Theory PNT_Complex_Analysis_Lemmas

theory PNT_Complex_Analysis_Lemmas
unbundle pnt_notation

section ‹Some basic theorems in complex analysis›

subsection ‹Introduction rules for holomorphic functions and analytic functions›

lemma holomorphic_on_shift [holomorphic_intros]:
  assumes "f holomorphic_on ((λz. s + z) ` A)"
  shows "(λz. f (s + z)) holomorphic_on A"
proof -
  have "(f  (λz. s + z)) holomorphic_on A"
    using assms by (intro holomorphic_on_compose holomorphic_intros)
  thus ?thesis unfolding comp_def by auto

lemma holomorphic_logderiv [holomorphic_intros]:
  assumes "f holomorphic_on A" "open A" "z. z  A  f z  0"
  shows "(λs. logderiv f s) holomorphic_on A"
  using assms unfolding logderiv_def by (intro holomorphic_intros)

lemma holomorphic_glue_to_analytic:
  assumes o: "open S" "open T"
     and hf: "f holomorphic_on S"
     and hg: "g holomorphic_on T"
     and hI: "z. z  S  z  T  f z = g z"
     and hU: "U  S  T"
  obtains h
   where "h analytic_on U"
         "z. z  S  h z = f z"
         "z. z  T  h z = g z"
proof -
  define h where "h z  if z  S then f z else g z" for z
  show ?thesis proof
    have "h holomorphic_on S  T"
      unfolding h_def by (rule holomorphic_on_If_Un) (use assms in auto)
    thus "h analytic_on U"
      by (subst analytic_on_holomorphic) (use hU o in auto)
    fix z assume *:"z  S"
    show "h z = f z" unfolding h_def using * by auto
    fix z assume *:"z  T"
    show "h z = g z" unfolding h_def using * hI by auto

lemma analytic_on_powr_right [analytic_intros]:
  assumes "f analytic_on s"
  shows "(λz. w powr f z) analytic_on s"
proof (cases "w = 0")
  case False
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding analytic_on_def holomorphic_on_def field_differentiable_def
    by (metis (full_types) DERIV_chain' has_field_derivative_powr_right)
qed simp

subsection ‹Factorization of analytic function on compact region›

definition not_zero_on (infixr "not'_zero'_on" 46)
  where "f not_zero_on S  z  S. f z  0"

lemma not_zero_on_obtain:
  assumes "f not_zero_on S" and "S  T"
  obtains t where "f t  0" and "t  T"
using assms unfolding not_zero_on_def by auto

lemma analytic_on_holomorphic_connected:
  assumes hf: "f analytic_on S"
    and con: "connected A"
    and ne: "ξ  A" and AS: "A  S"
  obtains T T' where
    "f holomorphic_on T" "f holomorphic_on T'"
    "open T" "open T'" "A  T" "S  T'" "connected T"
proof -
  obtain T'
  where oT': "open T'" and sT': "S  T'"
    and holf': "f holomorphic_on T'"
    using analytic_on_holomorphic hf by blast
  define T where "T  connected_component_set T' ξ"
  have TT': "T  T'" unfolding T_def by (rule connected_component_subset)
  hence holf: "f holomorphic_on T" using holf' by auto
  have opT: "open T" unfolding T_def using oT' by (rule open_connected_component)
  have conT: "connected T" unfolding T_def by (rule connected_connected_component)
  have "A  T'" using AS sT' by blast
  hence AT: "A  T" unfolding T_def using ne con by (intro connected_component_maximal)
  show ?thesis using holf holf' opT oT' AT sT' conT that by blast

lemma analytic_factor_zero:
  assumes hf: "f analytic_on S"
    and KS: "K  S" and con: "connected K"
    and ξK: "ξ  K" and ξz: "f ξ = 0"
    and nz: "f not_zero_on K"
  obtains g r n
    where "0 < n" "0 < r"
          "g analytic_on S" "g not_zero_on K"
          "z. z  S  f z = (z - ξ)^n * g z"
          "z. z  ball ξ r  g z  0"
proof -
  have "f analytic_on S" "connected K"
       "ξ  K" "K  S" using assms by auto
  then obtain T T'
  where holf: "f holomorphic_on T"
    and holf': "f holomorphic_on T'"
    and opT: "open T" and oT': "open T'"
    and KT: "K  T" and ST': "S  T'"
    and conT: "connected T"
    by (rule analytic_on_holomorphic_connected)
  obtain η where : "f η  0" and ηK: "η  K"
    using nz by (rule not_zero_on_obtain, blast)
  hence ξT: "ξ  T" and ξT': "ξ  T'"
    and ηT: "η  T" using ξK ηK KT KS ST' by blast+
  hence nc: "¬ f constant_on T" using  ξz unfolding constant_on_def by fastforce
  obtain g r n
  where 1: "0 < n" and 2: "0 < r"
    and bT: "ball ξ r  T"
    and hg: "g holomorphic_on ball ξ r"
    and fw: "z. z  ball ξ r  f z = (z - ξ) ^ n * g z"
    and gw: "z. z  ball ξ r  g z  0"
    by (rule holomorphic_factor_zero_nonconstant, (rule holf opT conT ξT ξz nc)+, blast)
  have sT: "S  T' - {ξ}  ball ξ r" using 2 ST' by auto
  have hz: "(λz. f z / (z - ξ) ^ n) holomorphic_on (T' - {ξ})"
    using holf' by ((intro holomorphic_intros)+, auto)
  obtain h
   where 3: "h analytic_on S"
     and hf: "z. z  T' - {ξ}  h z = f z / (z - ξ) ^ n"
     and hb: "z. z  ball ξ r  h z = g z"
    by (rule holomorphic_glue_to_analytic
       [where f = "λz. f z / (z - ξ) ^ n" and
         g = g and S = "T' - {ξ}" and T = "ball ξ r" and U = S])
       (use oT' 2 ST' hg fw hz in auto simp add: holomorphic_intros)
  have "ξ  ball ξ r" using 2 by auto
  hence "h ξ  0" using hb gw 2 by auto
  hence 4: "h not_zero_on K" unfolding not_zero_on_def using ξK by auto
  have 5: "f z = (z - ξ)^n * h z" if *: "z  S" for z
  proof -
    consider "z = ξ" | "z  S - {ξ}" using * by auto
    thus ?thesis proof cases
      assume *: "z = ξ"
      show ?thesis using ξz 1 by (subst (1 2) *, auto)
      assume *: "z  S - {ξ}"
      show ?thesis using hf ST' * by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  have 6: "w. w  ball ξ r  h w  0" using hb gw by auto
  show ?thesis by ((standard; rule 1 2 3 4 5 6), blast+)

lemma analytic_compact_finite_zeros:
  assumes af: "f analytic_on S"
    and KS: "K  S"
    and con: "connected K"
    and cm: "compact K"
    and nz: "f not_zero_on K"
  shows "finite {z  K. f z = 0}"
proof (cases "f constant_on K")
  assume *: "f constant_on K"
  have "z. z  K  f z  0" using nz * unfolding not_zero_on_def constant_on_def by auto
  hence **: "{z  K. f z = 0} = {}" by auto
  thus ?thesis by (subst **, auto)
  assume *: "¬ f constant_on K"
  obtain ξ where ne: "ξ  K" using not_zero_on_obtain nz by blast
  obtain T T' where opT: "open T" and conT: "connected T"
    and ST: "K  T" and holf: "f holomorphic_on T"
    and "f holomorphic_on T'"
    by (metis af KS con ne analytic_on_holomorphic_connected)
  have "¬ f constant_on T" using ST * unfolding constant_on_def by blast
  thus ?thesis using holf opT conT cm ST by (intro holomorphic_compact_finite_zeros)

subsubsection ‹Auxiliary propositions for theorem analytic_factorization›

definition analytic_factor_p' where
 analytic_factor_p' f S K 
  g n. α :: nat  complex.
        g analytic_on S
       (z  K. g z  0)
       (z  S. f z = g z * (k<n. z - α k))
       α ` {..<n}  K

definition analytic_factor_p where
 analytic_factor_p F 
  f S K. f analytic_on S
     K  S
     connected K
     compact K
     f not_zero_on K
     {z  K. f z = 0} = F
     analytic_factor_p' f S K

lemma analytic_factorization_E:
  shows "analytic_factor_p {}"
unfolding analytic_factor_p_def
proof (intro conjI allI impI)
  fix f S K
  assume af: "f analytic_on S"
     and KS: "K  S"
     and con: "connected K"
     and cm: "compact K"
     and nz: "{z  K. f z = 0} = {}"
  show "analytic_factor_p' f S K"
  unfolding analytic_factor_p'_def
  proof (intro ballI conjI exI)
    show "f analytic_on S" "z. z  K  f z  0"
         "z. z  S  f z = f z * (k<(0 :: nat). z - (λ_. 0) k)"
      by (rule af, use nz in auto)
    show "(λk :: nat. 0) ` {..<0}  K" by auto

lemma analytic_factorization_I:
  assumes ind: "analytic_factor_p F"
    and ξni: "ξ  F"
  shows "analytic_factor_p (insert ξ F)"
unfolding analytic_factor_p_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix f S K
  assume af: "f analytic_on S"
    and KS: "K  S"
    and con: "connected K"
    and nz: "f not_zero_on K"
    and cm: "compact K"
    and zr: "{z  K. f z = 0} = insert ξ F"
  show "analytic_factor_p' f S K"
  proof -
    have "f analytic_on S" "K  S" "connected K"
         "ξ  K" "f ξ = 0" "f not_zero_on K"
    using af KS con zr nz by auto
    then obtain h r k
    where "0 < k" and "0 < r" and ah: "h analytic_on S"
      and nh: "h not_zero_on K"
      and f_z: "z. z  S  f z = (z - ξ) ^ k * h z"
      and ball: "z. z  ball ξ r  h z  0"
    by (rule analytic_factor_zero) blast
    hence : "h ξ  0" using ball by auto
    hence "z. z  K  h z = 0  f z = 0  z  ξ" by (subst f_z) (use KS in auto)
    hence "{z  K. h z = 0} = {z  K. f z = 0} - {ξ}" by auto
    also have " = F" by (subst zr, intro Diff_insert_absorb ξni)
    finally have "{z  K. h z = 0} = F" .
    hence "analytic_factor_p' h S K"
      using ind ah KS con cm nh
      unfolding analytic_factor_p_def by auto
    then obtain g n and α :: "nat  complex"
    where ag: "g analytic_on S" and
      ng: "z. z  K  g z  0" and
      h_z: "z. z  S  h z = g z * (k<n. z - α k)" and
      Imα: "α ` {..<n}  K"
    unfolding analytic_factor_p'_def by fastforce
    define β where "β j  if j < n then α j else ξ" for j
    show ?thesis
    unfolding analytic_factor_p'_def
    proof (intro ballI conjI exI)
      show "g analytic_on S" "z. z  K  g z  0"
        by (rule ag, rule ng)
      fix z assume *: "z  S"
      show "f z = g z * (j<n+k. z - β j)"
      proof -
        have "(j<n. z - β j) = (j<n. z - α j)"
            "(j=n..<n+k. z - β j) = (z - ξ) ^ k"
        unfolding β_def by auto
        moreover have "(j<n+k. z - β j) = (j<n. z - β j) * (j=n..<n+k. z - β j)"
        by (metis Metric_Arith.nnf_simps(8) atLeast0LessThan
           not_add_less1 prod.atLeastLessThan_concat zero_order(1))
        ultimately have "(j<n+k. z - β j) = (z - ξ) ^ k * (j<n. z - α j)" by auto
        moreover have "f z = g z * ((z - ξ) ^ k * (j<n. z - α j))"
        by (subst f_z; (subst h_z)?, use * in auto)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      show "β ` {..<n + k}  K" unfolding β_def using Imα ξ  K by auto

text ‹A nontrivial analytic function on connected compact region can
  be factorized as a everywhere-non-zero function and linear terms $z - s_0$
  for all zeros $s_0$. Note that the connected assumption of $K$ may be
  removed, but we remain it just for simplicity of proof.›

(* TODO: Move to library? *)
theorem analytic_factorization:
  assumes af: "f analytic_on S"
    and KS: "K  S"
    and con: "connected K"
    and "compact K"
    and "f not_zero_on K"
  obtains g n and α :: "nat  complex" where
    "g analytic_on S"
    "z. z  K  g z  0"
    "z. z  S  f z = g z * (k<n. (z - α k))"
    "α ` {..<n}  K"
proof -
  have finite {z  K. f z = 0} using assms by (rule analytic_compact_finite_zeros)
  moreover have finite F  analytic_factor_p F for F
    by (induct rule: finite_induct; rule analytic_factorization_E analytic_factorization_I)
  ultimately have "analytic_factor_p {z  K. f z = 0}" by auto
  hence "analytic_factor_p' f S K" unfolding analytic_factor_p_def using assms by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding analytic_factor_p'_def using assms that by metis

subsection ‹Schwarz theorem in complex analysis›

lemma Schwarz_Lemma1:
  fixes f :: "complex  complex"
    and ξ :: "complex"
  assumes "f holomorphic_on ball 0 1"
    and "f 0 = 0"
    and "z. z < 1  f z  1"
    and "ξ < 1"
  shows "f ξ  ξ"
proof (cases "f constant_on ball 0 1")
  assume "f constant_on ball 0 1"
  thus ?thesis unfolding constant_on_def
    using assms by auto
  assume nc: "¬f constant_on ball 0 1"
  have "z. z < 1  f z < 1"
  proof -
    fix z :: complex assume *: "z < 1"
    have "f z  1"
      assume "f z = 1"
      hence "w. w  ball 0 1  f w  f z"
        using assms(3) by auto
      hence "f constant_on ball 0 1"
        by (intro maximum_modulus_principle [where U = "ball 0 1" and ξ = z])
           (use * assms(1) in auto)
      thus False using nc by blast
    with assms(3) [OF *] show "f z < 1" by auto
  thus "f ξ  ξ" by (intro Schwarz_Lemma(1), use assms in auto)

theorem Schwarz_Lemma2:
  fixes f :: "complex  complex"
    and ξ :: "complex"
  assumes holf: "f holomorphic_on ball 0 R"
    and hR: "0 < R" and nz: "f 0 = 0"
    and bn: "z. z < R  f z  1"
    and ξR: "ξ < R"
  shows "f ξ  ξ / R"
proof -
  define φ where "φ z  f (R * z)" for z :: complex
  have "ξ / R < 1" using ξR hR by (subst nonzero_norm_divide, auto)
  moreover have "f holomorphic_on (*) (R :: complex) ` ball 0 1"
    by (rule holomorphic_on_subset, rule holf)
       (use hR in auto simp: norm_mult)
  hence "(f  (λz. R * z)) holomorphic_on ball 0 1"
    by (auto intro: holomorphic_on_compose)
  moreover have "φ 0 = 0" unfolding φ_def using nz by auto
  moreover have "z. z < 1  φ z  1"
  proof -
    fix z :: complex assume *: "z < 1"
    have "R*z < R" using hR * by (fold scaleR_conv_of_real) auto
    thus "φ z  1" unfolding φ_def using bn by auto
  ultimately have "φ (ξ / R)  ξ / R"
    unfolding comp_def by (fold φ_def, intro Schwarz_Lemma1)
  thus ?thesis unfolding φ_def using hR by (subst (asm) nonzero_norm_divide, auto)

subsection ‹Borel-Carathedory theorem›

text ‹Borel-Carathedory theorem, from book
  Theorem 5.5, The Theory of Functions, E. C. Titchmarsh›

lemma Borel_Caratheodory1:
  assumes hr: "0 < R" "0 < r" "r < R"
    and f0: "f 0 = 0"
    and hf: "z. z < R  Re (f z)  A"
    and holf: "f holomorphic_on (ball 0 R)"
    and zr: "z  r"
  shows "f z  2*r/(R-r) * A"
proof -
  have A_ge_0: "A  0"
  using f0 hf by (metis hr(1) norm_zero zero_complex.simps(1))
  then consider "A = 0" | "A > 0" by linarith
  thus "f z  2 * r/(R-r) * A"
  proof (cases)
    assume *: "A = 0"
    have 1: "w. w  ball 0 R  exp (f w)  exp (f 0)" using hf f0 * by auto
    have 2: "exp  f constant_on (ball 0 R)"
      by (rule maximum_modulus_principle [where f = "exp  f" and U = "ball 0 R"])
          (use 1 hr(1) in auto intro: holomorphic_on_compose holf holomorphic_on_exp)
    have "f constant_on (ball 0 R)"
    proof (rule classical)
      assume *: "¬ f constant_on ball 0 R"
      have "open (f ` (ball 0 R))"
        by (rule open_mapping_thm [where S = "ball 0 R"], use holf * in auto)
      then obtain e where "e > 0" and "cball 0 e  f ` (ball 0 R)"
        by (metis hr(1) f0 centre_in_ball imageI open_contains_cball)
      then obtain w
        where hw: "w  ball 0 R" "f w = e"
        by (metis abs_of_nonneg imageE less_eq_real_def mem_cball_0 norm_of_real subset_eq)
      have "exp e = exp (f w)"
        using hw(2) by (fold exp_of_real) auto
      also have " = exp (f 0)"
        using hw(1) 2 hr(1) unfolding constant_on_def comp_def by auto
      also have " = exp (0 :: real)" by (subst f0) auto
      finally have "e = 0" by auto
      with e > 0 show ?thesis by blast
    hence "f z = 0" using f0 hr zr unfolding constant_on_def by auto
    hence "f z = 0" by auto
    also have "  2 * r/(R-r) * A" using hr A  0 by auto
    finally show ?thesis .
    assume A_gt_0: "A > 0"
    define φ where "φ z  (f z)/(2*A - f z)" for z :: complex
    have φ_bound: "φ z  1" if *: "z < R" for z
    proof -
      define u v where "u  Re (f z)" and "v  Im (f z)"
      hence "u  A" unfolding u_def using hf * by blast
      hence "u2  (2*A-u)2" using A_ge_0 by (simp add: sqrt_ge_absD)
      hence "u2 + v2  (2*A-u)2 + (-v)2" by auto
      moreover have "2*A - f z = Complex (2*A-u) (-v)" by (simp add: complex_eq_iff u_def v_def)
      hence "f z2 = u2 + v2"
            "2*A - f z2 = (2*A-u)2 + (-v)2"
      unfolding u_def v_def using cmod_power2 complex.sel by presburger+
      ultimately have "f z2  2*A - f z2" by auto
      hence "f z  2*A - f z" by auto
      thus ?thesis unfolding φ_def by (subst norm_divide) (simp add: divide_le_eq_1)
    moreover have nz: "z :: complex. z  ball 0 R  2*A - f z  0"
      fix z :: complex
      assume *: "z  ball 0 R"
        and eq: "2*A - f z = 0"
      hence "Re (f z)  A" using hf by auto
      moreover have "Re (f z) = 2*A"
        by (metis eq Re_complex_of_real right_minus_eq)
      ultimately show False using A_gt_0 by auto
    ultimately have "φ holomorphic_on ball 0 R"
      unfolding φ_def comp_def by (intro holomorphic_intros holf)
    moreover have "φ 0 = 0" unfolding φ_def using f0 by auto
    ultimately have *: "φ z  z / R"
      using hr(1) φ_bound zr hr Schwarz_Lemma2 by auto
    also have "... < 1" using zr hr by auto
    finally have : "φ z  r / R" "φ z < 1" "1 + φ z  0"
    proof (safe)
      show "φ z  r / R" using * zr hr(1)
        by (metis divide_le_cancel dual_order.trans nle_le)
      assume "1 + φ z = 0"
      hence "φ z = -1" using add_eq_0_iff by blast
      thus "φ z < 1  False" by auto
    have "2*A - f z  0" using nz hr(3) zr by auto
    hence "f z = 2*A*φ z / (1 + φ z)"
      using (3) unfolding φ_def by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    hence "f z = 2*A*φ z / 1 + φ z"
      by (auto simp add: norm_divide norm_mult A_ge_0)
    also have "  2*A*(φ z / (1 - φ z))"
    proof -
      have "1 + φ z  1 - φ z"
        by (metis norm_diff_ineq norm_one)
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp, rule divide_left_mono, use A_ge_0 in auto)
           (intro mult_pos_pos, use (2) in auto)
    also have "  2*A*((r/R) / (1 - r/R))"
    proof -
      have *: "a / (1 - a)  b / (1 - b)"
        if "a < 1" "b < 1" "a  b" for a b :: real
      using that by (auto simp add: field_simps)
      have "φ z / (1 - φ z)  (r/R) / (1 - r/R)"
        by (rule *; (intro )?) (use hr in auto)
      thus ?thesis by (rule mult_left_mono, use A_ge_0 in auto)
    also have " = 2*r/(R-r) * A" using hr(1) by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma Borel_Caratheodory2:
  assumes hr: "0 < R" "0 < r" "r < R"
    and hf: "z. z < R  Re (f z - f 0)  A"
    and holf: "f holomorphic_on (ball 0 R)"
    and zr: "z  r"
  shows "f z - f 0  2*r/(R-r) * A"
proof -
  define g where "g z  f z - f 0" for z
  show ?thesis
    by (fold g_def, rule Borel_Caratheodory1)
       (unfold g_def, insert assms, auto intro: holomorphic_intros)

theorem Borel_Caratheodory3:
  assumes hr: "0 < R" "0 < r" "r < R"
    and hf: "w. w  ball s R  Re (f w - f s)  A"
    and holf: "f holomorphic_on (ball s R)"
    and zr: "z  ball s r"
  shows "f z - f s  2*r/(R-r) * A"
proof -
  define g where "g w  f (s + w)" for w
  have "w. w < R  Re (f (s + w) - f s)  A"
    by (intro hf) (auto simp add: dist_complex_def)
  hence "g (z - s) - g 0  2*r/(R-r) * A"
    by (intro Borel_Caratheodory2, unfold g_def, insert assms)
       (auto intro: holomorphic_intros simp add: dist_complex_def norm_minus_commute)
  thus ?thesis unfolding g_def by auto

subsection ‹Lemma 3.9›

text‹These lemmas is referred to the following material: Theorem 3.9,
  The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, E. C. Titchmarsh, D. R. Heath-Brown›.›

lemma lemma_3_9_beta1:
  fixes f M r s0
  assumes zl: "0 < r" "0  M"
    and hf: "f holomorphic_on ball 0 r"
    and ne: "z. z  ball 0 r  f z  0"
    and bn: "z. z  ball 0 r  f z / f 0  exp M"
  shows "logderiv f 0  4 * M / r"
    and "scball 0 (r / 4). logderiv f s  8 * M / r" 
proof (goal_cases)
  obtain g
  where holg: "g holomorphic_on ball 0 r"
    and exp_g: "x. x  ball 0 r  exp (g x) = f x"
    by (rule holomorphic_logarithm_exists [of "ball 0 r" f 0])
       (use zl(1) ne hf in auto)
  have f0: "exp (g 0) = f 0" using exp_g zl(1) by auto
  have "Re (g z - g 0)  M" if *: "z < r" for z
  proof -
    have "exp (Re (g z - g 0)) = exp (g z - g 0)"
      by (rule norm_exp_eq_Re [symmetric])
    also have " = f z / f 0"
      by (subst exp_diff, subst f0, subst exp_g)
         (use * in auto)
    also have "  exp M" by (rule bn) (use * in auto)
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  hence "g z - g 0  2 * (r / 2) / (r - r / 2) * M"
    if *: "z  r / 2" for z
    by (intro Borel_Caratheodory2 [where f = g])
       (use zl(1) holg * in auto)
  also have " = 2 * M" using zl(1) by auto
  finally have hg: "z. z  r / 2  g z - g 0  2 * M" .
  have result: "logderiv f s  2 * M / r'"
    when "cball s r'  cball 0 (r / 2)" "0 < r'" "s < r / 2" for s r'
  proof -
    have contain: "z. s - z  r'  z  r / 2"
      using that by (auto simp add: cball_def subset_eq dist_complex_def)
    have contain': "z < r" when "s - z  r'" for z
      using zl(1) contain [of z] that by auto
    have s_in_ball: "s  ball 0 r" using that(3) zl(1) by auto
    have "deriv f s = deriv (λx. exp (g x)) s"
      by (rule deriv_cong_ev, subst eventually_nhds)
         (rule exI [where x = "ball 0 (r / 2)"], use exp_g zl(1) that(3) in auto)
    also have " = exp (g s) * deriv g s"
      by (intro DERIV_fun_exp [THEN DERIV_imp_deriv] field_differentiable_derivI)
         (meson holg open_ball s_in_ball holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at)
    finally have df: "logderiv f s = deriv g s"
    proof -
      assume "deriv f s = exp (g s) * deriv g s"
      moreover have "f s  0" by (intro ne s_in_ball)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding logderiv_def using exp_g [OF s_in_ball] by auto
    have "z. s - z = r'  g z - g 0  2 * M"
      using contain by (intro hg) auto
    moreover have "(λz. g z - g 0) holomorphic_on cball s r'"
      by (rule holomorphic_on_subset [where s="ball 0 r"], insert holg)
         (auto intro: holomorphic_intros contain' simp add: dist_complex_def)
    moreover hence "continuous_on (cball s r') (λz. g z - g 0)"
      by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on)
    ultimately have "(deriv ^^ 1) (λz. g z - g 0) s  fact 1 * (2 * M) / r' ^ 1"
      using that(2) by (intro Cauchy_inequality) auto
    also have " = 2 * M / r'" by auto
    also have "deriv g s = deriv (λz. g z - g 0) s"
      by (subst deriv_diff, auto)
         (rule holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at, use holg s_in_ball in auto)
    hence "deriv g s = (deriv ^^ 1) (λz. g z - g 0) s"
      by (auto simp add: derivative_intros)
    ultimately show ?thesis by (subst df) auto
  case 1 show ?case using result [of 0 "r / 2"] zl(1) by auto
  case 2 show ?case proof safe
    fix s :: complex assume hs: "s  cball 0 (r / 4)"
    hence "z  cball s (r / 4)  z  r / 2" for z
      using norm_triangle_sub [of "z" "s"]
      by (auto simp add: dist_complex_def norm_minus_commute)
    hence "logderiv f s  2 * M / (r / 4)"
      by (intro result) (use zl(1) hs in auto)
    also have " = 8 * M / r" by auto
    finally show "logderiv f s  8 * M / r" .

lemma lemma_3_9_beta1':
  fixes f M r s0
  assumes zl: "0 < r" "0  M"
    and hf: "f holomorphic_on ball s r"
    and ne: "z. z  ball s r  f z  0"
    and bn: "z. z  ball s r  f z / f s  exp M"
    and hs: "z  cball s (r / 4)"
  shows "logderiv f z  8 * M / r" 
proof -
  define g where "g z  f (s + z)" for z
  have "z  cball 0 (r / 4). logderiv g z  8 * M / r"
    by (intro lemma_3_9_beta1 assms, unfold g_def)
       (auto simp add: dist_complex_def intro!: assms holomorphic_on_shift)
  note bspec [OF this, of "z - s"]
  moreover have "f field_differentiable at z"
    by (rule holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at [where ?s = "ball s r"])
       (insert hs zl(1), auto intro: hf simp add: dist_complex_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding g_def using hs
    by (auto simp add: dist_complex_def logderiv_shift)

lemma lemma_3_9_beta2:
  fixes f M r
  assumes zl: "0 < r" "0  M"
    and af: "f analytic_on cball 0 r"
    and f0: "f 0  0"
    and rz: "z. z  cball 0 r  Re z > 0  f z  0"
    and bn: "z. z  cball 0 r  f z / f 0  exp M"
    and hg: "Γ  {z  cball 0 (r / 2). f z = 0  Re z  0}"
  shows "- Re (logderiv f 0)  8 * M / r + Re (zΓ. 1 / z)"
proof -
  have nz': "f not_zero_on cball 0 (r / 2)"
    unfolding not_zero_on_def using f0 zl(1) by auto
  hence fin_zeros: "finite {z  cball 0 (r / 2). f z = 0}"
    by (intro analytic_compact_finite_zeros [where S = "cball 0 r"])
       (use af zl in auto)
  obtain g n and α :: "nat  complex"
  where ag: "g analytic_on cball 0 r"
    and ng: "z. z  cball 0 (r / 2)  g z  0"
    and fac: "z. z  cball 0 r  f z = g z * (k<n. (z - α k))"
    and Imα: "α ` {..<n}  cball 0 (r / 2)"
    by (rule analytic_factorization [
      where K = "cball 0 (r / 2)"
        and S = "cball 0 r" and f = f])
       (use zl(1) af nz' in auto)
  have g0: "g 0  0" using ng zl(1) by auto
  hence "g holomorphic_on cball 0 r"
        "(λz. g z / g 0) holomorphic_on cball 0 r"
    using ag by (auto simp add: analytic_intros intro: analytic_imp_holomorphic)
  hence holg:
      "g holomorphic_on ball 0 r"
      "(λz. g z / g 0) holomorphic_on ball 0 r"
      "continuous_on (cball 0 r) (λz. g z / g 0)"
    by (auto intro!: holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on
                     holomorphic_on_subset [where t = "ball 0 r"])
  have nz_α: "k. k < n  α k  0" using zl(1) f0 fac by auto
  have "g z / g 0  exp M" if *: "z  sphere 0 r" for z
  proof -
    let ?p = "(k<n. (z - α k)) / (k<n. (0 - α k))"
    have 1: "f z / f 0  exp M" using bn * by auto
    have 2: "f z / f 0 = g z / g 0 * ?p"
      by (subst norm_mult [symmetric], subst (1 2) fac)
         (use that zl(1) in auto)
    have "?p = (k<n. (z - α k / 0 - α k))"
      by (auto simp add: prod_norm [symmetric] norm_divide prod_dividef)
    also have "z - α k  0 - α k" if "k < n" for k
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume **: "¬ z - α k  0 - α k"
      have "r = z" using * by auto
      also have "...  0 - α k + z - α k" by (simp add: norm_triangle_sub)
      also have "... < 2 * α k" using ** by auto
      also have "α k  cball 0 (r / 2)" using Imα that by blast
      hence "2 * α k  r" by auto
      finally show False by linarith
    hence "k. k < n  z - α k / 0 - α k  1"
      using nz_α by (subst le_divide_eq_1_pos) auto
    hence "(k<n. (z - α k / 0 - α k))  1" by (rule prod_ge_1) simp
    finally have 3: "?p  1" .
    have rule1: "b = a * c  a  0  c  1  a  b" for a b c :: real
      by (metis landau_omega.R_mult_left_mono more_arith_simps(6))
    have "g z / g 0  f z / f 0"
      by (rule rule1) (rule 2 3 norm_ge_zero)+
    thus ?thesis using 1 by linarith
  hence "z. z  cball 0 r  g z / g 0  exp M"
    using holg
    by (auto intro: maximum_modulus_frontier
       [where f = "λz. g z / g 0" and S = "cball 0 r"])
  hence bn': "z. z  cball 0 (r / 2)  g z / g 0  exp M" using zl(1) by auto
  have ag': "g analytic_on cball 0 (r / 2)"
    by (rule analytic_on_subset [where S = "cball 0 r"])
       (use ag zl(1) in auto)
  have "logderiv g 0  4 * M / (r / 2)"
    by (rule lemma_3_9_beta1(1) [where f = g])
       (use zl ng bn' holg in auto)
  also have " = 8 * M / r" by auto
  finally have bn_g: "logderiv g 0  8 * M / r" unfolding logderiv_def by auto
  let ?P = "λw. k<n. (w - α k)"
  let ?S' = "k<n. logderiv (λz. z - α k) 0"
  let ?S = "k<n. - (1 / α k)"
  have "g field_differentiable at 0" using holg zl(1)
    by (auto intro!: holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at)
  hence ld_g: "g log_differentiable 0" unfolding log_differentiable_def using g0 by auto
  have "logderiv ?P 0 = ?S'" and ld_P: "?P log_differentiable 0"
    by (auto intro!: logderiv_linear nz_α logderiv_prod)
  note this(1)
  also have "?S' = ?S"
    by (rule sum.cong)
       (use nz_α in "auto cong: logderiv_linear(1)")
  finally have cd_P: "logderiv ?P 0 = ?S" .
  have "logderiv f 0 = logderiv (λz. g z * ?P z) 0"
    by (rule logderiv_cong_ev, subst eventually_nhds)
       (intro exI [where x = "ball 0 r"], use fac zl(1) in auto)
  also have " = logderiv g 0 + logderiv ?P 0"
    by (subst logderiv_mult) (use ld_g ld_P in auto)
  also have " = logderiv g 0 + ?S" using cd_P by auto
  finally have "Re (logderiv f 0) = Re (logderiv g 0) + Re ?S" by simp
  moreover have "- Re (zΓ. 1 / z)  Re ?S"
  proof -
    have "- Re (zΓ. 1 / z) = (zΓ. Re (- (1 / z)))" by (auto simp add: sum_negf)
    also have "  (k<n. Re (- (1 / α k)))"
    proof (rule sum_le_included)
      show "zΓ. k{..<n}. α k = z  Re (- (1 / z))  Re (- (1 / α k))"
           (is "Ball _ ?P")
        fix z assume hz: "z  Γ"
        have "k{..<n}. α k = z"
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume ne_α: "¬ (k{..<n}. α k = z)"
          have z_in: "z  cball 0 (r / 2)" "z  cball 0 r" using hg hz zl(1) by auto
          hence "g z  0" using ng by auto
          moreover have "(k<n. (z - α k))  0" using ne_α hz by auto
          ultimately have "f z  0" using fac z_in by auto
          moreover have "f z = 0" using hz hg by auto
          ultimately show False by auto
        thus "?P z" by auto
      show "k{..<n}. 0  Re (- (1 / α k))" (is "Ball _ ?P")
        fix k assume *: "k{..<n}"
        have 1: "α k  cball 0 r" using Imα zl(1) * by auto
        hence "(j<n. (α k - α j)) = 0"
          by (subst prod_zero_iff) (use * in auto)
        with 1 have "f (α k) = 0" by (subst fac) auto
        hence "Re (α k)  0" using "1" rz f0 by fastforce
        hence "Re (1 * cnj (α k))  0" by auto
        thus "?P k" using Re_complex_div_le_0 by auto
      show "finite {..<n}" by auto
      have "Γ  {z  cball 0 (r / 2). f z = 0}" using hg by auto
      thus "finite Γ" using fin_zeros by (rule finite_subset)
    also have " = Re ?S" by auto
    finally show ?thesis .
  ultimately have "- Re (logderiv f 0) - Re (zΓ. 1 / z)  Re (- logderiv g 0)" by auto
  also have "  - logderiv g 0" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
  also have "  8 * M / r" by simp (rule bn_g)
  finally show ?thesis by auto

theorem lemma_3_9_beta3:
  fixes f M r and s :: complex
  assumes zl: "0 < r" "0  M"
    and af: "f analytic_on cball s r"
    and f0: "f s  0"
    and rz: "z. z  cball s r  Re z > Re s  f z  0"
    and bn: "z. z  cball s r  f z / f s  exp M"
    and hg: "Γ  {z  cball s (r / 2). f z = 0  Re z  Re s}"
  shows "- Re (logderiv f s)  8 * M / r + Re (zΓ. 1 / (z - s))"
proof -
  define g where "g  f  (λz. s + z)"
  define Δ where "Δ  (λz. z - s) ` Γ"
  hence 1: "g analytic_on cball 0 r"
    unfolding g_def using af
    by (intro analytic_on_compose) (auto simp add: analytic_intros)
  moreover have "g 0  0" unfolding g_def using f0 by auto
  moreover have "(Re z > 0  g z  0)  g z / g 0  exp M"
    if hz: "z  cball 0 r" for z
  proof (intro impI conjI)
    assume hz': "0 < Re z"
    thus "g z  0" unfolding g_def comp_def
      using hz by (intro rz) (auto simp add: dist_complex_def)
    show "g z / g 0  exp M"
      unfolding g_def comp_def using hz
      by (auto simp add: dist_complex_def intro!: bn)
  moreover have "Δ  {z  cball 0 (r / 2). g z = 0  Re z  0}"
  proof safe
    fix z assume "z  Δ"
    hence "s + z  Γ" unfolding Δ_def by auto
    thus "g z = 0" "Re z  0" "z  cball 0 (r / 2)"
      unfolding g_def comp_def using hg by (auto simp add: dist_complex_def)
  ultimately have "- Re (logderiv g 0)  8 * M / r +  Re (zΔ. 1 / z)"
    by (intro lemma_3_9_beta2) (use zl in auto)
  also have " = 8 * M / r +  Re (zΓ. 1 / (z - s))"
    unfolding Δ_def by (subst sum.reindex) (unfold inj_on_def, auto)
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding g_def comp_def using zl(1)
    by (subst (asm) logderiv_shift)
       (auto intro: analytic_on_imp_differentiable_at [OF af])

unbundle no_pnt_notation