Theory Padic_Field_Powers

theory Padic_Field_Powers
  imports Ring_Powers Padic_Field_Polynomials Generated_Boolean_Algebra


text‹This theory is intended to develop the necessary background on subsets of powers of a $p$-adic
field to prove Macintyre's quantifier elimination theorem. In particular, we define semi-algebraic
subsets of $\mathbb{Q}_p^n$, semi-algebraic functions $\mathbb{Q}_p^n \to \mathbb{Q}_p$, and semi-
algebraic mappings $\mathbb{Q}_p^n \to \mathbb{Q}_p^m$  for arbitrary $n, m \in \mathbb{N}$. In
addition we prove that many common sets and functions are semi-algebraic. We are closely following
the paper cite"denef1986" by Denef, where an algebraic proof of Mactinyre's theorem is developed.›

section‹Cartesian Powers of $p$-adic Fields›
lemma list_tl:
"tl (t#x) = x"
  using List.list.sel(3) by auto

lemma list_hd:
"hd (t#x) = t"
  unfolding List.list.sel(1) by auto

sublocale padic_fields <  cring_coord_rings Qp "UP Qp"
  unfolding  cring_coord_rings_axioms_def cring_coord_rings_def
  using Qp.zero_not_one UPQ.R_cring
  apply (simp add: UPQ.is_UP_cring)
  by auto

sublocale padic_fields < Qp: domain_coord_rings Qp "UP Qp"
  unfolding domain_coord_rings_def cring_coord_rings_axioms_def cring_coord_rings_def
  using Qp.domain_axioms Qp.zero_not_one UPQ.R_cring
  apply (simp add: UPQ.UP_cring_axioms)
  by auto

context padic_fields
no_notation Zp.to_fun (infixl 70)
no_notation ideal_prod (infixl "ı" 80)

evimage (infixr "¯ı" 90) and
euminus_set ("_ cı" 70)

type_synonym padic_tuple = "padic_number list"
type_synonym padic_function = "padic_number  padic_number"
type_synonym padic_nary_function = "padic_tuple  padic_number"
type_synonym padic_function_tuple = "padic_nary_function list"
type_synonym padic_nary_function_poly = "nat  padic_nary_function"

subsection‹Polynomials over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and Polynomial Maps›

lemma last_closed':
  assumes "x@[t]  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "t  carrier  Qp"
  using assms last_closed[of n "x@[t]" Qp]
  by (metis (full_types) cartesian_power_car_memE gr0I last_snoc
      length_append_singleton less_not_refl zero_less_Suc)

lemma segment_in_car':
  assumes "x@[t]  carrier (QpSuc n)"
  shows "x  carrier (Qpn)"
  have 0: "length x = n"
    by (metis Suc_inject assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_append_singleton)
  have  "set x  set (x@[t])"
    by (metis rotate1.simps(2) set_rotate1 set_subset_Cons)
  then have 1: "set x  carrier Qp"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE''[of "x@[t]" Qp "Suc n"]
    by blast
  show ?thesis
    using 0 1 assms cartesian_power_car_memI[of x n Qp]
    by blast

lemma Qp_zero:
"Qp0= nil_ring"
  unfolding cartesian_power_def
  by simp

lemma Qp_zero_carrier:
"carrier (Qp0) = {[]}"
  by (simp add: Qp_zero)

text‹Abbreviation for constant polynomials›

abbreviation(input) Qp_to_IP where
"Qp_to_IP k  Qp.indexed_const k"

lemma Qp_to_IP_car:
  assumes "k  carrier Qp"
  shows "Qp_to_IP k  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  using Qp.indexed_const_closed by blast

lemma(in cring_coord_rings) smult_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def
  using Pring_smult_closed
  by (simp add: R.Pring_smult_closed)

lemma Qp_poly_smult_cfs:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(a Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ P) m = a  (P m)"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def
  using Qp.Pring_smult_cfs by blast

lemma Qp_smult_r_distr:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "a Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (P Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q) = (a Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ P)  Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (a Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q)"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def
  using Qp.Pring_smult_r_distr by blast

lemma Qp_smult_l_distr:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(a  b) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ P = (a Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ P)  Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (b Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ P)"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def
  using Qp.Pring_smult_l_distr by blast

abbreviation(input) Qp_funs  where
"Qp_funs n  Fun⇘nQp"

subsection‹Evaluation of Polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}_p$›

abbreviation(input) Qp_ev where
"Qp_ev P q  (eval_at_point Qp q P)"

lemma Qp_ev_one:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "Qp_ev 𝟭Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ a = 𝟭" unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis Qp.Pring_one eval_at_point_const Qp.one_closed assms)

lemma Qp_ev_zero:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "Qp_ev 𝟬Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ a = 𝟬"unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis Qp.Pring_zero eval_at_point_const Qp.zero_closed assms)

lemma Qp_eval_pvar_pow:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "k < n"
  assumes "(m::nat)  0"
  shows "Qp_ev ((pvar Qp k)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m) a = ((a!k)[^]m)"
  by (metis eval_at_point_nat_pow eval_pvar assms(1) assms(2) pvar_closed)

text‹composition of polynomials over $\mathbb{Q}_p$›

definition Qp_poly_comp where
"Qp_poly_comp m fs = poly_compose (length fs) m fs"

text‹lemmas about polynomial maps›

lemma Qp_is_poly_tupleI:
  assumes "i. i < length fs fs!i  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  shows "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def using assms
  using cartesian_power_car_memE'' cartesian_power_car_memI' by blast

lemma Qp_is_poly_tuple_append:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m gs"
  shows "is_poly_tuple m (fs@gs)"
proof(rule Qp_is_poly_tupleI)
  show "i. i < length (fs @ gs)  (fs @ gs) ! i  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  proof- fix i assume A: "i < length (fs @ gs)"
  show "(fs @ gs) ! i  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
    apply(cases "i < length fs")
    using assms is_poly_tupleE[of m fs i] nth_append[of fs gs i]
     apply presburger
    assume B: "¬ i < length fs"
    then have C: "length fs  i  i < length (fs @ gs)"
      using A  not_le
      by blast
    then have "i - length fs < length gs"
      using length_append[of fs gs]
      by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using A assms is_poly_tupleE[of m gs "i - length fs"] nth_append[of fs gs i] B
      by presburger

lemma Qp_poly_mapE:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "j < m"
  shows "(poly_map n fs as)!j  carrier Qp"
  using assms  poly_map_closed cartesian_power_car_memE' by blast

lemma Qp_poly_mapE':
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "length (poly_map n fs as) = length fs"
  unfolding poly_map_def
  using Qp.cring_axioms poly_tuple_evalE'
  by (metis assms restrict_def)

lemma Qp_poly_mapE'':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "n  0"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "j < m"
  shows "(poly_map n fs as)!j = (Qp_ev (fs!j) as)"
  using assms
  unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) nth_map restrict_apply')

lemma poly_map_apply:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "poly_map n fs as = poly_tuple_eval fs as"
  unfolding poly_map_def restrict_def
  by (simp add: assms)

lemma poly_map_pullbackI:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "poly_map n fs as  S"
  shows "as  poly_map n fs ¯nS"
  using assms poly_map_apply
  by blast

lemma poly_map_pullbackI':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "poly_map n fs as  S"
  shows "as  ((poly_map n fs) -` S)"
  by (simp add: assms(3))

text‹lemmas about polynomial composition›
lemma  poly_compose_ring_hom:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  shows  "(ring_hom_ring (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙]) (Qp_poly_comp m fs))"
  unfolding Qp_poly_comp_def
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2)  poly_compose_ring_hom)

lemma poly_compose_closed:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(Qp_poly_comp m fs f)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  using Qp.cring_axioms assms
  unfolding Qp_poly_comp_def
  using poly_compose_closed by blast

lemma poly_compose_add:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "Qp_poly_comp m fs (f Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ g) = (Qp_poly_comp m fs f) Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙]⇙  (Qp_poly_comp m fs g)"
  using Qp.cring_axioms assms poly_compose_add
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def Qp_poly_comp_def
  by blast

lemma poly_compose_mult:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "Qp_poly_comp m fs (f Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ g) = (Qp_poly_comp m fs f) Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙]⇙  (Qp_poly_comp m fs g)"
  using Qp.cring_axioms assms poly_compose_mult
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def Qp_poly_comp_def
  by blast

lemma poly_compose_const:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "Qp_poly_comp m fs (Qp_to_IP a) = Qp_to_IP a"
  using Qp.cring_axioms assms poly_compose_const
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def Qp_poly_comp_def
  by metis

lemma Qp_poly_comp_eval:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpm)"
  shows "Qp_ev (Qp_poly_comp m fs f) as = Qp_ev f (poly_map m fs as)"
  have "(restrict (poly_tuple_eval fs) (carrier (Qpm)) as) = poly_tuple_eval fs as"
    unfolding restrict_def
    by (simp add: assms)
  thus ?thesis
  using assms Qp.cring_axioms poly_compose_eval
  unfolding Qp_poly_comp_def poly_map_def
  by presburger

subsection‹Mapping Univariate Polynomials to Multivariable Polynomials in One Variable›

abbreviation(input) to_Qp_x where
"to_Qp_x  (IP_to_UP (0::nat) :: (nat multiset  padic_number)  nat  padic_number)"

abbreviation(input) from_Qp_x where
"from_Qp_x  UP_to_IP Qp (0::nat)"

lemma from_Qp_x_closed:
  assumes "q  carrier Qp_x"
  shows "from_Qp_x q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  using assms UP_to_IP_closed unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma to_Qp_x_closed:
  assumes "q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  shows "to_Qp_x q  carrier Qp_x"
  using assms Qp.IP_to_UP_closed[of q "0::nat"] Qp.cring_axioms
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma to_Qp_x_from_Qp_x:
  assumes "q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  shows "from_Qp_x (to_Qp_x q) = q"
  using assms UP_to_IP_inv[of q "0::nat"] Qp.Pring_car
  unfolding coord_ring_def
    by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma from_Qp_x_to_Qp_x:
  assumes "q  carrier Qp_x"
  shows "to_Qp_x (from_Qp_x q) = q"
  by (meson UPQ.IP_to_UP_inv assms)

text‹ring hom properties of these maps›

lemma to_Qp_x_ring_hom:
"to_Qp_x  ring_hom (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙]) Qp_x"
  using IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of "0::nat"] ring_hom_ring.homh
  unfolding coord_ring_def
    by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma from_Qp_x_ring_hom:
"from_Qp_x  ring_hom Qp_x (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  using  UP_to_IP_ring_hom ring_hom_ring.homh
  unfolding coord_ring_def
    by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma from_Qp_x_add:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp_x"
  shows "from_Qp_x (a Qp_xb) = from_Qp_x a Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙]⇙ from_Qp_x b"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) from_Qp_x_ring_hom ring_hom_add)

lemma from_Qp_x_mult:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp_x"
  shows "from_Qp_x (a Qp_xb) = from_Qp_x a Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙]⇙ from_Qp_x b"
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) from_Qp_x_ring_hom ring_hom_mult)

text‹equivalence of evaluation maps›

lemma Qp_poly_Qp_x_eval:
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp1)"
  shows "Qp_ev P a = (to_Qp_x P)(Qp.to_R a)"
  have 0: "(IP_to_UP 0 P)  (a ! 0) = ((IP_to_UP 0 P)  (if 0 < length a then a ! 0 else 𝟬))"
    using assms
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE gr0I zero_neq_one)
  have 1: "closed_fun Qp (λn. if n < length a then a ! n else 𝟬)"
    fix n
    show "(if n < length a then a ! n else 𝟬)  carrier Qp"
      apply(cases "n < length a")
      using assms
      apply (metis cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE')
      by (meson Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(2))
  have 2: " P  Pring_set Qp {0::nat}"
    using assms unfolding coord_ring_def
   by (metis Qp.Pring_car UPQ.UP_to_IP_closed assms(1) to_Qp_x_closed to_Qp_x_from_Qp_x)
  have 3: "total_eval Qp (λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬) P = IP_to_UP 0 P  (if 0 < length a then a ! 0 else 𝟬)"
    using 1 2 assms IP_to_UP_poly_eval[of P "0::nat" "(λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬)" ]
          UPQ.to_fun_def by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using 0
    unfolding eval_at_point_def
    by blast

lemma Qp_x_Qp_poly_eval:
  assumes "P  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "P  a = Qp_ev (from_Qp_x P) (to_R1 a)"
  have "Qp_ev (from_Qp_x P) (to_R1 a) = (to_Qp_x (from_Qp_x P))(Qp.to_R (Qp.to_R1 a))"
    using Qp_poly_Qp_x_eval assms(1) assms(2) from_Qp_x_closed Qp.to_R1_closed by blast
  then show ?thesis using assms
    by (metis UPQ.IP_to_UP_inv Qp.to_R_to_R1)

subsection‹$n^{th}$-Power Sets over $\mathbb{Q}_p$›

definition P_set where
"P_set (n::nat) = {a  nonzero Qp.  (y  carrier Qp . (y[^] n) = a)}"

lemma P_set_carrier:
"P_set n  carrier Qp"
  unfolding P_set_def nonzero_def
  by blast

lemma P_set_memI:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b[^](n::nat) = a"
  shows "a  P_set n"
  unfolding P_set_def
  using assms
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp)

lemma P_set_nonzero:
"P_set n  nonzero Qp"
  unfolding P_set_def by blast

lemma P_set_nonzero':
  assumes "a  P_set n"
  shows "a  nonzero Qp"
        "a  carrier  Qp"
  using assms P_set_nonzero P_set_carrier
   apply blast using assms P_set_carrier  by blast

lemma P_set_one:
  assumes "n  0"
  shows "𝟭  P_set (n::nat)"
  have 0: "𝟭[^]n = 𝟭"
    using Qp.nat_pow_one by blast
  have 1: "𝟭  carrier Qp"
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using one_nonzero unfolding P_set_def
    using 0 by blast

lemma zeroth_P_set:
"P_set 0 = {𝟭}"
  show "P_set 0  {𝟭}"
  unfolding P_set_def
    fix x
    assume "x  {a  nonzero Qp. ycarrier Qp. (y[^](0::nat)) = a}"
    then have "ycarrier Qp. (y[^](0::nat)) = x"
      by blast
    then obtain a where a_def: "a  carrier Qp  (a[^](0::nat)) = x"
      by blast
    then show "x  {𝟭}"
      using Qp.nat_pow_0 by blast
  show "{𝟭}  P_set 0"
    using P_set_memI[of 𝟭 𝟭 0] Qp.nat_pow_one Qp.one_closed local.one_neq_zero
    by blast

lemma P_set_mult_closed:
  assumes "n  0"
  assumes "a  P_set n"
  assumes "b  P_set n"
  shows "a  b  P_set n"
  obtain a0 where a0_def: "a0  carrier Qp  (a0 [^] n = a)"
    using assms(2)
    unfolding P_set_def
    by blast
  obtain b0 where b0_def: "b0  carrier Qp  (b0 [^] n = b)"
    using assms(3)
    unfolding P_set_def
    by blast
  have "(a0  b0) [^] n = a0 [^] n  b0 [^] n"
    using a0_def b0_def Qp.nat_pow_distrib by blast
  then have 0: "a  b  = (a0  b0) [^] n"
    using a0_def b0_def by blast
  have 1: "a0  b0  carrier Qp"
    by (meson Qp.cring_axioms a0_def b0_def cring.cring_simprules(5))
  have 2: "a  b  nonzero Qp"
    using assms nonzero_is_submonoid  unfolding P_set_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" "1" Qp.integral Qp_nat_pow_nonzero a0_def b0_def mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp)
  then show ?thesis
    using 0 1 assms
    unfolding P_set_def by blast

lemma P_set_inv_closed:
  assumes "a  P_set n"
  shows "inv a  P_set n"
proof(cases "n = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms zeroth_P_set
    by (metis Qp.inv_one singletonD)
  case False
  then show ?thesis proof-
    obtain a0 where a0_def: "a0  carrier Qp  a0[^]n = a"
      using assms P_set_def[of n] by blast
  have "a0  nonzero Qp"
    apply(rule ccontr)
    assume "a0  nonzero Qp "
    then have "a0 = 𝟬"
      using a0_def
      by (meson not_nonzero_Qp)
    then show False using a0_def assms
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) False P_set_def Qp.cring_axioms a0  nonzero Qp
          cring_def mem_Collect_eq neq0_conv ring.pow_zero)
  then have "(inv a0)[^]n = inv a"
    using a0_def  a0  carrier Qp  (a0[^]n) = a a0  nonzero Qp Units_nonzero
          monoid.nat_pow_of_inv[of Qp a n] Qp.nat_pow_of_inv Units_eq_nonzero by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis P_set_memI Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero a0  nonzero Qp a0_def inv_in_frac(1) inv_in_frac(2))

lemma P_set_val:
  assumes "a  P_set (n::nat)"
  shows  "(ord a) mod n = 0"
proof(cases "n = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms zeroth_P_set
    by (metis mod_by_0 of_nat_0 ord_one singletonD)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    obtain b where b_def: "b  carrier Qp  (b[^] n) = a"
      using assms P_set_def  by blast
    have an: "a  nonzero Qp"
      using P_set_def assms by blast
    have bn: "b  nonzero Qp"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume "b  nonzero Qp"
      then have "b = 𝟬Qp⇙"
        using b_def not_nonzero_Qp
        by metis
      then have "(b[^] n) = 𝟬"
        using False Qp.cring_axioms cring_def ring.pow_zero
        by blast
      then show False
        using b_def an  Qp.not_nonzero_memI by blast
    then have "ord a = n * (ord b)"
      using b_def an nonzero_nat_pow_ord
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis mod_mult_self1_is_0)

lemma P_set_pow:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "s  P_set n"
  shows "s[^]k  P_set (n*k)"
  obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  y[^]n = s"
    using assms unfolding P_set_def by blast
  then have 0: "y  nonzero Qp"
    using assms P_set_nonzero'(1) Qp_nonzero_nat_pow by blast
  have 1: "y[^](n*k) = s[^] k"
    using 0 y_def assms Qp.nat_pow_pow by blast
  hence 2: "s[^]k  nonzero Qp"
    using 0 by (metis Qp_nat_pow_nonzero)
  thus ?thesis unfolding P_set_def using 1 y_def by blast

subsection‹Semialgebraic Sets›

  In this section we introduce the notion of a $p$-adic semialgebraic set. Intuitively, these are
  the subsets of $\mathbb{Q}_p^n$ which are definable by first order quantifier-free formulas in
  the standard first-order language of rings, with an additional relation symbol included for the
  relation $\text{ val}(x) \leq \text{ val}(y)$, interpreted according to the definiton of the
  $p$-adic valuation on $\mathbb{Q}_p$. In fact, by Macintyre's quantifier elimination theorem
  for the first-order theory of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ in this language, one can equivalently remove the
  ``quantifier-free" clause from the latter definition. The definition we give here is also
  equivalent, and due to Denef in cite"denef1986". The given definition here is desirable mainly
  for its utility in producing a proof of Macintyre's theorem, which is our overarching goal.
      subsubsection‹Defining Semialgebraic Sets›

definition basic_semialg_set where
"basic_semialg_set (m::nat) (n::nat) P = {q  carrier (Qpm). y  carrier Qp. Qp_ev P q = (y[^]n)}"

lemma basic_semialg_set_zero_set:
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  assumes "q  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "Qp_ev P q = 𝟬"
  assumes "n   0"
  shows "q  basic_semialg_set (m::nat) (n::nat) P"
  have "𝟬 = (𝟬[^]n)"
    using assms(4) Qp.nat_pow_zero by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
    using assms Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(2)
    by blast

lemma basic_semialg_set_def':
  assumes "n  0"
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  shows "basic_semialg_set (m::nat) (n::nat) P = {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  (P_set n)}"
  show "basic_semialg_set m n P  {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  P_set n}"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set m n P"
     show "x  {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  P_set n}"
      apply(cases "Qp_ev P x = 𝟬")
      using A basic_semialg_set_def apply blast
      unfolding basic_semialg_set_def P_set_def
      assume A0: "Qp_ev P x  𝟬"
      have A1: " ycarrier Qp. Qp_ev P x = (y[^]n)"
        using A basic_semialg_set_def
        by blast
      have A2: "x  carrier (Qpm)"
        using A basic_semialg_set_def
        by blast
      show " x  carrier (Qpm)  (Qp_ev P x = 𝟬  Qp_ev P x  {a  nonzero Qp. ycarrier Qp. (y[^]n) = a})"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A1 A2 Qp.nonzero_memI assms(2) eval_at_point_closed mem_Collect_eq)
  show "{q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  P_set n}  basic_semialg_set m n P"
    fix x
    assume A: " x  {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  P_set n}"
    then have A':"x  carrier (Qpm)"
      by blast
    show "x   basic_semialg_set m n P"
      using A A'
      apply(cases "Qp_ev P x = 𝟬")
      using assms basic_semialg_set_zero_set[of P m x n]
       apply blast
      assume B: "x  {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  P_set n} "
      assume B': "x  carrier (Qpm)"
      assume B'': "Qp_ev P x  𝟬 "
      show "x  basic_semialg_set m n P"
        unfolding basic_semialg_set_def  P_set_def
        have "ycarrier Qp. Qp_ev P x = (y[^]n) "
          using A nonzero_def [of Qp] unfolding P_set_def
        proof -
          assume "x  {q  carrier (Qpm). Qp_ev P q = 𝟬  Qp_ev P q  {a  nonzero Qp. ycarrier Qp. (y[^]n) = a}}"
          then have "Qp_ev P x  nonzero Qp  (r. r  carrier Qp  (r[^]n) = Qp_ev P x)"
            using B'' by blast
          then show ?thesis
            by blast
        then show "x  carrier (Qpm)  (ycarrier Qp. Qp_ev P x = (y[^]n))"
          using B'
          by blast

lemma basic_semialg_set_memI:
  assumes "q  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "y  carrier Qp"
  assumes "Qp_ev P q = (y[^]n)"
  shows "q  basic_semialg_set m n P"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) basic_semialg_set_def
  by blast

lemma basic_semialg_set_memE:
  assumes  "q  basic_semialg_set m n P"
  shows "q  carrier (Qpm)"
        "y  carrier Qp. Qp_ev P q = (y[^]n)"
  using assms basic_semialg_set_def apply blast
  using assms basic_semialg_set_def by blast

definition is_basic_semialg :: "nat  ((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list set  bool" where
"is_basic_semialg m S  ( (n::nat)  0. ( P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙]). S = basic_semialg_set m n P))"

abbreviation(input) basic_semialgs where
"basic_semialgs m  {S. (is_basic_semialg m S)}"

definition semialg_sets where
"semialg_sets n = gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n)"

lemma carrier_is_semialg:
"(carrier (Qpn))  semialg_sets n "
  unfolding semialg_sets_def
  using gen_boolean_algebra.universe by blast

lemma empty_set_is_semialg:
" {}  semialg_sets n"
  using carrier_is_semialg[of n]
  unfolding semialg_sets_def using gen_boolean_algebra.complement
  by (metis Diff_cancel)

lemma semialg_intersect:
  assumes "A  semialg_sets n"
  assumes "B  semialg_sets n"
  shows "(A  B)  semialg_sets n "
  using assms(1) assms(2) gen_boolean_algebra_intersect semialg_sets_def
  by blast

lemma semialg_union:
  assumes "A  semialg_sets n"
  assumes "B  semialg_sets n"
  shows "(A  B)  semialg_sets n "
  using assms gen_boolean_algebra.union semialg_sets_def
  by blast

lemma semialg_complement:
  assumes "A  semialg_sets n"
  shows "(carrier (Qpn) - A)  semialg_sets n "
  using assms gen_boolean_algebra.complement semialg_sets_def
  by blast

lemma semialg_zero:
  assumes "A  semialg_sets 0"
  shows "A = {[]}  A = {}"
  using assms
  unfolding semialg_sets_def cartesian_power_def
  assume A0:  " A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (RDirProd_list (R_list 0 Qp))) (basic_semialgs 0)"
  show " A = {[]}  A = {}"
    have "A  {[]}  A = {}"
      assume A1: "A  {[]}"
      show "A = {}"
        have "(R_list 0 Qp) = []"
          by simp
        then have "(carrier (RDirProd_list (R_list 0 Qp))) = {[]}"
          using RDirProd_list_nil
          by simp
        then show ?thesis
          using A0 A1
          by (metis gen_boolean_algebra_subset subset_singletonD)
    then show ?thesis
      by linarith

lemma basic_semialg_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_basic_semialg n A"
  shows "A  semialg_sets n"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms gen_boolean_algebra.simps inf_absorb1
      is_basic_semialg_def mem_Collect_eq basic_semialg_set_def
      semialg_sets_def subsetI)

lemma basic_semialg_is_semialg':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "m 0"
  assumes "A = basic_semialg_set n m f"
  shows "A  semialg_sets n"
  using assms basic_semialg_is_semialg is_basic_semialg_def
  by blast

definition is_semialgebraic where
"is_semialgebraic n S = (S  semialg_sets n)"

lemma is_semialgebraicE:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  shows "S  semialg_sets n"
  using assms is_semialgebraic_def by blast

lemma is_semialgebraic_closed:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  shows "S  carrier (Qpn)"
  using is_semialgebraicE[of n S] unfolding semialg_sets_def
  using assms gen_boolean_algebra_subset is_semialgebraicE semialg_sets_def
  by blast

lemma is_semialgebraicI:
  assumes "S  semialg_sets n"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n S"
  by (simp add: assms is_semialgebraic_def)

lemma basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_basic_semialg n A"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n A"
  using assms basic_semialg_is_semialg is_semialgebraicI by blast

lemma basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "m 0"
  assumes "A = basic_semialg_set n m f"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n A"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) basic_semialg_is_semialg' is_semialgebraicI by blast

      subsubsection‹Algebraic Sets over $p$-adic Fields›

lemma p_times_square_not_square:
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  shows "𝔭  (a [^] (2::nat))  P_set (2::nat)"
  assume A: "𝔭  (a[^](2::nat))  P_set (2::nat)"
  then have "𝔭  (a[^](2::nat))  nonzero Qp"
    unfolding P_set_def
    by blast
  then obtain b where b_def: "b  carrier Qp  b[^](2::nat) = 𝔭  (a[^](2::nat))"
    using A P_set_def by blast
   have "b  nonzero Qp"
     apply(rule ccontr) using b_def assms
     by (metis A P_set_nonzero'(1) Qp.nat_pow_zero not_nonzero_Qp zero_neq_numeral)
   then have LHS: "ord (b[^](2::nat)) = 2* (ord b)"
     using nonzero_nat_pow_ord
     by presburger
   have "ord( 𝔭  (a[^](2::nat))) = 1 + 2* ord a"
     using assms nonzero_nat_pow_ord Qp_nat_pow_nonzero ord_mult ord_p p_nonzero
     by presburger
   then show False
     using b_def LHS
     by presburger

lemma p_times_square_not_square':
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "𝔭  (a [^] (2::nat)) = 𝟬  a = 𝟬"
  by (metis Qp.integral Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero assms p_nonzero)

lemma zero_set_semialg_set:
  assumes "q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "Qp_ev q a = 𝟬 ( y  carrier Qp. 𝔭  ((Qp_ev q a) [^] (2::nat)) = y[^](2::nat)) "
  show "Qp_ev q a = 𝟬  ycarrier Qp. 𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^] (2::nat)) = (y[^] (2::nat))"
    assume "Qp_ev q a = 𝟬"
    then have "𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat)) = (𝟬[^](2::nat))"
      by (metis Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.nat_pow_zero Qp.r_null zero_neq_numeral)
    then have "𝟬  carrier Qp  𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat)) = (𝟬[^](2::nat))"
      using Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(2)
      by blast
    then show "ycarrier Qp. 𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^] (2::nat)) = (y[^] (2::nat))"
      by blast
  show " ycarrier Qp. 𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))  Qp_ev q a = 𝟬"
    assume A: " ycarrier Qp. 𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
    then obtain b where b_def: "bcarrier Qp  𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat)) = (b[^](2::nat))"
      by blast
    show "Qp_ev q a = 𝟬"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume " Qp_ev q a  𝟬"
      then have " Qp_ev q a  nonzero Qp" using assms eval_at_point_closed[of a n q]  nonzero_def
      proof -
        have "Qp_ev q a  carrier Qp"
          using a  carrier (Qpn); q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
                  Qp_ev q a  carrier Qp a  carrier (Qpn) q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])
          by fastforce
        then have "Qp_ev q a  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}"
          using Qp_ev q a  𝟬 by force
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis nonzero_def )
      then have "𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat))  nonzero Qp"
        by (metis Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero not_nonzero_Qp p_nonzero p_times_square_not_square')
      then have "𝔭  (Qp_ev q a[^](2::nat))  P_set (2::nat)"
        using b_def
        unfolding P_set_def
        by blast
      then show False
        using Qp_ev q a  nonzero Qp p_times_square_not_square
        by blast

lemma alg_as_semialg:
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "q = 𝔭 Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (P[^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat))"
  shows "zero_set Qp n P = basic_semialg_set n (2::nat) q"
  have 00: "x. x  carrier (Qpn)  Qp_ev q x = 𝔭  (Qp_ev P x) [^] (2::nat)"
    using assms eval_at_point_smult MP.nat_pow_closed Qp.int_inc_closed eval_at_point_nat_pow
    by presburger
  show "VQpn P  basic_semialg_set n 2 q"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  VQpn P "
    show "x  basic_semialg_set n (2::nat) q "
      have P: "Qp_ev P x = 𝟬"
        using A zero_setE(2)
        by blast
      have "Qp_ev q x = 𝟬"
        have "Qp_ev q x = 𝔭  (Qp_ev (P[^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat)) x)"
          using assms eval_at_point_smult[of x n "(P[^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat))" 𝔭] basic_semialg_set_def
          by (meson A MP.nat_pow_closed Qp.int_inc_closed zero_setE(1))
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis A P Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.integral_iff Qp.nat_pow_zero Qp.zero_closed assms(1)
              eval_at_point_nat_pow neq0_conv zero_less_numeral zero_setE(1))
      then have 0: "Qp_ev q x = 𝟬  Qp_ev q x  P_set (2::nat)"
        by blast
      have 1: "x  carrier (Qpn)"
        using A zero_setE(1)
        by blast
      then show ?thesis using 0 basic_semialg_set_def'
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Qp.nat_pow_zero Qp.zero_closed
            eval_at_point Qp x q = 𝟬 basic_semialg_set_memI zero_neq_numeral)
  show "basic_semialg_set n 2 q  VQpn P"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set n 2 q"
    have 0: "¬ Qp_ev q x  P_set 2"
      assume "Qp_ev q x  P_set 2"
      then have 0: "Qp_ev q x  nonzero Qp   (y  carrier Qp . (y[^] (2::nat)) = Qp_ev q x)"
        using P_set_def by blast
      have "( y  carrier Qp. 𝔭  ((Qp_ev P x) [^] (2::nat)) = y[^](2::nat))"
        obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (y[^] (2::nat)) = Qp_ev q x"
          using 0 by blast
        have "x  carrier (Qpn)"
          using A basic_semialg_set_memE(1) by blast
        then have "Qp_ev q x = 𝔭  ((Qp_ev P x) [^] (2::nat))"
          using assms eval_at_point_scalar_mult 00 by blast
        then have "(y[^] (2::nat)) = 𝔭  ((Qp_ev P x) [^] (2::nat))"
          using y_def by blast
        then show ?thesis using y_def by blast
      then have "Qp_ev P x = 𝟬"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A assms(1) basic_semialg_set_def mem_Collect_eq zero_set_semialg_set)
      then have "Qp_ev q x = 𝟬"
        using assms eval_at_point_smult
        by (metis "00" A Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.nat_pow_zero Qp.r_null basic_semialg_set_memE(1) zero_neq_numeral)
      then show False
        using 0 Qp.not_nonzero_memI by blast
    show " x  VQpn P"
      apply(rule zero_setI)
      using A basic_semialg_set_memE(1) apply blast
      using A 0 00[of x]
      by (metis assms(1) basic_semialg_set_memE(1) basic_semialg_set_memE(2) zero_set_semialg_set)

lemma is_zero_set_imp_basic_semialg:
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "S = zero_set Qp n P"
  shows "is_basic_semialg n S"
  unfolding is_basic_semialg_def
  obtain q where q_def: "q = 𝔭 Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (P[^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat))"
    by blast
  have 0: "zero_set Qp n P = basic_semialg_set n (2::nat) q"
    using alg_as_semialg[of P n q]  q_def assms(1) by linarith
  have "(P [^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat))  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using assms(1)
    by blast
  then have "𝔭 Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙(P [^]Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (2::nat))  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using assms q_def Qp.int_inc_closed local.smult_closed by blast
  then have 1: "q  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    by (metis q_def )
  then show "m. m  0  (Pcarrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]). S = basic_semialg_set n m P)"
    using 0 assms
    by (metis zero_neq_numeral)

lemma is_zero_set_imp_semialg:
  assumes "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "S = zero_set Qp n P"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n S"
  using assms(1) assms(2) basic_semialg_is_semialg is_semialgebraicI is_zero_set_imp_basic_semialg
  by blast

text‹Algebraic sets are semialgebraic›

lemma is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_algebraic Qp n S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n S"
  proof(rule is_semialgebraicI)
    obtain ps where ps_def: "finite ps  ps  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  S =  affine_alg_set Qp n ps"
      using is_algebraicE
      by (metis  assms)
    have "ps  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  affine_alg_set Qp n ps  semialg_sets n"
      apply(rule finite.induct[of ps])
        apply (simp add: ps_def)
      using affine_alg_set_empty[of n]
       apply (simp add: carrier_is_semialg)
      fix A a
      assume IH: "A  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  affine_alg_set Qp n A  semialg_sets n"
      assume P: "insert a A  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      have "A  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
        using P by blast
      show "affine_alg_set Qp n (insert a A)  semialg_sets n"
        using IH P semialg_intersect[of "affine_alg_set Qp n A" n "affine_alg_set Qp n {a}" ]
               is_zero_set_imp_semialg affine_alg_set_insert[of n a A]
        by (metis Int_commute affine_alg_set_singleton insert_subset is_semialgebraicE)
    then show "S  semialg_sets n"
      using ps_def by blast

      subsubsection‹Basic Lemmas about the Semialgebraic Predicate›

text‹Finite and cofinite sets are semialgebraic›

lemma finite_is_semialg:
  assumes "F  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "finite F"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n F"
  using Qp.finite_sets_are_algebraic is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg[of n F]
           assms(1) assms(2)
  by blast

definition is_cofinite where
"is_cofinite n F = finite (ring_pow_comp Qp n F)"

lemma is_cofiniteE:
  assumes "F  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "is_cofinite n F"
  shows "finite (carrier (Qpn) - F)"
  using assms(2) is_cofinite_def
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def)

lemma complement_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n F"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n ((carrier (Qpn)) - F)"
  using assms is_semialgebraic_def semialg_complement by blast

lemma cofinite_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "F  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "is_cofinite n F"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n F"
  using assms ring_pow_comp_inv[of F Qp n] complement_is_semialg[of n "(carrier (Qpn) - F)"]
        finite_is_semialg[of "(carrier (Qpn) - F)"]  is_cofiniteE[of F]
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def)

lemma diff_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n A"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (A - B)"
  apply(rule is_semialgebraicI)
  using assms unfolding semialg_sets_def
  using gen_boolean_algebra_diff is_semialgebraicE semialg_sets_def
  by blast

lemma intersection_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n A"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (A  B)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) is_semialgebraicE is_semialgebraicI semialg_intersect
  by blast

lemma union_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n A"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (A  B)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) is_semialgebraicE is_semialgebraicI semialg_union by blast

lemma carrier_is_semialgebraic:
"is_semialgebraic n (carrier (Qpn))"
using carrier_is_semialg
  by (simp add: carrier_is_semialg is_semialgebraic_def)

lemma empty_is_semialgebraic:
"is_semialgebraic n {}"
  by (simp add: empty_set_is_semialg is_semialgebraic_def)

      subsubsection‹One-Dimensional Semialgebraic Sets›

definition one_var_semialg where
"one_var_semialg S =  ((to_R1 ` S)  (semialg_sets 1))"

definition univ_basic_semialg_set where
"univ_basic_semialg_set (m::nat) P = {a  carrier Qp. (y  carrier Qp. (P  a = (y[^]m)))}"

text‹Equivalence of univ\_basic\_semialg\_sets and semialgebraic subsets of $\mathbb{Q}^1$ ›

lemma univ_basic_semialg_set_to_semialg_set:
  assumes "P  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "m  0"
  shows "to_R1 ` (univ_basic_semialg_set m P) = basic_semialg_set 1 m (from_Qp_x P)"
  show "(λa. [a]) ` univ_basic_semialg_set m P  basic_semialg_set 1 m (from_Qp_x P)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  (λa. [a]) ` univ_basic_semialg_set m P"
    then obtain b y where by_def:"b  carrier Qp  y  carrier Qp  (P  b) = (y[^]m)  x = [b]"
      unfolding univ_basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
    then have "x  carrier (Qp1)"
      using A Qp.to_R1_closed[of b]
      unfolding univ_basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
    then show "x  basic_semialg_set 1 m (from_Qp_x P)"
      using by_def Qp_x_Qp_poly_eval assms
      unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
  show "basic_semialg_set 1 m (from_Qp_x P)  (λa. [a]) ` univ_basic_semialg_set m P"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set 1 m (from_Qp_x P)"
    then obtain b where b_def:  "b  carrier Qp  x = [b]"
      unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq Qp.to_R1_to_R Qp.to_R_pow_closed)
    obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (Qp_ev (from_Qp_x P) [b]  = (y[^]m))"
      using A b_def
      unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
    have " P  b = (y[^]m)"
      using assms y_def b_def Qp_x_Qp_poly_eval by blast
    then show " x  (λa. [a]) ` univ_basic_semialg_set m P"
      using y_def b_def
      unfolding basic_semialg_set_def univ_basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast

definition is_univ_semialgebraic where
"is_univ_semialgebraic S = (S  carrier Qp  is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1 ` S))"

lemma is_univ_semialgebraicE:
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1 ` S)"
  using assms is_univ_semialgebraic_def by blast

lemma is_univ_semialgebraicI:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1 ` S)"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic S"
  have "S  carrier Qp"
  proof fix x assume "x  S"
    then have "(to_R1 x)  carrier (Qp1)"
      using assms
      by (smt Collect_mono_iff gen_boolean_algebra_subset image_def is_semialgebraicE mem_Collect_eq semialg_sets_def Qp.to_R1_carrier)
    then show "x  carrier Qp"
      using assms
      by (metis nth_Cons_0 Qp.to_R_pow_closed)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding is_univ_semialgebraic_def
    by blast

lemma univ_basic_semialg_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "P  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "m  0"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (univ_basic_semialg_set m P)"
  using assms
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic'
      from_Qp_x_closed is_univ_semialgebraic_def mem_Collect_eq subsetI
      univ_basic_semialg_set_def univ_basic_semialg_set_to_semialg_set)

lemma intersection_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic A"
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic B"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (A  B)"
  using assms intersection_is_semialg[of 1 "((λa. [a]) ` A)" "((λa. [a]) ` B)"]
  unfolding is_univ_semialgebraic_def
  by (metis le_infI1 Qp.to_R1_intersection)

lemma union_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic A"
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic B"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (A  B)"
  using assms union_is_semialgebraic[of 1 "((λa. [a]) ` A)" "((λa. [a]) ` B)"]
  unfolding is_univ_semialgebraic_def
  by (metis Un_subset_iff image_Un)

lemma diff_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic A"
  assumes "is_univ_semialgebraic B"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (A - B)"
  using assms diff_is_semialgebraic[of 1 "((λa. [a]) ` A)" "((λa. [a]) ` B)"]
  unfolding is_univ_semialgebraic_def
  by (smt Diff_subset subset_trans Qp.to_R1_diff)

lemma finite_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "A  carrier Qp"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic A"
  using assms finite_is_semialg[of "((λa. [a]) ` A)" ]  to_R1_finite[of A]
  unfolding is_univ_semialgebraic_def
  by (metis Qp.to_R1_carrier Qp.to_R1_subset)

      subsubsection‹Defining the $p$-adic Valuation Semialgebraically›

lemma Qp_square_root_criterion0:
  assumes "p  2"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "val a  val b"
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  assumes "b  𝟬"
  assumes "val a  0"
  shows "y  carrier Qp. a[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭b[^](2::nat) = (y [^] (2::nat))"
  have 0: "(to_Zp a)  carrier Zp"
    using assms(2) to_Zp_closed
    by blast
  have 1: "(to_Zp b)  carrier Zp"
    using assms(3) to_Zp_closed
    by blast
  have 2: "a  𝒪p"
    using val_ring_val_criterion assms(2) assms(5) assms(7) by blast
  have 3: "b  𝒪p"
    using assms val_ring_val_criterion[of b] dual_order.trans by blast
  have 4: "val_Zp (to_Zp b) = val b"
    using 3 Zp_def ι_def padic_fields.to_Zp_val padic_fields_axioms by blast
  have 5:  "val_Zp (to_Zp a) = val a"
    using Qp_def Zp_def assms(2) assms(7) padic_fields.Qp_val_ringI padic_fields.to_Zp_val padic_fields_axioms
    by blast
  have "y  carrier Zp. (to_Zp a)[^]Zp(2::nat) Zp𝗉 Zp(to_Zp b)[^]Zp(2::nat) = (y [^]Zp(2::nat))"
    using 0 1 2 4 5 assms Zp_square_root_criterion[of "(to_Zp a)" "(to_Zp b)"]
    by (metis "3" to_Zp_inc to_Zp_zero zero_in_val_ring)
  then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Zp  (to_Zp a)[^]Zp(2::nat) Zp𝗉 Zp(to_Zp b)[^]Zp(2::nat) = (y [^]Zp(2::nat))"
    by blast
  have 6: "a[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭 b[^](2::nat) = ((ι y) [^] (2::nat))"
    have 0: "ι (y [^]Zp(2::nat)) = ((ι y) [^] (2::nat))"
      using Qp_nonzero_nat_pow nat_pow_closed inc_pow nat_inc_zero inc_is_hom ι_def y_def ring_hom_nat_pow[of Zp Qp ι y 2]
            Qp_def Qp.ring_axioms Zp.ring_axioms
      by blast
    have 1: "ι (y [^]Zp(2::nat)) = ι ((to_Zp a)[^]Zp(2::nat) Zp𝗉 Zp(to_Zp b)[^]Zp(2::nat))"
      using y_def by presburger
    have 2: "ι (y [^]Zp(2::nat)) = ι ((to_Zp a)[^]Zp(2::nat)) Qpι ( 𝗉 Zp(to_Zp b)[^]Zp(2::nat))"
      using "1" Zp.m_closed Zp_int_inc_closed assms(2) assms(3) inc_of_sum pow_closed to_Zp_closed by presburger
    hence 3: "ι (y [^]Zp(2::nat)) = (ι (to_Zp a))[^](2::nat)  (ι  𝗉)  ι ((to_Zp b)[^]Zp(2::nat))"
      using Qp_nonzero_nat_pow nat_pow_closed inc_pow nat_inc_zero inc_is_hom ι_def y_def ring_hom_nat_pow[of Zp Qp ι _ 2]
            Qp_def Qp.ring_axioms Zp.ring_axioms Zp_int_inc_closed assms(2) assms(3) inc_of_prod pow_closed to_Zp_closed
      by metis
    then show ?thesis
      using "0" "4" val_ring_ord_criterion assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5)
          assms(6) assms(7) inc_pow not_nonzero_Zp ord_of_nonzero(1) p_inc to_Zp_closed to_Zp_inc
      by (metis to_Zp_zero val_pos val_ringI zero_in_val_ring)
  have "(ι y)  carrier Qp"
    using frac_closed local.inc_def y_def inc_closed by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using 6
    by blast

lemma eint_minus_ineq':
  assumes "(a::eint)  b"
  shows "a -b  0"
  by (metis assms eint_minus_ineq eint_ord_simps(3) idiff_infinity idiff_self order_trans top.extremum_unique top_eint_def)

lemma Qp_square_root_criterion:
  assumes "p  2"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "ord b  ord a"
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  assumes "b  𝟬"
  shows "y  carrier Qp. a[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭b[^](2::nat) = (y [^] (2::nat))"
  have "k::int. k  min (ord a) (ord b)  k mod 2 = 0"
      let ?k = "if (min (ord a) (ord b)) mod 2 = 0 then min (ord a) (ord b)  else (min (ord a) (ord b)) - 1"
      have "?k  min (ord a) (ord b)  ?k mod 2 = 0"
        apply(cases "(min (ord a) (ord b)) mod 2 = 0 ")
       apply presburger
        by presburger
      then show ?thesis
        by meson
  then obtain k where k_def: "k  min (ord a) (ord b)  k mod 2 = 0"
    by meson
  obtain a0 where a0_def: "a0 = (𝔭[^](-k))  a"
    by blast
  obtain b0 where b0_def: "b0 = (𝔭[^](-k))  b"
    by blast
  have 0: "a0  nonzero Qp"
    using Qp.cring_axioms Qp.field_axioms Ring.integral a0_def assms(2) assms(5) cring_simprules(5)
          not_nonzero_Qp p_intpow_closed(1) p_nonzero
    by (metis Qp_int_pow_nonzero cring.cring_simprules(5))
  have 1: "val a0 =  val a - k"
    using a0_def assms(2) assms(5) val_mult p_nonzero  p_intpow_closed(1)
    by (metis Qp.m_comm Qp_int_pow_nonzero p_intpow_inv'' val_fract val_p_int_pow)
  have 11: "val b0 =  val b - k"
    using assms(3) assms(6) b0_def val_mult p_nonzero p_intpow_closed(1)
    by (metis Qp.m_lcomm Qp.one_closed Qp.r_one Qp_int_pow_nonzero p_intpow_inv'' val_fract val_p_int_pow)
  have A: "val a  k"
    using k_def val_ord assms by (smt eint_ord_simps(1) not_nonzero_Qp)
  have B: "val b  k"
    using  k_def val_ord assms by (smt eint_ord_simps(1) not_nonzero_Qp)
  then have 2: "val a0  0"
    using A 1 assms k_def eint_minus_ineq eint_ord_code(5) local.eint_minus_ineq' by presburger
  have 3: "val a0  val b0"
    using 1 11 assms
    by (metis eint.distinct(2) eint_minus_ineq eint_ord_simps(1) val_def)
  have 4: "a0  𝟬"
    using a0_def "0" Qp.nonzero_memE(2) by blast
  have 5: "b0  𝟬"
    using b0_def
    by (metis "4" Qp.integral_iff a0_def assms(2) assms(3) assms(6) p_intpow_closed(1))
  have "y  carrier Qp. a0[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭b0[^](2::nat) = (y [^] (2::nat))"
    using Qp_square_root_criterion0[of a0 b0] assms 2 3 4 5 b0_def a0_def Qp.m_closed p_intpow_closed(1)
    by metis
  then obtain y where y_def: " y  carrier Qp  a0[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭b0[^](2::nat) = (y [^] (2::nat))"
    by blast
  then have 6: " (𝔭[^] (2 * k))   (a0[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭b0[^](2::nat)) =  (𝔭[^] (2 * k))   (y [^] (2::nat))"
    by presburger
  then have 8: "((𝔭[^] (2 * k))   (a0[^](2::nat))) Qp((𝔭[^] (2 * k))  (𝔭b0[^](2::nat))) =  (𝔭[^] (2 * k))   (y [^] (2::nat))"
    using 6 Qp.r_distr[of "(a0[^](2::nat))" " (𝔭b0[^](2::nat))" "(𝔭[^] (2 * k))"]
    by (metis Qp.add.int_pow_closed Qp.m_closed Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.one_closed a0_def assms(2) assms(3) b0_def p_inc p_intpow_closed(1) y_def)
  have 9: "(𝔭[^](int 2*k)) = (𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)"
    using Qp_int_nat_pow_pow[of 𝔭 k 2]
    by (metis mult_of_nat_commute p_nonzero)
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)   (a0[^](2::nat))) Qp(𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)  (𝔭b0[^](2::nat)) =  (𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)  (y [^] (2::nat))"
    by (metis "8" int_eq_iff_numeral)
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat))  (𝔭b0[^](2::nat)) = ((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat))   (y [^] (2::nat))"
    by (metis Qp.cring_axioms a0_def assms(2) comm_monoid.nat_pow_distrib cring.cring_simprules(5) cring_def p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have 10:  "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat))  (𝔭b0[^](2::nat)) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    using comm_monoid.nat_pow_distrib y_def
    by (metis Qp.comm_monoid_axioms p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp((((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat))  𝔭)b0[^](2::nat)) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    using 10 monoid.m_assoc[of Qp "((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat))" 𝔭 " b0[^](2::nat)"]
    by (metis Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.m_assoc Qp.m_closed Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(3) b0_def p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp((𝔭  ((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)) )b0[^](2::nat)) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    by (metis Qp.group_commutes_pow Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.m_comm p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭  (((𝔭[^]k)[^](2::nat)) b0[^](2::nat)) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    by (metis "10" Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.m_closed Qp.m_lcomm Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(3) b0_def p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have "((𝔭[^]k)  a0)[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭  ((𝔭[^]k) b0)[^](2::nat) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    by (metis Qp.m_closed Qp.nat_pow_distrib assms(3) b0_def p_intpow_closed(1))
  then have "a[^](2::nat) Qp𝔭  b[^](2::nat) =  ((𝔭[^]k)   y) [^] (2::nat)"
    by (metis Qp.l_one Qp.m_assoc a0_def assms(2) assms(3) b0_def p_intpow_closed(1) p_intpow_inv)
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(5) p_intpow_closed(1) y_def)

lemma Qp_val_ring_alt_def0:
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "ord a  0"
  shows "y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
  have "y  carrier Zp. 𝟭ZpZp(𝗉 [^]Zp(3::nat))Zp((to_Zp a) [^]Zp(4::nat)) = (y [^]Zp(2::nat))"
    using padic_integers.Zp_semialg_eq[of p "to_Zp a"] prime assms to_Zp_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI Zp_def val_ring_ord_criterion not_nonzero_Zp padic_integers_axioms to_Zp_closed to_Zp_inc to_Zp_zero zero_in_val_ring)
  then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Zp  𝟭ZpZp(𝗉 [^]Zp(3::nat))Zp((to_Zp a) [^]Zp(4::nat)) = (y [^]Zp(2::nat))"
    by blast
  then have "𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = ((ι y)[^](2::nat))"
    using  Group.nat_pow_0 Group.nat_pow_Suc nonzero_def
        val_ring_ord_criterion  assms inc_of_nonzero inc_of_prod inc_of_sum inc_pow
        m_closed nat_inc_closed nat_pow_closed  not_nonzero_Zp
        numeral_2_eq_2 p_natpow_inc to_Zp_closed to_Zp_inc
    by (smt Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Zp.monom_term_car p_pow_nonzero(1) pow_closed to_Zp_zero zero_in_val_ring)
  then have "(ι y)  carrier Qp  𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = ((ι y)[^](2::nat))"
    using y_def inc_closed by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

text‹Defining the valuation semialgebraically for odd primes›

lemma P_set_ord_semialg_odd_p:
  assumes "p  2"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows  "val a  val b  (y  carrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
  case True
  show "val a  val b  (y  carrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
    show "val b  val a  ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
      assume A: "val b  val a"
      then have "val b  "
        by (metis True local.val_zero)
      then have "b = 𝟬"
        using assms(3) local.val_zero val_ineq by presburger
      then have "(a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (𝟬[^](2::nat))"
        using True
        by (metis Qp.int_inc_zero Qp.int_nat_pow_rep Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.r_null Qp.r_zero assms(3) p_nonzero zero_power2)
      then show ?thesis
        using b = 𝟬 assms(3) by blast
    show "ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))  val b  val a"
      assume "ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
      then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        by blast
      then have 0: "𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Qp.add.r_cancel_one' Qp.int_inc_closed Qp.nat_pow_closed
            Qp.not_nonzero_memI Qp_nonzero_nat_pow True assms(2) assms(3) local.monom_term_car not_nonzero_Qp zero_less_numeral)
      have "b = 𝟬"
        apply(rule ccontr)
        using 0 assms y_def p_times_square_not_square[of b]
        unfolding P_set_def
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) P_set_memI Qp.nat_pow_closed True
            b  nonzero Qp  𝔭  b [^] 2  P_set 2 not_nonzero_Qp p_times_square_not_square')
      then show ?thesis
        using eint_ord_code(3) local.val_zero by presburger
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  proof(cases "b = 𝟬")
    case True
    then have "(a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) =  (a[^](2::nat))"
      by (metis Qp.add.l_cancel_one' Qp.int_inc_zero Qp.int_nat_pow_rep Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.r_null assms(2) assms(3) p_nonzero zero_power2)
    then have 0: "(y  carrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
      using assms(2)
      by blast
    have 1: "val a  val b"
      using True assms local.val_zero  eint_ord_code(3) by presburger
    show "val a  val b  (y  carrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
      using 0 1
      by blast
    case F: False
    show "val a  val b  (y  carrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp(𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
      show "val b  val a  ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        assume  "val b  val a "
        then have "ord b  ord a"
          using F False
          by (metis eint_ord_simps(1) val_def)
        then show "ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          using assms Qp_square_root_criterion[of a b] False F
          by blast
      show "ycarrier Qp.(a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))  val b  val a"
        assume "ycarrier Qp. (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp (a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          by blast
        have 0: "ord (a[^](2::nat)) =  2* ord a"
          by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) False Suc_1 assms(2) int_eq_iff_numeral nat_numeral
              nonzero_nat_pow_ord not_nonzero_Qp)
        have 1: "ord (𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = 1 + 2* ord b"
          have 0: "ord (𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = ord 𝔭 + ord  (b[^](2::nat))"
            using F Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(3) not_nonzero_Qp ord_mult p_nonzero
            by metis
          have 1: "ord  (b[^](2::nat)) = 2* ord b"
            using F assms
            by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting)  Suc_1  int_eq_iff_numeral nat_numeral
              nonzero_nat_pow_ord not_nonzero_Qp)
          then show ?thesis
            using "0" ord_p
            by linarith
        show "val b  val a"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume "¬ val b  val a"
          then have "val b  val a  val a  val b"
            by (metis linear)
          then have "ord a > ord b"
            using F False assms
            by (metis ¬ val a  val b eint_ord_simps(1) le_less not_less_iff_gr_or_eq val_def)
          then have "ord (a[^](2::nat)) > ord (𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)))"
            using 0 1
            by linarith
          then have "ord ((a[^](2::nat)) Qp𝔭  (b[^](2::nat))) = ord (𝔭  (b[^](2::nat)))"
            by (meson F False Qp.int_inc_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(2) assms(3)
                local.monom_term_car not_nonzero_Qp ord_ultrametric_noteq p_times_square_not_square')
          then have A0: "ord (y[^](2::nat)) = 1 + 2* ord b"
            by (metis "1" y  carrier Qp  (a[^]2) Qp𝔭  (b[^]2) = (y[^]2))
          have A1: "(y[^](2::nat))  nonzero Qp"
            using y_def 0 1
            by (smt F False Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(2) assms(3) diff_ord_nonzero
                local.monom_term_car not_nonzero_Qp p_nonzero p_times_square_not_square')
          have A2: "y  nonzero Qp"
            using A1 Qp_nonzero_nat_pow pos2 y_def by blast
          have A3: "ord (y[^](2::nat)) = 2* ord y"
            using  A2  nonzero_nat_pow_ord
            by presburger
          then show False using A0
            by presburger

text‹Defining the valuation ring semialgebraically for all primes›

lemma Qp_val_ring_alt_def:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "a  𝒪p  (y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
  case True
  then have "𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = 𝟭"
    by (metis Qp.add.l_cancel_one' Qp.integral_iff Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI
        Qp.one_closed Qp_nonzero_nat_pow assms not_nonzero_Qp p_natpow_closed(1) zero_less_numeral)
  then have "𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (𝟭[^](2::nat))"
    using Qp.nat_pow_one by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using True zero_in_val_ring by blast
  case False
  show "a  𝒪p  (y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
    show "a  𝒪p  (y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
      using assms Qp_val_ring_alt_def0[of a] False
      by (meson not_nonzero_Qp ord_nonneg)
    show "(y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))  a  𝒪p"
      assume "(y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
      then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        by blast
      then have "(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭"
        using Qp.ring_simprules
        by (smt Qp.nat_pow_closed assms p_natpow_closed(1))
      then have "ord ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭)"
        by presburger
      then have "3 + ord (a[^](4::nat)) = ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭)"
        by (metis False Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms not_nonzero_Qp of_nat_numeral ord_mult ord_p_pow_nat p_nonzero)
      then have 0: "3 + 4* ord a = ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭)"
        using assms False nonzero_nat_pow_ord[of a "(4::nat)"]
        by (metis nonzero_nat_pow_ord not_nonzero_Qp of_nat_numeral)
      have "ord a  0"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ 0  ord a"
        then have 00: "ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭) < 0"
          using 0
          by linarith
        have yn: "y  nonzero Qp"
          apply(rule ccontr)
          using y_def 0
          by (metis "00" Qp.not_eq_diff_nonzero Qp.one_closed Qp.one_nonzero Qp.pow_zero
              𝔭 [^] 3  a [^] 4 = y [^] 2  𝟭 diff_ord_nonzero less_numeral_extra(3)
              local.one_neq_zero not_nonzero_Qp ord_one zero_less_numeral)
        then have "ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭) = ord (y[^](2::nat))"
          using y_def ord_ultrametric_noteq''[of  "(y[^](2::nat))" "𝟭" ]
          by (metis "00" False Qp.integral Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero
              Qp.not_eq_diff_nonzero Qp.one_nonzero Qp.r_right_minus_eq 𝔭 [^] 3  a [^] 4 = y [^] 2  𝟭
              assms ord_one ord_ultrametric_noteq p_nonzero)
        then have "ord ((y[^](2::nat)) Qp𝟭) = 2* ord y"
          using y_def Qp_nat_pow_nonzero Qp_nonzero_nat_pow nonzero_nat_pow_ord[of y "(2::nat)"]  yn
          by linarith
        then have "3 + (4* ord a) = 2* ord y"
          using "00" "0"
          by linarith
        then show False
          by presburger
      then show "a  𝒪p"
        using False val_ring_ord_criterion assms by blast

lemma Qp_val_alt_def:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows "val b  val a  (y  carrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
  show "val a  val b  ycarrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
    assume A: "val a  val b"
    show "ycarrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
    proof(cases "b = 𝟬")
      case True
      then have "a = 𝟬"
        using A assms(1) val_ineq
        by blast
      then have "(b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (𝟬[^](2::nat))"
        by (metis Qp.nat_pow_zero Qp.r_null Qp.r_zero True assms(2) p_natpow_closed(1) zero_neq_numeral)
      then show ?thesis
        using True A assms(2)
        by blast
      case False
      assume B: "b  𝟬"
      show "ycarrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))  (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
      proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
        case True
        then have "(b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (b[^](4::nat))"
          using Qp.cring_axioms Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(2) cring_def p_natpow_closed(1) ring.pow_zero zero_less_numeral
          by (metis Qp.add.l_cancel_one' Qp.integral_iff assms(1))
        then have "(b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = ((b[^](2::nat))[^] (2::nat))"
          by (metis Qp_nat_pow_pow assms(2) mult_2_right numeral_Bit0)
        then have "(b[^](2::nat))  carrier Qp  (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = ((b[^](2::nat))[^] (2::nat))"
          using Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(2)
          by blast
        then show ?thesis
          by blast
        case False
        have F0:  "b  nonzero Qp"
          using B assms(2) not_nonzero_Qp
          by metis
        have F1: "a  nonzero Qp"
          using False assms(1) not_nonzero_Qp
          by metis
        then have "(a ÷ b)  nonzero Qp"
          using B
          by (meson Localization.submonoid.m_closed Qp.nonzero_is_submonoid assms(2) inv_in_frac(3))
        then have "val a  val b"
          using F0 F1 A by blast
        then have "val (a ÷ b)  0"
          using F0 F1 val_fract assms(1) local.eint_minus_ineq' by presburger
        obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          using Qp_val_ring_alt_def0
          by (meson B False Qp.integral Qp.nonzero_closed (a ÷ b)  nonzero Qp 0  val (a ÷ b)
              assms(1) assms(2) inv_in_frac(1) inv_in_frac(2) ord_nonneg val_ringI)
        then have "(b[^](4::nat))  (𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat))) =
               (b[^](4::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          by presburger
        then have  F2: "(b[^](4::nat))  (𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat))) =
               ((b[^](2::nat)) [^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          by (metis Qp.nat_pow_pow assms(2) mult_2_right numeral_Bit0)
        have  F3: "((b[^](4::nat))  𝟭) Qp((b[^](4::nat)) ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat)))) =
               ((b[^](2::nat))[^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          have 0: "(𝔭[^](3::nat))  (a ÷ b[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp "
            have "(a ÷ b[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp"
              using F0 Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(1) fract_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero by presburger
            then show ?thesis
              by (meson Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(5) p_natpow_closed(1))
          have 1: "(b[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp"
            using Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(2)
            by blast
          then show ?thesis
            using 0 F2  ring.ring_simprules(23)[of Qp "𝟭" "(𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat))" "(b[^](4::nat))"]
                  Qp.cring_axioms Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp.ring_axioms Qp_nat_pow_nonzero (a ÷ b)  nonzero Qp p_nonzero
            by blast
        have F4: "(b[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp"
          using Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(2)
          by blast
        then have "((b[^](4::nat))  𝟭) = (b[^](4::nat))"
          using Qp.r_one by blast
        then have F5:  "(b[^](4::nat))Qp((b[^](4::nat)) ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat)))) =
               ((b[^](2::nat)) [^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          using F3
          by presburger
        have "((b[^](4::nat)) ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat)))) = (𝔭[^](3::nat))((b[^](4::nat))  ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat)))"
          have 0: "(b[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp"
            using F4 by blast
          have 1: "(𝔭[^](3::nat))  carrier Qp"
            by blast
          have  2: "((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat))  carrier Qp"
            using F0 Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(1) fract_closed
            by blast
          show ?thesis using 0 1 2  monoid.m_assoc[of Qp] comm_monoid.m_comm[of Qp]
            using Qp.m_lcomm by presburger
        then have  "(b[^](4::nat))Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))((b[^](4::nat))  ((a ÷ b)[^](4::nat))) =
               ((b[^](2::nat)) [^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          using F5  by presburger
        then have  "(b[^](4::nat))Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))((b (a ÷ b))[^](4::nat)) =
               ((b[^](2::nat)) [^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          using F0 Qp.nat_pow_distrib assms(1) assms(2) fract_closed by presburger
        then have  "(b[^](4::nat))Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))(a[^](4::nat)) =
               ((b[^](2::nat)) [^] (2::nat))  (y[^](2::nat))"
          by (metis F0 assms(1) local.fract_cancel_right)
        then have  "(b[^](4::nat))Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))(a[^](4::nat)) =
               (((b[^](2::nat)) y)[^](2::nat))"
          using Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nat_pow_distrib assms(2) y_def by blast
        then have  "((b[^](2::nat)) y)  carrier Qp  (b[^](4::nat))Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat))(a[^](4::nat)) =
               (((b[^](2::nat)) y)[^](2::nat))"
          by (meson Qp.cring_axioms Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(2) cring.cring_simprules(5) y_def)
        then show ?thesis
          by blast
  show "y  carrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))  val a  val b"
    assume A: "y  carrier Qp. (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
    show "val a  val b"
    proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using eint_ord_code(3) local.val_zero by presburger
      case False
      have  "b  𝟬"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume  "¬ b  𝟬"
        then have "y  carrier Qp.  (𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          using A
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) Qp.add.r_cancel_one' Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2)
              Qp_nonzero_nat_pow assms(1) assms(2) local.monom_term_car not_nonzero_Qp
              p_natpow_closed(1) zero_less_numeral)
        then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          by blast
        have 0: "ord ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = 3 +  4* ord a"
          have 00: "(𝔭[^](3::nat))  nonzero Qp"
            using Qp_nat_pow_nonzero p_nonzero by blast
          have 01: "(a[^](4::nat))  nonzero Qp"
            using False Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(1) not_nonzero_Qp Qp.nonzero_memI by presburger
          then show ?thesis using ord_mult[of "𝔭[^](3::nat)" "a[^](4::nat)"]
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) "00" False assms(1) nonzero_nat_pow_ord
                not_nonzero_Qp of_nat_numeral ord_p_pow_nat)
        have 1: "ord ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = 2* (ord y)"
          have "y  𝟬"
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume " ¬ y  𝟬"
            then have "(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = 𝟬"
              using y_def  Qp.cring_axioms cring_def pos2 ring.pow_zero by blast
            then show False
              by (metis False Qp.integral Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero
                  Qp.not_nonzero_memI Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(1) p_natpow_closed(1) p_nonzero)
          then show ?thesis
            using y_def
            by (metis nonzero_nat_pow_ord not_nonzero_Qp of_nat_numeral)
        then show False
          using 0
          by presburger
      then have F0: "b  nonzero Qp"
        using assms(2) not_nonzero_Qp  by metis

      have F1: "a  nonzero Qp"
        using False assms(1) not_nonzero_Qp by metis
      obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        using A by blast
      show ?thesis
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume " ¬ val a  val b "
        then have F2: "ord a < ord b"
          using F0 F1 assms
          by (metis False b  𝟬 eint_ord_simps(1) leI val_def)
        have 0: "ord ((𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = 3 + 4* ord a"
          using F0 ord_mult F1 Qp_nat_pow_nonzero nonzero_nat_pow_ord ord_p_pow_nat p_natpow_closed(2)
          by presburger
        have 1: " ord (b[^](4::nat)) = 4* ord b"
          using F0 nonzero_nat_pow_ord
          by presburger
        have 2: "(4 * (ord b)) > 4 * (ord a)"
          using F2 by linarith
        have 3: "(4 * (ord b))  3 + 4* ord a"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume "¬ (4 * (ord b))  3 + 4* ord a"
          then have "(4 * (ord b)) > 3 + 4* ord a"
            by linarith
          then have 30: "ord ((b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = 3 + 4* ord a"
            using "0" "1" F0 F1  Qp_nat_pow_nonzero Qp.nat_pow_closed assms(1) monom_term_car not_nonzero_Qp ord_ultrametric_noteq
                p_natpow_closed(1) p_nonzero
            by (metis Qp.integral)
          have "y  nonzero Qp"
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume A: "y  nonzero Qp"
            then have "y = 𝟬"
              using y_def  Qp.nonzero_memI by blast
            then have "b [^] 4  𝔭 [^] 3  a [^] 4 = 𝟬"
              by (smt "0" "1" A F0 False Qp.integral Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed
                Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero Qp.pow_zero assms(1) diff_ord_nonzero not_nonzero_Qp p_nonzero pos2 y_def)
            then show False
              by (smt "0" "1" A F0 F1 Qp.integral Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed
                Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(1) diff_ord_nonzero not_nonzero_Qp p_natpow_closed(1) p_nonzero y_def)
          then have 31: "ord ((b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))) = 2* ord y"
            using nonzero_nat_pow_ord y_def
            by presburger
          then show False using 30 by presburger
        show False
          using 2 3
          by presburger

text‹The polynomial in two variables which semialgebraically defines the valuation relation›

definition Qp_val_poly where
"Qp_val_poly = (pvar Qp 1)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat) Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ (𝔭[^](3::nat) Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ ((pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)))"

lemma Qp_val_poly_closed:
"Qp_val_poly  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
  have "(pvar Qp 1)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
    using local.pvar_closed one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(76) by blast
  then have 0: "(pvar Qp 1)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"

    using  ring.Pring_is_ring[of Qp "{0::nat..2-1}"]
          monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "coord_ring Qp 2"] Qp.cring_axioms cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_is_monoid
    by blast
  have 1: "(pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
    using local.pvar_closed pos2 by blast
  have 2: "𝔭[^](3::nat) Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
    using 1 local.smult_closed p_natpow_closed(1) by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding Qp_val_poly_def
    using 0 by blast

lemma Qp_val_poly_eval:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows "Qp_ev Qp_val_poly [a, b] =  (b[^](4::nat)) Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))"
  have 0: "[a,b]  carrier (Qp2)"
  proof(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
    show "length [a, b] = 2"
      by simp
    have "set [a,b] = {a,b}"
      by auto
    then show "set [a, b]  carrier Qp"
      using assms
      by (simp add: a  carrier Qp b  carrier Qp)
  obtain f where f_def: "f = ((pvar Qp 1)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat))"
    by blast
  obtain g where g_def: "g = (𝔭[^](3::nat) Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ ((pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)))"
    by blast
  have 1: "Qp_val_poly = f Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ g"
    unfolding Qp_val_poly_def
    using f_def g_def by blast
  have 1: "Qp_ev (pvar Qp (0::nat)) [a,b] = a"
    using eval_pvar
    by (metis [a, b]  carrier (Qp2) nth_Cons_0 pos2)
  have 2: "Qp_ev (pvar Qp (1::nat)) [a,b] = b"
    using eval_pvar
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" One_nat_def add_diff_cancel_right' assms(2)
        cartesian_power_car_memE gr_zeroI less_numeral_extra(1) less_numeral_extra(4)
        list.size(4) nth_Cons_pos Qp.to_R1_closed Qp.to_R_to_R1 zero_less_diff)
  have 3: "Qp_ev ((pvar Qp 1)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)) [a,b] = (b[^](4::nat))"
    by (metis "0" "2" eval_at_point_nat_pow local.pvar_closed one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(76))
  have 4: "Qp_ev ((pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)) [a,b] = (a[^](4::nat))"
    using "0" "1" eval_at_point_nat_pow local.pvar_closed pos2 by presburger
  then have 5: "Qp_ev (poly_scalar_mult Qp (𝔭[^](3::nat)) ((pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat))) [a,b] = (𝔭[^](3::nat)) (a[^](4::nat))"
    using eval_at_point_smult[of "[a,b]" 2 "(pvar Qp 0)[^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙(4::nat)" "𝔭[^](3::nat)" ] 2
    by (metis "0" MP.nat_pow_closed eval_at_point_scalar_mult local.pvar_closed p_natpow_closed(1) zero_less_numeral)
  then show ?thesis
    have 00: "[a, b]  carrier (Qp2)"
      by (simp add: "0")
    have 01: " pvar Qp 1 [^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ (4::nat)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
      by (meson MP.nat_pow_closed local.pvar_closed one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(76))
    have 02: "𝔭[^](3::nat) Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙  (pvar Qp 0 [^]Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ (4::nat))  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙])"
      by (meson MP.nat_pow_closed local.pvar_closed local.smult_closed p_natpow_closed(1) zero_less_numeral)
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding Qp_val_poly_def
      using 00 01 02
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) "3" "4" MP.nat_pow_closed eval_at_point_add eval_at_point_smult
          local.pvar_closed p_natpow_closed(1) zero_less_numeral)

lemma Qp_2I:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows "[a,b]  carrier (Qp2)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms
  apply (simp add: assms(1) assms(2))
  using assms
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2))

lemma pair_id:
  assumes "length as = 2"
  shows "as = [as!0, as!1]"
  using assms
  by (smt One_nat_def diff_Suc_1 length_Cons less_Suc0 less_SucE list.size(3)
      nth_Cons' nth_equalityI numeral_2_eq_2)

lemma Qp_val_semialg:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows "val b  val a  [a,b]  basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly"
  show "val a  val b  [a, b]  basic_semialg_set 2 2 Qp_val_poly"
    using Qp_val_alt_def[of a b] Qp_2I[of a b]  Qp_val_poly_eval[of a b]
    unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) mem_Collect_eq)
  show "[a, b]  basic_semialg_set 2 2 Qp_val_poly  val a  val b"
    using Qp_val_alt_def[of a b] Qp_2I[of a b]  Qp_val_poly_eval[of a b]
    unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
    using assms(1) assms(2)
    by blast

definition val_relation_set where
"val_relation_set = {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as!1)  val (as!0)}"

lemma val_relation_setE:
  assumes "as  val_relation_set"
  shows "as!0  carrier Qp  as!1  carrier Qp  as = [as!0,as!1]  val (as!1)  val (as!0)"
  using assms  unfolding val_relation_set_def
  by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' mem_Collect_eq one_less_numeral_iff pair_id pos2 semiring_norm(76))

lemma val_relation_setI:
  assumes "as!0  carrier Qp"
  assumes "as!1  carrier Qp"
  assumes "length as = 2"
  assumes "val (as!1)  val(as!0)"
  shows "as  val_relation_set"
  unfolding val_relation_set_def using assms Qp_2I[of "as!0" "as!1"]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq pair_id)

lemma val_relation_semialg:
"val_relation_set  = basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly"
  show "val_relation_set   basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly"
  proof fix as
    assume A: "as  val_relation_set"
    have 0: "length as = 2"
      unfolding val_relation_set_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A cartesian_power_car_memE mem_Collect_eq val_relation_set_def)
    have 1: "as = [as ! 0, as ! 1]"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A cartesian_power_car_memE mem_Collect_eq pair_id val_relation_set_def)
    show "as    basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly"
      using A 1 val_relation_setE[of as]  Qp_val_semialg[of  "as!0" "as!1"]
      by presburger
  show "basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly  val_relation_set"
    fix as
    assume "as  basic_semialg_set 2 (2::nat) Qp_val_poly"
    then show "as  val_relation_set"
      using val_relation_setI[of as]
      by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' mem_Collect_eq
          one_less_numeral_iff Qp_val_semialg basic_semialg_set_def
          val_relation_set_def padic_fields_axioms pair_id pos2 semiring_norm(76))

lemma val_relation_is_semialgebraic:
"is_semialgebraic 2 val_relation_set"
proof -
have "{rs  carrier (Qp2). val (rs ! 0)  val (rs ! 1)} = basic_semialg_set (Suc 1) (Suc 1) Qp_val_poly"
using Suc_1 val_relation_semialg val_relation_set_def by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types) Qp_val_poly_closed Suc_1 basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic' val_relation_set_def zero_neq_numeral)

lemma Qp_val_ring_is_semialg:
  obtains P where "P  carrier Qp_x  𝒪p = univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P"
  obtain P where P_def: "P = (𝔭[^](3::nat)) Qp_x(X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_x(4::nat) Qp_x𝟭Qp_x⇙"
    by blast
  have 0: "P  carrier Qp_x"
    have 0: "(X_poly Qp)  carrier Qp_x"
      using UPQ.X_closed by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using P_def UPQ.P.nat_pow_closed p_natpow_closed(1) by blast
  have 1: "𝒪p = univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P"
    show "𝒪p  univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P"
      fix x
      assume A: "x  𝒪p"
      show "x  univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P"
        have x_car: "x  carrier Qp"
          using A val_ring_memE by blast
        then have "(y  carrier Qp. 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (x[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat)))"
          using A Qp_val_ring_alt_def[of x]
          by blast
        then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (x[^](4::nat)) = (y[^](2::nat))"
          by blast
        have "y  carrier Qp  P  x = (y[^](2::nat))"
          have "P  x = 𝟭 Qp(𝔭[^](3::nat)) (x[^](4::nat))"
            have "((𝔭[^](3::nat)) Qp_x(X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_x(4::nat))  carrier Qp_x"
              using UPQ.monom_closed p_natpow_closed(1) by blast
            then have "P  x = (((𝔭[^](3::nat)) Qp_x(X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_x(4::nat)) x) Qp(𝟭Qp_x x)"
              using P_def x_car UPQ.to_fun_plus by blast
            then have 0: "P  x = (𝔭[^](3::nat)) (( (X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_x(4::nat)) x) Qp(𝟭Qp_x x)"
              using UPQ.P.nat_pow_closed UPQ.X_closed UPQ.to_fun_smult p_natpow_closed(1) x_car by presburger
            have "(( (X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_x(4::nat)) x) = (x[^](4::nat))"
              using UPQ.to_fun_X_pow x_car by blast
            then have "P  x = (𝔭[^](3::nat)) (x[^](4::nat)) Qp𝟭"
              using "0" UPQ.to_fun_one x_car by presburger
            then show ?thesis
              using y_def Qp.add.m_comm Qp.one_closed local.monom_term_car p_natpow_closed(1) x_car
              by presburger
          then show ?thesis
            using y_def
            by blast
        then show ?thesis
          unfolding  univ_basic_semialg_set_def
          using x_car
          by blast
    show "univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P  𝒪p"
    proof fix x
      assume A: "x  univ_basic_semialg_set (2::nat) P"
      then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (P  x) = (y[^](2::nat))"
        unfolding univ_basic_semialg_set_def
        by blast
      have x_car: "x  carrier Qp"
        using A
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq univ_basic_semialg_set_def)
      have 0: "(P  x) = (𝔭[^](3::nat))  (x[^](4::nat)) Qp𝟭"
        using P_def x_car UPQ.UP_one_closed UPQ.monom_closed UPQ.monom_rep_X_pow UPQ.to_fun_monom
          UPQ.to_fun_one UPQ.to_fun_plus p_natpow_closed(1) by presburger
      have 1: "y  carrier Qp  (𝔭[^](3::nat))  (x[^](4::nat)) Qp𝟭 = (y[^](2::nat))"
        using "0" y_def
        by blast
      then show "x  𝒪p"
        using x_car Qp_val_ring_alt_def[of x] y_def
        by (metis Qp.add.m_comm Qp.one_closed local.monom_term_car p_natpow_closed(1))
  show ?thesis
    using 0 1 that
    by blast

lemma Qp_val_ring_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic 𝒪p"
  obtain P where "P  carrier Qp_x  𝒪p = univ_basic_semialg_set 2 P"
    using Qp_val_ring_is_semialg by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis univ_basic_semialg_set_is_univ_semialgebraic zero_neq_numeral)

lemma Qp_val_ring_is_semialgebraic:
"is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1` 𝒪p)"
  using Qp_val_ring_is_univ_semialgebraic is_univ_semialgebraic_def by blast

      subsubsection‹Inverse Images of Semialgebraic Sets by Polynomial Maps›

lemma basic_semialg_pullback:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘k⇙])"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = k"
  assumes "S = basic_semialg_set k m f"
  assumes "m  0"
  shows "poly_map n fs  ¯nS = basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)"
  show "poly_map n fs  ¯nS  basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  poly_map n fs  ¯nS"
    then have 0: "poly_map n fs x  S"
    proof -
      have "n f. {rs. rs  S}  {rs  carrier (Qpk). r. r  carrier Qp  Qp_ev f rs = (r[^](n::nat))}"
        by (metis (no_types) Collect_mem_eq S = basic_semialg_set k m f basic_semialg_set_def eq_iff)
      then show ?thesis
        using A by blast
    have 1: "x  carrier  (Qpn)"
      using A assms
      by (meson evimage_eq)
    have "y  (carrier Qp). Qp_ev f (poly_map n fs x) = (y[^]m)"
      using A 0 assms basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
    then have "y  (carrier Qp). Qp_ev (Qp_poly_comp n fs f) x = (y[^]m)"
      using 1 assms Qp_poly_comp_eval
      by blast
    then show "x  basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)"
      using "1" basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
  show "basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)  poly_map n fs  ¯nS"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)"
    have 0: "x  carrier (Qpn)"
      using A basic_semialg_set_def
      by blast
    have 1: "(poly_map n fs x)  carrier (Qpk)"
      using "0" poly_map_closed assms(2) assms(3)  by blast
    show "x  poly_map n fs  ¯nS"
      have "y  carrier Qp. Qp_ev (Qp_poly_comp n fs f) x = (y[^]m)"
        using A basic_semialg_set_def
        by blast
      then have 2: "y  carrier Qp. Qp_ev f (poly_map n fs x) = (y[^]m)"
        using assms Qp_poly_comp_eval
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A basic_semialg_set_def mem_Collect_eq)
      have 3: "poly_map n fs x  S"
        using assms 0 1 basic_semialg_set_def[of k m f] "2"
        by blast
      show ?thesis
        using "0" "3" by blast

lemma basic_semialg_pullback':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = k"
  assumes "A  basic_semialgs k"
  shows "poly_map n fs  ¯nA  (basic_semialgs n)"
  obtain f m where fm_def: "m 0 f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘k⇙])  A = basic_semialg_set k m f"
    using assms
    by (metis is_basic_semialg_def mem_Collect_eq)
  then have "poly_map n fs  ¯nA  = basic_semialg_set n m (Qp_poly_comp n fs f)"
    using assms basic_semialg_pullback[of f k n fs A m]
    by linarith
  then show ?thesis unfolding is_basic_semialg_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) fm_def mem_Collect_eq poly_compose_closed)

lemma semialg_pullback:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = k"
  assumes "S  semialg_sets k"
  shows "poly_map n fs  ¯nS  semialg_sets n"
  unfolding semialg_sets_def
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of S "(carrier (Qpk))" "basic_semialgs k"])
  using assms semialg_sets_def apply blast
  apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) carrier_is_semialgebraic evimageI2 extensional_vimage_closed is_semialgebraicE poly_map_closed semialg_sets_def subsetI subset_antisym)
  apply (metis Int_absorb2 assms(1) assms(2) basic_semialg_is_semialg basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic basic_semialg_pullback' is_semialgebraic_closed mem_Collect_eq semialg_sets_def)
  apply (metis evimage_Un semialg_sets_def semialg_union)
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) carrier_is_semialgebraic diff_is_semialgebraic evimage_Diff extensional_vimage_closed is_semialgebraicE is_semialgebraicI poly_map_closed poly_map_pullbackI semialg_sets_def subsetI subset_antisym)

lemma pullback_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = k"
  assumes "S  semialg_sets k"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (poly_map n fs  ¯nS)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)  is_semialgebraicI padic_fields_axioms semialg_pullback
  by blast

text‹Equality and inequality sets for a pair of polynomials›

definition val_ineq_set where
"val_ineq_set n f g = {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)}"

lemma poly_map_length :
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "length (poly_map n fs as) = m"
  using assms unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) length_map restrict_apply')

lemma val_ineq_set_pullback:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "val_ineq_set n f g = poly_map n [g,f] ¯nval_relation_set "
  show "val_ineq_set n f g  poly_map n [g,f]  ¯nval_relation_set"
    fix x
    assume "x  val_ineq_set n f g"
    then have 0: "x   carrier (Qpn)  val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq val_ineq_set_def)
    have 1: "poly_map n [g,f] x = [Qp_ev g x, Qp_ev f x]"
      unfolding  poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def  using 0
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_eq_map_conv list.simps(8) restrict_apply')
    have 2: "poly_map n [g,f] x  val_relation_set"
      apply(rule val_relation_setI)
      using 1 0 assms  apply (metis eval_at_point_closed nth_Cons_0)
      using 1 0 assms  apply (metis One_nat_def eval_at_point_closed diff_Suc_1 less_numeral_extra(1) nth_Cons_pos Qp.to_R_to_R1)
      using poly_map_length assms 0  apply (metis "1" Qp_2I cartesian_power_car_memE eval_at_point_closed)
      by (metis "0" "1" One_nat_def nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc)
    have 3: "is_poly_tuple n [g, f]"
      using assms
      by (smt One_nat_def diff_Suc_1 Qp_is_poly_tupleI length_Suc_conv less_SucE less_one list.size(3) nth_Cons')
    then show "x  poly_map n [g,f]  ¯nval_relation_set"
      using 0 1 2
      by blast
  show "poly_map n [g,f] ¯nval_relation_set  val_ineq_set n f g"
  proof fix x
    have 0: "is_poly_tuple n [g, f]"
      using Qp_is_poly_tupleI assms
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) diff_Suc_1 length_Cons less_Suc0 less_SucE list.size(3) nth_Cons')
    assume A: "x  poly_map n [g,f] ¯nval_relation_set"
    then have 1: "x  carrier (Qpn)  poly_map n [g,f] x  val_relation_set"
      using 0
      by (meson evimageD extensional_vimage_closed subsetD)
    have 2: "poly_map n [g,f] x = [Qp_ev g x, Qp_ev f x]"
      by (metis "1" Qp_poly_mapE' length_0_conv poly_map_cons)
    show "x  val_ineq_set n f g"
       using 0 1 2 unfolding val_ineq_set_def  val_relation_set_def
       by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" list.inject mem_Collect_eq nth_Cons_0 poly_map_apply val_relation_setE)

lemma val_ineq_set_is_semialg:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "val_ineq_set n f g  semialg_sets n"
  have 0: "val_relation_set  semialg_sets 2"
    using val_relation_semialg basic_semialg_is_semialg'
    by (metis Qp_val_poly_closed zero_neq_numeral)
  show ?thesis using val_ineq_set_pullback semialg_pullback[of n "[g,f]" 2 "val_relation_set" ]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" assms(1) assms(2) diff_Suc_1 Qp_is_poly_tupleI
        length_Cons less_Suc0 less_SucE list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_pos numeral_2_eq_2

lemma val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (val_ineq_set n f g)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) is_semialgebraicI val_ineq_set_is_semialg by blast

lemma val_ineq_setI:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "x  (val_ineq_set n f g)"
  shows "x  carrier (Qpn)"
        "val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)"
  using assms unfolding val_ineq_set_def  apply blast
  using assms unfolding val_ineq_set_def by blast

lemma val_ineq_setE:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes      "val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)"
  shows "x  (val_ineq_set n f g)"
  using assms unfolding val_ineq_set_def
  by blast

lemma val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)}"
  using assms val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic unfolding val_ineq_set_def by blast

lemma val_eq_set_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = val (Qp_ev g x)}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)}"
    using assms val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic unfolding val_ineq_set_def
    by blast
  have 1: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x)  val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    using assms val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic unfolding val_ineq_set_def
    by blast
  have 2: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = val (Qp_ev g x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)} 
                                                   {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x)   val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    apply(rule equalityI, rule  subsetI , rule IntI) unfolding mem_Collect_eq
    using le_less apply blast apply (metis order_refl)
    apply(rule  subsetI, erule IntE) unfolding mem_Collect_eq
    by (meson less_le_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
  show ?thesis unfolding 2 apply(rule intersection_is_semialg)
    using 0 apply blast using 1 by blast

lemma equalityI'':
  assumes "x. A x  B x"
  assumes "x. B x  A x"
  shows "{x. A x} = {x. B x}"
  using assms by blast

lemma val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < val (Qp_ev g x)}"
  have 0: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < val (Qp_ev g x)} =
             {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)} - {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = val (Qp_ev g x)}"
    apply(rule equalityI', rule DiffI) unfolding le_less mem_Collect_eq  apply blast
    unfolding mem_Collect_eq using neq_iff apply blast
    apply(erule DiffE) unfolding mem_Collect_eq by blast
  show ?thesis unfolding 0
    apply(rule diff_is_semialgebraic)
    using assms val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic[of f n g] unfolding val_ineq_set_def apply blast
    using assms val_eq_set_is_semialgebraic[of f n g] unfolding val_ineq_set_def by blast

lemma constant_poly_val_exists:
  shows "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]). ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
  obtain a where a_def: "a  carrier Qp  val a = c"
    by (meson Qp.minus_closed Qp.nonzero_closed dist_nonempty' p_nonzero)
  obtain g where g_def: "g = coord_const a"
    by blast
  show ?thesis using a_def g_def Qp_to_IP_car
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Qp_to_IP_car a_def eval_at_point_const g_def le_less subset_iff)

lemma val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic'':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  c}"
  obtain g where g_def: "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
    using constant_poly_val_exists by blast
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)}"
    apply(rule val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic')
    using assms apply blast using  g_def by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  val (Qp_ev g x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x)  c}"
    apply(rule equalityI'') using g_def apply fastforce using g_def by fastforce
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1 by blast

lemma val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic''':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). c  val (Qp_ev f x)}"
  obtain g where g_def: "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
    using constant_poly_val_exists by blast
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x)  val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    apply(rule val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic')
     using  g_def apply blast using assms by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x)  val (Qp_ev f x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn).  c  val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    apply(rule equalityI'') using g_def apply fastforce using g_def by fastforce
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1 by blast

lemma val_eq_set_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = c}"
  obtain g where g_def: "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
    using constant_poly_val_exists by blast
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = val (Qp_ev g x)}"
    apply(rule val_eq_set_is_semialgebraic)
    using assms apply blast using  g_def by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = val (Qp_ev g x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) = c}"
    apply(rule equalityI'') using g_def apply fastforce using g_def by metis
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1 by blast

lemma val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < c}"
  obtain g where g_def: "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
    using constant_poly_val_exists by blast
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < val (Qp_ev g x)}"
    apply(rule val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic)
    using assms apply blast using  g_def by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < val (Qp_ev g x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev f x) < c}"
    apply(rule equalityI'') using g_def apply fastforce using g_def
    by fastforce
  show ?thesis using 0 g_def unfolding 1
    by blast

lemma val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic'':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn). c < val (Qp_ev f x)}"
  obtain g where g_def: "g  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  ( x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) = c)"
    using constant_poly_val_exists by blast
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic n {x  carrier (Qpn).  val (Qp_ev g x) < val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    apply(rule val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic)
    using   g_def apply blast using assms  by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qpn). val (Qp_ev g x) < val (Qp_ev f x)} = {x  carrier (Qpn). c < val (Qp_ev f x)}"
    apply(rule equalityI'') using assms g_def apply fastforce using assms g_def by fastforce
  show ?thesis using 0 g_def unfolding 1
    by blast

lemma(in cring) R1_memE:
  assumes "x  carrier (R1)"
  shows "x = [(hd x)]"
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE
  by (metis diff_is_0_eq' hd_conv_nth le_eq_less_or_eq length_0_conv length_tl list.exhaust list.sel(3) normalize.cases nth_Cons_0 zero_neq_one)

lemma(in cring) R1_memE':
 assumes "x  carrier (R1)"
 shows "hd x  carrier R"
  using R1_memE assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of x R 1] cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x R 1 0]
  by (metis hd_conv_nth less_numeral_extra(1) list.size(3) zero_neq_one)

lemma univ_val_ineq_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic {x  carrier Qp. val x  c}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic 1 {x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x)  c}"
    apply(rule val_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic'')
    using pvar_closed by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x)  c} = to_R1 ` {x  carrier Qp. val x  c}"
  proof(rule equalityI')
    show " x. x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0))  c}  x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x  c}"
    proof- fix x assume A: "x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0))  c}"
      then have 0: "x = [(hd x)]  hd x  carrier Qp"
        using Qp.R1_memE Qp.R1_memE' by blast
      have 1: "eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0) = hd x"
        using A 0
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def eval_pvar lessI nth_Cons_0 Qp.to_R1_closed)
      then show "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x  c}"
        using A 0 unfolding mem_Collect_eq
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_iff mem_Collect_eq)
    show "x. x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x  c}  x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0))  c}"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x  c} "
      then obtain a where a_def: "x = [a]  a  carrier Qp  val a  c"
        by blast
      then have 0: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
        using cartesian_power_car_memI Qp.to_R1_closed by presburger
      then have 1: "(eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = a"
        using a_def  by (metis eval_pvar less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1)
      show "x  carrier (Qp1)  val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0))  c"
        unfolding 1 using a_def 0 by blast
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1
    using is_univ_semialgebraicI by blast

lemma univ_val_strict_ineq_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic {x  carrier Qp. val x < c}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic 1 {x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x) <c}"
    apply(rule val_strict_ineq_set_is_semialgebraic')
    using pvar_closed by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x) < c} = to_R1 ` {x  carrier Qp. val x < c}"
  proof(rule equalityI')
    show " x. x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) < c}  x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x < c}"
    proof- fix x assume A: "x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) < c}"
      then have 0: "x = [(hd x)]  hd x  carrier Qp"
        using Qp.R1_memE Qp.R1_memE' by blast
      have 1: "eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0) = hd x"
        using A 0
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def eval_pvar lessI nth_Cons_0 Qp.to_R1_closed)
      then show "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x < c}"
        using A 0 unfolding mem_Collect_eq
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_iff mem_Collect_eq)
    show "x. x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x < c}  x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) < c}"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x < c} "
      then obtain a where a_def: "x = [a]  a  carrier Qp  val a < c"
        by blast
      then have 0: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
        using cartesian_power_car_memI Qp.to_R1_closed by presburger
      then have 1: "(eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = a"
        using a_def  by (metis eval_pvar less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1)
      show "x  carrier (Qp1)  val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) < c"
        unfolding 1 using a_def 0 by blast
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1
    using is_univ_semialgebraicI by blast

lemma univ_val_eq_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic {x  carrier Qp. val x = c}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic 1 {x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x) = c}"
    apply(rule val_eq_set_is_semialgebraic')
    using pvar_closed by blast
  have 1: "{x  carrier (Qp1). val (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x) = c} = to_R1 ` {x  carrier Qp. val x = c}"
  proof(rule equalityI')
    show " x. x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = c}  x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x = c}"
    proof- fix x assume A: "x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = c}"
      then have 0: "x = [(hd x)]  hd x  carrier Qp"
        using Qp.R1_memE Qp.R1_memE' by blast
      have 1: "eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0) = hd x"
        using A 0
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def eval_pvar lessI nth_Cons_0 Qp.to_R1_closed)
      show "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x = c}"
        using A 0 unfolding mem_Collect_eq 1 by blast
    show "x. x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x = c}  x  {x  carrier (Qp1). val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = c}"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. val x = c} "
      then obtain a where a_def: "x = [a]  a  carrier Qp  val a = c"
        by blast
      then have 0: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
        using cartesian_power_car_memI Qp.to_R1_closed by presburger
      then have 1: "(eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = a"
        using a_def  by (metis eval_pvar less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1)
      show "x  carrier (Qp1)  val (eval_at_point Qp x (pvar Qp 0)) = c"
        unfolding 1 using a_def 0 by blast
  show ?thesis using 0 unfolding 1
    using is_univ_semialgebraicI by blast

      subsubsection‹One Dimensional $p$-adic Balls are Semialgebraic›

lemma coord_ring_one_def:
"Pring Qp {(0::nat)} = (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])"
  have "{(0::nat)} = {..<1}"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  by auto

lemma times_p_pow_val:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b = 𝔭[^]n  a"
  shows "val b = val a + n"
  using  val_mult[of "𝔭[^]n" a] assms unfolding assms(2) val_p_int_pow
  by (metis add.commute p_intpow_closed(1))

lemma times_p_pow_neg_val:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b = 𝔭[^]-n  a"
  shows "val b = val a - n"
  by (metis Qp.m_comm Qp_int_pow_nonzero assms(1) assms(2) p_intpow_closed(1) p_intpow_inv'' p_nonzero val_fract val_p_int_pow)

lemma eint_minus_int_pos:
  assumes "a - eint n  0"
  shows "a  n"
  using assms apply(induction a)
  apply (metis diff_ge_0_iff_ge eint_ord_simps(1) idiff_eint_eint zero_eint_def)
  by simp

textp›-adic balls as pullbacks of polynomial maps›

lemma balls_as_pullbacks:
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  shows "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙]). to_R1` B⇘n⇙[c] = poly_map 1 [P]  ¯1(to_R1 ` 𝒪p)"
  obtain P0 where P0_def: "P0 = (to_poly (𝔭[^](-n))) Qp_x((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)"
    by blast
  have 0: "P0  carrier Qp_x"
    have P0: "(X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c  carrier Qp_x"
      using UPQ.X_closed UPQ.to_poly_closed assms by blast
    have P1: "(to_poly (𝔭[^](-n)))  carrier Qp_x"
      using UPQ.to_poly_closed p_intpow_closed(1) by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using P0_def P0 P1
      by blast
  have 1: "x. x  carrier Qp  P0  x = (𝔭[^](-n))   (x Qpc)"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  carrier Qp"
    have P0: "(to_poly (𝔭[^](-n)))  x = (𝔭[^](-n))"
      using A UPQ.to_fun_to_poly p_intpow_closed(1) by blast
    have P1: "((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)  x =  (x Qpc)"
      by (metis A UPQ.to_fun_X_minus X_poly_minus_def assms)
    have P2: "to_poly (𝔭[^](-n))  carrier Qp_x"
      using UPQ.to_poly_closed p_intpow_closed(1) by blast
    have P3: "((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)  carrier Qp_x"
      using UPQ.X_closed UPQ.to_poly_closed assms by blast
    have "to_poly (𝔭[^]- n) Qp_x((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)  x = to_poly (𝔭[^]- n)  x  (((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)  x)"
      using A P0_def P0 P1 P2 P3 to_fun_mult[of "to_poly (𝔭[^](-n))" "(X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c" x] UPQ.to_fun_mult
      by blast
    then have "to_poly (𝔭[^]- n) Qp_x((X_poly Qp) Qp_xto_poly c)  x = (𝔭[^](-n))   (x Qpc) "
      by (metis P0 P1)
    then show "P0  x = (𝔭[^](-n))   (x Qpc)"
      using P0_def by metis
  have 2: " (λa. [a]) ` B⇘n⇙[c] = poly_map 1  [from_Qp_x P0]  ¯1((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p)"
    show "(λa. [a]) ` B⇘n⇙[c]  poly_map 1  [from_Qp_x P0]  ¯1((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p)"
      fix x
      assume A: "x  (λa. [a]) ` B⇘n⇙[c]"
      then obtain a where a_def: "x = [a]  a  B⇘n⇙[c]"
        by blast
      have P0: "P0  a  𝒪p"
        have "B⇘n⇙[c]  carrier Qp"
          using c_ball_in_Qp by blast
        hence a_closed: "a  carrier Qp"
          using a_def by blast
        have P0: "P0  a = (𝔭[^](-n))   (a  c)"
          using 1 a_def c_ballE(1)
          by blast
        then have P1: "val (P0  a) = val (𝔭[^](-n)) + val (a  c)"
          using val_mult[of "𝔭[^]-n" "a  c"] a_closed assms Qp.minus_closed p_intpow_closed(1)
          by presburger
         then have P2: "val (P0  a) = val (a Qpc) - n"
           by (metis P0 Qp.m_comm Qp.minus_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero assms local.a_closed
               p_intpow_closed(1) p_intpow_inv'' p_nonzero val_fract val_p_int_pow)
         have P3: "val (a Qpc)  n"
           using a_def c_ballE(2)
           by blast
         then have "val (P0  a)  -n + n"
           using P2 by (metis add.commute diff_conv_add_uminus diff_self local.eint_minus_ineq' zero_eint_def)
         then have P4: "val (P0  a)  0"
           by (metis add.commute add.right_inverse zero_eint_def)
         have P5: "P0  a  carrier Qp"
           using "0" UPQ.to_fun_closed local.a_closed by blast
         then show ?thesis using P4
           using val_ring_val_criterion
           by blast
      have "poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x = [Qp_ev (from_Qp_x P0) [a]] "
        using a_def poly_map_def[of 1 "[from_Qp_x P0]"] poly_tuple_eval_def[of ]
        by (metis Qp_poly_mapE' c_ballE(1) length_0_conv poly_map_cons Qp.to_R1_closed)
      then have "poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x = [P0  a] "
        using Qp_x_Qp_poly_eval[of P0 a]
        by (metis "0" a_def c_ballE(1))
      then have P1: "poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x  ((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p)"
        using P0
        by blast
      have P2: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
        using A c_ballE(1) Qp.to_R1_closed
        by blast
      have P3: "is_poly_tuple 1 [from_Qp_x P0]"
        apply(rule Qp_is_poly_tupleI)
        by (metis "0" Qp_is_poly_tupleI from_Qp_x_closed gr_implies_not0 is_poly_tupleE is_poly_tuple_Cons list.size(3) zero_neq_one)
      show "x  poly_map 1 [UP_to_IP Qp 0 P0] ¯1(λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p"
        using P3 P2 P1 unfolding evimage_def poly_map_def
        by blast
    have 20: "is_poly_tuple 1 [from_Qp_x P0]"
      using 0 UP_to_IP_closed[of P0 "0::nat"]
      unfolding is_poly_tuple_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_set from_Qp_x_closed list.simps(15) singletonD subset_code(1))
    show "poly_map 1 [UP_to_IP Qp 0 P0] ¯1(λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p  (λa. [a]) ` B⇘n⇙[c]"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  poly_map 1 [UP_to_IP Qp 0 P0] ¯1((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p)"
      have A0: "(λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p  carrier (Qp1)"
        using Qp_val_ring_is_univ_semialgebraic is_univ_semialgebraic_def Qp.to_R1_car_subset
              Qp_val_ring_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraic_closed by presburger
      have "poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x   ((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p)"
        using A0 A 20  by blast
      then obtain a where a_def:  "a  𝒪p  (poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x) = [a]"
        by blast
      have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
        using A
        by (meson evimage_eq)
      then obtain y where y_def: "x = [y]  y  carrier Qp"
        using A
        by (metis Qp.to_R1_to_R Qp.to_R_pow_closed)
      have "(poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x) = [(Qp_ev (from_Qp_x P0) [y])]"
        unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def using x_closed
        by (smt "20" One_nat_def length_Suc_conv list.size(3) nth_Cons_0 nth_map
            poly_tuple_eval_closed poly_tuple_eval_def restrict_apply' Qp.to_R1_to_R y_def zero_less_Suc)
      then have "(poly_map 1 [from_Qp_x P0] x) = [P0  y]"
        by (metis "0" Qp_x_Qp_poly_eval y_def)
      then have "[a] = [P0  y]"
        using a_def
        by presburger
      then have A1: "a =  (𝔭[^](-n))   (y Qpc)"
        using 1[of y] y_def
        by blast
      have "y  B⇘n⇙[c]"
        have B0: "val a =  val (y Qpc) - n"
          using A1 y_def Qp.minus_closed assms times_p_pow_neg_val by blast
        have B1: "val a  0"
          using a_def val_ring_memE by blast
        then have  "val (y Qpc) - n  0"
          using B0
          by metis
        then have  "val (y Qpc)  n"
          using eint_minus_int_pos by blast
        then show "y  B⇘n⇙[c]"
          using c_ballI y_def by blast
      then show "x  (λa. [a]) ` B⇘n⇙[c]"
        using y_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson "0" from_Qp_x_closed)

lemma ball_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1` B⇘n⇙[c])"
  obtain P where P_def: "P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1⇙])  to_R1` B⇘n⇙[c] = poly_map 1 [P]  ¯1(to_R1 ` 𝒪p) "
    using assms balls_as_pullbacks[of c n] by meson
  have "is_poly_tuple 1 [P]"
    using P_def unfolding is_poly_tuple_def
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) list.inject list.set_cases neq_Nil_conv subset_code(1))
  then show ?thesis
    using assms P_def pullback_is_semialg[of 1 "[P]" 1 "((λa. [a]) ` 𝒪p) "]
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) One_nat_def
        Qp_val_ring_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraic_def length_Suc_conv
        list.distinct(1) list.size(3))

lemma ball_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (B⇘n⇙[c])"
  using assms ball_is_semialgebraic c_ball_in_Qp is_univ_semialgebraic_def
  by presburger

abbreviation Qp_to_R1_set  where
"Qp_to_R1_set S  to_R1 ` S"

      subsubsection‹Finite Unions and Intersections of Semialgebraic Sets›

definition are_semialgebraic where
"are_semialgebraic n Xs = ( x. x  Xs  is_semialgebraic n x)"

lemma are_semialgebraicI:
  assumes "x. x  Xs  is_semialgebraic n x "
  shows "are_semialgebraic n Xs"
  using are_semialgebraic_def assms by blast

lemma are_semialgebraicE:
  assumes "are_semialgebraic n Xs"
  assumes "x  Xs"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n x"
  using are_semialgebraic_def assms(1) assms(2) by blast

definition are_univ_semialgebraic where
"are_univ_semialgebraic Xs = ( x. x  Xs  is_univ_semialgebraic x)"

lemma are_univ_semialgebraicI:
  assumes "x. x  Xs  is_univ_semialgebraic x "
  shows "are_univ_semialgebraic Xs"
  using are_univ_semialgebraic_def assms by blast

lemma are_univ_semialgebraicE:
  assumes "are_univ_semialgebraic Xs"
  assumes "x  Xs"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic x"
  using are_univ_semialgebraic_def assms(1) assms(2) by blast

lemma are_univ_semialgebraic_semialgebraic:
  assumes "are_univ_semialgebraic Xs"
  shows "are_semialgebraic 1 (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
  apply(rule  are_semialgebraicI)
  using  are_univ_semialgebraicE assms image_iff is_univ_semialgebraicE
  by (metis (no_types, lifting))

lemma to_R1_set_union:
"to_R1 ` ( Xs) =  (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
  using image_iff by blast

lemma to_R1_inter:
  assumes "Xs  {}"
  shows "to_R1 ` ( Xs) =  (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
  show "to_R1 ` ( Xs)    (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
    by blast
  show " (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)  to_R1 ` ( Xs)"
  proof fix x
    assume  A: "x   (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
    then have 0: "S. S  Xs  x  (Qp_to_R1_set S)"
      by blast
    obtain S where "S  Xs  x  (Qp_to_R1_set S)"
      using assms 0
      by blast
    then obtain b where b_def: "b  S  x = [b]"
      by blast
    have "b  ( Xs)"
      using "0" b_def by blast
    then show "x  to_R1 ` ( Xs)"
      using b_def by blast

lemma finite_union_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  shows "Xs  semialg_sets n  is_semialgebraic n ( Xs)"
  apply(rule finite.induct[of Xs])
    apply (simp add: assms)
  apply (simp add: empty_is_semialgebraic)
  by (metis Sup_insert insert_subset is_semialgebraicI union_is_semialgebraic)

lemma finite_union_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "Xs  semialg_sets n "
  shows "is_semialgebraic n ( Xs)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) finite_union_is_semialgebraic by blast

lemma(in padic_fields) finite_union_is_semialgebraic'':
  assumes "finite S"
  assumes  "x. x  S  is_semialgebraic m (F x)"
  shows "is_semialgebraic m ( x  S. F x)"
  using assms  finite_union_is_semialgebraic[of "F`S" m] unfolding is_semialgebraic_def
  by blast

lemma finite_union_is_univ_semialgebraic':
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "are_univ_semialgebraic Xs"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic ( Xs)"
  have "is_semialgebraic 1 (Qp_to_R1_set ( Xs))"
    using assms finite_union_is_semialgebraic'[of "((`) (λa. [a]) ` Xs)"] to_R1_set_union[of Xs]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) are_semialgebraicE are_univ_semialgebraic_semialgebraic
        finite_imageI is_semialgebraicE subsetI)
  then show ?thesis
    using is_univ_semialgebraicI by blast

lemma finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  shows "Xs  semialg_sets n  Xs {}  is_semialgebraic n ( Xs)"
  apply(rule finite.induct[of Xs])
  apply (simp add: assms)
  apply auto[1]
proof fix A::"((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list set set" fix a
  assume 0: "finite A"
  assume 1: "A  semialg_sets n  A  {}  is_semialgebraic n ( A) "
  assume 2: "insert a A  semialg_sets n  insert a A  {}"
  show "is_semialgebraic n ( (insert a A))"
  proof(cases "A = {}")
    case True
    then have "insert a A = {a}"
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis "2" cInf_singleton insert_subset is_semialgebraicI)
    case False
    then have "A  semialg_sets n  A  {}"
      using "2" by blast
    then have "is_semialgebraic n ( A) "
      using "1" by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using 0 1 2 intersection_is_semialg
      by (metis Inf_insert insert_subset is_semialgebraicI)

lemma finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "Xs  semialg_sets n  Xs {}"
  shows  " is_semialgebraic n ( Xs)"
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic)

lemma finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic'':
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "are_semialgebraic n Xs  Xs {}"
  shows  " is_semialgebraic n ( Xs)"
  by (meson are_semialgebraicE assms(1) assms(2)
      finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic' is_semialgebraicE subsetI)

lemma finite_intersection_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "finite Xs"
  assumes "are_univ_semialgebraic Xs"
  assumes "Xs  {}"
  shows  "is_univ_semialgebraic ( Xs)"
  have "are_semialgebraic 1 (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs)"
    using are_univ_semialgebraic_semialgebraic assms(2) by blast
  then have  "is_semialgebraic 1 ( (Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs))"
    using assms finite_intersection_is_semialgebraic''[of "Qp_to_R1_set ` Xs" 1]
    by blast
  then  have "is_semialgebraic 1 (Qp_to_R1_set ( Xs))"
    using assms  to_R1_inter[of Xs]
    by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using is_univ_semialgebraicI by blast

subsection‹Cartesian Products of Semialgebraic Sets›

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_right:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm)) = basic_semialg_set (n+ m) k a"
  show "cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm))  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm))"
    then obtain as bs where as_bs_def: "as  (basic_semialg_set n k a)  bs  (carrier (Qpm))  x = as@bs"
      using cartesian_product_memE[of x "basic_semialg_set n k a" "carrier (Qpm)" Qp n]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_take_drop_id basic_semialg_set_memE(1) subsetI)
    have 0: "x  carrier (Qpn+m)"
      using as_bs_def basic_semialg_set_memE(1) cartesian_product_closed'
      by blast
    have 1: "(Qp_ev a x = Qp_ev a as)"
      using as_bs_def  poly_eval_cartesian_prod[of as n bs m a] assms basic_semialg_set_memE(1) by blast
    obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  (Qp_ev a as = (y[^]k))"
      using as_bs_def using basic_semialg_set_memE(2)[of as n k a] by blast
    show "x  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a"
      apply(rule basic_semialg_set_memI[of _ _ y])
        apply (simp add: "0")
       apply (simp add: y_def)
      using "1" y_def by blast
  show "basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a  cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm))"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a"
    have A0: "x  carrier (Qpn+m)"
      using A basic_semialg_set_memE(1) by blast
    have A1: "set x  carrier Qp"
      using A0
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' in_set_conv_nth subsetI)
    have A2: "length x = n + m"
      using A0 cartesian_power_car_memE
      by blast
    obtain as where as_def: "as = take n x"
      by blast
    obtain bs where bs_def: "bs = drop n x"
      by blast
    have 0:  "x = as@bs"
      using A as_def bs_def
        by (metis append_take_drop_id)
      have 1: "as  carrier (Qpn)"
        apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
        using as_def A2
        apply (simp add: A2 min.absorb2)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A1 as_def dual_order.trans set_take_subset)
      have 2:  "bs  carrier (Qpm)"
        apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
        using bs_def A2
        apply (simp add: A2)
        by (metis A1 bs_def order.trans set_drop_subset)
      obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp   Qp_ev a x = (y[^]k)"
        using basic_semialg_set_memE A by meson
      have 3: "as  basic_semialg_set n k a"
        apply(rule basic_semialg_set_memI[of _ _ y])
          apply (simp add: "1")
        using y  carrier Qp  Qp_ev a x = (y[^]k) apply blast
        using y_def A 1 0 2 assms(1) poly_eval_cartesian_prod by blast
      show " x  cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm))"
        using 3 2 "0"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) as_def basic_semialg_set_memE(1) bs_def cartesian_product_memI subsetI)

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "k > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm)))"
  have 0: "cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm)) = basic_semialg_set (n+ m) k a"
    using Qp_times_basic_semialg_right assms
    by presburger
  have 1: " a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"
    using assms poly_ring_car_mono'(2) by blast
  have 2: "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a)"
    using  assms basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic'[of a "n+m" k "basic_semialg_set (n + m) k a"]
          "1" by blast
  show ?thesis
    using 0 2
    by metis

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "A  basic_semialgs n"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A (carrier (Qpm)))"
  obtain k P where "k  0  Pcarrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]) A = basic_semialg_set n k P"
    using assms  is_basic_semialg_def
    by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis using
      Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic[of  k P]
    using assms(1) by blast

lemma cartesian_product_memE':
  assumes "x  cartesian_product A B"
  obtains a b where "a  A  b  B  x = a@b"
  using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_left:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a)  = basic_semialg_set (n+m) k (shift_vars n m a)"
  show "cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a)  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k (shift_vars n m a)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a)"
    then obtain as bs where as_bs_def: "as  (carrier (Qpm))  bs  (basic_semialg_set n k a)  x = as@bs "
     using cartesian_product_memE' by blast
    have 0: "Qp_ev (shift_vars n m a) x = Qp_ev a bs"
      using A as_bs_def assms shift_vars_eval[of a n as m bs ]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) basic_semialg_set_memE(1))
    obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  Qp_ev a bs = (y[^]k)"
      using as_bs_def basic_semialg_set_memE(2)
      by blast
    have 1: "x  carrier (Qpn+m)"
      using A as_bs_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute basic_semialg_set_memE(1) cartesian_product_closed')
    show "x  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k (shift_vars n m a)"
      apply(rule basic_semialg_set_memI[of _ _ y])
        apply (simp add: "1")
          using y_def apply blast
           using "0" y_def by blast
  show "basic_semialg_set (n + m) k (shift_vars n m a)  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a) "
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  basic_semialg_set (n + m) k (shift_vars n m a)"
    then obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  Qp_ev (shift_vars n m a) x = (y[^]k)"
      using assms basic_semialg_set_memE[of x "n + m" k "shift_vars n m a"]
            shift_vars_closed[of a m] Qp.cring_axioms
      by blast
    have "x  carrier (Qpm+n)"
      using A basic_semialg_set_memE(1)
      by (metis add.commute)
    then have "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (carrier (Qpn))"
      using cartesian_product_carrier by blast
    then obtain as bs where as_bs_def: "x = as@bs  as  carrier (Qpm)  bs  carrier (Qpn)"
      by (meson cartesian_product_memE')
    have "bs  (basic_semialg_set n k a)"
    apply(rule basic_semialg_set_memI[of _ _ y])
      using as_bs_def apply blast
       apply (simp add: y_def)
        using y_def shift_vars_eval[of a n as m bs ] as_bs_def assms(1)
        by metis
    then show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a)"
      using as_bs_def unfolding cartesian_product_def
      by blast

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_left_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "k > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialg_set n k a))"
  using basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic'[of a "n+m" k] Qp_times_basic_semialg_left
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic is_basic_semialg_def neq0_conv shift_vars_closed)

lemma Qp_times_basic_semialg_left_is_semialgebraic':
  assumes "A  basic_semialgs n"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) A)"
  obtain k P where "k  0  Pcarrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]) A = basic_semialg_set n k P"
    using assms  is_basic_semialg_def
    by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis using
      Qp_times_basic_semialg_left_is_semialgebraic[of k P]
    using assms(1)  by blast

lemma product_of_basic_semialgs_is_semialg:
  assumes "k > 0"
  assumes "l > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "b  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (basic_semialg_set m l b))"
  have 0:  "cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm)) =  basic_semialg_set (n+ m) k a"
    using Qp_times_basic_semialg_right assms  by presburger
  have 1:  "cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialg_set m l b)  = basic_semialg_set (m + n) l (shift_vars m n b)"
    using Qp_times_basic_semialg_left assms by blast
  have 2: "(cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (basic_semialg_set m l b)) =
                cartesian_product (basic_semialg_set n k a) (carrier (Qpm)) 
                 cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialg_set m l b)"
    have 0: "basic_semialg_set n k a  carrier (Qpn)"
      using basic_semialg_set_memE(1) by blast
    have 1: "carrier (Qpm)  carrier (Qpm)"
      by simp
    have 2: "carrier (Qpn)  carrier (Qpn)"
      by simp
    have 3: "basic_semialg_set m l b  carrier (Qpm)"
      using basic_semialg_set_memE(1) by blast
    show ?thesis
      using 0 1 2 3 cartesian_product_intersection[of "(basic_semialg_set n k a)" Qp n
                                              "(carrier (Qpm))" m
                                              "(carrier (Qpn))" "(basic_semialg_set m l b)"]
      by (smt Collect_cong inf.absorb_iff1 inf.absorb_iff2)
  then show ?thesis
    using Qp_times_basic_semialg_left_is_semialgebraic
          Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic  assms
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute intersection_is_semialg)

lemma product_of_basic_semialgs_is_semialg':
  assumes "A  (basic_semialgs n)"
  assumes "B  (basic_semialgs m)"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
  obtain k a where ka_def: "k > 0  a  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])  A = (basic_semialg_set n k a)"
    using assms
    by (metis is_basic_semialg_def mem_Collect_eq neq0_conv)
  obtain l b where lb_def: "l > 0  b  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])  B = (basic_semialg_set m l b)"
    by (metis assms(2) gr_zeroI is_basic_semialg_def mem_Collect_eq)
  show ?thesis using ka_def lb_def assms product_of_basic_semialgs_is_semialg
  by blast

lemma car_times_semialg_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic m B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) B)"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of B "carrier (Qpm)""basic_semialgs m"])
  using assms is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def apply blast
  apply (simp add: carrier_is_semialgebraic cartesian_product_carrier)
  show "A. A  basic_semialgs m  is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (A  carrier (Qpm)))"
    fix A assume A: "A  basic_semialgs m "
    then have " (A  carrier (Qpm)) = A"
      by (metis basic_semialg_set_memE(1) inf_absorb1 is_basic_semialg_def mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
    then show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (A  carrier (Qpm)))"
      using add.commute[of n m] assms A
      by (simp add: n + m = m + n)
  show "A C. A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m) 
           is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) A) 
           C  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m) 
           is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) C) 
           is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (A  C))"
  proof- fix A C assume A: " A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m)"
           "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) A)"
           "C  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m)"
          " is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) C)"
    then have B: "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) A  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) C)"
      using union_is_semialgebraic by blast
    show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (A  C))"
      have 0: "A  carrier (Qpm)"
        using A(1) gen_boolean_algebra_subset
        by blast
      have  1: " C  carrier (Qpm)"
        using A(3) gen_boolean_algebra_subset
        by blast
      then show ?thesis using 0 A B
        using cartesian_product_binary_union_right[of A Qp m C "(carrier (Qpn))"]
        unfolding is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def
        by presburger
  show "A. A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m) 
         is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) A) 
         is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (carrier (Qpm) - A))"
  proof- fix A assume A: "A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m)"
                      "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) A)"
    then have "A  carrier (Qpm)"
      using gen_boolean_algebra_subset
      by blast
    then show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn)) (carrier (Qpm) - A))"
      using A cartesian_product_car_complement_right[of A Qp m n]
      unfolding is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) semialg_complement semialg_sets_def)

lemma basic_semialg_times_semialg_is_semialg:
  assumes "A  basic_semialgs n"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic m B"
  shows " is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of B "carrier (Qpm)""basic_semialgs m"])
  using assms(2) is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def apply blast
  using Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic' assms(1) apply blast
  apply (metis assms(1) basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic inf.absorb1 is_semialgebraic_closed mem_Collect_eq product_of_basic_semialgs_is_semialg')
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_product_binary_union_right is_semialgebraicI is_semialgebraic_closed semialg_sets_def union_is_semialgebraic)
  show "Aa. Aa  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m) 
          is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A Aa)  is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A (carrier (Qpm) - Aa))"
   proof- fix B assume A:  "B  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) (basic_semialgs m)"
                         "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A (carrier (Qpm) - B))"
    using A assms cartesian_product_complement_right[of B Qp m A n] add.commute[of n m]
  proof -
   have f1: "n B. ¬ is_semialgebraic n B  B  carrier (Qpn)"
     by (meson is_semialgebraic_closed)
   have "is_basic_semialg n A"
     using A  {S. is_basic_semialg n S} by blast
   then have f2: "is_semialgebraic n A"
     using padic_fields.basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic padic_fields_axioms by blast
   have "B  semialg_sets m"
     using B  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpm)) {S. is_basic_semialg m S} semialg_sets_def by blast
   then have "is_semialgebraic m B"
     by (meson padic_fields.is_semialgebraicI padic_fields_axioms)
   then show ?thesis
     using f2 f1 by (metis (no_types) Qp_times_basic_semialg_right_is_semialgebraic' A  {S. is_basic_semialg n S} B  carrier (Qpm); A  carrier (Qpn)  cartesian_product A (carrier (Qpm)) - cartesian_product A B = cartesian_product A (carrier (Qpm) - B) is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B) diff_is_semialgebraic)

text‹Semialgebraic sets are closed under cartesian products›

lemma cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n A"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic m B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
  apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of A "carrier (Qpn)""basic_semialgs n"])
  using assms is_semialgebraicE semialg_sets_def apply blast
  using assms car_times_semialg_is_semialg  apply blast
  using assms basic_semialg_times_semialg_is_semialg
  apply (simp add: Int_absorb2 basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraic_closed)
  show "A C. A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n) 
           is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B) 
           C  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n) 
           is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product C B)  is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (A  C) B)"
  proof- fix A C assume A: "A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n)"
                           "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
                           "C  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n)"
                           "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product C B)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (A  C) B)"
      using A cartesian_product_binary_union_left[of A Qp n C B]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) gen_boolean_algebra_subset union_is_semialgebraic)
  show "A. A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n) 
         is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)  is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn) - A) B)"
  proof- fix A assume A: "A  gen_boolean_algebra (carrier (Qpn)) (basic_semialgs n)"
                        "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product A B)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpn) - A) B)"
      using assms  A cartesian_product_complement_left[of A Qp n B m]
      unfolding is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def
      by (metis car_times_semialg_is_semialg diff_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraicE is_semialgebraicI
          is_semialgebraic_closed semialg_sets_def)

subsection‹$N^{th}$ Power Residues›

definition nth_root_poly where
"nth_root_poly (n::nat) a = ((X_poly Qp) [^]Qp_xn) Qp_x(to_poly a)"

lemma nth_root_poly_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "nth_root_poly n a  carrier Qp_x"
  using assms unfolding nth_root_poly_def
  by (meson UPQ.P.minus_closed UPQ.P.nat_pow_closed UPQ.X_closed UPQ.to_poly_closed)

lemma nth_root_poly_eval:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  shows "(nth_root_poly n a)  b = (b[^]n) Qpa"
  using assms unfolding nth_root_poly_def
  using UPQ.P.nat_pow_closed UPQ.X_closed UPQ.to_fun_X_pow UPQ.to_fun_diff UPQ.to_fun_to_poly UPQ.to_poly_closed by presburger

text‹Hensel's lemma gives us this criterion for the existence of n›-th roots›

lemma nth_root_poly_root:
  assumes "(n::nat) > 1"
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "a  𝟭"
  assumes "val (𝟭 Qpa) > 2* val ([n]𝟭)"
  shows "( b  𝒪p. ((b[^]n) = a))"
  obtain α where alpha_def: "α  carrier Zp  ι α = a"
    using assms(2) by blast
  have 0: "α  carrier Zp"
    by (simp add: alpha_def)
  have 1: "α  𝟭Zp⇙"
    using assms alpha_def inc_of_one
    by blast
  obtain N where N_def: "N = [n]Zp𝟭Zp⇙"
    by blast
  have N_closed: "N  carrier Zp"
    using N_def Zp_nat_mult_closed
    by blast
  have 2: "ι ([n]Zp𝟭Zp) = ([n] 𝟭)"
  proof(induction n)
    case 0
    have 00: "[(0::nat)] Zp𝟭Zp= 𝟬Zp⇙"
      using Zp_nat_inc_zero by blast
    have 01: "[(0::nat)] Qp𝟭 = 𝟬"
      using Qp.nat_inc_zero by blast
    then show ?case
      using 00 inc_of_nat by blast
    case (Suc n)
    then show ?case
      using inc_of_nat by blast
  have 3: "val_Zp (𝟭ZpZpα) = val (𝟭 Qpa)"
    using alpha_def Zp.one_closed ring_hom_one[of ι Zp Qp]  inc_is_hom Zp.ring_hom_minus[of Qp ι "𝟭Zp⇙" α ]
    unfolding ι_def
    by (metis Qp_def Zp.minus_closed Zp_def padic_fields.val_of_inc padic_fields_axioms)
  have 4: "([n]Zp𝟭Zp)  nonzero Zp"
    have 40: "int n  0"
      using of_nat_0_le_iff by blast
    have "nat (int n) = n"
      using nat_int by blast
    hence "[n]Zp𝟭Zp= [int n]Zp𝟭Zp⇙"
      using 40  unfolding add_pow_def int_pow_def nat_pow_def
      proof -
        have "(if int n < 0 then invadd_monoid Zprec_nat 𝟭add_monoid Zp(λn f. f add_monoid Zp𝟭Zp) 0 else rec_nat 𝟭add_monoid Zp(λn f. f add_monoid Zp𝟭Zp) n) = rec_nat 𝟭add_monoid Zp(λn f. f add_monoid Zp𝟭Zp) n"
          by (meson of_nat_less_0_iff)
        then show "rec_nat 𝟭add_monoid Zp(λn f. f add_monoid Zp𝟭Zp) n = (let f = rec_nat 𝟭add_monoid Zp(λn f. f add_monoid Zp𝟭Zp) in if int n < 0 then invadd_monoid Zpf (nat (- int n)) else f (nat (int n)))"
          using nat (int n) = n by presburger
      thus ?thesis
        using Zp_char_0[of n] Zp.not_nonzero_memE Zp_char_0' assms(1) gr_implies_not_zero by blast
  then have 5: "val_Zp ([n]Zp𝟭Zp) = val ([n]Qp(𝟭))"
    using 2 ord_of_inc
    by (metis N_closed N_def val_of_inc)
  then have 6: "(val_Zp (𝟭ZpZpα)) > 2*(val_Zp ([n]Zp𝟭Zp))"
    using assms 3  by presburger
  have " b  carrier Zp. (b[^]Zpn= α)"
    using Zp_nth_root_lemma[of α n] assms "0" "1" "6" by blast
  then obtain b where b_def: "b  carrier Zp     (b[^]Zpn= α)"
    by blast
  then have "ι (b [^]Zpn) = a"
    using alpha_def by blast
  then have "(ι b) [^] n = a"
    by (metis Qp.nat_inc_zero Qp_def Qp.nat_pow_zero Zp.nat_pow_0 Zp.nat_pow_zero
        Zp_nat_inc_zero ι_def alpha_def assms(3) b_def frac_inc_of_nat inc_of_one inc_pow not_nonzero_Qp)
  then show ?thesis
    using b_def by blast

text‹All points sufficiently close to 1 have nth roots›

lemma eint_nat_times_2:
"2*(n::nat) = 2*eint n"
  using times_eint_simps(1)
  by (metis mult.commute mult_2_right of_nat_add)

lemma P_set_of_one:
"P_set 1 = nonzero Qp"
  apply(rule equalityI) apply(rule subsetI)
  unfolding P_set_def nonzero_def mem_Collect_eq  apply blast
  apply(rule subsetI)  unfolding P_set_def nonzero_def mem_Collect_eq
  using Qp.nat_pow_eone by blast

lemma nth_power_fact:
  assumes "(n::nat)  1"
  shows " (m::nat) > 0.  u  carrier Qp. ac m u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
proof(cases "n = 1")
  case True
  have " u  carrier Qp. ac 1 u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
    unfolding True P_set_of_one
    by (metis iless_Suc_eq padic_fields.val_ring_memE padic_fields.zero_in_val_ring padic_fields_axioms val_nonzero zero_eint_def)
  then show ?thesis  by blast
  case F: False
  obtain m where m_def: "m = 1 + nat ( 2*(ord ([n]Qp(𝟭))))"
    by blast
  then have m_pos: "m > 0"
    by linarith
  have " u  carrier Qp. ac m u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
    fix u
    assume A: "u  carrier Qp"
    show " ac m u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
      assume B: "ac m u = 1  val u = 0"
      then have 0: "val u = val 𝟭"
        by (smt A ac_def not_nonzero_Qp val_one val_ord zero_eint_def)
      have 1: "ac m u = ac m 𝟭"
        by (metis B Qp.one_nonzero ac_p ac_p_int_pow_factor angular_component_factors_x angular_component_p inc_of_one m_pos p_nonzero)
      have 2: "u  nonzero Qp"
        have "ac m 𝟬 = 0"
          by (meson ac_def)
        then have "u  𝟬"
          by (metis B zero_neq_one)
        then show ?thesis
          using A not_nonzero_Qp Qp.nonzero_memI by presburger
      then have 3: "val (𝟭 Qpu)  m" using m_pos 0 1 ac_ord_prop[of "𝟭" u "0::int" m]
        by (metis B Qp.one_nonzero add.right_neutral eint.inject val_ord zero_eint_def)
      show "u  P_set n"
      proof(cases "u = 𝟭")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis P_set_one insert_iff zeroth_P_set)
        case False
        have F0: "u  𝒪p"
          apply(rule val_ring_memI, rule A)
          unfolding 0 val_one by auto
        have F1: "val (𝟭 Qpu)  m"
          using False 3 by blast
        have "ord (𝟭  u)  m"
          by (metis A F1 False Qp.not_eq_diff_nonzero Qp.one_closed eint_ord_simps(1) val_ord)
        hence F2: "ord (𝟭 Qpu) > 2*(ord ([n] 𝟭))"
          using m_def F1 A False Qp.not_eq_diff_nonzero Qp.one_closed eint_ord_simps(1)
            int_nat_eq of_nat_1 of_nat_add val_ord[of "𝟭  u"] eint_nat_times_2
          by linarith
        have "val (𝟭 Qpu) > 2*(val ([n] 𝟭))"
          have 0: "val (𝟭 Qpu) > 2*(ord ([n] 𝟭))"
            using F2 val_ord[of "𝟭  u"] A False Qp.not_eq_diff_nonzero Qp.one_closed eint_ord_simps(2) by presburger
          have "n > 0"
            using assms  by linarith
          hence "eint (ord ([n]  𝟭)) = val ([n]  𝟭)"
            using val_ord_nat_inc[of n]
            by blast
          hence "2*ord ([n] 𝟭) = 2*val ([n] 𝟭)"
            by (metis inc_of_nat times_eint_simps(1))
          thus ?thesis
            using 0 val_ord[of "𝟭  u"] assms
            by presburger
        then have "( b  𝒪p. ((b[^]n) = u))"
          using m_def False nth_root_poly_root[of n u] F0 assms  F by linarith
        then have "( b  carrier Qp. ((b[^]n) = u))"
          using val_ring_memE by blast
        then show "u  P_set n"
          using P_set_def[of n] 2
          by blast
  then show ?thesis using m_pos by blast

definition pow_res where
"pow_res (n::nat) x = {a. a  carrier Qp   (y  nonzero Qp. (a = x  (y[^]n)))}"

lemma nonzero_pow_res:
  assumes "x  nonzero Qp"
  shows "pow_res (n::nat) x  nonzero Qp"
  fix a
  assume "a  pow_res n x"
  then obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp  (a = x  (y[^]n))"
    using pow_res_def by blast
  then show "a  nonzero Qp"
    using assms Qp.Units_m_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero Units_eq_nonzero by blast

lemma pow_res_of_zero:
  shows "pow_res n 𝟬 = {𝟬}"
  unfolding pow_res_def  apply(rule equalityI)
  apply(rule subsetI)
  unfolding mem_Collect_eq
  apply (metis Qp.integral_iff Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.zero_closed insertCI)
  apply(rule subsetI) unfolding mem_Collect_eq
  by (metis Qp.nat_pow_one Qp.one_nonzero Qp.r_one Qp.zero_closed equals0D insertE)

lemma equal_pow_resI:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  assumes "y  pow_res n x"
  shows "pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
  have y_closed: "y  carrier Qp"
    using assms unfolding pow_res_def by blast
  obtain c where c_def: "c  nonzero Qp  y = x  (c[^]n)"
    using assms pow_res_def by blast
  have "((inv c)[^]n) = inv (c[^]n)"
    using c_def Qp.field_axioms Qp.nat_pow_of_inv Units_eq_nonzero by blast
  then have "y  ((inv c)[^]n) = x"
    using y_closed c_def assms Qp.inv_cancelL(2) Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero Units_eq_nonzero
    by presburger
  then have P0: "(inv c)  nonzero Qp  x =y  ((inv c)[^]n) "
    using c_def  nonzero_inverse_Qp by blast
  show "pow_res n x  pow_res n y"
    fix a
    assume A: "a  pow_res n x"
    then have "a  carrier Qp"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq pow_res_def)
    obtain b  where b_def: "b  nonzero Qp  a = x  (b[^]n)"
      using A pow_res_def by blast
    then have 0: "b  nonzero Qp  a = y  ((inv c)[^]n)  (b[^]n)"
      using y  inv c [^] n = x by blast
    have "b  nonzero Qp  a = y  (((inv c)   b)[^]n)"
      have "(inv c)[^]n  (b[^]n) = ((inv c)   b)[^]n"
        using c_def b_def assms P0 Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed by presburger
      then have " y  (((inv c)[^]n)  (b[^]n)) = y  (((inv c)   b)[^]n)"
        by presburger
      then show ?thesis
        using y_closed 0 P0 Qp.m_assoc Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed assms(1) by presburger
    then have "((inv c)   b)  nonzero Qp  a = y  (((inv c)   b)[^]n)"
      by (metis P0 Qp.integral_iff Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed not_nonzero_Qp)
    then show "a  pow_res n y" using pow_res_def a  carrier Qp by blast
  show "pow_res n y  pow_res n x"
    fix a
    assume A: "a  pow_res n y"
    then have 0: "a  carrier Qp"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq pow_res_def)
    obtain b  where b_def: "b  nonzero Qp  a = y  (b[^]n)"
      using A pow_res_def by blast
    then have "a = (x  (c[^]n))  (b[^]n)"
      using c_def by blast
    then have "a = x  ((c[^]n)  (b[^]n))"
      by (meson Qp.m_assoc Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed assms(1) b_def c_def)
    then have "a = x  ((c  b)[^]n)"
      using Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed b_def c_def by presburger
    then have "(c  b)  nonzero Qp    a = x  ((c  b)[^]n)"
      by (metis Qp.integral_iff Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed b_def c_def not_nonzero_Qp)
    then show "a  pow_res n x"
      using pow_res_def 0  by blast

lemma zeroth_pow_res:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  shows "pow_res 0 x = {x}"
  apply(rule equalityI)
  apply(rule subsetI)
  unfolding pow_res_def mem_Collect_eq
  using assms apply (metis Qp.nat_pow_0 Qp.r_one singletonI)
  apply(rule subsetI)
  unfolding pow_res_def mem_Collect_eq
  using assms by (metis Qp.nat_pow_0 Qp.one_nonzero Qp.r_one equals0D insertE)

lemma Zp_car_zero_res: assumes "x  carrier Zp"
  shows "x 0 = 0"
  using assms unfolding Zp_def
  using Zp_def Zp_defs(3) padic_set_zero_res prime by blast

lemma zeroth_ac:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  shows "ac 0 x = 0"
  apply(cases "x = 𝟬 ")
  unfolding ac_def apply presburger
  using assms angular_component_closed[of x] Zp_car_zero_res unfolding nonzero_def mem_Collect_eq
  by presburger

lemma nonzero_ac_imp_nonzero:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  assumes "ac m x  0"
  shows "x  nonzero Qp"
  using assms unfolding ac_def nonzero_def mem_Collect_eq
  by presburger

lemma nonzero_ac_val_ord:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  assumes "ac m x  0"
  shows "val x = ord x"
  using nonzero_ac_imp_nonzero assms val_ord by blast

lemma pow_res_equal_ord:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows  "m > 0. x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
  obtain m where m_def_0: "m > 0  (  u  carrier Qp. ac m u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n)"
    using assms nth_power_fact[of n]
    by (metis less_imp_le_nat less_one linorder_neqE_nat nat_le_linear zero_less_iff_neq_zero)
  then have  m_def: "m > 0  (  u  carrier Qp. ac m u = 1  ord u = 0  u  P_set n)"
    by (smt nonzero_ac_val_ord zero_eint_def)
  have  "x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
    fix x
    show "y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
    proof fix y
      show "x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
        assume A: "x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y "
        then have 0: "ac m (x ÷ y) = 1"
          using ac_inv[of y m] ac_mult
          by (metis ac_inv'''(1) ac_mult'  m_def nonzero_inverse_Qp)
        have 1: "ord (x ÷ y) = 0"
          using A  ord_fract by presburger
        have 2: "(x ÷ y)  nonzero Qp"
          using A
          by (metis Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed local.fract_cancel_right nonzero_inverse_Qp not_nonzero_Qp zero_fract)
        have 3: "(x ÷ y)  P_set n"
          using m_def 0 1 2 nonzero_def
          by (smt Qp.nonzero_closed)
        then obtain b where b_def: "b  carrier Qp  (b[^]n) = (x ÷ y)"
          using P_set_def
          by blast
        then have "(x ÷ y)  y = (b[^]n)  y"
          by presburger
        then have "x = (b[^]n)  y"
          using A b_def
          by (metis Qp.nonzero_closed local.fract_cancel_left)
        then have "x = y (b[^]n)"
          using A b_def
          by (metis Qp.nonzero_closed local.fract_cancel_right)
        then have "x  pow_res n y"
          unfolding pow_res_def using A b_def
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "2" Qp.nat_pow_0 Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_nonzero_nat_pow mem_Collect_eq not_gr_zero)
        then show "pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
          using  A equal_pow_resI[of x y n] unfolding nonzero_def
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A Qp.nonzero_closed equal_pow_resI)
  then show ?thesis using m_def by blast

lemma pow_res_equal:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows  "m> 0. x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = (ord y mod n)  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
  obtain m where m_def: "m > 0  (x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y)"
    using assms pow_res_equal_ord
    by meson
  have "x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y mod int n  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
  proof fix x
    show  "y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y mod int n  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
    proof fix y
      show "x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y mod int n  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
        assume A: "x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y mod int n"
        show "pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
          have A0: "x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp"
            using A by blast
          have A1: "ac m x = ac m y"
            using A by blast
          have A2: "ord x = ord y mod int n"
            using A by blast
          obtain k where k_def: "k = ord x"
            by blast
          obtain l where l_def: "ord y = ord x + (l:: int)*(int n)"
            using assms A2
            by (metis A k_def mod_eqE mod_mod_trivial mult_of_nat_commute)
          have m_def': "x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y   pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
            using m_def
            by blast
          have 0: "ord (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = ord x"
            have 0: "ord (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = ord y + (ord  (𝔭[^](- l*n)))"
              using ord_mult p_nonzero  A0 Qp_int_pow_nonzero
              by blast
            have 1: "ord (𝔭[^](- l*n)) = - l*n"
              using ord_p_pow_int[of "-l*n"]
              by blast
            then have "ord (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = ord y - l*n"
              using 0
              by linarith
            then show ?thesis
              using k_def l_def by linarith
          have 1: "ac m (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = ac m y"
            using assms ac_p_int_pow_factor_right[of ] m_def A Qp.nonzero_closed by presburger
          have 2: "y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))  nonzero Qp"
            using A0 Qp_int_pow_nonzero[of 𝔭 "- l*n"] Qp.cring_axioms nonzero_def cring.cring_simprules(5)
              fract_cancel_left not_nonzero_Qp p_intpow_inv'' p_nonzero zero_fract Qp.integral_iff
              Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Qp.nonzero_memI Qp.nonzero_mult_closed
              minus_mult_commute mult_minus_right p_intpow_closed(1) p_intpow_closed(2)
            by presburger
          then have 3: "pow_res n (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = pow_res n x"
            using 2 A0 m_def'[of "y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))" x] "0" "1" A1
            by linarith
          have 4: "(y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = (y  ((𝔭[^]- l)[^]n))"
            using Qp_int_nat_pow_pow[of 𝔭 "-l" n] p_nonzero
            by presburger
          have "y  (𝔭[^](- l*n)) pow_res n y "
            using "2" "4" Qp_int_pow_nonzero nonzero_def p_nonzero
            unfolding pow_res_def nonzero_def
          proof -
            assume a1: "x n. x  {a  carrier Qp. a  𝟬}  x [^] (n::int)  {a  carrier Qp. a  𝟬}"
            assume a2: "𝔭  {a  carrier Qp. a  𝟬}"
            assume a3: "y  𝔭 [^] (- l * int n)  {a  carrier Qp. a  𝟬}"
            have f4: "𝔭 [^] (- 1 * l)  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}"
              using a2 a1 by presburger
            have f5: "- l = - 1 * l"
              by linarith
            then have f6: "y  𝔭 [^] (- 1 * l * int n) = y  (𝔭 [^] (- 1 * l)) [^] n"
              using y  𝔭 [^] (- l * int n) = y  (𝔭 [^] - l) [^] n by presburger
            then have "y  (𝔭 [^] (- 1 * l)) [^] n  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}"
              using f5 a3 by presburger
            then have "y  (𝔭 [^] (- 1 * l)) [^] n  {r  carrier Qp. ra. ra  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}  r = y  ra [^] n}"
              using f4 by blast
            then have "y  𝔭 [^] (- l * int n)  {r  carrier Qp. ra. ra  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}  r = y  ra [^] n}"
              using f6 f5 by presburger
            then show "y  𝔭 [^] (- l * int n)  {r  carrier Qp. ra{r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}. r = y  ra [^] n}"
              by meson
          then have "pow_res n (y  (𝔭[^](- l*n))) = pow_res n y"
            using equal_pow_resI[of "(y  (𝔭[^](- l*n)))" y n] "2" A0 assms
                  Qp.nonzero_mult_closed p_intpow_closed(2)
            by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) "3" A Qp.nonzero_closed equal_pow_resI)
          then show ?thesis using 3 by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using m_def
    by blast

definition pow_res_classes where
"pow_res_classes n = {S. x  nonzero Qp. S = pow_res n x }"

lemma pow_res_semialg_def:
  assumes "x  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "n  1"
  shows "P  carrier Qp_x. pow_res n x = (univ_basic_semialg_set n P) - {𝟬}"
  have 0: "pow_res n x = {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. (inv x)  a = (y[^]n)}"
    show "pow_res n x  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n)}"
      fix a
      assume A: "a  pow_res n x"
      then have "a  carrier Qp   (ynonzero Qp. a = x  (y[^]n))"
        unfolding pow_res_def
        by blast
      then obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp a = x  (y[^]n)"
        by blast
      then have "y  nonzero Qp  inv x  a = (y[^]n)"
      proof -
        show ?thesis
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Qp.m_assoc Qp.m_comm Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed
              a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. a = x  y [^] n) assms(1) local.fract_cancel_right nonzero_inverse_Qp y_def)
      then show "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n)}"
        using assms a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. a = x  (y[^]n))
        by blast

    show "{a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n)}  pow_res n x"
      fix a
      assume A: "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n)}"
      show "a  pow_res n x"
        have "a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n))"
          using A by blast
        then obtain y where y_def: "ynonzero Qp  inv x  a = (y[^]n)"
          by blast
        then have "ynonzero Qp   a = x (y[^]n)"
          by (metis Qp.l_one Qp.m_assoc Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI
              a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = y [^] n) assms(1) field_inv(2) inv_in_frac(1))
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n)) mem_Collect_eq pow_res_def)
  obtain P where P_def: "P = up_ring.monom Qp_x (inv x) 1"
    by blast
  have P_closed: "P  carrier Qp_x"
    using P_def Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) UPQ.is_UP_monomE(1) UPQ.is_UP_monomI assms(1) inv_in_frac(1) by presburger
  have P_eval: "a. a  carrier Qp  (P  a) = (inv x)  a"
    using P_def to_fun_monom[of ]
    by (metis Qp.nat_pow_eone Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI assms(1) inv_in_frac(1))
  have 0: "pow_res n x = {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. (P  a) = (y[^]n)}"
    show "pow_res n x  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
    proof fix a
      assume "a  pow_res n x"
      then have "a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n))"
        using 0
        by blast
      then show "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
        using P_eval
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
    show "{a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}  pow_res n x"
    proof fix a
      assume "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
      then obtain y where y_def: "ynonzero Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)"
        by blast
      then have "ynonzero Qp  inv x  a = (y[^]n)"
        using P_eval a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}
        by blast
      then have "a  carrier Qp  (ynonzero Qp. inv x  a = (y[^]n))"
         using a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)} by blast
      then show "a  pow_res n x"
      using 0
      by blast
  have 1: "univ_basic_semialg_set n P - {𝟬} = {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. (P  a) = (y[^]n)}"
    show "univ_basic_semialg_set n P - {𝟬}  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
      fix a
      assume A: "a  univ_basic_semialg_set n P - {𝟬}"
      then have A0: "a  carrier Qp  (ycarrier Qp. P  a = (y[^]n))"
        unfolding univ_basic_semialg_set_def by blast
      then have A0': "a  nonzero Qp  (ycarrier Qp. P  a = (y[^]n))"
        using A
        by (metis DiffD2 not_nonzero_Qp singletonI)
      then obtain y where y_def: "ycarrier Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)"
        by blast
      have A1: "(P  a)  𝟬"
        using P_eval A0' Qp.integral_iff Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) assms(1) inv_in_frac(1) inv_in_frac(2) by presburger
      have A2: "y  nonzero Qp"
        have A20: "(y[^]n) 𝟬"
          using A1 y_def
          by blast
        have "y  𝟬"
          apply(rule ccontr) using A20 assms
          by (metis Qp.nat_pow_eone Qp.semiring_axioms Qp.zero_closed le_zero_eq semiring.nat_pow_zero)
        then show ?thesis
          using y_def A1 not_nonzero_Qp Qp.not_nonzero_memE by blast
      then have "y  nonzero  Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)" using y_def
        by blast
      then show "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
        using A0 nonzero_def
        by blast
    show "{a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}  univ_basic_semialg_set n P - {𝟬}"
      fix a
      assume A: "a  {a  carrier Qp. ynonzero Qp. P  a = (y[^]n)}"
      then obtain y where y_def: "ynonzero Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)"
        by blast
      then have "y 𝟬  y carrier Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)"
        by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI)
      then have "a 𝟬"
        using  P_eval
        by (metis Qp.m_comm Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero Qp.zero_closed assms(1) inv_in_frac(1) zero_fract)
      then show "a  univ_basic_semialg_set n P - {𝟬}"
        unfolding univ_basic_semialg_set_def
        using A y  𝟬  y  carrier Qp  P  a = (y[^]n)
        by blast
  show ?thesis using 0 1
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) P_closed)

lemma pow_res_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (pow_res n x)"
proof(cases "n = 0")
  case True
  have T0: "pow_res n x = {x}"
    unfolding True using assms
    by (simp add: assms zeroth_pow_res)
  have "[x]  carrier (Qp1)"
    using assms Qp.to_R1_closed by blast
  hence "is_semialgebraic 1 {[x]}"
    using is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg singleton_is_algebraic by blast
  thus ?thesis unfolding T0 using assms
    by (simp add: x  carrier Qp finite_is_univ_semialgebraic)
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "x = 𝟬")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using finite_is_univ_semialgebraic False pow_res_of_zero
      by (metis Qp.zero_closed empty_subsetI finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_subset)
    case F: False
    then show ?thesis
      using False pow_res_semialg_def[of x n] diff_is_univ_semialgebraic[of _ "{𝟬}"]  finite_is_univ_semialgebraic[of "{𝟬}"]
      by (metis Qp.zero_closed assms empty_subsetI finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_subset less_one less_or_eq_imp_le linorder_neqE_nat not_nonzero_Qp univ_basic_semialg_set_is_univ_semialgebraic)

lemma pow_res_is_semialg:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1 ` (pow_res n x))"
  using assms pow_res_is_univ_semialgebraic is_univ_semialgebraicE
  by blast

lemma pow_res_refl:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  shows "x  pow_res n x"
  have "x = x  (𝟭 [^]n)"
    using assms Qp.nat_pow_one Qp.r_one by presburger
  thus ?thesis
    using assms unfolding pow_res_def mem_Collect_eq
    using Qp.one_nonzero by blast

lemma equal_pow_resE:
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  shows " s  P_set n. a = b  s"
  have "a  pow_res n b"
    using assms pow_res_refl by blast
  then obtain y where y_def: " y  nonzero Qp  a = b  y[^]n"
    unfolding pow_res_def by blast
  thus ?thesis  unfolding P_set_def
    using Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero by blast

lemma pow_res_one:
  assumes "x  nonzero Qp"
  shows "pow_res 1 x = nonzero Qp"
proof show "pow_res 1 x  nonzero Qp"
      using  assms nonzero_pow_res[of x 1] by blast
    show "nonzero Qp  pow_res 1 x"
    proof fix y assume A: "y  nonzero Qp"
      then have 0: "𝟭  nonzero Qp  y = x  ((inv x) y)[^](1::nat)"
        using assms  Qp.m_comm Qp.nat_pow_eone Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed
          Qp.one_nonzero local.fract_cancel_right nonzero_inverse_Qp by presburger
      have 1: "(inv x) y  nonzero Qp"
        using A assms by (metis Qp.Units_m_closed Units_eq_nonzero nonzero_inverse_Qp)
      then show "y  pow_res 1 x"
        unfolding pow_res_def using 0 1 A Qp.nonzero_closed by blast

lemma pow_res_zero:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "pow_res n 𝟬 = {𝟬}"
  show "pow_res n 𝟬  {𝟬}"
  unfolding pow_res_def
  using Qp.l_null Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed by blast
  show "{𝟬}  pow_res n 𝟬"
    using assms unfolding pow_res_def
    using Qp.l_null Qp.one_closed Qp.one_nonzero empty_subsetI insert_subset by blast

lemma equal_pow_resI':
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "c  P_set n"
  assumes "a = b  c"
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  obtain y where y_def: "c = y[^]n  y  carrier Qp"
    using assms unfolding P_set_def by blast
  have c_nonzero: "c  nonzero Qp"
    using P_set_nonzero'(1) assms(3) by blast
  have y_nonzero: "y  nonzero Qp"
    using y_def c_nonzero  Qp_nonzero_nat_pow assms(5) by blast
  have 0: "a  pow_res n b"
    using assms y_nonzero y_def unfolding pow_res_def
    by blast
  show ?thesis
    apply(cases "b = 𝟬")
    using pow_res_zero Qp.l_null Qp.nonzero_closed assms(4) c_nonzero apply presburger
    by (metis "0" assms(1) assms(2) assms(5) not_nonzero_Qp equal_pow_resI)

lemma equal_pow_resI'':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "b  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "a  inv b  P_set n"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  using assms equal_pow_resI'[of a b "a  inv b" n] Qp.nonzero_closed local.fract_cancel_right
  by blast

lemma equal_pow_resI''':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "b  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "c  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n (c  a) = pow_res n (c  b)"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  have 0: "c a  nonzero Qp"
    by (meson Localization.submonoid.m_closed Qp.nonzero_is_submonoid assms(2) assms(4))
  have 1: "c b  nonzero Qp"
    by (meson Localization.submonoid.m_closed Qp.nonzero_is_submonoid assms(3) assms(4))
  have "ca  pow_res n (cb)"
  proof(cases "n = 1")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using assms 0 1 pow_res_one[of "cb"] by blast
    case False
    then have "n  2"
      using assms(1) by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using assms 0 1 pow_res_refl[of "ca" n] unfolding nonzero_def
      by blast
  then obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp  (c  a) = (c  b)y[^]n"
    using assms unfolding pow_res_def by blast
  then have "a = by[^]n"
    using assms
    by (metis Qp.m_assoc Qp.m_lcancel Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI Qp_nat_pow_nonzero)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis P_set_memI Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI Qp_nat_pow_nonzero assms(1) assms(3) equal_pow_resI' y_def)

lemma equal_pow_resI'''':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "a = b  u"
  assumes "u  P_set n"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
  case True
  then have "b = 𝟬"
    using assms unfolding P_set_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Qp.integral Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis using pow_res_zero
    using True by blast
  case False
  then have 0: "a  nonzero Qp"
    using Qp.not_nonzero_memE assms(2) by blast
  have 1: "b  nonzero Qp"
    using 0 assms unfolding P_set_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Qp.integral_iff Qp.nonzero_closed mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp)
  have 2: "a  (inv b) P_set n"
    using assms 0 1
    by (metis P_set_nonzero'(2) Qp.inv_cancelR(1) Qp.m_comm Qp.nonzero_memE(2) Units_eq_nonzero inv_in_frac(1))
  then show ?thesis using equal_pow_resI''
    by (meson "0" "1" assms(1) equal_pow_resI)

lemma Zp_Units_ord_zero:
  assumes "a  Units Zp"
  shows "ord_Zp a = 0"
  have "invZpa  nonzero Zp"
    apply(rule Zp.nonzero_memI, rule Zp.Units_inv_closed, rule assms)
    using assms Zp.Units_inverse in_Units_imp_not_zero by blast
  then have "ord_Zp (a ZpinvZpa) = ord_Zp a + ord_Zp (invZpa)"
    using assms ord_Zp_mult Zp.Units_nonzero zero_not_one
    by (metis Zp.zero_not_one)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt Zp.Units_closed Zp.Units_r_inv Zp.integral_iff Zp.nonzero_closed invZpa  nonzero Zp assms ord_Zp_one ord_pos)

lemma pow_res_nth_pow:
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "pow_res n (a[^]n) = pow_res n 𝟭"
  show "pow_res n (a [^] n)  pow_res n 𝟭"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  pow_res n (a [^] n)"
    then show "x  pow_res n 𝟭"
      by (metis P_set_memI Qp.l_one Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_memE(2)
          Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero Qp.one_closed assms(1) assms(2) equal_pow_resI')
  show "pow_res n 𝟭  pow_res n (a [^] n)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  pow_res n 𝟭"
    then obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp  x = 𝟭y[^]n"
      unfolding pow_res_def by blast
    then have 0: "x = y[^]n"
      using Qp.l_one Qp.nonzero_closed by blast
    have "y[^]n = a[^]n  (inv a  y)[^]n"
      have "a[^]n  (inv a  y)[^]n = a[^]n  (inv a)[^]n  y[^]n"
        using Qp.Units_inv_closed Qp.m_assoc Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed Units_eq_nonzero assms(1) y_def by presburger
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis Qp.Units_inv_inv Qp.inv_cancelR(1) Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Units_eq_nonzero assms(1) nonzero_inverse_Qp y_def)
    then show "x  pow_res n (a [^] n)"
      using y_def  A assms unfolding pow_res_def mem_Collect_eq
      by (metis "0" Qp.integral Qp.m_closed Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.not_nonzero_memI inv_in_frac(1) inv_in_frac(2) not_nonzero_Qp)

lemma pow_res_of_p_pow:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "pow_res n (𝔭[^]((l::int)*n)) = pow_res n 𝟭"
  have 0: "𝔭[^]((l::int)*n) = (𝔭[^]l)[^]n"
    using Qp_p_int_nat_pow_pow by blast
  have "𝔭[^]((l::int)*n)  P_set n"
    using  P_set_memI[of _ "𝔭[^]l"]
    by (metis "0" Qp.not_nonzero_memI Qp_int_pow_nonzero p_intpow_closed(1) p_nonzero)
  thus ?thesis
    using "0" assms p_intpow_closed(2) pow_res_nth_pow by presburger

lemma pow_res_nonzero:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  shows "b  nonzero Qp"
  using assms nonzero_pow_res[of a n] pow_res_zero[of n]
  by (metis insert_subset not_nonzero_Qp)

lemma pow_res_mult:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  assumes "d  carrier Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n a = pow_res n c"
  assumes "pow_res n b = pow_res n d"
  shows "pow_res n (a  b) = pow_res n (c  d)"
proof(cases "a  nonzero Qp")
  case True
  then have "c  nonzero Qp"
    using assms pow_res_nonzero by blast
  then obtain α where alpha_def: "α  nonzero Qp  a = c  α[^]n"
    using  assms True pow_res_refl[of a n] unfolding assms unfolding pow_res_def
     by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "b  nonzero Qp")
    case T: True
    then have "d  nonzero Qp"
      using assms pow_res_nonzero by blast
    then obtain β where beta_def: "β  nonzero Qp  b = d  β[^]n"
      using  T pow_res_refl[of b n] unfolding assms unfolding pow_res_def
      using assms by blast
    then have "a  b = (c  d)  (α[^]n  β[^] n)"
      using Qp.m_assoc Qp.m_lcomm Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero alpha_def assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) by presburger
    then have 0: "a  b = (c  d)  ((α  β)[^] n)"
        by (metis Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed alpha_def beta_def)
      show ?thesis
        apply(intro equal_pow_resI'[of _ _  "(α  β)[^] n"] Qp.ring_simprules assms
                    P_set_memI[of _ "α  β"] Qp.nat_pow_closed nonzero_memE 0 Qp_nat_pow_nonzero
        using alpha_def beta_def apply auto
        apply(intro nonzero_memI Qp.nonzero_mult_closed)
        using alpha_def beta_def nonzero_memE  apply auto
        by (meson Qp.integral_iff)
    case False
    then have "b = 𝟬"
      by (meson assms not_nonzero_Qp)
    then have "d = 𝟬"
      using assms by (metis False not_nonzero_Qp pow_res_nonzero)
    then show ?thesis
      using Qp.r_null b = 𝟬 assms  by presburger
  case False
  then have "a = 𝟬"
      by (meson assms  not_nonzero_Qp)
    then have "c = 𝟬"
      using assms by (metis False not_nonzero_Qp pow_res_nonzero)
    then show ?thesis
      using Qp.r_null a = 𝟬 assms Qp.l_null by presburger

lemma pow_res_p_pow_factor:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n (𝔭[^]((l::int)*n)  a)"
proof(cases "a  = 𝟬")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using Qp.r_null p_intpow_closed(1) by presburger
  case False
  then show ?thesis using assms pow_res_of_p_pow
    using Qp.m_comm Qp.one_closed Qp.r_one p_intpow_closed(1) pow_res_mult by presburger

lemma pow_res_classes_finite:
  assumes "n  1"
  shows "finite (pow_res_classes n)"
proof(cases "n = 1")
  case True
  have "pow_res_classes n = {(nonzero Qp)}"
    using True pow_res_one unfolding pow_res_classes_def
    using Qp.one_nonzero by blast
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case False
  then have n_bound: "n  2"
    using assms by linarith
  obtain m where m_def: "m > 0  (x y. x  nonzero Qp  y  nonzero Qp  ac m x = ac m y  ord x = ord y  pow_res n x = pow_res n y)"
    using assms  False pow_res_equal_ord n_bound
    by (metis gr_zeroI le_numeral_extra(2))
  obtain f where f_def: "f  = (λ η ν. (SOME y. y  (pow_res_classes n)  ( x  y. ac m x = η  ord x = ν)))"
    by blast
  have 0: "x. x  nonzero Qp  pow_res n x = f (ac m x) (ord x)"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  nonzero Qp"
    obtain η where eta_def: "η = ac m x"
      by blast
    obtain ν where nu_def: "ν = ord x"
      by blast
    have "y pow_res n x. ac m y = ac m x  ord y = ord x"
      using pow_res_refl A assms neq0_conv Qp.nonzero_closed by blast
    hence "pow_res n x  (pow_res_classes n)  ( y  (pow_res n x). ac m y = η  ord y = ν)"
      unfolding nu_def eta_def using assms unfolding pow_res_classes_def
      using A by blast
    then have 0: "( y. y  (pow_res_classes n)  ( x  y. ac m x = η  ord x = ν))"
      by blast
    have  "f η ν = (SOME y. y  (pow_res_classes n)  ( x  y. ac m x = η  ord x = ν))"
      using f_def by blast
    then have 1: "f η ν  (pow_res_classes n)  (( y  (f η ν).  ac m y = η  ord y = ν))"
      using  0  someI_ex[of "λ y. y  (pow_res_classes n)  ( x  y. ac m x = η  ord x = ν)"]
      unfolding f_def by blast
    then obtain y where y_def: "y  (f η ν)  ac m y = ac m x  ord y =  ord x"
      unfolding nu_def eta_def by blast
    obtain a where a_def: "a  nonzero Qp  (f η ν) = pow_res n a"
      using 1 unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
    then have 2: "y  pow_res n a"
      using y_def by blast
    have 3: "y  nonzero Qp"
      using y_def nonzero_pow_res[of a n] a_def by blast
    then have 4: "pow_res n y = pow_res n a"
      using 3 y_def a_def equal_pow_resI[of y a n]  n_bound Qp.nonzero_closed
      by (metis equal_pow_resI)
    have 5: "pow_res n y = f η ν"
      using 4 a_def by blast
    then show "pow_res n x = f (ac m x) (ord x)"
      unfolding eta_def nu_def
      using "3" A m_def y_def by blast
  obtain N where N_def: "N > 0  ( u  carrier Qp. ac N u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n)"
    using n_bound nth_power_fact assms by blast
  have 1: "x. x  nonzero Qp  (y  nonzero Qp. ord y  0  ord y < n  pow_res n x = pow_res n y)"
  proof- fix x assume x_def: "x  nonzero Qp"
    then obtain k where k_def: "k = ord x mod n"
      by blast
    then obtain l where l_def: "ord x = (int n)*l + k"
      using cancel_div_mod_rules(2)[of n "ord x"0] unfolding k_def
      by (metis group_add_class.add.right_cancel)
    have "x = (𝔭[^](ord x))  ι (angular_component x)"
      using x_def angular_component_factors_x by blast
    then have "x = (𝔭[^](n*l + k))  ι (angular_component x)"
      unfolding l_def by blast
    hence "x = 𝔭[^](int n*l)  (𝔭[^] k)  ι (angular_component x)"
      by (metis p_intpow_add)
    hence 0: "x = (𝔭[^]l)[^]n  (𝔭[^] k)  ι (angular_component x)"
      using p_pow_factor[of n l k] x = 𝔭 [^] (int n * l + k)  ι (angular_component x) by presburger
    have 1: "ι (angular_component x)  carrier Qp"
      using x_def angular_component_closed inc_closed by blast
    hence 2: "x = (𝔭[^]l)[^]n  ((𝔭[^] k)  ι (angular_component x))"
      using 0 by (metis Qp.m_assoc Qp.nat_pow_closed p_intpow_closed(1))
    obtain a where a_def: "a = (𝔭[^] k)  ι (angular_component x)"
      by blast
    have 30: "angular_component x  Units Zp"
      using angular_component_unit x_def by blast
    then have 3: "ι (angular_component x)  Units Qp"
      by (metis Units_eq_nonzero Zp.Units_closed in_Units_imp_not_zero inc_of_nonzero not_nonzero_Qp)
    have 4: "ι (angular_component x)  nonzero Qp"
      using 3 Units_nonzero_Qp by blast
    have a_nonzero: "a  nonzero Qp"
      unfolding a_def  4
      by (meson "3" Qp.UnitsI(1) Qp.Units_m_closed Units_nonzero_Qp p_intpow_closed(1) p_intpow_inv)
    have 5: "x = a (𝔭[^]l)[^]n"
      using 2 a_nonzero unfolding a_def
      using Qp.m_comm Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed p_intpow_closed(1) by presburger
    hence "x  pow_res n a"
      unfolding pow_res_def
      using Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero p_nonzero x_def by blast
    hence 6:"pow_res n a = pow_res n x"
      using x_def a_def equal_pow_resI[of x  a n]  a_nonzero n_bound Qp.nonzero_closed equal_pow_resI
      by blast
    have 7: "ord (ι (angular_component x)) = 0"
      have "ord_Zp (angular_component x) = 0" using 30 Zp_Units_ord_zero by blast
      then have "val_Zp (angular_component x) = 0"
        using "30" unit_imp_val_Zp0 by blast
      then have "val (ι (angular_component x)) = 0"
        by (metis angular_component_closed val_of_inc x_def)
      then show ?thesis using angular_component_closed x_def
        by (metis "30" Zp.Units_closed ord_Zp (angular_component x) = 0 in_Units_imp_not_zero not_nonzero_Qp ord_of_inc)
    have 8: "ord a = k"
      unfolding a_def using 3 4 7 ord_mult[of "𝔭 [^] k" "ι (angular_component x)"] ord_p_pow_int[of k]
      using Qp_int_pow_nonzero p_nonzero by presburger
    have 9: "k < n"
      unfolding k_def
      using assms by auto
    from 6 8 9 assms have 0  ord a ord a < int n pow_res n x = pow_res n a
      by (auto simp add: k_def)
    with a_nonzero show "ynonzero Qp. 0  ord y  ord y < int n  pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
      by auto
  have 2: "x. x  (pow_res_classes n)   η ν. η  Units (Zp_res_ring m)  ν  {0..<int n}  x = f η ν"
  proof- fix a assume A: "a  (pow_res_classes n)"
    then obtain x where x_def: "x  nonzero Qp  a = pow_res n x"
      unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
    then obtain x' where x'_def: "x'  nonzero Qp  ord x'  0  ord x' < n  pow_res n x' = a"
      using 1[of x] unfolding x_def by blast
    hence 20: "f (ac m x') (ord x') = a"
      using 0 by blast
    have 21: "ac m x'  Units (Zp_res_ring m)"
      using x'_def ac_units m_def by presburger
    then have 22: "ac m x'  Units (Zp_res_ring m)  (ord x')  ({0..<n}::int set )  a = f (ac m x') (ord x')"
      using x'_def 20 atLeastLessThan_iff by blast
    then show " η ν. η  Units (Zp_res_ring m)  ν  {0..<int n}  a = f η ν" by blast
  obtain F where F_def: "F = (λps. f (fst ps) (snd ps))"
    by blast
  have 3: "x. x  (pow_res_classes n)   ps  Units (Zp_res_ring m) × {0..<int n}.  x = f (fst ps) (snd ps)"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  pow_res_classes n"
    obtain η ν where eta_nu_def: " η  Units (Zp_res_ring m)  ν  {0..<int n}  x = f η ν"
      using 2 A by blast
    then have "F (η, ν) = x"
      unfolding F_def by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
    then show "  ps  Units (Zp_res_ring m) × {0..<int n}.  x = f (fst ps) (snd ps)"
      using eta_nu_def local.F_def by blast
  have 4: "pow_res_classes n  F ` (Units (Zp_res_ring m) × {0..<int n})"
    unfolding F_def using 3
    by blast
  have "finite (Units (Zp_res_ring m))"
    using m_def residues.finite_Units unfolding residues_def
    by (metis Qp.one_nonzero ac_in_res_ring ac_one' p_res_ring_one p_residue_ring_car_memE(1))
  hence "finite (Units (Zp_res_ring m) × {0..<int n})"
    by blast
  then show "finite (pow_res_classes n)"
    using 4 by (meson finite_surj)

lemma pow_res_classes_univ_semialg:
  assumes "S  pow_res_classes n"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic S"
  obtain x where x_def: "xnonzero Qp  S = pow_res n x"
  using assms unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
  then show ?thesis using pow_res_is_univ_semialgebraic
    using Qp.nonzero_closed by blast

lemma pow_res_classes_semialg:
  assumes "S  pow_res_classes n"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 1 (to_R1` S)"
  using pow_res_classes_univ_semialg
    assms(1)  is_univ_semialgebraicE by blast

definition nth_pow_wits where
"nth_pow_wits n = (λ S. (SOME x. x  (S  𝒪p)))` (pow_res_classes n)"

lemma nth_pow_wits_finite:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "finite (nth_pow_wits n)"
  have "n  1"
    by (simp add: assms leI)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding nth_pow_wits_def using assms pow_res_classes_finite[of n] by blast

lemma nth_pow_wits_covers:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "x  nonzero Qp"
  shows "y  (nth_pow_wits n). y  nonzero Qp  y  𝒪p  x  pow_res n y"
  have PP: "(pow_res n x)  pow_res_classes n"
    unfolding pow_res_classes_def using assms by blast
  obtain k where k_def: "val x = eint k"
    using assms val_ord by blast
  obtain N::int where N_def: "N = (if  k < 0 then -k else k)" by blast
  then have N_nonneg: "N  0"
    unfolding N_def
    by presburger
  have 0: "int n  1"
    using assms by linarith
  have "N*(int n) + k  0"
  proof(cases "k<0")
    case True then have "N = -k" unfolding N_def
      by presburger
    then have "N*n + k = k*(1- int n)"
      using distrib_left[of k 1 "-int n"] mult_cancel_left2 mult_minus_left
      by (metis add.inverse_inverse diff_minus_eq_add minus_mult_minus neg_equal_iff_equal uminus_add_conv_diff)
    then show ?thesis using 0 True  zero_less_mult_iff[of k "1 - int n"]
   proof -
     have "0  N * (int n - 1)"
       by (meson "0" N_nonneg diff_ge_0_iff_ge zero_le_mult_iff)
     then show ?thesis
       by (metis (no_types) N = - k add.commute distrib_left minus_add_cancel mult_minus1_right uminus_add_conv_diff)
    case False
    then have "N = k" unfolding N_def
      by presburger
    then show ?thesis using 0 False
      by (metis N_nonneg add_increasing2 mult_nonneg_nonneg of_nat_0_le_iff)
  then have 1: "ord (𝔭[^](N*n)x)  0"
    using ord_mult k_def val_ord assms
    by (metis Qp_int_pow_nonzero eint.inject ord_p_pow_int p_nonzero)
  have 2: "𝔭[^](N*n)x  pow_res n x"
    have "𝔭[^](N*n) = (𝔭[^]N)[^]n"
      using Qp_p_int_nat_pow_pow by blast
    then have "𝔭[^]N  nonzero Qp   𝔭[^](N*n)x = x  (𝔭[^]N)[^]n"
      by (metis Qp.m_comm Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero assms(2) p_nonzero)
    then show ?thesis unfolding pow_res_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Qp.m_closed Qp.nonzero_closed assms(2) mem_Collect_eq p_intpow_closed(1))
  have 3: "𝔭[^](N*n)x  𝒪p"
    using 1 assms
    by (metis Qp_def Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero Zp_def val_ring_ord_criterion ι_def p_nonzero padic_fields.zero_in_val_ring padic_fields_axioms)
  have 4: "x  pow_res n (𝔭[^](N*n)x)"
    using 2 equal_pow_resI[of x "𝔭[^](N*n)x" n] pow_res_refl[of "𝔭[^](N*n)x" n] assms
         Qp.nonzero_mult_closed p_intpow_closed(2) pow_res_refl Qp.nonzero_closed by metis
  have 5: "𝔭[^](N*n)x  (pow_res n x  𝒪p)"
    using 2 3 by blast
  have 6: "(SOME z. z  (pow_res n x)  𝒪p)  pow_res n x  𝒪p" using 5
    by (meson someI)
  obtain y where y_def: "y = (SOME z. z  (pow_res n x)  𝒪p)"
    by blast
  then have A: "y  pow_res n x"
    using "6" by blast
  then have "pow_res n x = pow_res n y"
    using equal_pow_resI[of x y n] assms y_def Qp.nonzero_closed nonzero_pow_res by blast
  then have 7: "x  pow_res n y"
    using pow_res_refl[of x n] assms unfolding nonzero_def by blast
  have 8: "y  nonzero Qp  "
    using y_def PP 6 A nonzero_pow_res[of x n] assms
    by blast
  have 9: "y  𝒪p"
    using y_def "6" by blast
  have "y(λS. SOME x. x  S  𝒪p) ` pow_res_classes n  y  nonzero Qp  y  𝒪p  x  pow_res n y"
        using y_def PP 6 7 8 9 A nonzero_pow_res[of x n] assms
        by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding nth_pow_wits_def by blast

lemma nth_pow_wits_closed:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "x  nth_pow_wits n"
  shows "x  carrier Qp" "x  𝒪p" "x  nonzero Qp" " y  pow_res_classes n. y = pow_res n x"
  obtain c where c_def: "c  pow_res_classes n  x =   (SOME x. x  (c  𝒪p))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) image_iff nth_pow_wits_def)
  then obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp  c = pow_res n y"
    unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
  then obtain a where a_def: "a  (nth_pow_wits n)  a  nonzero Qp  a  𝒪p  y  pow_res n a"
    using nth_pow_wits_covers[of n y] assms(1) by blast
  have 00: "pow_res n a = c"
    using equal_pow_resI[of a y n] y_def assms a_def unfolding nonzero_def by blast
  then have P :"a  c  𝒪p"
    using pow_res_refl[of a n] assms a_def unfolding 00 nonzero_def by blast
  then show 0: "x  𝒪p" using c_def
    by (metis Collect_mem_eq Int_Collect tfl_some)
  then show "x  carrier Qp"
    using val_ring_memE by blast
  have 1: "c  nonzero Qp"
    using c_def nonzero_pow_res[of y n] unfolding pow_res_classes_def
    using assms(1) y_def by blast
  have "(SOME x. x  (c  𝒪p))  (c  𝒪p)"
    using P tfl_some
    by (smt Int_def someI_ex)
  then have 2: "x  c"
    using c_def by blast
  thus "x  nonzero Qp"
    using 1  by blast
  show " y  pow_res_classes n. y = pow_res n x"
    using 00 2 c_def P a_def equal_pow_resI[of a x n] 0 val_ring_memE assms(1) by blast

lemma finite_extensional_funcset:
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "finite (B::'b set)"
  shows "finite (A E B)"
  using finite_PiE[of A "λ_. B"] assms by blast

lemma nth_pow_wits_exists:
  assumes  "m > 0"
  assumes "c  pow_res_classes m"
  shows "x. x  c  𝒪p"
  obtain x where x_def: "x  nonzero Qp  pow_res m x = c"
    using assms unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
  obtain y where y_def: "y  (nth_pow_wits m)  y  nonzero Qp  y  𝒪p  x  pow_res m y"
    using nth_pow_wits_covers assms x_def
    by blast
  have 0: "pow_res m x = pow_res m y"
    using x_def y_def equal_pow_resI Qp.nonzero_closed assms(1) by blast
  then have 1: "y  pow_res m  x"
    using pow_res_refl[of y m ] y_def assms unfolding nonzero_def  by blast
  thus ?thesis using x_def y_def assms
    by blast

lemma pow_res_classes_mem_eq:
  assumes "m > 0"
  assumes "a  pow_res_classes m"
  assumes "x  a"
  shows  "a = pow_res m x"
  obtain y where y_def: "y  nonzero Qp  a = pow_res m y"
    using assms unfolding pow_res_classes_def by blast
  then show ?thesis using assms equal_pow_resI[of y x m]
    by (meson Qp.nonzero_closed nonzero_pow_res equal_pow_resI subsetD)

lemma nth_pow_wits_neq_pow_res:
  assumes  "m > 0"
  assumes "x  nth_pow_wits m"
  assumes "y  nth_pow_wits m"
  assumes "x  y"
  shows "pow_res m x  pow_res m y"
  obtain a where a_def: "a  pow_res_classes m  x = (λ S. (SOME x. x  (S  𝒪p))) a"
    using assms unfolding nth_pow_wits_def by blast
  obtain b where b_def: "b  pow_res_classes m  y = (λ S. (SOME x. x  (S  𝒪p))) b"
    using assms unfolding nth_pow_wits_def by blast
  have a_neq_b: "a  b"
    using assms a_def b_def by blast
  have 0: "x  a  𝒪p"
    using a_def nth_pow_wits_exists[of m a] assms
    by (meson someI_ex)
  have 1: "y  b  𝒪p"
    using b_def nth_pow_wits_exists[of m b] assms
    by (meson someI_ex)
  have 2: "pow_res m x = a"
    using a_def  pow_res_classes_mem_eq[of m a x] assms 0
    by blast
  have 3: "pow_res m y = b"
    using b_def  pow_res_classes_mem_eq[of m b y] assms 1
    by blast
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: "2" "3" a_neq_b)

lemma nth_pow_wits_disjoint_pow_res:
  assumes  "m > 0"
  assumes "x  nth_pow_wits m"
  assumes "y  nth_pow_wits m"
  assumes "x  y"
  shows "pow_res m x  pow_res m y =  {}"
  using assms nth_pow_wits_neq_pow_res disjoint_iff_not_equal
  by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) nth_pow_wits_closed(4) pow_res_classes_mem_eq)

lemma nth_power_fact':
  assumes "0 < (n::nat)"
  shows "m>0. ucarrier Qp. ac m u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
  using nth_power_fact[of n] assms
  by (metis less_one less_or_eq_imp_le linorder_neqE_nat neq0_conv)

lemma equal_pow_res_criterion:
  assumes "N > 0"
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes " u  carrier Qp. ac N u = 1  val u = 0  u  P_set n"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  assumes "a = b  (𝟭  c)"
  assumes "val c  N"
  shows "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
proof(cases "b = 𝟬")
  case True
  then have "a = 𝟬"
    using assms Qp.add.m_closed Qp.l_null Qp.one_closed by presburger
  then show ?thesis using True
    by blast
  case False
  then have F0: "a ÷ b = 𝟭  c"
    by (metis Qp.Units_one_closed Qp.add.m_closed Qp.inv_cancelR(2) Qp.one_closed Qp.unit_factor assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) assms(7) field_inv(2) inv_in_frac(1))
  have "0 < eint N"
    using assms by (metis eint_ord_simps(2) of_nat_0_less_iff zero_eint_def)
  hence F1: "val 𝟭 < val c"
    using assms less_le_trans[of 0 N "val c"] unfolding val_one
    by blast
  hence F2: " val 𝟭 = val (𝟭  c)"
    using assms val_one one_nonzero Qp.add.m_comm Qp.one_closed val_ultrametric_noteq by metis
  have "val 𝟭 + eint (int N)  val (𝟭  (𝟭  c))"
    have "val (𝟭  (𝟭  c)) = val c"
      using Qp.add.inv_closed Qp.minus_eq Qp.minus_sum Qp.one_closed Qp.r_neg2 assms(6) val_minus by presburger
    thus ?thesis
    unfolding val_one using assms F1 by (metis add.left_neutral)
  hence F3: "ac N 𝟭 = ac N (𝟭  c)"
    using F2  F1 assms ac_val[of 𝟭 "𝟭  c" N]
    by (metis Qp.add.m_closed Qp.one_closed val_nonzero)
  have F4: "𝟭  c  P_set n"
    using assms F1 F2 F3 val_one ac_one
    by (metis Qp.add.m_closed Qp.one_closed Qp.one_nonzero ac_inv'' ac_inv'''(1) ac_one')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(2) assms(4) assms(5) assms(7) equal_pow_resI' by blast

lemma pow_res_nat_pow:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n a = pow_res n b"
  shows "pow_res n (a[^](k::nat)) = pow_res n (b[^]k)"
  apply(induction k)
  using assms apply (metis Group.nat_pow_0)
  using assms pow_res_mult by (smt Qp.nat_pow_Suc2 Qp.nat_pow_closed)

lemma pow_res_mult':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  carrier Qp"
  assumes "c  carrier Qp"
  assumes "d  carrier Qp"
  assumes "e  carrier Qp"
  assumes "f  carrier Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n a = pow_res n d"
  assumes "pow_res n b = pow_res n e"
  assumes "pow_res n c = pow_res n f"
  shows "pow_res n (a  b  c) = pow_res n (d  e  f)"
  have "pow_res n (a  b) = pow_res n (d  e)"
    using pow_res_mult assms  by meson
  then show ?thesis using pow_res_mult assms
    by (meson Qp.m_closed)

lemma pow_res_disjoint:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "a  pow_res n 𝟭"
  shows "¬ (y  nonzero Qp. a = y[^]n)"
  using assms unfolding pow_res_def
  using Qp.l_one Qp.nonzero_closed by blast

lemma pow_res_disjoint':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "pow_res n a  pow_res n 𝟭"
  shows "¬ (y  nonzero Qp. a = y[^]n)"
using assms pow_res_disjoint pow_res_refl
  by (metis pow_res_nth_pow)

lemma pow_res_one_imp_nth_pow:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  pow_res n 𝟭"
  shows "y  nonzero Qp. a = y[^]n"
  using assms unfolding pow_res_def
  using Qp.l_one Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_closed by blast

lemma pow_res_eq:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "b  pow_res n a"
  shows "pow_res n b = pow_res n a"
proof(cases "a = 𝟬")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using assms by (metis pow_res_zero singletonD)
  case False
  then have a_nonzero: "a  nonzero Qp" using Qp.not_nonzero_memE assms(2) by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "n = 1")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a_nonzero assms
      using pow_res_one Qp_def Zp_def padic_fields_axioms by blast
    case False
    then have "n  2"
      using assms(1) by linarith
    then show ?thesis using False a_nonzero assms Qp.nonzero_closed nonzero_pow_res equal_pow_resI
      by blast

lemma pow_res_classes_n_eq_one:
"pow_res_classes 1 = {nonzero Qp}"
  unfolding pow_res_classes_def using pow_res_one Qp.one_nonzero by blast

lemma nth_pow_wits_closed':
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "x  nth_pow_wits n"
  shows "x  𝒪p  x  nonzero Qp" using nth_pow_wits_closed
  assms  by blast

subsection‹Semialgebraic Sets Defined by Congruences›

      subsubsection‹$p$-adic ord Congruence Sets›

lemma carrier_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic (carrier Qp)"
  apply(rule is_univ_semialgebraicI)
  using Qp.to_R1_carrier carrier_is_semialgebraic
  by presburger

lemma nonzero_is_univ_semialgebraic:
"is_univ_semialgebraic (nonzero Qp)"
  have "nonzero Qp = carrier Qp - {𝟬}"
    unfolding nonzero_def by blast
  then show ?thesis using  diff_is_univ_semialgebraic[of "carrier Qp" "{𝟬}"]
    by (metis Diff_empty Diff_insert0 carrier_is_univ_semialgebraic empty_subsetI
        finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_is_univ_semialgebraic insert_subset)

definition ord_congruence_set where
"ord_congruence_set n a = {x  nonzero Qp. ord x mod n = a}"

lemma ord_congruence_set_nonzero:
"ord_congruence_set n a  nonzero Qp"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq ord_congruence_set_def subsetI)

lemma ord_congruence_set_closed:
"ord_congruence_set n a  carrier Qp"
  using nonzero_def ord_congruence_set_nonzero
  unfolding nonzero_def
  by (meson Qp.nonzero_closed ord_congruence_set_nonzero subset_iff)

lemma ord_congruence_set_memE:
  assumes "x  ord_congruence_set n a"
  shows "x  nonzero Qp"
        "ord x mod n = a"
  using assms ord_congruence_set_nonzero apply blast
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms mem_Collect_eq ord_congruence_set_def)

lemma ord_congruence_set_memI:
  assumes "x  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "ord x mod n = a"
  shows "x  ord_congruence_set n a"
  using assms
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq ord_congruence_set_def)

  We want to prove that ord\_congruence\_set is a finite union of semialgebraic sets,
  hence is also semialgebraic.

lemma pow_res_ord_cong:
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  assumes "x  ord_congruence_set n a"
  shows "pow_res n x  ord_congruence_set n a"
proof fix y
  assume A: "y   pow_res n x"
  show "y  ord_congruence_set (int n) a"
    obtain a where a_def: "a  nonzero Qp  y = x  (a[^]n)"
      using A pow_res_def[of n x] by blast
    have 0: "x  nonzero Qp"
      using assms(2) ord_congruence_set_memE(1)
      by blast
    have 1: "y  nonzero Qp"
      using A
      by (metis "0" Qp.integral Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.nonzero_mult_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero a_def not_nonzero_Qp)
    have 2: "ord y = ord x + n* ord  a"
      using a_def 0 1 Qp_nat_pow_nonzero nonzero_nat_pow_ord ord_mult
      by presburger
    show ?thesis
      apply(rule ord_congruence_set_memI)
      using assms ord_congruence_set_memE 2 1
       apply blast
      using "2" assms(2) ord_congruence_set_memE(2)
      by presburger

lemma pow_res_classes_are_univ_semialgebraic:
  shows "are_univ_semialgebraic (pow_res_classes n)"
  apply(rule are_univ_semialgebraicI)
  using pow_res_classes_univ_semialg by blast

lemma ord_congruence_set_univ_semialg:
  assumes "n  0"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (ord_congruence_set n a)"
proof(cases "n = 0")
  case True
  have T0: "ord_congruence_set n a = {x  nonzero Qp. ord x = a}"
    unfolding ord_congruence_set_def True by presburger
  have T1: "{x  nonzero Qp. ord x = a} = {x  nonzero Qp. val x = a}"
    apply(rule equalityI'')
    using val_ord apply blast
    using val_ord
    by (metis eint.inject)
  have T2: "{x  nonzero Qp. val x = a} = {x  carrier Qp. val x = a}"
    apply(rule equalityI'')
    using Qp.nonzero_closed apply blast
    by (metis iless_Suc_eq val_nonzero val_val_ring_prod zero_in_val_ring)
  show ?thesis unfolding T0 T1 T2 using univ_val_eq_set_is_univ_semialgebraic by blast
  case False
  obtain F where F_def: "F = {S  (pow_res_classes (nat n)). S (ord_congruence_set n a) }"
    by blast
  have 0: "F  pow_res_classes (nat n)"
    using F_def by blast
  have 1: "finite F"
    using 0 False nat_mono[of 1 n] nat_numeral[] pow_res_classes_finite[of "nat n"] rev_finite_subset
    by (smt assms nat_one_as_int)
  have 2: "are_univ_semialgebraic F"
    apply(rule are_univ_semialgebraicI) using 0 pow_res_classes_are_univ_semialgebraic
    by (metis (mono_tags) are_univ_semialgebraicE are_univ_semialgebraic_def assms  nat_mono nat_numeral subset_iff)
  have 3: " F = (ord_congruence_set n a)"
    show " F  ord_congruence_set n a"
      using F_def
      by blast
    show "ord_congruence_set n a   F"
    proof fix x
      assume A: "x  ord_congruence_set n a"
      have x_nonzero: "x  nonzero Qp"
        using A ord_congruence_set_memE(1) by blast
      have 0: "pow_res (nat n) x  F"
        using A pow_res_classes_def F_def
        by (smt nonzero_def assms mem_Collect_eq nat_0_le ord_congruence_set_memE(1) pow_res_ord_cong)
      have 1: "x  pow_res (nat n) x" using False x_nonzero assms pow_res_refl[of x "nat n"]
        using Qp.nonzero_closed by blast
      show "x   F"
        using 0 1
        by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using "1" "2" finite_union_is_univ_semialgebraic'
    by fastforce

lemma ord_congruence_set_is_semialg:
  assumes "n  0"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 1 (Qp_to_R1_set (ord_congruence_set n a))"
  using assms is_univ_semialgebraicE ord_congruence_set_univ_semialg
  by blast

      subsubsection‹Congruence Sets for the order of the Evaluation of a Polynomial›

lemma poly_map_singleton:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "poly_map n [f] x = [(Qp_ev f x)]"
  unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def
  using assms
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_eq_map_conv list.simps(8) restrict_apply')

definition poly_cong_set where
"poly_cong_set n f m a = {x  carrier (Qpn). (Qp_ev f x)  𝟬   (ord (Qp_ev f x) mod m = a)}"

lemma poly_cong_set_as_pullback:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "poly_cong_set n f m a = poly_map n [f]  ¯n(Qp_to_R1_set (ord_congruence_set m a))"
  show "poly_cong_set n f m a  poly_map n [f]  ¯n((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  poly_cong_set n f m a"
    then have 0: "x  carrier (Qpn)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq poly_cong_set_def)
    have 1: "(Qp_ev f x)  𝟬 "
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A mem_Collect_eq poly_cong_set_def)
    have 2: "(ord (Qp_ev f x) mod m = a)"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) A mem_Collect_eq poly_cong_set_def)
    have 3: "(Qp_ev f x)  (ord_congruence_set m a)"
      using "0" "1" "2" eval_at_point_closed assms not_nonzero_Qp ord_congruence_set_memI
      by metis
    show "x  poly_map n [f]  ¯n((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)"
      have 00: "poly_map n [f] x = [(Qp_ev f x)]"
        using "0" assms poly_map_singleton by blast
      have 01: "[eval_at_point Qp x f]  carrier (Qp1)"
        using "0" assms eval_at_point_closed Qp.to_R1_closed by blast
      hence 02: "poly_map n [f] x  (λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a"
        using 3 "00" by blast
      then show "x  poly_map n [f]  ¯n((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)"
        using 0 unfolding evimage_def
        by blast
  show "poly_map n [f] ¯n(λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a
               poly_cong_set n f m a"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  poly_map n [f] ¯n((λa. [a]) ` (ord_congruence_set m a))"
    have 0: "((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)  carrier (Qp1)"
      using ord_congruence_set_closed Qp.to_R1_carrier by blast
    have "is_poly_tuple n [f]"
      using assms unfolding is_poly_tuple_def
      by (simp add: assms)
    then have 1:"poly_map n [f] ¯n((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)  carrier (Qpn)"
      using 0 A assms One_nat_def
      by (metis extensional_vimage_closed)
   then have 2: "x  carrier (Qpn)"
     using A unfolding evimage_def by blast
    then have 3: "poly_map n [f] x  ((λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a)"
      using A assms 0 One_nat_def
      by blast
    have "poly_map n [f] x = [(Qp_ev f x)]"
      using "2" assms poly_map_singleton by blast
    then have "Qp_ev f x  ord_congruence_set m a"
      using 3
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) image_iff list.inject)
    then show "x  poly_cong_set n f m a"
      unfolding poly_cong_set_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "2" Qp.nonzero_memE(2)
          mem_Collect_eq ord_congruence_set_memE(1) ord_congruence_set_memE(2))

lemma singleton_poly_tuple:
"is_poly_tuple n [f]  f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) list.distinct(1) list.set_cases list.set_intros(1) set_ConsD subset_code(1))

lemma poly_cong_set_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "m  0"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (poly_cong_set n f m a)"
  have 0: "(λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a  semialg_sets 1"
  using assms
        ord_congruence_set_is_semialg[of m a]
  unfolding is_semialgebraic_def
  by blast
  have 1: "length [f] = 1"
  by simp
  hence " poly_map n [f] ¯n(λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a  semialg_sets n"
    using 0 singleton_poly_tuple[of n f] zero_neq_one assms
    pullback_is_semialg[of n "[f]" 1 "(λa. [a]) ` ord_congruence_set m a"]
  unfolding is_semialgebraic_def
  by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms poly_cong_set_as_pullback[of f n m a]
  unfolding is_semialgebraic_def
  by presburger

      subsubsection‹Congruence Sets for Angular Components›

text‹If a set is a union of n›-th power residues, then it is semialgebraic.›

lemma pow_res_union_imp_semialg:
  assumes "n  1"
  assumes "S  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "x. x  S  pow_res n x  S"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic S"
  obtain F where F_def: "F = {T. T  pow_res_classes n  T  S}"
    by blast
  have 0: "F  pow_res_classes n"
    using F_def by blast
  have 1: "finite F"
    using 0 pow_res_classes_finite[of n] assms(1) finite_subset
    by auto
  have 2: "are_univ_semialgebraic F"
    using 0
    by (meson are_univ_semialgebraicE are_univ_semialgebraicI assms(1)
        pow_res_classes_are_univ_semialgebraic padic_fields_axioms subsetD)
  have 3: "S =  F"
    show "S   F"
    proof fix x
      assume A: "x  S"
      then have "pow_res n x  S"
        using assms(3) by blast
      then have "pow_res n x  F"
        using A assms(2) F_def pow_res_classes_def
        by (smt mem_Collect_eq subsetD)
      then have "pow_res n x   F"
        by blast
      then show "x   F"
        using A assms(1) assms(2) pow_res_refl[of x n] unfolding nonzero_def by blast
    show " F  S"
      using F_def
      by blast
  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 3 finite_union_is_univ_semialgebraic'
    by blast

definition ac_cong_set1 where
"ac_cong_set1 n y = {x  carrier Qp. x  𝟬  ac n x = ac n y}"

lemma ac_cong_set1_is_univ_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "b  nonzero Qp"
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (ac_cong_set1 n b)"
proof(cases "n = 1  p = 2")
  case True
  have "(ac_cong_set1 n b) = nonzero Qp"
    have 0: "Units (Zp_res_ring n) = {1}"
    proof show "Units (Zp_res_ring n)  {1}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
        have 0: "carrier (Zp_res_ring n) = {0..(int 2) - 1}"
          using True
          by (metis assms(1) int_ops(3) p_residues power_one_right residues.res_carrier_eq)
        have 1: "carrier (Zp_res_ring n) = {0..(1::int)}"
        proof- have "int 2 - 1 = (1::int)"
                    by linarith
                  then show ?thesis
                    using 0
                    by presburger
        have 15: "{0..(1::int)} = {0, (1::int)}"
          using atLeastAtMostPlus1_int_conv [of 0 "0::int"]
          by (smt atLeastAtMost_singleton insert_commute)
        have 2: "carrier (Zp_res_ring n) = {0,(1::int)}"
          using "1" "15"
          by blast
        have 3: "0  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
          using True zero_not_in_residue_units by blast
        have "x  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
          using A unfolding Units_def by blast
        then have "x = 1" using A  2 3
          by (metis "1" atLeastAtMost_iff atLeastatMost_empty
              atLeastatMost_empty_iff2 linorder_neqE_linordered_idom mod_by_1 mod_pos_pos_trivial )
        then show "x  {1}"
          by simp
      show "{1}  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
        by (meson assms(1) empty_subsetI insert_subset residue_1_unit(1))
    show "ac_cong_set1 n b  nonzero Qp"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ac_cong_set1_def mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp subsetI)
    show "nonzero Qp  ac_cong_set1 n b"
    proof fix x
      assume A: "x  nonzero Qp"
      then have P0: "ac n x = 1"
        using 0 ac_units assms(1) by blast
      have P1: "ac n b = 1"
        using assms 0 ac_units assms(1) by blast
      then have "ac n x = ac n b"
        using P0 by metis
      then show " x  ac_cong_set1 n b"
        unfolding ac_cong_set1_def using A
      proof -
        have "x  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬}"
          by (metis (no_types) x  nonzero Qp nonzero_def )
        then show "x  {r  carrier Qp. r  𝟬  ac n r = ac n b}"
          using ac n x = ac n b by force
  then show "is_univ_semialgebraic (ac_cong_set1 n b)"
    by (simp add: nonzero_is_univ_semialgebraic)
  case F: False
  have F0: "2  card (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
  proof(cases "n = 1")
    case True
    then have "field (Zp_res_ring n)"
       using p_res_ring_1_field by blast
    then have F00: "Units (Zp_res_ring n) = carrier (Zp_res_ring n) - {𝟬Zp_res_ring n}"
      using field.field_Units by blast
    have F01: "𝟬Zp_res_ring n carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
      using assms(1) cring.cring_simprules(2) padic_integers.R_cring padic_integers_axioms by blast
    have F02: "card (carrier (Zp_res_ring n)) = p  finite (carrier (Zp_res_ring n))"
      by (smt F01 True nat_eq_iff2 p_res_ring_zero p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) power_one_right residue_ring_card)
    have F03: "𝟬residue_ring (p ^ n) carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)) "
      using F01 by blast
    have F04: "int (card (carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n))))  int (card {𝟬residue_ring (p ^ n)}) "
      by (smt F02 F03 nat_int of_nat_0_le_iff of_nat_1 of_nat_power p_res_ring_0 p_res_ring_zero
          p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) power_increasing power_one_right residue_ring_card)
    have "card (carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n))) - 1 = p - 1"
      using F02 prime
      by (metis Totient.of_nat_eq_1_iff True less_imp_le_nat less_one nat_int nat_less_eq_zless
          of_nat_1 of_nat_diff of_nat_zero_less_power_iff p_residues pos_int_cases
          power_0 power_one_right residue_ring_card residues.m_gt_one zero_le_one)
    hence F05: "card (carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)) - {𝟬residue_ring (p ^ n)}) = p - 1"
      using F02 F03 F04 card_Diff_singleton_if[of "(carrier (Zp_res_ring n))" "𝟬residue_ring (p^n)⇙"]
           True int_ops(6)[of "card (carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))" "card {𝟬residue_ring (p ^ n)}"]
           p_res_ring_zero p_residue_ring_car_memE(1)
      by (metis)
  hence F06: "card (Units (Zp_res_ring n)) = p -1"
      using True F02 F01 F00
      by (metis p_res_ring_zero)
    have F04: "p - 1 2 "
      using F prime
      by (meson True linorder_cases not_less prime_ge_2_int zle_diff1_eq)
    then show ?thesis
      using F03 F06
      by linarith
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis assms(1) less_imp_le_nat mod2_gr_0 mod_less nat_le_linear nat_neq_iff residue_units_card_geq_2)
  show ?thesis
  apply(rule pow_res_union_imp_semialg[of "card (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"])
  using F0 assms apply linarith
  apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ac_cong_set1_def mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp subsetI)
  fix x
  assume AA: "x  ac_cong_set1 n b"
  show "pow_res (card (Units (Zp_res_ring n))) x  ac_cong_set1 n b"
    fix y
    assume A: "y  pow_res (card (Units (Zp_res_ring n))) x"
    show "y  ac_cong_set1 n b"
      obtain k where k_def: "k = card (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
        by blast
      have "k 2"
        using assms k_def  F F0 by blast
      then obtain a where a_def: "a  nonzero Qp  y = x  (a[^]k)"
        using  k_def A pow_res_def[of k x]
        by blast
      have 0: "x  nonzero Qp"
        using AA ac_cong_set1_def
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq not_nonzero_Qp)
      have 1: "y  nonzero Qp"
        by (metis "0" Qp.Units_m_closed Qp_nat_pow_nonzero Units_eq_nonzero thesis. (a. a  nonzero Qp  y = x  a [^] k  thesis)  thesis)
      have "ac n y = ac n x Zp_res_ring nac n (a[^]k)"
        using a_def 0 1 Qp_nat_pow_nonzero ac_mult'
        by blast
      then have 2: "ac n y = ac n x Zp_res_ring n(ac n a)[^]Zp_res_ring nk"
        have "ac n (a[^]k) = ac n a [^]Zp_res_ring nk"
          using a_def assms(1) ac_nat_pow'[of a n k]
          by linarith
        then show ?thesis
          using ac n y = ac n x Zp_res_ring nac n (a[^]k)
          by presburger
      then have "ac n y = ac n x"
        have "(ac n a)  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
          by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) a_def ac_units assms(1) )
        then have "(ac n a)^k mod (p^n) = 1"
          using k_def a_def ac_nat_pow ac_nat_pow' assms(1) residue_units_nilpotent
          using neq0_conv by presburger
        then have 00: "(ac n a)[^]Zp_res_ring nk = 1"
          by (metis a_def ac_nat_pow ac_nat_pow' mod_by_1 power_0
        have "ac n x residue_ring (p ^ n)ac n a [^]residue_ring (p ^ n)k = ac n x Zp_res_ring n𝟭Zp_res_ring n⇙"
          using 00  assms(1) p_res_ring_one by presburger
        hence "ac n x residue_ring (p ^ n)ac n a [^]residue_ring (p ^ n)k = ac n x"
          by (metis "0" Qp.nonzero_closed Qp.one_nonzero Qp.r_one ac_mult' ac_one' assms(1))
        then show ?thesis
          using 2 "0" 00
          by linarith
      then show ?thesis
        using  "1" AA nonzero_def
            ac_cong_set1_def[of n b] mem_Collect_eq
        by smt

definition ac_cong_set where
"ac_cong_set n k = {x  carrier Qp. x  𝟬  ac n x = k}"

lemma ac_cong_set_is_univ_semialg:
  assumes "n >0 "
  assumes "k  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (ac_cong_set n k)"
  have "k  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
    using assms(2) Units_def[of "Zp_res_ring n"]
    by blast
  then have k_n: "([k]Zp𝟭Zp) n = k"
    using assms
    by (metis Zp_int_inc_res mod_pos_pos_trivial p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) p_residue_ring_car_memE(2))
  obtain b where b_def: "b = ι ([k]Zp𝟭Zp)"
    by blast
  have 0: "k mod p  0"
    using assms residue_UnitsE[of n k]
    by (metis le_eq_less_or_eq le_refl less_one nat_le_linear p_residues power_0
        power_one_right residues.mod_in_res_units residues_def zero_less_one
        zero_neq_one zero_not_in_residue_units zero_power)
  then have "val_Zp ([k]Zp𝟭Zp) = 0"
    using val_Zp_p_int_unit by blast
  then have 1: "val b = 0"
    by (metis Zp_int_inc_closed b_def val_of_inc)
  have 2: "b  𝒪p"
    using b_def Zp_int_mult_closed
    by blast
  have "ord_Zp ([k] Zp𝟭Zp) = 0"
    using 0 ord_Zp_p_int_unit by blast
  have "ac_Zp ([k]Zp𝟭Zp) = ([k]Zp𝟭Zp)"
    using "0" Zp_int_inc_closed ac_Zp_of_Unit ord_Zp_p_int_unit val_Zp ([k] Zp𝟭Zp) = 0
    by blast
  then have "(angular_component b) = ([k]Zp𝟭Zp)"
    using b_def 1 2 angular_component_ord_zero[of b]
    by (metis Qp.int_inc_zero Qp.one_closed val_ring_memE Zp.int_inc_zero Zp.one_closed
        Zp.one_nonzero Zp_int_inc_closed angular_component_of_inclusion inc_closed inc_of_int
        inc_of_one inc_to_Zp local.val_zero not_nonzero_Qp val_ineq val_one zero_in_val_ring)
  then have "ac n b = k"
    using ac_def[of n b] k_n
    by (metis Qp_char_0_int Zp_defs(1) ac_def b_def inc_of_int inc_of_one)
  then have 3: "(ac_cong_set n k) = (ac_cong_set1 n b)"
    unfolding ac_cong_set_def ac_cong_set1_def
    by meson
  have 4: "b  nonzero Qp"
    using 1 2 val_nonzero
    by (metis Qp.one_closed val_ring_memE Zp_def ι_def local.one_neq_zero
        not_nonzero_Qp padic_fields.val_ring_memE padic_fields_axioms val_ineq val_one)
  then show ?thesis
    using 1 2 3 assms ac_cong_set1_is_univ_semialg[of n b] val_nonzero[of b 1]
    by presburger

definition val_ring_constant_ac_set where
"val_ring_constant_ac_set n k = {a  𝒪p. val a = 0  ac n a = k}"

lemma val_nonzero':
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "val a = eint k"
  shows "a  nonzero Qp"
  using val_nonzero[of a "k + 1"]
  by (metis Suc_ile_eq assms(1) assms(2) eint_ord_code(3) val_nonzero)

lemma val_ord':
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "a 𝟬"
  shows "val a = ord a"
  by (meson assms(1) assms(2) not_nonzero_Qp val_ord)

lemma val_ring_constant_ac_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "k  0"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)"
proof(cases "val_ring_constant_ac_set n k = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis equals0D order_refl pow_res_union_imp_semialg subsetI)
  case False
  then obtain b where b_def: "b  val_ring_constant_ac_set n k"
    by blast
  have 0: "val_ring_constant_ac_set n k = q_ball n k 0 𝟬"
    show "val_ring_constant_ac_set n k  q_ball n k 0 𝟬"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  val_ring_constant_ac_set n k" then
      show "x  q_ball n k 0 𝟬"
        have 0: "x  𝒪p  val x = 0  ac n x = k"
          using A
          unfolding val_ring_constant_ac_set_def
          by blast
        then have x_car: "x  carrier Qp"
          using val_ring_memE
          by blast
        then have 00: "x = x  𝟬"
          using Qp.ring_simprules by metis
        then have 1: "ac n (x Qp𝟬) = k"
          using 0
          by presburger
        have 2: "val (x Qp𝟬) = 0"
          using 0 00
          by metis
        have 3: "x  nonzero Qp"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume " x  nonzero Qp "
          then have "x = 𝟬"
            using Qp.nonzero_memI x_car by blast
          then show False
            using 0 val_zero
            by (metis ac_def assms(2))
        have 4: "ord (x Qp𝟬) = 0"
        proof(rule ccontr)
          assume "ord (x  𝟬)  0"
          then have "val (x  𝟬)  0"
            by (metis "00" "3" Qp.one_closed equal_val_imp_equal_ord(1) ord_one val_one)
          then show False
            using "2"
            by blast
        show ?thesis
          using 0 1 4
          unfolding  q_ball_def
          using x_car by blast
    show "q_ball n k 0 𝟬  val_ring_constant_ac_set n k"
    proof fix x
      assume A: "x  q_ball n k 0 𝟬"
      then have 0: "ac n (x Qp𝟬) = k"
        using q_ballE'(1) by blast
      have 1: "ord (x Qp𝟬) = 0"
        using q_ball_def A
        by blast
      have 2: "x  carrier Qp"
        using A q_ball_def by blast
      have 3: "ord x = 0"
        using 2 1 ring.ring_simprules[of Qp]
        by (metis Qp.ring_axioms)
      have 4: "ac n x = k"
        using 0 2 1  cring.axioms(1)[of Qp] ring.ring_simprules[of Qp]
         by (metis Qp.ring_axioms)
       have 5: "x  𝒪p"
         using Qp_val_ringI[of x] 2 3 val_ord val_nonzero'
         by (metis Qp.integral_iff val_ring_memE Zp.nonzero_closed angular_component_closed
             angular_component_ord_zero image_eqI local.numer_denom_facts(1) local.numer_denom_facts(2)
             local.numer_denom_facts(4) not_nonzero_Qp)
       have 6: "x  𝟬"
         using 4 assms ac_def[of n x]
         by meson
       have 7: "val x = 0"
         using 6 3 2 assms val_ord' zero_eint_def by presburger
       show " x  val_ring_constant_ac_set n k"
         unfolding val_ring_constant_ac_set_def
         using 7 6 5 4
         by blast
  obtain b where b_def: "b  q_ball n k (0::int) 𝟬"
    using "0" b_def by blast
  have 1: "b  carrier Qp  ac n b = k"
    using b_def unfolding q_ball_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "0" b_def mem_Collect_eq val_ring_constant_ac_set_def)
  then have 2: "b  nonzero Qp"
    using 1 assms
    by (metis ac_def not_nonzero_Qp)
  have "q_ball n k 0 𝟬 = B⇘0 + int n⇙[b]"
    using  1 b_def nonzero_def [of Qp] assms 0 2 c_ball_q_ball[of b n k "𝟬" b 0]
    by (meson Qp.cring_axioms cring.cring_simprules(2))
  then have "is_univ_semialgebraic (q_ball n k (0::int) 𝟬) "
    using 1 ball_is_univ_semialgebraic[of b "0 + int n"]
    by  metis
  then show ?thesis
    using 0 by presburger

definition val_ring_constant_ac_sets where
"val_ring_constant_ac_sets n = val_ring_constant_ac_set n ` (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"

lemma val_ring_constant_ac_sets_are_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "are_univ_semialgebraic (val_ring_constant_ac_sets n)"
proof(rule are_univ_semialgebraicI)
  have 0: "¬ coprime 0 p"
    using coprime_0_right_iff[of p] coprime_commute[of p 0] coprime_int_iff[of "nat p" 0]
        nat_dvd_1_iff_1 prime_gt_1_nat zdvd1_eq
    by (metis not_prime_unit prime)
  have "(0::int) (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
    apply(rule ccontr)
    using 0 assms residues.cring[of "p ^ n"] unfolding residues_def
      by (smt less_one not_gr_zero power_le_imp_le_exp power_less_imp_less_exp residue_UnitsE)
  fix x
  assume A: "x  val_ring_constant_ac_sets n"
  then obtain k where k_def: "x = val_ring_constant_ac_set n k  k  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
    by (metis image_iff val_ring_constant_ac_sets_def)
  then show "is_univ_semialgebraic x"
    using assms
    by (metis 0  Units (Zp_res_ring n) val_ring_constant_ac_set_is_univ_semialgebraic)

definition ac_cong_set3 where
"ac_cong_set3 n  = {as.  a b. a  nonzero Qp  b  𝒪p  val b = 0  (ac n a = ac n b)  as = [a, b] }"

definition ac_cong_set2 where
"ac_cong_set2 n k = {as.  a b. a  nonzero Qp  b  𝒪p  val b = 0  (ac n a = k)  (ac n b) = k  as = [a, b] }"

lemma ac_cong_set2_cartesian_product:
  assumes "k  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "ac_cong_set2 n k = cartesian_product (to_R1` (ac_cong_set n k)) (to_R1` (val_ring_constant_ac_set n k))"
  show "ac_cong_set2 n k  cartesian_product ((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  ac_cong_set2 n k"
    show "x  (cartesian_product ((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k))"
      unfolding ac_cong_set_def val_ring_constant_ac_set_def ac_cong_set2_def
      apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 1 _ 1])
       apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq subsetI Qp.to_R1_car_subset)
        apply (metis (no_types, lifting) val_ring_memE mem_Collect_eq subsetI Qp.to_R1_car_subset)
       obtain a b where ab_def: "x = [a,b]  a  nonzero Qp  b  𝒪p  val b = 0  (ac n a = k)  (ac n b) = k"
         using A
         unfolding ac_cong_set_def val_ring_constant_ac_set_def ac_cong_set2_def
         by blast
       have 0: "take 1 x = [a]"
         by (simp add: ab_def)
       have 1: "drop 1 x = [b]"
         by (simp add: ab_def)
       have 2: "a  {x  carrier Qp. x  𝟬  ac n x = k}"
         using ab_def nonzero_def
         by (smt mem_Collect_eq)
       have 3: "b   {a  𝒪p. val a = 0  ac n a = k}"
         using ab_def
         by blast
       show "take 1 x  (λa. [a]) ` {x  carrier Qp. x  𝟬  ac n x = k}"
         using  0 2 by blast
       show "drop 1 x  (λa. [a]) ` {a  𝒪p. val a = 0  ac n a = k}"
         using 1 3 by blast
  show "cartesian_product ((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)  ac_cong_set2 n k"
  proof fix x
    have 0: "(λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k  carrier (Qp1)"
      using assms
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) ac_cong_set_def mem_Collect_eq subsetI Qp.to_R1_car_subset)
    have 1: "((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)  carrier (Qp1)"
      by (smt val_ring_memE mem_Collect_eq subsetI Qp.to_R1_carrier Qp.to_R1_subset val_ring_constant_ac_set_def)
    assume A: "x  cartesian_product ((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)"
    then have "length x = 2"
      using 0 1 A cartesian_product_closed[of "((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k)" Qp 1 "((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)" 1]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE one_add_one subset_iff)
    then obtain a b where ab_def: "take 1 x = [a]  drop 1 x = [b]"
      by (metis One_nat_def add_diff_cancel_left' drop0 drop_Cons_numeral numerals(1) pair_id plus_1_eq_Suc take0 take_Cons_numeral)
    have 2: " a  (ac_cong_set n k)  b  (val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)"
      have P0: "take 1 x  (λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k"
        using 0 A cartesian_product_memE[of x "((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) " " ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)" Qp 1]
        by blast
      have P1: "drop 1 x  (λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k"
        using 0 A cartesian_product_memE[of x "((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k) " " ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)" Qp 1]
        by blast
      have P2: "[a]  (λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k"
        using P0 ab_def
        by metis
      have P3: "[b]  (λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k"
        using P1 ab_def by metis
      show ?thesis
        using P2 P3
        by blast
    have 3: "a  nonzero Qp"
      using 2 assms nonzero_def [of Qp]  ac_cong_set_def[of n k]
      by blast
    have 4: "x = [a,b]"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) length x = 2 ab_def less_numeral_extra(1) nth_Cons_0 nth_take nth_via_drop pair_id)
    then have "a b. a  nonzero Qp  b  𝒪p  val b = 0  ac n a = k  ac n b = k  x = [a, b]"
      using 2 3 ab_def  unfolding val_ring_constant_ac_set_def ac_cong_set_def
      by blast
    then show "x  ac_cong_set2 n k"
      unfolding ac_cong_set2_def val_ring_constant_ac_set_def ac_cong_set_def
      by blast

lemma ac_cong_set2_is_semialg:
  assumes "k  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 2 (ac_cong_set2 n k)"
  using  ac_cong_set_is_univ_semialg ac_cong_set2_cartesian_product[of k n]
      cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 1 "((λa. [a]) ` ac_cong_set n k)" 1 " ((λa. [a]) ` val_ring_constant_ac_set n k)"]
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) is_univ_semialgebraicE less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_neq_iff
      one_add_one val_ring_constant_ac_set_is_univ_semialgebraic zero_not_in_residue_units)

lemma ac_cong_set3_as_union:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "ac_cong_set3 n =  (ac_cong_set2 n ` (Units (Zp_res_ring n)) )"
  show "ac_cong_set3 n   (ac_cong_set2 n ` Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  ac_cong_set3 n"
    then have 0: "x  (ac_cong_set2 n (ac n (x!0)))"
      unfolding ac_cong_set2_def ac_cong_set3_def
      by (smt mem_Collect_eq nth_Cons_0)
    have 1: "(ac n (x!0))  Units (Zp_res_ring n)"
      using A unfolding ac_cong_set3_def
      by (smt ac_units assms mem_Collect_eq nth_Cons_0)
    then show "x   (ac_cong_set2 n ` Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
      using 0
      by blast
  show " (ac_cong_set2 n ` Units (Zp_res_ring n))  ac_cong_set3 n"
  proof fix x assume A: "x   (ac_cong_set2 n ` Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
    obtain k where k_def: "x  (ac_cong_set2 n k)  k  (Units (Zp_res_ring n))"
      using A by blast
    have 0: "k mod p  0"
      using k_def One_nat_def  Suc_le_eq assms less_numeral_extra(1)
          power_one_right residues.m_gt_one residues.mod_in_res_units
      by (metis p_residues residue_UnitsE zero_not_in_residue_units)
    obtain b where b_def: "b = ([k]Zp𝟭Zp)"
      by blast
    have "k 0"
      using 0 mod_0
      by blast
    then have 1: "b  nonzero Zp"
      using 0 b_def int_unit
      by (metis Zp.Units_nonzero Zp.zero_not_one)
    have 10: "ord_Zp b = 0" using 0 1
      using b_def ord_Zp_p_int_unit by blast
    have 2: "ι b  nonzero Qp" using k_def
      using "1" inc_of_nonzero by blast
    have 3: "angular_component (ι b) = ac_Zp b"
      using "1" angular_component_of_inclusion
      by blast
    have 4: "ac_Zp b = b"
      using 1 10
      by (metis "3" Zp.r_one ac_Zp_factors' angular_component_closed inc_of_nonzero int_pow_0 mult_comm ord_Zp_def)
    have 5: "ac_Zp b n = k"
      have "k  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
        using k_def unfolding Units_def by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using b_def k_def 4 Zp_int_inc_res  mod_pos_pos_trivial
        by (metis p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) p_residue_ring_car_memE(2))
    then have "ac n (ι b) = k"
      using 10 1 2 3 4 unfolding ac_def
      using Qp.not_nonzero_memI by metis
    then show "x  ac_cong_set3 n"
      unfolding ac_cong_set3_def
      using k_def unfolding ac_cong_set2_def
      by (smt mem_Collect_eq)

lemma ac_cong_set3_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 2 (ac_cong_set3 n)"
  have 0: "finite (ac_cong_set2 n ` (Units (Zp_res_ring n)) )"
    using assms residues.finite_Units[of "p^n"] unfolding residues_def
    using p_residues residues.finite_Units by blast
  have 1: "are_semialgebraic 2 (ac_cong_set2 n ` (Units (Zp_res_ring n)) )"
    apply(rule are_semialgebraicI)
    using ac_cong_set2_is_semialg assms by blast
  show ?thesis
    using 0 1 ac_cong_set3_as_union
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) are_semialgebraicE assms finite_union_is_semialgebraic' is_semialgebraicE subsetI)

subsection‹Permutations of indices of semialgebraic sets›

lemma fun_inv_permute:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "fun_inv σ permutes {..<n}"
        "σ  (fun_inv σ) = id"
        "(fun_inv σ)  σ = id"
  using assms unfolding fun_inv_def
  using permutes_inv apply blast
  using assms permutes_inv_o(1) apply blast
  using assms permutes_inv_o(2) by blast

lemma poly_tuple_pullback_eq_poly_map_vimage:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "S  carrir (Qpm)"
  shows "poly_map n fs  ¯nS = poly_tuple_pullback n S fs"
  unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_pullback_def evimage_def restrict_def
  using assms
  by (smt vimage_inter_cong)

lemma permutation_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n (permute_list σ ` S)"
  have "S  carrier (Qpn)"
    using assms gen_boolean_algebra_subset is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def
    by blast
  then have "(permute_list σ ` S) = poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list (fun_inv σ) (pvar_list Qp n))"
    using Qp.cring_axioms assms pullback_by_permutation_of_poly_list'[of  σ n S] unfolding poly_map_def
    by blast
  then have 0: "(permute_list σ ` S) = poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list (fun_inv σ) (pvar_list Qp n))"
    using poly_tuple_pullback_def
    by blast
  have 1: "(fun_inv σ) permutes {..<n}"
    using assms  unfolding fun_inv_def
    using permutes_inv by blast
  then show ?thesis using 1 pullback_is_semialg[of n "(permute_list (fun_inv σ) (pvar_list Qp n))"]
                         permutation_of_poly_list_is_poly_list[of  n "(pvar_list Qp n)" "fun_inv σ"]
                         pvar_list_is_poly_tuple[of n] assms poly_tuple_pullback_eq_poly_map_vimage
  by (metis "0" S  carrier (Qpn) is_semialgebraic_def length_permute_list pvar_list_length)

lemma permute_list_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "permute_list σ a  carrier (Qpn)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_permute_list apply blast
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'' permute_list_set by blast

lemma permute_list_closed':
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "permute_list σ a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  apply (metis assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE length_permute_list)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'[of "permute_list σ a" Qp n]
  by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE in_set_conv_nth length_permute_list set_permute_list subsetI)

lemma permute_list_compose_inv:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "permute_list σ (permute_list (fun_inv σ) a) = a"
        "permute_list (fun_inv σ) (permute_list σ a) = a"
  using assms apply (metis cartesian_power_car_memE fun_inv_permute(3) permute_list_compose permute_list_id)
  using assms by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE fun_inv_permute(2) fun_inv_permute(1) permute_list_compose permute_list_id)

lemma permutation_is_semialgebraic_imp_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n (permute_list σ ` S)"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n S"
  have "permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` (permute_list σ ` S) = S"
    have 0: "(permute_list σ ` S)  carrier (Qpn)"
      using assms unfolding is_semialgebraic_def semialg_sets_def
      using gen_boolean_algebra_subset by blast
    have 1: "S  carrier (Qpn)"
    proof fix x assume "x  S" then show "x  carrier (Qpn)"
        using 0 assms
        by (meson image_subset_iff permute_list_closed')
    show ?thesis
    proof show "permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` permute_list σ ` S  S"
        using 0 assms permute_list_compose_inv[of σ]  "1" image_iff image_subset_iff subsetD
        by smt
        show "S  permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` permute_list σ ` S"
        using 0 assms permute_list_compose_inv[of σ]
        by (smt "1" image_iff subset_eq)
  then show ?thesis using permutation_is_semialgebraic
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2)  fun_inv_permute(1))

lemma split_cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n A"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic m B"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m) (split_cartesian_product n m i A B)"
  using assms cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic scp_permutes[of i n m]
        permutation_is_semialgebraic[of "n + m" "cartesian_product A B" "(scp_permutation n m i)"]
  unfolding split_cartesian_product_def
  by blast

definition reverse_val_relation_set where
"reverse_val_relation_set = {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}"

lemma  Qp_2_car_memE:
  assumes  "x  carrier (Qp2)"
  shows "x = [x!0, x!1]"
  have "length x = 2"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using pair_id by blast

definition flip where
"flip =  (λi::nat. (if i = 0 then 1 else (if i = 1 then 0 else i)))"

lemma flip_permutes:
"flip permutes {0,1}"
 unfolding permutes_def flip_def
 by (smt mem_simps(1))

lemma flip_eval:
"flip 0 = 1"
"flip 1 = 0"
  unfolding flip_def
  by auto

lemma flip_x:
  assumes "x  carrier (Qp2)"
  shows "permute_list flip x = [x!1, x!0]"
  have 0: "x = [x!0, x!1]"
    using assms Qp_2_car_memE by blast
  have 1: "length (permute_list flip x) = length [x!1, x!0]"
    using 0 unfolding permute_list_def
    by (metis length_Cons length_map map_nth)
  have 2: "i. i < 2  permute_list flip x ! i = [x!1, x!0] ! i"
  proof- fix i::nat assume A: "i < 2"
    show "permute_list flip x ! i = [x!1, x!0] ! i"
      using 0 unfolding permute_list_def
      by (smt flip_eval(1) flip_eval(2) length_Cons length_greater_0_conv list.simps(8) map_upt_Suc numeral_nat(7) upt_rec)
  have "i. i < length x  permute_list flip x ! i = [x!1, x!0] ! i"
  have 0:  "length x = 2"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
      show  "i. i < length x  permute_list flip x ! i = [x!1, x!0] ! i" using 2 unfolding 0
        by blast
  thus ?thesis using 1
    by (metis length_permute_list nth_equalityI)

lemma permute_with_flip_closed:
  assumes "x  carrier (Qp2::nat)"
  shows  "permute_list  flip x  carrier (Qp2::nat)"
  apply(rule permute_list_closed)
  using assms apply blast
  have "{0::nat, 1} = {..<2::nat}"
    by auto
  thus "flip permutes {..<2}"
  using flip_permutes
  by auto

lemma reverse_val_relation_set_semialg:
"is_semialgebraic 2 reverse_val_relation_set"
  have 1: "reverse_val_relation_set = permute_list flip `  val_relation_set"
    apply(rule equalityI')
    show " x. x  reverse_val_relation_set  x  permute_list flip ` val_relation_set"
      proof- fix x assume A: "x  reverse_val_relation_set"
    have 0: "permute_list flip x = [x ! 1, x ! 0]"
      using flip_x[of x] A unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def
      by blast
    have 1: "permute_list flip x  carrier (Qp2)"
      apply(rule permute_with_flip_closed) using A unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def by blast
    have 2: "permute_list flip x  val_relation_set"
      using 1 A unfolding 0 reverse_val_relation_set_def val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
      by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_hd list_tl)
    show "x  permute_list flip ` val_relation_set"
      using flip_x[of x] A unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" "2" Qp_2_car_memE flip_x image_eqI list_tl nth_Cons_0 val_relation_set_def)
    show "x. x  permute_list flip ` val_relation_set  x  reverse_val_relation_set"
    proof- fix x assume a: " x  permute_list flip ` val_relation_set"
      then obtain y where y_def: "y  val_relation_set x = permute_list flip y"
        by blast
      have y_closed: "y  carrier (Qp2)"
        using y_def basic_semialg_set_memE(1) val_relation_semialg by blast
      have y_length: " length y = 2"
        using y_def basic_semialg_set_memE  val_relation_semialg
        by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE)
      obtain a b where ab_def: "y = [a,b]"
        using y_length pair_id by blast
      have 0: "a = y!0"
        using ab_def
        by (metis nth_Cons_0)
      have 1: "b = y!1"
        using ab_def
        by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel eq_numeral_extra(2) nth_Cons')
      have a_closed: "a  carrier Qp"
        using 0 y_closed unfolding 0
        by (meson cartesian_power_car_memE' rel_simps(75) zero_order(5))
      have b_closed: "b  carrier Qp"
        have "1 < (2::nat)" by linarith
        thus ?thesis
        using y_closed unfolding 1
        by (meson cartesian_power_car_memE')
      have 2: "x = [b, a]" using flip_x[of y] y_def y_closed unfolding  ab_def unfolding 0 1
        using y  carrier (Qp2)  permute_list flip y = [y ! 1, y ! 0] y_closed y_def by presburger
      have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp2)"
        using  y_def unfolding val_relation_set_def using permute_with_flip_closed[of y]
        by blast
      show " x  reverse_val_relation_set"
        using x_closed  y_def
        unfolding val_relation_set_def reverse_val_relation_set_def  mem_Collect_eq 2 0 1
        by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_hd list_tl)
  show ?thesis unfolding 1
    apply(rule permutation_is_semialgebraic)
    using val_relation_is_semialgebraic apply blast
    using flip_permutes
    by (metis Suc_1 insert_commute lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc numeral_nat(7))

definition strict_val_relation_set where
"strict_val_relation_set = {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as ! 0) < val (as ! 1)}"

definition val_diag where
"val_diag = {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as ! 0) = val (as ! 1)}"

lemma val_diag_semialg:
"is_semialgebraic 2 val_diag"
  have "val_diag = val_relation_set reverse_val_relation_set"
    apply(rule equalityI')
    apply(rule IntI)
    unfolding val_diag_def val_relation_set_def reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
  apply simp
  apply simp
      apply(erule IntE) unfolding mem_Collect_eq
    using basic_trans_rules(24) by blast
  then show ?thesis using intersection_is_semialg
    by (simp add: reverse_val_relation_set_semialg val_relation_is_semialgebraic)

lemma strict_val_relation_set_is_semialg:
"is_semialgebraic 2 strict_val_relation_set"
  have 0: "strict_val_relation_set = reverse_val_relation_set - val_diag"
    apply(rule equalityI')
    apply(rule DiffI)
    unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def val_diag_def val_relation_set_def reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
    using order_le_less apply blast
    show "x. x  carrier (Qp2)  val (x ! 0) < val (x ! 1)  x  carrier (Qp2)  val (x ! 0) = val (x ! 1)  False"
      using order_less_le by blast
    show " x. x  {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)} - {as  carrier (Qp2). val (as ! 0) = val (as ! 1)} 
         x  carrier (Qp2)  val (x ! 0) < val (x ! 1)"
      apply(erule DiffE) unfolding mem_Collect_eq using order_le_less by blast
  show ?thesis unfolding 0
    apply(rule diff_is_semialgebraic )
    using reverse_val_relation_set_semialg apply blast
        using val_diag_semialg by blast

lemma singleton_length:
  "length [a] = 1"
  by auto

lemma take_closed':
  assumes "m > 0"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpm+l)"
  shows "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
  apply(rule take_closed[of m "m+l"])
  apply simp using assms by blast

lemma triple_val_ineq_set_semialg:
  shows "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)  val (as!1)  val (as!2)}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)} = cartesian_product (reverse_val_relation_set) (carrier (Qp1))"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show " x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}  x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!0, x!1]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!0 #[x!1]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!0" "[x!1]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!1"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!2]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  reverse_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = take 2 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_take[of 2 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show "a ! i = take 2 x ! i "
              apply(cases "i = 0")
               apply (metis a_def nth_Cons_0 nth_take zero_less_numeral)
              by (smt "0" length (take 2 x) = min (length x) 2 a_def linorder_neqE_nat min.commute min.strict_order_iff nth_take numeral_eq_iff one_less_numeral_iff pair_id pos2 rel_simps(22) rel_simps(48) rel_simps(9) semiring_norm(81))
          have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
            apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
             apply (simp add: a_length)
            unfolding 0 using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq
            using cartesian_power_car_memE' by fastforce
          show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def reverse_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "2::nat"]
          by simp
        have 2: "x = a@b"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of a b] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (a @ b) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis a_def append.simps(2) nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = 1")
             apply (simp add: a_def)

          proof- assume a: "i 0" "i  1"
            then have "i = 2"
              using A1 by presburger
            thus ?thesis
              by (metis a_length b_def nth_append_length)
        have 3: "a = take 2 x"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          unfolding a_length  0 length_take[of 2 x]
           apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show "a ! i = take 2 x ! i "
              apply(cases "i = 0")
               apply (metis a_def nth_Cons_0 nth_take zero_less_numeral)
              by (smt "0" length (take 2 x) = min (length x) 2 a_def linorder_neqE_nat min.commute min.strict_order_iff nth_take numeral_eq_iff one_less_numeral_iff pair_id pos2 rel_simps(22) rel_simps(48) rel_simps(9) semiring_norm(81))
        show " x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 2 _ 1])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
            apply blast
          using 3  a_closed apply blast
          have "drop 2 x = b"
            unfolding 2 unfolding 3 using 0
            by simp
          then show "drop 2 x  carrier (Qp1)"
            using b_closed by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  reverse_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = a@b"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x reverse_val_relation_set "carrier (Qp1)"]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        have "(0::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!0 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def using a_length
          by (metis append.simps(2) nth_Cons_0 pair_id)
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence 1: "x!1 = a!1"
          unfolding ab_def using  a_length
          by (metis append.simps(2) less_2_cases nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc pair_id)
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          using  ab_def cartesian_power_append[of a Qp 2 b'] b'_def b'_closed
          unfolding b'_def ab_def(3) reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp
        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 0)  val (x ! 1)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (simp add: carrier_is_semialgebraic reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
  have 1: "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1)  val (as!2)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1)  val (as!2)} = cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) (reverse_val_relation_set)"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show "x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}  x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set"
       fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!1, x!2]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!1 #[x!2]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!1" "[x!2]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!2"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!0]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  reverse_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
           have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
             using a_def  A drop_closed[of 1 3 x Qp] unfolding 0 mem_Collect_eq
              by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 diff_Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 rel_simps(49) semiring_norm(77))
           show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def reverse_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "0::nat"]
          by (metis b_def b_length in_set_conv_nth less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1 zero_less_numeral)
        have 2: "x = b@a"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of b a] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis append.simps(2) b_def nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (1::nat)")
            using  append.simps a_def nth_Cons
             apply (metis b_length nth_append_length)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (2::nat)")
            using A unfolding 0
            apply (metis a_def a_length arith_special(3) b_length list.inject nth_append_length_plus pair_id)
          proof-  assume A0: "i 0" "i  1" "i 2"
            then have "i  3" by presburger
            then show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
              using A unfolding 0 by presburger
        have 3: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
        proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
        show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 1 _ 2])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
          using reverse_val_relation_set_def apply blast
          using take_closed[of 1 3 x] A unfolding mem_Collect_eq apply auto[1]
          using a_closed unfolding 3 by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x   cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set "
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  reverse_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = b@a"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x  "carrier (Qp1)" reverse_val_relation_set]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          by (simp add: b'_def)
        have x_id: "x = b'#a"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def by auto
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!1 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def using a_length
          by (metis b'_def b_length nth_append_length pair_id)
        have 00: "2 = Suc 1"
          by auto
        have 1: "x!2 = a!1"
          using a_length nth_Cons[of b' a "2::nat"]
          unfolding x_id 00
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          unfolding x_id b'_def using b'_closed cartesian_power_cons[of a Qp 2 b'] ab_def
          unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp

        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 1)  val (x ! 2)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (metis add_num_simps(2) car_times_semialg_is_semialg one_plus_numeral reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
  have 2: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)  val (as!1)  val (as!2)}=
          {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)}  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1)  val (as!2)}"
    by blast
  show ?thesis using intersection_is_semialg 0 1 unfolding 2 by blast

lemma triple_val_ineq_set_semialg':
  shows "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)  val (as!1) < val (as!2)}"
  have 0: "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)} = cartesian_product (reverse_val_relation_set) (carrier (Qp1))"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show " x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}  x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!0, x!1]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!0 #[x!1]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!0" "[x!1]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!1"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!2]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  reverse_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = take 2 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_take[of 2 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show "a ! i = take 2 x ! i "
              apply(cases "i = 0")
               apply (metis a_def nth_Cons_0 nth_take zero_less_numeral)
              by (smt "0" length (take 2 x) = min (length x) 2 a_def linorder_neqE_nat min.commute min.strict_order_iff nth_take numeral_eq_iff one_less_numeral_iff pair_id pos2 rel_simps(22) rel_simps(48) rel_simps(9) semiring_norm(81))
           have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
             using a_def 0  A unfolding mem_Collect_eq
             by (meson Qp_2I cartesian_power_car_memE' rel_simps(49) rel_simps(51) semiring_norm(77))
           show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def reverse_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "2::nat"]
          by simp
        have 2: "x = a@b"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of a b] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (a @ b) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis a_def append.simps(2) nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = 1")
             apply (simp add: a_def)
          proof- assume a: "i 0" "i  1"
            then have "i = 2"
              using A1 by presburger
            thus ?thesis
              by (metis a_length b_def nth_append_length)
        have 3: "a = take 2 x"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          unfolding a_length  0 length_take[of 2 x]
           apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show "a ! i = take 2 x ! i "
              apply(cases "i = 0")
               apply (metis a_def nth_Cons_0 nth_take zero_less_numeral)
              by (smt "0" length (take 2 x) = min (length x) 2 a_def linorder_neqE_nat min.commute min.strict_order_iff nth_take numeral_eq_iff one_less_numeral_iff pair_id pos2 rel_simps(22) rel_simps(48) rel_simps(9) semiring_norm(81))
        show " x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 2 _ 1])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
            apply blast
          using 3  a_closed apply blast
          have "drop 2 x = b"
            unfolding 2 unfolding 3 using 0
            by simp
          then show "drop 2 x  carrier (Qp1)"
            using b_closed by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 0)  val (as ! 1)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product reverse_val_relation_set (carrier (Qp1))"
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  reverse_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = a@b"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x reverse_val_relation_set "carrier (Qp1)"]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        have "(0::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!0 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def using a_length
          by (metis append.simps(2) nth_Cons_0 pair_id)
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence 1: "x!1 = a!1"
          unfolding ab_def using  a_length
          by (metis append.simps(2) less_2_cases nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc pair_id)
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          using  ab_def cartesian_power_append[of a Qp 2 b'] b'_def b'_closed
          unfolding b'_def ab_def(3) reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp
        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 0)  val (x ! 1)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (simp add: carrier_is_semialgebraic reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
  have 1: "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1) < val (as!2)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1) < val (as!2)} = cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) (strict_val_relation_set)"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show "x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}  x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!1, x!2]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!1 #[x!2]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!1" "[x!2]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!2"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!0]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  strict_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
           have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
             using a_def  A drop_closed[of 1 3 x Qp] unfolding 0 mem_Collect_eq
              by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 diff_Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 rel_simps(49) semiring_norm(77))
           show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def strict_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "0::nat"]
          by (metis b_def b_length in_set_conv_nth less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1 zero_less_numeral)
        have 2: "x = b@a"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of b a] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis append.simps(2) b_def nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (1::nat)")
            using  append.simps a_def nth_Cons
             apply (metis b_length nth_append_length)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (2::nat)")
            using A unfolding 0
            apply (metis a_def a_length arith_special(3) b_length list.inject nth_append_length_plus pair_id)
          proof-  assume A0: "i 0" "i  1" "i 2"
            then have "i  3" by presburger
            then show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
              using A unfolding 0 by presburger
        have 3: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
        proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
        show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 1 _ 2])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed strict_val_relation_set_is_semialg)
          using strict_val_relation_set_def apply blast
          using take_closed[of 1 3 x Qp] A unfolding mem_Collect_eq apply auto[1]
          using a_closed unfolding 3 by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x   cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set "
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  strict_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = b@a"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x  "carrier (Qp1)" strict_val_relation_set]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          by (simp add: b'_def)
        have x_id: "x = b'#a"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def by auto
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!1 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def using a_length
          by (metis b'_def b_length nth_append_length pair_id)
        have 00: "2 = Suc 1"
          by auto
        have 1: "x!2 = a!1"
          using a_length nth_Cons[of b' a "2::nat"]
          unfolding x_id 00
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          unfolding x_id b'_def using b'_closed cartesian_power_cons[of a Qp 2 b'] ab_def
          unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp
        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 1) < val (x ! 2)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (metis add_num_simps(2) car_times_semialg_is_semialg one_plus_numeral strict_val_relation_set_is_semialg)
  have 2: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)  val (as!1) < val (as!2)}=
          {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!0)  val (as!1)}  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1) < val (as!2)}"
    by blast
  show ?thesis using intersection_is_semialg 0 1 unfolding 2 by blast

lemma triple_val_ineq_set_semialg'':
  shows "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1) < val (as!2)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1) < val (as!2)} = cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) (strict_val_relation_set)"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show "x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}  x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!1, x!2]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!1 #[x!2]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!1" "[x!2]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!2"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!0]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  strict_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
           have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
             using a_def  A drop_closed[of 1 3 x Qp] unfolding 0 mem_Collect_eq
              by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 diff_Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 rel_simps(49) semiring_norm(77))
           show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def strict_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "0::nat"]
          by (metis b_def b_length in_set_conv_nth less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1 zero_less_numeral)
        have 2: "x = b@a"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of b a] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis append.simps(2) b_def nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (1::nat)")
            using  append.simps a_def nth_Cons
             apply (metis b_length nth_append_length)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (2::nat)")
            using A unfolding 0
            apply (metis a_def a_length arith_special(3) b_length list.inject nth_append_length_plus pair_id)
          proof-  assume A0: "i 0" "i  1" "i 2"
            then have "i  3" by presburger
            then show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
              using A unfolding 0 by presburger
        have 3: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
        proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
        show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 1 _ 2])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed strict_val_relation_set_is_semialg)
          using strict_val_relation_set_def apply blast
          using take_closed[of 1 3 x] A unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using one_le_numeral apply blast
          using a_closed unfolding 3 by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1) < val (as ! 2)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x   cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) strict_val_relation_set "
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  strict_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = b@a"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x  "carrier (Qp1)" strict_val_relation_set]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          by (simp add: b'_def)
        have x_id: "x = b'#a"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def by auto
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!1 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def using a_length
          by (metis b'_def b_length nth_append_length pair_id)
        have 00: "2 = Suc 1"
          by auto
        have 1: "x!2 = a!1"
          using a_length nth_Cons[of b' a "2::nat"]
          unfolding x_id 00
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          unfolding x_id b'_def using b'_closed cartesian_power_cons[of a Qp 2 b'] ab_def
          unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp

        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 1) < val (x ! 2)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding strict_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (metis add_num_simps(2) car_times_semialg_is_semialg one_plus_numeral strict_val_relation_set_is_semialg)

lemma triple_val_ineq_set_semialg''':
  shows "is_semialgebraic 3 {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1)  val (as!2)}"
    have 0: "{as  carrier (Qp3). val (as!1)  val (as!2)} = cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) (reverse_val_relation_set)"
    proof(rule equalityI')
      show "x. x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}  x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}"
        then have 0: "length x = 3" unfolding mem_Collect_eq
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain a where a_def: "a = [x!1, x!2]"
          by blast
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          have "a = x!1 #[x!2]"
            unfolding a_def
            by blast
          thus ?thesis using  length_Cons[of "x!1" "[x!2]"] unfolding singleton_length[of "x!2"]
            by presburger
        obtain b where b_def: "b = [x!0]"
          by blast
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          unfolding b_def singleton_length by auto
        have a_closed: "a  reverse_val_relation_set"
          have 0: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
          proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
           have 1: "a  carrier (Qp2)"
             using a_def  A drop_closed[of 1 3 x Qp] unfolding 0 mem_Collect_eq
              by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 diff_Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 rel_simps(49) semiring_norm(77))
           show ?thesis using 1 A unfolding a_def reverse_val_relation_set_def A mem_Collect_eq
             by (metis Qp_2_car_memE list_tl nth_Cons_0)
        have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qp1)"
          apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
          unfolding b_length apply blast
          apply(rule subsetI)
          unfolding b_def using A unfolding mem_Collect_eq using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "3::nat"  "0::nat"]
          by (metis b_def b_length in_set_conv_nth less_one Qp.to_R_to_R1 zero_less_numeral)
        have 2: "x = b@a"
          apply(rule nth_equalityI)
          using 0 unfolding a_length b_length  length_append[of b a] apply presburger
        proof- fix i assume A: "i < length x"
          then have A1: "i < 3"
            unfolding 0 by blast
          show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
            apply(cases "i = 0")
             apply (metis append.simps(2) b_def nth_Cons_0)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (1::nat)")
            using  append.simps a_def nth_Cons
            apply (metis b_length nth_append_length)
            apply(cases "(i:: nat) = (2::nat)")
            using A unfolding 0
            apply (metis a_def a_length arith_special(3) b_length list.inject nth_append_length_plus pair_id)
          proof-  assume A0: "i 0" "i  1" "i 2"
            then have "i  3" by presburger
            then show "x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
              using A unfolding 0 by presburger
        have 3: "a = drop 1 x"
            apply(rule nth_equalityI)
            unfolding a_length  0 length_drop[of 1 x]
             apply linarith
        proof- fix i::nat assume  a: "i < 2" show " a ! i = drop 1 x ! i"
              apply(cases "i = 0")
              unfolding a_def using nth_drop[of 1 x i]
              apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" a_def arith_extra_simps(6) diff_is_0_eq' eq_imp_le eq_numeral_extra(1) flip_def flip_eval(1) less_numeral_extra(1) less_one less_or_eq_imp_le nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_le_linear nat_less_le nth_Cons_0 nth_drop numeral_neq_zero trans_less_add2 zero_less_diff)
              apply(cases "i = 1")
              using nth_drop[of 1 x i] unfolding 0
              apply (metis "0" a_def a_length list.simps(1) nat_1_add_1 nth_drop one_le_numeral pair_id semiring_norm(3))
              using a by presburger
        show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set"
          apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ Qp 1 _ 2])
             apply (simp add: is_semialgebraic_closed reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)
          using reverse_val_relation_set_def apply blast
          using take_closed[of 1 3 x] A unfolding mem_Collect_eq  apply auto[1]
          using a_closed unfolding 3 by blast
      show "x. x  cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set  x  {as  carrier (Qp3). val (as ! 1)  val (as ! 2)}"
      proof fix x assume A: "x   cartesian_product (carrier (Qp1)) reverse_val_relation_set "
        then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  reverse_val_relation_set" "b  carrier (Qp1)" "x = b@a"
          using cartesian_product_memE'[of x  "carrier (Qp1)" reverse_val_relation_set]
          by metis
        have a_length: "length a = 2"
          using ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def
          using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
        obtain b' where b'_def: "b = [b']"
          using ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil append_eq_append_conv min_list.cases singleton_length)
        have b'_closed: "b'  carrier Qp"
          using b'_def ab_def cartesian_power_car_memE
          by (metis Qp.R1_memE' list_hd)
        have b_length: "length b = 1"
          by (simp add: b'_def)
        have x_id: "x = b'#a"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def by auto
        have "(1::nat)< 2" by presburger
        hence  0: "x!1 = a!0"
          unfolding ab_def b'_def using a_length
          by (metis b'_def b_length nth_append_length pair_id)
        have 00: "2 = Suc 1"
          by auto
        have 1: "x!2 = a!1"
          using a_length nth_Cons[of b' a "2::nat"]
          unfolding x_id 00
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp3)"
          unfolding x_id b'_def using b'_closed cartesian_power_cons[of a Qp 2 b'] ab_def
          unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq
          by simp

        show "x  carrier (Qp3)  val (x ! 1)  val (x ! 2)"
          using x_closed ab_def unfolding reverse_val_relation_set_def mem_Collect_eq  0 1 by blast
    show ?thesis unfolding 0
      using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of 2 reverse_val_relation_set 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]
      by (metis add_num_simps(2) car_times_semialg_is_semialg one_plus_numeral reverse_val_relation_set_semialg)

subsection‹Semialgebraic Functions›

  The most natural way to define a semialgebraic function $f: \mathbb{Q}_p^n \to \mathbb{Q}_p$ is a
  function whose graph is a semialgebraic subset of $\mathbb{Q}_p^{n+1}$. However, the definition
  given here is slightly different, and devised by Denef in cite"denef1986" in order to prove
  Macintyre's theorem. As Denef notes, we can use Macintyre's theorem to deduce that the given
  definition perfectly aligns with the intuitive one.

      subsubsection‹Defining Semialgebraic Functions›

text‹Apply a function f to the tuple consisting of the first n indices, leaving the remaining indices

definition partial_image where
"partial_image m f xs = (f (take m xs))#(drop m xs)"

definition partial_pullback where
"partial_pullback m f l S = (partial_image m f)  ¯m+lS "

lemma partial_pullback_memE:
  assumes "as  partial_pullback m f l S"
  shows "as  carrier (Qpm + l)" "partial_image m f as  S"
  using assms apply (metis evimage_eq partial_pullback_def)
  using assms unfolding partial_pullback_def
  by blast

lemma partial_pullback_closed:
"partial_pullback m f l S  carrier (Qpm + l)"
  using partial_pullback_memE(1) by blast

lemma partial_pullback_memI:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpm + k)"
  assumes "(f (take m as))#(drop m as)  S"
  shows "as  partial_pullback m f k S"
  using assms unfolding partial_pullback_def partial_image_def evimage_def
  by blast

lemma partial_image_eq:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpk)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs"
  shows "partial_image n f x = (f as)#bs"
  have 0: "(take n x) = as"
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE)
  have 1: "drop n x = bs"
    by (metis "0" append_take_drop_id assms(3) same_append_eq)
  show ?thesis using 0 1 unfolding partial_image_def
    by blast

lemma partial_pullback_memE':
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpk)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs"
  assumes "x  partial_pullback n f k S"
  shows "(f as)#bs  S"
  using partial_pullback_memE[of x n f k S] partial_image_def[of n f x]
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) partial_image_eq)

text‹Partial pullbacks have the same algebraic properties as pullbacks›

lemma partial_pullback_intersect:
"partial_pullback m f l (S1  S2) = (partial_pullback m f l S1)  (partial_pullback m f l S2)"
  unfolding partial_pullback_def
  by simp

lemma partial_pullback_union:
"partial_pullback m f l (S1  S2) = (partial_pullback m f l S1)  (partial_pullback m f l S2)"
  unfolding partial_pullback_def
  by simp

lemma cartesian_power_drop:
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
  shows "drop n x  carrier (Qpl)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE
   apply (metis add_diff_cancel_left' length_drop)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE''
  by (metis order.trans set_drop_subset)

lemma partial_pullback_complement:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  shows "partial_pullback m f l (carrier (QpSuc l) - S) = carrier (Qpm + l) - (partial_pullback m f l S) "
  apply(rule equalityI)
  using partial_pullback_def[of m f l "(carrier (QpSuc l) - S)"]
        partial_pullback_def[of m f l S]
   apply (smt Diff_iff evimage_Diff partial_pullback_memE(1) subsetI)
proof fix x assume A: " x  carrier (Qpm + l) - partial_pullback m f l S"
  show " x  partial_pullback m f l (carrier (QpSuc l) - S) "
    apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
    using A
     apply blast
    have 00: "Suc l = l + 1"
      by auto
    have 0: "drop m x  carrier (Qpl)"
      by (meson A DiffD1 cartesian_power_drop)
    have 1: "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
      using A by (meson DiffD1 le_add1 take_closed)
    have "f (take m x) # drop m x  carrier (Qpl+1) "
      using assms 0 1 00 cartesian_power_cons[of "drop m x" Qp l "f (take m x)"]
      by blast
    thus "f (take m x) # drop m x  carrier (QpSuc l) "
      using 00 by metis
    show "f (take m x) # drop m x  S"
      using A unfolding partial_pullback_def partial_image_def
      by blast

lemma partial_pullback_carrier:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  shows "partial_pullback m f l (carrier (QpSuc l)) = carrier (Qpm + l)"
  apply(rule equalityI)
  using partial_pullback_memE(1) apply blast
proof fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
  show "x  partial_pullback m f l (carrier (QpSuc l))"
    apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
  using A cartesian_power_drop[of x m l] assms
   apply blast
  have "f (take m x)  carrier Qp"
    using A  assms take_closed[of m "m+l" x Qp]
    by (meson Pi_mem le_add1)
  then show "f (take m x) # drop m x  carrier (QpSuc l)"
    using cartesian_power_drop[of x m l]
    by (metis A add.commute cartesian_power_cons plus_1_eq_Suc)

text‹Definition 1.4 from Denef›

definition is_semialg_function where
"is_semialg_function m f = ((f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp)  
                          (l  0. S  semialg_sets (1 + l). is_semialgebraic (m + l) (partial_pullback m f l S)))"

lemma is_semialg_function_closed:
  assumes "is_semialg_function m f"
  shows "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  using is_semialg_function_def assms by blast

lemma is_semialg_functionE:
  assumes "is_semialg_function m f"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (1 + k) S"
  shows " is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m f k S)"
  using is_semialg_function_def assms
  by (meson is_semialgebraicE le0)

lemma is_semialg_functionI:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "k  S. S  semialg_sets (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m f k S)"
  shows "is_semialg_function m f"
  using assms unfolding is_semialg_function_def
  by blast

text‹Semialgebraicity for functions can be verified on basic semialgebraic sets ›

lemma is_semialg_functionI':
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "k  S. S  basic_semialgs (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m f k S)"
  shows "is_semialg_function m f"
  apply(rule is_semialg_functionI)
  using assms(1) apply blast
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m f k S)"
  proof- fix k S assume A: "S  semialg_sets (1 + k)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m f k S)"
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of S "carrier (Qp1+k)" "basic_semialgs (1 + k)"])
        using A unfolding semialg_sets_def
          apply blast
        using partial_pullback_carrier assms carrier_is_semialgebraic plus_1_eq_Suc apply presburger
        apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) carrier_is_semialgebraic intersection_is_semialg partial_pullback_carrier partial_pullback_intersect plus_1_eq_Suc)
        using partial_pullback_union union_is_semialgebraic apply presburger
        using assms(1) complement_is_semialg partial_pullback_complement plus_1_eq_Suc by presburger

text‹Graphs of semialgebraic functions are semialgebraic›
abbreviation graph where
"graph  fun_graph Qp"

lemma graph_memE:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "x  graph m f"
  shows "f (take m x) = x!m"
        "x = (take m x)@[f (take m x)]"
        "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
  obtain a where a_def:  "acarrier (Qpm)  x = a @ [f a]"
    using assms
    unfolding fun_graph_def
    by blast
  then have 0: "a = take m x"
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE)
  then show "f (take m x) = x!m"
    by (metis a_def cartesian_power_car_memE nth_append_length)
  show "x = (take m x)@[f (take m x)]"
    using "0" a_def
    by blast
  show "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
    using "0" a_def by blast

lemma graph_memI:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "f (take m x) = x!m"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpm+1)"
  shows "x  graph m f"
  have 0: "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
    apply(rule take_closed[of _ "m + 1"])
     apply simp
       using assms(3) by blast
  have "x = (take m x)@[x!m]"
  by (metis take m x  carrier (Qpm) add.commute
      assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE length_append_singleton lessI
      nth_equalityI nth_take plus_1_eq_Suc take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
  then have "x = (take m x)@[f (take m x)]"
    using assms(2)
    by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using assms 0
    unfolding fun_graph_def
    by blast

lemma graph_mem_closed:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "x  graph m f"
  shows "x  carrier (Qpm+1)"
proof(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  show "length x = m + 1"
    using assms graph_memE[of f m x]
    by (smt Groups.add_ac(2) cartesian_power_car_memE fun_graph_def length_append_singleton mem_Collect_eq plus_1_eq_Suc)
  show "i. i < m + 1  x ! i  carrier Qp"
  proof- fix i assume A: "i < m + 1"
    then show "x ! i  carrier Qp"
    proof(cases "i = m")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using graph_memE[of f m x]
        by (metis PiE assms(1) assms(2))
      case False
      then show ?thesis using graph_memE[of f m x]
        by (metis i < m + 1 add.commute assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE' less_SucE nth_take plus_1_eq_Suc)

lemma graph_closed:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  shows "graph m f  carrier (Qpm+1)"
  using assms graph_mem_closed
  by blast

text‹The m›-dimensional diagonal set is semialgebraic›

notation diagonal ("Δ ")

lemma diag_is_algebraic:
  shows "is_algebraic Qp (n + n) (Δ n)"
  using Qp.cring_axioms diagonal_is_algebraic
  by blast

lemma diag_is_semialgebraic:
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + n) (Δ n)"
  using diag_is_algebraic is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg
  by blast

text‹Transposition permutations›

definition transpose where
"transpose i j = (Fun.swap i j id)"

lemma transpose_permutes:
  assumes "i< n"
  assumes "j < n"
  shows "transpose i j permutes {..<n}"
  unfolding permutes_def transpose_def
  show "x. x  {..<n}  Fun.swap i j id x = x"
    using assms by (auto simp: Transposition.transpose_def)
  show "y. ∃!x. Fun.swap i j id x = y"
  proof  fix y show "∃!x. Fun.swap i j id x = y"
      using swap_id_eq[of i j y]
  by (metis eq_id_iff swap_apply(1) swap_apply(2) swap_id_eq swap_self)

lemma transpose_alt_def:
"transpose a b x = (if x = a then b else if x = b then a else x)"
  using swap_id_eq
  by (simp add: transpose_def)

definition last_to_first where
"last_to_first n = (λi. if i = (n-1) then 0 else if i < n-1 then i + 1 else i)"

definition first_to_last where
"first_to_last n = fun_inv (last_to_first n)"

lemma last_to_first_permutes:
  assumes "(n::nat) > 0"
  shows "last_to_first n permutes {..<n}"
  unfolding permutes_def
  show "x. x  {..<n}  last_to_first n x = x"
  proof fix x show " x  {..<n}  last_to_first n x = x"
    proof assume A: "x  {..<n}" then have "¬ x < n"
        by blast then have "x  n" by linarith
      then show  "last_to_first n x = x"
        unfolding last_to_first_def using assms
        by auto
  show "y. ∃!x. last_to_first n x = y"
  proof fix y
    show "∃!x. last_to_first n x = y"
    proof(cases "y = 0")
      case True
      then have 0: "last_to_first n (n-1) = y"
        using last_to_first_def
        by (simp add: last_to_first_def)
      have 1: "x. last_to_first n x = y  x = n-1"
        unfolding last_to_first_def using True
        by (metis add_gr_0 less_numeral_extra(1) not_gr_zero)
      show ?thesis
        using 0 1
        by blast
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      proof(cases "y < n")
        case True
        then have 0: "last_to_first n (y-1) = y"
          using False True
          unfolding last_to_first_def
          using add.commute by auto
        have 1: "x. last_to_first n x = y  x =(y-1)"
          unfolding last_to_first_def
          using True False
          by auto
        show ?thesis using 0 1 by blast
        case F: False
        then have 0: "y  n"
          using not_less by blast
        then have 1: "last_to_first n y = y"
          by (simp add: x. x  {..<n}  last_to_first n x = x)
        have 2: "x. last_to_first n x = y  x =y"
          using 0 unfolding last_to_first_def
          using False by presburger
        then show ?thesis using 1 2 by blast

definition graph_swap where
"graph_swap n f = permute_list ((first_to_last (n+1))) ` (graph n f)"

lemma last_to_first_eq:
  assumes "length as = n"
  shows "permute_list (last_to_first (n+1)) (a#as)  = (as@[a])"
  have 0: "i. i < (n+1)  permute_list (last_to_first (n + 1)) (a # as) ! i = (as@[a]) ! i"
    fix i assume A: "i < n+1"
    show "permute_list (last_to_first (n + 1)) (a # as) ! i = (as @ [a]) ! i"
    proof(cases "i = n")
      case True
      have 0: "(as @ [a]) ! i = a"
        by (metis True assms nth_append_length)
      have 1: "length (a#as) = n + 1"
        by (simp add: assms)
      have 2: "i < length (a # as)"
        using "1" A by linarith
      have 3: "last_to_first (n + 1) permutes {..<length (a # as)}"
        by (metis "1" add_gr_0 last_to_first_permutes less_numeral_extra(1))
      have 4: "permute_list (last_to_first (n + 1)) (a # as) ! i = (a # as) ! last_to_first (n + 1) i"
        using  2 3  permute_list_nth[of "last_to_first (n + 1)" "a#as" i]
        by blast
      have 5: "permute_list (last_to_first (n + 1)) (a # as) ! i = (a # as) ! 0"
        using 4 unfolding last_to_first_def
        by (simp add: True)
      have 6: "permute_list (last_to_first (n + 1)) (a # as) ! i = a"
        using 5
        by simp
      then show ?thesis using 0   by auto
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        by (smt A add.commute add.right_neutral add_diff_cancel_right' add_gr_0
            add_less_cancel_left append.simps(1) append.simps(2) assms last_to_first_def
            last_to_first_permutes less_SucE less_numeral_extra(1) list.size(3) list.size(4)
            nth_append permute_list_nth plus_1_eq_Suc)
  have 1: "length (a#as) = n + 1"
    by (simp add: assms)
  have 2: "length (permute_list (last_to_first (n+1)) (a#as)) = n + 1"
    by (metis "1" length_permute_list)
  have 3: "length (as@[a]) = n + 1"
    by (simp add: assms)
  then show ?thesis using 0 2
    by (metis nth_equalityI)

lemma first_to_last_eq:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "permute_list (first_to_last (n+1)) (as@[a])  = (a#as)"
  have "length as = n"
    using assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using last_to_first_eq last_to_first_permutes[of n]
        permute_list_compose_inv(2)[of  "(last_to_first (n + 1))" n "a # as"]
  unfolding first_to_last_def
  by (metis add_gr_0 assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_append last_to_first_permutes
      less_one permute_list_closed' permute_list_compose_inv(2))

lemma graph_swapI:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "(f as)#as  graph_swap n f"
  have 0: "as@[f as]  graph n f"
    using assms using graph_memI[of f n] fun_graph_def
    by blast
  have 1: "f as  carrier Qp"
    using assms
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using assms 0 first_to_last_eq[of as "n" "f as"]
  unfolding graph_swap_def
  by (metis image_eqI)

lemma graph_swapE:
  assumes "x  graph_swap n f"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "hd x = f (tl x)"
  obtain y where y_def: "y  graph n f  x = permute_list (first_to_last (n+1)) y"
    using assms graph_swap_def
    by (smt image_def mem_Collect_eq)
  then have "take n y  carrier (Qpn)"
    using assms(2) graph_memE(3)
    by blast
  then show "hd x = f (tl x)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE'
        first_to_last_eq graph_memE(1) graph_memE(2) graph_mem_closed lessI list.sel(1)
        list.sel(3) plus_1_eq_Suc y_def)

text‹Semialgebraic functions have semialgebraic graphs›

lemma graph_as_partial_pullback:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "partial_pullback n f 1 (Δ 1) = graph n f"
  show "partial_pullback n f 1 (Δ 1)  graph n f"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  partial_pullback n f 1 (Δ 1)"
    then have 0: "f (take n x) # drop n x  Δ  1"
      by (metis local.partial_image_def partial_pullback_memE(2))
    then have 1: "length (f (take n x) # drop n x)  = 2"
      using diagonal_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE mem_Collect_eq one_add_one)
    then obtain b where b_def: "[b] = drop n x"
      by (metis list.inject pair_id)
    then have "[f (take n x), b]  Δ  1"
      using "0"
      by presburger
    then have "b = f (take n x)"
      using 0
      by (smt One_nat_def Qp.cring_axioms diagonal_def drop0 drop_Suc_Cons list.inject mem_Collect_eq take_Suc_Cons)
    then have "x = (take n x)@[f (take n x)]"
      by (metis append_take_drop_id b_def)
    then show "x  graph n f" using graph_memI[of f n x]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A b = f (take n x)
          assms b_def nth_via_drop partial_pullback_memE(1))
  show "graph n f  partial_pullback n f 1 (Δ  1)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  graph n f "
    then have 0: "x  carrier (Qpn+1)"
      using assms graph_mem_closed by blast
    have "x = (take n x) @ [f (take n x)]"
      using A graph_memE(2)[of f n x] assms
      by blast
    then have "partial_image n f x =  [f (take n x), f (take n x)]"
      by (metis append_take_drop_id local.partial_image_def same_append_eq)
    then have "partial_image n f x  Δ 1"
      using assms 0 diagonal_def[of 1] Qp.cring_axioms diagonalI[of  "partial_image n f x"]
       by (metis (no_types, lifting) A append_Cons append_eq_conv_conj
           cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' graph_memE(1)
           less_add_one self_append_conv2 Qp.to_R1_closed)
    then show "x  partial_pullback n f 1 (Δ  1)"
      unfolding partial_pullback_def using 0
      by blast

lemma semialg_graph:
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + 1) (graph n f)"
  using assms graph_as_partial_pullback[of f n] unfolding is_semialg_function_def
  by (metis diag_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraicE less_imp_le_nat less_numeral_extra(1))

text‹Functions induced by polynomials are semialgebraic›

definition var_list_segment where
"var_list_segment i j = map (λi. pvar Qp i) [i..< j]"

lemma var_list_segment_length:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "length (var_list_segment i j) = j - i"
  using assms var_list_segment_def
  by fastforce

lemma var_list_segment_entry:
  assumes "k < j - i"
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "var_list_segment i j ! k = pvar Qp (i + k)"
  using assms var_list_segment_length
  unfolding var_list_segment_def
  using nth_map_upt by blast

lemma var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple:
  assumes "i j"
  assumes "j  n"
  shows "is_poly_tuple n (var_list_segment i j)"
  apply(rule Qp_is_poly_tupleI)
  using assms var_list_segment_entry var_list_segment_length  Qp.cring_axioms pvar_closed[of  _ n]
  by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting)  add.commute add_lessD1 diff_add_inverse le_Suc_ex

lemma map_by_var_list_segment:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "poly_map n (var_list_segment i j) as = list_segment i j as"
  apply(rule nth_equalityI )
  unfolding poly_map_def var_list_segment_def  list_segment_def restrict_def poly_tuple_eval_def
  apply (metis (full_types) assms(1) length_map)
  using assms  eval_pvar[of  _ n as] Qp.cring_axioms length_map add.commute
        length_upt less_diff_conv less_imp_add_positive nth_map nth_upt
  by (smt le_add_diff_inverse2)

lemma map_by_var_list_segment_to_length:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "i  n"
  shows "poly_map n (var_list_segment i n) as = drop i as"
  apply(rule nth_equalityI )
  apply (metis Qp_poly_mapE' assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE length_drop var_list_segment_length)
  using assms map_by_var_list_segment[of as n n i] list_segment_drop[of i as]  cartesian_power_car_memE[of as Qp n]
        map_nth[of ] nth_drop nth_map[of _ "[i..<n]" "(pvar Qp)" ] nth_map[of _ "map (pvar Qp) [i..<n]" "eval_at_point Qp as"]
  unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def var_list_segment_def restrict_def list_segment_def
  by (smt add.commute add_eq_self_zero drop_map drop_upt le_Suc_ex le_refl)

lemma map_tail_by_var_list_segment:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "poly_map (n+1) (var_list_segment 1 (n+1)) (a#as) = as"
  have 0: "(a#as)  carrier (Qpn+1)"
    using assms
    by (meson cartesian_power_cons)
  have 1: "length as = n"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE
    by blast
  have 2: "drop 1 (a # as) = as"
    using 0 1 using list_segment_drop[of 1 "a#as"]
    by (metis One_nat_def drop0 drop_Suc_Cons )
  have "1 n + 1" by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using 0 2  map_by_var_list_segment_to_length[of "a#as" "n+1" 1]
  by presburger

lemma Qp_poly_tuple_Cons:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘k⇙])"
  assumes "k n"
  shows "is_poly_tuple n (f#fs)"
  using is_poly_tuple_Cons[of n fs f] poly_ring_car_mono[of  k n] assms
  by blast

lemma poly_map_Cons:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "poly_map n (f#fs) a = (Qp_ev f a)#poly_map n fs a"
  using assms poly_map_cons by blast

lemma poly_map_append':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n gs"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "poly_map n (fs@gs) a = poly_map n fs a @ poly_map n gs a"
  using assms(3) poly_map_append by blast

lemma partial_pullback_by_poly:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qp1+k)"
  shows "partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S = poly_tuple_pullback (n+k) S (f# (var_list_segment n (n+k)))"
  show "partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S  poly_tuple_pullback (n+k) S (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
  proof fix x assume A: " x  partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S"
    then obtain as bs where as_bs_def: "as  carrier (Qpn)  bs  carrier (Qpk)  x = as @ bs"
      using  partial_pullback_memE(1)[of x n "(Qp_ev f)" k S] cartesian_power_decomp
      by metis
    then have 0: "(Qp_ev f as#bs)  S"
      using A partial_pullback_memE'
      by blast
    have 1: "Qp_ev f as = Qp_ev f (as@bs)"
      using assms as_bs_def poly_eval_cartesian_prod[of as n bs k f]
        Qp.cring_axioms [of ]
      by metis
    then have 2: "((Qp_ev f x) #bs)  S"
      using "0" as_bs_def
      by presburger
    have 3: "bs = list_segment n (n+k) x"
      using as_bs_def list_segment_drop[of n x]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_cancel_right_right add_diff_cancel_left'
          append_eq_append_conv append_take_drop_id cartesian_power_car_memE
          length_0_conv length_append length_map length_upt linorder_neqE_nat
          list_segment_def not_add_less1)
    have 4: "is_poly_tuple (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      using Qp_poly_tuple_Cons
      by (metis add.commute assms(1) dual_order.refl le_add2)
    have 5: "f  carrier (Qp [𝒳⇘n + k⇙])"
      using poly_ring_car_mono[of n "n + k"] assms le_add1 by blast
    have 6: "is_poly_tuple (n + k) (var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      by (simp add: var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple)
    have 7: "x  carrier (Qpn + k)"
      using as_bs_def cartesian_power_concat(1) by blast
    hence 8: "poly_map (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) x = (Qp_ev f x)#poly_map (n+k) (var_list_segment n (n + k)) x"
      using 5 6 7 A poly_map_Cons[of "n + k" "var_list_segment n (n + k)" f x] 4
      unfolding partial_pullback_def evimage_def
      by blast
    hence 6: "poly_map (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) x = (Qp_ev f x)#bs"
      using 3 "7" le_add1 le_refl map_by_var_list_segment by presburger
    show " x  poly_tuple_pullback (n+k) S (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def using 6
      by (metis "2" "7" IntI poly_map_apply vimage_eq)
  show "poly_tuple_pullback (n + k) S (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))  partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  poly_tuple_pullback (n + k) S (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
    have 0: "is_poly_tuple (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      using Qp_poly_tuple_Cons assms(1) le_add1 var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple
      by blast
    have 1: "x  carrier (Qpn+k)"
      using A unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def
      by blast
    have 2: "poly_map (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) x  S"
      using 1 assms A unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_pullback_def restrict_def
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_commute add.commute evimage_def evimage_eq)
    have 3: "poly_map (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) x = (Qp_ev f x)#(drop n x)"
      using poly_map_Cons[of "n + k" "var_list_segment n (n + k)" f x] 1 assms(1) map_by_var_list_segment_to_length
            le_add1 poly_map_cons by presburger
    have 4: "poly_map (n+k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) x = (Qp_ev f (take n x))#(drop n x)"
      using assms 1 3 eval_at_points_higher_pow[of  f n "n + k" "x"] le_add1
      by (metis  nat_le_iff_add)
    show "x  partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S"
      apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
      using 1 apply blast
      using 2 3 4 by metis

lemma poly_is_semialg:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (Qp_ev f)"
proof(rule is_semialg_functionI)
  show "Qp_ev f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
    using assms
    by (meson Pi_I eval_at_point_closed)
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S)"
  proof- fix k::nat fix S
    assume A: "S  semialg_sets (1 + k)"
    have 0: "is_poly_tuple (n + k) (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      by (metis add.commute assms  le_add2 order_refl Qp_poly_tuple_Cons
    have 1: "length (f # var_list_segment n (n + k)) = k + 1"
      by (metis add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' le_add1 length_Cons
          plus_1_eq_Suc var_list_segment_length)
    have 2: "partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S = poly_tuple_pullback (n + k) S (f # var_list_segment n (n + k))"
      using A assms partial_pullback_by_poly[of f n S k]
      unfolding semialg_sets_def
      using gen_boolean_algebra_subset
      by blast
    then show "is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n (Qp_ev f) k S)"
      using  add.commute[of 1 k] 0 1 assms(1)
            pullback_is_semialg[of "n+k" "(f # var_list_segment n (n + k))" "k+1" S]
      by (metis A is_semialgebraicI is_semialgebraic_closed poly_tuple_pullback_eq_poly_map_vimage)

text‹Families of polynomials defined by semialgebraic coefficient functions›

lemma semialg_function_on_carrier:
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  assumes "restrict f (carrier (Qpn)) = restrict g (carrier (Qpn))"
  shows "is_semialg_function n g"
proof(rule is_semialg_functionI)
  have 0: "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
    using assms(1) is_semialg_function_closed
    by blast
  show "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpn)" then show " g x  carrier Qp"
      using assms(2) 0
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) PiE restrict_Pi_cancel)
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n g k S)"
  proof- fix k S
    assume A: "S  semialg_sets (1 + k)"
    have 1: "is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n f k S)"
      using A assms(1) is_semialg_functionE is_semialgebraicI
      by blast
    have 2: "(partial_pullback n f k S) = (partial_pullback n g k S)"
      unfolding partial_pullback_def partial_image_def evimage_def
      show "(λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)  (λxs. g (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)"
      proof fix x assume "x  (λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k) "
        have "(take n x)  carrier (Qpn)"
          using assms
          by (meson x  (λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)
              inf_le2 le_add1 subset_iff take_closed)
        then have "f (take n x) = g (take n x)"
          using assms unfolding  restrict_def
          by meson
        then show " x  (λxs. g (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)"
          using assms x  (λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)
          by blast
      show "(λxs. g (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)  (λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)"
      proof fix x assume A: "x  (λxs. g (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)"
        have "(take n x)  carrier (Qpn)"
          using assms
          by (meson A  inf_le2 le_add1 subset_iff take_closed)
        then have "f (take n x) = g (take n x)"
          using assms unfolding  restrict_def
          by meson
        then show "x  (λxs. f (take n xs) # drop n xs) -` S  carrier (Qpn+k)"
          using A by blast
    then show "is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n g k S)"
      using 1 by auto

lemma semialg_function_on_carrier':
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  assumes "a. a  carrier (Qpn)  f a = g a"
  shows "is_semialg_function n g"
  using assms semialg_function_on_carrier unfolding restrict_def
  by (meson restrict_ext semialg_function_on_carrier)

lemma constant_function_is_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "x  carrier Qp"
  assumes " a. a  carrier (Qpn)  f a = x"
  shows "is_semialg_function n f"
proof(rule semialg_function_on_carrier[of _ "Qp_ev (Qp_to_IP x)"])
  show "is_semialg_function n (Qp_ev (Qp_to_IP x))"
    using assms poly_is_semialg[of "(Qp_to_IP x)"] Qp_to_IP_car
    by blast
  have 0: " a. a  carrier (Qpn)  f a = Qp_ev (Qp_to_IP x) a"
    using eval_at_point_const assms
    by blast
  then show "restrict (Qp_ev (Qp_to_IP x)) (carrier (Qpn)) = restrict f (carrier (Qpn))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_ext)

lemma cartesian_product_singleton_factor_projection_is_semialg:
  assumes "A  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product A {b})"
  shows "is_semialgebraic m A"
  obtain f where f_def: "f = map (pvar Qp) [0..<m]"
    by blast
  have 0: "is_poly_tuple m f"
    using assms var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple[of 0 m m]
    unfolding var_list_segment_def f_def by blast
  have 4: "length f = m"
    unfolding f_def using length_map[of "pvar Qp" "[0..<m]"] by auto
  obtain g where g_def: "(g::(nat multiset  ((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set) list) = map (λi::nat. Qp.indexed_const (b ! i)) [(0::nat)..<n]"
    by blast
  have 1: "is_poly_tuple m g"
    have 0: "set [0::nat..< n] = {..<n}"
      using atLeast_upt by blast
    then have "i. i  set [0::nat..< n]  b!i  carrier Qp"
      using assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE'[of b Qp n]  by blast
    hence 1: "i. i  set [0::nat..< n]  Qp.indexed_const (b ! i)  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘m⇙])"
      using assms Qp_to_IP_car by blast
    show ?thesis
      unfolding is_poly_tuple_def g_def
      apply(rule subsetI)
       using set_map[of "λi. Qp.indexed_const (b ! i)" "[0..<n]"]  1 unfolding 0
       by (smt image_iff)
  have 2: "is_poly_tuple m (f@g)"
    using 0 1 Qp_is_poly_tuple_append assms(3) by blast
  have 3: "x. x  carrier (Qpm)  poly_tuple_eval (f@g) x = x@b"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpm)"
    have 30: "poly_tuple_eval f x = x"
      have 300: "length (poly_tuple_eval f x) = length x"
        unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def using cartesian_power_car_memE
        by (metis "4" A length_map)
      have "i. i < length x  poly_tuple_eval f x ! i = x ! i"
        unfolding f_def poly_tuple_eval_def using nth_map
        by (metis "4" A add_cancel_right_left cartesian_power_car_memE eval_pvar f_def length_map nth_upt)
      thus ?thesis using 300
        by (metis nth_equalityI)
    have 31: "poly_tuple_eval g x = b"
      have 310: "length (poly_tuple_eval g x) = length b"
        unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def g_def  using cartesian_power_car_memE
        by (metis assms(2) length_map map_nth)
      have 311: "length b = n" using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
      hence "i. i < n  poly_tuple_eval g x ! i = b ! i" proof- fix i assume "i < n"
        thus "poly_tuple_eval g x ! i = b ! i"
          unfolding g_def poly_tuple_eval_def  using eval_at_point_const[of "b!i" x m] 310 nth_map
          by (metis "311" A assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE' length_map map_nth)
      thus ?thesis using 311 310 nth_equalityI
        by (metis list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
    have 32: "poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) x = poly_map  m (f@g) x"
      unfolding poly_map_def restrict_def using A
      by (simp add: A)
    have 33: "poly_tuple_eval f x = poly_map  m f x"
      unfolding poly_map_def restrict_def using A
      by (simp add: A)
    have 34: "poly_tuple_eval g x = poly_map  m g x"
      unfolding poly_map_def restrict_def using A
      by (simp add: A)
    show "poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) x = x @ b"
      using assms 1 2 30 31  poly_map_append[of x m f g] A unfolding 32 33 34
      by (simp add: A b  carrier (Qpn))
  have 4: "A = (poly_tuple_eval (f@g)  ¯m(cartesian_product A {b}))"
    show "A  poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b}"
    proof(rule subsetI) fix x assume A: "x  A"
      then have 0: "poly_tuple_eval (f@g) x = x@b"
        using 3 assms by blast
      then show " x  poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b}"
        using A cartesian_product_memE
        by (smt Un_upper1 assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_product_memI' evimageI2 in_mono insert_is_Un mk_disjoint_insert singletonI)
    show "poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b}  A"
    proof(rule subsetI) fix x assume A: "x  (poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b})"
      then have "poly_tuple_eval (f @ g) x  cartesian_product A {b}"
        by blast
      then have "x@b  cartesian_product A {b}"
        using A 3 by (metis evimage_eq)
      then show "x  A"
        using A
        by (metis append_same_eq cartesian_product_memE' singletonD)
  have 5: "A = poly_map m (f@g)  ¯m(cartesian_product A {b})"
    show "A  poly_map m (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b}"
      unfolding poly_map_def evimage_def restrict_def using 4
      by (smt IntI assms(1) evimageD in_mono subsetI vimageI)
    show "poly_map m (f @ g) ¯mcartesian_product A {b}  A"
      unfolding poly_map_def evimage_def restrict_def using 4
      by (smt Int_iff evimageI2 subsetI vimage_eq)
  have 6: "length (f @ g) = m + n"
    unfolding f_def g_def by (metis index_list_length length_append length_map map_nth)
  show ?thesis using 2 5 6 assms pullback_is_semialg[of m "f@g" "m+n" "cartesian_product A {b}"]
    by (metis is_semialgebraicE zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0)

lemma cartesian_product_factor_projection_is_semialg:
  assumes "A  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "B  {}"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product A B)"
  shows "is_semialgebraic m A"
  obtain b where b_def: "b  B"
    using assms by blast
  have "is_semialgebraic n {b}"
    using assms b_def is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg singleton_is_algebraic by blast
  hence 0: "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) {b})"
    using car_times_semialg_is_semialg assms(4)  by blast
  have "(cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) {b})  (cartesian_product A B)
          = (cartesian_product A {b})"
    using assms b_def cartesian_product_intersection[of "carrier (Qpm)" Qp m "{b}" n A B]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_absorb1 Int_empty_left Int_insert_left_if1 is_semialgebraic n {b} is_semialgebraic_closed set_eq_subset)
  hence "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product A {b})"
    using assms 0  intersection_is_semialg by metis
  thus ?thesis using assms cartesian_product_singleton_factor_projection_is_semialg
    by (meson is_semialgebraic n {b} insert_subset is_semialgebraic_closed)

lemma partial_pullback_cartesian_product:
  assumes "ξ  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qp1)"
  shows "cartesian_product (partial_pullback m ξ 0 S) (carrier (Qp1)) = partial_pullback m ξ 1 (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))) "
  show "cartesian_product (partial_pullback m ξ 0 S) (carrier (Qp1))  partial_pullback m ξ 1 (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product (partial_pullback m ξ 0 S) (carrier (Qp1))"
    then obtain y t where yt_def: "x = y@[t]  y  partial_pullback m ξ 0 S  t  carrier Qp"
      by (metis cartesian_product_memE' Qp.to_R1_to_R Qp.to_R_pow_closed)
    then have "[ξ y]  S"
      using partial_pullback_memE unfolding partial_image_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.right_neutral append.right_neutral cartesian_power_drop le_zero_eq take_closed partial_pullback_memE' take_eq_Nil)
    then have 0: "[ξ y]@[t]  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
      using cartesian_product_memI' yt_def
      by (metis assms(2) carrier_is_semialgebraic is_semialgebraic_closed Qp.to_R1_closed)
    have 1: " x  carrier (Qpm + 1)"
      using A yt_def
      by (metis add.right_neutral cartesian_power_append partial_pullback_memE(1))
    show "x  partial_pullback m ξ 1 (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
      apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
      using "1" apply blast
      using yt_def 0
      by (smt Cons_eq_appendI add.right_neutral local.partial_image_def partial_image_eq partial_pullback_memE(1) self_append_conv2 Qp.to_R1_closed)
  show "partial_pullback m ξ 1 (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))  cartesian_product (partial_pullback m ξ 0 S) (carrier (Qp1))"
  proof(rule subsetI) fix x assume A: "x  partial_pullback m ξ 1 (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
    then have 0: "x  carrier (Qpm + 1)"
      using assms partial_pullback_memE[of x m ξ 1 "cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"]
      by blast
    have 1: "ξ (take m x) # drop m x  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
      using A assms partial_pullback_memE[of x m ξ 1 "cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"]
      unfolding partial_image_def
      by blast
    have 2: "ξ (take m (take m x)) # drop m (take m x)  = [ξ (take m x)]"
      using 0 1
      by (metis add.commute add.right_neutral append.right_neutral append_take_drop_id take0 take_drop)
    show "x  cartesian_product (partial_pullback m ξ 0 S) (carrier (Qp1))"
      apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _  Qp m _ 1])
         apply (metis add_cancel_right_right partial_pullback_closed)
        apply blast
        apply(rule partial_pullback_memI[of _ m 0 ξ S]) using 0
       apply (metis Nat.add_0_right le_iff_add take_closed)
      using 2 apply (metis (no_types, lifting) "1" add.commute add.right_neutral assms(2) cartesian_product_memE(1) list.inject plus_1_eq_Suc take_Suc_Cons take_drop)
    using 0  cartesian_power_drop by blast

lemma cartesian_product_swap:
  assumes "A  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product A B)"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product B A)"
  obtain f where f_def: "f = (λi. (if i < m then n + i else (if i < m+n then i - m else i)))"
    by blast
  have 0: "i. i  {..<m}  f i  {n..<m+n}"
    unfolding f_def by simp
  have 1: "i. i  {m..<m+n}  f i  {..<n}"
    unfolding f_def by (simp add: less_diff_conv2)
  have 2: "i. i  {..<m + n}  f i  {..<m + n}"
    unfolding f_def by simp
  have f_permutes: "f permutes {..<m+n}"
    unfolding permutes_def
    show "x. x  {..<m + n}  f x = x"
      unfolding f_def by simp
    show "y. ∃!x. f x = y"
    proof fix y
      show "∃!x. f x = y"
      proof(cases "y < n")
        case True
        have T0: "f (y+m) = y"
          unfolding f_def using True
          by simp
        have "i. f i = y  i  {m..<m+n}"
          using 0 1 2 True f_def nat_neq_iff by fastforce
        hence "i. f i = y  i = y+m"
          using T0 unfolding f_def by auto
        thus ?thesis using T0 by blast
        case False
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases  "y  {n..<m+n}")
          case True
          have T0: "f (y-n) = y"
            using True unfolding f_def by auto
          have "i. f i = y  i  {..<m}"
            using 0 1 2 True f_def
            by (metis False atLeastLessThan_iff diff_add_inverse2 diff_diff_cancel diff_le_self
                lessThan_iff less_imp_diff_less linordered_semidom_class.add_diff_inverse nat_neq_iff not_add_less1)
          hence "i. f i = y  i = y- n"
            using f_def by force
          then show ?thesis using T0 by blast
          case F: False
          then show ?thesis using 0 1 2 unfolding f_def
            using False add_diff_inverse_nat lessThan_iff by auto
  have "permute_list f ` (cartesian_product A B) = (cartesian_product B A)"
    show "permute_list f ` cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product B A"
    proof fix x assume A: " x  permute_list f ` cartesian_product A B"
      then obtain a b where ab_def: "a  A b  B  x = permute_list f (a@b)"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cartesian_product_memE' image_iff)
      have 0: "x = permute_list f (a@b)"
        using ab_def by blast
      have 1: "length a = n"
        using ab_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of a Qp n] by blast
      have 2: "length b = m"
        using ab_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of b Qp m] by blast
      have 3: "length x = m + n"
        using 1 2 0 f_permutes by simp
      have 4: "i. i < m  x ! i = (a@b) ! (f i)"
        unfolding 0 using permute_list_nth
        by (metis "0" "3" f_permutes length_permute_list trans_less_add1)
      hence 5: "i. i < m  x ! i = b!i"
        unfolding f_def using 1 2
        by (metis "4" f_def nth_append_length_plus)
      have 6: "i. i  {m..<m+n}  x ! i = (a@b) ! (i - m)"
        unfolding 0 using f_def permute_list_nth  f_permutes
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" "3" atLeastLessThan_iff length_permute_list not_add_less2
      have 7: "x = b@a"
      proof(rule nth_equalityI)
        show "length x = length (b @ a)"
          using 1 2 3 by simp
        show "i. i < length x  x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
          unfolding 3 using 1 2 4 5
          by (smt "0" add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat f_def f_permutes length_append nat_add_left_cancel_less nth_append permute_list_nth)
      show "x  cartesian_product B A" unfolding 7 using ab_def unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
    show "cartesian_product B A  permute_list f ` cartesian_product A B"
    proof fix y assume A: "y  cartesian_product B A"
      then obtain b a where ab_def: "b  B  a  A  y = b@a"
        using cartesian_product_memE' by blast
      obtain x where 0: "x = permute_list f (a@b)"
        by blast
      have 1: "length a = n"
        using ab_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of a Qp n] by blast
      have 2: "length b = m"
        using ab_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of b Qp m] by blast
      have 3: "length x = m + n"
        using 1 2 0 f_permutes by simp
      have 4: "i. i < m  x ! i = (a@b) ! (f i)"
        unfolding 0 using permute_list_nth
        by (metis "0" "3" f_permutes length_permute_list trans_less_add1)
      hence 5: "i. i < m  x ! i = b!i"
        unfolding f_def using 1 2
        by (metis "4" f_def nth_append_length_plus)
      have 6: "i. i  {m..<m+n}  x ! i = (a@b) ! (i - m)"
        unfolding 0 using f_def permute_list_nth  f_permutes
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" "3" atLeastLessThan_iff length_permute_list not_add_less2
      have 7: "x = b@a"
      proof(rule nth_equalityI)
        show "length x = length (b @ a)"
          using 1 2 3 by simp
        show "i. i < length x  x ! i = (b @ a) ! i"
          unfolding 3 using 1 2 4 5
          by (smt "0" add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat f_def f_permutes length_append nat_add_left_cancel_less nth_append permute_list_nth)
      show "y  permute_list f ` cartesian_product A B"
        using ab_def 7 cartesian_product_memI'[of _ Qp] unfolding 0
        by (metis assms(1) assms(2) image_eqI)
  thus ?thesis using assms f_permutes permutation_is_semialgebraic
    by metis

lemma Qp_zero_subset_is_semialg:
  assumes "S  carrier (Qp0)"
  shows "is_semialgebraic 0 S"
proof(cases "S = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: empty_is_semialgebraic)
  case False
  then have "S = carrier (Qp0)"
    using assms unfolding Qp_zero_carrier  by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: carrier_is_semialgebraic)

lemma cartesian_product_empty_list:
"cartesian_product A {[]} = A"
"cartesian_product {[]} A = A"
  show "cartesian_product A {[]}  A"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by (smt append_Nil2 empty_iff insert_iff mem_Collect_eq)
  show "A  cartesian_product A {[]}"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by (smt append_Nil2 empty_iff insert_iff mem_Collect_eq)
  show "cartesian_product {[]} A = A"
    show "cartesian_product {[]} A  A"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by (smt append_self_conv2 bex_empty insert_compr mem_Collect_eq)
  show "A  cartesian_product {[]} A"
    apply(rule subsetI)
    unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by blast

lemma cartesian_product_singleton_factor_projection_is_semialg':
  assumes "A  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (m+n) (cartesian_product A {b})"
  shows "is_semialgebraic m A"
proof(cases "n > 0")
  case True
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "m > 0")
    case T: True
    then show ?thesis
      using assms True cartesian_product_singleton_factor_projection_is_semialg by blast
    case False
    then show ?thesis using Qp_zero_subset_is_semialg assms by blast
  case False
  then have F0: "b = []"
    using assms Qp_zero_carrier by blast
  have "cartesian_product A {b} = A"
    unfolding F0
    by (simp add: cartesian_product_empty_list(1))
  then show ?thesis using assms False
    by (metis add.right_neutral gr0I)

subsection ‹More on graphs of functions›

text‹This section lays the groundwork for showing that semialgebraic functions are closed under
     various algebraic operations›

text‹The take and drop functions on lists are polynomial maps›

lemma function_restriction:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  S"
  assumes "n  k"
  shows "(g  (take n))  carrier (Qpk)  S"
proof fix x
  assume "x  carrier (Qpk)"
  then have "take n x  carrier (Qpn)"
    using assms(2) take_closed
    by blast
  then show "(g  take n) x  S"
    using assms comp_apply
    by (metis Pi_iff comp_def)

lemma partial_pullback_restriction:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "n < k"
  shows "partial_pullback k (g  take n) m S =
         split_cartesian_product  (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))"
proof(rule equalityI)
  show "partial_pullback k (g  take n) m S  split_cartesian_product (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  partial_pullback k (g  take n) m S"
    obtain as bs where asbs_def: "x = as@bs  as  carrier (Qpk)  bs  carrier  (Qpm)"
      using partial_pullback_memE[of x k "g  take n" m S] A cartesian_power_decomp[of x Qp k m]
      by metis
    have 0: "((g  (take n)) as)#bs  S"
      using asbs_def partial_pullback_memE'[of as k bs m x] A
      by blast
    have 1: "(g (take n as))#bs  S"
      using 0
      by (metis comp_apply)
    have 2: "take n as @ bs  carrier (Qpn+m)"
      by (meson asbs_def assms(2) cartesian_power_concat(1) less_imp_le_nat take_closed)
    have 3: "(take n as)@bs  (partial_pullback n g m S)"
      using 1 2 partial_pullback_memI[of "(take n as)@bs" n m g S]
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) asbs_def assms(2) local.partial_image_def nat_less_le
          partial_image_eq subsetD  subset_refl take_closed)
    have 4: "drop n as  (carrier (Qpk - n))"
      using asbs_def assms(2) drop_closed
      by blast
    show " x  split_cartesian_product (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))"
      using split_cartesian_product_memI[of "take n as" bs
                                        "partial_pullback n g m S" "drop n as"
                                         "carrier (Qpk - n)" Qp "n + m" "k - n" n ]  4
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) "3" append.assoc append_take_drop_id
          asbs_def assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE less_imp_le_nat partial_pullback_memE(1)
          subsetI take_closed)
  show "split_cartesian_product (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))  partial_pullback k (g  take n) m S"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  split_cartesian_product (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))"
    show "x  partial_pullback k (g  take n) m S"
    proof(rule partial_pullback_memI)
      have 0: "(partial_pullback n g m S)  carrier (Qpn+m)"
        using partial_pullback_closed by blast
      then  have "split_cartesian_product (n + m) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g m S) (carrier (Qpk - n))  carrier (Qpn + m + (k - n))"
        using assms A  split_cartesian_product_closed[of "partial_pullback n g m S" Qp "n + m"
                                                "carrier (Qpk - n)" "k - n" n]
        using le_add1 by blast
      then show P: "x  carrier (Qpk+m)"
        by (smt A Nat.add_diff_assoc2 add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' assms(2) le_add1 less_imp_le_nat subsetD)
      have "take n x @ drop (n + (k - n)) x  partial_pullback n g m S"
        using 0 A split_cartesian_product_memE[of x "n + m" "k - n" n "partial_pullback n g m S" "carrier (Qpk - n)" Qp]
             le_add1 by blast
      have 1: "g (take n x) # drop k x  S"
        using  partial_pullback_memE
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) take n x @ drop (n + (k - n)) x  partial_pullback n g m S
              x  carrier (Qpk+m) add.assoc assms(2) cartesian_power_drop le_add1
              le_add_diff_inverse less_imp_le_nat partial_pullback_memE' take_closed)
      have 2: "g (take n x) = (g  take n) (take k x)"
        using assms P comp_apply[of g "take n" "take k x"]
        by (metis add.commute append_same_eq append_take_drop_id less_imp_add_positive take_add take_drop)
      then show "(g  take n) (take k x) # drop k x  S"
        using "1" by presburger

lemma comp_take_is_semialg:
  assumes "is_semialg_function n g"
  assumes "n < k"
  assumes "0 < n"
  shows "is_semialg_function k (g  (take n))"
proof(rule is_semialg_functionI)
  show "g  take n  carrier (Qpk)  carrier Qp"
    using assms function_restriction[of g n "carrier Qp" k]  dual_order.strict_implies_order
    by blast
  show "ka S. S  semialg_sets (1 + ka)  is_semialgebraic (k + ka) (partial_pullback k (g  take n) ka S)"
  proof- fix l S assume A: "S  semialg_sets (1 + l)"
    have 0: "is_semialgebraic (n + l) (partial_pullback n g l S) "
      using assms A is_semialg_functionE is_semialgebraicI
      by blast
    have "is_semialgebraic (n + l + (k - n)) (split_cartesian_product (n + l) (k - n) n (partial_pullback n g l S) (carrier (Qpk - n)))"
      using A 0 split_cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of _ _
                                                  "partial_pullback n g l S" _ "carrier (Qpk - n)"]
            add_gr_0 assms(2) assms(3) carrier_is_semialgebraic le_add1 zero_less_diff
      by presburger
    then  show "is_semialgebraic (k + l) (partial_pullback k (g  take n) l S)"
      using partial_pullback_restriction[of g n k l S]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc add.commute assms(1) assms(2) is_semialg_function_closed le_add_diff_inverse less_imp_le_nat)

text‹Restriction of a graph to a semialgebraic domain›

lemma graph_formula:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "graph n g = {as  carrier (QpSuc n). g (take n as) = as!n}"
  using assms graph_memI fun_graph_def[of Qp n g]
  by (smt Collect_cong Suc_eq_plus1 graph_memE(1) graph_mem_closed mem_Collect_eq)

definition restricted_graph where
"restricted_graph n g S = {as  carrier (QpSuc n). take n as  S  g (take n as) = as!n }"

lemma restricted_graph_closed:
 "restricted_graph n g S  carrier (QpSuc n)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq restricted_graph_def subsetI)

lemma restricted_graph_memE:
  assumes "a  restricted_graph n g S"
  shows "a  carrier (QpSuc n)" "take n a  S" "g (take n a) = a!n"
  using assms
  using restricted_graph_closed apply blast
  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) assms mem_Collect_eq restricted_graph_def)
  using assms unfolding restricted_graph_def
  by blast

lemma restricted_graph_mem_formula:
  assumes "a  restricted_graph n g S"
  shows "a = (take n a)@[g (take n a)]"
  have "length a = Suc n"
    using assms
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE mem_Collect_eq restricted_graph_def)
  then have "a = (take n a)@[a!n]"
    by (metis append_eq_append_conv_if hd_drop_conv_nth lessI take_hd_drop)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis assms restricted_graph_memE(3))

lemma restricted_graph_memI:
  assumes "a  carrier (QpSuc n)"
  assumes "take n a  S"
  assumes "g (take n a) = a!n"
  shows "a  restricted_graph n g S"
  using assms restricted_graph_def
  by blast

lemma restricted_graph_memI':
  assumes "a  S"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "(a@[g a])  restricted_graph n g S"
  have "a  carrier (Qpn)"
    using assms(1) assms(3) by blast
  then have "g a  carrier Qp"
    using assms by blast
  then have 0: "a @ [g a]  carrier (QpSuc n)"
    using assms
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute cartesian_power_append plus_1_eq_Suc subsetD)
  have 1: "take n (a @ [g a])  S"
    using assms
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE subsetD)
  show ?thesis
    using assms restricted_graph_memI[of "a@[g a]" n S g]
    by (metis "0" a  carrier (Qpn) append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE nth_append_length)

lemma restricted_graph_subset:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "restricted_graph n g S  graph n g"
proof fix x  assume A: "x  restricted_graph n g S"
  show "x  graph n g"
    apply(rule graph_memI)
  using assms(1) apply blast
  using A restricted_graph_memE(3) apply blast
  by (metis A add.commute plus_1_eq_Suc restricted_graph_memE(1))

lemma restricted_graph_subset':
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "restricted_graph n g S  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
proof fix a assume A: "a  restricted_graph n g S"
  then have "a = (take n a)@[g (take n a)]"
    using restricted_graph_mem_formula by blast
  then show "a  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
    using cartesian_product_memI' A unfolding restricted_graph_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(2) last_closed' mem_Collect_eq subsetI Qp.to_R1_closed)

lemma restricted_graph_intersection:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "restricted_graph n g S = graph n g  (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
  show "restricted_graph n g S  graph n g  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
    using assms restricted_graph_subset restricted_graph_subset'
    by (meson Int_subset_iff)
  show "graph n g  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))  restricted_graph n g S"
  proof fix x assume A: " x  graph n g  cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"
    show "x  restricted_graph n g S"
      apply(rule restricted_graph_memI)
      using A graph_memE[of g n x]
      apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff add.commute assms(1) graph_mem_closed plus_1_eq_Suc)
          using A graph_memE[of g n x] cartesian_product_memE[of x S "carrier (Qp1)" Qp n]
          using assms(2) apply blast
          using A graph_memE[of g n x] cartesian_product_memE[of x S "carrier (Qp1)" Qp n]
          using assms(1) by blast

lemma restricted_graph_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialg_function n g"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n+1) (restricted_graph n g S)"
  have 0: "restricted_graph n g S = graph n g  (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
    using assms is_semialg_function_closed is_semialgebraic_closed
      restricted_graph_intersection by presburger
  have 1: "is_semialgebraic (n + 1) (graph n g)"
    using assms semialg_graph
    by blast
  have 2: "is_semialgebraic (n + 1) (cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1)))"
    using cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of n S 1 "carrier (Qp1)"]  assms
      carrier_is_semialgebraic less_one
    by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using 0 1 2 intersection_is_semialg[of "n+1" "graph n g" "cartesian_product S (carrier (Qp1))"]
    by presburger

lemma take_closed:
  assumes "n  k"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpk)"
  shows "take n x  carrier (Qpn)"
  using assms take_closed
  by blast

lemma take_compose_closed:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "n < k"
  shows "g  take n  carrier (Qpk)  carrier Qp"
proof fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpk)"
  then have "(take n x)  carrier (Qpn)"
    using assms  less_imp_le_nat take_closed
    by blast
  then have "g (take n x)  carrier Qp"
    using assms(1) by blast
  then show "(g  take n) x  carrier Qp"
    using comp_apply[of g "take n" x]
    by presburger

lemma take_graph_formula:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "n < k"
  assumes "0 < n"
  shows "graph k (g  (take n)) = {as  carrier (Qpk+1). g (take n as) = as!k}"
  have "as. as  carrier (Qpk+1)  (g  take n) (take k as) = g (take n as) "
    using assms comp_apply take_take[of n k]
  proof -
    fix as :: "((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list"
    show "(g  take n) (take k as) = g (take n as)"
      by (metis (no_types) n < k comp_eq_dest_lhs min.strict_order_iff take_take)
  then show ?thesis
    using take_compose_closed[of g n k] assms comp_apply[of g "take n"] graph_formula[of "g  (take n)" k]
   by (smt Collect_cong Suc_eq_plus1)

lemma graph_memI':
  assumes "a  carrier (QpSuc n)"
  assumes "take n a  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "g (take n a) = a!n"
  shows "a  graph n g"
  using assms fun_graph_def[of Qp n g]
  by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE eq_imp_le lessI mem_Collect_eq take_Suc_conv_app_nth take_all)

lemma graph_memI'':
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "(a@[g a])  graph n g "
  using assms fun_graph_def
  by blast

lemma graph_as_restricted_graph:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows  "graph n f = restricted_graph n f (carrier (Qpn))"
  apply(rule equalityI)
  apply (metis Suc_eq_plus1 assms graph_memE(1) graph_memE(3) graph_mem_closed restricted_graph_memI subsetI)
  by (simp add: assms restricted_graph_subset)

definition double_graph where
"double_graph n f g = {as  carrier (Qpn+2). f (take n as) = as!n  g (take n as) = as!(n + 1)}"

lemma double_graph_rep:
  assumes "g  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  shows "double_graph n f g = restricted_graph (n + 1) (g  take n) (graph n f)"
  show "double_graph n f g  restricted_graph (n + 1) (g  take n) (graph n f)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  double_graph n f g"
    then have 0: "x  carrier (Qpn+2)  f (take n x) = x!n  g (take n x) = x!(n + 1)"
      using double_graph_def by blast
     have 1: "take (n+1) x  graph n f"
      apply(rule graph_memI)
       using assms(2) apply blast
        apply (metis "0" append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE le_add1 length_take
      less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) min.absorb2 nth_take take_add)
       by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_n_not_le_n add_cancel_right_right
           dual_order.antisym le_iff_add not_less_eq_eq one_add_one plus_1_eq_Suc take_closed)
     show " x  restricted_graph (n + 1) (g  take n) (graph n f)"
       apply(rule restricted_graph_memI)
         apply (metis "0" One_nat_def add_Suc_right numeral_2_eq_2)
       using "1" apply blast
       using 0 take_take[of n "n + 1" x] comp_apply
       by (metis le_add1 min.absorb1)
  show "restricted_graph (n + 1) (g  take n) (graph n f)  double_graph n f g"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  restricted_graph (n + 1) (g  take n) (graph n f)"
    then have 0: "x  carrier (QpSuc (n + 1))  take (n + 1) x  graph n f  (g  take n) (take (n + 1) x) = x ! (n + 1)"
      using restricted_graph_memE[of x "n+1" "(g  take n)" "graph n f" ]
      by blast
    then have 1: "x  carrier (Qpn+2)"
      using 0
      by (metis Suc_1 add_Suc_right)
    have 2: " f (take n x) = x ! n"
      using 0 take_take[of n "n + 1" x] graph_memE[of f n "take (n + 1) x"]
      by (metis assms(2) le_add1 less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) min.absorb1 nth_take)
    have 3: "g (take n x) = x ! (n + 1)"
      using 0 comp_apply take_take[of n "n + 1" x]
      by (metis le_add1 min.absorb1)
    then show "x  double_graph n f g"
      unfolding double_graph_def using 1 2 3
      by blast

lemma double_graph_is_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  assumes "is_semialg_function n g"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n+2) (double_graph n f g)"
  using double_graph_rep[of g n f] assms restricted_graph_is_semialgebraic[of n "g  take n" "graph n f"]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_eq_plus1 add_Suc_right is_semialg_function_closed
      less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) one_add_one restricted_graph_is_semialgebraic
      comp_take_is_semialg semialg_graph)

definition add_vars :: "nat  nat    padic_tuple  padic_number" where
"add_vars i j as = as!i Qpas!j"

lemma add_vars_rep:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "j < n"
  shows "add_vars i j as = Qp_ev ((pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j)) as"
  unfolding add_vars_def
  using assms eval_at_point_add[of as n "pvar Qp i" "pvar Qp j"]
        eval_pvar  by (metis  pvar_closed)

lemma add_vars_is_semialg:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "j < n"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (add_vars i j)"
  have "pvar Qp i Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar Qp j  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using  assms pvar_closed[of ]
    by blast
  then have "is_semialg_function n (Qp_ev (pvar Qp i Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar Qp j))"
    using assms poly_is_semialg[of "(pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j)"]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms add_vars_rep
      semialg_function_on_carrier[of n  "Qp_ev ((pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j))" "add_vars i j"  ]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_ext)

definition mult_vars :: "nat  nat    padic_tuple  padic_number" where
"mult_vars i j as = as!i  as!j"

lemma mult_vars_rep:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "j < n"
  shows "mult_vars i j as = Qp_ev ((pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j)) as"
  unfolding mult_vars_def
  using assms eval_at_point_mult[of as n "pvar Qp i" "pvar Qp j"]
        eval_pvar[of i n as] eval_pvar[of j n as ]
  by (metis pvar_closed)

lemma mult_vars_is_semialg:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "j < n"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (mult_vars i j)"
  have "pvar Qp i Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar Qp j  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using  assms pvar_closed[of ]
    by blast
  then have "is_semialg_function n (Qp_ev (pvar Qp i Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar Qp j))"
    using assms poly_is_semialg[of "(pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j)"]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms mult_vars_rep
      semialg_function_on_carrier[of n  "Qp_ev ((pvar Qp i) Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar Qp j))" "mult_vars i j"  ]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_ext)

definition minus_vars :: "nat    padic_tuple  padic_number" where
"minus_vars i as =  Qpas!i"

lemma minus_vars_rep:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "minus_vars i as = Qp_ev (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙(pvar Qp i)) as"
  unfolding minus_vars_def
  using assms eval_pvar[of i n as] eval_at_point_a_inv[of as n "pvar Qp i"]
  by (metis pvar_closed)

lemma minus_vars_is_semialg:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (minus_vars i)"
  have 0: "pvar Qp i   carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using  assms pvar_closed[of ] Qp.cring_axioms by presburger
  have "is_semialg_function n  (Qp_ev (Qp[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙(pvar Qp i)))"
    apply(rule poly_is_semialg )
    using "0" by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms minus_vars_rep[of a i n]
      semialg_function_on_carrier[of n  _ "minus_vars i"  ]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) minus_vars_rep restrict_ext)

definition extended_graph where
"extended_graph n f g h = {as  carrier (Qpn+3).
                      f (take n as) = as!n  g (take n as) = as! (n + 1)  h [(f (take n as)),(g (take n as))] = as! (n + 2) }"

lemma extended_graph_rep:
"extended_graph n f g h = restricted_graph (n + 2) (h  (drop n)) (double_graph n f g)"
  show "extended_graph n f g h  restricted_graph (n + 2) (h  drop n) (double_graph n f g)"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  extended_graph n f g h"
    then have A: "x  carrier (Qpn+3) f (take n x) = x!n  g (take n x) = x! (n + 1) 
                 h [(f (take n x)),(g (take n x))] = x! (n + 2)"
      unfolding extended_graph_def by blast
    then have 0: "take (n + 2) x   carrier (Qpn+2)"
    proof -
      have "Suc (Suc n)  n + numeral (num.One + num.Bit0 num.One)"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) x  carrier (Qpn+3)  f (take n x) = x ! n  g (take n x) = x ! (n + 1)  h [f (take n x), g (take n x)] = x ! (n + 2) add_2_eq_Suc' add_One_commute semiring_norm(5) take_closed)
    have 1: "f (take n (take (n + 2) x)) = (take (n + 2) x) ! n"
      using A
      by (metis Suc_1 add.commute append_same_eq append_take_drop_id
          less_add_same_cancel1 nth_take take_add take_drop zero_less_Suc)
    have 2: " g (take n (take (n + 2) x)) = (take (n + 2) x) ! (n + 1)"
      using A
      by (smt add.assoc add.commute append_same_eq append_take_drop_id less_add_same_cancel1
          less_numeral_extra(1) nth_take one_add_one take_add take_drop)
    then have 3: "take (n + 2) x  double_graph n f g"
      unfolding double_graph_def
      using 0 1 2
      by blast
    have 4: "drop n (take (n + 2) x) = [(f (take n x)),(g (take n x))]"
      have 40: "take (n + 2) x ! (n + 1) = x! (n + 1)"
        by (metis add.commute add_2_eq_Suc' lessI nth_take plus_1_eq_Suc)
      have 41: "take (n + 2) x ! n = x! n"
        by (metis Suc_1 less_SucI less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) nth_take)
      have 42: "take (n + 2) x ! (n + 1) = g (take n x)"
        using 40 A
        by blast
      have 43: "take (n + 2) x ! n = f (take n x)"
        using 41 A
        by blast
      show ?thesis using A 42 43
        by (metis "0" add_cancel_right_right cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_drop
            le_add_same_cancel1 nth_drop pair_id zero_le_numeral)
    then have 5: "(h  drop n) (take (n + 2) x) = x ! (n + 2)"
      using 3 A
      by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' comp_eq_dest_lhs)
    show "x  restricted_graph (n + 2) (h  drop n) (double_graph n f g)"
      using restricted_graph_def A 3 5
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_1
          add_Suc_right numeral_3_eq_3 restricted_graph_memI)
  show "restricted_graph (n + 2) (h  drop n) (double_graph n f g)  extended_graph n f g h"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  restricted_graph (n + 2) (h  drop n) (double_graph n f g)"
    then have 0: "take (n+2) x  double_graph n f g"
      using restricted_graph_memE(2) by blast
    have 1: "(h  drop n) (take (n+2) x) = x! (n+2) "
      by (meson A restricted_graph_memE(3) padic_fields_axioms)
    have 2: "x  carrier (Qpn+3)"
      using A
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Suc3_eq_add_3 add.commute add_2_eq_Suc'
          restricted_graph_closed subsetD)
    have 3: "length x = n + 3"
      using "2" cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    have 4: "drop n (take (n+2) x) = [x!n, x!(n+1)]"
      have "length (take (n+2) x) = n+2"
        by (simp add: "3")
      then have 40:"length (drop n (take (n+2) x)) = 2"
        by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' add_diff_cancel_left' length_drop)
      have 41: "(drop n (take (n+2) x))!0 = x!n"
        using 3
        by (metis Nat.add_0_right length (take (n + 2) x) = n + 2 add_gr_0 le_add1 less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) nth_drop nth_take one_add_one)
      have 42: "(drop n (take (n+2) x))!1 = x!(n+1)"
        using 3 nth_take nth_drop A
        by (metis add.commute le_add1 less_add_same_cancel1 less_numeral_extra(1) one_add_one take_drop)
      show ?thesis
        using 40 41 42
        by (metis pair_id)
    have "(take n x) = take n (take (n+2) x)"
      using take_take 3
      by (metis le_add1 min.absorb1)
    then have 5: "f (take n x) = x ! n"
      using 0 double_graph_def[of n f g] 3
      by (smt Suc_1 less_add_same_cancel1 mem_Collect_eq nth_take zero_less_Suc)
    have 6: "g (take n x) = x ! (n + 1) "
      using 0 double_graph_def[of n f g] 3 take_take[of n "n+2" x]
      by (smt Suc_1 take n x = take n (take (n + 2) x) add_Suc_right lessI mem_Collect_eq nth_take)
    have 7: " h [f (take n x), g (take n x)] = x ! (n + 2)"
      using 4 A comp_apply
      by (metis "1" "5" "6")
    show " x  extended_graph n f g h"
      unfolding extended_graph_def
      using 2  5 6 7 A
      by blast

lemma function_tuple_eval_closed:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "function_tuple_eval Qp n fs x  carrier (Qplength fs)"
  using function_tuple_eval_closed[of Qp n fs x] assms by blast

definition k_graph where
"k_graph n fs = {x  carrier (Qpn + length fs). x = (take n x)@ (function_tuple_eval Qp n fs (take n x)) }"

lemma k_graph_memI:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  assumes "x = as@function_tuple_eval Qp n fs as"
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "x  k_graph n fs"
  have "take n x = as"
    using assms
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE)
  then show ?thesis unfolding k_graph_def using assms
    by (smt append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memI'' length_append local.function_tuple_eval_closed mem_Collect_eq)

text‹composing a function with a function tuple›

lemma Qp_function_tuple_comp_closed:
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpn)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  shows "function_tuple_comp Qp fs f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  using assms function_tuple_comp_closed
  by blast

      subsubsection‹Tuples of Semialgebraic Functions›

text‹Predicate for a tuple of semialgebraic functions›

definition is_semialg_function_tuple where
"is_semialg_function_tuple n fs = ( f  set fs. is_semialg_function n f)"

lemma is_semialg_function_tupleI:
  assumes " f. f  set fs  is_semialg_function n f"
  shows "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  using assms is_semialg_function_tuple_def
  by blast

lemma is_semialg_function_tupleE:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  assumes "i < length fs"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (fs ! i)"
  by (meson assms(1) assms(2) in_set_conv_nth is_semialg_function_tuple_def padic_fields_axioms)

lemma is_semialg_function_tupleE':
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  assumes "f  set fs"
  shows "is_semialg_function n f"
  using assms(1) assms(2) is_semialg_function_tuple_def
  by blast

lemma semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  shows "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  apply(rule is_function_tupleI)
  using assms is_semialg_function_closed is_semialg_function_tupleE' by blast

lemma const_poly_function_tuple_comp_is_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  assumes "a  carrier Qp"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (poly_function_tuple_comp Qp n fs (Qp_to_IP a))"
  apply(rule semialg_function_on_carrier[of n "Qp_ev (Qp_to_IP a)"])
  using poly_is_semialg[of  "(Qp_to_IP a)"]
  using assms(1) assms(3) Qp_to_IP_car apply blast
  using poly_function_tuple_comp_eq[of n fs "(Qp_to_IP a)"]  assms unfolding restrict_def
  by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) eval_at_point_const poly_function_tuple_comp_constant semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple)

lemma pvar_poly_function_tuple_comp_is_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple n fs"
  assumes "i < length fs"
  shows "is_semialg_function n (poly_function_tuple_comp Qp n fs (pvar Qp i))"
  apply(rule semialg_function_on_carrier[of n "fs!i"])
  using assms(2) assms(3) is_semialg_function_tupleE apply blast
  by (metis assms(2) assms(3) poly_function_tuple_comp_pvar
      restrict_ext semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple)

text‹Polynomial functions with semialgebraic coefficients›

definition point_to_univ_poly :: "nat  padic_tuple  padic_univ_poly" where
"point_to_univ_poly n a = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n a"

definition tuple_partial_image where
"tuple_partial_image m fs x = (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x))@(drop m x)"

lemma tuple_partial_image_closed:
  assumes "length fs > 0"
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
  shows "tuple_partial_image n fs x  carrier (Qplength fs + l)"
  using assms unfolding tuple_partial_image_def
  by (meson cartesian_power_concat(1) cartesian_power_drop
      function_tuple_eval_closed le_add1 take_closed)

lemma tuple_partial_image_indices:
  assumes "length fs > 0"
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
  assumes "i < length fs"
  shows "(tuple_partial_image n fs x) ! i = (fs!i) (take n x)"
  have 0: "(function_tuple_eval Qp n fs (take n x)) ! i = (fs!i) (take n x)"
    using assms unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
    by (meson nth_map)
  have 1: "length (function_tuple_eval Qp n fs (take n x)) > i"
    by (metis assms(4) function_tuple_eval_def length_map)
  show ?thesis
    using 0 1 assms unfolding tuple_partial_image_def
    by (metis nth_append)

lemma tuple_partial_image_indices':
  assumes "length fs > 0"
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
  assumes "i < l"
  shows "(tuple_partial_image n fs x) ! (length fs + i) = x!(n + i)"
  using assms unfolding tuple_partial_image_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE function_tuple_eval_closed le_add1
      nth_append_length_plus nth_drop take_closed)

definition tuple_partial_pullback where
"tuple_partial_pullback n fs l S = ((tuple_partial_image n fs)-`S)   carrier (Qpn+l)"

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_memE:
  assumes "as  tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S"
  shows "as  carrier (Qpm + l)" "tuple_partial_image m fs as  S"
  using assms
  apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_iff add.commute tuple_partial_pullback_def)
  using assms unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def
  by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_closed:
"tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S  carrier (Qpm + l)"
  using tuple_partial_pullback_memE by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_memI:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpm + k)"
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  assumes "((function_tuple_eval Qp m fs) (take m as))@(drop m as)  S"
  shows "as  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S"
  using assms unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def tuple_partial_image_def
  by blast

lemma tuple_partial_image_eq:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpk)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs"
  shows "tuple_partial_image n fs x = ((function_tuple_eval Qp n fs) as)@bs"
  have 0: "(take n x) = as"
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE)
  have 1: "drop n x = bs"
    by (metis "0" append_take_drop_id assms(3) same_append_eq)
  show ?thesis using assms 0 1 unfolding tuple_partial_image_def
    by presburger

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_memE':
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpk)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs"
  assumes "x  tuple_partial_pullback n fs k S"
  shows "(function_tuple_eval Qp n fs as)@bs  S"
  using tuple_partial_pullback_memE[of x n fs k S] tuple_partial_image_def[of n fs x]
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) tuple_partial_image_eq)

text‹tuple partial pullbacks have the same algebraic properties as pullbacks›

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_intersect:
"tuple_partial_pullback m f l (S1  S2) = (tuple_partial_pullback m f l S1)  (tuple_partial_pullback m f l S2)"
  unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def
  by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_union:
"tuple_partial_pullback m f l (S1  S2) = (tuple_partial_pullback m f l S1)  (tuple_partial_pullback m f l S2)"
  unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def
  by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_complement:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  shows "tuple_partial_pullback m fs l ((carrier (Qplength fs + l)) - S) = carrier (Qpm + l) - (tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S) "
  apply(rule equalityI)
  using tuple_partial_pullback_def[of m fs l "((carrier (Qplength fs + l)) - S)"]
        tuple_partial_pullback_def[of m fs l S]
   apply blast
proof fix x assume A: " x  carrier (Qpm + l) - tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S"
  show " x  tuple_partial_pullback m fs l (carrier (Qplength fs + l) - S) "
    apply(rule tuple_partial_pullback_memI)
    using A
      apply blast
    using assms
    apply blast
    have 0: "drop m x  carrier (Qpl)"
      by (meson A DiffD1 cartesian_power_drop)
    have 1: "take m x  carrier (Qpm)"
      using A
      by (meson DiffD1 le_add1 take_closed)
    show "function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x) @ drop m x
     carrier (Qplength fs + l)"
      using 0 1 assms
      using cartesian_power_concat(1) function_tuple_eval_closed by blast
    show "function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x) @ drop m x  S"
      using A unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def tuple_partial_image_def
      by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_carrier:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  shows "tuple_partial_pullback m fs l (carrier (Qplength fs + l)) = carrier (Qpm + l)"
  apply(rule equalityI)
  using tuple_partial_pullback_memE(1) apply blast
proof fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
  show "x  tuple_partial_pullback m fs l (carrier (Qplength fs + l))"
    apply(rule tuple_partial_pullback_memI)
  using A cartesian_power_drop[of x m l] take_closed assms
    apply blast
  using assms apply blast
    have "function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x)  carrier (Qplength fs)"
      using A take_closed assms
          function_tuple_eval_closed le_add1
      by blast
    then show "function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x) @ drop m x
     carrier (Qplength fs + l)"
    using cartesian_power_drop[of x m l] A cartesian_power_concat(1)
    by blast

definition is_semialg_map_tuple where
"is_semialg_map_tuple m fs = (is_function_tuple Qp m fs 
                          (l  0. S  semialg_sets ((length fs) + l). is_semialgebraic (m + l) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S)))"

lemma is_semialg_map_tuple_closed:
  assumes "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  shows "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  using is_semialg_map_tuple_def assms by blast

lemma is_semialg_map_tupleE:
  assumes "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic ((length fs) + l) S"
  shows " is_semialgebraic (m + l) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs l S)"
  using is_semialg_map_tuple_def[of m fs] assms is_semialgebraicE[of "((length fs) + l)" S]
  by blast

lemma is_semialg_map_tupleI:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  assumes "k  S. S  semialg_sets ((length fs) + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  using assms unfolding is_semialg_map_tuple_def
  by blast

text‹Semialgebraicity for maps can be verified on basic semialgebraic sets›

lemma is_semialg_map_tupleI':
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  assumes "k  S. S  basic_semialgs ((length fs) + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  apply(rule is_semialg_map_tupleI)
  using assms(1) apply blast
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets ((length fs) + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
  proof- fix k S assume A: "S  semialg_sets ((length fs) + k)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
      apply(rule gen_boolean_algebra.induct[of S "carrier (Qplength fs + k)" "basic_semialgs ((length fs) + k)"])
        using A unfolding semialg_sets_def
            apply blast
        using tuple_partial_pullback_carrier assms carrier_is_semialgebraic plus_1_eq_Suc apply presburger
        using assms(1) assms(2) carrier_is_semialgebraic intersection_is_semialg tuple_partial_pullback_carrier tuple_partial_pullback_intersect apply presburger
                using tuple_partial_pullback_union union_is_semialgebraic apply presburger
        using assms(1) complement_is_semialg tuple_partial_pullback_complement plus_1_eq_Suc by presburger

  The goal of this section is to show that tuples of semialgebraic functions are semialgebraic maps.

text‹The function $(x_0, x, y) \mapsto (x_0, f(x), y)$›

definition twisted_partial_image where
"twisted_partial_image n m f xs = (take n xs)@ partial_image m f (drop n xs)"

text‹The set ${(x_0, x, y) \mid (x_0, f(x), y) \in S}$›

text‹Convention: a function which produces a subset of (Qp (i + j +k)) will receive the 3 arity
parameters in sequence, at the very beginning of the function›

definition twisted_partial_pullback where
"twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S = ((twisted_partial_image n m f)-`S)   carrier (Qpn+m+l)"

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_memE:
  assumes "as  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
  shows "as  carrier (Qpn+m+l)" "twisted_partial_image n m f as  S"
  using assms
  apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Int_iff add.commute twisted_partial_pullback_def subset_iff)
  using assms unfolding twisted_partial_pullback_def
  by blast

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_closed:
"twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S  carrier (Qpn+m+l)"
  using twisted_partial_pullback_memE(1) by blast

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_memI:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn+m+l)"
  assumes "(take n as)@((f (take m (drop n as)))#(drop (n + m) as))  S"
  shows "as  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
  using assms unfolding twisted_partial_pullback_def twisted_partial_image_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI add.commute drop_drop local.partial_image_def vimageI)

lemma twisted_partial_image_eq:
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "cs  carrier (Qpl)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs @ cs"
  shows "twisted_partial_image n m f x = as@((f bs)#cs)"
  have 0: "(take n x) = as"
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(4)
  have 1: "twisted_partial_image n m f x = as@(partial_image m f (bs@cs))"
    using 0 assms twisted_partial_image_def
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE)
  have 2: "(partial_image m f (bs@cs)) = (f bs)#cs"
    using partial_image_eq[of bs m cs l "bs@cs" f] assms
    by blast
  show ?thesis using assms 0 1 2
    by (metis )

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_memE':
  assumes "as  carrier (Qpn)"
  assumes "bs  carrier (Qpm)"
  assumes "cs  carrier (Qpl)"
  assumes "x = as @ bs @ cs"
  assumes "x  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
  shows "as@((f bs)#cs)  S"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5)
      twisted_partial_image_eq twisted_partial_pullback_memE(2))

text‹partial pullbacks have the same algebraic properties as pullbacks›

text‹permutation which moves the entry at index i› to 0›

definition twisting_permutation where
"twisting_permutation (i::nat) = (λj. if j < i then j + 1 else
                                 (if j = i then 0 else j))"

lemma twisting_permutation_permutes:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "twisting_permutation i permutes {..<n}"
  have 0: "x. x > i  twisting_permutation i x = x"
    unfolding twisting_permutation_def
    by auto
  have 1: "(x. x  {..<n}  twisting_permutation i x = x)"
    using 0 assms
    by auto
  have 2: "(y. ∃!x. twisting_permutation i x = y)"
  proof fix y
    show " ∃!x. twisting_permutation i x = y"
    proof(cases "y = 0")
      case True
      show "∃!x. twisting_permutation i x = y"
        by (metis  Suc_eq_plus1 True  add_eq_0_iff_both_eq_0 less_nat_zero_code
            nat_neq_iff twisting_permutation_def zero_neq_one)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "y i")
        case True
        show ?thesis
          show "twisting_permutation i (y - 1) = y"
            using True
            by (metis False add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat diff_less gr_zeroI le_eq_less_or_eq
                  less_imp_diff_less less_one twisting_permutation_def)
          show "x. twisting_permutation i x = y  x = y - 1"
            using True False twisting_permutation_def by force
        case False
        then show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: twisting_permutation_def)
  show ?thesis
    using 1 2
    by (simp add: permutes_def)

lemma twisting_permutation_action:
  assumes "length as = i"
  shows "permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b#(as@bs)) =  as@(b#bs)"
  have 0: "length (permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b#(as@bs))) = length  (as@(b#bs))"
    by (metis add.assoc length_append length_permute_list list.size(4))
  have "j. j < length (as@(b#bs))
           (permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b#(as@bs))) ! j =  (as@(b#bs)) ! j"
    fix j assume A: "j < length (as@(b#bs))"
    show "(permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b#(as@bs))) ! j =  (as@(b#bs)) ! j"
    proof(cases "j < i")
      case True
      then have T0: "twisting_permutation i j = j + 1"
        using twisting_permutation_def by auto
      then have T1: "(b # as @ bs) ! twisting_permutation i j = as!j"
        using assms
        by (simp add: assms True nth_append)
      have T2: "(permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b # as @ bs)) ! j = as!j"
        have "twisting_permutation i permutes {..<length (b # as @ bs)}"
          by (metis (full_types) assms length_Cons length_append
              not_add_less1 not_less_eq twisting_permutation_permutes)
        then show ?thesis
          using True permute_list_nth[of "twisting_permutation i" "b#(as@bs)" j ]
              twisting_permutation_permutes[of i "length (b#(as@bs))"] assms
          by (metis T0 T1 add_cancel_right_right lessThan_iff
              permutes_not_in zero_neq_one)
      have T3: "(as @ b # bs) ! j = as!j"
        using assms True
        by (simp add: assms nth_append)
      show "(permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b #( as @ bs))) ! j = (as @ b # bs) ! j"
        using T3 T2
        by simp
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "j = i")
        case True
      then have T0: "twisting_permutation i j = 0"
        using twisting_permutation_def by auto
      then have T1: "(b # as @ bs) ! twisting_permutation i j = b"
        using assms
        by (simp add: assms True nth_append)
      have T2: "(permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b # as @ bs)) ! j = b"
        have "twisting_permutation i permutes {..<length (b # as @ bs)}"
          by (metis (full_types) assms length_Cons length_append
              not_add_less1 not_less_eq twisting_permutation_permutes)
        then show ?thesis
          using True permute_list_nth[of "twisting_permutation i" "b#(as@bs)" j ]
              twisting_permutation_permutes[of i "length (b#(as@bs))"] assms
          by (metis "0" A T1 length_permute_list)
      have T3: "(as @ b # bs) ! j = b"
        by (metis True assms nth_append_length)
      show ?thesis
        by (simp add: T2 T3)
        case F: False
        then have F0: "twisting_permutation i j = j"
          by (simp add: False twisting_permutation_def)
        then have F1: "(b # as @ bs) ! twisting_permutation i j = bs! (j - i - 1)"
          using assms
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) F False Suc_diff_1
              cancel_ab_semigroup_add_class.diff_right_commute linorder_neqE_nat not_gr_zero
              not_less_eq nth_Cons' nth_append)
        have F2: "(permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b # as @ bs)) ! j = bs ! (j - i - 1)"
          using F1 assms permute_list_nth
          by (metis A add_cancel_right_right append.assoc last_to_first_eq le_add1
              le_eq_less_or_eq length_0_conv length_append length_permute_list list.distinct(1)
        have F3: "(as @ b # bs) ! j = bs!(j - i - 1)"
          by (metis F False assms linorder_neqE_nat nth_Cons_pos nth_append zero_less_diff)
        then show ?thesis
          using F2 F3
          by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using 0
    by (metis nth_equalityI)

lemma twisting_permutation_action':
  assumes "length as = i"
  shows "permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation i)) (as@(b#bs)) = (b#(as@bs)) "
  obtain TI where TI_def: "TI = twisting_permutation i"
    by blast
  have 0: "TI permutes {..<length (as@(b#bs))}"
    using assms TI_def twisting_permutation_permutes[of i "length (as@(b#bs))"]
    by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' gr0I length_0_conv length_append list.distinct(1) zero_less_diff)
  have 1: "(fun_inv TI) permutes {..<length (as@(b#bs))}"
    by (metis "0" Nil_is_append_conv fun_inv_permute(1) length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1))
  have "permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation i)) (as@(b#bs)) =
        permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation i)) (permute_list (twisting_permutation i) (b#(as@bs)))"
    using twisting_permutation_action[of as i b bs] assms
    by (simp add: length as = i)
  then have "permute_list (fun_inv TI) (as@(b#bs)) =
  permute_list ((fun_inv TI)  TI) (b#(as@bs))"
    using 0 1
    by (metis TI_def fun_inv_permute(2) fun_inv_permute(3) length_greater_0_conv
        length_permute_list permute_list_compose)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis "0" Nil_is_append_conv TI_def fun_inv_permute(3)
        length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1) permute_list_id)

lemma twisting_semialg:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  assumes "n > i"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n ((permute_list ((twisting_permutation i)) ` S))"
  obtain TI where TI_def: "TI = twisting_permutation i"
    by blast
  have 0: "TI permutes {..<(n::nat)}"
    using assms TI_def twisting_permutation_permutes[of i n]
    by blast
  have "(TI) permutes {..<n}"
    using TI_def  "0"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using assms permutation_is_semialgebraic[of n S "TI"] TI_def
    by blast

lemma twisting_semialg':
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  assumes "n > i"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n ((permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation i)) ` S))"
  obtain TI where TI_def: "TI = twisting_permutation i"
    by blast
  have 0: "TI permutes {..<(n::nat)}"
    using assms TI_def twisting_permutation_permutes[of i n]
    by blast
  have "(fun_inv TI) permutes {..<n}" using 0 permutes_inv[of TI "{..<n}"]
    unfolding fun_inv_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms permutation_is_semialgebraic[of n S "fun_inv TI"] TI_def
    by blast

text‹Defining a permutation that does: $(x0, x1, y) \mapsto (x_1, x0, y)$›

definition tp_1 where
"tp_1 i j = (λ n. (if n<i then j + n else
                  (if i  n  n < i + j then n - i else
lemma permutes_I:
  assumes "x. x  S  f x = x"
  assumes "y. y  S  ∃!x  S. f x = y"
  assumes "x. x  S  f x  S"
  shows "f permutes S"
  have 0 : "(x. x  S  f x = x) "
    using assms(1) by blast
  have 1: "(y. ∃!x. f x = y)"
  proof fix y
    show "∃!x. f x = y"
      apply(cases "y  S")
       apply (metis "0" assms(2))
      assume "y  S"
      then show "∃!x. f x = y"
        by (metis assms(1) assms(3))
  show ?thesis
    using assms 1
    unfolding permutes_def
    by blast

lemma tp_1_permutes:
"(tp_1 (i::nat) j) permutes {..< i + j}"
proof(rule permutes_I)
  show "x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x = x"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  {..<i + j}"
    then show "tp_1 i j x = x"
      unfolding tp_1_def
      by auto
  show "y. y  {..<i + j}  ∃!x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x = y"
  proof- fix y assume A: "y  {..<i + j}"
    show "∃!x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x = y"
    proof(cases "y < j")
      case True
      then have 0:"tp_1 i j (y + i) = y"
        by (simp add: tp_1_def)
      have 1: "x. x  y + i  tp_1 i j x  y"
      proof- fix x assume A: " x  y + i"
        show "tp_1 i j x  y"
          apply(cases "x < j")
           apply (metis A True add.commute le_add_diff_inverse le_eq_less_or_eq nat_neq_iff not_add_less1 tp_1_def trans_less_add2)
          by (metis A True add.commute le_add_diff_inverse less_not_refl tp_1_def trans_less_add1)
      show ?thesis using 0 1
        by (metis A x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x = x)
      case False
      then have "y - j < i"
        using A by auto
      then have "tp_1 i j (y - j) = y"
        using False tp_1_def
        by (simp add: tp_1_def)
      then show ?thesis
        by (smt A False x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x = x
            add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat add_left_imp_eq
            less_diff_conv2 not_less tp_1_def
  show "x. x  {..<i + j}  tp_1 i j x  {..<i + j}"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  {..<i + j}"
    show "tp_1 i j x < i + j"
      unfolding tp_1_def using A
      by (simp add: trans_less_add2)

lemma tp_1_permutes':
"(tp_1 (i::nat) j) permutes {..< i + j + k}"
  using tp_1_permutes
  by (simp add: permutes_def)

lemma tp_1_permutation_action:
  assumes "a  carrier (Qpi)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Qpj)"
  assumes "c  carrier (Qpn)"
  shows "permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b@a@c)= a@b@c"
  have 0:"length (permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b@a@c))= length (a@b@c)"
    by (metis add.commute append.assoc length_append length_permute_list)
  have "x. x < length (a@b@c)  (permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b@a@c)) ! x= (a@b@c) ! x"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x < length (a@b@c)"
    have B: "length (a @ b @ c) = i + j + length c"
      using add.assoc assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE length_append
      by metis
    have C: "tp_1 i j permutes {..<length (a @ b @ c)}"
      using B assms tp_1_permutes'[of i j "length b"] tp_1_permutes'
      by presburger
    have D: "length a = i"
      using assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    have E: "length b = j"
      using assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    show "(permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b@a@c)) ! x= (a@b@c) ! x"
    proof(cases "x < i")
      case True
      have T0: "(tp_1 i j x) = j + x"
        using tp_1_def[of i j ] True
        by auto
      then have "(b@ a @ c) ! (tp_1 i j x) = a!x"
        using D E assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) True nth_append
        by (metis nth_append_length_plus)
      then show ?thesis
        using A B C assms permute_list_nth[of "tp_1 i j" "a@b@c"]
        by (metis D True length (permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b @ a @ c)) =
             length (a @ b @ c) length_permute_list nth_append permute_list_nth)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "x < i + j")
        case True
        then have T0: "(tp_1 i j x) = x - i"
          by (meson False not_less tp_1_def)
        have "x - i < length b"
          using E False True by linarith
        then have T1: "permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b@ a @ c) ! x = b!(x-i)"
          using nth_append
          by (metis A C T0 length (permute_list (tp_1 i j) (b @ a @ c)) = length (a @ b @ c)
              length_permute_list permute_list_nth)
        then show ?thesis
          by (metis D False x - i < length b nth_append)
        case False
        then have "(tp_1 i j x) = x"
          by (meson tp_1_def trans_less_add1)
        then show ?thesis
          by (smt A C D E False add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat append.assoc
              length_append nth_append_length_plus permute_list_nth)
  then show ?thesis
    using 0
    by (metis list_eq_iff_nth_eq)

definition tw where
"tw i j = permute_list (tp_1 j i)"

lemma tw_is_semialg:
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic n S"
  assumes "n  i + j"
  shows "is_semialgebraic n ((tw i j)`S)"
  unfolding tw_def
  using assms tp_1_permutes'[of j i "n - (j + i)"]
        permutation_is_semialgebraic[of n S]
  by (metis add.commute le_add_diff_inverse)

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_factored:
  assumes "f  (carrier (Qpm))  carrier Qp"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qpn+1+ l)"
  assumes "Y = partial_pullback m f (n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"
  shows "twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S = (tw m n) ` Y"
  show "twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S  tw m n ` Y"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
    then have x_closed: "x  carrier (Qpn+m+l)"
      using twisted_partial_pullback_memE(1) by blast
    obtain a where a_def: "a = take n x"
      by blast
    obtain b where b_def: "b = take m (drop n x)"
      by blast
    obtain c where c_def: "c = (drop (n + m) x)"
      by blast
    have x_eq:"x = a@(b@c)"
      by (metis a_def append.assoc append_take_drop_id b_def c_def take_add)
    have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpn)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_def dual_order.trans le_add1 take_closed x_closed)
    have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qpm)"
      have "drop n x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc cartesian_power_drop x_closed)
      then show ?thesis
        using b_def le_add1 take_closed by blast
    have c_closed: "c  carrier (Qpl)"
      using c_def cartesian_power_drop x_closed by blast
    have B: "a@((f b)#c)  S"
      using A twisted_partial_pullback_memE'
      by (smt a_closed a_def add.commute append_take_drop_id b_closed
          b_def c_closed c_def drop_drop)
    have  "permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) (a@((f b)#c)) = (f b)#(a@c)"
       using assms twisting_permutation_action'[of a n "f b" c]
               a_closed cartesian_power_car_memE
       by blast
    then have  C: "(f b)#(a@c)  (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"
       by (metis B image_eqI)
    have C: "b@(a@c)   partial_pullback m f (n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"
    proof(rule partial_pullback_memI)
      show "b @ a @ c  carrier (Qpm + (n + l))"
        using a_closed b_closed c_closed cartesian_power_concat(1)
        by blast
      have 0: "(take m (b @ a @ c)) = b"
        by (metis append.right_neutral b_closed  cartesian_power_car_memE
            diff_is_0_eq diff_self_eq_0 take0 take_all take_append)
      have 1: "drop m (b @ a @ c) = a@c"
        by (metis "0" append_take_drop_id same_append_eq)
      show "f (take m (b @ a @ c)) # drop m (b @ a @ c)  permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S"
        using 0 1 C
        by presburger
    have D: "tw m n (b@(a@c)) = a@(b@c)"
      using assms tw_def a_closed b_closed c_closed
      by (metis tp_1_permutation_action x_eq)
    then show "x  tw m n ` Y"
      using x_eq C assms
      by (metis image_eqI)
  show "tw m n ` Y  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  tw m n ` Y"
    then obtain y where y_def: "x = tw m n y  y  Y"
      by blast
    obtain as where as_def: "as  (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S) 
                            as = partial_image m f y"
      using partial_pullback_memE
      by (metis assms(3) y_def)
    obtain s where s_def: "s  S  permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) s = as"
      using as_def by blast
    obtain b where b_def: "b = take m y"
      by blast
    obtain a where a_def: "a = take n (drop m y)"
      by blast
    obtain c where c_def: "c = drop (n + m) y"
      by blast
    have y_closed: "y  carrier (Qpm  + n + l)"
      by (metis add.assoc assms(3) partial_pullback_memE(1) y_def)
    then have y_eq: "y = b@a@c"
      using a_def b_def c_def
      by (metis append_take_drop_id drop_drop)
    have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpn)"
      by (metis a_def add.commute cartesian_power_drop le_add1 take_closed take_drop y_closed)
    have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qpm)"
      using add_leD2 b_def le_add1 take_closed y_closed
      by (meson trans_le_add1)
    have c_closed: "c  carrier (Qpl)"
      using c_def cartesian_power_drop y_closed
      by (metis add.commute)
    have ac_closed: "a@c  carrier (Qpn+l)"
      using a_closed c_closed cartesian_power_concat(1) by blast
    then have C: " local.partial_image m f y = f b # a @ c"
      using b_closed y_eq partial_image_eq[of b m "a@c" "n + l" y f]
      by blast
    then have as_eq: "as = (f b)#(a@c)"
      using  as_def
      by force
    have B: "(tw m n) y = a@b@c" using y_eq tw_def[of n m] tp_1_permutation_action
      by (smt a_closed b_closed c_closed tw_def)
    then have "x = a@(b@c)"
      by (simp add: y_def)
    then have "twisted_partial_image n m f x =  a@((f b)# c)"
      using a_closed b_closed c_closed twisted_partial_image_eq
      by blast
    then have D: "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as = twisted_partial_image n m f x"
      using as_eq twisting_permutation_action[of a n "f b" c ]
      by (metis a_closed cartesian_power_car_memE)
    have "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as  S"
      have S: "length s > n"
        using s_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE le_add1 le_neq_implies_less
            le_trans less_add_same_cancel1 less_one not_add_less1
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) subset_iff)
      have "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as = permute_list (twisting_permutation n) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) s)"
        using fun_inv_def  s_def by blast
      then have "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as =
          permute_list ((twisting_permutation n)  (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n))) s"
        using fun_inv_permute(2) fun_inv_permute(3) length_greater_0_conv
              length_permute_list twisting_permutation_permutes[of n "length s"]
              permute_list_compose[of "fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)" s "twisting_permutation n"]
        by (metis S permute_list_compose)
      then have "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as =
          permute_list (id) s"
        by (metis S permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as = permute_list
            (twisting_permutation n) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) s)
            fun_inv_permute(3) length_greater_0_conv length_permute_list permute_list_compose
      then have "permute_list (twisting_permutation n) as = s"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using s_def
        by (simp add: s  S  permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) s = as)
    then show "x  twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S"
      unfolding twisted_partial_pullback_def using D
      by (smt x = a @ b @ c a_closed append.assoc append_eq_conv_conj b_closed
          c_closed cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_concat(1) length_append
          list.inject local.partial_image_def twisted_partial_image_def
          twisted_partial_pullback_def twisted_partial_pullback_memI)

lemma twisted_partial_pullback_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialg_function m f"
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (n + 1 + l) S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + m + l)(twisted_partial_pullback n m l f S)"
  have "(fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) permutes {..<n + 1 + l}"
    by (simp add: fun_inv_permute(1) twisting_permutation_permutes)
  then have "is_semialgebraic (1 + n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"
    using add_gr_0 assms(2) permutation_is_semialgebraic
    by (metis add.commute)
  then have "is_semialgebraic (n + m + l)
              (partial_pullback m f (n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S))"
    using assms is_semialg_functionE[of m f "n + l" "(permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc add.commute)
  then have "is_semialgebraic (n + m + l)
              ((tw m n) `(partial_pullback m f (n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)))"
    unfolding tw_def
    using  tp_1_permutes'[of n m l] assms permutation_is_semialgebraic[of "n + m + l"
          "partial_pullback m f (n + l) (permute_list (fun_inv (twisting_permutation n)) ` S)"
          "tp_1 n m" ]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using twisted_partial_pullback_factored assms(1) assms(2)
      is_semialg_function_closed is_semialgebraic_closed
    by presburger

definition augment where
"augment n x = take n x @ take n x @ drop n x"

lemma augment_closed:
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
  shows "augment n x  carrier (Qpn+n+ l)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  apply (smt ab_semigroup_add_class.add_ac(1) add.commute append_take_drop_id
    assms augment_def cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_drop length_append)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'' unfolding augment_def
  by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_take_drop_id cartesian_power_concat(2) nat_le_iff_add take_closed)

lemma tuple_partial_image_factor:
  assumes "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
  assumes "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
  shows "tuple_partial_image m (fs@[f]) x = twisted_partial_image n m f (tuple_partial_image m fs (augment m x))"
  obtain a where a_def: "a = take m x"
    by blast
  obtain b where b_def: "b = drop m x"
    by blast
  have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpm)"
    using a_def assms(4) le_add1 take_closed
    by (meson dual_order.trans)
  have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qpl)"
    using assms(4) b_def cartesian_power_drop
    by (metis (no_types, lifting))
  have A: "(augment m x) = a @ (a @ b)"
    using a_def augment_def b_def
    by blast
  have 0: "tuple_partial_image m fs (augment m x) = ((function_tuple_eval Qp m fs) a) @ a @ b"
    using A a_closed b_closed tuple_partial_image_eq[of a m "a@b" "m + l" "augment m x" fs]
    by blast
  have 1: "tuple_partial_image m (fs@[f]) x = ((function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a) @ [f a])@b"
    using 0 tuple_partial_image_eq[of a m b l x "fs@[f]"] unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_closed a_def append_take_drop_id b_closed b_def
        list.simps(8) list.simps(9) map_append)
  have 2: "tuple_partial_image m (fs@[f]) x = (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a) @ ((f a)#b)"
    using 1
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons append_Nil2 append_eq_append_conv2 same_append_eq)
  have 3: "tuple_partial_image m fs x = (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a) @ b"
    using a_def b_def 2 tuple_partial_image_eq[of a m b l x fs ] assms  tuple_partial_image_def
    by blast
  have 4: "twisted_partial_image n m f (tuple_partial_image m fs (augment m x)) =
                  (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a) @ ((f a)#b)"
    using twisted_partial_image_eq[of _ n _ m _ l] 0  assms(1) assms(3) b_closed
      local.a_closed local.function_tuple_eval_closed by blast
  show ?thesis using 2 4
    by presburger

definition diagonalize where
"diagonalize n m S = S  cartesian_product (Δ n) (carrier (Qpm))"

lemma diagaonlize_is_semiaglebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (n + n + m) S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n + n + m) (diagonalize n m S)"
proof(cases "m = 0")
  case True
  then have 0: "carrier (Qpm) = {[]}"
    unfolding  cartesian_power_def
    by simp
  have 1: "Δ n  carrier (Qpn+n)"
    using Qp.cring_axioms assms diagonalE(2)
    by blast
  then have "cartesian_product (Δ n) (carrier (Qpm)) = Δ n"
    using 0 cartesian_product_empty_right[of "Δ n" Qp "n + n"  "carrier (Qpm)"]
    by linarith
  then have "diagonalize n m S = S  (Δ n)"
    using diagonalize_def
    by presburger
  then show ?thesis
    using intersection_is_semialg True assms diag_is_semialgebraic
    by auto
  case False
  have "is_semialgebraic (n + n + m) (cartesian_product (Δ n) (carrier (Qpm)))"
    using carrier_is_semialgebraic[of m]
          cartesian_product_is_semialgebraic[of "n + n" "Δ n" m "carrier (Qpm)"]
          diag_is_semialgebraic[of n]  False
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using intersection_is_semialg assms(1) diagonalize_def
    by presburger

lemma list_segment_take:
  assumes "length a n"
  shows "list_segment 0 n a = take n a"
  have 0: "length (list_segment 0 n a) = length (take n a)"
    using assms unfolding list_segment_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Groups.add_ac(2) add_diff_cancel_left'
        append_take_drop_id le_Suc_ex length_append length_drop length_map map_nth)
  have "i. i < n  list_segment 0 n a !i = take n a ! i"
    unfolding list_segment_def using assms
    by (metis add.left_neutral diff_zero nth_map_upt nth_take)
  then show ?thesis using 0
    by (metis assms diff_zero le0 list_segment_length nth_equalityI)

lemma augment_inverse_is_semialgebraic:
  assumes "is_semialgebraic (n+n+l) S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (n+l) ((augment n -` S)  carrier (Qpn+l))"
  obtain Ps where Ps_def: "Ps = (var_list_segment 0 n)"
    by blast
  obtain Qs where Qs_def: "Qs = (var_list_segment n (n+l))"
    by blast
  obtain Fs where Fs_def: "Fs = Ps@Ps@Qs"
    by blast
  have 0: "is_poly_tuple (n+l) Ps"
    by (simp add: Ps_def var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple)
  have 1: "is_poly_tuple (n+l) Qs"
    by (simp add: Qs_def var_list_segment_is_poly_tuple)
  have 2: "is_poly_tuple (n+l) (Ps@Qs)"
    using Qp_is_poly_tuple_append[of "n+l" Ps Qs]
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "0" "1" add.commute)
  have "is_poly_tuple (n+l) Fs"
    using 0 2 Qp_is_poly_tuple_append[of "n + l" Ps "Ps@Qs"] Fs_def assms
    by blast
  have 3: "x. x  carrier (Qpn+l)  augment n x = poly_map (n + l) Fs x"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
    have 30: "poly_map (n+l) Ps x = take n x"
      using Ps_def  map_by_var_list_segment[of x "n + l" n 0]
            list_segment_take[of n x] cartesian_power_car_memE[of x Qp "n+l"]
      by (simp add: A)
    have 31: "poly_map (n + l) Qs x = drop n x"
      using Qs_def map_by_var_list_segment_to_length[of x "n + l" n] A le_add1
      by blast
    have 32: "poly_map (n + l) (Ps@Qs) x = take n x @ drop n x"
      using poly_map_append[of x "n+l" Ps Qs ]
      by (metis "30" "31" A append_take_drop_id)
    show "augment n x = poly_map (n + l) Fs x"
      using 30 32 poly_map_append
      by (metis A Fs_def poly_map_append augment_def)
  have 4: "(augment n -` S)  carrier (Qpn+l) = poly_tuple_pullback (n + l) S Fs"
    show "augment n -` S  carrier (Qpn+l)  poly_tuple_pullback (n + l) S Fs"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  augment n -` S  carrier (Qpn+l)"
      then have 40: "augment n x  S"
        by blast
      have 41: "augment n x  carrier (Qpn+n+ l)"
        using 40 assms unfolding augment_def
        using is_semialgebraic_closed
        by blast
      have "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
        have "take n x @ x  carrier (Qpn+n+ l)"
          using augment_def A
          by (metis "41" append_take_drop_id)
        then have 0: "drop n (take n x @ x)  carrier (Qpn+l)"
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc cartesian_power_drop)
        have "drop n (take n x @ x) = x"
          have "length x  n"
            using A
            by (metis IntD2 cartesian_power_car_memE le_add1)
          then have "length (take n x) = n"
            by (metis add_right_cancel append_take_drop_id
                le_add_diff_inverse length_append length_drop)
          then show ?thesis
            by (metis append_eq_conv_conj)
        then show ?thesis
          using 0
          by presburger
      then show "x  poly_tuple_pullback (n + l) S Fs"
        using  41 3 unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "40" add.commute cartesian_power_car_memE evimageI evimage_def poly_map_apply)
    show "poly_tuple_pullback (n + l) S Fs  augment n -` S  carrier (Qpn+l)"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  poly_tuple_pullback (n + l) S Fs"
      have "x  carrier (Qpn+l)"
        using A unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def by blast
      then show "x  augment n -` S  carrier (Qpn+l)"
        using 3
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A poly_map_apply poly_tuple_pullback_def vimage_inter_cong)
  then show ?thesis using assms pullback_is_semialg[of "n + l" Fs]
    using poly_tuple_pullback_eq_poly_map_vimage
    unfolding restrict_def evimage_def Fs_def
    by (smt "4" Ex_list_of_length Fs_def Ps_def Qs_def is_poly_tuple (n + l) Fs add.commute
        add_diff_cancel_left' append_assoc diff_zero is_semialgebraic_closed le_add2 length_append
        not_add_less1 not_gr_zero padic_fields.is_semialgebraicE padic_fields_axioms var_list_segment_length zero_le)

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple_induct:
  assumes "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  assumes "is_semialg_function m f"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m (fs@[f])"
proof(rule is_semialg_map_tupleI)
  have 0: "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
    using assms is_semialg_map_tuple_def
    by blast
  show "is_function_tuple Qp m (fs @ [f])"
  proof(rule is_function_tupleI)
    have A0: "set (fs @ [f]) = insert f (set fs)"
      by simp
    have A1: "set fs  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
      using 0 is_function_tuple_def
      by blast
    then show "set (fs @ [f])  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
      using assms 0
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A0 is_semialg_function_closed list.simps(15) set_ConsD subset_code(1))
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (length (fs @ [f]) + k) 
                 is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) k S)"
  proof- fix l S
    assume A: "S  semialg_sets (length (fs @ [f]) + l)"
    then have B: "S  semialg_sets (n + l + 1)"
      using assms
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute add_Suc_right add_diff_cancel_left'
          append_Nil2 diff_Suc_1 length_Suc_conv length_append)
    show "is_semialgebraic (m + l) (tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S)"
      obtain S0 where S0_def: "S0 = tuple_partial_pullback m fs (l+1) S"
        by blast
      have 0: "is_semialgebraic (m + l + 1) S0"
        using B assms is_semialg_map_tupleE[of m fs "l + 1" S]
        by (metis S0_def add.assoc is_semialgebraicI)
      obtain S1 where S1_def: "S1 = twisted_partial_pullback m m l f S0"
        by blast
      then have "is_semialgebraic (m + m + l) S1"
        using S1_def assms(1) 0 twisted_partial_pullback_is_semialgebraic[of m f m l S0]
        by (simp add: assms(2))
      then have L: "is_semialgebraic (m + m + l) (diagonalize m l S1)"
        using assms  diagaonlize_is_semiaglebraic
        by blast
      have 1: "(tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S)
                = (augment m -` (diagonalize m l S1))  carrier (Qpm + l)"
        show "tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S 
                      augment m -` diagonalize m l S1  carrier (Qpm + l)"

        proof fix x assume P0: "x  tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S "
          show "x  augment m -` diagonalize m l S1  carrier (Qpm + l)"
            show "x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
              using tuple_partial_pullback_closed P0
              by blast
            show "x  augment m -` diagonalize m l S1"
              obtain a where a_def: "a = take m x"
                by blast
              then have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpm)"
                using x  carrier (Qpm + l) le_add1 take_closed
                by blast
              obtain b where b_def: "b = drop m x"
                by blast
              then have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qpl)"
                using x  carrier (Qpm + l) cartesian_power_drop
                by blast
              have x_eq: "x = a@b"
                using a_def b_def
                by (metis append_take_drop_id)
              have X0: "a @ a @ b = augment m x"
                by (metis a_def augment_def b_def)
              have "a @ a @ b   diagonalize m l S1"
                have "length (a@a) = m + m"
                  using a_closed cartesian_power_car_memE length_append
                  by blast
                then have "take (m + m) (a @ a @ b) = a@a"
                  by (metis append.assoc append_eq_conv_conj)
                then have X00: "take (m + m) (a @ a @ b)  Δ  m"
                  using diagonalI[of  "a@a"] a_def a_closed
                  by (metis append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE)
                then have X01: "a @ a @ b  cartesian_product (Δ m) (carrier (Qpl))"
                  using a_closed b_closed cartesian_product_memI[of "Δ m" Qp "m+m" "carrier (Qpl)" l "a @ a @ b"]
                  unfolding diagonal_def
                  by (metis (no_types, lifting) X0 x  carrier (Qpm + l) augment_closed cartesian_power_drop mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
                have X02: "twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b) = a @ ((f a)# b)"
                  using twisted_partial_image_eq[of a m a m b l _ f] a_closed b_closed
                  by blast
                have "a @ a @ b  S1"
                  have "twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b)  S0"
                    have X020:"tuple_partial_image m fs (a @ ((f a)# b))
                              = (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@[f a]@b"
                      using tuple_partial_image_eq[of a m "(f a)# b" "l + 1" _ fs]
                      by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_closed append_Cons append_eq_conv_conj
                          cartesian_power_car_memE self_append_conv2 tuple_partial_image_def)
                    have X021: "(function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@[f a]@b  S"
                      have X0210: "(function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@[f a]@b =
                                (function_tuple_eval Qp m (fs@[f]) a)@b"
                        unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
                        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) append.assoc list.simps(8) list.simps(9) map_append)
                      have X0211: "(function_tuple_eval Qp m (fs@[f]) a)@b =
                                tuple_partial_image m (fs @ [f]) x"
                        using x_eq tuple_partial_image_eq[of a m b l x "fs@[f]"]
                        by (simp add: a_closed b_closed)
                      have "tuple_partial_image m (fs @ [f]) x  S"
                        using P0 tuple_partial_pullback_memE(2)
                        by blast
                      then show ?thesis using X0211 X0210 by presburger
                    have X022: "tuple_partial_image m fs (twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b))
                                 = (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@[f a]@b"
                      have X0220: "tuple_partial_image m fs (twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b)) =
                                    tuple_partial_image m fs (a @ ((f a)# b))"
                        using X02 by presburger
                      have X0221: "tuple_partial_image m fs (twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b)) =
                                    (function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a) @ ((f a)# b)"
                        using tuple_partial_image_eq
                        by (metis X02 X020 append_Cons self_append_conv2)
                      then show ?thesis
                        unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
                        by (metis X02 X020 X0221 append_same_eq)
                    have X023: "tuple_partial_image m fs (twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b))  S"
                      using X02 X020 X021 by presburger
                    have "twisted_partial_image m m f (a @ a @ b)  carrier (Qpm + (l+1))"
                      have "a @ ((f a)# b)  carrier (Qpm + (l+1))"
                        apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
                         apply (metis a_closed add.commute b_closed cartesian_power_car_memE
                            length_Cons length_append plus_1_eq_Suc)
                        have "f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
                          using assms(2) is_semialg_function_closed by blast
                        then have "f a  carrier Qp"
                          using a_closed assms
                          by blast
                        then show "set (a @ f a # b)  carrier Qp"
                          using  assms a_closed b_closed
                          by (meson cartesian_power_car_memE'' cartesian_power_concat(1) cartesian_power_cons)
                      then show ?thesis
                        using X02
                        by presburger
                    then show ?thesis
                      using S0_def X023 tuple_partial_pullback_def[of m fs "l+1" S ]
                      by blast
                  then show ?thesis using X02 S1_def twisted_partial_pullback_def
                    by (metis (no_types, lifting) X0 x  carrier (Qpm + l) augment_closed
                        drop_drop local.partial_image_def twisted_partial_image_def
                then show ?thesis using X01 diagonalize_def[of m l S1]
                  by blast
              then show ?thesis
                by (metis X0 vimageI)
        show "augment m -` diagonalize m l S1  carrier (Qpm + l)  tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S"
          fix x
          assume A: "x  augment m -` diagonalize m l S1  carrier (Qpm + l)"
          then have X0: "x  carrier (Qpm + l)"
            by blast
          obtain a where a_def: "a = take m x"
            by blast
          then have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpm)"
            using X0 le_add1 take_closed by blast
          obtain b where b_def: "b = drop m x"
            by blast
          then have a_closed: "b  carrier (Qpl)"
            using X0 cartesian_power_drop
            by blast
          have X1: "augment m x = a@a@b"
            using a_def augment_def b_def
            by blast
          have X2: "a@a@b  diagonalize m l S1"
            using A X1
            by (metis Int_iff vimage_eq)
          have X3: "a@a@b   S1"
            using X2 diagonalize_def
            by blast
          have X4: "twisted_partial_image m m f (a@a@b)  S0"
            using X3 S1_def twisted_partial_pullback_memE(2)
            by blast
          have X5: "a@((f a)#b)  S0"
            using X4 twisted_partial_image_eq[of a m a m b l _ f]
            by (metis X0 a_closed a_def le_add1 take_closed)
          have X6: "tuple_partial_image m fs (a@((f a)#b))  S"
            using S0_def X5 tuple_partial_pullback_memE(2)
            by blast
          have X7: "((function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@((f a)#b))  S"
            using X6 using tuple_partial_image_eq
            by (metis X0 a_def append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE
                le_add1 take_closed tuple_partial_image_def)
          have X8: "((function_tuple_eval Qp m fs a)@((f a)#b)) =
                        tuple_partial_image m (fs @ [f]) x"
            have X80: "tuple_partial_image m (fs @ [f]) x = (function_tuple_eval Qp m (fs@[f]) a)@b"
              using tuple_partial_image_def a_def b_def
              by blast
            then show ?thesis unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons append_eq_append_conv2 list.simps(9) map_append self_append_conv2)
          show "x  tuple_partial_pullback m (fs @ [f]) l S"
            using X8 X7 tuple_partial_pullback_def
            by (metis X0 is_function_tuple Qp m (fs @ [f])
                tuple_partial_image_def tuple_partial_pullback_memI)
      then show ?thesis
        using augment_inverse_is_semialgebraic
        by (simp add: L)

lemma singleton_tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = 1"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
proof(rule is_semialg_map_tupleI)
  show "is_function_tuple Qp m fs"
    by (simp add: assms(1) semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple)
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (length fs + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
  proof- fix k S assume A: "S  semialg_sets (length fs + k)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
      obtain f where f_def: "fs = [f]"
        using assms
        by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
      have 0: "is_semialg_function m f"
        using f_def assms is_semialg_function_tupleE'[of m fs f]
        by simp
      have 1: "x. tuple_partial_image m fs x = partial_image m f x"
        unfolding function_tuple_eval_def tuple_partial_image_def partial_image_def
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons append_Nil2 append_eq_append_conv_if
            f_def list.simps(8) list.simps(9))
      have 2: "tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S = partial_pullback m f k S"
        show "tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S  partial_pullback m f k S"
            using 1 unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def  partial_pullback_def evimage_def
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) set_eq_subset vimage_inter_cong)
        show "partial_pullback m f k S  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S"
          using 1 unfolding tuple_partial_pullback_def  partial_pullback_def evimage_def
            by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis "0" A assms(2) is_semialg_functionE is_semialgebraicI)

lemma empty_tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = 0"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  apply(rule is_semialg_map_tupleI)
  using assms(1) semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple apply blast
  fix k S assume A: "S  semialg_sets (length fs + k)"
  then have 0: "is_semialgebraic k S"
    by (metis add.left_neutral assms(2) is_semialgebraicI)
  have 1: "tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S = cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) S"
    have 1: "x. function_tuple_eval Qp m fs (take m x) = []"
      using assms unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
      by blast
    show "tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S  cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) S"
      apply(rule subsetI) apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of "carrier (Qpm)" Qp m S k])
      apply blast using 0 is_semialgebraic_closed apply blast
      using  0 assms unfolding 1 tuple_partial_pullback_def tuple_partial_image_def
      apply (meson IntD2 le_add1 take_closed)
     by (metis append_Nil evimageD evimage_def)
   have 2: "cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) S  carrier (Qpm + k)"
     using is_semialgebraic_closed[of k S] 0 assms cartesian_product_closed[of "carrier (Qpm)" Qp m S k]  by blast
   show "cartesian_product (carrier (Qpm)) S  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S"
     apply(rule subsetI)  apply(rule tuple_partial_pullback_memI)
     using 2 apply blast
     using assms semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple apply blast
     unfolding 1
     by (metis carrier_is_semialgebraic cartesian_product_memE(2) is_semialgebraic_closed self_append_conv2)
  show "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k S)"
    unfolding 1
    using "0" car_times_semialg_is_semialg by blast

lemma tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs"
  shows "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  have "n fs. is_semialg_function_tuple m fs  length fs = n  is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
  proof- fix n
    show "  fs. is_semialg_function_tuple m fs  length fs = n  is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
      apply(induction n)
      using singleton_tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple empty_tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple apply blast
      fix n fs
      assume IH: "(fs. is_semialg_function_tuple m fs  length fs = n  is_semialg_map_tuple m fs)"
      assume A: "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs  length fs = Suc n"
      then obtain gs f where gs_f_def: "fs = gs@[f]"
        by (metis length_Suc_conv list.discI rev_exhaust)
      have gs_length: "length gs = n"
        using gs_f_def
        by (metis A length_append_singleton nat.inject)
      have 0: "set gs  set fs"
        by (simp add: gs_f_def subsetI)
      have 1: "is_semialg_function_tuple m gs"
        apply(rule is_semialg_function_tupleI)
        using 0 A gs_f_def is_semialg_function_tupleE'[of m fs]
        by blast
      then have 2: "is_semialg_map_tuple m gs"
        using IH gs_length
        by blast
      have 3: "is_semialg_function m f"
        using gs_f_def A
        by (metis gs_length is_semialg_function_tupleE lessI nth_append_length)
      then show "is_semialg_map_tuple m fs"
        using assms 2 gs_f_def tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple_induct
        by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by blast

      subsubsection‹Semialgebraic Functions are Closed under Composition with Semialgebraic Tuples›

lemma function_tuple_comp_partial_pullback:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  assumes "S  carrier (Qp1+k)"
  shows "partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S =
             tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
  have 0: "x. partial_image m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) x =
        partial_image n f (tuple_partial_image m fs x)"
    unfolding partial_image_def function_tuple_comp_def tuple_partial_image_def
    using comp_apply[of f "function_tuple_eval Qp 0 fs"]
    unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
  proof -
    fix x :: "((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list"
    assume a1: "x. (f  (λx. map (λf. f x) fs)) x = f (map (λf. f x) fs)"
    have f2: "f rs. drop n (map f fs @ (rs::((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list)) = rs"
      by (simp add: assms(2))
    have "f rs. take n (map f fs @ (rs::((nat  int) × (nat  int)) set list)) = map f fs"
      by (simp add: assms(2))
    then show "(f  (λrs. map (λf. f rs) fs)) (take m x) # drop m x =
              f (take n (map (λf. f (take m x)) fs @ drop m x)) # drop n (map (λf. f (take m x)) fs @ drop m x)"
      using f2 a1 by presburger
  show "partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S =
              tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
    show "partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S"
      then have 1: "partial_image m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) x  S"
        using partial_pullback_memE(2) by blast
      have 2: "  partial_image n f (tuple_partial_image m fs x)  S"
        using 0 1
        by presburger
      have 3: "x  carrier (Qpm + k)"
        using A assms
        by (metis partial_pullback_memE(1))
      have 4: "tuple_partial_image m fs x  partial_pullback n f k S"
        apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
         apply (metis "0" "3" add_cancel_left_left assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_drop drop0
            list.inject local.partial_image_def not_gr_zero semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple
        by (metis "2" local.partial_image_def)
      show " x  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
        apply(rule tuple_partial_pullback_memI)
        apply (simp add: "3")
        using assms(1) semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple apply blast
        by (metis "4" tuple_partial_image_def)
    show " tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)  partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
      show "x  partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S "
        have "partial_image n f (tuple_partial_image m fs x)  S"
          using A partial_pullback_memE(2) tuple_partial_pullback_memE(2)
          by blast
        show ?thesis
          apply(rule partial_pullback_memI)
           apply (meson A subset_eq tuple_partial_pullback_closed)
          by (metis "0" local.partial_image n f (tuple_partial_image m fs x)  S

lemma semialg_function_tuple_comp:
  assumes "is_semialg_function_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "is_semialg_function n f"
  shows "is_semialg_function m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f)"
proof(rule is_semialg_functionI)
  show "function_tuple_comp Qp fs f  carrier (Qpm)  carrier Qp"
    using function_tuple_comp_closed[of f Qp n fs] assms(1) assms(2)
      assms(3) is_semialg_function_closed semialg_function_tuple_is_function_tuple
    by blast
  show "k S. S  semialg_sets (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S)"
  proof- fix k S
    assume A0: "S  semialg_sets (1 + k)"
    show "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S)"
      have 0: "partial_pullback m (function_tuple_comp Qp fs f) k S =
             tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S)"
        using  function_tuple_comp_partial_pullback[of m fs n f S k] assms
            S  semialg_sets (1 + k) is_semialgebraicI is_semialgebraic_closed
        by blast
      have 1: "is_semialgebraic (n + k) (partial_pullback n f k S)"
        using assms A0 is_semialg_functionE is_semialgebraicI
        by blast
      have 2: "is_semialgebraic (m + k) (tuple_partial_pullback m fs k (partial_pullback n f k S))"
        using 1 0 assms tuple_partial_pullback_is_semialg_map_tuple[of m fs]
          is_semialg_map_tupleE[of m fs k "partial_pullback n f k S"]
        by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using 0
        by simp

      subsubsection‹Algebraic Operations on Semialgebraic Functions›

text‹Defining the set of extensional semialgebraic functions›

definition Qp_add_fun where
"Qp_add_fun xs = xs!0 Qpxs!1"

definition Qp_mult_fun where
"Qp_mult_fun xs = xs!0  xs!1"

text‹Inversion function on first coordinates of Qp tuples. Arbitrarily redefined at 0 to map to 0›

definition Qp_invert where
"Qp_invert xs = (if ((xs!0) = 𝟬) then 𝟬 else (inv (xs!0)))"

text‹Addition is semialgebraic›

lemma addition_is_semialg:
"is_semialg_function 2 Qp_add_fun"
  have 0: "x. x  carrier (Qp2)  Qp_add_fun x = Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qp2)"
    have "Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x = (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x) Qp(Qp_ev (pvar Qp 1) x)"
      by (metis A One_nat_def eval_at_point_add  pvar_closed less_Suc_eq numeral_2_eq_2)
    then show " Qp_add_fun x = Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x"
      by (metis A Qp_add_fun_def add_vars_def add_vars_rep one_less_numeral_iff
          pos2 semiring_norm(76))
  then have 1: "restrict Qp_add_fun (carrier (Qp2)) =
      restrict (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1)) (carrier (Qp2))"
    by (meson restrict_ext)
  have "is_semialg_function 2 (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1))"
    using poly_is_semialg[of "pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1"]
    by (meson MP.add.m_closed local.pvar_closed one_less_numeral_iff pos2 semiring_norm(76))
  then show ?thesis
    using 1 semialg_function_on_carrier[of 2 "Qp_add_fun" "Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1)"]
    by presburger

text‹Multiplication is semialgebraic:›

lemma multiplication_is_semialg:
"is_semialg_function 2 Qp_mult_fun"
  have 0: "x. x  carrier (Qp2)  Qp_mult_fun x = Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x"
  proof- fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Qp2)"
    have "Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x =
                (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0) x)  (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 1) x)"
      by (metis A One_nat_def eval_at_point_mult pvar_closed less_Suc_eq numeral_2_eq_2)
    then show " Qp_mult_fun x = Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1) x"
      by (metis A Qp_mult_fun_def mult_vars_def mult_vars_rep
          one_less_numeral_iff pos2 semiring_norm(76))
  then have 1: "restrict Qp_mult_fun (carrier (Qp2)) =
      restrict (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1)) (carrier (Qp2))"
    by (meson restrict_ext)
  have "is_semialg_function 2 (Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1))"
    using poly_is_semialg[of "pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1"]
    by (meson MP.m_closed local.pvar_closed one_less_numeral_iff pos2 semiring_norm(76))
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 semialg_function_on_carrier[of 2 "Qp_mult_fun" "Qp_ev (pvar Qp 0 Qp[𝒳⇘2⇙]⇙ pvar Qp 1)"]
    by presburger

text‹Inversion is semialgebraic:›

lemma(in field) field_nat_pow_inv:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  shows "inv (a [^] (n::nat)) = (inv a) [^] (n :: nat)"
  apply(induction n)
  using inv_one local.nat_pow_0 apply presburger
  using assms nat_pow_of_inv
  by (metis Units_one_closed field_inv(2) field_inv(3) unit_factor)

lemma Qp_invert_basic_semialg:
  assumes "is_basic_semialg (1 + k)  S"
  shows "is_semialgebraic (1 + k) (partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S)"
  obtain P n where P_n_def: "(n::nat)  0  P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1+k⇙])  S = basic_semialg_set (1+k) n P  P  carrier (Qp[𝒳⇘1+k⇙])"
    using assms is_basic_semialg_def
    by meson
  obtain d::nat where d_def: "d =  deg (coord_ring Qp k) (to_univ_poly (Suc k) 0 P)"
    by auto
  obtain l where l_def: "l =  ((- d) mod n)"
    by blast
  have 10: "n > 0"
    using P_n_def
    by blast
  have 11: "l  0"
    using 10 by (simp add: l_def)
  have 1: "int n dvd l + int d"
    by (simp add: l_def ac_simps mod_0_imp_dvd mod_add_right_eq)
  then obtain m::int where m_def: "l + int d = int n * m" ..
  with 10 have m = (l + d) div n
    by simp
  with 10 11 have 2: "m  0"
    by (simp add: div_int_pos_iff)
  obtain N where N_def: "N = m * n"
    by blast
  from 11 have 3: "N  d"
    using m_def by (simp add: N_def ac_simps)
  have 4: "deg (coord_ring Qp k) (to_univ_poly (Suc k) 0 P)  nat N"
    using d_def N_def 3
    by linarith
  have 5: " P  carrier (coord_ring Qp (Suc k))"
    by (metis P_n_def  plus_1_eq_Suc)
  have 6: " qcarrier (coord_ring Qp (Suc k)).
       xcarrier Qp - {𝟬}. acarrier (Qpk). Qp_ev q (insert_at_index a x 0) = (x[^]nat N)  Qp_ev P (insert_at_index a (inv x) 0)"
    using 3 4 d_def to_univ_poly_one_over_poly''[of 0 k P "nat N"] "5"  Qp.field_axioms
    by blast
  obtain q where q_def: "q  carrier (coord_ring Qp (Suc k))  (  x  carrier Qp - {𝟬}. (  a   carrier (Qpk).
        eval_at_point Qp (insert_at_index a x 0) q =  (x[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp (insert_at_index a (inv x) 0) P)))"
    using 6
    by blast
  obtain T where T_def: "T = basic_semialg_set (1+k) n q"
    by auto
  have "is_basic_semialg (1 + k) T"
    have "q  carrier ( Qp[𝒳⇘Suc k⇙])"
      using q_def
      by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      using T_def is_basic_semialg_def
      by (metis P_n_def plus_1_eq_Suc)
  then have T_semialg: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) T"
    using T_def basic_semialg_is_semialg[of "1+k" T] is_semialgebraicI
    by blast
  obtain Nz where Nz_def: "Nz = {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0  𝟬}"
    by blast
  have Nz_semialg: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) Nz"
    obtain Nzc where Nzc_def: "Nzc = {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0 = 𝟬}"
      by blast
    have 0: "Nzc = zero_set Qp (Suc k) (pvar Qp 0)"
      unfolding zero_set_def
      using Nzc_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong eval_pvar zero_less_Suc)
    have 1: "is_algebraic Qp (1+k)  Nzc"
      using 0 pvar_closed[of ]
      by (metis is_algebraicI' plus_1_eq_Suc zero_less_Suc)
    then have 2: "is_semialgebraic  (1+k) Nzc"
      using is_algebraic_imp_is_semialg by blast
    have 3: "Nz = carrier (QpSuc k) - Nzc"
      using Nz_def Nzc_def
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using 2
      by (simp add: complement_is_semialg)
  have 7: "(partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S)  Nz = T  Nz"
    show "partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S  Nz  T  Nz"
    proof fix c assume A: "c  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S  Nz"
      show "c   T  Nz"
        have c_closed: "c  carrier (Qp1+k)"
          using A partial_pullback_closed[of 1  Qp_invert  k S]
          by blast
        obtain x a where xa_def: "c = (x#a)"
          using c_closed
          by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add.commute cartesian_power_car_memE length_Suc_conv)
        have x_closed: "x  carrier Qp"
          using xa_def  c_closed
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Cons cartesian_power_decomp
              list.inject Qp.to_R1_to_R Qp.to_R_pow_closed)
        have a_closed: "a  carrier (Qpk)"
          using  xa_def c_closed
          by (metis One_nat_def cartesian_power_drop drop0 drop_Suc_Cons)
        have 0: "c  Nz"
          using A by blast
        then have "x  𝟬"
          using Nz_def xa_def
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq nth_Cons_0)
        have 1: "Qp_invert [x] = inv x"
          unfolding Qp_invert_def
          by (metis x  𝟬 nth_Cons_0)
        have 2: "partial_image 1 Qp_invert c  S"
          using A partial_pullback_memE[of c 1 "Qp_invert" k S]
          by blast
        have 3: "inv x # a   S"
          have 30: "[x] = take 1 c"
            by (simp add: xa_def)
          have 31: "a = drop 1 c"
            by (simp add: xa_def)
          show ?thesis
            using 1 30 31 partial_image_def[of 1 "Qp_invert" c] xa_def  "2"
            by metis
        obtain y where y_def: "y  carrier Qp  eval_at_point Qp (inv x # a) P = y [^] n"
          using 3 P_n_def basic_semialg_set_memE(2)
          by blast
        then have 4: "x [^] (nat N)  eval_at_point Qp (inv x # a) P
                      = x [^] (nat N)  y [^] n"
          by presburger
        have 5: "x [^] (nat N)  y [^] n = ((x[^]m)y)[^]n"
          have 50: "x [^] (N)  y [^] n = x [^] (m*n)  y [^] n"
            using N_def by blast
          have 51: "x [^] (m*n) = (x[^]m)[^]n"
            using Qp_int_nat_pow_pow x  𝟬 not_nonzero_Qp x_closed
            by metis
          have 52: "x [^] (m*n) y [^] n = ((x[^]m)  y) [^] n"
            have 0: "x [^] (m*n) y [^] n= (x[^]m)[^]n  (y[^] n)"
              using "51" by presburger
            have 1: "(x[^]m)[^]n  (y[^] n) = ((x[^]m)  y) [^] n"
              apply(induction n)
              using Qp.nat_pow_0 Qp.one_closed Qp.r_one apply presburger
              using x_closed y_def
              by (metis Qp.nat_pow_distrib Qp.nonzero_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero x  𝟬 not_nonzero_Qp)
            then show ?thesis
              using "0" by blast
          have 53: "x [^] N = x [^] (nat N)"
            using 11 m_def N_def by (simp add: ac_simps)
          then show ?thesis
            using 50 52
            by presburger
        have 6: "x [^] (nat N)  eval_at_point Qp (inv x # a) P = ((x[^]m)y)[^]n"
          using "4" "5"
          by blast
        have 7: "eval_at_point Qp c q = ((x[^]m)y)[^]n"
          have 70: "(insert_at_index a (inv x) 0) = inv x # a"
            using insert_at_index.simps
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_append_conv2 append_same_eq append_take_drop_id drop0 same_append_eq)
          have 71: "(insert_at_index a x) 0 =  x # a"
            by simp
          then show ?thesis using 6 q_def
            by (metis "70" DiffI x  𝟬 a_closed empty_iff insert_iff x_closed xa_def)
        have 8: "(x[^]m)y  carrier Qp"
          have 80: "x[^]m  carrier Qp"
            using  x  𝟬 x_closed Qp_int_pow_nonzero[of x m] unfolding nonzero_def
            by blast
          then show ?thesis
            using y_def by blast
        then have "c  T"
          using T_def basic_semialg_set_def "7" c_closed by blast
        then show ?thesis
          by (simp add: c  T "0")
    show "T  Nz  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S  Nz"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  T  Nz"
      show " x  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S  Nz "
        have " x  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S"
        proof(rule partial_pullback_memI)
          show x_closed: "x  carrier (Qp1+k)"
            using T_def A
            by (meson IntD1 basic_semialg_set_memE(1))
          show "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x  S"
            have 00: "x!0   𝟬"
              using A Nz_def
              by blast
            then have 0: "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x = inv (x!0) # drop 1 x"
              unfolding Qp_invert_def
              by (smt One_nat_def lessI nth_take)
            have "drop 1 x  carrier (Qpk)"
              using x  carrier (Qp1+k) cartesian_power_drop by blast
            obtain a where a_def: "a = (x!0)"
              by blast
            have a_closed: "a  carrier Qp"
              using 00 a_def A Nz_def cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x Qp "Suc k" 0] inv_in_frac(1)
              by blast
            have a_nz: "a  𝟬"
              using a_def Nz_def  A
              by blast
            obtain b where b_def: "b = drop 1 x"
              by blast
            have b_closed: "b  carrier (Qpk)"
              using b_def A Nz_def  drop 1 x  carrier (Qpk)
              by blast
            have abx: "x = a#b"
              using a_def b_def x_closed
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def append_Cons append_Nil
                  append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_decomp
                  lessI nth_take Qp.to_R1_to_R)
            have 1: "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x = (inv a)#b"
              using "0" a_def b_def
              by blast
            have 22: "eval_at_point Qp (insert_at_index b a 0) q =
                (a[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp (insert_at_index b (inv a) 0) P)"
              using q_def a_closed a_nz b_closed
              by blast
            obtain c where c_def: "c  carrier Qp  Qp_ev q x = (c[^]n)"
              using  A T_def unfolding basic_semialg_set_def
              by blast
            obtain c' where c'_def: "c' = (inv a)[^]m    c"
              by blast
            have c'_closed: "c'  carrier Qp"
              using c_def a_def a_closed a_nz Qp_int_pow_nonzero nonzero_def
                 c'_def inv_in_frac(3) Qp.m_closed Qp.nonzero_closed by presburger
            have 3: "(eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P) = (c'[^]n)"
              have 30: "x = insert_at_index b a 0"
                using abx
                by simp
              have 31: "(c[^]n) =
                (a[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp (insert_at_index b (inv a) 0) P)"
                using 22 30 c_def
                by blast
              have 32: "insert_at_index b (inv a) 0 = (inv a) # b"
                using insert_at_index.simps
                by (metis drop0 self_append_conv2 take0)
              have 33: "(c[^]n) =
                (a[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
               using "31" "32" by presburger
              have 34: "(inv a) # b  carrier (Qp1+k)"
                apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI'')
                 apply (metis b_closed cartesian_power_car_memE length_Suc_conv plus_1_eq_Suc)
                using a_closed a_nz b_closed
                apply (metis One_nat_def inv_in_frac(1) take0 take_Suc_Cons Qp.to_R1_closed)
                by (metis abx b_closed b_def drop_Cons' not_Cons_self2)
              have 35: "(eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)  carrier Qp"
                using 34 P_n_def  eval_at_point_closed
                by blast
              have  "inv(a[^] (nat N))  (c[^]n) =
               inv(a[^] (nat N))  ((a[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P))"
                using 31 "33"  by presburger
              then have 6: "inv(a[^] (nat N))  (c[^]n) =
               inv(a[^] (nat N))  (a[^] (nat N))  (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                using 35 monoid.m_assoc[of Qp] Qp.monoid_axioms Qp.nat_pow_closed
                  Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero a_nz inv_in_frac(1) local.a_closed by presburger
              have 37:"inv(a[^] (nat N))  (c[^]n) = (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                have "inv(a[^] (nat N))  (a[^] (nat N)) = 𝟭 "
                  using  a_closed  a_nz Qp.nat_pow_closed Qp.nonzero_pow_nonzero field_inv(1)
                  by blast
                then have "inv(a[^] (nat N))  (c[^]n) =
                        𝟭  (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                  using 6 by presburger
                then show ?thesis using 35 Qp.l_one by blast
              have 38:"(inv a)[^] (nat N)  (c[^]n) = (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                using 37 group.nat_pow_inv[of Qp a "nat N"] a_closed Qp.field_axioms field.field_nat_pow_inv[of Qp]
                by (metis a_nz)
              have 39:"((inv a)[^]m) [^]Qpn  (c[^]n) = (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                using 2  38 monoid.nat_pow_pow[of Qp "inv a" ] N_def
                by (smt "3" Qp_int_nat_pow_pow a_closed a_nz inv_in_frac(3) of_nat_0_le_iff pow_nat)
              have 310:"((((inv a)[^]m)  c)[^]n) = (eval_at_point Qp ((inv a) # b) P)"
                have AA: "(inv a)[^]m  carrier Qp"
                  using Qp_int_pow_nonzero nonzero_def a_closed a_nz inv_in_frac(3) Qp.nonzero_closed
                  by presburger
                have "((inv a)[^]m) [^]Qpn  (c[^]n) = ((((inv a)[^]m)  c)[^]n)"
                  using Qp.nat_pow_distrib[of  "(inv a)[^]m" c n]  a_closed a_def c_def AA by blast
                then show ?thesis
                  using "39" by blast
              then show ?thesis using c'_def
                by blast
            have 4: "inv a # b  carrier (Qp1+k)"
              by (metis a_closed a_nz add.commute b_closed cartesian_power_cons inv_in_frac(1))
            then have 5: "((inv a) # b)  S"
              using 3 P_n_def c'_closed  basic_semialg_set_memI[of "(inv a) # b" "1 + k" c' P n]
              by blast
            have 6: "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x = inv a # b"
              using a_def b_def unfolding Qp_invert_def using "1" Qp_invert_def
              by blast
            show ?thesis using 5 6
              by presburger
        then show ?thesis
          using A by blast
  have 8: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) ((partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S)  Nz)"
    using "7" Nz_semialg T_semialg intersection_is_semialg
    by auto
  have 9: "(partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S) - Nz = {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0 = 𝟬} S"
    show "partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S - Nz  {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs ! 0 = 𝟬}   S"
    proof fix x assume A: " x  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S - Nz"
      have 0: "x  carrier (QpSuc k)"
        using A
        by (metis DiffD1 partial_pullback_memE(1) plus_1_eq_Suc)
      have 1: "take 1 x  carrier (Qp1)"
        by (metis "0" le_add1 plus_1_eq_Suc take_closed)
      have 2: "drop 1 x  carrier (Qpk)"
        using "0" cartesian_power_drop plus_1_eq_Suc
        by presburger
      have 3: " x = take 1 x @ drop 1 x "
        using 0
        by (metis append_take_drop_id)
      have 4: "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x  S"
        using A partial_pullback_memE'[of "take 1 x" 1 "drop 1 x" k x Qp_invert S] 1 2 3
        by blast
      have 5: "x!0 = 𝟬"
        using A 0 Nz_def by blast
      have 6: "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x = x"
        have "(take 1 x) =[x!0]"
          using 0
          by (metis "1" "3" append_Cons nth_Cons_0 Qp.to_R1_to_R)
        then have "Qp_invert (take 1 x) = 𝟬"
          unfolding Qp_invert_def using 5
          by (metis less_one nth_take)
        then show ?thesis using 0 5
          by (metis "3" Cons_eq_append_conv take 1 x = [x ! 0] self_append_conv2)
      have "x  S"
        using 6 4
        by presburger
      then show "x  {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs ! 0 = 𝟬}   S"
        using Nz_def A 0
        by blast
    show "{xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs ! 0 = 𝟬}  S  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S - Nz"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs ! 0 = 𝟬}  S"
      have A0: "x  carrier (QpSuc k)"
        using A by blast
      have A1: "x!0  = 𝟬"
        using A by blast
      have A2: "x  S"
        using A by blast
      show " x  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S - Nz"
        show "x  Nz"
          using Nz_def A1 by blast
        show " x  partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S"
        proof(rule partial_pullback_memI)
          show "x  carrier (Qp1+k)"
            using A0
            by (simp add: A0)
          show "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x  S"
            have "Qp_invert (take 1 x) = 𝟬"
              unfolding Qp_invert_def  using A0 A1
              by (metis less_numeral_extra(1) nth_take)
            then have "Qp_invert (take 1 x) # drop 1 x = x"
              using A0 A1 A2
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_eq_append_conv Qp_invert_def x  carrier (Qp1+k)
                  append_take_drop_id inv_in_frac(2) le_add_same_cancel1 self_append_conv2
                  take_closed Qp.to_R1_to_R Qp.to_R_pow_closed zero_le)
            then show ?thesis
              using A2 by presburger
  have 10: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) {xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0 = 𝟬}"
    have "{xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0 = 𝟬} = VQp(Suc k) (pvar Qp 0)"
      unfolding zero_set_def using eval_pvar[of  0 "Suc k"] Qp.cring_axioms
      by blast
    then show ?thesis using
        is_zero_set_imp_basic_semialg pvar_closed[of  0 "Suc k"] Qp.cring_axioms
        is_zero_set_imp_semialg plus_1_eq_Suc zero_less_Suc
      by presburger
  have 11: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) ({xs  carrier (QpSuc k). xs!0 = 𝟬} S)"
    using 10 assms basic_semialg_is_semialgebraic intersection_is_semialg
    by blast
  have 12: "(partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S) = ((partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S)  Nz) 
                                                  ((partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S) - Nz)"
    by blast
  have 13: "is_semialgebraic (1+k) ((partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S) - Nz)"
    using 11  9 by metis
  show ?thesis
    using 8  12 13
    by (metis "7" Int_Diff_Un Int_commute plus_1_eq_Suc union_is_semialgebraic)

lemma Qp_invert_is_semialg:
"is_semialg_function 1 Qp_invert"
proof(rule is_semialg_functionI')
  show 0: "Qp_invert  carrier (Qp1)  carrier Qp"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  carrier (Qp1)"
    then obtain a where a_def: "x = [a]"
      by (metis Qp.to_R1_to_R)
    have a_closed: "a  carrier Qp"
      using a_def A cartesian_power_concat(1) last_closed'
      by blast
    show " Qp_invert x  carrier Qp"
    apply(cases "a = 𝟬")
    unfolding Qp_invert_def using a_def a_closed
    apply (meson Qp.to_R_to_R1)
    by (metis a_closed a_def inv_in_frac(1) Qp.to_R_to_R1)
  show "k S. S  basic_semialgs (1 + k)  is_semialgebraic (1 + k) (partial_pullback 1 Qp_invert k S)"
    using Qp_invert_basic_semialg
    by blast

lemma Taylor_deg_1_expansion'':
  assumes "f  carrier Qp_x"
  assumes "n. f n  𝒪p"
  assumes "a  𝒪p "
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  shows "c c' c''. c = to_fun f a  c' = deriv f a  c  𝒪p  c'  𝒪p c''  𝒪p 
                  to_fun f (b) = c  c'  (b  a)  (c''  (b  a)[^](2::nat))"
  obtain S where S_def: "S = (Qp   carrier := 𝒪p )"
    by blast
  have 1: "f  carrier (UP S)"
    unfolding S_def using val_ring_subring UPQ.poly_cfs_subring[of 𝒪p f] assms
    by blast
  have 2: " f  carrier (UP (Qpcarrier := 𝒪p))"
    using val_ring_subring 1 assms poly_cfs_subring[of 𝒪p]
    by blast
  have 3: "c𝒪p. f  b = f  a  UPQ.deriv f a  (b  a)  c  (b  a) [^] (2::nat)"
    using UP_subring_taylor_appr'[of 𝒪p f b a] UP_subring_taylor_appr[of 𝒪p f b a] val_ring_subring 1 2 assms
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using UP_subring_taylor_appr[of 𝒪p f b a] assms UP_subring_deriv_closed[of 𝒪p f a]
      UP_subring_eval_closed[of 𝒪p f a] 2 val_ring_subring by blast


subsection‹Sets Defined by Residues of Valuation Ring Elements›

sublocale padic_fields < Res: cring "Zp_res_ring (Suc n)"
  using p_residues residues.cring
  by blast

context padic_fields

definition Qp_res where
"Qp_res x n =  to_Zp x n "

lemma Qp_res_closed:
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res  x n  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
  unfolding Qp_res_def using assms val_ring_memE residue_closed to_Zp_closed by blast

lemma Qp_res_add:
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "y  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res (x  y) n = Qp_res x n Zp_res_ring nQp_res y n"
  unfolding Qp_res_def
  using assms residue_of_sum to_Zp_add by presburger

lemma Qp_res_mult:
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "y  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res (x  y) n = Qp_res x n Zp_res_ring nQp_res y n"
  unfolding Qp_res_def
  using assms residue_of_prod to_Zp_mult by presburger

lemma Qp_res_diff:
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "y  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res (x  y) n = Qp_res x n Zp_res_ring nQp_res y n"
  unfolding Qp_res_def
  using assms residue_of_diff to_Zp_minus
  by (meson val_ring_res)

lemma Qp_res_zero:
  shows  "Qp_res 𝟬 n = 0"
  unfolding Qp_res_def to_Zp_zero
  using residue_of_zero(2) by blast

lemma Qp_res_one:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows  "Qp_res 𝟭 n = (1::int)"
  using assms
  unfolding Qp_res_def to_Zp_one
  using residue_of_one(2) by blast

lemma Qp_res_nat_inc:
  shows  "Qp_res ([(n::nat)]𝟭) n = n mod p^n"
  unfolding Qp_res_def unfolding to_Zp_nat_inc
  using Zp_nat_inc_res by blast

lemma Qp_res_int_inc:
  shows  "Qp_res ([(k::int)]𝟭) n = k mod p^n"
  unfolding Qp_res_def unfolding to_Zp_int_inc
  using Zp_int_inc_res by blast

lemma Qp_poly_res_monom:
assumes "a  𝒪p"
assumes "x  𝒪p"
assumes "Qp_res a n = 0"
assumes "k > 0"
shows "Qp_res (up_ring.monom (UP Qp) a k  x) n = 0"
  have 0: "up_ring.monom (UP Qp) a k  x = a  x [^] k"
    apply(rule UPQ.to_fun_monom[of a x k])
    using assms val_ring_memE apply blast
    using assms val_ring_memE by blast
  have 1: "x[^]k  𝒪p"
    using assms val_ring_nat_pow_closed by blast
  show ?thesis unfolding 0
    using Qp_res_mult[of a "x[^]k" n] assms
    using "1" residue_times_zero_r by presburger

lemma Qp_poly_res_zero:
  assumes "q  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "i. q i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. Qp_res (q i) n = 0"
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res (q  x) n = 0"
  have "(i. q i  𝒪p  Qp_res (q i) n = 0)  Qp_res (q  x) n = 0"
  proof(rule UPQ.poly_induct[of q], rule assms, rule )
    fix p assume A: "p  carrier (UP Qp)" " deg Qp p = 0" " i. p i  𝒪p  Qp_res (p i) n = 0"
    have 0: "p  x = p 0"
      using assms
      by (metis A(1) A(2) val_ring_memE UPQ.ltrm_deg_0 UPQ.to_fun_ctrm)
    show "Qp_res (p  x) n = 0"
      unfolding 0 using A by blast
    fix p
    assume A0: "(q. q  carrier (UP Qp)  deg Qp q < deg Qp p  (i. q i  𝒪p  Qp_res (q i) n = 0)  Qp_res (q  x) n = 0)"
      "p  carrier (UP Qp)" "0 < deg Qp p"
    show "(i. p i  𝒪p  Qp_res (p i) n = 0)  Qp_res (p  x) n = 0"
    proof assume A1: " i. p i  𝒪p  Qp_res (p i) n = 0"
      obtain k where k_def: "k = deg Qp p"
        by blast
      obtain q where q_def: "q = UPQ.trunc p"
        by blast
      have q_closed: "q  carrier (UP Qp)"
        unfolding q_def
        using A0(2) UPQ.trunc_closed by blast
      have q_deg: "deg Qp q < deg Qp p"
        unfolding q_def
        using A0(2) A0(3) UPQ.trunc_degree by blast
      have 9: "i. i < deg Qp p  q i = p i"
        unfolding q_def
        using A0(2) UPQ.trunc_cfs by blast
      have 90:  "i. ¬ i < deg Qp p  q i = 𝟬"
        unfolding q_def
      proof -
        fix i :: nat
        assume "¬ i < deg Qp p"
        then have "deg Qp q < i"
          using q_deg by linarith
        then show "Cring_Poly.truncate Qp p i = 𝟬"
          using UPQ.deg_gtE q_closed q_def by blast
      have 10: "(i. q i  𝒪p  Qp_res (q i) n = 0)"
      proof fix i
        show "q i  𝒪p  Qp_res (q i) n = 0"
          apply(cases "i < deg Qp p")
           using A1  9[of i] apply presburger
           unfolding q_def using Qp_res_zero  90
           by (metis q_def zero_in_val_ring)
      have 11: "Qp_res (q  x) n = 0"
        using 10 A1 A0 q_closed q_deg by blast
      have 12: "p = q UP Qpup_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k"
        unfolding k_def q_def
        using A0(2) UPQ.trunc_simps(1) by blast
      have 13: "p  x = q  x  (up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k)  x"
        have 0: " (q UP Qpup_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k)  x = q  x  up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k  x"
          apply(rule UPQ.to_fun_plus)
          using A0(2) UPQ.ltrm_closed k_def apply blast
          unfolding q_def apply(rule UPQ.trunc_closed, rule A0)
          using assms val_ring_memE by blast
        show ?thesis
          using 0 12 by metis
      have 14: "(up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k)  x  𝒪p"
        apply(rule val_ring_poly_eval)
          using A0(2) UPQ.ltrm_closed k_def apply blast
          using UPQ.cfs_monom[of "p k" k ] A1 zero_in_val_ring
          using A0(2) UPQ.ltrm_cfs k_def apply presburger
          using assms(4) by blast
      have 15: "Qp_res ((up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k)  x) n = 0"
        apply(rule Qp_poly_res_monom)
        using A1 apply blast using assms apply blast
        using A1 apply blast unfolding k_def using A0 by blast
      have 16: "Qp_res (q  x) n = 0"
        using A0 10 11 by blast
      have 17: "q  x  𝒪p"
        apply(rule val_ring_poly_eval, rule q_closed)
        using 10 apply blast by(rule assms)
      have 18: "Qp_res (q  x  (up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k)  x) n = 0"
        using Qp_res_add[of "q  x" "up_ring.monom (UP Qp) (p k) k  x" n] 14  17
        unfolding 15 16
        by (metis "10" Qp_res_add UPQ.cfs_add UPQ.coeff_of_sum_diff_degree0 q_closed q_deg)
      show "Qp_res (p  x) n = 0"
        using 13 18 by metis
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma Qp_poly_res_eval_0:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "g  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. g i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. Qp_res (f i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
  shows "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (g  x) n"
    obtain F where F_def: "F = f UP Qpg"
      by blast
    have F_closed: "F  carrier (UP Qp)"
      unfolding F_def
      using assms by blast
    have F_cfs: "i. F i = (f i)  (g i)"
      unfolding F_def
      using assms UPQ.cfs_minus by blast
    have F_cfs_res: "i. Qp_res (F i) n = Qp_res (f i) n Zp_res_ring nQp_res (g i) n"
      unfolding F_cfs apply(rule Qp_res_diff)
      using assms apply blast using assms by blast
    have 0: "i. Qp_res (f i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
      using assms by blast
    have F_cfs_res': "i. Qp_res (F i) n = 0"
      unfolding F_cfs_res 0
      by (metis diff_self mod_0 residue_minus)
    have 1: "i. F i  𝒪p"
      unfolding F_cfs using assms
      using val_ring_minus_closed by blast
    have 2: "Qp_res (F  x) n = 0"
      by(rule Qp_poly_res_zero, rule F_closed, rule 1, rule F_cfs_res', rule assms)
    have 3: "F  x = f  x  g  x"
      unfolding F_def using assms
      by (meson assms UPQ.to_fun_diff val_ring_memE)
    have 4: "Qp_res (F  x) n = Qp_res (f  x) n Zp_res_ring nQp_res (g  x) n"
      unfolding 3 apply(rule Qp_res_diff, rule val_ring_poly_eval, rule assms)
      using assms apply blast using assms apply blast
      apply(rule val_ring_poly_eval, rule assms)
      using assms apply blast by(rule assms)
    have 5: "f  x  𝒪p"
      apply(rule val_ring_poly_eval, rule assms)
      using assms apply blast using assms by blast
    have 6: "g  x  𝒪p"
      apply(rule val_ring_poly_eval, rule assms)
      using assms apply blast by(rule assms)
    show "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (g  x) n"
      using 5 6 2 Qp_res_closed[of "f  x" n] Qp_res_closed[of "g  x" n]
      unfolding 4
    proof -
      assume "Qp_res (f  x) n Zp_res_ring nQp_res (g  x) n = 0"
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) Qp_res_def 5 6 res_diff_zero_fact(1) residue_of_diff to_Zp_closed val_ring_memE)

lemma Qp_poly_res_eval_1:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "y  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  assumes "Qp_res x n = Qp_res y n"
  shows "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n"
  have "(i. f i  𝒪p)  Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n"
    apply(rule UPQ.poly_induct[of f], rule assms)
  proof fix f assume A: "f  carrier (UP Qp)" "deg Qp f = 0" "i. f i  𝒪p"
    show "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n"
      obtain a where a_def: "a  carrier Qp  f = to_polynomial Qp a"
        using assms
        by (metis A(1) A(2) UPQ.lcf_closed UPQ.to_poly_inverse)
      have a_eq: "f = to_polynomial Qp a"
        using a_def  by blast
      have 0: "f  x = a"
        using a_def assms unfolding a_eq
        by (meson UPQ.to_fun_to_poly val_ring_memE)
      have 1: "f  y = a"
        using a_def assms unfolding a_eq
        by (meson UPQ.to_fun_to_poly val_ring_memE)
      show " Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n"
        unfolding 0 1 by blast
    fix f
    assume A: " (q. q  carrier (UP Qp)  deg Qp q < deg Qp f  (i. q i  𝒪p)  Qp_res (q  x) n = Qp_res (q  y) n)"
        "f  carrier (UP Qp)" " 0 < deg Qp f"
    show "(i. f i  𝒪p)  Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n"
    proof assume A1: "i. f i  𝒪p"
      obtain q where q_def: "q = UPQ.trunc f"
        by blast
      have q_closed: "q  carrier (UP Qp)"
        using q_def A UPQ.trunc_closed by presburger
      have q_deg: "deg Qp q < deg Qp f"
        using q_def A UPQ.trunc_degree by blast
      have q_cfs: "i. q i  𝒪p"
      proof fix i show "q i  𝒪p"
        apply(cases "i < deg Qp f")
        unfolding q_def using A A1 UPQ.trunc_cfs
         apply presburger
        using q_deg q_closed
        proof -
        assume "¬ i < deg Qp f"
        then have "deg Qp f  i"
          by (meson diff_is_0_eq neq0_conv zero_less_diff)
        then show "Cring_Poly.truncate Qp f i  𝒪p"
          by (metis (no_types) UPQ.deg_eqI diff_is_0_eq' le_trans nat_le_linear neq0_conv q_closed q_def q_deg zero_in_val_ring zero_less_diff)
      hence 0: "Qp_res (q  x) n = Qp_res (q  y) n"
        using A q_closed q_deg by blast
      have 1: "Qp_res (UPQ.ltrm f  x) n = Qp_res (UPQ.ltrm f  y) n"
        have 10: "UPQ.ltrm f  x =  (f (deg Qp f))  x[^](deg Qp f)"
          using A assms  A1 UPQ.to_fun_monom val_ring_memE by presburger
        have 11: "UPQ.ltrm f  y =  (f (deg Qp f))  y[^](deg Qp f)"
          using A assms  A1 UPQ.to_fun_monom val_ring_memE by presburger
        obtain d where d_def: "d = deg Qp f"
          by blast
        have 12: "Qp_res (x[^]d) n = Qp_res (y[^]d) n"
          apply(induction d)
          using Qp.nat_pow_0 apply presburger
          using Qp_res_mult assms Qp.nat_pow_Suc val_ring_nat_pow_closed by presburger
        hence 13: "Qp_res (x [^] deg Qp f) n = Qp_res (y [^] deg Qp f) n"
          unfolding d_def by blast
        have 14: "x [^] deg Qp f  𝒪p"
          using assms val_ring_nat_pow_closed by blast
        have 15: "y [^] deg Qp f  𝒪p"
          using assms val_ring_nat_pow_closed by blast
        have 16: "Qp_res (f (deg Qp f)  x [^] deg Qp f) n = Qp_res (f (deg Qp f)) n residue_ring (p ^ n)Qp_res (x [^] deg Qp f) n"
          apply(rule Qp_res_mult[of "f (deg Qp f)" " x[^](deg Qp f)" n])
          using A1 apply blast by(rule 14)
        have 17: "Qp_res (f (deg Qp f)  y [^] deg Qp f) n = Qp_res (f (deg Qp f)) n residue_ring (p ^ n)Qp_res (y [^] deg Qp f) n"
          apply(rule Qp_res_mult[of "f (deg Qp f)" " y[^](deg Qp f)" n])
          using A1 apply blast by(rule 15)
        show ?thesis
          unfolding 10 11 16 17 13 by blast
      have f_decomp: "f = q UP QpUPQ.ltrm f"
        using A unfolding q_def
        using UPQ.trunc_simps(1) by blast
      have 2: "f  x = q  x  (UPQ.ltrm f  x)"
        using A f_decomp q_closed q_cfs
        by (metis val_ring_memE UPQ.ltrm_closed UPQ.to_fun_plus assms(2))
      have 3: "f  y = q  y  (UPQ.ltrm f  y)"
        using A f_decomp q_closed q_cfs
        by (metis val_ring_memE UPQ.ltrm_closed UPQ.to_fun_plus assms(3))
      show 4: " Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (f  y) n "
        unfolding 2 3 using assms q_cfs Qp_res_add 0 1
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "2" "3" A(2) A1 Qp_res_def poly_eval_cong)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma Qp_poly_res_eval_2:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "g  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "x  𝒪p"
  assumes "y  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. g i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. Qp_res (f i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
  assumes "Qp_res x n = Qp_res y n"
  shows "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (g  y) n"
  have 0: "Qp_res (f  x) n = Qp_res (g  x) n"
    using Qp_poly_res_eval_0 assms by blast
  have 1: "Qp_res (g  x) n = Qp_res (g  y) n"
    using Qp_poly_res_eval_1 assms by blast
  show ?thesis unfolding 0 1 by blast

definition poly_res_class where
"poly_res_class n d f = {q  carrier (UP Qp). deg Qp q  d  (i. q i  𝒪p  Qp_res (f i) n = Qp_res (q i) n) }"

lemma poly_res_class_closed:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "g  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "deg Qp f  d"
  assumes "deg Qp g  d"
  assumes "g  poly_res_class n d f"
  shows "poly_res_class n d f = poly_res_class n d g"
  unfolding poly_res_class_def
  apply(rule equalityI)
apply(rule subsetI)
  unfolding mem_Collect_eq apply(rule conjI, blast, rule conjI, blast)
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq
   apply presburger
apply(rule subsetI) unfolding mem_Collect_eq
  apply(rule conjI, blast, rule conjI, blast)
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq
  by presburger

lemma poly_res_class_memE:
  assumes "f  poly_res_class n d g"
  shows "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
        "deg Qp f  d"
        "f i  𝒪p"
        "Qp_res (g i) n = Qp_res (f i) n"
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq apply blast
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq apply blast
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq apply blast
  using assms unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq by blast

definition val_ring_polys where
"val_ring_polys = {f  carrier (UP Qp). (i. f i  𝒪p)} "

lemma val_ring_polys_closed:
"val_ring_polys  carrier (UP Qp)"
  unfolding val_ring_polys_def by blast

lemma val_ring_polys_memI:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  shows "f  val_ring_polys"
  using assms   unfolding val_ring_polys_def by blast

lemma val_ring_polys_memE:
  assumes "f  val_ring_polys"
  shows "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
        "f i  𝒪p"
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_def apply blast
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_def by blast

definition val_ring_polys_grad where
"val_ring_polys_grad d = {f  val_ring_polys. deg Qp f  d}"

lemma val_ring_polys_grad_closed:
"val_ring_polys_grad d  val_ring_polys"
  unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def by blast

lemma val_ring_polys_grad_closed':
"val_ring_polys_grad d  carrier (UP Qp)"
  unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def by blast

lemma val_ring_polys_grad_memI:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  assumes "deg Qp f  d"
  shows "f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def by blast

lemma val_ring_polys_grad_memE:
  assumes "f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  shows "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
        "deg Qp f  d"
        "f i  𝒪p"
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def apply blast
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def apply blast
  using assms unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def by blast

lemma poly_res_classes_in_val_ring_polys_grad:
  assumes "f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  shows "poly_res_class n d f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  apply(rule subsetI, rule val_ring_polys_grad_memI)
    apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d f], blast)
   apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d f], blast)
  by(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d f], blast)

lemma poly_res_class_disjoint:
  assumes "f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  assumes "f  poly_res_class n d g"
  shows "poly_res_class n d f  poly_res_class n d g = {}"
  apply(rule equalityI)
  apply(rule subsetI)
  using assms
  unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq Int_iff
  apply (metis val_ring_polys_grad_memE(1) val_ring_polys_grad_memE(2) val_ring_polys_grad_memE(3))
  by blast

lemma poly_res_class_refl:
  assumes "f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
  shows "f  poly_res_class n d f"
  unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq
  using assms val_ring_polys_grad_memE(1) val_ring_polys_grad_memE(2) val_ring_polys_grad_memE(3) by blast

lemma poly_res_class_memI:
  assumes "f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  assumes "deg Qp f  d"
  assumes "i. f i  𝒪p"
  assumes "i. Qp_res (f i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
  shows "f  poly_res_class n d g"
  unfolding poly_res_class_def mem_Collect_eq using assms
  by metis

definition poly_res_classes where
"poly_res_classes n d = poly_res_class n d ` val_ring_polys_grad d"

lemma poly_res_classes_disjoint:
  assumes "A  poly_res_classes n d"
  assumes "B  poly_res_classes n d"
  assumes "g  A - B"
  shows "A  B = {}"
  obtain a where a_def: "a  val_ring_polys_grad d  A = poly_res_class n d a"
    using assms unfolding poly_res_classes_def by blast
  obtain b where b_def: "b  val_ring_polys_grad d  B = poly_res_class n d b"
    using assms unfolding poly_res_classes_def by blast
  have 0: "f. f  A  B  False"
    fix f assume A: "f  A  B"
    have 1: "i. Qp_res (g i) n  Qp_res (f i) n"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume B: "i. Qp_res (g i) n  Qp_res (f i) n"
      then have 2: "i.  Qp_res (g i) n = Qp_res (f i) n"
        by blast
      have 3: "g  poly_res_class n d a"
        using a_def assms by blast
      have 4: "i. Qp_res (b i) n = Qp_res (f i) n"
        apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d])
        using assms A b_def by blast
      have 5: "i. Qp_res (a i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
        apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d])
        using assms A a_def by blast
      have 6: "g  poly_res_class n d b"
        apply(rule poly_res_class_memI, rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d a], rule 3,
            rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d a], rule 3,  rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d a], rule 3)
        unfolding 2 4 by blast
      show False using 6 b_def assms by blast
    then obtain i where i_def: "Qp_res (g i) n  Qp_res (f i) n"
      by blast
    have 2: "i. Qp_res (a i) n = Qp_res (f i) n"
      apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d])
      using A a_def by blast
    have 3: "i. Qp_res (b i) n = Qp_res (f i) n"
      apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d])
      using A b_def by blast
    have 4: "i. Qp_res (a i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
      apply(rule poly_res_class_memE[of _ n d])
      using assms a_def by blast
    show False using i_def 2 unfolding 4 2 by blast
  show ?thesis using 0 by blast

definition int_fun_to_poly where
"int_fun_to_poly (f::nat  int) i = [(f i)]𝟭"

lemma int_fun_to_poly_closed:
  assumes "i. i > d  f i = 0"
  shows "int_fun_to_poly f  carrier (UP Qp)"
  apply(rule UPQ.UP_car_memI[of d])
  using assms unfolding int_fun_to_poly_def
  using Qp.int_inc_zero apply presburger
  by(rule Qp.int_inc_closed)

lemma int_fun_to_poly_deg:
  assumes "i. i > d  f i = 0"
  shows "deg Qp (int_fun_to_poly f)  d"
  apply(rule UPQ.deg_leqI, rule int_fun_to_poly_closed, rule assms, blast)
  unfolding int_fun_to_poly_def using assms
  using Qp.int_inc_zero by presburger

lemma Qp_res_mod_triv:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  shows "Qp_res a n mod p ^ n = Qp_res a n"
  using assms Qp_res_closed[of a n]
  by (meson mod_pos_pos_trivial p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) p_residue_ring_car_memE(2))

lemma int_fun_to_poly_is_class_wit:
  assumes "f  poly_res_class n d g"
  shows "(int_fun_to_poly (λi::nat. Qp_res (f i) n))  poly_res_class n d g"
proof(rule poly_res_class_memI[of   ], rule int_fun_to_poly_closed[of d])
  show 0: "i. d < i  Qp_res (f i) n = 0"
  proof- fix i assume A: "d < i"
    hence 0: "deg Qp f < i"
      using A  assms poly_res_class_memE(2)[of f n d g]
      by linarith
    have 1: "f i = 𝟬"
      using 0 assms poly_res_class_memE[of f n d g]
      using UPQ.UP_car_memE(2) by blast
    show "Qp_res (f i) n = 0"
      unfolding 1 Qp_res_zero by blast
  show "deg Qp (int_fun_to_poly (λi. Qp_res (f i) n))  d"
    by(rule int_fun_to_poly_deg, rule 0, blast)
  show "i. int_fun_to_poly (λi. Qp_res (f i) n) i  𝒪p"
    unfolding int_fun_to_poly_def
    using Qp.int_mult_closed Qp_val_ringI val_of_int_inc by blast
  show "i. Qp_res (int_fun_to_poly (λi. Qp_res (f i) n) i) n = Qp_res (g i) n"
    unfolding int_fun_to_poly_def Qp_res_int_inc
    using Qp_res_mod_triv assms poly_res_class_memE(4) Qp_res_closed UPQ.cfs_closed
    by (metis poly_res_class_memE(3))

lemma finite_support_funs_finite:
"finite (({..d}  carrier (Zp_res_ring n))  {(f::nat  int). i > d. f i = 0})"
  have 0: "finite (ΠE i  {..d}.carrier (Zp_res_ring n))"
    apply(rule finite_PiE, blast)
    using residue_ring_card[of n] by blast
  obtain g where g_def: "g = (λf. (λi::nat. if i  {..d} then f i else (0::int)))"
    by blast
  have 1: "g `  (ΠE i  {..d}.carrier (Zp_res_ring n)) = (({..d}  carrier (Zp_res_ring n))  {(f::nat  int). i > d. f i = 0})"
  proof(rule equalityI, rule subsetI)
    fix x assume A: "x  g ` ({..d} E carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))"
    obtain f where f_def: "f  (ΠE i  {..d}.carrier (Zp_res_ring n))  x = g f"
      using A by blast
    have x_eq: "x = g f"
      using f_def by blast
    show "x  ({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0}"
    proof(rule, rule)
      fix i assume A: "i  {..d}"
      show "x i  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
      proof(cases "i  {..d}")
        case True
        then have T0: "f i  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
          using f_def by blast
        have "x i = f i"
          unfolding x_eq g_def
          using True by metis
        thus ?thesis using T0 by metis
        case False
        then have F0: "x i = 0"
          unfolding x_eq g_def by metis
        show ?thesis
          unfolding F0
          by (metis residue_mult_closed residue_times_zero_r)
      show "x  {f. i>d. f i = 0}"
      proof(rule, rule, rule)
        fix i assume A: "d < i"
        then have 0: "i  {..d}"
          by simp
        thus "x i = 0"
          unfolding x_eq g_def
          by metis
    show "({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0}
     g ` ({..d} E carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))"
    proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x
    assume A: " x  ({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0}"
    show " x  g ` ({..d} E carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))"
      obtain h where h_def: "h = restrict x {..d}"
        by blast
      have 0: "i. i  {..d}  h i = x i"
        unfolding h_def restrict_apply by metis
      have 1: "i. i  {..d}  h i = undefined"
        unfolding h_def restrict_apply by metis
      have 2: "i. i  {..d}  h i  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
        using A 0 unfolding 0 by blast
      have 3: "h  {..d} E carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n))"
        by(rule, rule 2, blast, rule 1, blast)
      have 4: "i. i  {..d}  x i = 0"
        using A unfolding Int_iff mem_Collect_eq
        by (metis atMost_iff eq_imp_le le_simps(1) linorder_neqE_nat)
      have 5: "x = g h"
      proof fix i
        show "x i = g h i"
          unfolding g_def
          apply(cases "i  {..d}")
          using 0 apply metis unfolding 4
          by metis
      show ?thesis unfolding 5 using 3 by blast
  have 2: "finite (g `  (ΠE i  {..d}.carrier (Zp_res_ring n)))"
    using 0 by blast
  show ?thesis using 2 unfolding 1 by blast

lemma poly_res_classes_finite:
"finite (poly_res_classes n d)"
  have 0: "poly_res_class n d ` int_fun_to_poly ` (({..d}  carrier (Zp_res_ring n))  {(f::nat  int). i > d. f i = 0}) = poly_res_classes n d"
  proof(rule equalityI, rule subsetI)
    fix x assume A: " x  poly_res_class n d ` int_fun_to_poly ` (({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0})"
    then obtain f where f_def: "f  ({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0} 
                                x = poly_res_class n d (int_fun_to_poly f)"
      by blast
    have x_eq: "x = poly_res_class n d (int_fun_to_poly f)"
      using f_def by blast
    show "x  poly_res_classes n d"
      have 0: "int_fun_to_poly f  val_ring_polys_grad d"
        apply(rule val_ring_polys_grad_memI, rule int_fun_to_poly_closed[of d])
        using f_def apply blast
        using int_fun_to_poly_def
         apply (metis Qp.int_inc_closed padic_fields.int_fun_to_poly_def padic_fields.val_of_int_inc padic_fields_axioms val_ring_memI)
        apply(rule int_fun_to_poly_deg)
        using f_def by blast
      show ?thesis unfolding poly_res_classes_def x_eq
        using 0 by blast
    show "poly_res_classes n d
     poly_res_class n d `
       int_fun_to_poly `
       (({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n))) 
        {f. i>d. f i = 0})"
    proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume A: " x  poly_res_classes n d"
    show "x  poly_res_class n d ` int_fun_to_poly ` (({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0})"
      obtain f where f_def: "f  val_ring_polys_grad d  x = poly_res_class n d f"
        using A unfolding poly_res_classes_def by blast
      have x_eq: "x = poly_res_class n d f"
        using f_def by blast
      obtain h where h_def: "h = (λi::nat. Qp_res (f i) n)"
        by blast
      have 0: "i. i > d  f i = 𝟬"
      proof- fix i assume A: "i > d"
         have "i > deg Qp f"
           apply(rule le_less_trans[of _ d])
           using f_def unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def mem_Collect_eq
            apply blast
           by(rule A)
        then show "f i = 𝟬"
          using f_def unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def mem_Collect_eq
          using UPQ.deg_leE by blast
      have 1: "i. i > d  h i = 0"
        unfolding h_def 0 Qp_res_zero by blast
      have 2: "x = poly_res_class n d (int_fun_to_poly h)"
        unfolding x_eq
        apply(rule poly_res_class_closed)
        using f_def unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def mem_Collect_eq apply blast
           apply(rule int_fun_to_poly_closed[of d], rule 1, blast)
        using f_def unfolding val_ring_polys_grad_def val_ring_polys_def mem_Collect_eq apply blast
         apply(rule int_fun_to_poly_deg, rule 1, blast)
        unfolding h_def
        apply(rule int_fun_to_poly_is_class_wit, rule poly_res_class_refl)
        using f_def by blast
      have 3: "h  ({..d}  carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n)))  {f. i>d. f i = 0}"
        apply(rule , rule )
        unfolding h_def apply(rule Qp_res_closed, rule val_ring_polys_grad_memE[of _ d])
        using f_def apply blast
        unfolding mem_Collect_eq apply(rule, rule)
        unfolding 0 Qp_res_zero by blast
      show ?thesis
        unfolding 2 using 3 by blast
  have 1: "finite (poly_res_class n d ` int_fun_to_poly ` (({..d}  carrier (Zp_res_ring n))  {(f::nat  int). i > d. f i = 0}))"
    using finite_support_funs_finite by blast
  show ?thesis using 1 unfolding 0 by blast

lemma Qp_res_eq_zeroI:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "val a  n"
  shows "Qp_res a n = 0"
  have 0: "val_Zp (to_Zp a)  n"
    using assms to_Zp_val by presburger
  have 1: "to_Zp a n = 0"
    apply(rule zero_below_val_Zp, rule to_Zp_closed)
    using val_ring_closed assms apply blast
    by(rule 0)
  thus ?thesis unfolding Qp_res_def by blast

lemma Qp_res_eqI:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  assumes "Qp_res (a  b) n = 0"
  shows "Qp_res a n = Qp_res b n"
  using assms by (metis Qp_res_def val_ring_memE res_diff_zero_fact(1) to_Zp_closed to_Zp_minus)

lemma Qp_res_eqI':
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  assumes "val (a  b)  n"
  shows "Qp_res a n = Qp_res b n"
  apply(rule Qp_res_eqI, rule assms, rule assms, rule Qp_res_eq_zeroI)
  using assms Qp_def Zp_def ι_def padic_fields.val_ring_minus_closed padic_fields_axioms apply blast
  by(rule assms)

lemma Qp_res_eqE:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  assumes "Qp_res a n = Qp_res b n"
  shows "val (a  b)  n"
  have 0: "val (a  b) = val_Zp (to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b)"
    using assms
    by (metis to_Zp_minus to_Zp_val val_ring_minus_closed)
  have 1: "(to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b) n = 0"
    using assms unfolding Qp_res_def
    by (meson val_ring_memE res_diff_zero_fact'' to_Zp_closed)
  have 2: "val_Zp (to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b)  n"
    apply(cases "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b = 𝟬Zp⇙")
  proof -
    assume a1: "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b = 𝟬Zp⇙"
    have "n. eint (int n)  val_Zp 𝟬Zp⇙"
      by (metis (no_types) Zp.r_right_minus_eq Zp.zero_closed val_Zp_dist_def val_Zp_dist_res_eq2)
       then show ?thesis
      using a1 by presburger
    assume a1: "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b  𝟬Zp⇙"
    have 00: "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b  carrier Zp"
      using assms
      by (meson val_ring_memE Zp.cring_simprules(4) to_Zp_closed)
    show ?thesis
      using 1 a1 ord_Zp_geq[of "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b" n] 00
            val_ord_Zp[of "to_Zp a Zpto_Zp b"] eint_ord_code by metis
  thus ?thesis unfolding 0 by blast

lemma notin_closed:
"(¬ ((c::eint)  x  x  d)) = (x < c  d < x)"
  by auto

lemma Qp_res_neqI:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "b  𝒪p"
  assumes "val (a  b) < n"
  shows "Qp_res a n  Qp_res b n"
  apply(rule ccontr)
  using Qp_res_eqE[of a b n] assms
  using notin_closed by blast

lemma Qp_res_equal:
  assumes "a  𝒪p"
  assumes "l = Qp_res a n"
  shows "Qp_res a n = Qp_res ([l]𝟭) n "
  unfolding Qp_res_int_inc assms using assms Qp_res_mod_triv by presburger

definition Qp_res_class where
"Qp_res_class n b = {a  𝒪p. Qp_res a n = Qp_res b n}"

definition Qp_res_classes where
"Qp_res_classes n = Qp_res_class n ` 𝒪p"

lemma val_ring_int_inc_closed:
"[(k::int)]𝟭  𝒪p"
  have 0: "[(k::int)]𝟭 = ι ([(k::int)]Zp𝟭Zp)"
    using inc_of_int by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma val_ring_nat_inc_closed:
"[(k::nat)]𝟭  𝒪p"
 have 0: "[k]𝟭 = ι ([k]Zp𝟭Zp)"
   using inc_of_nat by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma Qp_res_classes_wits:
"Qp_res_classes n  =  (λl::int. Qp_res_class n ([l]𝟭)) ` (carrier (Zp_res_ring n))"
 obtain F where F_def: "F = (λl::int. Qp_res_class n ([l]𝟭))"
    by blast
  have 0: "Qp_res_classes n  = F ` (carrier (Zp_res_ring n))"
  proof(rule equalityI, rule subsetI)
    fix x assume A: "x  Qp_res_classes n"
    then obtain a where a_def: "a  𝒪p  x = Qp_res_class n a"
      unfolding Qp_res_classes_def by blast
    have 1: "Qp_res a n = Qp_res ([(Qp_res a n)]𝟭) n "
      apply(rule Qp_res_equal)
      using a_def apply blast by blast
    have 2: "Qp_res_class n a = Qp_res_class n ([(Qp_res a n)]𝟭)"
      unfolding Qp_res_class_def using 1 by metis
    have 3: "x =  Qp_res_class n ([(Qp_res a n)]𝟭)"
      using a_def unfolding 2 by blast
    have 4: "a  𝒪p"
      using a_def by blast
    show " x  F ` carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
      unfolding F_def  3
      using Qp_res_closed[of a n] 4 by blast
    show "F ` carrier (residue_ring (p ^ n))  Qp_res_classes n"
    proof(rule subsetI)
    fix x assume A: "x  F ` (carrier (Zp_res_ring n))"
    then obtain l where l_def: "l  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)  x = F l"
      using A by blast
    have 0: "x = F l"
      using l_def by blast
    show "x  Qp_res_classes n"
      unfolding 0 F_def Qp_res_classes_def using val_ring_int_inc_closed by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding F_def by blast

lemma Qp_res_classes_finite:
"finite (Qp_res_classes n)"
by (metis Qp_res_classes_wits finite_atLeastLessThan_int finite_imageI p_res_ring_car)

definition Qp_cong_set where
"Qp_cong_set α a =  {x  𝒪p. to_Zp x α = a α}"

lemma Qp_cong_set_as_ball:
  assumes "a  carrier Zp"
  assumes "a α = 0"
  shows "Qp_cong_set α a = B⇘α⇙[𝟬]"
  have 0: "ι a  carrier Qp"
    using assms inc_closed[of a] by blast
  show ?thesis
    show "Qp_cong_set α a  B⇘α⇙[𝟬]"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  Qp_cong_set α a"
      show "x  B⇘α ⇙[𝟬]"
      proof(rule c_ballI)
        show t0: "x  carrier Qp"
          using A unfolding Qp_cong_set_def
          using val_ring_memE by blast
        show "eint (int α)  val (x  𝟬)"
          have t1: "to_Zp x α = 0"
            using A unfolding Qp_cong_set_def
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(2) mem_Collect_eq)
          have t2: "val_Zp (to_Zp x)  α"
            apply(cases "to_Zp x = 𝟬Zp⇙")
             apply (metis Zp.r_right_minus_eq Zp.zero_closed val_Zp_dist_def val_Zp_dist_res_eq2)
              using ord_Zp_geq[of "to_Zp x" α] A unfolding Qp_cong_set_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) val_ring_memE eint_ord_simps(1) t1 to_Zp_closed to_Zp_def val_ord_Zp)
          then show ?thesis using A unfolding Qp_cong_set_def mem_Collect_eq
            using val_ring_memE
             by (metis Qp_res_eqE Qp_res_eq_zeroI Qp_res_zero to_Zp_val zero_in_val_ring)
    show "B⇘int α⇙[𝟬]  Qp_cong_set α a"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  B⇘int α⇙[𝟬]"
      then have 0: "val x  α"
        using assms c_ballE[of x α 𝟬]
        by (smt Qp.minus_closed Qp.r_right_minus_eq Qp_diff_diff)
      have 1: "to_Zp x  carrier Zp"
        using A 0 assms c_ballE(1) to_Zp_closed by blast
      have 2: "x  𝒪p"
        using 0 A val_ringI c_ballE
        by (smt Qp_def Zp_def ι_def eint_ord_simps(1) of_nat_0 of_nat_le_0_iff val_ring_ord_criterion padic_fields_axioms val_ord' zero_in_val_ring)
      then have "val_Zp (to_Zp  x)  α"
        using 0 1 A assms c_ballE[of x α 𝟬] to_Zp_val by presburger
      then have "to_Zp x α = 0"
        using 1 zero_below_val_Zp by blast
      then show " x  Qp_cong_set α a"
        unfolding Qp_cong_set_def using assms(2) 2
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)

lemma Qp_cong_set_as_ball':
  assumes "a  carrier Zp"
  assumes "val_Zp a < eint (int α)"
  shows "Qp_cong_set α a = B⇘α⇙[(ι a)]"
  show "Qp_cong_set α a  B⇘α⇙[ι a]"
  proof fix x
    assume A:  "x  Qp_cong_set α a"
    then have 0: "to_Zp x α = a α"
      unfolding Qp_cong_set_def  by blast
    have 1:  "x  𝒪p"
      using A unfolding Qp_cong_set_def by blast
    have 2: "to_Zp x  carrier Zp"
      using 1 val_ring_memE to_Zp_closed by blast
    have 3: "val_Zp (to_Zp x Zpa)  α"
      using 0 assms 2 val_Zp_dist_def val_Zp_dist_res_eq2 by presburger
    have 4: "val_Zp (to_Zp x Zpa) > val_Zp a"
      using 3 assms(2) less_le_trans[of "val_Zp a" "eint (int α)" "val_Zp (to_Zp x Zpa)" ]
      by blast
    then have 5: "val_Zp (to_Zp x) = val_Zp a"
      using assms 2 equal_val_Zp by blast
    have 7: "val (x  (ι a))  α"
      using 3 5 1 by (metis "2" Zp.minus_closed assms(1) inc_of_diff to_Zp_inc val_of_inc)
    then show "x  B⇘int α⇙[ι a]"
      using c_ballI[of x α "ι a"]  1 assms val_ring_memE by blast
  show "B⇘int α⇙[ι a]  Qp_cong_set α a"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  B⇘int α⇙[ι a]"
    then have 0: "val (x  ι a)  α"
      using c_ballE by blast
    have 1: "val (ι a) = val_Zp a"
      using assms  Zp_def ι_def padic_fields.val_of_inc padic_fields_axioms
      by metis
    then have 2: "val (x  ι a) > val (ι a)"
      using 0 assms less_le_trans[of "val (ι a)" "eint (int α)" "val (x  ι a)"]
      by metis
    have "ι a  carrier Qp"
      using assms(1) inc_closed by blast
    then have B: "val x = val (ι a)"
      using 2  A assms c_ballE(1)[of x α "ι a"]
      by (metis ultrametric_equal_eq)
    have 3: "val_Zp (to_Zp x) = val_Zp a"
      by (metis "1" A val x = val (ι a) assms(1) c_ballE(1) to_Zp_val val_pos val_ringI)
    have 4: "val_Zp (to_Zp x Zpa)  α"
      using 0 A 3
      by (metis B Zp.minus_closed assms(1) c_ballE(1) inc_of_diff to_Zp_closed to_Zp_inc val_of_inc val_pos val_ring_val_criterion)
    then have 5: "to_Zp x α = a α"
      by (meson A Zp.minus_closed assms(1) c_ballE(1) res_diff_zero_fact(1) to_Zp_closed zero_below_val_Zp)
    have 6: "x  𝒪p"
      have "val x  0"
        using B assms 1 val_pos by presburger
      then show ?thesis
        using A c_ballE(1) val_ringI by blast
    then show "x  Qp_cong_set α a" unfolding Qp_cong_set_def
      using "5" by blast

lemma Qp_cong_set_is_univ_semialgebraic:
  assumes "a  carrier Zp"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic (Qp_cong_set α a)"
proof(cases "a α = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using ball_is_univ_semialgebraic[of 𝟬 α] Qp.zero_closed  Qp_cong_set_as_ball assms
    by metis
  case False
  then have "α  0"
    using assms residues_closed[of a 0]
    by (meson p_res_ring_0')
  then obtain n where n_def: "Suc n = α"
    by (metis lessI less_Suc_eq_0_disj)
  then have "val_Zp a < eint (int α)"
    using below_val_Zp_zero[of a n]
    by (smt False assms eint_ile eint_ord_simps(1) eint_ord_simps(2) zero_below_val_Zp)
  then show ?thesis
    using ball_is_univ_semialgebraic[of "ι a" α] Qp.zero_closed  Qp_cong_set_as_ball'[of a α] assms
         inc_closed by presburger

lemma constant_res_set_semialg:
  assumes "l  carrier (Zp_res_ring n)"
  shows "is_univ_semialgebraic {x  𝒪p. Qp_res x n = l}"
  have 0: "{x  𝒪p. Qp_res x n = l} = Qp_cong_set n ([l]Zp𝟭Zp)"
    apply(rule equalityI')
    unfolding mem_Collect_eq Qp_cong_set_def Qp_res_def
    apply (metis val_ring_memE Zp_int_inc_rep nat_le_linear p_residue_padic_int to_Zp_closed)
    using assms
    by (metis Zp_int_inc_res mod_pos_pos_trivial p_residue_ring_car_memE(1) p_residue_ring_car_memE(2))
  show ?thesis unfolding 0
    apply(rule Qp_cong_set_is_univ_semialgebraic)
    by(rule Zp.int_inc_closed)

