Theory GoedelVariantHOML1poss

subsection‹GoedelVariantHOML1poss.thy (Figure 16 of \cite{J75})›
text‹Gödel's axioms and definitions, as presented in the 1970 manuscript, are inconsistent. 
In contrast to Figure 6 we here use only possibilist quantifiers and still derive falsity.›
theory GoedelVariantHOML1poss imports HOMLinHOL

consts PositiveProperty::"(eσ)σ" ("P") 

axiomatization where Ax1: "P φ  P ψ  P (φ . ψ)"

axiomatization where Ax2a: "P φ e P ~φ" 

definition God ("G") where "G x  φ. P φ  φ x"

abbreviation PropertyInclusion ("_N_") where "φ N ψ  (y::e. φ y  ψ y)"

definition Essence ("_Ess._") where "φ Ess. x  ψ. ψ x  (φ N ψ)"

axiomatization where Ax2b: "P φ   P φ"

lemma Ax2b': "¬P φ  (¬P φ)" using Ax2a Ax2b by blast

theorem Th1: "G x  G Ess. x" using Ax2a Ax2b Essence_def God_def by (smt (verit))

definition NecExist ("E") where "E x  φ. φ Ess. x  (x. φ x)"

axiomatization where Ax3: "P E"

theorem Th2: "G x  (y. G y)" using Ax3 Th1 God_def NecExist_def by smt

theorem Th3: "(x. G x)  (y. G y)" 
  ―‹sledgehammer(Th2 Rsymm)› ―‹Proof found›
  proof -
    have 1: "(x. G x)  (y. G y)" using Th2 by blast
    have 2: "(x. G x)  (y. G y)" using 1 by blast
    have 3: "(x. G x)  (y. G y)" using 2 Rsymm by blast
    thus ?thesis by blast

axiomatization where Ax4: "P φ  (φ N ψ)  P ψ"

lemma True nitpick[satisfy,expect=unknown] oops ―‹No model found›

lemma EmptyEssL: "(λy.) Ess. x" using Essence_def by metis

theorem Inconsistency: False 
  ―‹sledgehammer(Ax2a Ax3 Ax4 EmptyEssL NecExist\_def)› ―‹Proof found›
  proof -
    have 1: "¬(P (λx.))" using Ax2a Ax4 by blast
    have 2: "P (λx.(λy.) Ess. x  (z::e.(λy.)z))" using Ax3 Ax4 NecExist_def by smt
    have 3: "P (λx.(z. (λx.) z))" using 2 EmptyEssL Ax4 by smt
    have 4: "P (λx.)" using 3 by auto
    have 5: "P (λx.)" using 4 Ax2a Ax4 by smt
    have 6: "" using 1 5 by blast
    thus ?thesis by blast
