Theory List_Filtermap

section ‹Filtermap for Lazy Lists›

theory List_Filtermap
  imports Main

text ‹ This theory defines the filtermap operator for lazy lists, proves its basic properties, 
and proves coinductive criteria for the equqlity of two filtermapped lazy lsits. ›

subsection ‹ Preliminaries ›

(* Hiding the "filtermap" constant, which is the mapping operator for filters. *)
hide_const filtermap

(* Preliminaries *)

abbreviation never :: "('a  bool)  'a list  bool" where "never U  list_all (λ a. ¬ U a)"

lemma never_list_ex: "never pred xs  ¬ list_ex pred xs"
by (induction xs) auto

(* Right-Cons: *)

abbreviation Rcons (infix "##" 70) where "xs ## x  xs @ [x]"

lemma two_singl_Rcons: "[a,b] = [a] ## b" by auto

lemma length_gt_1_Cons_snoc:
  assumes "length ys > 1"
  obtains x1 xs x2 where "ys = x1 # xs ## x2"
using assms
proof (cases ys)
  case (Cons x1 xs)
    with assms obtain xs' x2 where "xs = xs' ## x2" by (cases xs rule: rev_cases) auto
    with Cons show thesis by (intro that) auto
qed auto 

lemma right_cons_left[simp]: "i < length as  (as ## a)!i = as!i"
by (metis butlast_snoc nth_butlast)+

subsection ‹ Filtermap ›

definition filtermap :: "('b  bool)  ('b  'a)  'b list  'a list" where 
"filtermap pred func xs  map func (filter pred xs)"

lemma filtermap_Nil[simp]: 
"filtermap pred func [] = []"
unfolding filtermap_def by auto

lemma filtermap_Cons_not[simp]: 
"¬ pred x  filtermap pred func (x # xs) = filtermap pred func xs"
unfolding filtermap_def by auto

lemma filtermap_Cons[simp]: 
"pred x  filtermap pred func (x # xs) = func x # filtermap pred func xs"
unfolding filtermap_def by auto

lemma filtermap_append: "filtermap pred func (xs @ xs1) = filtermap pred func xs @ filtermap pred func xs1"
proof(induction xs arbitrary: xs1)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma filtermap_Nil_list_ex: "filtermap pred func xs = []  ¬ list_ex pred xs"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma filtermap_Nil_never: "filtermap pred func xs = []  never pred xs"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma length_filtermap: "length (filtermap pred func xs)  length xs"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma filtermap_list_all[simp]: "filtermap pred func xs = map func xs  list_all pred xs"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case apply (cases "pred x")
  by (simp_all) (metis impossible_Cons length_filtermap length_map)
qed auto

lemma filtermap_eq_Cons:
assumes "filtermap pred func xs = a # al1"
shows " x xs2 xs1.
   xs = xs2 @ [x] @ xs1  never pred xs2  pred x  func x = a  filtermap pred func xs1 = al1"
using assms proof(induction xs arbitrary: a al1)
  case (Cons x xs a al1)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "pred x")
    case False
    hence "filtermap pred func xs = a # al1" using Cons by simp
    from Cons(1)[OF this] obtain xn xs2 xs1 where
    1: "xs = xs2 @ [xn] @ xs1  never pred xs2  pred xn  func xn = a 
     filtermap pred func xs1 = al1" by blast
    show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ xn], rule exI[of _ "x # xs2"], rule exI[of _ xs1])
    using Cons(2) 1 False by simp
    case True
    hence "filtermap pred func xs = al1" using Cons by simp
    show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ x], rule exI[of _ "[]"], rule exI[of _ xs])
    using Cons(2) True by simp
qed auto

lemma filtermap_eq_append:
assumes "filtermap pred func xs = al1 @ al2"
shows " xs1 xs2. xs = xs1 @ xs2  filtermap pred func xs1 = al1  filtermap pred func xs2 = al2"
using assms proof(induction al1 arbitrary: xs)
  case Nil show ?case
  apply (rule exI[of _ "[]"], rule exI[of _ xs]) using Nil by auto
  case (Cons a al1 xs)
  hence "filtermap pred func xs = a # (al1 @ al2)" by simp
  from filtermap_eq_Cons[OF this] obtain x xs2 xs1
  where xs: "xs = xs2 @ [x] @ xs1" and n: "never pred xs2  pred x  func x = a"
  and f: "filtermap pred func xs1 = al1 @ al2" by blast
  from Cons(1)[OF f] obtain xs11 xs22 where xs1: "xs1 = xs11 @ xs22"
  and f1: "filtermap pred func xs11 = al1" and f2: "filtermap pred func xs22 = al2" by blast
  show ?case apply (rule exI[of _ "xs2 @ [x] @ xs11"], rule exI[of _ xs22])
  using n filtermap_Nil_never f1 f2 unfolding xs xs1 filtermap_append by auto

lemma holds_filtermap_RCons[simp]:
"pred x  filtermap pred func (xs ## x) = filtermap pred func xs ## func x"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma not_holds_filtermap_RCons[simp]:
"¬ pred x  filtermap pred func (xs ## x) = filtermap pred func xs"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto

lemma filtermap_eq_RCons:
assumes "filtermap pred func xs = al1 ## a"
shows " x xs1 xs2.
   xs = xs1 @ [x] @ xs2  never pred xs2  pred x  func x = a  filtermap pred func xs1 = al1"
using assms proof(induction xs arbitrary: a al1 rule: rev_induct)
  case (snoc x xs a al1)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "pred x")
    case False
    hence "filtermap pred func xs = al1 ## a" using snoc by simp
    from snoc(1)[OF this] obtain xn xs2 xs1 where
    1: "xs = xs1 @ [xn] @ xs2  never pred xs2  pred xn  func xn = a 
     filtermap pred func xs1 = al1" by blast
    show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ xn], rule exI[of _ xs1], rule exI[of _ "xs2 ## x"])
    using snoc(2) 1 False by simp
    case True
    hence "filtermap pred func xs = al1" using snoc by simp
    show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ x], rule exI[of _ xs], rule exI[of _ "[]"])
    using snoc(2) True by simp
qed auto

lemma filtermap_eq_Cons_RCons:
assumes "filtermap pred func xs = a # al1 ## b"
shows " xsa xa xs1 xb xsb.
   xs = xsa @ [xa] @ xs1 @ [xb] @ xsb 
   never pred xsa 
   pred xa  func xa = a 
   filtermap pred func xs1 = al1 
   pred xb  func xb = b 
   never pred xsb"
  from filtermap_eq_Cons[OF assms] obtain xa xsa xs2
  where 0: "xs = xsa @ [xa] @ xs2  never pred xsa  pred xa  func xa = a"
  and 1: "filtermap pred func xs2 = al1 ## b" by auto
  from filtermap_eq_RCons[OF 1] obtain xb xs1 xsb where
  2: "xs2 = xs1 @ [xb] @ xsb  never pred xsb 
  pred xb  func xb = b  filtermap pred func xs1 = al1" by blast
  show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ xsa], rule exI[of _ xa], rule exI[of _ xs1],
    rule exI[of _ xb], rule exI[of _ xsb])
  using 2 0 by auto

lemma filter_Nil_never: "[] = filter pred xs  never pred xs"
by (induction xs) (auto split: if_splits)

lemma never_Nil_filter: "never pred xs  [] = filter pred xs"
by (induction xs) (auto split: if_splits)

lemma set_filtermap:
"set (filtermap pred func xs)  {func x | x . x  set xs  pred x}"
proof(induction xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case by (cases "pred x") auto
qed auto 
