Theory Catoids.Catoid

Title: Catoids
Author: Georg Struth
Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>

section ‹Catoids›

theory Catoid
  imports Main


subsection ‹Multimagmas›

text ‹Multimagmas are sets equipped with multioperations. Multioperations are isomorphic to ternary relations.›

class multimagma =
  fixes mcomp :: "'a  'a  'a set" (infixl  70)


text ‹I introduce notation for the domain of definition of the multioperation.›

abbreviation "Δ x y  (x  y  {})"

text ‹I extend the multioperation to powersets›

definition conv :: "'a set  'a set  'a set" (infixl  70) where
  "X  Y = (x  X. y  Y. x  y)"

lemma conv_exp: "X  Y = {z. x y. z  x  y  x  X  y  Y}"
  unfolding conv_def by fastforce

lemma conv_exp2: "(z  X  Y) = (x y. z  x  y  x  X  y  Y)"
  by (simp add: multimagma.conv_exp)

lemma conv_distl: "X  𝒴 = (Y  𝒴. X  Y)"
  unfolding conv_def by blast

lemma conv_distr: "𝒳  Y = (X  𝒳. X  Y)"
  unfolding conv_def by blast

lemma conv_distl_small: "X  (Y  Z) = X  Y  X  Z"
  unfolding conv_def by blast

lemma conv_distr_small: "(X  Y)  Z  = X  Z  Y  Z"
  unfolding conv_def by blast

lemma conv_isol: "X  Y  Z  X  Z  Y"
  using conv_exp2 by fastforce

lemma conv_isor: "X  Y  X  Z  Y  Z"
  using conv_exp2 by fastforce

lemma conv_atom [simp]: "{x}  {y} = x  y"
  by (simp add: conv_def)


subsection ‹Multisemigroups›

text ‹Sultisemigroups are associative multimagmas.›

class multisemigroup = multimagma +
  assumes assoc: "(v  y  z. x  v) = (v  x  y. v  z)"


lemma assoc_exp: "(v. w  x  v  v  y  z) = (v. v  x  y  w  v  z)"
  using assoc by blast

lemma assoc_var: "{x}  (y  z) = (x  y)  {z}"
  unfolding conv_def assoc_exp using local.assoc by force

text ‹Associativity extends to powersets.›

lemma conv_assoc: "X  (Y  Z) = (X  Y)  Z"
  unfolding conv_exp using assoc_exp by fastforce


subsection ‹st-Multimagmas›

text ‹I equip multimagmas with source and target maps.›

class st_op =
  fixes src :: "'a  'a" (σ)
  and tgt :: "'a  'a" (τ)

class st_multimagma = multimagma + st_op +
  assumes Dst: "x  y  {}  τ x = σ y"
  and s_absorb [simp]: "σ x  x = {x}"
  and t_absorb [simp]: "x  τ x = {x}"

text ‹The following sublocale proof sets up opposition/duality.›

sublocale st_multimagma  stopp: st_multimagma "λx y. y  x" tgt src
  rewrites "stopp.conv X Y = Y  X"
  by (unfold_locales, auto simp add: local.Dst multimagma.conv_def)

lemma (in st_multimagma) ts_compat [simp]: "τ (σ x) = σ x"
  by (simp add: Dst)

lemma (in st_multimagma) ss_idem [simp]: "σ (σ x) = σ x"
  by (metis local.stopp.ts_compat local.ts_compat)

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_fix: "(τ x = x) = (σ x = x)"
  assume h1: "τ x = x"
  hence "σ x = σ (τ x)"
    by simp
  also have " = x"
    by (metis h1 local.stopp.ts_compat)
  finally show "σ x = x".
  assume h2: "σ x = x"
  hence "τ x = τ (σ x)"
    by simp
  also have " = x"
    by (metis h2 ts_compat)
  finally show "τ x = x".

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_eq1: "σ x = x  σ x = τ x"
  by (simp add: local.stopp.st_fix)

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_eq2: "τ x = x  σ x = τ x"
  by (simp add: local.stopp.st_fix)

text ‹I extend source and target operations to powersets by taking images.›

abbreviation (in st_op) Src :: "'a set  'a set" where
  "Src  image σ"

abbreviation (in st_op) Tgt :: "'a set  'a set" where
  "Tgt  image τ"

text ‹Fixpoints of source and target maps model source and target elements.
These correspond to units.›

abbreviation (in st_op) sfix :: "'a set" where
  "sfix  {x. σ x = x}"

abbreviation (in st_op) tfix :: "'a set" where
  "tfix  {x. τ x = x}"

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_mm_rfix [simp]: "tfix = stopp.sfix"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_fix_set: "{x. σ x = x} = {x. τ x = x}"
  using local.st_fix by presburger

lemma (in st_multimagma) stfix_set: "sfix = tfix"
  using local.st_fix_set by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) sfix_im: "sfix = Src UNIV"
  by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong full_SetCompr_eq local.ss_idem)

lemma (in st_multimagma) tfix_im: "tfix = Tgt UNIV"
  using local.stopp.sfix_im by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) ST_im: "Src UNIV = Tgt UNIV"
  using local.sfix_im local.stfix_set local.tfix_im by presburger

text ‹Source and target elements are "orthogonal" idempotents.›

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_idem [simp]: "σ x  σ x = {σ x}"
  have "{σ x} = σ x  τ (σ x)"
    using local.t_absorb by presburger
  also have " = σ x  σ x"
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis..

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_ortho:
  "Δ (σ x) (σ y)  σ x = σ y"
  assume "Δ (σ x) (σ y)"
  hence "τ (σ x) = σ (σ y)"
    using local.Dst by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_ortho_iff: "Δ (σ x) (σ y) = (σ x = σ y)"
  using local.s_ortho by auto

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_ortho_iff: "Δ (σ x) (τ y) = (σ x = τ y)"
  using local.Dst by fastforce

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_ortho_id: "(σ x)  (σ y) = (if (σ x = σ y) then {σ x} else {})"
  using local.s_ortho_iff by auto

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_absorb_var: "(σ y  σ x) = (σ y  x = {})"
  using local.Dst by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_absorb_var2: "(σ y = σ x) = (σ y  x  {})"
  using local.s_absorb_var by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_absorb_var3: "(σ y = σ x) = Δ (σ x) y"
  by (metis local.s_absorb_var)

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_assoc: "{σ x}  (σ y  z) = (σ x  σ y)  {z}"
  {fix a
    have "(a  {σ x}  (σ y  z)) = (b. a  σ x  b  b  σ y  z)"
      by (simp add: local.conv_exp2)
    also have " = (b. a  σ x  b  b  σ y  z  σ y = σ z)"
    using local.s_absorb_var by auto
  also have " = (b. a  σ x  b  b  σ y  z  σ y = σ z  σ x = σ y)"
    using local.stopp.Dst by fastforce
  also have " = (b. b  σ x  σ y  a  b  z  σ y = σ z  σ x = σ y)"
    by fastforce
  also have " = (b. b  σ x  σ y  a  b  z)"
    by (metis equals0D local.s_absorb_var3 local.s_idem singleton_iff)
  also have " = (a  (σ x  σ y)  {z})"
    using local.conv_exp2 by auto
  finally have "(a  {σ x}  (σ y  z)) = (a  (σ x  σ y)  {z})".}
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) sfix_absorb_var [simp]: "(e  sfix. e  x) = {x}"
  apply safe
   apply (metis local.s_absorb local.s_absorb_var2 singletonD)
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) UNIV_I UN_iff imageI local.s_absorb local.sfix_im singletonI)

lemma (in st_multimagma) tfix_absorb_var: "(e  tfix. x  e) = {x}"
  using local.stopp.sfix_absorb_var by presburger

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_comm: "τ x  σ y = σ y  τ x"
  using local.Dst by fastforce

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_weak_twisted: "(u  x  y. σ u  x)  x  σ y"
  by (safe, metis empty_iff insertI1 local.Dst local.s_absorb local.t_absorb)

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_comm: "σ x  σ y = σ y  σ x"
  using local.Dst by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) s_export [simp]: "Src (σ x  y) = σ x  σ y"
  using local.Dst by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_prop: "(τ x = σ y) = Δ (τ x) (σ y)"
  by (metis local.stopp.s_absorb_var2 local.stopp.st_comm local.ts_compat)

lemma (in st_multimagma) weak_local_var: "τ x  σ y = {}  x  y = {}"
  using local.Dst local.st_prop by auto

text ‹The following facts hold by duality.›

lemma (in st_multimagma) st_compat: "σ (τ x) = τ x"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) tt_idem: "τ (τ x) = τ x"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) t_idem: "τ x  τ x = {τ x}"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma)t_weak_twisted: "(u  y  x. x  τ u)  τ y  x"
  using local.stopp.s_weak_twisted by auto

lemma (in st_multimagma) t_comm: "τ x  τ y = τ y  τ x"
  by (simp add: stopp.s_comm)

lemma (in st_multimagma) t_export: "image τ (x  τ y) = τ x  τ y"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) tt_comp_prop: "Δ (τ x) (τ y) = (τ x = τ y)"
  using local.stopp.s_ortho_iff by force

text ‹The set of all sources (and targets) are units at powerset level.›

lemma (in st_multimagma) conv_uns [simp]: "sfix  X = X"
  {fix a
    have "(a  sfix  X) = (b  sfix. c  X. a  b  c)"
      by (meson local.conv_exp2)
    also have " = (b. c  X. σ b = b  a  b  c)"
      by blast
  also have " = (b. c  X. a  σ b  c)"
    by (metis local.ss_idem)
  also have " = (c  X. a  σ c  c)"
    by (metis empty_iff local.s_absorb_var)
  also have " = (a  X)"
    by auto
  finally have "(a  sfix  X) = (a  X)".}
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) conv_unt: "X  tfix = X"
  using stopp.conv_uns by blast

text ‹I prove laws of modal powerset quantales.›

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_exp: "Src X = {σ x |x. x  X}"
  by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image)

lemma (in st_multimagma) ST_compat [simp]: "Src (Tgt X) = Tgt X"
  unfolding image_def by fastforce

lemma (in st_multimagma) TS_compat: "Tgt (Src X) = Src X"
  by (meson local.stopp.ST_compat)

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_absorp [simp]: "Src X  X = X"
  {fix a
  have "(a  Src X  X) = (b  Src X. c  X. a  b  c)"
    using local.conv_exp2 by auto
  also have " = (b  X. c  X. a  σ b  c)"
    by blast
  also have " = (c  X. a  σ c  c)"
    by (metis empty_iff local.s_absorb_var)
 also have " = (a  X)"
   by simp
  finally have "(a  Src X  X) = (a  X)".}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) Tgt_absorp: "X  Tgt X = X"
  by simp

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_Sup_pres: "Src (𝒳) = (X  𝒳. Src X)"
  unfolding Src_exp by auto

lemma (in st_multimagma) Tgt_Sup_pres: "Tgt (𝒳) = ( X  𝒳. Tgt X)"
  by blast

lemma (in st_multimagma) ST_comm: "Src X  Tgt Y = Tgt Y  Src X"
  {fix a
  have "(a  Src X  Tgt Y) = (b  Src X. c  Tgt Y. a  b  c)"
    using local.conv_exp2 by auto
  also have " = (b  X. c  Y. a  σ b  τ c)"
    by auto
  also have " = (b  X. c  Y. a  τ c  σ b)"
    using local.st_comm by auto
  also have " = (a  Tgt Y  Src X)"
    using multimagma.conv_exp2 by fastforce
  finally have "(a  Src X  Tgt Y) = (a  Tgt Y  Src X)".}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_comm: "Src X  Src Y = Src Y  Src X"
  by (metis local.ST_comm local.TS_compat)

lemma (in st_multimagma) Tgt_comm: "Tgt X  Tgt Y = Tgt Y  Tgt X"
  using local.stopp.Src_comm by presburger

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_subid: "Src X  sfix"
  by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) Tgt_subid: "Tgt X  tfix"
  using local.stopp.Src_subid by presburger

lemma (in st_multimagma) Src_export [simp]: "Src (Src X  Y) = Src X  Src Y"
  {fix a
  have "(a  Src (Src X  Y)) = (b  Src X  Y. a = σ b)"
    by (simp add: image_iff)
  also have " = (b. c  Src X. d  Y. a = σ b  b  c  d)"
    by (meson local.conv_exp2)
  also have " = (b. c  X. d  Y. a = σ b  b  σ c  d)"
    by simp
  also have " = (c  X. d  Y. a  Src (σ c  d))"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) image_iff)
  also have " = (c  X. d  Y. a  σ c  σ d)"
    by auto
  also have " = (c  Src X. d  Src Y. a  c  d)"
    by force
  also have " = (a  Src X  Src Y)"
    using local.conv_exp2 by auto
  finally have "(a  Src (Src X  Y)) = (a  Src X  Src Y)".}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in st_multimagma) Tgt_export [simp]: "Tgt (X  Tgt Y) = Tgt X  Tgt Y"
  by simp

text ‹Locality implies st-locality, which is the composition pattern of categories.›

lemma (in st_multimagma) locality:
  assumes src_local: "Src (x  σ y)  Src (x  y)"
  and tgt_local: "Tgt (τ x  y)  Tgt (x  y)"
  shows "Δ x y  = (τ x = σ y)"
  using local.Dst tgt_local by auto

subsection ‹Catoids›

class catoid = st_multimagma + multisemigroup

sublocale catoid  ts_msg: catoid "λx y. y  x"  tgt src
  by (unfold_locales, simp add: local.assoc)

lemma (in catoid) src_comp_aux: "v  x  y  σ v = σ x"
  by (metis emptyE insert_iff local.assoc_exp local.s_absorb local.s_absorb_var3)

lemma (in catoid) src_comp: "Src (x  y)  {σ x}"
  {fix a
  assume "a  Src (x  y)"
  hence "b  x  y. a = σ b"
    by auto
  hence "b. σ b = σ x  a = σ b"
    using local.src_comp_aux by blast
  hence "a = σ x"
    by blast}
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma (in catoid) src_comp_cond: "(Δ x y)  Src (x  y) = {σ x}"
  by (meson image_is_empty local.src_comp subset_singletonD)

lemma (in catoid) tgt_comp_aux: "v  x  y  τ v = τ y"
  using local.ts_msg.src_comp_aux by fastforce

lemma (in catoid) tgt_comp: "Tgt (x  y)  {τ y}"
  by (simp add: local.ts_msg.src_comp)

lemma (in catoid) tgt_comp_cond: "Δ x y  Tgt (x  y) = {τ y}"
  by (simp add: local.ts_msg.src_comp_cond)

lemma (in catoid) src_weak_local: "Src (x  y)  Src (x  σ y)"
  {fix a
  assume "a  Src (x  y)"
  hence "b  x  y. a = σ b"
    by auto
  hence "b  x  y. a = σ b"
    by blast
  hence "b  x  y. a = σ b  τ x = σ y"
    using local.Dst by auto
  hence "b  x  σ y. a = σ b"
    by (metis insertI1 local.t_absorb local.ts_msg.tgt_comp_aux)
  hence "a  Src (x  σ y)"
    by force}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in catoid) src_local_cond:
  "Δ x y  Src (x  y) = Src (x  σ y)"
  by (simp add: local.stopp.Dst local.ts_msg.tgt_comp_cond)

lemma (in catoid) tgt_weak_local: "Tgt (x  y)  Tgt (τ x  y)"
  by (simp add: local.ts_msg.src_weak_local)

lemma (in catoid) tgt_local_cond:
  "Δ x y  Tgt (x  y) = Tgt (τ x  y)"
  using local.ts_msg.src_local_cond by presburger

lemma (in catoid) src_twisted_aux:
  "u  x  y  (x  σ y = σ u  x)"
  by (metis local.Dst local.s_absorb local.src_comp_aux local.t_absorb)

lemma (in catoid) src_twisted_cond:
  "Δ x y  x  σ y = {σ u  x |u. u  x  y}"
   using local.stopp.Dst local.ts_msg.tgt_comp_aux by auto

lemma (in catoid) tgt_twisted_aux:
  "u  x  y  (τ x  y = y  τ u)"
  by (simp add: local.ts_msg.src_twisted_aux)

lemma (in catoid) tgt_twisted_cond:
  "Δ x y   τ x  y = {y  τ u |u. u  x  y}"
  by (simp add: local.ts_msg.src_twisted_cond)

lemma (in catoid) src_funct:
  "x  y  z  x'  y  z  σ x = σ x'"
  using local.src_comp_aux by force

lemma (in catoid) st_local_iff:
  "(x y. Δ x y = (τ x = σ y)) = (v x y z. v  x  y  Δ y z  Δ v z)"
  apply safe
    apply (metis local.ts_msg.src_comp_aux)
  using local.Dst apply blast
  by (metis local.s_absorb_var2 local.t_absorb singleton_iff)

text ‹Again one can lift to properties of modal semirings and quantales.›

lemma (in catoid) Src_weak_local: "Src (X  Y)  Src (X  Src Y)"
  {fix a
  assume "a  Src (X  Y)"
  hence "b. c  X. d  Y. a = σ b  b  c  d"
    by (smt (verit) image_iff local.conv_exp2)
  hence "c  X. d  Y. a  Src (c  d)"
    by auto
  hence "c  X. d  Y. a  Src (c  σ d)"
    by (metis empty_iff image_empty local.src_local_cond)
  hence "b. c  X. d  Src Y. a = σ b  b  c  d"
    by auto
  hence "a  Src (X  Src Y)"
    by (metis image_iff local.conv_exp2)}
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma (in catoid) Tgt_weak_local: "Tgt (X  Y)  Tgt (Tgt X  Y)"
  by (metis local.stopp.conv_exp local.ts_msg.Src_weak_local multimagma.conv_exp)

text ‹st-Locality implies locality.›

lemma (in catoid) st_locality_l_locality:
  assumes "Δ x y = (τ x = σ y)"
  shows "Src (x  y) = Src (x  σ y)"
  {fix a
  have "(a  Src (x  σ y)) = (b  x  σ y. a = σ b)"
    by auto
  also have " = (b  x  σ y. a = σ b  τ x = σ y)"
    by (simp add: local.st_prop local.tgt_comp_aux local.tgt_twisted_aux)
  also have " = (b  x  y. a = σ b)"
    by (metis assms ex_in_conv local.t_absorb local.ts_msg.tgt_comp_aux singletonI)
  also have " = (a  Src (x  y))"
    by auto
  finally have "(a  Src (x  σ y)) = (a  Src (x  y))".}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in catoid) st_locality_r_locality:
  assumes lr_locality: "Δ x y = (τ x = σ y)"
  shows  "Tgt (x  y) = Tgt (τ x  y)"
  by (metis local.ts_msg.st_locality_l_locality lr_locality)

lemma (in catoid) st_locality_locality:
  "(Src (x  y) = Src (x  σ y)  Tgt (x  y) = Tgt (τ x  y)) = (Δ x y = (τ x = σ y))"
  apply standard
   apply (simp add: local.locality)
  by (metis local.st_locality_l_locality local.ts_msg.st_locality_l_locality)

subsection ‹Locality›

text ‹For st-multimagmas there are different notions of locality. I do not develop this in detail.›

class local_catoid = catoid +
  assumes src_local: "Src (x  σ y)  Src (x  y)"
  and tgt_local: "Tgt (τ x  y)  Tgt (x  y)"

sublocale local_catoid  sts_msg: local_catoid "λx y. y  x" tgt src
  apply unfold_locales using local.tgt_local local.src_local by auto

lemma (in local_catoid) src_local_eq [simp]: "Src (x  σ y) = Src (x  y)"
  by (simp add: local.src_local local.src_weak_local order_class.order_eq_iff)

lemma (in local_catoid) tgt_local_eq: "Tgt (τ x  y) = Tgt (x  y)"
  by simp

lemma (in local_catoid) src_twisted: "x  σ y = (u  x  y. σ u  x)"
  by (metis Setcompr_eq_image Sup_empty empty_is_image local.src_twisted_cond local.sts_msg.tgt_local_eq)

lemma (in local_catoid) tgt_twisted: "τ x  y = (u  x  y. y  τ u)"
  using local.sts_msg.src_twisted by auto

lemma (in local_catoid) local_var: "Δ x y  Δ (τ x) (σ y)"
  by (simp add: local.stopp.Dst)

lemma (in local_catoid) local_var_eq [simp]: "Δ (τ x) (σ y) = Δ x y"
  by (simp add: local.locality)

text ‹I lift locality to powersets.›

lemma (in local_catoid) Src_local [simp]: "Src (X  Src Y) = Src (X  Y)"
  {fix a
  have "(a  Src (X  Src Y)) = (b  X  Src Y. a = σ b)"
    by (simp add: image_iff)
  also have " = (b. c  X. d  Src Y. b  c  d  a = σ b)"
    by (meson local.conv_exp2)
  also have " = (b. c  X. d  Y. b  c  σ d  a = σ b)"
    by simp
  also have " = (c  X. d  Y. a  Src (c  σ d))"
    by blast
  also have " = (c  X. d  Y. a  Src (c  d))"
    by auto
  also have " = (b. c  X. d  Y. b  c  d  a = σ b)"
    by auto
  also have " = (b  X  Y. a = σ b)"
    by (meson local.conv_exp2)
  also have " = (a  Src (X  Y))"
    by (simp add: image_iff)
  finally have "(a  Src (X  Src Y)) = (a  Src (X  Y))".}
  thus ?thesis
    by force

lemma (in local_catoid) Tgt_local [simp]: "Tgt (Tgt X  Y) = Tgt (X  Y)"
  by (metis local.stopp.conv_def local.sts_msg.Src_local multimagma.conv_def)

lemma (in local_catoid) st_local: "Δ x y = (τ x = σ y)"
  using local.stopp.locality by force

subsection ‹From partial magmas to single-set categories.›

class functional_magma = multimagma +
  assumes functionality: "x  y  z  x'  y  z  x = x'"


text ‹Functional magmas could also be called partial magmas. The multioperation corresponds to a partial operation.›

lemma partial_card: "card (x  y)  1"
  by (metis One_nat_def card.infinite card_le_Suc0_iff_eq local.functionality zero_less_one_class.zero_le_one)

lemma fun_in_sgl: "(x  y  z) = ({x} = y  z)"
  using local.functionality by fastforce

text ‹I introduce a partial operation.›

definition pcomp :: "'a  'a  'a" (infixl  70) where
  "x  y = (THE z. z  x  y)"

lemma functionality_var: "Δ x y  (∃!z. z  x  y)"
  using local.functionality by auto

lemma functionality_lem: "(∃!z. z  x  y)  (x  y = {})"
  using functionality_var by blast

lemma functionality_lem_var: "Δ x y = (z. {z} = x  y)"
  using functionality_lem by blast

lemma pcomp_def_var: "(Δ x y  x  y = z) = (z  x  y)"
  unfolding pcomp_def by (smt (verit, del_insts) all_not_in_conv functionality_lem theI_unique)

lemma pcomp_def_var2: "Δ x y  ((x  y = z) = (z  x  y))"
  using pcomp_def_var by blast

lemma pcomp_def_var3: "Δ x y  ((x  y = z) = ({z} = x  y))"
  by (simp add: fun_in_sgl pcomp_def_var2)


class functional_st_magma = functional_magma + st_multimagma

class functional_semigroup = functional_magma + multisemigroup


lemma pcomp_assoc_defined: "(Δ u v  Δ (u  v) w) = (Δ u (v  w)  Δ v w)"
  have "(Δ u v  Δ (u  v) w) = (x. Δ u v  Δ x w   x = u  v)"
    by simp
  also have "... = (x. x  u  v  Δ x w)"
    by (metis local.pcomp_def_var)
  also have "... = (x. x  v  w  Δ u x)"
    using local.assoc_exp by blast
  also have "... = (x. Δ v w  x = v  w  Δ u x)"
    by (metis local.pcomp_def_var)
  also have "... = (Δ u (v  w)  Δ v w)"
    by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma pcomp_assoc: "Δ x y  Δ (x  y) z  (x  y)  z = x  (y  z)"
  by (metis (full_types) local.assoc_var local.conv_atom local.fun_in_sgl local.pcomp_def_var2 pcomp_assoc_defined)


class functional_catoid = functional_semigroup + catoid

text ‹Finally, here comes the definition of single-set categories as in Chapter 12 of Mac Lane's book,
but with partiality of arrow composition modelled using a multioperation, or a partial operation
based on it.›

class single_set_category = functional_catoid + local_catoid


lemma st_assoc: "τ x = σ y  τ y = σ z  (x  y)  z = x  (y  z)"
  by (metis local.st_local local.pcomp_assoc local.pcomp_def_var2 local.tgt_comp_aux)


subsection  ‹Morphisms of multimagmas and lr-multimagmas›

text ‹In the context of single-set categories, these morphisms are functors. Bounded morphisms
are functional bisimulations. They are known as zig-zag morphisms or p-morphism in modal and
substructural logics.›

definition mm_morphism :: "('a::multimagma  'b::multimagma)  bool" where
  "mm_morphism f = (x y. image f (x  y)  f x  f y)"

definition bounded_mm_morphism :: "('a::multimagma  'b::multimagma)  bool" where
  "bounded_mm_morphism f = (mm_morphism f  (x u v. f x  u  v  (y z. u = f y  v = f z  x  y  z)))"

definition st_mm_morphism :: "('a::st_multimagma  'b::st_multimagma)  bool" where
  "st_mm_morphism f = (mm_morphism f  f  σ = σ  f  f  τ = τ  f)"

definition bounded_st_mm_morphism :: "('a::st_multimagma  'b::st_multimagma)  bool" where
  "bounded_st_mm_morphism f = (bounded_mm_morphism f  st_mm_morphism f)"

subsection ‹Relationship with categories›

text ‹Next I add a standard definition of a category following Moerdijk and Mac Lane's book and,
for good measure, show that categories form single set categories and vice versa.›

locale category =
  fixes id :: "'objects  'arrows"
  and dom :: "'arrows  'objects"
  and cod :: "'arrows  'objects"
  and comp :: "'arrows  'arrows  'arrows" (infixl  70)
  assumes dom_id [simp]: "dom (id X) = X"
  and cod_id [simp]: "cod (id X) = X"
  and id_dom [simp]: "id (dom f)  f = f"
  and id_cod [simp]: "f  id (cod f) = f"
  and dom_loc [simp]: "cod f = dom g  dom (f  g) = dom f"
  and cod_loc [simp]: "cod f = dom g  cod (f  g) = cod g"
  and assoc: "cod f = dom g  cod g = dom h  (f  g)  h = f  (g  h)"


lemma "cod f = dom g  dom (f  g) = dom (f  id (dom g))"
  by simp

abbreviation "LL f  id (dom f)"

abbreviation "RR f  id (cod f)"

abbreviation "Comp  λf g. (if RR f = LL g then {f  g} else {})"


typedef (overloaded) 'a::single_set_category st_objects = "{x::'a::single_set_category. σ x = x}"
  using stopp.tt_idem by blast

setup_lifting type_definition_st_objects

lemma Sfix_coerce [simp]: "Abs_st_objects (σ (Rep_st_objects X)) = X"
  by (smt (verit, best) Rep_st_objects Rep_st_objects_inverse mem_Collect_eq)

lemma Rfix_coerce [simp]: "Abs_st_objects (τ (Rep_st_objects X)) = X"
  by (smt (verit, best) Rep_st_objects Rep_st_objects_inverse mem_Collect_eq stopp.st_fix)

sublocale single_set_category  sscatcat: category Rep_st_objects "Abs_st_objects  σ" "Abs_st_objects  τ" "(⊗)"
  apply unfold_locales
        apply simp_all
      apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Abs_st_objects_inverse empty_not_insert functional_magma_class.pcomp_def_var2 insertI1 mem_Collect_eq st_multimagma_class.s_absorb st_multimagma_class.ss_idem)
     apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Abs_st_objects_inverse functional_magma_class.pcomp_def_var insert_iff mem_Collect_eq st_multimagma_class.stopp.s_absorb st_multimagma_class.stopp.ts_compat)
    apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Abs_st_objects_inject catoid_class.ts_msg.tgt_comp_aux functional_magma_class.pcomp_def_var2 local_catoid_class.sts_msg.st_local mem_Collect_eq st_multimagma_class.stopp.ts_compat st_multimagma_class.stopp.tt_idem)
   apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Abs_st_objects_inject functional_semigroup_class.pcomp_assoc_defined local_catoid_class.sts_msg.st_local mem_Collect_eq st_multimagma_class.stopp.s_absorb_var st_multimagma_class.stopp.st_compat)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Abs_st_objects_inverse mem_Collect_eq single_set_category_class.st_assoc st_multimagma_class.stopp.st_compat st_multimagma_class.stopp.ts_compat)

sublocale category  catlrm: st_multimagma Comp  LL RR
  by unfold_locales auto

sublocale category  catsscat: single_set_category Comp LL RR
  apply unfold_locales
     apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Sup_empty category.assoc category_axioms ccpo_Sup_singleton cod_id cod_loc dom_loc image_empty image_insert)
    apply (metis empty_iff singletonD)
   apply (smt (verit, best) category.dom_id category_axioms dom_loc image_insert set_eq_subset)
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) cod_id cod_loc image_insert set_eq_subset)

subsection ‹A Mac Lane style variant›

text ‹Next I present an axiomatisation of single-set categories that follows Mac Lane's axioms
in Chapter I of his textbook more closely, but still uses a multioperation for arrow composition.›

class mlss_cat = functional_magma +
  fixes l0 :: "'a 'a"
  fixes r0 :: "'a 'a"
  assumes comp0_def: "(x  y  {}) = (r0 x = l0 y)"
  assumes r0l0 [simp]: "r0 (l0 x) = l0 x"
  assumes l0r0 [simp]: "l0 (r0 x) = r0 x"
  assumes l0_absorb [simp]: "l0 x  x = x"
  assumes r0_absorb [simp] : "x  r0 x = x"
  assumes assoc_defined: "(u  v  {}  (u  v)  w  {}) = (u  (v  w)  {}  v  w  {})"
  assumes comp0_assoc: "r0 x = l0 y  r0 y = l0 z  x  (y  z) = (x  y)  z"
  assumes locall_var: "r0 x = l0 y  l0 (x  y) = l0 x"
  assumes localr_var: "r0 x = l0 y  r0 (x  y) = r0 y"


lemma ml_locall [simp]: "l0 (x  l0 y) = l0 (x  y)"
  by (metis local.comp0_def local.l0_absorb local.locall_var local.pcomp_def local.r0l0)

lemma ml_localr [simp]: "r0 (r0 x  y) = r0 (x  y)"
  by (metis local.comp0_def local.l0r0 local.localr_var local.pcomp_def local.r0l0)

lemma ml_locall_im [simp]: "image l0 (x  l0 y) = image l0 (x  y)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_insert image_is_empty local.comp0_def local.fun_in_sgl local.l0r0 local.pcomp_def_var local.r0_absorb local.r0l0 ml_locall)

lemma ml_localr_im [simp]: "image r0 (r0 x  y) = image r0 (x  y)"
  by (smt (verit, best) image_insert local.comp0_def local.fun_in_sgl local.functionality_lem local.l0_absorb local.l0r0 local.pcomp_def_var local.r0_absorb ml_localr)


sublocale single_set_category  sscatml: mlss_cat "(⊙)" "σ" "τ"
  apply unfold_locales
          apply (simp_all add: st_local pcomp_def_var2)
  using local.pcomp_assoc_defined local.st_local apply force
  using pcomp_assoc_defined st_assoc local.pcomp_def_var2 local.st_local local.src_comp_aux tgt_comp_aux by fastforce+

sublocale mlss_cat  mlsscat: single_set_category "(⊙)" "l0" "r0"
  apply unfold_locales
       apply (simp_all add: comp0_def)
    apply standard
     apply (clarsimp, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) local.assoc_defined local.comp0_assoc local.comp0_def local.fun_in_sgl local.pcomp_def_var)
    apply (clarsimp, metis local.assoc_defined local.comp0_assoc local.comp0_def local.pcomp_def_var)
   apply (metis local.comp0_def local.fun_in_sgl local.l0_absorb local.pcomp_def_var2 local.r0l0)
  using local.comp0_def local.fun_in_sgl local.l0r0 local.pcomp_def_var2 local.r0_absorb by presburger

subsection ‹Product of catoids›

text ‹Finally I formalise products of categories as an exercise.›

instantiation prod :: (catoid, catoid) catoid

definition "src_prod x = (σ (fst x), σ (snd x))"
  for x :: "'a × 'b"

definition "tgt_prod x = (τ (fst x), τ (snd x))"
  for x :: "'a × 'b"

definition "mcomp_prod x y = {(u,v) |u v. u  fst x  fst y  v  snd x  snd y}"
  for x y :: "'a × 'b"

  fix x y z :: "'a × 'b"
  show "(v  y  z. x  v) = (v  x  y. v  z)"
    {fix a b
      have "((a,b)  ( v  y  z. x  v)) = (v. (a,b)  x  v  v  y  z)"
        by blast
      also have " = (v w. a  fst x  v  v  fst y  fst z  b  snd x  w  w  snd y  snd z)"
        using mcomp_prod_def by auto
      also have " = (v w. a  v  fst z  v  fst x  fst y  b  w  snd z  w  snd x  snd y)"
        by (meson ts_msg.assoc_exp)
      also have " = (v. (a,b)  v  z  v  x  y)"
        using mcomp_prod_def by auto
      also have " = ((a,b)  (v  x  y. v  z))"
        by blast
      finally have "((a,b)  (v  y  z. x  v)) = ((a,b)  (v  x  y. v  z))".}
    thus ?thesis
      by (meson pred_equals_eq2)
  show "x  y  {}  τ x = σ y"
    by (simp add: Catoid.mcomp_prod_def Dst src_prod_def tgt_prod_def)
  show "σ x  x = {x}"
    unfolding src_prod_def mcomp_prod_def by simp
  show "x  τ x = {x}"
    unfolding tgt_prod_def mcomp_prod_def by simp


instantiation prod :: (single_set_category, single_set_category) single_set_category

  fix x y z x' :: "'a × 'b"
  show "x  y  z  x'  y  z  x = x'"
    unfolding mcomp_prod_def by (smt (verit, best) functionality mem_Collect_eq)
  show a: "stopp.Tgt (x  σ y)  stopp.Tgt (x  y)"
    {fix a b
      have "((a,b)  stopp.Tgt (x  σ y)) = ((a,b)  Src {(c,d) |c d. c  fst x  σ (fst y)  d  snd x  σ (snd y)})"
        by (simp add: mcomp_prod_def src_prod_def)
      also have " = (a  Src (fst x  σ (fst y))  b  Src (snd x  σ (snd y)))"
        by (smt (z3) Setcompr_eq_image fst_conv mem_Collect_eq snd_conv src_prod_def stopp.tt_idem)
      also have " = (a  Src (fst x  fst y)  b  Src (snd x  snd y))"
        by simp
      also have " = ((a,b)  Src {(c,d) |c d. c  (fst x  fst y)  d  (snd x  snd y)})"
        by (smt (z3) Setcompr_eq_image fst_conv mem_Collect_eq snd_conv src_prod_def stopp.tt_idem)
      also have " = ((a,b)  stopp.Tgt (x  y))"
        by (simp add: mcomp_prod_def src_prod_def)
      finally have "((a,b)  stopp.Tgt (x  σ y)) = ((a,b)  stopp.Tgt (x  y))".}
    thus ?thesis
      by auto
  show "Tgt (τ x  y)  Tgt (x  y)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) a bot.extremum_uniqueI empty_is_image stopp.s_absorb_var3 tgt_local_cond tgt_weak_local ts_msg.st_locality_l_locality)

