Theory Bottom_Up_Computation_Heap
theory Bottom_Up_Computation_Heap
imports "../state_monad/Bottom_Up_Computation" "../heap_monad/DP_CRelVH"
definition (in iterator_defs)
"iter_heap f ≡
{(nxt x, x) | x. cnt x}
(λ rec x. if cnt x then do {f x; rec (nxt x)} else return ())"
lemma (in iterator) iter_heap_unfold:
"iter_heap f x = (if cnt x then do {f x; iter_heap f (nxt x)} else return ())"
unfolding iter_heap_def
by (simp add: wfrec_fixpoint[OF iterator.wellfounded,OF iterator.intro,OF terminating] adm_wf_def)
locale dp_consistency_iterator_heap =
dp_consistency_heap P update lookup dp + iterator cnt nxt sizef
for lookup :: "'a ⇒ ('c option) Heap" and update and P dp
and cnt :: "'a ⇒ bool" and nxt and sizef
includes lifting_syntax
term iter_heap
term crel_vs
lemma crel_vs_iterate_state:
"crel_vs (=) () (iter_heap f x)" if "((=) ===> crel_vs R) g f"
using wellfounded
proof induction
case (less x)
have unit_expand: "() = (λ a f. f a) () (λ _. ())" ..
from less show ?case
by (subst iter_heap_unfold)
(auto intro:
bind_transfer[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format, unfolded unit_expand]
crel_vs_return_ext[unfolded Transfer.Rel_def] that[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format]
lemma crel_vs_bind_ignore:
"crel_vs R a (do {d; b})" if "crel_vs R a b" "crel_vs S c d"
proof -
have unit_expand: "a = (λ a f. f a) () (λ _. a)" ..
show ?thesis
by (subst unit_expand)
(rule bind_transfer[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format, unfolded unit_expand] that)+
lemma crel_vs_iter_and_compute:
assumes "((=) ===> crel_vs R) g f"
shows "crel_vs R (g x) (do {iter_heap f y; f x})"
by (rule
crel_vs_bind_ignore crel_vs_iterate_state HOL.refl
assms[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format] assms
lemma consistent_DP_iter_and_compute:
assumes "consistentDP f"
shows "consistentDP (λ x. do {iter_heap f y; f x})"
apply (rule consistentDP_intro)
using assms unfolding consistentDP_def Rel_def
by (rule crel_vs_iter_and_compute)