Theory Secure_Multiplication
subsection ‹Secure multiplication protocol›
theory Secure_Multiplication imports
locale secure_mult =
fixes q :: nat
assumes q_gt_0: "q > 0"
and "prime q"
type_synonym real_view = "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ((nat × nat × nat × nat) × nat × nat) spmf"
type_synonym sim = "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ((nat × nat × nat × nat) × nat × nat) spmf"
lemma samp_uni_set_spmf [simp]: "set_spmf (sample_uniform q) = {..< q}"
by(simp add: sample_uniform_def)
definition funct :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat) spmf"
where "funct x y = do {
s ← sample_uniform q;
return_spmf (s, (x*y + (q - s)) mod q)}"
definition TI :: "((nat × nat) × (nat × nat)) spmf"
where "TI = do {
a ← sample_uniform q;
b ← sample_uniform q;
r ← sample_uniform q;
return_spmf ((a, r), (b, ((a*b + (q - r)) mod q)))}"
definition out :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat) spmf"
where "out x y = do {
((c1,d1),(c2,d2)) ← TI;
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let e1 = (y + (q - c2)) mod q;
return_spmf (((x*e1 + (q - d1)) mod q), ((e2 * c2 + (q - d2)) mod q))}"
definition R1 :: "real_view"
where "R1 x y = do {
((c1, d1), (c2, d2)) ← TI;
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let e1 = (y + (q - c2)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*e1 + (q - d1)) mod q;
let s2 = (e2 * c2 + (q - d2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, s2)}"
definition S1 :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat × nat × nat) spmf"
where "S1 x s1 = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e1 ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf (x, a, d1, e1)}"
definition Out1 :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat) spmf"
where "Out1 x y s1 = do {
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf (s1,s2)}"
definition R2 :: "real_view"
where "R2 x y = do {
((c1, d1), (c2, d2)) ← TI;
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let e1 = (y + (q - c2)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*e1 + (q - d1)) mod q;
let s2 = (e2 * c2 + (q - d2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, c2, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
definition S2 :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat × nat × nat) spmf"
where "S2 y s2 = do {
b ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
let d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf (y, b, d2, e2)}"
definition Out2 :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat × nat) spmf"
where "Out2 y x s2 = do {
let s1 = (x*y + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf (s1,s2)}"
definition Ideal2 :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ((nat × nat × nat × nat) × (nat × nat)) spmf"
where "Ideal2 y x out2 = do {
view2 :: (nat × nat × nat × nat) ← S2 y out2;
out2 ← Out2 y x out2;
return_spmf (view2, out2)}"
sublocale sim_non_det_def: sim_non_det_def R1 S1 Out1 R2 S2 Out2 funct .
lemma minus_mod:
assumes "a > b"
shows "[a - b mod q = a - b] (mod q)"
by(metis cong_diff_nat cong_def le_trans less_or_eq_imp_le assms mod_less_eq_dividend mod_mod_trivial)
lemma q_cong:"[a = q + a] (mod q)"
by (simp add: cong_def)
lemma q_cong_reverse: "[q + a = a] (mod q)"
by (simp add: cong_def)
lemma qq_cong: "[a = q*q + a] (mod q)"
by (simp add: cong_def)
lemma minus_q_mult_cancel:
assumes "[a = e + b - q * c - d] (mod q)"
and "e + b - d > 0"
and "e + b - q * c - d > 0"
shows "[a = e + b - d] (mod q)"
have "a mod q = (e + b - q * c - d) mod q"
using assms(1) cong_def by blast
then have "a mod q = (e + b - d) mod q"
by (metis (no_types) add_cancel_left_left assms(3) diff_commute diff_is_0_eq' linordered_semidom_class.add_diff_inverse mod_add_left_eq mod_mult_self1_is_0 nat_less_le)
then show ?thesis
using cong_def by blast
lemma s1_s2:
assumes "x < q" "a < q" "b < q" and r:"r < q" "y < q"
shows "((x + a) mod q * b + q - (a * b + q - r) mod q) mod q =
(x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q"
have s: "(x * y + (q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q
= ((x + a) mod q * b + (q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
have lhs: "(x * y + (q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q = (x*b + r) mod q"
let ?h = "(x * y + (q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
have "[?h = x * y + q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by(simp add: assms(1) cong_def q_gt_0)
then have "[?h = x * y + q - (x * (y + (q - b)) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (metis mod_add_left_eq mod_mult_right_eq)
then have no_qq: "[?h = x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by(metis distrib_left)
then have "[?h = q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
have "[x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q = q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (smt qq_cong add.assoc cong_diff_nat cong_def le_add2 le_trans mod_le_divisor q_gt_0)
then show ?thesis using cong_trans no_qq by blast
then have mod: "[?h = q + q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc cong_def add.assoc add.commute le_add2 le_trans mod_add_self2 mod_le_divisor q_gt_0)
then have "[?h = q + q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r))] (mod q)"
have 1: "q ≥ q - b" using assms by simp
then have "q*q ≥ x*(q-b)" "q ≥ q - r" using 1 assms
apply (auto simp add: mult_strict_mono)
by (simp add: mult_le_mono)
then have "q + q*q + x * y + q > x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)"
using assms(5) by linarith
then have "[q + q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r)) mod q = q + q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + x * (q - b) + (q - r))] (mod q)"
using minus_mod by blast
then show ?thesis using mod using cong_trans by blast
then have "[?h = q + q*q + x * y + q - (x * y + (x * q - x*b) + (q - r))] (mod q)"
by (simp add: right_diff_distrib')
then have "[?h = q + q*q + x * y + q - x * y - (x * q - x*b) - (q - r)] (mod q)"
by simp
then have mod': "[?h = q + q*q + q - (x * q - x*b) - (q - r)] (mod q)"
by(simp add: add.commute)
then have neg: "[?h = q + q*q + q - x * q + x*b - (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "[q + q*q + q - (x * q - x*b) - (q - r) = q + q*q + q - x * q + x*b - (q - r)] (mod q)"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "x * q - x*b > 0" using False assms by simp
also have "q + q*q + q - x * q > 0"
by (metis assms(1) add.commute diff_mult_distrib2 less_Suc_eq mult.commute mult_Suc_right nat_0_less_mult_iff q_gt_0 zero_less_diff)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
then show ?thesis using mod' cong_trans by blast
then have "[?h = q + q*q + q + x*b - (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "[q + q*q + q - x * q + x*b - (q - r) = q + q*q + q + x*b - (q - r)] (mod q)"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "q*q > x*q"
using False assms
by (simp add: mult_strict_mono)
then have 1: "q + q*q + q - x * q + x*b - (q - r) > 0"
by linarith
then have 2: "q + q*q + q + x*b - (q - r) > 0" by simp
then show ?thesis
by (smt 1 2 Nat.add_diff_assoc2 ‹x * q < q * q› add_cancel_left_left add_diff_inverse_nat
le_add1 le_add2 le_trans less_imp_add_positive less_numeral_extra(3) minus_mod
minus_q_mult_cancel mod_if mult.commute q_gt_0)
then show ?thesis using cong_trans neg by blast
then have "[?h = q + q*q + q + x*b - q + r] (mod q)"
by (metis r(1) Nat.add_diff_assoc2 Nat.diff_diff_right le_add2 less_imp_le_nat semiring_normalization_rules(23))
then have "[?h = q + q*q + q + x*b + r] (mod q)"
apply(simp add: cong_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc add.commute add_diff_cancel_right' diff_is_0_eq' mod_if mod_le_divisor q_gt_0)
then have "[?h = x*b + r] (mod q)"
apply(simp add: cong_def)
by (metis mod_add_cong mod_add_self1 mod_mult_self1)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: cong_def assms)
also have rhs: "((x + a) mod q * b + (q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q = (x*b + r) mod q"
let ?h = "((x + a) mod q * b + (q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
have "[?h = (x + a) mod q * b + q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (simp add: q_gt_0 assms(1) cong_def)
then have "[?h = (x + a) * b + q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc cong_def mod_add_cong mod_le_divisor mod_mult_left_eq q_gt_0 assms)
then have "[?h = x*b + a*b + q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by(metis distrib_right)
then have mod: "[?h = q + x*b + a*b + q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc cong_def add.assoc add.commute le_add2 le_trans mod_add_self2 mod_le_divisor q_gt_0)
then have "[?h = q + x*b + a*b + q - (a * b + (q - r))] (mod q)" using q_cong assms(1)
have ge: "q + x*b + a*b + q > (a * b + (q - r))" using assms by simp
then have "[ q + x*b + a*b + q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q = q + x*b + a*b + q - (a * b + (q - r))] (mod q)"
using Divides.mod_less_eq_dividend cong_diff_nat cong_def le_trans less_not_refl2
less_or_eq_imp_le q_gt_0 minus_mod by presburger
then show ?thesis using mod cong_trans by blast
then have "[?h = q + x*b + q - (q - r)] (mod q)"
by (simp add: add.commute)
then have "[?h = q + x*b + q - q + r] (mod q)"
by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc2 Nat.diff_diff_right r(1) le_add2 less_imp_le_nat)
then have "[?h = q + x*b + r] (mod q)" by simp
then have "[?h = q + (x*b + r)] (mod q)"
using add.assoc by metis
then have "[?h = x*b + r] (mod q)"
using cong_def q_cong_reverse by metis
then show ?thesis by (simp add: cong_def assms(1))
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
have lhs:"((x + a) mod q * b + q - (a * b + q - r) mod q) mod q = ((x + a) mod q * b + (q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
using assms by simp
have rhs: "(x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q = (x * y + (q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q "
using assms by simp
have " ((x + a) mod q * b + (q - (a * b + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q = (x * y + (q - (x * ((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
using assms s[symmetric] by blast
then show ?thesis using lhs rhs
by metis
lemma s1_s2_P2:
assumes "x < q" "xa < q" "xb < q" "xc < q" "y < q"
shows "((y, xa, (xb * xa + q - xc) mod q, (x + xb) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q, ((x + xb) mod q * xa + q - (xb * xa + q - xc) mod q) mod q) =
((y, xa, (xb * xa + q - xc) mod q, (x + xb) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q) mod q)"
using assms s1_s2 by metis
lemma c1:
assumes "e2 = (x + c1) mod q"
and "x < q" "c1 < q"
shows "c1 = (e2 + q - x) mod q"
have "[e2 + q = x + c1] (mod q)" by(simp add: assms cong_def)
then have "[e2 + q - x = c1] (mod q)"
have "e2 + q ≥ x" using assms by simp
then show ?thesis
by (metis ‹[e2 + q = x + c1] (mod q)› cong_add_lcancel_nat le_add_diff_inverse)
then show ?thesis by(simp add: cong_def assms)
lemma c1_P2:
assumes "xb < q" "xa < q" "xc < q" "x < q"
shows "((y, xa, (xb * xa + q - xc) mod q, (x + xb) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q) mod q) =
((y, xa, (((x + xb) mod q + q - x) mod q * xa + q - xc) mod q, (x + xb) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - xa) mod q) + q - xc) mod q) mod q)"
have "(xb * xa + q - xc) mod q = (((x + xb) mod q + q - x) mod q * xa + q - xc) mod q"
using assms c1 by simp
then show ?thesis
using assms by metis
lemma minus_mod_cancel:
assumes "a - b > 0" "a - b mod q > 0"
shows "[a - b + c = a - b mod q + c] (mod q)"
have "(b - b mod q + (a - b)) mod q = (0 + (a - b)) mod q"
using cong_def mod_add_cong neq0_conv q_gt_0
by (simp add: minus_mod_eq_mult_div)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) Divides.mod_less_eq_dividend Nat.add_diff_assoc2 add_diff_inverse_nat assms(1) cong_def diff_is_0_eq' less_or_eq_imp_le mod_add_cong neq0_conv)
lemma d2:
assumes d2: "d2 = (((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q"
and s1: "s1 = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q"
and s2: "s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q"
and x: "x < q"
and y: "y < q"
and r: "r < q"
and b: "b < q"
and e2: "e2 < q"
shows "d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q"
have s1_le_q: "s1 < q"
using s1 q_gt_0 by simp
have s2_le_q: "s2 < q"
using s2 q_gt_0 by simp
have xb: "(x*b) mod q = (s2 + (q - r)) mod q"
have "s1 = (x*(y + (q - b)) + (q - r)) mod q" using s1 b
by (metis mod_add_left_eq mod_mult_right_eq)
then have s1_dist: "s1 = (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q"
by(metis distrib_left)
then have "s1 = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q - r)) mod q"
using distrib_left b diff_mult_distrib2 by auto
then have "[s1 = x*y + x*q - x*b + (q - r)] (mod q)"
by(simp add: cong_def)
then have "[s1 + x * b = x*y + x*q - x*b + x*b + (q - r)] (mod q)"
by (metis add.commute add.left_commute cong_add_lcancel_nat)
then have "[s1 + x*b = x*y + x*q + (q - r)] (mod q)"
using b by (simp add: algebra_simps)
(metis add_diff_inverse_nat diff_diff_left diff_mult_distrib2 less_imp_add_positive mult.commute not_add_less1 zero_less_diff)
then have s1_xb: "[s1 + x*b = q + x*y + x*q + (q - r)] (mod q)"
by (smt mod_add_cong mod_add_self1 cong_def)
then have "[x*b = q + x*y + x*q + (q - r) - s1] (mod q)"
have "q + x*y + x*q + (q - r) - s1 > 0" using s1_le_q by simp
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_diff_inverse_nat less_numeral_extra(3) s1_xb cong_add_lcancel_nat nat_diff_split)
then have "[x*b = x*y + x*q + (q - r) + q - s1] (mod q)"
by (metis add.assoc add.commute)
then have "[x*b = x*y + (q - r) + q - s1] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc cong_def less_imp_le_nat mod_mult_self1 s1_le_q semiring_normalization_rules(23))
then have "(x*b) mod q = (x*y + (q - r) + q - s1) mod q"
by(simp add: cong_def)
then have "(x*b) mod q = (x*y + (q - r) + (q - s1)) mod q"
using add.assoc s1_le_q by auto
then have "(x*b) mod q = (x*y + (q - s1) + (q - r)) mod q"
using add.commute by presburger
then show ?thesis using s2 by presburger
have "d2 = (((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q"
using d2 by simp
then have "d2 = (((e2 + q - x))*b + (q - r)) mod q"
using mod_add_cong mod_mult_left_eq by blast
then have "d2 = (e2*b + q*b - x*b + (q - r)) mod q"
by (simp add: distrib_right diff_mult_distrib)
then have a: "[d2 = e2*b + q*b - x*b + (q - r)] (mod q)"
by(simp add: cong_def)
then have b:"[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - x*b + (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "[e2*b + q*b - x*b + (q - r) = q + q + e2*b + q*b - x*b + (q - r)] (mod q)"
by (smt assms Nat.add_diff_assoc add.commute cong_def less_imp_le_nat mod_add_self2
mult.commute nat_mult_le_cancel_disj semiring_normalization_rules(23))
then show ?thesis using cong_trans a by blast
then have "[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - (x*b) mod q + (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "[q + q + e2*b + q*b - (x*b) + (q - r) = q + q + e2*b + q*b - (x*b) mod q + (q - r)] (mod q)"
proof(cases "b = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "q*b - (x*b) > 0"
using False x by simp
then have 1: "q + q + e2*b + q*b - (x*b) > 0" by linarith
then have 2:"q + q + e2*b + q*b - (x*b) mod q > 0"
by (simp add: q_gt_0 trans_less_add1)
then show ?thesis using 1 2 minus_mod_cancel by simp
then show ?thesis using cong_trans b by blast
then have c: "[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) mod q + (q - r)] (mod q)"
using xb by simp
then have "[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) + (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "[q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) mod q + (q - r) = q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) + (q - r)] (mod q)"
have "q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) mod q > 0"
by (metis diff_is_0_eq gr0I le_less_trans mod_less_divisor not_add_less1 q_gt_0 semiring_normalization_rules(23) trans_less_add2)
moreover have"q + q + e2*b + q*b - (s2 + (q - r)) > 0"
using s2_le_q by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using minus_mod_cancel cong_sym by blast
then show ?thesis using cong_trans c by blast
then have d: "[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - s2 - (q - r) + (q - r)] (mod q)" by simp
then have "[d2 = q + q + e2*b + q*b - s2 ] (mod q)"
have "q + q + e2*b + q*b - s2 - (q - r) > 0"
using s2_le_q by simp
then show ?thesis using d cong_trans by simp
then have "[d2 = q + q + e2*b - s2] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc2 cong_def less_imp_le_nat mod_mult_self1 mult.commute s2_le_q semiring_normalization_rules(23) trans_less_add2)
then have "[d2 = q + e2*b + q - s2] (mod q)"
by(simp add: add.commute add.assoc)
then have "[d2 = e2*b + q - s2] (mod q)"
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc2 add.commute cong_def less_imp_le_nat mod_add_self2 s2_le_q trans_less_add2)
then have "[d2 = e2*b + (q - s2)] (mod q)"
by (simp add: less_imp_le_nat s2_le_q)
then show ?thesis by(simp add: cong_def d2)
lemma d2_P2:
assumes x: "x < q" and y: "y < q" and r: "b < q" and b: "e2 < q" and e2: "r < q"
shows "((y, b, ((e2 + q - x) mod q * b + q - r) mod q, e2), (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q) =
((y, b, (e2 * b + q - (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q) mod q, e2), (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q,
(x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q)"
have "((e2 + q - x) mod q * b + q - r) mod q = (e2 * b + q - (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q) mod q"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
have d2: "(((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q = (e2*b + (q - ((x*y + (q - ((x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q))) mod q))) mod q"
using assms d2 by blast
have "?lhs = (((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q"
using assms by simp
also have "?rhs = (e2*b + (q - ((x*y + (q - ((x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q))) mod q))) mod q"
using assms by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using assms d2 by metis
then show ?thesis using assms by metis
lemma s1:
assumes s2: "s2 = (x*y + q - s1) mod q"
and x: "x < q"
and y: "y < q"
and s1: "s1 < q"
shows "s1 = (x*y + q - s2) mod q"
have s2_le_q:"s2 < q" using s2 q_gt_0 by simp
have "[s2 = x*y + q - s1] (mod q)" by(simp add: cong_def s2)
then have "[s2 = x*y + q - s1] (mod q)" using add.assoc
by (simp add: less_imp_le_nat s1)
then have s1_s2: "[s2 + s1 = x*y + q] (mod q)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cong_def le_add2 le_add_diff_inverse2 le_trans mod_add_left_eq order.strict_implies_order s1)
then have "[s1 = x*y + q - s2] (mod q)"
have "x*y + q - s2 > 0" using s2_le_q by simp
then show ?thesis
by (metis s1_s2 add_diff_cancel_left' cong_diff_nat cong_def le_add1 less_imp_le_nat zero_less_diff)
then show ?thesis by(simp add: cong_def s1)
lemma s1_P2:
assumes x: "x < q"
and y: "y < q"
and "b < q"
and "e2 < q"
and "r < q"
and "s1 < q"
shows "((y, b, (e2 * b + q - (x * y + q - r) mod q) mod q, e2), r, (x * y + q - r) mod q) =
((y, b, (e2 * b + q - (x * y + q - r) mod q) mod q, e2), (x * y + q - (x * y + q - r) mod q) mod q, (x * y + q - r) mod q)"
have "s1 = (x*y + q - ((x*y + q - s1) mod q)) mod q"
using assms secure_mult.s1 secure_mult_axioms by blast
then show ?thesis using assms s1 by blast
theorem P2_security:
assumes "x < q" "y < q"
shows "sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P2 x y"
including monad_normalisation
have "((funct x y) ⤜ (λ (s1',s2'). (sim_non_det_def.Ideal2 y x s2'))) = R2 x y"
have "R2 x y = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let d1 = r;
let c2 = b;
let d2 = ((a*b + (q - r)) mod q);
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let e1 = (y + (q - c2)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*e1 + (q - r)) mod q;
let s2 = (e2 * c2 + (q - d2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, c2, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
by(simp add: R2_def TI_def Let_def)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let d1 = r;
let c2 = b;
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let d2 = ((((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q);
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - c2)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, c2, d2, e2), (s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q))}"
by(simp add: Let_def s1_s2_P2 assms c1_P2 cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = r;
let c2 = b;
e2 ← map_spmf (λ c1. (x + c1) mod q) (sample_uniform q);
let d2 = ((((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q);
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - c2)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, c2, d2, e2), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def Let_def)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = r;
let c2 = b;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
let d2 = (((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - c2)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, c2, d2, e2), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: samp_uni_plus_one_time_pad)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
let d2 = (((e2 + q - x) mod q)*b + (q - r)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, b, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
let d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, b, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
by(simp add: d2_P2 assms Let_def cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
s1 ← map_spmf (λ r. (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q) (sample_uniform q);
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
let d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, b, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
by(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def Let_def)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
s1 ← sample_uniform q;
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
let d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, b, d2, e2), s1, s2)}"
by(simp add: samp_uni_minus_one_time_pad)
also have "... = do {
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
e2 ← sample_uniform q;
s1 ← sample_uniform q;
let s2 = (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q;
let d2 = (e2*b + (q - s2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((y, b, d2, e2), (x*y + (q - s2)) mod q, s2)}"
by(simp add: s1_P2 assms Let_def cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: funct_def Let_def sim_non_det_def.Ideal2_def Out2_def S2_def R2_def)
then show ?thesis by(simp add: sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P2_def)
lemma s1_s2_P1: assumes "x < q" "xa < q" "xb < q" "xc < q" "y < q"
shows "((x, xa, xb, (y + q - xc) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xc) mod q) + q - xb) mod q, ((x + xa) mod q * xc + q - (xa * xc + q - xb) mod q) mod q) =
((x, xa, xb, (y + q - xc) mod q), (x * ((y + q - xc) mod q) + q - xb) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - xc) mod q) + q - xb) mod q) mod q)"
using assms s1_s2 by metis
lemma mod_minus: assumes "a - b > 0" and "c - d > 0"
shows "(a - b + (c - d mod q)) mod q = (a - b + (c - d)) mod q"
using assms
by (metis cong_def minus_mod mod_add_right_eq zero_less_diff)
lemma r:
assumes e1: "e1 = (y + (q - b)) mod q"
and s1: "s1 = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q"
and b: "b < q"
and x: "x < q"
and y: "y < q"
and r: "r < q"
shows "r = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
have "s1 = (x*((y + (q - b))) + (q - r)) mod q" using s1 b
by (metis mod_add_left_eq mod_mult_right_eq)
then have s1_dist: "s1 = (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q"
by(metis distrib_left)
then have "?rhs = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
using e1 by simp
then have "?rhs = (x*((y + (q - b))) + (q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
by (metis mod_add_left_eq mod_mult_right_eq)
then have "?rhs = (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
by(metis distrib_left)
then have a: "?rhs = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
using distrib_left b diff_mult_distrib2 by auto
then have b: "?rhs = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
proof -
have "(x*y + x*q - x*b + (q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q"
proof -
have f1: "∀n na nb nc nd. (n::nat) mod na ≠ nb mod na ∨ nc mod na ≠ nd mod na ∨ (n + nc) mod na = (nb + nd) mod na"
by (meson mod_add_cong)
then have "(q - (x * y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q) mod q = (q * q + q * q + q - (x * y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q) mod q"
by (metis Nat.diff_add_assoc mod_le_divisor q_gt_0 mod_mult_self4)
then show ?thesis
using f1 by blast
then show ?thesis using a by simp
then have "?rhs = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)))) mod q"
have "(x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)) mod q)) mod q =
(x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b)+ (q - r)))) mod q"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) assms(4) True Nat.add_diff_assoc add.left_neutral
cong_def diff_le_self minus_mod mult_is_0 not_gr_zero zero_eq_add_iff_both_eq_0 zero_less_diff)
case False
have qb: "q - b ≤ q"
using b by simp
then have qb':"x*(q - b) < q*q"
using x by (metis mult_less_le_imp_less nat_0_less_mult_iff nat_less_le neq0_conv)
have a: "x*y + x*(q - b) > 0"
using False assms by simp
have 1: "q*q > x*y"
using False by (simp add: mult_strict_mono q_gt_0 x y)
have 2: "q*q > x*q" using False
by (simp add: mult_strict_mono q_gt_0 x y)
have b: "(q*q + q*q + q - (x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r))) > 0"
using 1 qb' by simp
then show ?thesis using a b mod_minus[of "x*y + x*q" "x*b" "q*q + q*q + q" "x*y + x*(q - b) + (q - r)"]
by (smt add.left_neutral cong_def gr0I minus_mod zero_less_diff)
then show ?thesis using b by simp
then have d: "?rhs = (x*y + x*q - x*b + (q*q + q*q + q - x*y - x*(q - b) - (q - r))) mod q"
by simp
then have e: "?rhs = (x*y + x*q - x*b + q*q + q*q + q - x*y - x*(q - b) - (q - r)) mod q"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis using True d by simp
case False
have qb: "q - b ≤ q" using b by simp
then have qb':"x*(q - b) < q*q"
using x by (metis mult_less_le_imp_less nat_0_less_mult_iff nat_less_le neq0_conv)
have a: "x*y + x*(q - b) > 0" using False assms by simp
have 1: "q*q > x*y" using False
by (simp add: mult_strict_mono q_gt_0 x y)
have 2: "q*q > x*q" using False
by (simp add: mult_strict_mono q_gt_0 x y)
have b: "q*q + q*q + q - x*y - x*(q - b) - (q - r) > 0" using 1 qb' by simp
then show ?thesis using b d
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc add.assoc diff_diff_left less_imp_le_nat zero_less_diff)
then have "?rhs = (x*q - x*b + q*q + q*q + q - x*(q - b) - (q - r)) mod q"
have "(x*y + x*q - x*b + q*q + q*q + q - x*y - x*(q - b) - (q - r)) mod q = (x*q - x*b + q*q + q*q + q - x*(q - b) - (q - r)) mod q"
proof -
have 1: "q + n - b = q - b + n" for n
by (simp add: assms(3) less_imp_le)
have 2: "(c::nat) * b + (c * a + n) = c * (b + a) + n"
for n a b c by (simp add: distrib_left)
have "(c::nat) + (b + a) - (n + a) = c + b - n" for n a b c
by auto
then have "(q + (q * q + (q * q + x * (q + y - b))) - (q - r + x * (y + (q - b)))) mod q = (q + (q * q + (q * q + x * (q - b))) - (q - r + x * (q - b))) mod q"
by (metis (no_types) add.commute 1 2)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: add.commute diff_mult_distrib2 distrib_left)
then show ?thesis using e by simp
then have "?rhs = (x*(q - b) + q*q + q*q + q - x*(q - b) - (q - r)) mod q"
by(metis diff_mult_distrib2)
then have "?rhs = (q*q + q*q + q - (q - r)) mod q"
using assms(6) by simp
then have "?rhs = (q*q + q*q + q - q + r) mod q"
using assms(6) by(simp add: Nat.diff_add_assoc2 less_imp_le)
then have "?rhs = (q*q + q*q + r) mod q"
by simp
then have "?rhs = r mod q"
by (metis add.commute distrib_right mod_mult_self1)
then show ?thesis using assms(6) by simp
lemma r_P2:
assumes b: "b < q" and x: "x < q" and y: "y < q" and r: "r < q"
"((x, a, r, (y + q - b) mod q), (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q, (x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q) =
((x, a, (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q, (y + q - b) mod q), (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q,
(x * y + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q)"
have "(x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - (x * ((y + q - b) mod q) + q - r) mod q) mod q = r"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
have 1:"r = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - ((x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q))) mod q"
using assms secure_mult.r secure_mult_axioms by blast
also have "?rhs = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - ((x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q))) mod q" using assms 1 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using assms 1 by simp
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
theorem P1_security:
assumes "x < q" "y < q"
shows "sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P1 x y"
including monad_normalisation
have "(funct x y) ⤜ (λ (s1',s2'). (sim_non_det_def.Ideal1 x y s1')) = R1 x y"
have "R1 x y = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let d1 = r;
let c2 = b;
let d2 = ((a*b + (q - r)) mod q);
let e2 = (x + c1) mod q;
let e1 = (y + (q - c2)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*e1 + (q - d1)) mod q;
let s2 = (e2 * c2 + (q - d2)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, s2)}"
by(simp add: R1_def TI_def Let_def)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
r :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let c2 = b;
let e1 = (y + (q - b)) mod q;
let s1 = (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q;
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: Let_def assms s1_s2_P1 r_P2 cong: bind_spmf_cong_simp)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let c2 = b;
let e1 = (y + (q - b)) mod q;
s1 ← map_spmf (λ r. (x*((y + (q - b)) mod q) + (q - r)) mod q) (sample_uniform q);
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: bind_map_spmf Let_def o_def)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
b :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
let c2 = b;
let e1 = (y + (q - b)) mod q;
s1 ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: samp_uni_minus_one_time_pad)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
e1 ← map_spmf (λb. (y + (q - b)) mod q) (sample_uniform q);
s1 ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: bind_map_spmf Let_def o_def)
also have "... = do {
a :: nat ← sample_uniform q;
let c1 = a;
e1 ← sample_uniform q;
s1 ← sample_uniform q;
let d1 = (x*e1 + (q - s1)) mod q;
return_spmf ((x, c1, d1, e1), s1, (x*y + (q - s1)) mod q)}"
by(simp add: samp_uni_minus_one_time_pad)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: funct_def sim_non_det_def.Ideal1_def Let_def R1_def TI_def Out1_def S1_def)
thus ?thesis by(simp add: sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P1_def)
locale secure_mult_asymp =
fixes q :: "nat ⇒ nat"
assumes "⋀ n. secure_mult (q n)"
sublocale secure_mult "q n" for n
using secure_mult_asymp_axioms secure_mult_asymp_def by blast
theorem P1_secure:
assumes "x < q n" "y < q n"
shows "sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P1 n x y"
by (metis P1_security assms)
theorem P2_secure:
assumes "x < q n" "y < q n"
shows "sim_non_det_def.perfect_sec_P2 n x y"
by (metis P2_security assms)