Theory PAC_Polynomials_Term

  File:         PAC_Polynomials_Term.thy
  Author:       Mathias Fleury, Daniela Kaufmann, JKU
  Maintainer:   Mathias Fleury, JKU
theory PAC_Polynomials_Term
  imports PAC_Polynomials

section ‹Terms›

text ‹We define some helper functions.›

subsection ‹Ordering›

(*Taken from WB_More_Refinement*)
lemma fref_to_Down_curry_left:
  fixes f:: 'a  'b  'c nres and
    A::(('a × 'b) × 'd) set
    (uncurry f, g)  [P]f A  Bnres_rel 
      (a b x'. P x'  ((a, b), x')  A  f a b   B (g x'))
  unfolding fref_def uncurry_def nres_rel_def
  by auto

lemma fref_to_Down_curry_right:
  fixes g :: 'a  'b  'c nres and f :: 'd  _ nres and
    A::('d × ('a × 'b)) set
    (f, uncurry g)  [P]f A  Bnres_rel 
      (a b x'. P (a,b)  (x', (a, b))  A  f x'   B (g a b))
  unfolding fref_def uncurry_def nres_rel_def
  by auto

type_synonym term_poly_list = string list
type_synonym llist_polynomial = (term_poly_list × int) list

text ‹We instantiate the characters with typeclass linorder to be able to talk abourt sorted and
  so on.›

definition less_eq_char :: char  char  bool where
  less_eq_char c d = (((of_char c) :: nat)  of_char d)

definition less_char :: char  char  bool where
  less_char c d = (((of_char c) :: nat) < of_char d)

global_interpretation char: linorder less_eq_char less_char
  using linorder_char
  unfolding linorder_class_def class.linorder_def
    less_eq_char_def[symmetric] less_char_def[symmetric]
    class.order_def order_class_def
    class.preorder_def preorder_class_def
  apply auto

abbreviation less_than_char :: (char × char) set where
  less_than_char  p2rel less_char

lemma less_than_char_def:
  (x,y)  less_than_char  less_char x y
  by (auto simp: p2rel_def)

lemma trans_less_than_char[simp]:
    trans less_than_char and
    irrefl less_than_char and
    antisym less_than_char
  by (auto simp: less_than_char_def trans_def irrefl_def antisym_def)

subsection ‹Polynomials›

definition var_order_rel :: (string × string) set where
  var_order_rel  lexord less_than_char

abbreviation var_order :: string  string  bool where
  var_order  rel2p var_order_rel

abbreviation term_order_rel :: (term_poly_list × term_poly_list) set where
  term_order_rel  lexord var_order_rel

abbreviation term_order :: term_poly_list  term_poly_list  bool where
  term_order  rel2p term_order_rel

definition term_poly_list_rel :: (term_poly_list × term_poly) set where
  term_poly_list_rel = {(xs, ys).
     ys = mset xs 
     distinct xs 
     sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) xs}

definition unsorted_term_poly_list_rel :: (term_poly_list × term_poly) set where
  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel = {(xs, ys).
     ys = mset xs  distinct xs}

definition poly_list_rel :: _  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  poly_list_rel R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel 
     0 ∉# snd `# ys}

definition sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt :: ('a  'a  bool)
      ('a × string multiset) set  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt S R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel 
     sorted_wrt S (map fst xs) 
     distinct (map fst xs) 
     0 ∉# snd `# ys}

abbreviation sorted_poly_list_rel where
  sorted_poly_list_rel R  sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt R term_poly_list_rel

abbreviation sorted_poly_rel where
  sorted_poly_rel  sorted_poly_list_rel term_order

definition sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt :: ('a  'a  bool)
      ('a × string multiset) set  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt S R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel 
     sorted_wrt S (map fst xs) 
     0 ∉# snd `# ys}

abbreviation sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel where
  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel R  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt R term_poly_list_rel

abbreviation sorted_repeat_poly_rel where
  sorted_repeat_poly_rel  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel (rel2p (Id  lexord var_order_rel))

abbreviation unsorted_poly_rel where
  unsorted_poly_rel  poly_list_rel term_poly_list_rel

lemma sorted_poly_list_rel_empty_l[simp]:
  ([], s')  sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt S T  s' = {#}
  by (cases s')
    (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)

definition fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel :: _  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel}

abbreviation fully_unsorted_poly_rel where
  fully_unsorted_poly_rel  fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel unsorted_term_poly_list_rel

lemma fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_empty_iff[simp]:
  (p, {#})  fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel R  p = []
  ([], p')  fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel R  p' = {#}
  by (auto simp: fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)

definition poly_list_rel_with0 :: _  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  poly_list_rel_with0 R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel}

abbreviation unsorted_poly_rel_with0 where
  unsorted_poly_rel_with0  fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel term_poly_list_rel

lemma poly_list_rel_with0_empty_iff[simp]:
  (p, {#})  poly_list_rel_with0 R  p = []
  ([], p')  poly_list_rel_with0 R  p' = {#}
  by (auto simp: poly_list_rel_with0_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)

definition sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt :: ('a  'a  bool)
      ('a × string multiset) set  (('a × int) list × mset_polynomial) set where
  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt S R = {(xs, ys).
     (xs, ys)  R ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel 
     sorted_wrt S (map fst xs)}

abbreviation sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0 where
  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0 R  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt R term_poly_list_rel

abbreviation sorted_repeat_poly_rel_with0 where
  sorted_repeat_poly_rel_with0  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0 (rel2p (Id  lexord var_order_rel))

lemma term_poly_list_relD:
  (xs, ys)  term_poly_list_rel  distinct xs
  (xs, ys)  term_poly_list_rel  ys = mset xs
  (xs, ys)  term_poly_list_rel  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) xs
  (xs, ys)  term_poly_list_rel  sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) xs
  apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def; fail)+
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) CollectD UnI2 rel2p_def sorted_wrt_mono_rel split_conv
