Theory ScottVariantHOMLinK

subsection‹ScottVariantHOMLinK.thy (Figure 13 of \cite{J75})›
text‹Scott's variant of Gödel's argument fails for base logic K (but only it the last step).›
theory ScottVariantHOMLinK imports HOMLinHOLonlyK

consts PositiveProperty::"(eσ)σ" ("P") 

axiomatization where A1: "¬P φ  P ~φ"

axiomatization where A2: "P φ  (Ey. φ y  ψ y)  P ψ" 

theorem T1: "P φ  (Ex. φ x)" using A1 A2 by blast

definition God ("G") where "G x  φ. P φ  φ x"

axiomatization where A3: "P G"

theorem Coro: "(Ex. G x)" nitpick[satisfy,eval="G"] using A3 T1 by blast

axiomatization where A4: "P φ   P φ"

definition Ess ("_Ess._") where "φ Ess. x  φ x  (ψ. ψ x  (Ey. φ y  ψ y))"

theorem T2: "G x  G Ess. x" using A1 A4 Ess_def God_def by fastforce

definition NecExist ("NE") where "NE x  φ. φ Ess. x  (Ex. φ x)"

axiomatization where A5: "P NE"

lemma True nitpick[satisfy,card=1,eval="⌊P (λx.)⌋"] oops ―‹One model found of cardinality one›

theorem T3: "(Ex. G x)" nitpick[card e=1, card i=2, eval="G"] oops ―‹Counterexample›

lemma MC: "φ  φ" nitpick[card e=1, card i=2, eval="G"] oops ―‹Counterexample›
