Theory PAC_Checker_Specification

  File:         PAC_Checker_Specification.thy
  Author:       Mathias Fleury, Daniela Kaufmann, JKU
  Maintainer:   Mathias Fleury, JKU
theory PAC_Checker_Specification
  imports PAC_Specification

section ‹Checker Algorithm›

text ‹

In this level of refinement, we define the first level of the
implementation of the checker, both with the specification as
on ideals and the first version of the loop.


subsection ‹Specification›

datatype status =
  is_failed: FAILED |
  is_success: SUCCESS |
  is_found: FOUND

lemma is_success_alt_def:
  is_success a  a = SUCCESS
  by (cases a) auto

datatype ('a, 'b, 'lbls) pac_step =
  Add (pac_src1: 'lbls) (pac_src2: 'lbls) (new_id: 'lbls) (pac_res: 'a) |
  Mult (pac_src1: 'lbls) (pac_mult: 'a) (new_id: 'lbls) (pac_res: 'a) |
  Extension (new_id: 'lbls) (new_var: 'b) (pac_res: 'a) |
  Del (pac_src1: 'lbls)

type_synonym  pac_state = (nat set × int_poly multiset)

definition PAC_checker_specification
  :: int_poly  int_poly multiset  (status × nat set × int_poly multiset) nres
  PAC_checker_specification spec A = SPEC(λ(b, 𝒱, B).
      (¬is_failed b  restricted_ideal_toI ((vars ` set_mset A)  vars spec) B  restricted_ideal_toI ((vars ` set_mset A)  vars spec) A) 
      (is_found b  spec  pac_ideal (set_mset A)))

definition PAC_checker_specification_spec
  ::  int_poly  pac_state  (status × pac_state)  bool
  PAC_checker_specification_spec spec = (λ(𝒱, A) (b, B). (¬is_failed b  (vars ` set_mset A)  𝒱) 
       (is_success b  PAC_Format** (𝒱, A) B) 
       (is_found b  PAC_Format** (𝒱, A) B  spec  pac_ideal (set_mset A)))

abbreviation PAC_checker_specification2
  ::  int_poly  (nat set × int_poly multiset)  (status × (nat set × int_poly multiset)) nres
  PAC_checker_specification2 spec A  SPEC(PAC_checker_specification_spec spec A)

definition PAC_checker_specification_step_spec
  ::  pac_state  int_poly  pac_state  (status × pac_state)  bool
  PAC_checker_specification_step_spec = (λ(𝒱0, A0) spec (𝒱, A) (b, B).
       (is_success b 
         (vars ` set_mset A0)  𝒱0 
          (vars ` set_mset A)  𝒱  PAC_Format** (𝒱0, A0) (𝒱, A)  PAC_Format** (𝒱, A) B) 
       (is_found b 
          (vars ` set_mset A0)  𝒱0 
          (vars ` set_mset A)  𝒱  PAC_Format** (𝒱0, A0) (𝒱, A)  PAC_Format** (𝒱, A) B 
         spec  pac_ideal (set_mset A0)))

abbreviation PAC_checker_specification_step2
  ::  pac_state  int_poly  pac_state  (status × pac_state) nres
  PAC_checker_specification_step2 A0 spec A  SPEC(PAC_checker_specification_step_spec A0  spec A)

definition normalize_poly_spec :: _ where
  normalize_poly_spec p = SPEC (λr. p - r  ideal polynomial_bool  vars r  vars p)

lemma normalize_poly_spec_alt_def:
  normalize_poly_spec p = SPEC (λr. r - p  ideal polynomial_bool  vars r  vars p)
  unfolding normalize_poly_spec_def
  by (auto dest: ideal.span_neg)

definition mult_poly_spec :: int mpoly  int mpoly  int mpoly nres where
  mult_poly_spec p q = SPEC (λr. p * q - r  ideal polynomial_bool)

definition check_add :: (nat, int mpoly) fmap  nat set  nat  nat  nat  int mpoly  bool nres where
  check_add A 𝒱 p q i r =
     SPEC(λb. b  p ∈# dom_m A  q ∈# dom_m A  i ∉# dom_m A  vars r  𝒱 
            the (fmlookup A p) + the (fmlookup A q) - r   ideal polynomial_bool)

definition check_mult :: (nat, int mpoly) fmap  nat set  nat  int mpoly  nat  int mpoly  bool nres where
  check_mult A 𝒱 p q i r =
     SPEC(λb. b  p ∈# dom_m A i ∉# dom_m A  vars q  𝒱  vars r  𝒱 
            the (fmlookup A p) * q - r   ideal polynomial_bool)

definition check_extension :: (nat, int mpoly) fmap  nat set  nat  nat  int mpoly  (bool) nres where
  check_extension A 𝒱 i v p =
     SPEC(λb. b  (i ∉# dom_m A 
     (v  𝒱 
           (p+Var v)2 - (p+Var v)  ideal polynomial_bool 
            vars (p+Var v)  𝒱)))

fun merge_status where
  merge_status (FAILED) _ = FAILED |
  merge_status _ (FAILED) = FAILED |
  merge_status FOUND _ = FOUND |
  merge_status _ FOUND = FOUND |
  merge_status _ _ = SUCCESS

type_synonym fpac_step = nat set × (nat, int_poly) fmap

definition check_del :: (nat, int mpoly) fmap  nat  bool nres where
  check_del A p =
     SPEC(λb. b  True)

subsection ‹Algorithm›

definition PAC_checker_step
  ::  int_poly  (status × fpac_step)  (int_poly, nat, nat) pac_step 
    (status × fpac_step) nres
  PAC_checker_step = (λspec (stat, (𝒱, A)) st. case st of
     Add _ _ _ _ 
       do {
         r  normalize_poly_spec (pac_res st);
        eq  check_add A 𝒱 (pac_src1 st) (pac_src2 st) (new_id st) r;
        st'  SPEC(λst'. (¬is_failed st'  is_found st'  r - spec  ideal polynomial_bool));
        if eq
        then RETURN (merge_status stat st',
          𝒱, fmupd (new_id st) r A)
        else RETURN (FAILED, (𝒱, A))
   | Del _ 
       do {
        eq  check_del A (pac_src1 st);
        if eq
        then RETURN (stat, (𝒱, fmdrop (pac_src1 st) A))
        else RETURN (FAILED, (𝒱, A))
   | Mult _ _ _ _ 
       do {
         r  normalize_poly_spec (pac_res st);
         q  normalize_poly_spec (pac_mult st);
        eq  check_mult A 𝒱 (pac_src1 st) q (new_id st) r;
        st'  SPEC(λst'. (¬is_failed st'  is_found st'  r - spec  ideal polynomial_bool));
        if eq
        then RETURN (merge_status stat st',
          𝒱, fmupd (new_id st) r A)
        else RETURN (FAILED, (𝒱, A))
   | Extension _ _ _ 
       do {
         r  normalize_poly_spec (pac_res st - Var (new_var st));
        (eq)  check_extension A 𝒱 (new_id st) (new_var st) r;
        if eq
        then do {
         RETURN (stat,
          insert (new_var st) 𝒱, fmupd (new_id st) (r) A)}
        else RETURN (FAILED, (𝒱, A))

definition polys_rel :: ((nat, int mpoly)fmap × _) set where
polys_rel = {(A, B). B = (ran_m A)}

definition polys_rel_full :: ((nat set × (nat, int mpoly)fmap) × _) set where
  polys_rel_full = {((𝒱, A), (𝒱' , B)). (A, B)  polys_rel  𝒱 = 𝒱'}

lemma polys_rel_update_remove:
  x13 ∉#dom_m A  x11 ∈# dom_m A  x12 ∈# dom_m A  x11  x12  (A,B)  polys_rel 
   (fmupd x13 r (fmdrop x11 (fmdrop x12 A)),
        add_mset r B - {#the (fmlookup A x11), the (fmlookup A x12)#})
  x13 ∉#dom_m A  x11 ∈# dom_m A  (A,B)  polys_rel 
   (fmupd x13 r (fmdrop x11 A),add_mset r B - {#the (fmlookup A x11)#})
  x13 ∉#dom_m A  (A,B)  polys_rel 
   (fmupd x13 r A, add_mset r B)  polys_rel
  x13 ∈#dom_m A  (A,B)  polys_rel 
   (fmdrop x13 A, remove1_mset (the (fmlookup A x13)) B)  polys_rel
  using distinct_mset_dom[of A]
  apply (auto simp: polys_rel_def ran_m_mapsto_upd ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin
  apply (subst ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin)
  apply (auto dest: in_diffD dest!: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_fmdrop ran_m_fmdrop_If distinct_mset_remove1_All ran_m_def
      add_mset_eq_add_mset removeAll_notin
    split: if_splits intro!: image_mset_cong)

lemma polys_rel_in_dom_inD:
  (A, B)  polys_rel 
    x12 ∈# dom_m A 
    the (fmlookup A x12) ∈# B
  by (auto simp: polys_rel_def)

lemma PAC_Format_add_and_remove:
  r - x14  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       (A, B)  polys_rel 
       x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       x13 ∉# dom_m A 
       vars r  𝒱 
       2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B) (𝒱, remove1_mset (the (fmlookup A x12)) (add_mset r B))
   r - x14  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       (A, B)  polys_rel 
       the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       x11 ∈# dom_m A 
       x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       vars r  𝒱 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B) (𝒱, add_mset r B)
   r - x14  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       (A, B)  polys_rel 
       x11 ∈# dom_m A 
       x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       vars r  𝒱 
       x11  x12 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B)
        (𝒱, add_mset r B - {#the (fmlookup A x11), the (fmlookup A x12)#})
   (A, B)  polys_rel 
       r - x34  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       x11 ∈# dom_m A 
       the (fmlookup A x11) * x32 - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       vars x32  𝒱 
       vars r  𝒱 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B) (𝒱, add_mset r B)
   (A, B)  polys_rel 
       r - x34  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       x11 ∈# dom_m A 
       the (fmlookup A x11) * x32 - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       vars x32  𝒱 
       vars r  𝒱 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B) (𝒱, remove1_mset (the (fmlookup A x11)) (add_mset r B))
  (A, B)  polys_rel 
       x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B) (𝒱, remove1_mset (the (fmlookup A x12)) B)
   (A, B)  polys_rel 
       (p' + Var x)2 - (p' + Var x)  ideal polynomial_bool 
       x  𝒱 
       x  vars(p' + Var x) 
       vars(p' + Var x)  𝒱 
       PAC_Format** (𝒱, B)
         (insert x 𝒱, add_mset p' B)
     apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
     apply (rule PAC_Format.add[of the (fmlookup A x12) B the (fmlookup A x12)])
     apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
     apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
     apply (rule PAC_Format.del[of the (fmlookup A x12)])
     apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
  subgoal H2
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.add[of the (fmlookup A x11) B the (fmlookup A x12)])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (rule rtranclp_trans)
    apply (rule H2; assumption)
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.del[of the (fmlookup A x12)])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.del[of the (fmlookup A x11)])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (auto simp: polys_rel_def ran_m_def add_mset_eq_add_mset dest!: multi_member_split)
 subgoal H2
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.mult[of the (fmlookup A x11) B x32 r])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (rule rtranclp_trans)
    apply (rule H2; assumption)
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.del[of the (fmlookup A x11)])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.del[of the (fmlookup A x12) B])
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD)
    apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    apply (rule PAC_Format.extend_pos[of p' + Var x _ x])
    using coeff_monomila_in_varsD[of p' - Var x x]
    apply (auto dest: polys_rel_in_dom_inD simp: vars_in_right_only vars_subst_in_left_only)
    apply (subgoal_tac 𝒱  {x'  vars (p'). x'  𝒱} = insert x 𝒱)
    apply simp
    using coeff_monomila_in_varsD[of p' x]
    apply (auto dest: vars_add_Var_subset vars_minus_Var_subset polys_rel_in_dom_inD simp: vars_subst_in_left_only_iff)
    using vars_in_right_only vars_subst_in_left_only by force

abbreviation status_rel :: (status × status) set where
  status_rel  Id

lemma is_merge_status[simp]:
  is_failed (merge_status a st')  is_failed a  is_failed st'
  is_found (merge_status a st')  ¬is_failed a  ¬is_failed st'  (is_found a  is_found st')
  is_success (merge_status a st')  (is_success a  is_success st')
  by (cases a; cases st'; auto; fail)+

lemma status_rel_merge_status:
  (merge_status a b, SUCCESS)  status_rel 
    (a = FAILED)  (b = FAILED) 
    a = FOUND  (b = FOUND)
  by (cases a; cases b; auto)

lemma Ex_status_iff:
  (a. P a)  P SUCCESS  P FOUND  (P (FAILED))
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac a; auto)

lemma is_failed_alt_def:
  is_failed st'  ¬is_success st'  ¬is_found st'
  by (cases st') auto

lemma merge_status_eq_iff[simp]:
  merge_status a SUCCESS = SUCCESS  a = SUCCESS
  merge_status a SUCCESS = FOUND  a = FOUND
  merge_status SUCCESS a = SUCCESS  a = SUCCESS
  merge_status SUCCESS a = FOUND  a = FOUND
  merge_status SUCCESS a = FAILED  a = FAILED
  merge_status a SUCCESS = FAILED  a = FAILED
  merge_status FOUND a = FAILED  a = FAILED
  merge_status a FOUND = FAILED  a = FAILED
  merge_status a FOUND = SUCCESS  False
  merge_status a b = FOUND  (a = FOUND  b = FOUND)  (a  FAILED  b  FAILED)
  apply (cases a; auto; fail)+
  apply (cases a; cases b; auto; fail)+

lemma fmdrop_irrelevant: x11 ∉# dom_m A  fmdrop x11 A = A
  by (simp add: fmap_ext in_dom_m_lookup_iff)

lemma PAC_checker_step_PAC_checker_specification2:
  fixes a :: status
  assumes AB: ((𝒱, A),(𝒱B, B))  polys_rel_full and
    ¬is_failed a and
    [simp,intro]: a = FOUND  spec  pac_ideal (set_mset A0) and
    A0B: PAC_Format** (𝒱0, A0) (𝒱, B) and
    spec0: vars spec  𝒱0  and
    vars_A0:  (vars ` set_mset A0)  𝒱0
  shows PAC_checker_step spec (a, (𝒱, A)) st   (status_rel ×r polys_rel_full) (PAC_checker_specification_step2 (𝒱0, A0) spec (𝒱, B))
proof -
    𝒱B = 𝒱and
    [simp, intro]:(A, B)  polys_rel
    using AB
    by (auto simp: polys_rel_full_def)
  have H0: 2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
          r  pac_ideal
                (insert (the (fmlookup A x12))
                  ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa)) for x12 r Aa
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute 
       ideal.span_base pac_idealI3 set_image_mset set_mset_add_mset_insert union_single_eq_member)+
  then have H0': Aa. 2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
          r - spec  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
          spec  pac_ideal (insert (the (fmlookup A x12)) ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa))
    for r x12
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) diff_in_polynomial_bool_pac_idealI)

  have H1: x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       r - spec  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       vars spec  vars r 
       spec  pac_ideal (set_mset B) for x12 r
     using (A,B)  polys_rel
      ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_neg ideal.span_neg,
         of the (fmlookup A x12) _  the (fmlookup A x12)],
      of set_mset B  polynomial_bool 2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r]
     unfolding polys_rel_def
     by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def 
         intro: H0')
   have H2': the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       B = add_mset (the (fmlookup A x11)) {#the (fmlookup A x). x ∈# Aa#} 
       (the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r
            (insert (the (fmlookup A x11))
              ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa  polynomial_bool)) 
        - r
            (insert (the (fmlookup A x11))
              ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa  polynomial_bool))) 
       r  pac_ideal (insert (the (fmlookup A x11)) ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa))
     for r x12 x11 A Aa
     by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Un_insert_left diff_diff_eq2 diff_in_polynomial_bool_pac_idealI diff_zero
       ideal.span_diff ideal.span_neg minus_diff_eq pac_idealI1 pac_ideal_def set_image_mset
       set_mset_add_mset_insert union_single_eq_member)
   have H2: x11 ∈# dom_m A 
       x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r
        More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       r - spec  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       spec  pac_ideal (set_mset B)  for x12 r x11
     using (A,B)  polys_rel
      ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_neg ideal.span_neg,
         of the (fmlookup A x11) _  the (fmlookup A x12)],
      of set_mset B  polynomial_bool the (fmlookup A x11) + the (fmlookup A x12) - r]
     unfolding polys_rel_def
     by (subgoal_tac r  pac_ideal (set_mset B))
       (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def ideal.span_base 
         intro: diff_in_polynomial_bool_pac_idealI simp: H2')

   have H3': the (fmlookup A x12) * q - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
          r - spec  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
          r  pac_ideal (insert (the (fmlookup A x12)) ((λx. the (fmlookup A x)) ` set_mset Aa))
     for Aa x12 r q
     by (metis (no_types, lifting) ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute diff_in_polynomial_bool_pac_idealI
       ideal.span_base pac_idealI3 set_image_mset set_mset_add_mset_insert union_single_eq_member)

  have H3: x12 ∈# dom_m A 
       the (fmlookup A x12) * q - r  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       r - spec  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       spec  pac_ideal (set_mset B) for x12 r q
     using (A,B)  polys_rel
      ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_add[OF ideal.span_neg ideal.span_neg,
         of the (fmlookup A x12) _  the (fmlookup A x12)],
      of set_mset B  polynomial_bool 2 * the (fmlookup A x12) - r]
     unfolding polys_rel_def
     by (subgoal_tac r  pac_ideal (set_mset B))
       (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def H3'
         intro: diff_in_polynomial_bool_pac_idealI)

  have [intro]: spec  pac_ideal (set_mset B)  spec  pac_ideal (set_mset A0) and
    vars_B:  (vars ` set_mset B)  𝒱and
    vars_B:  (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  𝒱
    using rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal[OF A0B  vars_A0] spec0 (A, B)  polys_rel[unfolded polys_rel_def, simplified]
    by (smt (verit) in_mono mem_Collect_eq restricted_ideal_to_def)+

  have eq_successI: st'  FAILED 
       st'  FOUND  st' = SUCCESS for st'
    by (cases st') auto
  have vars_diff_inv: vars (Var x2 - r) = vars (r - Var x2 :: int mpoly) for x2 r
    using vars_uminus[of Var x2 - r]
    by (auto simp del: vars_uminus)
  have vars_add_inv: vars (Var x2 + r) = vars (r + Var x2 :: int mpoly) for x2 r
    unfolding add.commute[of Var x2 r] ..

  have [iff]: a  FAILED and
    [intro]: a  SUCCESS  a = FOUND and
    [simp]: merge_status a FOUND = FOUND
    using assms(2) by (cases a; auto)+
  note [[goals_limit=1]]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding PAC_checker_step_def PAC_checker_specification_step_spec_def
      normalize_poly_spec_alt_def check_mult_def check_add_def
      check_extension_def polys_rel_full_def
    apply (cases st)
    apply clarsimp_all
    subgoal for x11 x12 x13 x14
      apply (refine_vcg lhs_step_If)
      subgoal for r eqa st'
        using assms vars_B apply -
        apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
        apply (rule_tac x = (merge_status a st',𝒱,add_mset r B) in exI)
        by (auto simp: polys_rel_update_remove ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin
          intro: PAC_Format_add_and_remove H2 dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal)
        by (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
         (auto simp: Ex_status_iff dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal)
    subgoal for x11 x12 x13 x14
      apply (refine_vcg lhs_step_If)
      subgoal for r q eqa st'
        using assms vars_B apply -
        apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
        apply (rule_tac x = (merge_status a st',𝒱,add_mset r B) in exI)
        by (auto intro: polys_rel_update_remove intro: PAC_Format_add_and_remove(3-) H3
           dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal)
        by (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
          (auto simp: Ex_status_iff)
    subgoal for x31 x32 x34
      apply (refine_vcg lhs_step_If)
      subgoal for r x
        using assms vars_B apply -
        apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
        apply (rule_tac x = (a,insert x32 𝒱, add_mset r B) in exI)
        apply (auto simp: intro!: polys_rel_update_remove PAC_Format_add_and_remove(5-)
           dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal)
        by (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
          (auto simp: Ex_status_iff)
    subgoal for x11
      unfolding check_del_def
      apply (refine_vcg lhs_step_If)
      subgoal for eq
        using assms vars_B apply -
        apply (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
        apply (cases x11 ∈# dom_m A)
          apply (rule_tac x = (a,𝒱, remove1_mset (the (fmlookup A x11)) B) in exI)
          apply (auto simp: polys_rel_update_remove PAC_Format_add_and_remove
               is_failed_def is_success_def is_found_def
            dest!: eq_successI
            split: if_splits
            dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal
            intro: PAC_Format_add_and_remove H3)
          apply (rule_tac x = (a,𝒱, B) in exI)
          apply (auto simp: fmdrop_irrelevant
               is_failed_def is_success_def is_found_def
            dest!: eq_successI
            split: if_splits
            dest: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal
            intro: PAC_Format_add_and_remove)
        by (rule RETURN_SPEC_refine)
          (auto simp: Ex_status_iff)

definition PAC_checker
  :: int_poly  fpac_step  status  (int_poly, nat, nat) pac_step list 
    (status × fpac_step) nres
  PAC_checker spec A b st = do {
    (S, _)  WHILET
       (λ((b :: status, A :: fpac_step), st). ¬is_failed b  st  [])
       (λ((bA), st). do {
          ASSERT(st  []);
          S  PAC_checker_step spec (bA) (hd st);
          RETURN (S, tl st)
      ((b, A), st);

lemma PAC_checker_specification_spec_trans:
  PAC_checker_specification_spec spec A (st, x2) 
    PAC_checker_specification_step_spec A spec x2 (st', x1a) 
    PAC_checker_specification_spec spec A (st', x1a)
 unfolding PAC_checker_specification_spec_def
 apply auto
using is_failed_alt_def apply blast+

lemma RES_SPEC_eq:
  RES Φ = SPEC(λP. P  Φ)
  by auto

lemma is_failed_is_success_completeD:
  ¬ is_failed x  ¬is_success x  is_found x
  by (cases x) auto

lemma PAC_checker_PAC_checker_specification2:
  (A, B)   polys_rel_full 
    ¬is_failed a 
    (a = FOUND  spec  pac_ideal (set_mset (snd B))) 
    (vars ` set_mset (ran_m (snd A)))  fst B 
    vars spec  fst B 
  PAC_checker spec A a st   (status_rel ×r polys_rel_full) (PAC_checker_specification2 spec B)
  unfolding PAC_checker_def conc_fun_RES
  apply (subst RES_SPEC_eq)
  apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where
      I = λ((bB), st). bB  (status_rel ×r polys_rel_full)¯ ``
                      Collect (PAC_checker_specification_spec spec B)
    and R = measure (λ(_, st).  Suc (length st))])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal apply (auto simp: PAC_checker_specification_spec_def)
    apply (cases B; cases A)
    apply (auto simp:polys_rel_def polys_rel_full_def Image_iff)
  subgoal by auto
    apply auto
    apply (rule
     PAC_checker_step_PAC_checker_specification2[of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fst B, THEN order_trans])
     apply assumption
     apply assumption
     apply (auto intro: PAC_checker_specification_spec_trans simp: conc_fun_RES)
     apply (auto simp: PAC_checker_specification_spec_def polys_rel_full_def polys_rel_def
       dest: PAC_Format_subset_ideal
       dest: is_failed_is_success_completeD; fail)+
    by (auto simp: Image_iff intro: PAC_checker_specification_spec_trans
        simp: polys_rel_def polys_rel_full_def)
    by auto

definition remap_polys_polynomial_bool :: int mpoly  nat set  (nat, int_poly) fmap  (status × fpac_step) nres where
remap_polys_polynomial_bool spec = (λ𝒱 A.
   SPEC(λ(st, 𝒱', A'). (¬is_failed st 
      dom_m A = dom_m A' 
      (i ∈# dom_m A. the (fmlookup A i) - the (fmlookup A' i)  ideal polynomial_bool) 
      (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  𝒱' 
      (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A'))  𝒱') 
    (st = FOUND  spec ∈# ran_m A')))

definition remap_polys_change_all :: int mpoly  nat set  (nat, int_poly) fmap  (status × fpac_step) nres where
remap_polys_change_all spec = (λ𝒱 A. SPEC (λ(st, 𝒱', A').
    (¬is_failed st 
      pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m A)) = pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m A')) 
      (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  𝒱' 
      (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A'))  𝒱') 
    (st = FOUND  spec ∈# ran_m A')))

lemma fmap_eq_dom_iff:
  A = A'  dom_m A = dom_m A'  (i ∈# dom_m A. the (fmlookup A i) = the (fmlookup A' i))
  by (metis fmap_ext in_dom_m_lookup_iff option.expand)

lemma ideal_remap_incl:
  finite A'  (a'A'. aA. a-a'  B)  ideal (A'  B)  ideal (A  B)
  apply (induction A' rule: finite_induct)
  apply (auto intro: ideal.span_mono)
  using ideal.span_mono sup_ge2 apply blast
  proof -
    fix x :: 'a and F :: "'a set" and xa :: 'a and a :: 'a
    assume a1: "a  A"
    assume a2: "a - x  B"
    assume a3: "xa  More_Modules.ideal (insert x (F  B))"
    assume a4: "More_Modules.ideal (F  B)  More_Modules.ideal (A  B)"
    have "x  More_Modules.ideal (A  B)"
      using a2 a1 by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_upper1 Un_upper2 add_diff_cancel_left' diff_add_cancel
        ideal.module_axioms ideal.span_diff in_mono module.span_superset)
    then show "xa  More_Modules.ideal (A  B)"
      using a4 a3 ideal.span_insert_subset by blast

lemma pac_ideal_remap_eq:
  dom_m b = dom_m ba 
       i∈#dom_m ba.
          the (fmlookup b i) - the (fmlookup ba i)
           More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
     pac_ideal ((λx. the (fmlookup b x)) ` set_mset (dom_m ba)) = pac_ideal ((λx. the (fmlookup ba x)) ` set_mset (dom_m ba))
  unfolding pac_ideal_alt_def
  apply standard
    apply (rule ideal_remap_incl)
    apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split
      dest: ideal.span_neg)
    apply (drule ideal.span_neg)
    apply auto
    by (rule ideal_remap_incl)
     (auto dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma remap_polys_polynomial_bool_remap_polys_change_all:
  remap_polys_polynomial_bool spec 𝒱 A  remap_polys_change_all spec 𝒱 A
  unfolding remap_polys_polynomial_bool_def remap_polys_change_all_def
  apply (simp add: ideal.span_zero fmap_eq_dom_iff ideal.span_eq)
  apply (auto dest: multi_member_split simp: ran_m_def ideal.span_base pac_ideal_remap_eq
    eq_commute[of add_mset _ _ dom_m (A :: (nat, int mpoly)fmap) for A])

definition remap_polys :: int mpoly  nat set  (nat, int_poly) fmap  (status × fpac_step) nres where
  remap_polys spec = (λ𝒱 A. do{
   dom  SPEC(λdom. set_mset (dom_m A)  dom  finite dom);

   failed  SPEC(λ_::bool. True);
   if failed
   then do {
      RETURN (FAILED, 𝒱, fmempty)
   else do {
     (b, N)  FOREACH dom
       (λi (b, 𝒱, A').
          if i ∈# dom_m A
          then do {
            p  SPEC(λp. the (fmlookup A i) - p  ideal polynomial_bool  vars p  vars (the (fmlookup A i)));
            eq  SPEC(λeq. eq  p = spec);
            𝒱  SPEC(λ𝒱'. 𝒱  vars (the (fmlookup A i))  𝒱');
            RETURN(b  eq, 𝒱, fmupd i p A')
          } else RETURN (b, 𝒱, A'))
       (False, 𝒱, fmempty);
       RETURN (if b then FOUND else SUCCESS, N)

lemma remap_polys_spec:
  remap_polys spec 𝒱 A  remap_polys_polynomial_bool spec 𝒱 A
  unfolding remap_polys_def remap_polys_polynomial_bool_def
  apply (refine_vcg FOREACH_rule[where
    I = λdom (b, 𝒱, A').
      set_mset (dom_m A') =  set_mset (dom_m A) - dom 
      (i  set_mset (dom_m A) - dom. the (fmlookup A i) - the (fmlookup A' i)  ideal polynomial_bool) 
     (vars ` set_mset (ran_m (fmrestrict_set (set_mset (dom_m A')) A)))  𝒱 
     (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A'))  𝒱 
      (b  spec ∈# ran_m A')])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
    by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal using ideal.span_add by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal by clarsimp auto
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq)
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq)
     by (auto simp: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin)
     by auto
     by auto
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq)
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq)
     by auto
     by (auto simp: distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[symmetric] distinct_mset_dom)
     by (auto simp: distinct_set_mset_eq_iff[symmetric] distinct_mset_dom)
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq)
     by (auto simp add: ran_m_mapsto_upd_notin dom_m_fmrestrict_set' subset_eq

subsection ‹Full Checker›

definition full_checker
  :: int_poly  (nat, int_poly) fmap  (int_poly, nat,nat) pac_step list  (status × _) nres
  full_checker spec0 A pac = do {
     spec  normalize_poly_spec spec0;
     (st, 𝒱, A)  remap_polys_change_all spec {} A;
     if is_failed st then
     RETURN (st, 𝒱, A)
     else do {
       𝒱  SPEC(λ𝒱'. 𝒱  vars spec0  𝒱');
       PAC_checker spec (𝒱, A) st pac

lemma restricted_ideal_to_mono:
  restricted_ideal_toI 𝒱 I  restricted_ideal_toI 𝒱' J 
  𝒰  𝒱 
   restricted_ideal_toI 𝒰 I  restricted_ideal_toI 𝒰  J
  by (auto simp: restricted_ideal_to_def)

lemma pac_ideal_idemp: pac_ideal (pac_ideal A) = pac_ideal A
  by (metis dual_order.antisym ideal.span_subset_spanI ideal.span_superset le_sup_iff pac_ideal_def)

lemma full_checker_spec:
  assumes (A, A')  polys_rel
      full_checker spec A pac  {((st, G), (st', G')). (st, st')  status_rel 
           (st  FAILED  (G, G')  polys_rel_full)}
        (PAC_checker_specification spec (A'))
proof -
  have H: set_mset b  pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m A)) 
       x  pac_ideal (set_mset b)  x  pac_ideal (set_mset A') for b x
    using assms apply -
    by (drule pac_ideal_mono) (auto simp: polys_rel_def pac_ideal_idemp)
  have 1: x  {(st, 𝒱', A').
          ( ¬ is_failed st  pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m x2)) =
              pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m A')) 
               (vars ` set_mset (ran_m ABC))  𝒱' 
               (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A'))  𝒱') 
            (st = FOUND  speca ∈# ran_m A')} 
         x = (st, x')  x' = (𝒱, Aa) ((𝒱', Aa), 𝒱', ran_m Aa)  polys_rel_full for Aa speca x2 st x 𝒱' 𝒱 x' ABC
    by (auto simp: polys_rel_def polys_rel_full_def)
  have H1: a aa b xa x x1a x1 x2 speca.
       vars spec  x1b 
        (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  x1b 
        (vars ` set_mset (ran_m x2a))  x1b 
       restricted_ideal_toI x1b b  restricted_ideal_toI x1b (ran_m x2a) 
       xa  restricted_ideal_toI ( (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  vars spec) b 
       xa  restricted_ideal_toI ( (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  vars spec) (ran_m x2a)
    for x1b b xa x2a
    by (drule restricted_ideal_to_mono[of _ _ _ _  (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  vars spec])
  have H2: a aa b speca x2 x1a x1b x2a.
       spec - speca  More_Modules.ideal polynomial_bool 
       vars spec  x1b 
        (vars ` set_mset (ran_m A))  x1b 
        (vars ` set_mset (ran_m x2a))  x1b 
       speca  pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m x2a)) 
       restricted_ideal_toI x1b b  restricted_ideal_toI x1b (ran_m x2a) 
       spec  pac_ideal (set_mset (ran_m x2a))
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) group_eq_aux ideal.span_add ideal.span_base in_mono
        pac_ideal_alt_def sup.cobounded2)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding full_checker_def normalize_poly_spec_def
      PAC_checker_specification_def remap_polys_change_all_def
    apply (refine_vcg PAC_checker_PAC_checker_specification2[THEN order_trans, of _ _]
    subgoal by (auto simp: is_failed_def RETURN_RES_refine_iff)
    apply (rule 1; assumption)
      using fmap_ext assms by (auto simp: polys_rel_def ran_m_def)
      by auto
      by auto
    subgoal for speca x1 x2 x x1a x2a x1b
      apply (rule ref_two_step[OF conc_fun_R_mono])
       apply auto[]
      using assms
      by (auto simp add: PAC_checker_specification_spec_def conc_fun_RES polys_rel_def H1 H2
          dest!: rtranclp_PAC_Format_subset_ideal dest: is_failed_is_success_completeD)

lemma full_checker_spec':
    (uncurry2 full_checker, uncurry2 (λspec A _. PAC_checker_specification spec A)) 
       (Id ×r polys_rel) ×r Id f {((st, G), (st', G')). (st, st')  status_rel 
           (st  FAILED  (G, G')  polys_rel_full)}nres_rel
  using full_checker_spec
  by (auto intro!: frefI nres_relI)
