Theory Native_Word_Test
chapter ‹Test cases›
theory Native_Word_Test
Uint64 Uint32 Uint16 Uint8 Uint Native_Cast_Uint
nat_of_uint8 uint8_of_nat
nat_of_uint16 uint16_of_nat
nat_of_uint32 uint32_of_nat
nat_of_uint64 uint64_of_nat
nat_of_uint uint_of_nat
in SML
section ‹Tests for \‹^typ›‹integer››
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition bit_integer_test :: bool
where ‹bit_integer_test =
(([ -1 AND 3, 1 AND -3, 3 AND 5, -3 AND (- 5)
, -3 OR 1, 1 OR -3, 3 OR 5, -3 OR (- 5)
, NOT 1, NOT (- 3)
, -1 XOR 3, 1 XOR (- 3), 3 XOR 5, -5 XOR (- 3)
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 2 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 1 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1)
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: integer list)
= [ 3, 1, 1, -7
, -3, -3, 7, -1
, -2, 2
, -4, -4, 6, 6
, 21, -1, 4, -7, 21, -7
, 4, -8
, 12, -13
, 4, 12] ∧
[ bit (5 :: integer) 4, bit (5 :: integer) 2, bit (-5 :: integer) 4, bit (-5 :: integer) 2
, bit (5 :: integer) 0, bit (4 :: integer) 0, bit (-1 :: integer) 0, bit (-2 :: integer) 0,
msb (5 :: integer), msb (0 :: integer), msb (-1 :: integer), msb (-2 :: integer)]
= [ False, True, True, False,
True, False, True, False,
False, False, True, True])›
export_code bit_integer_test
checking SML Haskell? Haskell_Quickcheck? OCaml? Scala
have bit_integer_test by eval
have bit_integer_test by normalization
have bit_integer_test by code_simp
ML_val ‹val true = @{code bit_integer_test}›
lemma ‹x AND y = x OR (y :: integer)›
quickcheck [random, expect=counterexample]
quickcheck [exhaustive, expect=counterexample]
lemma ‹(x :: integer) AND x = x OR x›
quickcheck [narrowing, expect=no_counterexample]
by transfer simp
lemma ‹(f :: integer ⇒ unit) = g›
quickcheck[narrowing, size=3, expect=no_counterexample]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
section ‹Tests for \<^typ>‹uint8››
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition test_uint8 :: bool
where ‹test_uint8 ⟷
(([ 0x101, -1, -255, 0xFF, 0x12
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + -6, 0xFF + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x12 * 0x87
, 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 2 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit 8 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100), drop_bit 8 100, drop_bit 8 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint8 3 100, signed_drop_bit_uint8 3 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint8 8 100, signed_drop_bit_uint8 8 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: uint8 list)
[ 1, 255, 1, 255, 18
, 18
, 126
, 108
, 165
, 11, 1, 255, 245, 0
, 2, 254
, 15, 241, 20, 126
, 1, 83, 0, 0
, 2, 2, 251, 5
, 21, 255, 5, 251, 4, 249, 5, 251, 21, 249, 5, 251
, 4, 248, 0, 1
, 12, 19, 0, 0
, 12, 243, 0, 255
, 4, 12]) ∧
([ (0x5 :: uint8) = 0x5, (0x5 :: uint8) = 0x6
, (0x5 :: uint8) < 0x5, (0x5 :: uint8) < 0x6, (-5 :: uint8) < 6, (6 :: uint8) < -5
, (0x5 :: uint8) ≤ 0x5, (0x5 :: uint8) ≤ 0x4, (-5 :: uint8) ≤ 6, (6 :: uint8) ≤ -5
, (0x7F :: uint8) < 0x80, (0xFF :: uint8) < 0, (0x80 :: uint8) < 0x7F
, bit (0x7F :: uint8) 0, bit (0x7F :: uint8) 7, bit (0x80 :: uint8) 7, bit (0x80 :: uint8) 8
[ True, False
, False, True, False, True
, True, False, False, True
, True, False, False
, True, False, True, False
]) ∧
([integer_of_uint8 0, integer_of_uint8 0x7F, integer_of_uint8 0x80, integer_of_uint8 0xAA]
[0, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xAA])›
export_code test_uint8
checking SML Haskell? Scala
have test_uint8 by eval
have test_uint8 by code_simp
have test_uint8 by normalization
ML_val ‹val true = @{code test_uint8}›
definition test_uint8' :: uint8
where ‹test_uint8' = drop_bit 2 (push_bit 3 (0 + 10 - 14 * 3 div 6 mod 3))›
ML ‹val 0wx12 = @{code test_uint8'}›
lemma ‹x AND y = x OR (y :: uint8)›
quickcheck [random, expect=counterexample]
quickcheck [exhaustive, expect=counterexample]
lemma ‹(x :: uint8) AND x = x OR x›
quickcheck [narrowing, expect=no_counterexample]
by transfer simp
lemma ‹(f :: uint8 ⇒ unit) = g›
quickcheck [narrowing, size=3, expect=no_counterexample]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
section ‹Tests for \<^typ>‹uint16››
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition test_uint16 :: bool
where ‹test_uint16 ⟷
(([ 0x10001, -1, -65535, 0xFFFF, 0x1234
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + -6, 0xFFFF + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x1234 * 0x8765
, 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 2 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit 16 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100), drop_bit 16 100, drop_bit 16 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint16 3 100, signed_drop_bit_uint16 3 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint16 16 100, signed_drop_bit_uint16 16 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: uint16 list)
[ 1, 65535, 1, 65535, 4660
, 18
, 126
, 108
, 65445
, 11, 1, 65535, 65525, 0
, 2, 65534
, 15, 65521, 20, 39556
, 1, 21843, 0, 0
, 2, 2, 65531, 5
, 21, 65535, 5, 65531, 4, 65529, 5, 65531, 21, 65529, 5, 65531
, 4, 65528, 0, 1
, 12, 8179, 0, 0
, 12, 65523, 0, 65535
, 4, 12]) ∧
([ (0x5 :: uint16) = 0x5, (0x5 :: uint16) = 0x6
, (0x5 :: uint16) < 0x5, (0x5 :: uint16) < 0x6, (-5 :: uint16) < 6, (6 :: uint16) < -5
, (0x5 :: uint16) ≤ 0x5, (0x5 :: uint16) ≤ 0x4, (-5 :: uint16) ≤ 6, (6 :: uint16) ≤ -5
, (0x7FFF :: uint16) < 0x8000, (0xFFFF :: uint16) < 0, (0x8000 :: uint16) < 0x7FFF
, bit (0x7FFF :: uint16) 0, bit (0x7FFF :: uint16) 15, bit (0x8000 :: uint16) 15, bit (0x8000 :: uint16) 16
[ True, False
, False, True, False, True
, True, False, False, True
, True, False, False
, True, False, True, False
]) ∧
([integer_of_uint16 0, integer_of_uint16 0x7FFF, integer_of_uint16 0x8000, integer_of_uint16 0xAAAA]
[0, 0x7FFF, 0x8000, 0xAAAA])›
export_code test_uint16 checking Haskell? Scala
export_code test_uint16 checking SML_word
notepad begin
have test_uint16 by code_simp
have test_uint16 by normalization
lemma ‹(x :: uint16) AND x = x OR x›
quickcheck [narrowing, expect=no_counterexample]
by transfer simp
lemma ‹(f :: uint16 ⇒ unit) = g›
quickcheck [narrowing, size=3, expect=no_counterexample]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
section ‹Tests for \<^typ>‹uint32››
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition test_uint32 :: bool
where ‹test_uint32 ⟷
(([ 0x100000001, -1, -4294967291, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x12345678
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + (- 6), 0xFFFFFFFFF + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x12345678 * 0x87654321
, 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 2 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit 32 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100), drop_bit 32 100, drop_bit 32 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint32 3 100, signed_drop_bit_uint32 3 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint32 32 100, signed_drop_bit_uint32 32 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: uint32 list)
[ 1, 4294967295, 5, 4294967295, 305419896
, 18
, 126
, 108
, 4294967205
, 11, 1, 4294967295, 4294967285, 0
, 2, 4294967294
, 15, 4294967281, 20, 1891143032
, 1, 1431655763, 0, 0
, 2, 2, 4294967291, 5
, 21, 4294967295, 5, 4294967291, 4, 4294967289, 5, 4294967291, 21, 4294967289, 5, 4294967291
, 4, 4294967288, 0, 1
, 12, 536870899, 0, 0
, 12, 4294967283, 0, 4294967295
, 4, 12]) ∧
([ (0x5 :: uint32) = 0x5, (0x5 :: uint32) = 0x6
, (0x5 :: uint32) < 0x5, (0x5 :: uint32) < 0x6, (-5 :: uint32) < 6, (6 :: uint32) < -5
, (0x5 :: uint32) ≤ 0x5, (0x5 :: uint32) ≤ 0x4, (-5 :: uint32) ≤ 6, (6 :: uint32) ≤ -5
, (0x7FFFFFFF :: uint32) < 0x80000000, (0xFFFFFFFF :: uint32) < 0, (0x80000000 :: uint32) < 0x7FFFFFFF
, bit (0x7FFFFFFF :: uint32) 0, bit (0x7FFFFFFF :: uint32) 31, bit (0x80000000 :: uint32) 31, bit (0x80000000 :: uint32) 32
[ True, False
, False, True, False, True
, True, False, False, True
, True, False, False
, True, False, True, False
]) ∧
([integer_of_uint32 0, integer_of_uint32 0x7FFFFFFF, integer_of_uint32 0x80000000, integer_of_uint32 0xAAAAAAAA]
[0, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x80000000, 0xAAAAAAAA])›
export_code test_uint32 checking SML Haskell? OCaml? Scala
notepad begin
have test_uint32 by eval
have test_uint32 by code_simp
have test_uint32 by normalization
ML_val ‹val true = @{code test_uint32}›
definition test_uint32' :: uint32
where ‹test_uint32' = drop_bit 2 (push_bit 3 (0 + 10 - 14 * 3 div 6 mod 3))›
ML ‹val 0wx12 = @{code test_uint32'}›
lemma "x AND y = x OR (y :: uint32)"
quickcheck [random, expect=counterexample]
quickcheck [exhaustive, expect=counterexample]
lemma "(x :: uint32) AND x = x OR x"
quickcheck [narrowing, expect=no_counterexample]
by transfer simp
lemma "(f :: uint32 ⇒ unit) = g"
quickcheck [narrowing, size=3, expect=no_counterexample]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
section ‹Tests for \<^typ>‹uint64› ›
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition test_uint64 :: bool
where ‹test_uint64 ⟷
(([ 0x10000000000000001, -1, -9223372036854775808, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x1234567890ABCDEF
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + (- 6), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x1234567890ABCDEF * 0xFEDCBA0987654321
, 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 2 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit 32 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 4 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 1 (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 32 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit 64 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100), drop_bit 64 100, drop_bit 64 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint64 3 100, signed_drop_bit_uint64 3 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint64 64 100, signed_drop_bit_uint64 64 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: uint64 list)
[ 1, 18446744073709551615, 9223372036854775808, 18446744073709551615, 1311768467294899695
, 18
, 126
, 108
, 18446744073709551525
, 11, 1, 18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551605, 0
, 2, 18446744073709551614
, 15, 18446744073709551601, 20, 14000077364136384719
, 1, 6148914691236517203, 0, 0
, 2, 2, 18446744073709551611, 5
, 21, 18446744073709551615, 4294967301, 18446744073709551611, 4, 18446744073709551609, 5, 18446744069414584315, 21, 18446744073709551609, 4294967301, 18446744069414584315
, 4, 18446744073709551608, 0, 1
, 12, 2305843009213693939, 0, 0
, 12, 18446744073709551603, 0, 18446744073709551615
, 4, 12]) ∧
([ (0x5 :: uint64) = 0x5, (0x5 :: uint64) = 0x6
, (0x5 :: uint64) < 0x5, (0x5 :: uint64) < 0x6, (-5 :: uint64) < 6, (6 :: uint64) < -5
, (0x5 :: uint64) ≤ 0x5, (0x5 :: uint64) ≤ 0x4, (-5 :: uint64) ≤ 6, (6 :: uint64) ≤ -5
, (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :: uint64) < 0x8000000000000000, (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :: uint64) < 0, (0x8000000000000000 :: uint64) < 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
, bit (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :: uint64) 0, bit (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :: uint64) 63, bit (0x8000000000000000 :: uint64) 63, bit (0x8000000000000000 :: uint64) 64
[ True, False
, False, True, False, True
, True, False, False, True
, True, False, False
, True, False, True, False
]) ∧
([integer_of_uint64 0, integer_of_uint64 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, integer_of_uint64 0x8000000000000000, integer_of_uint64 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA]
[0, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x8000000000000000, 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA])›
value [nbe] ‹[0x10000000000000001, -1, -9223372036854775808, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x1234567890ABCDEF
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + (- 6), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x1234567890ABCDEF * 0xFEDCBA0987654321
, 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit 64 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 100, drop_bit 3 (- 100), drop_bit 64 100, drop_bit 64 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint64 3 100, signed_drop_bit_uint64 3 (- 100)
, signed_drop_bit_uint64 64 100, signed_drop_bit_uint64 64 (- 100)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)] :: uint64 list›
export_code test_uint64 checking SML Haskell? OCaml? Scala
notepad begin
have test_uint64 by eval
have test_uint64 by code_simp
have test_uint64 by normalization
ML_val ‹val true = @{code test_uint64}›
definition test_uint64' :: uint64
where ‹test_uint64' = drop_bit 2 (push_bit 3 (0 + 10 - 14 * 3 div 6 mod 3))›
ML ‹val 0wx12 = @{code test_uint64'}›
section ‹Tests for \<^typ>‹uint››
includes bit_operations_syntax
definition test_uint :: bool
where ‹test_uint = (let
test_list1 = (let
HS = uint_of_int (2 ^ (dflt_size - 1))
([ HS + HS + 1, -1, -HS - HS + 5, HS + (HS - 1), 0x12
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + -6, HS + (HS - 1) + 1
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x12345678 * 0x87654321]
@ (if dflt_size > 4 then
[ 5 div 3, -5 div 3, -5 div -3, 5 div -3
, 5 mod 3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3, 5 mod -3
, Bit_Operations.set_bit dflt_size 5, Bit_Operations.set_bit dflt_size (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.unset_bit dflt_size 5, Bit_Operations.unset_bit dflt_size (- 5)
, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 0 5, Bit_Operations.flip_bit 0 (- 5)
, push_bit 2 1, push_bit 3 (- 1), push_bit dflt_size 1, push_bit 0 1
, drop_bit 3 31, drop_bit 3 (- 1), drop_bit dflt_size 31, drop_bit dflt_size (- 1)
, signed_drop_bit_uint 2 15, signed_drop_bit_uint 3 (- 1)
, signed_drop_bit_uint dflt_size 15, signed_drop_bit_uint dflt_size (- 1)
, take_bit 4 100, take_bit 4 (- 100)]
else []) :: uint list));
test_list2 = (let
S = wivs_shift
([ 1, -1, -S + 5, S - 1, 0x12
, 0x5A AND 0x36
, 0x5A OR 0x36
, 0x5A XOR 0x36
, NOT 0x5A
, 5 + 6, -5 + 6, -6 + 5, -5 + -6, 0
, 5 - 3, 3 - 5
, 5 * 3, -5 * 3, -5 * -4, 0x12345678 * 0x87654321]
@ (if dflt_size > 4 then
[ 5 div 3, (S - 5) div 3, (S - 5) div (S - 3), 5 div (S - 3)
, 5 mod 3, (S - 5) mod 3, (S - 5) mod (S - 3), 5 mod (S - 3)
, 5, -5, 5, -5, 4, -6
, 4, -8, 0, 1
, 3, drop_bit 3 S - 1, 0, 0
, 3, drop_bit 1 S + drop_bit 1 S - 1, 0, -1
, 4, 12]
else []) :: int list));
test_list_c1 = (let
HS = uint_of_int ((2^(dflt_size - 1)))
[ (0x5 :: uint) = 0x5, (0x5 :: uint) = 0x6
, (0x5 :: uint) < 0x5, (0x5 :: uint) < 0x6, (-5 :: uint) < 6, (6 :: uint) < -5
, (0x5 :: uint) ≤ 0x5, (0x5 :: uint) ≤ 0x4, (-5 :: uint) ≤ 6, (6 :: uint) ≤ -5
, (HS - 1) < HS, (HS + HS - 1) < 0, HS < HS - 1
, bit (HS - 1) 0, bit (HS - 1 :: uint) (dflt_size - 1), bit (HS :: uint) (dflt_size - 1), bit (HS :: uint) dflt_size
test_list_c2 =
[ True, False
, False, dflt_size≥2, dflt_size=3, dflt_size≠3
, True, False, dflt_size=3, dflt_size≠3
, True, False, False
, dflt_size≠1, False, True, False
test_list1 = map uint_of_int test_list2
∧ test_list_c1 = test_list_c2)›
export_code test_uint checking SML Haskell? OCaml? Scala
lemma test_uint
quickcheck[exhaustive, expect=no_counterexample]
lemma ‹x AND y = x OR (y :: uint)›
quickcheck [random, expect=counterexample]
quickcheck [exhaustive, expect=counterexample]
lemma ‹(x :: uint) AND x = x OR x›
quickcheck [narrowing, expect=no_counterexample]
by transfer simp
lemma ‹(f :: uint ⇒ unit) = g›
quickcheck [narrowing, size=3, expect=no_counterexample]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
section ‹Tests for casts›
definition test_casts :: bool
where ‹test_casts ⟷
map uint8_of_uint32 [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF] ∧
map uint8_of_uint64 [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF] ∧
map uint32_of_uint8 [10, 0, 0xFF] = [10, 0, 0xFF] ∧
map uint64_of_uint8 [10, 0, 0xFF] = [10, 0, 0xFF]›
definition test_casts' :: bool
where ‹test_casts' ⟷
map uint8_of_uint16 [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF] ∧
map uint16_of_uint8 [10, 0, 0xFF] = [10, 0, 0xFF] ∧
map uint16_of_uint32 [10, 0, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF] ∧
map uint16_of_uint64 [10, 0, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF] ∧
map uint32_of_uint16 [10, 0, 0xFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFF] ∧
map uint64_of_uint16 [10, 0, 0xFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFF]›
definition test_casts'' :: bool
where ‹test_casts'' ⟷
map uint32_of_uint64 [10, 0, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF] ∧
map uint64_of_uint32 [10, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF] = [10, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF]›
export_code test_casts test_casts'' checking SML Haskell? Scala
export_code test_casts'' checking OCaml?
export_code test_casts' checking Haskell? Scala
notepad begin
have test_casts by eval
have test_casts by normalization
have test_casts by code_simp
have test_casts' by normalization
have test_casts' by code_simp
have test_casts'' by eval
have test_casts'' by normalization
have test_casts'' by code_simp
ML ‹
val true = @{code test_casts}
val true = @{code test_casts''}
definition test_casts_uint :: bool
where ‹test_casts_uint ⟷
map uint_of_uint32 ([0, 10] @ (if dflt_size < 32 then [push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1, 0xFFFFFFFF] else [0xFFFFFFFF])) =
[0, 10] @ (if dflt_size < 32 then [push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1, (push_bit dflt_size 1) - 1] else [0xFFFFFFFF]) ∧
map uint32_of_uint [0, 10, if dflt_size < 32 then push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1 else 0xFFFFFFFF] =
[0, 10, if dflt_size < 32 then push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1 else 0xFFFFFFFF] ∧
map uint_of_uint64 [0, 10, push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] =
[0, 10, push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1, (push_bit dflt_size 1) - 1] ∧
map uint64_of_uint [0, 10, push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1] =
[0, 10, push_bit (dflt_size - 1) 1]›
definition test_casts_uint' :: bool
where ‹test_casts_uint' ⟷
map uint_of_uint16 [0, 10, 0xFFFF] = [0, 10, 0xFFFF] ∧
map uint16_of_uint [0, 10, 0xFFFF] = [0, 10, 0xFFFF]›
definition test_casts_uint'' :: bool
where ‹test_casts_uint'' ⟷
map uint_of_uint8 [0, 10, 0xFF] = [0, 10, 0xFF] ∧
map uint8_of_uint [0, 10, 0xFF] = [0, 10, 0xFF]›
export_code test_casts_uint test_casts_uint'' checking SML Haskell?
export_code test_casts_uint checking OCaml?
export_code test_casts_uint' checking Haskell? Scala