Theory Paraconsistency

(* Anders Schlichtkrull & Jørgen Villadsen, DTU Compute, Denmark *)

chapter ‹On Paraconsistency›

Paraconsistency concerns inference systems that do not explode given a contradiction.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a survey article on paraconsistent logic.

The following Isabelle theory formalizes a specific paraconsistent many-valued logic.

theory Paraconsistency imports Main begin

The details about our logic are in our article in a special issue on logical approaches to
paraconsistency in the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (Volume 15, Number 1, 2005).

section ‹Syntax and Semantics›

subsection ‹Syntax of Propositional Logic›

Only the primed operators return indeterminate truth values.

type_synonym id = string

datatype fm = Pro id | Truth | Neg' fm | Con' fm fm | Eql fm fm | Eql' fm fm

abbreviation Falsity :: fm where "Falsity  Neg' Truth"

abbreviation Dis' :: "fm  fm  fm" where "Dis' p q  Neg' (Con' (Neg' p) (Neg' q))"

abbreviation Imp :: "fm  fm  fm" where "Imp p q  Eql p (Con' p q)"

abbreviation Imp' :: "fm  fm  fm" where "Imp' p q  Eql' p (Con' p q)"

abbreviation Box :: "fm  fm" where "Box p  Eql p Truth"

abbreviation Neg :: "fm  fm" where "Neg p  Box (Neg' p)"

abbreviation Con :: "fm  fm  fm" where "Con p q  Box (Con' p q)"

abbreviation Dis :: "fm  fm  fm" where "Dis p q  Box (Dis' p q)"

abbreviation Cla :: "fm  fm" where "Cla p  Dis (Box p) (Eql p Falsity)"

abbreviation Nab :: "fm  fm" where "Nab p  Neg (Cla p)"

subsection ‹Semantics of Propositional Logic›

There is a countably infinite number of indeterminate truth values.

datatype tv = Det bool | Indet nat

abbreviation (input) eval_neg :: "tv  tv"
  "eval_neg x 
      case x of
        Det False  Det True |
        Det True  Det False |
        Indet n  Indet n

fun eval :: "(id  tv)  fm  tv"
  "eval i (Pro s) = i s" |
  "eval i Truth = Det True" |
  "eval i (Neg' p) = eval_neg (eval i p)" |
  "eval i (Con' p q) =
      if eval i p = eval i q then eval i p else
      if eval i p = Det True then eval i q else
      if eval i q = Det True then eval i p else Det False
    )" |
  "eval i (Eql p q) =
      if eval i p = eval i q then Det True else Det False
    )" |
  "eval i (Eql' p q) =
      if eval i p = eval i q then Det True else
          case (eval i p, eval i q) of
            (Det True, _)  eval i q |
            (_, Det True)  eval i p |
            (Det False, _)  eval_neg (eval i q) |
            (_, Det False)  eval_neg (eval i p) |
            _  Det False

lemma eval_equality_simplify: "eval i (Eql p q) = Det (eval i p = eval i q)"
  by simp

theorem eval_equality:
  "eval i (Eql' p q) =
      if eval i p = eval i q then Det True else
      if eval i p = Det True then eval i q else
      if eval i q = Det True then eval i p else
      if eval i p = Det False then eval i (Neg' q) else
      if eval i q = Det False then eval i (Neg' p) else
      Det False
  by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q") simp_all

theorem eval_negation:
  "eval i (Neg' p) =
      if eval i p = Det False then Det True else
      if eval i p = Det True then Det False else
      eval i p
  by (cases "eval i p") simp_all

corollary "eval i (Cla p) = eval i (Box (Dis' p (Neg' p)))"
  using eval_negation
  by simp

lemma double_negation: "eval i p = eval i (Neg' (Neg' p))"
  using eval_negation
  by simp

subsection ‹Validity and Consistency›

Validity gives the set of theorems and the logic has at least a theorem and a non-theorem.

definition valid :: "fm  bool"
  "valid p  i. eval i p = Det True"

proposition "valid Truth" and "¬ valid Falsity"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp_all

section ‹Truth Tables›

subsection ‹String Functions›

The following functions support arbitrary unary and binary truth tables.

definition tv_pair_row :: "tv list  tv  (tv * tv) list"
  "tv_pair_row tvs tv  map (λx. (tv, x)) tvs"

definition tv_pair_table :: "tv list  (tv * tv) list list"
  "tv_pair_table tvs  map (tv_pair_row tvs) tvs"

definition map_row :: "(tv  tv  tv)  (tv * tv) list  tv list"
  "map_row f tvtvs  map (λ(x, y). f x y) tvtvs"

definition map_table :: "(tv  tv  tv)  (tv * tv) list list  tv list list"
  "map_table f tvtvss  map (map_row f) tvtvss"

definition unary_truth_table :: "fm  tv list  tv list"
  "unary_truth_table p tvs 
      map (λx. eval ((λs. undefined)(''p'' := x)) p) tvs"

definition binary_truth_table :: "fm  tv list  tv list list"
  "binary_truth_table p tvs 
      map_table (λx y. eval ((λs. undefined)(''p'' := x, ''q'' := y)) p) (tv_pair_table tvs)"

definition digit_of_nat :: "nat  char"
  "digit_of_nat n 
   (if n = 1 then (CHR ''1'') else if n = 2 then (CHR ''2'') else if n = 3 then (CHR ''3'') else
    if n = 4 then (CHR ''4'') else if n = 5 then (CHR ''5'') else if n = 6 then (CHR ''6'') else
    if n = 7 then (CHR ''7'') else if n = 8 then (CHR ''8'') else if n = 9 then (CHR ''9'') else
      (CHR ''0''))"

fun string_of_nat :: "nat  string"
  "string_of_nat n =
      (if n < 10 then [digit_of_nat n] else string_of_nat (n div 10) @ [digit_of_nat (n mod 10)])"

fun string_tv :: "tv  string"
  "string_tv (Det True) = ''*''" |
  "string_tv (Det False) = ''o''" |
  "string_tv (Indet n) = string_of_nat n"

definition appends :: "string list  string"
  "appends strs  foldr append strs []"

definition appends_nl :: "string list  string"
  "appends_nl strs  ''⏎  '' @ foldr (λs s'. s @ ''⏎  '' @ s') (butlast strs) (last strs) @ ''⏎''"

definition string_table :: "tv list list  string list list"
  "string_table tvss  map (map string_tv) tvss"

definition string_table_string :: "string list list  string"
  "string_table_string strss  appends_nl (map appends strss)"

definition unary :: "fm  tv list  string"
  "unary p tvs  appends_nl (map string_tv (unary_truth_table p tvs))"

definition binary :: "fm  tv list  string"
  "binary p tvs  string_table_string (string_table (binary_truth_table p tvs))"

subsection ‹Main Truth Tables›

The omitted Cla (for Classic) is discussed later; Nab (for Nabla) is simply the negation of it.

proposition (* Box Truth Table *)
  "unary (Box (Pro ''p'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Con' Truth Table *)
  "binary (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Dis' Truth Table *)
  "binary (Dis' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Neg' Truth Table *)
  "unary (Neg' (Pro ''p'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Eql' Truth Table *)
  "binary (Eql' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Imp' Truth Table *)
  "binary (Imp' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Neg Truth Table *)
  "unary (Neg (Pro ''p'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Eql Truth Table *)
  "binary (Eql (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Imp Truth Table *)
  "binary (Imp (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Nab Truth Table *)
  "unary (Nab (Pro ''p'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Con Truth Table *)
  "binary (Con (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition (* Dis Truth Table *)
  "binary (Dis (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

section ‹Basic Theorems›

subsection ‹Selected Theorems and Non-Theorems›

Many of the following theorems and non-theorems use assumptions and meta-variables.

proposition "valid (Cla (Box p))" and "¬ valid (Nab (Box p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp_all

proposition "valid (Cla (Cla p))" and "¬ valid (Nab (Nab p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp_all

proposition "valid (Cla (Nab p))" and "¬ valid (Nab (Cla p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp_all

proposition "valid (Box p)  valid (Box (Box p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Neg p)  valid (Neg' p)"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Con p q)  valid (Con' p q)"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Dis p q)  valid (Dis' p q)"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p q)  valid (Eql' p q)"
  unfolding valid_def
  using eval.simps tv.inject eval_equality eval_negation
  by (metis (full_types))

proposition "valid (Imp p q)  valid (Imp' p q)"
  unfolding valid_def
  using eval.simps tv.inject eval_equality eval_negation
  by (metis (full_types))

proposition "¬ valid (Pro ''p'')"
  unfolding valid_def
  by auto

proposition "¬ valid (Neg' (Pro ''p''))"
proof -
  have "eval (λs. Det True) (Neg' (Pro ''p'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    using tv.inject
    by metis

proposition assumes "valid p" shows "¬ valid (Neg' p)"
  using assms
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition assumes "valid (Neg' p)" shows "¬ valid p"
  using assms
  unfolding valid_def
  by force

proposition "valid (Neg' (Neg' p))  valid p"
  unfolding valid_def
  using double_negation
  by simp

theorem conjunction: "valid (Con' p q)  valid p  valid q"
  unfolding valid_def
  by auto

corollary assumes "valid (Con' p q)" shows "valid p" and "valid q"
  using assms conjunction
  by simp_all

proposition assumes "valid p" and "valid (Imp p q)" shows "valid q"
  using assms eval.simps tv.inject
  unfolding valid_def
  by (metis (full_types))

proposition assumes "valid p" and "valid (Imp' p q)" shows "valid q"
  using assms eval.simps tv.inject eval_equality
  unfolding valid_def
  by (metis (full_types))

subsection ‹Key Equalities›

The key equalities are part of the motivation for the semantic clauses.

proposition "valid (Eql p (Neg' (Neg' p)))"
  unfolding valid_def
  using double_negation
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql Truth (Neg' Falsity))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql Falsity (Neg' Truth))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p (Con' p p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p (Con' Truth p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p (Con' p Truth))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql Truth (Eql' p p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p (Eql' Truth p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  by simp

proposition "valid (Eql p (Eql' p Truth))"
  unfolding valid_def
  fix i
  show "eval i (Eql p (Eql' p Truth)) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p") simp_all

proposition "valid (Eql (Neg' p) (Eql' Falsity p))"
  unfolding valid_def
  fix i
  show "eval i (Eql (Neg' p) (Eql' (Neg' Truth) p)) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p") simp_all

proposition "valid (Eql (Neg' p) (Eql' p Falsity))"
  unfolding valid_def
  using eval.simps eval_equality eval_negation
  by metis

section ‹Further Non-Theorems›

subsection ‹Smaller Domains and Paraconsistency›

Validity is relativized to a set of indeterminate truth values (called a domain).

definition domain :: "nat set  tv set"
  "domain U  {Det True, Det False}  Indet ` U"

theorem universal_domain: "domain {n. True} = {x. True}"
proof -
  have "x. x = Det True  x = Det False  x  range Indet"
    using range_eqI tv.exhaust tv.inject
    by metis
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding domain_def
    by blast

definition valid_in :: "nat set  fm  bool"
  "valid_in U p  i. range i  domain U  eval i p = Det True"

abbreviation valid_boole :: "fm  bool" where "valid_boole p  valid_in {} p"

proposition "valid p  valid_in {n. True} p"
  unfolding valid_def valid_in_def
  using universal_domain
  by simp

theorem valid_valid_in: assumes "valid p" shows "valid_in U p"
  using assms
  unfolding valid_in_def valid_def
  by simp

theorem transfer: assumes "¬ valid_in U p" shows "¬ valid p"
  using assms valid_valid_in
  by blast

proposition "valid_in U (Neg' (Neg' p))  valid_in U p"
  unfolding valid_in_def
  using double_negation
  by simp

theorem conjunction_in: "valid_in U (Con' p q)  valid_in U p  valid_in U q"
  unfolding valid_in_def
  by auto

corollary assumes "valid_in U (Con' p q)" shows "valid_in U p" and "valid_in U q"
  using assms conjunction_in
  by simp_all

proposition assumes "valid_in U p" and "valid_in U (Imp p q)" shows "valid_in U q"
  using assms eval.simps tv.inject
  unfolding valid_in_def
  by (metis (full_types))

proposition assumes "valid_in U p" and "valid_in U (Imp' p q)" shows "valid_in U q"
  using assms eval.simps tv.inject eval_equality
  unfolding valid_in_def
  by (metis (full_types))

abbreviation (input) Explosion :: "fm  fm  fm"
  "Explosion p q  Imp' (Con' p (Neg' p)) q"

proposition "valid_boole (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det True"
    by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''") simp_all

lemma explosion_counterexample: "¬ valid_in {1} (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''q'' := Det False)"
  have "range ?i  domain {1}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  moreover have "eval ?i (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Indet 1"
    by simp
  moreover have "Indet 1  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_in_def
    by metis

theorem explosion_not_valid: "¬ valid (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
  using explosion_counterexample transfer
  by simp

proposition "¬ valid (Imp (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Neg' (Pro ''p''))) (Pro ''q''))"
  using explosion_counterexample transfer eval.simps tv.simps
  unfolding valid_in_def
  ― ‹by smt OK›
proof -
  assume *: "¬ (i. range i  domain U  eval i p = Det True)  ¬ valid p" for U p
  assume "¬ (i. range i  domain {1} 
      eval i (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det True)"
  then obtain i where
    **: "range i  domain {1} 
        eval i (Explosion (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))  Det True"
    by blast
  then have "eval i (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Neg' (Pro ''p''))) 
      eval i (Con' (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Neg' (Pro ''p''))) (Pro ''q''))"
    by force
  then show ?thesis
    using * **
    by force

subsection ‹Example: Contraposition›

Contraposition is not valid.

abbreviation (input) Contraposition :: "fm  fm  fm"
  "Contraposition p q  Eql' (Imp' p q) (Imp' (Neg' q) (Neg' p))"

proposition "valid_boole (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det True"
    by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''") simp_all

proposition "valid_in {1} (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {1}"
  then have
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det True"
    by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''") simp_all

lemma contraposition_counterexample: "¬ valid_in {1, 2} (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''q'' := Indet 2)"
  have "range ?i  domain {1, 2}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  moreover have "eval ?i (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_in_def
    by metis

theorem contraposition_not_valid: "¬ valid (Contraposition (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
  using contraposition_counterexample transfer
  by simp

subsection ‹More Than Four Truth Values Needed›

Cla3 is valid for two indeterminate truth values but not for three indeterminate truth values.

lemma ranges: assumes "range i  domain U" shows "eval i p  domain U"
  using assms
  unfolding domain_def
  by (induct p) auto

proposition (* Cla Truth Table *)
  "unary (Cla (Pro ''p'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition "valid_boole (Cla p)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False}"
    using ranges[of i "{}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla p) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p") simp_all

proposition "¬ valid_in {1} (Cla (Pro ''p''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "λs. Indet 1"
  have "range ?i  domain {1}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  moreover have "eval ?i (Cla (Pro ''p'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_in_def
    by metis

abbreviation (input) Cla2 :: "fm  fm  fm"
  "Cla2 p q  Dis (Dis (Cla p) (Cla q)) (Eql p q)"

proposition (* Cla2 Truth Table *)
  "binary (Cla2 (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) [Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2] = ''
  by code_simp

proposition "valid_boole (Cla2 p q)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume range: "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False}"
      "eval i q  {Det True, Det False}"
    using ranges[of i "{}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla2 p q) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q") simp_all

proposition "valid_in {1} (Cla2 p q)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume range: "range i  domain {1}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
      "eval i q  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
    using ranges[of i "{1}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla2 p q) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q") simp_all

proposition "¬ valid_in {1, 2} (Cla2 (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''q'' := Indet 2)"
  have "range ?i  domain {1, 2}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  moreover have "eval ?i (Cla2 (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_in_def
    by metis

abbreviation (input) Cla3 :: "fm  fm  fm  fm"
  "Cla3 p q r  Dis (Dis (Cla p) (Dis (Cla q) (Cla r))) (Dis (Eql p q) (Dis (Eql p r) (Eql q r)))"

proposition "valid_boole (Cla3 p q r)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False}"
      "eval i q  {Det True, Det False}"
      "eval i r  {Det True, Det False}"
    using ranges[of i "{}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla3 p q r) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q"; cases "eval i r") simp_all

proposition "valid_in {1} (Cla3 p q r)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {1}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
      "eval i q  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
      "eval i r  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1}"
    using ranges[of i "{1}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla3 p q r) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q"; cases "eval i r") simp_all

proposition "valid_in {1, 2} (Cla3 p q r)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {1, 2}"
  then have
      "eval i p  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2}"
      "eval i q  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2}"
      "eval i r  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2}"
    using ranges[of i "{1, 2}"]
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Cla3 p q r) = Det True"
    by (cases "eval i p"; cases "eval i q"; cases "eval i r") auto

proposition "¬ valid_in {1, 2, 3} (Cla3 (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'') (Pro ''r''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''q'' := Indet 2, ''r'' := Indet 3)"
  have "range ?i  domain {1, 2, 3}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  moreover have "eval ?i (Cla3 (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'') (Pro ''r'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_in_def
    by metis

section ‹Further Meta-Theorems›

subsection ‹Fundamental Definitions and Lemmas›

The function props collects the set of propositional symbols occurring in a formula.

fun props :: "fm  id set"
  "props Truth = {}" |
  "props (Pro s) = {s}" |
  "props (Neg' p) = props p" |
  "props (Con' p q) = props p  props q" |
  "props (Eql p q) = props p  props q" |
  "props (Eql' p q) = props p  props q"

lemma relevant_props: assumes "s  props p. i1 s = i2 s" shows "eval i1 p = eval i2 p"
  using assms
  by (induct p) (simp_all, metis)

fun change_tv :: "(nat  nat)  tv  tv"
  "change_tv f (Det b) = Det b" |
  "change_tv f (Indet n) = Indet (f n)"

lemma change_tv_injection: assumes "inj f" shows "inj (change_tv f)"
proof -
  have "change_tv f tv1 = change_tv f tv2  tv1 = tv2" for tv1 tv2
    using assms
    by (cases tv1; cases tv2) (simp_all add: inj_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: injI)

  change_int :: "(nat  nat)  (id  tv)  (id  tv)"
  "change_int f i  λs. change_tv f (i s)"

lemma eval_change: assumes "inj f" shows "eval (change_int f i) p = change_tv f (eval i p)"
proof (induct p)
  fix p
  assume "eval (change_int f i) p = change_tv f (eval i p)"
  then have "eval_neg (eval (change_int f i) p) = eval_neg (change_tv f (eval i p))"
    by simp
  then have "eval_neg (eval (change_int f i) p) = change_tv f (eval_neg (eval i p))"
    by (cases "eval i p") (simp_all add: case_bool_if)
  then show "eval (change_int f i) (Neg' p) = change_tv f (eval i (Neg' p))"
    by simp
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
  proof (cases "eval i p1 = eval i p2")
    assume a: "eval i p1 = eval i p2"
    then have yes: "eval i (Con' p1 p2) = eval i p1"
      by auto
    from a have "change_tv f (eval i p1) = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
      by auto
    then have "eval (change_int f i) p1 = eval (change_int f i) p2"
      using ih1 ih2
      by auto
    then have "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) p1"
      by auto
    then show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
      using yes ih1
      by auto
    assume a': "eval i p1  eval i p2"
    from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
      using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f
      by metis
    show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
    proof (cases "eval i p1 = Det True")
      assume a: "eval i p1 = Det True"
      from a a' have "eval i (Con' p1 p2) = eval i p2"
        by auto
      then have c: "change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2)) = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
        by auto
      from a have b: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = Det True"
        using ih1
        by auto
      from b b' have "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) p2"
        by auto
      then show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
        using c ih2
        by auto
      assume a'': "eval i p1  Det True"
      from a'' have b'': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det True"
        using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
        by metis
      show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
      proof (cases "eval i p2 = Det True")
        assume a: "eval i p2 = Det True"
        from a a' a'' have "eval i (Con' p1 p2) = eval i p1"
          by auto
        then have c: "change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2)) = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
          by auto
        from a have b: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = Det True"
          using ih2
          by auto
        from b b' b'' have "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) p1"
          by auto
        then show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
          using c ih1
          by auto
        assume a''': "eval i p2  Det True"
        from a' a'' a''' have "eval i (Con' p1 p2) = Det False"
          by auto
        then have c: "change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2)) = Det False"
          by auto
        from a''' have b''': "eval (change_int f i) p2  Det True"
          using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
          by metis
        from b' b'' b''' have "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = Det False"
          by auto
        then show "eval (change_int f i) (Con' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Con' p1 p2))"
          using c
          by auto
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  have "Det (eval (change_int f i) p1 = eval (change_int f i) p2) =
      Det (change_tv f (eval i p1) = change_tv f (eval i p2))"
    using ih1 ih2
    by simp
  also have "... = Det ((eval i p1) = (eval i p2))"
    using assms change_tv_injection
    by (simp add: inj_eq)
  also have "... = change_tv f (Det (eval i p1 = eval i p2))"
    by simp
  finally show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql p1 p2))"
    by simp
  fix p1 p2
  assume ih1: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = change_tv f (eval i p1)"
  assume ih2: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
  show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
  proof (cases "eval i p1 = eval i p2")
    assume a: "eval i p1 = eval i p2"
    then have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = Det True"
      by auto
    from a have "change_tv f (eval i p1) = change_tv f (eval i p2)"
      by auto
    then have "eval (change_int f i) p1 = eval (change_int f i) p2"
      using ih1 ih2
      by auto
    then have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = Det True"
      by auto
    then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
      using yes ih1
      by auto
    assume a': "eval i p1  eval i p2"
    show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
    proof (cases "eval i p1 = Det True")
      assume a: "eval i p1 = Det True"
      from a a' have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = eval i p2"
        by auto
      from a have "change_tv f (eval i p1) = Det True"
        by auto
      then have b: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = Det True"
        using ih1
        by auto
      from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
        using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
        by metis
      from b b' have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) p2"
        by auto
      then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
        using ih2 yes
        by auto
      assume a'': "eval i p1  Det True"
      show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
      proof (cases "eval i p2 = Det True")
        assume a: "eval i p2 = Det True"
        from a a' a'' have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = eval i p1"
          using eval_equality[of i p1 p2]
          by auto
        from a have "change_tv f (eval i p2) = Det True"
          by auto
        then have b: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = Det True"
          using ih2
          by auto
        from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
          using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
          by metis
        from a'' have b'': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det True"
          using b b'
          by auto
        from b b' b'' have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) p1"
          using eval_equality[of "change_int f i" p1 p2]
          by auto
        then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
          using ih1 yes
          by auto
        assume a''': "eval i p2  Det True"
        show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
        proof (cases "eval i p1 = Det False")
          assume a: "eval i p1 = Det False"
          from a a' a'' a''' have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = eval i (Neg' p2)"
            using eval_equality[of i p1 p2]
            by auto
          from a have "change_tv f (eval i p1) = Det False"
            by auto
          then have b: "eval (change_int f i) p1 = Det False"
            using ih1
            by auto
          from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
            using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
            by metis
          from a'' have b'': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det True"
            using b b'
            by auto
          from a''' have b''': "eval (change_int f i) p2  Det True"
            using b b' b''
            by (metis assms change_tv.simps(1) change_tv_injection inj_eq ih2)
          from b b' b'' b'''
          have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) (Neg' p2)"
            using eval_equality[of "change_int f i" p1 p2]
            by auto
          then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
            using ih2 yes a a' a''' b b' b''' eval_negation
            by metis
          assume a'''': "eval i p1  Det False"
          show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
          proof (cases "eval i p2 = Det False")
            assume a: "eval i p2 = Det False"
            from a a' a'' a''' a'''' have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = eval i (Neg' p1)"
              using eval_equality[of i p1 p2]
              by auto
            from a have "change_tv f (eval i p2) = Det False"
              by auto
            then have b: "eval (change_int f i) p2 = Det False"
              using ih2
              by auto
            from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
              using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
              by metis
            from a'' have b'': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det True"
              using change_tv.elims ih1 tv.simps(4)
              by auto
            from a''' have b''': "eval (change_int f i) p2  Det True"
              using b b' b''
              by (metis assms change_tv.simps(1) change_tv_injection inj_eq ih2)
            from a'''' have b'''': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det False"
              using b b'
              by auto
            from b b' b'' b''' b''''
            have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = eval (change_int f i) (Neg' p1)"
              using eval_equality[of "change_int f i" p1 p2]
              by auto
            then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
              using ih1 yes a a' a''' a'''' b b' b''' b'''' eval_negation a'' b''
              by metis
            assume a''''': "eval i p2  Det False"
            from a' a'' a''' a'''' a''''' have yes: "eval i (Eql' p1 p2) = Det False"
              using eval_equality[of i p1 p2]
              by auto
            from a''''' have "change_tv f (eval i p2)  Det False"
              using change_tv_injection inj_eq assms change_tv.simps
              by metis
            then have b: "eval (change_int f i) p2  Det False"
              using ih2
              by auto
            from a' have b': "eval (change_int f i) p1  eval (change_int f i) p2"
              using assms ih1 ih2 change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f change_tv.simps
              by metis
            from a'' have b'': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det True"
              using change_tv.elims ih1 tv.simps(4)
              by auto
            from a''' have b''': "eval (change_int f i) p2  Det True"
              using b b' b''
              by (metis assms change_tv.simps(1) change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f ih2)
            from a'''' have b'''': "eval (change_int f i) p1  Det False"
              by (metis a'' change_tv.simps(2) ih1 string_tv.cases tv.distinct(1))
            from b b' b'' b''' b'''' have "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = Det False"
              using eval_equality[of "change_int f i" p1 p2]
              by auto
            then show "eval (change_int f i) (Eql' p1 p2) = change_tv f (eval i (Eql' p1 p2))"
              using ih1 yes a' a''' a'''' b b' b''' b'''' a'' b''
              by auto
qed (simp_all add: change_int_def)

subsection ‹Only a Finite Number of Truth Values Needed›

Theorem valid_in_valid› is a kind of the reverse of valid_valid_in› (or its transfer variant).

abbreviation is_indet :: "tv  bool"
  "is_indet tv  (case tv of Det _  False | Indet _  True)"

abbreviation get_indet :: "tv  nat"
  "get_indet tv  (case tv of Det _  undefined | Indet n  n)"

theorem valid_in_valid: assumes "card U  card (props p)" and "valid_in U p" shows "valid p"
proof -
  have "finite U  card (props p)  card U  valid_in U p  valid p" for U p
  proof -
    assume assms: "finite U" "card (props p)  card U" "valid_in U p"
    show "valid p"
      unfolding valid_def
      fix i
      obtain f where f_p: "(change_int f i) ` (props p)  (domain U)  inj f"
      proof -
        have "finite U  card (props p)  card U 
            f. change_int f i ` props p  domain U  inj f" for U p
        proof -
          assume assms: "finite U" "card (props p)  card U"
          show ?thesis
          proof -
            let ?X = "(get_indet ` ((i ` props p)  {tv. is_indet tv}))"
            have d: "finite (props p)"
              by (induct p) auto
            then have cx: "card ?X  card U"
              using assms surj_card_le Int_lower1 card_image_le finite_Int finite_imageI le_trans
              by metis
            have f: "finite ?X"
              using d
              by simp
            obtain f where f_p: "(n  ?X. f n  U)  (inj f)"
            proof -
              have "finite X  finite Y  card X  card Y  f. (n  X. f n  Y)  inj f"
                  for X Y :: "nat set"
              proof -
                assume assms: "finite X" "finite Y" "card X  card Y"
                show ?thesis
                proof -
                  from assms obtain Z where xyz: "Z  Y  card Z = card X"
                    by (metis card_image card_le_inj)
                  then obtain f where "bij_betw f X Z"
                    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) finite_same_card_bij infinite_super)
                  then have f_p: "(n  X. f n  Y)  inj_on f X"
                    using bij_betwE bij_betw_imp_inj_on xyz
                    by blast
                  obtain f' where f': "f' = (λn. if n  X then f n else n + Suc (Max Y + n))"
                    by simp
                  have "inj f'"
                    unfolding f' inj_on_def
                    using assms(2) f_p le_add2 trans_le_add2 not_less_eq_eq
                    by (simp, metis Max_ge add.commute inj_on_eq_iff)
                  moreover have "(n  X. f' n  Y)"
                    unfolding f'
                    using f_p
                    by auto
                  ultimately show ?thesis
                    by metis
              then show "(f. (n  get_indet ` (i ` props p  {tv. is_indet tv}). f n  U)
                   inj f  thesis)  thesis"
                using assms cx f
                unfolding inj_on_def
                by metis
            have "(change_int f i) ` (props p)  (domain U)"
              fix x
              assume "x  change_int f i ` props p"
              then obtain s where s_p: "s  props p  change_int f i s = x"
                by auto
              then have "change_int f i s  {Det True, Det False}  Indet ` U"
              proof (cases "change_int f i s  {Det True, Det False}")
                case True
                then show ?thesis
                  by auto
                case False
                then obtain n' where "change_int f i s = Indet n'"
                  by (cases "change_int f i s") simp_all
                then have p: "change_tv f (i s) = Indet n'"
                  by (simp add: change_int_def)
                moreover have "n'  U"
                proof -
                  obtain n'' where "f n'' = n'"
                    using calculation change_tv.elims
                    by blast
                  moreover have "s  props p  i s = (Indet n'')"
                    using p calculation change_tv.simps change_tv_injection the_inv_f_f f_p s_p
                    by metis
                  then have "(Indet n'')  i ` props p"
                    using image_iff
                    by metis
                  then have "(Indet n'')  i ` props p  is_indet (Indet n'') 
                      get_indet (Indet n'') = n''"
                    by auto
                  then have "n''  ?X"
                    using Int_Collect image_iff
                    by metis
                  ultimately show ?thesis
                    using f_p
                    by auto
                ultimately have "change_tv f (i s)  Indet ` U"
                  by auto
                then have "change_int f i s  Indet ` U"
                  unfolding change_int_def
                  by auto
                then show ?thesis
                  by auto
              then show "x  domain U"
                unfolding domain_def
                using s_p
                by simp
            then have "(change_int f i) ` (props p)  (domain U)  (inj f)"
              unfolding domain_def
              using f_p
              by simp
            then show ?thesis
              using f_p
              by metis
        then show "(f. change_int f i ` props p  domain U  inj f  thesis)  thesis"
          using assms
          by metis
      obtain i2 where i2: "i2 = (λs. if s  props p then (change_int f i) s else Det True)"
        by simp
      then have i2_p: "s  props p. i2 s = (change_int f i) s"
            "s  - props p. i2 s = Det True"
        by auto
      then have "range i2  (domain U)"
        using i2 f_p
        unfolding domain_def
        by auto
      then have "eval i2 p = Det True"
        using assms
        unfolding valid_in_def
        by auto
      then have "eval (change_int f i) p = Det True"
        using relevant_props[of p i2 "change_int f i"] i2_p
        by auto
      then have "change_tv f (eval i p) = Det True"
        using eval_change f_p
        by auto
      then show "eval i p = Det True"
        by (cases "eval i p") simp_all
  then show ?thesis
    using assms subsetI sup_bot.comm_neutral image_is_empty subsetCE UnCI valid_in_def
        Un_insert_left card.empty card.infinite finite.intros(1)
    unfolding domain_def
    by metis

theorem reduce: "valid p  valid_in {1..card (props p)} p"
  using valid_in_valid transfer
  by force

section ‹Case Study›

subsection ‹Abbreviations›

Entailment takes a list of assumptions.

abbreviation (input) Entail :: "fm list  fm  fm"
  "Entail l p  Imp (if l = [] then Truth else fold Con' (butlast l) (last l)) p"

theorem entailment_not_chain:
  "¬ valid (Eql (Entail [Pro ''p'', Pro ''q''] (Pro ''r''))
      (Box ((Imp' (Pro ''p'') (Imp' (Pro ''q'') (Pro ''r''))))))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''r'' := Det False)"
  have "eval ?i (Eql (Entail [Pro ''p'', Pro ''q''] (Pro ''r''))
      (Box ((Imp' (Pro ''p'') (Imp' (Pro ''q'') (Pro ''r'')))))) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    by metis

abbreviation (input) B0 :: fm where "B0  Con' (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) (Neg' (Pro ''r''))"

abbreviation (input) B1 :: fm where "B1  Imp' (Con' (Pro ''p'') (Pro ''q'')) (Pro ''r'')"

abbreviation (input) B2 :: fm where "B2  Imp' (Pro ''r'') (Pro ''s'')"

abbreviation (input) B3 :: fm where "B3  Imp' (Neg' (Pro ''s'')) (Neg' (Pro ''r''))"

subsection ‹Results›

The paraconsistent logic is usable in contrast to classical logic.

theorem classical_logic_is_not_usable: "valid_boole (Entail [B0, B1] p)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''r''  {Det True, Det False}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Entail [B0, B1] p) = Det True"
    by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''"; cases "i ''r''") simp_all

corollary "valid_boole (Entail [B0, B1] (Pro ''r''))"
  by (rule classical_logic_is_not_usable)

corollary "valid_boole (Entail [B0, B1] (Neg' (Pro ''r'')))"
  by (rule classical_logic_is_not_usable)

proposition "¬ valid (Entail [B0, B1] (Pro ''r''))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''r'' := Det False)"
  have "eval ?i (Entail [B0, B1] (Pro ''r'')) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    by metis

proposition "valid_boole (Entail [B0, Box B1] p)"
  unfolding valid_in_def
proof (rule; rule)
  fix i :: "id  tv"
  assume "range i  domain {}"
  then have
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False}"
      "i ''r''  {Det True, Det False}"
    unfolding domain_def
    by auto
  then show "eval i (Entail [B0, Box B1] p) = Det True"
    by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''"; cases "i ''r''") simp_all

proposition "¬ valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''p'')))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''p'' := Det True)"
  have "eval ?i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''p''))) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    by metis

proposition "¬ valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''q'')))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''q'' := Det True)"
  have "eval ?i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''q''))) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    by metis

proposition "¬ valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''s'')))"
proof -
  let ?i = "(λs. Indet 1)(''s'' := Det True)"
  have "eval ?i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''s''))) = Det False"
    by simp
  moreover have "Det False  Det True"
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding valid_def
    by metis

proposition "valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''r''))"
proof -
  have "{1..card (props (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''r'')))} = {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    by code_simp
  moreover have "valid_in {1, 2, 3, 4} (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''r''))"
    unfolding valid_in_def
  proof (rule; rule)
    fix i :: "id  tv"
    assume "range i  domain {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    then have icase:
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''r''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''s''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      unfolding domain_def
      by auto
    show "eval i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''r'')) = Det True"
      using icase
      by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''"; cases "i ''r''"; cases "i ''s''") simp_all
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using reduce
    by simp

proposition "valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''r'')))"
proof -
  have "{1..card (props (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''r''))))} = {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    by code_simp
  moreover have "valid_in {1, 2, 3, 4} (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''r'')))"
    unfolding valid_in_def
  proof (rule; rule)
    fix i :: "id  tv"
    assume "range i  domain {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    then have icase:
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''r''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''s''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      unfolding domain_def
      by auto
    show "eval i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Neg' (Pro ''r''))) = Det True"
      using icase
      by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''"; cases "i ''r''"; cases "i ''s''") simp_all
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using reduce
    by simp

proposition "valid (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''s''))"
proof -
  have "{1..card (props (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''s'')))} = {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    by code_simp
  moreover have "valid_in {1, 2, 3, 4} (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''s''))"
    unfolding valid_in_def
  proof (rule; rule)
    fix i :: "id  tv"
    assume "range i  domain {1, 2, 3, 4}"
    then have icase:
      "i ''p''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''q''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''r''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      "i ''s''  {Det True, Det False, Indet 1, Indet 2, Indet 3, Indet 4}"
      unfolding domain_def
      by auto
    show "eval i (Entail [B0, Box B1, Box B2] (Pro ''s'')) = Det True"
      using icase
      by (cases "i ''p''"; cases "i ''q''"; cases "i ''r''"; cases "i ''s''") simp_all
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using reduce
    by simp

section ‹Acknowledgements›

Thanks to the Isabelle developers for making a superb system and for always being willing to help.

end ― ‹Paraconsistency› file›