Theory Two_Quantale

Title: 2-Quantales
Author: Georg Struth
Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>

section ‹2-Quantales›

theory Two_Quantale
  imports Quantales_Converse.Modal_Quantale Two_Kleene_Algebra


class quantale0 = complete_lattice + monoid_mult0 +
  assumes Sup_distl0: "x 0 Y = (y  Y. x 0 y)" 
  assumes Sup_distr0: "X 0 y = (x  X. x 0 y)"

sublocale quantale0  q0q: unital_quantale "10" "(⋅0)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
  apply unfold_locales using local.Sup_distr0 local.Sup_distl0 by auto

definition (in quantale0) "qstar0 = q0q.qstar"

lemma (in quantale0) qstar0_unfold: "qstar0 x = (i. mm0.power x i)"
  by (simp add: local.q0q.qstar_def local.qstar0_def)

sublocale quantale0  dq0s0: dioid0 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.q0q.sup_distl)

sublocale quantale0  dq0ka0: kleene_algebra0 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" ""  "(⋅0)" "10" qstar0
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.qstar0_def local.q0q.uwqlka.star_inductl local.q0q.uqka.star_inductr')

class domain_quantale0 = quantale0 + dom0_op +
  assumes dom0_absorb: "x  dom0 x 0 x"
  and dom0_local: "dom0 (x 0 dom0 y) = dom0 (x 0 y)"
  and dom0_add: "dom0 (x  y) = dom0 x  dom0 y"
  and dom0_subid: "dom0 x  10"
  and dom0_zero: "dom0  = "

sublocale domain_quantale0  dq0dq: domain_quantale "dom0" "10" "(⋅0)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.dom0_absorb local.dom0_local local.dom0_add local.dom0_subid dom0_zero)

sublocale domain_quantale0  dq0ds0: domain_semiring0 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" ""  "(⋅0)" "10" "dom0"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.dom0_local local.dom0_add local.dom0_subid dom0_zero)

class codomain_quantale0 = quantale0 + cod0_op +
  assumes cod0_absorb: "x  x 0 cod0 x" 
  and cod0_local: "cod0 (cod0 x 0 y) = cod0 (x 0 y)"
  and cod0_add: "cod0 (x  y) = cod0 x  cod0 y"
  and cod0_subid: "cod0 x  10"
  and cod0_zero: "cod0  = "

sublocale codomain_quantale0  cdq0cdq: codomain_quantale "10" "(⋅0)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "cod0"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.cod0_absorb local.cod0_local local.cod0_add local.cod0_subid cod0_zero)

sublocale codomain_quantale0  cdq0dcs0: codomain_semiring0 "cod0" "(⊔)"  "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.cod0_absorb local.cod0_local local.cod0_add local.cod0_subid cod0_zero)

class modal_quantale0 = domain_quantale0 + codomain_quantale0 +
  assumes dc_compat: "dom0 (cod0 x) = cod0 x" 
  and cd_compat: "cod0 (dom0 x) = dom0 x" 

sublocale modal_quantale0  mq0mq: dc_modal_quantale "10" "(⋅0)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  "cod0" "dom0"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: dc_compat cd_compat)

sublocale modal_quantale0  mq0mka: modal_kleene_algebra0 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10" qstar0 "cod0" "dom0"
  by unfold_locales simp_all

sublocale modal_quantale0  mq0dual: modal_quantale0 "dom0" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "λx y. y 0 x" _ "cod0"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.cdq0cdq.coddual.Sup_distl local.Sup_distl0)

class quantale1 = complete_lattice + monoid_mult1 +
  assumes Sup_distl1: "x 1 Y = (y  Y. x 1 y)" 
  assumes Sup_distr1: "X 1 y = (x  X. x 1 y)"

sublocale quantale1  q1q: unital_quantale "11" "(⋅1)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
  by (unfold_locales, auto simp: local.Sup_distl1 local.Sup_distr1)

definition (in quantale1) "qstar1 = q1q.qstar"

lemma (in quantale1) qstar1_unfold: "qstar1 x = (i. mm1.power x i)"
  by (simp add: local.q1q.qstar_def local.qstar1_def)

sublocale quantale1  dq1s1: dioid1 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅1)" "11"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.q1q.wswq.distrib_left)

sublocale quantale1  dq0ka1: kleene_algebra1 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅1)" "11" qstar1
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.qstar1_def local.q1q.uwqlka.star_inductl local.q1q.uqka.star_inductr')

class domain_quantale1 = quantale1 + dom1_op +
  assumes dom1_absorb: "x  dom1 x 1 x"
  and dom1_local: "dom1 (x 1 dom1 y) = dom1 (x 1 y)"
  and dom1_add: "dom1 (x  y) = dom1 x  dom1 y"
  and dom1_subid: "dom1 x  11"
  and dom1_zero: "dom1  = "

sublocale domain_quantale1  dq1dq: domain_quantale "dom1" "11" "(⋅1)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.dom1_absorb local.dom1_local local.dom1_add local.dom1_subid dom1_zero)

sublocale domain_quantale1  dq1ds1: domain_semiring1 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" ""  "(⋅1)" "11" "dom1"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.dom1_local local.dom1_add local.dom1_subid dom1_zero)
class codomain_quantale1 = quantale1 + cod1_op +
  assumes cod1_absorb: "x  x 1 cod1 x" 
  and cod1_local: "cod1 (cod1 x 1 y) = cod1 (x 1 y)"
  and cod1_add: "cod1 (x  y) = cod1 x  cod1 y"
  and cod1_subid: "cod1 x  11"
  and cod1_zero: "cod1  = "

sublocale codomain_quantale1  cdq1cdq: codomain_quantale "11" "(⋅1)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "cod1"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.cod1_absorb local.cod1_local local.cod1_add local.cod1_subid cod1_zero)

sublocale codomain_quantale1  cdq1dcs1: codomain_semiring1 "cod1" "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅1)" "11"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.cod1_absorb local.cod1_local local.cod1_add local.cod1_subid cod1_zero)

class modal_quantale1 = domain_quantale1 + codomain_quantale1 +
  assumes dc_compat: "dom1 (cod1 x) = cod1 x" 
  and cd_compat: "cod1 (dom1 x) = dom1 x" 

sublocale modal_quantale1  mq1mq: dc_modal_quantale "11" "(⋅1)" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "cod1" "dom1"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.dc_compat local.cd_compat)

sublocale modal_quantale1  mq1mka: modal_kleene_algebra1 "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" ""  "(⋅1)" "11" qstar1 "cod1" "dom1"
  by unfold_locales simp_all

sublocale modal_quantale1  mq1dual: modal_quantale1 "dom1" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "λx y. y 1 x" _ "cod1"
  by unfold_locales (simp_all add: local.Sup_distr1 local.Sup_distl1)

class two_quantale = modal_quantale0 + modal_quantale1 +
  assumes interchange: "(w 1 x) 0 (y 1 z)  (w 0 y) 1 (x 0 z)"
  and d1_hom: "dom1 (x 0 y)  dom1 x 0 dom1 y"
  and c1_hom: "cod1 (x 0 y)  cod1 x 0 cod1 y"
  and d0_weak_hom: "dom0 (x 1 y)  dom0 x 1 dom0 y"
  and c0_weak_hom: "cod0 (x 1 y)  cod0 x 1 cod0 y"
  and d1d0 [simp]: "dom1 (dom0 x) = dom0 x"

class strong_two_quantale = two_quantale +
  assumes d1_strong_hom [simp]: "dom1 (x 0 y) = dom1 x 0 dom1 y"
  and c1_strong_hom [simp]: "cod1 (x 0 y) = cod1 x 0 cod1 y"

sublocale two_quantale  tgqs: two_semiring "cod0" "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10" "dom0"  "cod1" "(⋅1)" "11" "dom1"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: local.mq0mq.mqs.msrdual.cd_compat local.mq0mq.mqs.msrdual.dc_compat local.dc_compat local.cd_compat local.interchange local.c0_weak_hom local.c1_hom local.d0_weak_hom local.d1_hom)

sublocale strong_two_quantale  stgqs: strong_two_semiring "cod0" "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10" "dom0"  "cod1" "(⋅1)" "11" "dom1"
  by unfold_locales simp_all

sublocale two_quantale  tgqs: two_kleene_algebra "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" ""  "(⋅0)" "10" qstar0 "(⋅1)"  "11" qstar1 "cod0" "dom0" "cod1" "dom1" ..

sublocale strong_two_quantale  tgqs: strong_two_kleene_algebra "(⊔)" "(≤)" "(<)" "" "(⋅0)" "10" qstar0 "(⋅1)"  "11" qstar1 "cod0" "dom0" "cod1" "dom1" ..

lemma (in strong_two_quantale) id0_le_id1: "10 = 11"
  (* nitpick [expect = genuine] *)

context two_quantale

lemma qstar0_aux: "mm0.power (x 1 y) i  mm0.power x i 1 mm0.power y i"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc i)
  fix i 
  assume h: "mm0.power (x 1 y) i  mm0.power x i 1 mm0.power y i"
  have "mm0.power (x 1 y) (Suc i) = (x 1 y) 0 mm0.power (x 1 y) i"
    by simp
  also have "  (x 1 y) 0 (mm0.power x i 1 mm0.power y i)"
    by (simp add: h local.q0q.psrpq.mult_isol)
  also have "  (x 0 mm0.power x i) 1 (y 0 mm0.power y i)"
    by (simp add: local.interchange)
  also have " = mm0.power x (Suc i) 1 mm0.power y (Suc i)"
    by simp
  finally show "mm0.power (x 1 y) (Suc i)  mm0.power x (Suc i) 1 mm0.power y (Suc i)".

lemma qstar0_oplax: "qstar0 (x 1 y)  qstar0 x 1 qstar0 y"
  by (simp add: local.tgqs.star0_comp1)

lemma qstar1_distl0: "x 0 (qstar1 y) = (i. x 0 mm1.power y i)"
  by (simp add: image_image local.Sup_distl0 local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma qstar1_distr0: "(qstar1 x) 0 y = (i. mm1.power x i 0 y)"
  by (simp add: image_image local.Sup_distr0 local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma qstar0_distl1: "x 1 (qstar0 y) = (i. x 1 mm0.power y i)"
  by (simp add: image_image local.Sup_distl1 local.qstar0_unfold)

lemma qstar0_distr1: "(qstar0 x) 1 y = (i. mm0.power x i 1 y)"
  by (smt (verit, best) image_image local.SUP_cong local.Sup_distr1 local.qstar0_unfold)

lemma star1_laxl_aux_var: "dom0 x 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) i"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  have "dom0 x 0 11 = dom1 (dom0 x) 0 11"
    by simp
  also have "  11 0 11"
    using local.dom1_subid local.q0q.nsrnq.mult_isor by blast
  finally have "dom0 x 0 11  11"
    by (simp add: local.dq0dq.dqmsr.dom_subid_aux2)
  thus "dom0 x 0 mm1.power y 0  mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) 0"
    by simp
  case (Suc i)
  fix i
  assume h: "dom0 x 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) i"
  have "dom0 x 0 mm1.power y (Suc i) = dom0 x 0 (y 1  mm1.power y i)"
    by simp
  also have " = (dom0 x 1 dom0 x) 0 (y 1 mm1.power y i)"
    by simp
  also have "  (dom0 x 0 y) 1 (dom0 x 0 mm1.power y i)"
    using local.interchange by blast
  also have "  (dom0 x 0 y) 1 mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) i"
    by (simp add: h local.q1q.psrpq.mult_isol)
  finally show "dom0 x 0 mm1.power y (Suc i)  mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) (Suc i)"
    by simp
lemma star1_laxl_var: "dom0 x 0 qstar1 y  qstar1 (dom0 x 0 y)"  
  have "dom0 x 0 qstar1 y = (i. dom0 x 0 mm1.power y i)"
    using local.qstar1_distl0 by auto
  also have "  (i. mm1.power (dom0 x 0 y) i)"
    by (simp add: local.SUP_mono' local.star1_laxl_aux_var)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma star1_laxr_aux_var: "mm1.power x i 0 cod0 y  mm1.power (x 0 cod0 y) i"
proof (induct i)
  case 0 show ?case
    by (simp add: local.cdq0cdq.coddual.dqmsr.dom_subid_aux2)
  case (Suc i)
  fix i
  assume h: "mm1.power x i 0 cod0 y  mm1.power (x 0 cod0 y) i"
  have "mm1.power x (Suc i) 0 cod0 y = (x 1 mm1.power x i ) 0 (cod0 y 1 cod0 y)"
    by simp
  also have "   (x 0 cod0 y) 1 (mm1.power x i 0 cod0 y)"
    by (simp add: local.tgqs.tgsdual.d0_comp1)
  finally show "mm1.power x (Suc i) 0 cod0 y  mm1.power (x 0 cod0 y) (Suc i)"
    by (simp add: h local.q0q.h_w2 local.q1q.psrpq.mult_isol)
lemma qstar1_laxr_var: "qstar1 x 0 cod0 y  qstar1 (x 0 cod0 y)"  
  have "qstar1 x 0 cod0 y = (i. mm1.power x i 0 cod0 y)"
    using local.qstar1_distr0 by auto
  also have "  (i. mm1.power (x 0 cod0 y) i)"
    by (simp add: local.SUP_mono' local.star1_laxr_aux_var)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma qstar_1_power: "qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y = (i j. mm1.power x i 0 mm1.power y j)"
  have "qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y = qstar1 x 0( j. mm1.power y j)"
    using bot_nat_0.extremum local.qstar1_unfold by presburger
  also have " = (j. qstar1 x 0 mm1.power y j)"
    using calculation local.qstar1_distl0 by auto
  also have " = (j. (i. mm1.power x i) 0 mm1.power y j)"
    unfolding qstar1_def q1q.qstar_def by (simp add: full_SetCompr_eq)
  also have " = (i j. mm1.power x i 0 mm1.power y j)"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Sup.SUP_cong calculation local.qstar1_distl0 local.qstar1_distr0)
  finally show ?thesis.


context strong_two_quantale

lemma star1_laxl_aux: "dom1 x 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) i"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  have "dom1 x 0 11  11 0 11"
    using local.dom1_subid local.q0q.nsrnq.mult_isor by blast
  thus "dom1 x 0 mm1.power y 0  mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) 0"
    by simp
  case (Suc i)
  fix i
  assume h: "dom1 x 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) i"
  have "dom1 x 0 mm1.power y (Suc i) = dom1 x 0 (y 1  mm1.power y i)"
    by simp
  also have " = (dom1 x 1 dom1 x) 0 (y 1 mm1.power y i)"
    by simp
  also have "   (dom1 x 0 y) 1 (dom1 x 0 mm1.power y i)"
    using local.interchange by blast
  also have "   (dom1 x 0 y) 1 mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) i"
    by (simp add: h local.q1q.psrpq.mult_isol)
  finally show "dom1 x 0 mm1.power y (Suc i)  mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) (Suc i)"
    by simp

lemma star1_laxl: "dom1 x 0 qstar1 y  qstar1 (dom1 x 0 y)" 
  have "dom1 x 0 qstar1 y = (i. dom1 x 0 mm1.power y i)"
    using local.qstar1_distl0 by auto
  also have "  (i. mm1.power (dom1 x 0 y) i)"
    by (simp add: local.SUP_mono' local.star1_laxl_aux)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma star1_laxr_aux: "mm1.power x i 0 cod1 y  mm1.power (x 0 cod1 y) i"
  apply (induct i)
   apply (metis local.cod1_subid local.mm1.power.power_0 local.q0q.psrpq.mult_isol local.stgqs.stgsdual.id1_comp0_eq)
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) local.dual_order.trans local.q1q.psrpq.mult_isol local.tgqs.tgsdual.d1_comp1 power.power.power_Suc)

lemma qstar1_laxr: "qstar1 x 0 cod1 y  qstar1 (x 0 cod1 y)"  
  have "qstar1 x 0 cod1 y = (i. mm1.power x i 0 cod1 y)"
    using local.qstar1_distr0 by auto
  also have "  (i. mm1.power (x 0 cod1 y) i)"
    by (simp add: local.SUP_mono' local.star1_laxr_aux)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: local.qstar1_unfold)

lemma qstar1_aux: "mm1.power x i 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (x 0 y) i"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc i)
 fix i 
  assume h: "mm1.power x i 0 mm1.power y i  mm1.power (x 0 y) i" 
  have "mm1.power x (Suc i) 0 mm1.power y (Suc i) = (x 1 mm1.power x i) 0 (y 1 mm1.power y i)"
    by simp
  also have "  (x 0 y) 1 (mm1.power x i 0 mm1.power y i)"
    using local.interchange by force
  also have "  (x 0 y) 1 mm1.power (x 0 y) i"
    by (simp add: h local.q1q.psrpq.mult_isol)
  also have " = mm1.power (x 0 y) (Suc i)"
    by simp
  finally show "mm1.power x (Suc i) 0 mm1.power y (Suc i)  mm1.power (x 0 y) (Suc i)".

lemma "qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y  qstar0 (x 1 y)"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma "qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y  qstar1 (x 1 y)"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma "qstar1 (x 1 y)  qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma "qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y  qstar1 (x 0 y)"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma "qstar1 (x 0 y)  qstar1 x 0 qstar1 y"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma "qstar0 x 1 qstar0 y  qstar0 (x 0 y)"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)


lemma (in strong_two_kleene_algebra) "qstar0 x 1 qstar0 y  qstar0 (x 1 y)"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

lemma (in strong_two_kleene_algebra) "qstar0 (x 1 y)  qstar0 x 1 qstar0 y"
  (* no proof, no counterexample *)

class two_quantale_lmcs = modal_quantale0 + modal_quantale1 +
  assumes interchange: "(w 1 x) 0 (y 1 z)  (w 0 y) 1 (x 0 z)"
  and d1_hom: "dom1 (x 0 y) = dom1 x 0 dom1 y"
  and c1_hom: "cod1 (x 0 y) = cod1 x 0 cod1 y"
  and d1d0 [simp]: "dom1 (dom0 x) = dom0 x"
 and c1d0 [simp]: "cod1 (dom0 x) = dom0 x"
 and d1c0 [simp]: "dom1 (cod0 x) = cod0 x"
 and c1c0 [simp]: "cod1 (cod0 x) = cod0 x"
  and d0d1 [simp]: "dom0 (dom1 x) = dom0 x"
 and c0d1 [simp]: "cod0 (dom1 x) = dom0 x"
 and d0c1 [simp]: "dom0 (cod1 x) = cod0 x"
 and c0c1 [simp]: "cod0 (cod1 x) = cod0 x"


lemma "dom0 (x 1 y)  dom0 x 1 dom0 y"
  (* no proof no counterexample *)

lemma  "cod0 (x 1 y)  cod0 x 1 cod0 y"
  (* no proof no counterexample *)

