P ParityGame_axioms
            by blast
      moreover have "v  V" using VG' V v  VG'⇙› by blast
      ultimately have "v  W1" unfolding W1_def winning_region_def by blast
      thus False using v  VG'⇙› using U_def V'_def VG'= V' v  VG'⇙› by blast
  } note recursion = this

  text ‹
    We compose a winning strategy for player @{term p} on @{term "V - W1"} out of three pieces.

  text ‹
    First, if we happen to land in the attractor region of @{term K}, we follow the attractor
    strategy.  This is good because the priority of the nodes in @{term K} is good for
    player @{term p}, so he likes to go there.›
  obtain σ1
    where σ1: "strategy p σ1"
              "strategy_attracts p σ1 (attractor p K) K"
    using attractor_has_strategy[of K p] K_def U_def by auto

  text ‹Next, on @{term G'} we follow the winning strategy whose existence we proved earlier.›
  have "G'.winning_region p = VG'⇙" using recursion unfolding G'.winning_region_def by blast
  then obtain σ2
    where σ2: "v. v  VG' G'.strategy p σ2"
              "v. v  VG' G'.winning_strategy p σ2 v"
    using G'.merge_winning_strategies by blast

  text ‹
    As a last option we choose an arbitrary successor but avoid entering @{term W1}.
    In particular, this defines the strategy on the set @{term K}.›
  define succ where "succ v = (SOME w. vw  (v  W1  w  W1))" for v

  text ‹Compose the three pieces.›
  define σ where "σ = override_on (override_on succ σ2 V') σ1 (attractor p K - K)"

  have "attractor p K  W1 = {}" proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "attractor p K  W1  {}"
    then obtain v where v: "v  attractor p K" "v  W1" by blast
    hence "v  V" using W1_def winning_region_def by blast
    obtain P where "vmc2_path G P v p σ1 σW1"
      using strategy_conforming_path_exists σW1(1) σ1(1) v  V by blast
    then interpret vmc2_path G P v p σ1 σW1 .
    have "strategy_attracts_via p σ1 v (attractor p K) K" using v(1) σ1(2) strategy_attracts_def by blast
    hence "lset P  K  {}" using strategy_attracts_viaE visits_via_visits by blast
    hence "¬lset P  W1" unfolding K_def U_def by blast
    thus False unfolding W1_def using comp.paths_stay_in_winning_region σW1 v(2) by auto

  text ‹On specific sets, @{term σ} behaves like one of the three pieces.›
  have σ_σ1: "v. v  attractor p K - K  σ v = σ1 v" unfolding σ_def by simp
  have σ_σ2: "v. v  V'  σ v = σ2 v" unfolding σ_def V'_def by auto
  have σ_K: "v. v  K  W1  σ v = succ v" proof-
    fix v assume v: "v  K  W1"
    hence "v  V'" unfolding V'_def U_def using attractor_set_base by auto
    with v show "σ v = succ v" unfolding σ_def U_def using attractor p K  W1 = {}
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Diff_iff IntI UnE override_on_def override_on_emptyset)

  text ‹Show that @{term succ} succeeds in avoiding entering @{term W1}.›
  { fix v assume v: "v  VV p"
    hence "¬deadend v" using no_deadends by blast
    have "w. vw  (v  W1  w  W1)" proof (cases)
      assume "v  W1"
      thus ?thesis using no_deadends ¬deadend v by blast
      assume "v  W1"
      show ?thesis proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬(w. vw  (v  W1  w  W1))"
        hence "w. vw  winning_strategy p** σW1 w" using σW1(2) by blast
        hence "winning_strategy p** σW1 v"
          using strategy_extends_backwards_VVpstar σW1(1) v  VV p by simp
        hence "v  W1" unfolding W1_def winning_region_def using σW1(1) ¬deadend v by blast
        thus False using v  W1 by blast
    hence "vsucc v" "v  W1  succ v  W1" unfolding succ_def
      using someI_ex[of "λw. vw  (v  W1  w  W1)"] by blast+
  } note succ_works = this

  have "strategy p σ"
    fix v assume v: "v  VV p" "¬deadend v"
    hence "v  attractor p K - K  vσ v" using σ_σ1 σ1(1) v unfolding strategy_def by auto
    moreover have "v  V'  vσ v" proof-
      assume "v  V'"
      moreover have "v  VG'⇙" using v  V' VG'= V' by blast
      moreover have "v  G'.VV p" using G'.VV p = V'  VV p v  V' v  VV p by blast
      moreover have "¬Digraph.deadend G' v" using G'_no_deadends v  VG'⇙› by blast
      ultimately have "v G'σ2 v" using σ2(1) G'.strategy_def[of p σ2] by blast
      with v  V' show "vσ v" using EG' E σ_σ2 by (metis subsetCE)
    moreover have "v  K  W1  vσ v" using succ_works(1) v σ_K by auto
    moreover have "v  V" using v  VV p by blast
    ultimately show "vσ v" using V_decomp by blast

  have σ_attracts: "strategy_attracts p σ (attractor p K) K" proof-
    have "strategy_attracts p (override_on σ σ1 (attractor p K - K)) (attractor p K) K"
      using strategy_attracts_irrelevant_override σ1 strategy p σ by blast
    moreover have "σ = override_on σ σ1 (attractor p K - K)"
      by (rule ext) (simp add: override_on_def σ_σ1)
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp

  text ‹Show that @{term σ} is a winning strategy on @{term "V - W1"}.›
  have "v  V - W1. winning_strategy p σ v" proof (intro ballI winning_strategyI)
    fix v P assume P: "v  V - W1" "vmc_path G P v p σ"
    interpret vmc_path G P v p σ using P(2) .

    have "lset P  V - W1"
    proof (induct rule: vmc_path_lset_induction_closed_subset)
      fix v assume "v  V - W1" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p"
      show "σ v  V - W1  {}" proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬?thesis"
        hence "σ v  W1"
          using strategy p σ ¬deadend v v  VV p
          unfolding strategy_def by blast
        hence "v  K" using succ_works(2)[OF v  VV p] v  V - W1 σ_K by auto
        moreover have "v  attractor p K - K" proof
          assume "v  attractor p K - K"
          hence "σ v  attractor p K"
            using attracted_strategy_step strategy p σ σ_attracts ¬deadend v v  VV p
            by blast
          thus False using σ v  W1 attractor p K  W1 = {} by blast
        moreover have "v  V'" proof
          assume "v  V'"
          have "σ2 v  VG'⇙" proof (rule G'.valid_strategy_in_V[of p σ2 v])
            have "v  VG'⇙" using VG'= V' v  V' by simp
            thus "¬G'.deadend v" using G'_no_deadends by blast
            show "G'.strategy p σ2" using σ2(1) v  VG'⇙› by blast
            show "v  G'.VV p" using v  VV p G'.VV p = V'  VV p v  V' by simp
          hence "σ v  VG'⇙" using v  V' σ_σ2 by simp
          thus False using VG'= V' σ v  W1 V'_def U_def by blast
        ultimately show False using v  V - W1 V_decomp by blast
      fix v w assume "v  V - W1" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p**" "vw"
      show "w  V - W1  {}"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬?thesis"
        hence "w  W1" using vw by blast
        let  = "σW1(v := w)"
        have "winning_strategy p** σW1 w" using w  W1 σW1(2) by blast
        moreover have "¬(σ. strategy p** σ  winning_strategy p** σ v)"
          using v  V - W1 unfolding W1_def winning_region_def by blast
        ultimately have "winning_strategy p**  w"
          using winning_strategy_updates[of "p**" σW1 w v w] σW1(1) vw
          unfolding winning_region_def by blast
        moreover have "strategy p** " using vw σW1(1) valid_strategy_updates by blast
        ultimately have "winning_strategy p**  v"
          using strategy_extends_backwards_VVp[of v "p**"  w]
                v  VV p** vw
          by auto
        hence "v  W1" unfolding W1_def winning_region_def
          using strategy p**  v  V - W1 by blast
        thus False using v  V - W1 by blast
    qed (insert P(1), simp_all)
    text ‹This concludes the proof of @{term "lset P  V - W1"}.›
    hence "lset P  attractor p K  V'" using V_decomp by blast

    have "¬lfinite P"
      using no_deadends lfinite_lset maximal_ends_on_deadend[of P] P_maximal P_not_null lset_P_V
      by blast

    text ‹
      Every @{term σ}-conforming path starting in @{term "V - W1"} is winning.
      We distinguish two cases:
        \item @{term P} eventually stays in @{term V'}.
          Then @{term P} is winning because @{term σ2} is winning.
        \item @{term P} visits @{term K} infinitely often.
          Then @{term P} is winning because of the priority of the nodes in @{term K}.
    show "winning_path p P"
    proof (cases)
      assume "n. lset (ldropn n P)  V'"
      text ‹The first case: @{term P} eventually stays in @{term V'}.›
      then obtain n where n: "lset (ldropn n P)  V'" by blast
      define P' where "P' = ldropn n P"
      hence "lset P'  V'" using n by blast
      interpret vmc_path': vmc_path G' P' "lhd P'" p σ2 proof
        show "¬lnull P'" unfolding P'_def
          using ¬lfinite P lfinite_ldropn lnull_imp_lfinite by blast
        show "G'.valid_path P'" proof-
          have "valid_path P'" unfolding P'_def by simp
          thus ?thesis using subgame_valid_path lset P'  V' G'_def by blast
        show "G'.maximal_path P'" proof-
          have "maximal_path P'" unfolding P'_def by simp
          thus ?thesis using subgame_maximal_path lset P'  V' V'  V G'_def by blast
        show "G'.path_conforms_with_strategy p P' σ2" proof-
          have "path_conforms_with_strategy p P' σ" unfolding P'_def by simp
          hence "path_conforms_with_strategy p P' σ2"
            using path_conforms_with_strategy_irrelevant_updates lset P'  V' σ_σ2
            by blast
          thus ?thesis
            using subgame_path_conforms_with_strategy lset P'  V' V'  V G'_def
            by blast
      qed simp
      have "G'.winning_strategy p σ2 (lhd P')"
        using lset P'  V' vmc_path'.P_not_null σ2(2)[of "lhd P'"] VG'= V' llist.set_sel(1)
        by blast
      hence "G'.winning_path p P'" using G'.winning_strategy_def vmc_path'.vmc_path_axioms by blast
      moreover have "G'.VV p**  VV p**" unfolding G'_def using subgame_VV by simp
      ultimately have "winning_path p P'"
        using G'.winning_path_supergame[of p P' G] ωG'= ω ParityGame_axioms by blast
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding P'_def
        using infinite_small_llength[OF ¬lfinite P]
              winning_path_drop_add[of P p n] P_valid
        by blast
      assume asm: "¬(n. lset (ldropn n P)  V')"
      text ‹The second case: @{term P} visits @{term K} infinitely often.
        Then @{term min_prio} occurs infinitely often on @{term P}.›
      have "min_prio  path_inf_priorities P"
      unfolding path_inf_priorities_def proof (intro CollectI allI)
        fix n
        obtain k1 where k1: "ldropn n P $ k1  V'" using asm by (metis lset_lnth subsetI)
        define k2 where "k2 = k1 + n"
        interpret vmc_path G "ldropn k2 P" "P $ k2" p σ
          using vmc_path_ldropn infinite_small_llength ¬lfinite P by blast
        have "P $ k2  V'" unfolding k2_def
          using k1 lnth_ldropn infinite_small_llength[OF ¬lfinite P] by simp
        hence "P $ k2  attractor p K" using ¬lfinite P lset P  V - W1
          by (metis DiffI U_def V'_def lset_nth_member_inf)
        then obtain k3 where k3: "ldropn k2 P $ k3  K"
          using σ_attracts strategy_attractsE unfolding G'.visits_via_def by blast
        define k4 where "k4 = k3 + k2"
        hence "P $ k4  K"
          using k3 lnth_ldropn infinite_small_llength[OF ¬lfinite P] by simp
        moreover have "k4  n" unfolding k4_def k2_def
          using le_add2 le_trans by blast
        moreover have "ldropn n P $ k4 - n = P $ (k4 - n) + n"
          using lnth_ldropn infinite_small_llength ¬lfinite P by blast
        ultimately have "ldropn n P $ k4 - n  K" by simp
        hence "lset (ldropn n P)  K  {}"
          using ¬lfinite P lfinite_ldropn in_lset_conv_lnth[of "ldropn n P $ k4 - n"]
          by blast
        thus "min_prio  lset (ldropn n (lmap ω P))" unfolding K_def by auto
      thus ?thesis unfolding winning_path_def
        using path_inf_priorities_at_least_min_prio[OF P_valid, folded min_prio_def]
              winning_priority p min_prio ¬lfinite P
        by blast
  hence "v  V. p σ. strategy p σ  winning_strategy p σ v"
    unfolding W1_def winning_region_def using strategy p σ by blast
  hence "p σ. strategy p σ  winning_strategy p σ v" using v  V by simp
  thus ?thesis unfolding winning_region_def using v  V by blast

subsection ‹Positional Determinacy without Deadends›

theorem positional_strategy_exists_without_deadends:
  assumes "v  V" "v. v  V  ¬deadend v"
  shows "p. v  winning_region p"
  using assms ParityGame_axioms
  by (induct "card (ω ` V)" arbitrary: G v rule: nat_less_induct)
     (rule ParityGame.positional_strategy_induction_step, simp_all)

subsection ‹Positional Determinacy with Deadends›

text ‹
  Prove a stronger version of the previous theorem: Allow deadends.
theorem positional_strategy_exists:
  assumes "v0  V"
  shows "p. v0  winning_region p"
  { fix p
    define A where "A = attractor p (deadends p**)"
    assume v0_in_attractor: "v0  attractor p (deadends p**)"
    then obtain σ where σ: "strategy p σ" "strategy_attracts p σ A (deadends p**)"
      using attractor_has_strategy[of "deadends p**" "p"] A_def deadends_in_V by blast

    have "A  V" using A_def using attractor_in_V deadends_in_V by blast
    hence "A - deadends p**  V" by auto

    have "winning_strategy p σ v0" proof (unfold winning_strategy_def, intro allI impI)
      fix P assume "vmc_path G P v0 p σ"
      then interpret vmc_path G P v0 p σ .
      show "winning_path p P"
        using visits_deadend[of "p**"] σ(2) strategy_attracts_lset v0_in_attractor
        unfolding A_def by simp
    hence "p σ. strategy p σ  winning_strategy p σ v0" using σ by blast
  } note lemma_path_to_deadend = this
  define A where "A p = attractor p (deadends p**)" for p
  text ‹Remove the attractor sets of the sets of deadends.›
  define V' where "V' = V - A Even - A Odd"
  hence "V'  V" by blast
  show ?thesis proof (cases)
    assume "v0  V'"
    define G' where "G' = subgame V'"
    interpret G': ParityGame G' unfolding G'_def using subgame_ParityGame .
    have "VG'= V'" unfolding G'_def using V'  V by simp
    hence "v0  VG'⇙" using v0  V' by simp
    moreover have V'_no_deadends: "v. v  VG' ¬G'.deadend v" proof-
      fix v assume "v  VG'⇙"
      moreover have "V' = V - A Even - A Even**" using V'_def by simp
      ultimately show "¬G'.deadend v"
        using subgame_without_deadends v  VG'⇙› unfolding A_def G'_def by blast
    ultimately obtain p σ where σ: "G'.strategy p σ" "G'.winning_strategy p σ v0"
      using G'.positional_strategy_exists_without_deadends
      unfolding G'.winning_region_def
      by blast

    have V'_no_deadends': "v. v  V'  ¬deadend v" proof-
      fix v assume "v  V'"
      hence "¬G'.deadend v" using V'_no_deadends V'  V unfolding G'_def by auto
      thus "¬deadend v" unfolding G'_def using V'  V by auto

    obtain σ_attr
      where σ_attr: "strategy p σ_attr" "strategy_attracts p σ_attr (A p) (deadends p**)"
      using attractor_has_strategy[OF deadends_in_V] unfolding A_def by blast
    define σ' where "σ' = override_on σ σ_attr (A Even  A Odd)"
    have σ'_is_σ_on_V': "v. v  V'  σ' v = σ v"
      unfolding V'_def σ'_def A_def by (cases p) simp_all

    have "strategy p σ'" proof-
      have "σ' = override_on σ_attr σ (UNIV - A Even - A Odd)"
        unfolding σ'_def override_on_def by (rule ext) simp
      moreover have "strategy p (override_on σ_attr σ V')"
        using valid_strategy_supergame σ_attr(1) σ(1) V'_no_deadends VG'= V'
        unfolding G'_def by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: valid_strategy_only_in_V V'_def override_on_def)
    moreover have "winning_strategy p σ' v0" proof (rule winning_strategyI, rule ccontr)
      fix P assume "vmc_path G P v0 p σ'"
      then interpret vmc_path G P v0 p σ' .
      interpret vmc_path_no_deadend G P v0 p σ'
        using V'_no_deadends' v0  V' by unfold_locales
      assume contra: "¬winning_path p P"

      have "lset P  V'" proof (induct rule: vmc_path_lset_induction_closed_subset)
        fix v assume "v  V'" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p"
        hence "v  G'.VV p" unfolding G'_def by (simp add: v  V')
        moreover have "¬G'.deadend v" using V'_no_deadends v  V' VG'= V' by blast
        moreover have "G'.strategy p σ'"
          using G'.valid_strategy_only_in_V σ'_def σ'_is_σ_on_V' σ(1) VG'= V' by auto
        ultimately show "σ' v  V'  A p" using subgame_strategy_stays_in_subgame
          unfolding G'_def by blast
        fix v w assume "v  V'" "¬deadend v" "v  VV p**" "vw"
        have "w  A p**" proof
          assume "w  A p**"
          hence "v  A p**" unfolding A_def
            using v  VV p** vw attractor_set_VVp by blast
          thus False using v  V' unfolding V'_def by (cases p) auto
        thus "w  V'  A p" unfolding V'_def using vw by (cases p) auto
        show "lset P  A p = {}" proof (rule ccontr)
          assume "lset P  A p  {}"
          have "strategy_attracts p (override_on σ' σ_attr (A p - deadends p**))
                                    (A p)
                                    (deadends p**)"
            using strategy_attracts_irrelevant_override[OF σ_attr(2) σ_attr(1) strategy p σ']
            by blast
          moreover have "override_on σ' σ_attr (A p - deadends p**) = σ'"
            by (rule ext, unfold σ'_def, cases p) (simp_all add: override_on_def)
          ultimately have "strategy_attracts p σ' (A p) (deadends p**)" by simp
          hence "lset P  deadends p**  {}"
            using lset P  A p  {} attracted_path[OF deadends_in_V] by simp
          thus False using contra visits_deadend[of "p**"] by simp
      qed (insert v0  V')

      then interpret vmc_path G' P v0 p σ'
        unfolding G'_def using subgame_path_vmc_path[OF V'  V] by blast
      have "G'.path_conforms_with_strategy p P σ" proof-
        have "v. v  lset P  σ' v = σ v"
          using σ'_is_σ_on_V' VG'= V' lset_P_V by blast
        thus "G'.path_conforms_with_strategy p P σ"
          using P_conforms G'.path_conforms_with_strategy_irrelevant_updates by blast
      then interpret vmc_path G' P v0 p σ using conforms_to_another_strategy by blast
      have "G'.winning_path p P"
        using σ(2)[unfolded G'.winning_strategy_def] vmc_path_axioms by blast
      from ¬winning_path p P
           G'.winning_path_supergame[OF this ParityGame_axioms, unfolded G'_def]
           subgame_VV_subset[of "p**" V']
           subgame_ω[of V']
        show False by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding winning_region_def using v0  V by blast
    assume "v0  V'"
    then obtain p where "v0  attractor p (deadends p**)"
      unfolding V'_def A_def using v0  V by blast
    thus ?thesis unfolding winning_region_def
      using lemma_path_to_deadend v0  V by blast

subsection ‹The Main Theorem: Positional Determinacy›
text ‹\label{subsec:positional_determinacy}›

text ‹
  Prove the main theorem: The winning regions of player \Even and \Odd are a partition of the set
  of nodes @{term V}.

theorem partition_into_winning_regions:
  shows "V = winning_region Even  winning_region Odd"
    and "winning_region Even  winning_region Odd = {}"
  show "V  winning_region Even  winning_region Odd"
    by (rule subsetI) (metis (full_types) Un_iff other_other_player positional_strategy_exists)
  show "winning_region Even  winning_region Odd  V"
    by (rule subsetI) (meson Un_iff subsetCE winning_region_in_V)
  show "winning_region Even  winning_region Odd = {}"
    using winning_strategy_only_for_one_player[of Even]
    unfolding winning_region_def by auto

end ― ‹context ParityGame›
