Theory Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Berlekamp_Hensel
subsection ‹Result is Unique›
text ‹We combine the finite field factorization algorithm with Hensel-lifting to
obtain factorizations mod $p^n$. Moreover, we prove results on unique-factorizations
in mod $p^n$ which admit to extend the uniqueness result for binary Hensel-lifting
to the general case. As a consequence, our factorization algorithm will produce
unique factorizations mod $p^n$.›
theory Berlekamp_Hensel
hide_const coeff monom
definition berlekamp_hensel :: "int ⇒ nat ⇒ int poly ⇒ int poly list" where
"berlekamp_hensel p n f = (case finite_field_factorization_int p f of
(_,fs) ⇒ hensel_lifting p n f fs)"
text ‹Finite field factorization in combination with Hensel-lifting delivers
factorization modulo $p^k$ where factors are irreducible modulo $p$.
Assumptions: input polynomial is square-free modulo $p$.›
context poly_mod_prime begin
lemma berlekamp_hensel_main:
assumes n: "n ≠ 0"
and res: "berlekamp_hensel p n f = gs"
and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "square_free_m f"
and berl: "finite_field_factorization_int p f = (c,fs)"
shows "poly_mod.factorization_m (p ^ n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs) "
and "sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
and "⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ monic g ∧ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧
poly_mod.irreducible_m p g ∧
poly_mod.degree_m p g = degree g "
proof -
from res[unfolded berlekamp_hensel_def berl split]
have hen: "hensel_lifting p n f fs = gs" .
note bh = finite_field_factorization_int[OF sf berl]
from bh have "poly_mod.factorization_m p f (c, mset fs)" "c ∈ {0..<p}" "(∀fi∈set fs. set (coeffs fi) ⊆ {0..<p})"
by (auto simp: poly_mod.unique_factorization_m_alt_def)
note hen = hensel_lifting[OF n hen cop sf, OF this]
show "poly_mod.factorization_m (p ^ n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
"sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
"⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ monic g ∧ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧
poly_mod.irreducible_m p g ∧
poly_mod.degree_m p g = degree g" using hen by auto
theorem berlekamp_hensel:
assumes cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "square_free_m f"
and res: "berlekamp_hensel p n f = gs"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "poly_mod.factorization_m (p^n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs) "
and "⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧ poly_mod.irreducible_m p g
proof -
obtain c fs where "finite_field_factorization_int p f = (c,fs)" by force
from berlekamp_hensel_main[OF n res cop sf this]
show "poly_mod.factorization_m (p^n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
"⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧ poly_mod.irreducible_m p g" by auto
lemma berlekamp_and_hensel_separated:
assumes cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "square_free_m f"
and res: "hensel_lifting p n f fs = gs"
and berl: "finite_field_factorization_int p f = (c,fs)"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "berlekamp_hensel p n f = gs"
and "sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
proof -
show "berlekamp_hensel p n f = gs" unfolding res[symmetric]
berlekamp_hensel_def hensel_lifting_def berl split Let_def ..
from berlekamp_hensel_main[OF n this cop sf berl] show "sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
by auto
lemma prime_cop_exp_poly_mod:
assumes prime: "prime p" and cop: "coprime c p" and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "poly_mod.M (p^n) c ∈ {1 ..< p^n}"
proof -
from prime have p1: "p > 1" by (simp add: prime_int_iff)
interpret poly_mod_2 "p^n" unfolding poly_mod_2_def using p1 n by simp
from cop p1 m1 have "M c ≠ 0"
by (auto simp add: M_def)
moreover have "M c < p^n" "M c ≥ 0" unfolding M_def using m1 by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
context poly_mod_2
fixes p :: int
assumes prime: "prime p"
interpretation p: poly_mod_prime p using prime by unfold_locales
lemma coprime_lead_coeff_factor: assumes "coprime (lead_coeff (f * g)) p"
shows "coprime (lead_coeff f) p" "coprime (lead_coeff g) p"
proof -
fix f g
assume cop: "coprime (lead_coeff (f * g)) p"
from this[unfolded lead_coeff_mult]
have "coprime (lead_coeff f) p" using prime
by simp
from this[OF assms] this[of g f] assms
show "coprime (lead_coeff f) p" "coprime (lead_coeff g) p" by (auto simp: ac_simps)
lemma unique_factorization_m_factor: assumes uf: "unique_factorization_m (f * g) (c,hs)"
and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff (f * g)) p"
and sf: "p.square_free_m (f * g)"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
and m: "m = p^n"
shows "∃ fs gs. unique_factorization_m f (lead_coeff f,fs)
∧ unique_factorization_m g (lead_coeff g,gs)
∧ Mf (c,hs) = Mf (lead_coeff f * lead_coeff g, fs + gs)
∧ image_mset Mp fs = fs ∧ image_mset Mp gs = gs"
proof -
from prime have p1: "1 < p" by (simp add: prime_int_iff)
interpret p: poly_mod_2 p by (standard, rule p1)
note sf = p.square_free_m_factor[OF sf]
note cop = coprime_lead_coeff_factor[OF cop]
from cop have copm: "coprime (lead_coeff f) m" "coprime (lead_coeff g) m"
by (simp_all add: m)
have df: "degree_m f = degree f"
by (rule degree_m_eq[OF _ m1], insert copm(1) m1, auto)
have dg: "degree_m g = degree g"
by (rule degree_m_eq[OF _ m1], insert copm(2) m1, auto)
define fs where "fs ≡ mset (berlekamp_hensel p n f)"
define gs where "gs ≡ mset (berlekamp_hensel p n g)"
from p.berlekamp_hensel[OF cop(1) sf(1) refl n, folded m]
have f: "factorization_m f (lead_coeff f,fs)"
and f_id: "⋀ f. f ∈# fs ⟹ Mp f = f" unfolding fs_def by auto
from p.berlekamp_hensel[OF cop(2) sf(2) refl n, folded m]
have g: "factorization_m g (lead_coeff g,gs)"
and g_id: "⋀ f. f ∈# gs ⟹ Mp f = f" unfolding gs_def by auto
from factorization_m_prod[OF f g] uf[unfolded unique_factorization_m_alt_def]
have eq: "Mf (lead_coeff f * lead_coeff g, fs + gs) = Mf (c,hs)" by blast
have uff: "unique_factorization_m f (lead_coeff f,fs)"
proof (rule unique_factorization_mI[OF f])
fix e ks
assume "factorization_m f (e,ks)"
from factorization_m_prod[OF this g] uf[unfolded unique_factorization_m_alt_def]
factorization_m_lead_coeff[OF this, unfolded degree_m_eq_lead_coeff[OF df]]
have "Mf (e * lead_coeff g, ks + gs) = Mf (c,hs)" and e: "M (lead_coeff f) = M e" by blast+
from this[folded eq, unfolded Mf_def split]
have ks: "image_mset Mp ks = image_mset Mp fs" by auto
show "Mf (e, ks) = Mf (lead_coeff f, fs)" unfolding Mf_def split ks e by simp
have idf: "image_mset Mp fs = fs" using f_id by (induct fs, auto)
have idg: "image_mset Mp gs = gs" using g_id by (induct gs, auto)
have ufg: "unique_factorization_m g (lead_coeff g,gs)"
proof (rule unique_factorization_mI[OF g])
fix e ks
assume "factorization_m g (e,ks)"
from factorization_m_prod[OF f this] uf[unfolded unique_factorization_m_alt_def]
factorization_m_lead_coeff[OF this, unfolded degree_m_eq_lead_coeff[OF dg]]
have "Mf (lead_coeff f * e, fs + ks) = Mf (c,hs)" and e: "M (lead_coeff g) = M e" by blast+
from this[folded eq, unfolded Mf_def split]
have ks: "image_mset Mp ks = image_mset Mp gs" by auto
show "Mf (e, ks) = Mf (lead_coeff g, gs)" unfolding Mf_def split ks e by simp
from uff ufg eq[symmetric] idf idg show ?thesis by auto
lemma unique_factorization_factorI:
assumes ufact: "unique_factorization_m (f * g) FG"
and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff (f * g)) p"
and sf: "poly_mod.square_free_m p (f * g)"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
and m: "m = p^n"
shows "factorization_m f F ⟹ unique_factorization_m f F"
and "factorization_m g G ⟹ unique_factorization_m g G"
proof -
obtain c fg where FG: "FG = (c,fg)" by force
from unique_factorization_m_factor[OF ufact[unfolded FG] cop sf n m]
obtain fs gs where ufact: "unique_factorization_m f (lead_coeff f, fs)"
"unique_factorization_m g (lead_coeff g, gs)" by auto
from ufact(1) show "factorization_m f F ⟹ unique_factorization_m f F"
by (metis unique_factorization_m_alt_def)
from ufact(2) show "factorization_m g G ⟹ unique_factorization_m g G"
by (metis unique_factorization_m_alt_def)
lemma monic_Mp_prod_mset: assumes fs: "⋀ f. f ∈# fs ⟹ monic (Mp f)"
shows "monic (Mp (prod_mset fs))"
proof -
have "monic (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs))"
by (rule monic_prod_mset, insert fs, auto)
from monic_Mp[OF this] have "monic (Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs)))" .
also have "Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp fs)) = Mp (prod_mset fs)" by (rule Mp_prod_mset)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma degree_Mp_mult_monic: assumes "monic f" "monic g"
shows "degree (Mp (f * g)) = degree f + degree g"
by (metis zero_neq_one assms degree_monic_mult leading_coeff_0_iff monic_degree_m monic_mult)
lemma factorization_m_degree: assumes "factorization_m f (c,fs)"
and 0: "Mp f ≠ 0"
shows "degree_m f = sum_mset (image_mset degree_m fs)"
proof -
note a = assms[unfolded factorization_m_def split]
hence deg: "degree_m f = degree_m (smult c (prod_mset fs))"
and fs: "⋀ f. f ∈# fs ⟹ monic (Mp f)" by auto
define gs where "gs ≡ Mp (prod_mset fs)"
from monic_Mp_prod_mset[OF fs] have mon_gs: "monic gs" unfolding gs_def .
have d:"degree (Mp (Polynomial.smult c gs)) = degree gs"
proof -
have f1: "0 ≠ c" by (metis "0" Mp_0 a(1) smult_eq_0_iff)
then have "M c ≠ 0" by (metis (no_types) "0" assms(1) factorization_m_lead_coeff leading_coeff_0_iff)
then show "degree (Mp (Polynomial.smult c gs)) = degree gs"
unfolding monic_degree_m[OF mon_gs,symmetric]
using f1 by (metis coeff_smult degree_m_eq degree_smult_eq m1 mon_gs monic_degree_m mult_cancel_left1 poly_mod.M_def)
note deg
also have "degree_m (smult c (prod_mset fs)) = degree_m (smult c gs)"
unfolding gs_def by simp
also have "… = degree gs" using d.
also have "… = sum_mset (image_mset degree_m fs)" unfolding gs_def
using fs
proof (induct fs)
case (add f fs)
have mon: "monic (Mp f)" "monic (Mp (prod_mset fs))" using monic_Mp_prod_mset[of fs]
add(2) by auto
have "degree (Mp (prod_mset (add_mset f fs))) = degree (Mp (Mp f * Mp (prod_mset fs)))"
by (auto simp: ac_simps)
also have "… = degree (Mp f) + degree (Mp (prod_mset fs))"
by (rule degree_Mp_mult_monic[OF mon])
also have "degree (Mp (prod_mset fs)) = sum_mset (image_mset degree_m fs)"
by (rule add(1), insert add(2), auto)
finally show ?case by (simp add: ac_simps)
qed simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma degree_m_mult_le: "degree_m (f * g) ≤ degree_m f + degree_m g"
using degree_m_mult_le by auto
lemma degree_m_prod_mset_le: "degree_m (prod_mset fs) ≤ sum_mset (image_mset degree_m fs)"
proof (induct fs)
case empty
show ?case by simp
case (add f fs)
then show ?case using degree_m_mult_le[of f "prod_mset fs"] by auto
context poly_mod_prime
lemma unique_factorization_m_factor_partition: assumes l0: "l ≠ 0"
and uf: "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^l) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
and f: "f = f1 * f2"
and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "square_free_m f"
and part: "List.partition (λgi. gi dvdm f1) gs = (gs1, gs2)"
shows "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^l) f1 (lead_coeff f1, mset gs1)"
"poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^l) f2 (lead_coeff f2, mset gs2)"
proof -
interpret pl: poly_mod_2 "p^l" by (standard, insert m1 l0, auto)
let ?I = "image_mset pl.Mp"
note Mp_pow [simp] = Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp[OF l0 m1]
have [simp]: "pl.Mp x dvdm u = (x dvdm u)" for x u unfolding dvdm_def using Mp_pow[of x]
by (metis poly_mod.mult_Mp(1))
have gs_split: "set gs = set gs1 ∪ set gs2" using part by auto
from pl.unique_factorization_m_factor[OF prime uf[unfolded f] _ _ l0 refl, folded f, OF cop sf]
obtain hs1 hs2 where uf': "pl.unique_factorization_m f1 (lead_coeff f1, hs1)"
"pl.unique_factorization_m f2 (lead_coeff f2, hs2)"
and gs_hs: "?I (mset gs) = hs1 + hs2"
unfolding pl.Mf_def split by auto
have gs_gs: "?I (mset gs) = ?I (mset gs1) + ?I (mset gs2)" using part
by (auto, induct gs arbitrary: gs1 gs2, auto)
with gs_hs have gs_hs12: "?I (mset gs1) + ?I (mset gs2) = hs1 + hs2" by auto
note pl_dvdm_imp_p_dvdm = pl_dvdm_imp_p_dvdm[OF l0]
note fact = pl.unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF uf]
have gs1: "?I (mset gs1) = {#x ∈# ?I (mset gs). x dvdm f1#}"
using part by (auto, induct gs arbitrary: gs1 gs2, auto)
also have "… = {#x ∈# hs1. x dvdm f1#} + {#x ∈# hs2. x dvdm f1#}" unfolding gs_hs by simp
also have "{#x ∈# hs2. x dvdm f1#} = {#}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈# hs2" and dvd: "x dvdm f1" by fastforce
from x gs_hs have "x ∈# ?I (mset gs)" by auto
with fact[unfolded pl.factorization_m_def]
have xx: "pl.irreducible⇩d_m x" "monic x" by auto
from square_free_m_prod_imp_coprime_m[OF sf[unfolded f]]
have cop_h_f: "coprime_m f1 f2" by auto
from pl.factorization_m_mem_dvdm[OF pl.unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF uf'(2)], of x] x
have "pl.dvdm x f2" by auto
hence "x dvdm f2" by (rule pl_dvdm_imp_p_dvdm)
from cop_h_f[unfolded coprime_m_def, rule_format, OF dvd this]
have "x dvdm 1" by auto
from dvdm_imp_degree_le[OF this xx(2) _ m1] have "degree x = 0" by auto
with xx show False unfolding pl.irreducible⇩d_m_def by auto
also have "{#x ∈# hs1. x dvdm f1#} = hs1"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
from filter_mset_inequality[OF this]
obtain x where x: "x ∈# hs1" and dvd: "¬ x dvdm f1" by blast
from pl.factorization_m_mem_dvdm[OF pl.unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF uf'(1)],
of x] x dvd
have "pl.dvdm x f1" by auto
from pl_dvdm_imp_p_dvdm[OF this] dvd show False by auto
finally have gs_hs1: "?I (mset gs1) = hs1" by simp
with gs_hs12 have "?I (mset gs2) = hs2" by auto
with uf' gs_hs1 have "pl.unique_factorization_m f1 (lead_coeff f1, ?I (mset gs1))"
"pl.unique_factorization_m f2 (lead_coeff f2, ?I (mset gs2))" by auto
thus "pl.unique_factorization_m f1 (lead_coeff f1, mset gs1)"
"pl.unique_factorization_m f2 (lead_coeff f2, mset gs2)"
unfolding pl.unique_factorization_m_def
by (auto simp: pl.Mf_def image_mset.compositionality o_def)
lemma factorization_pn_to_factorization_p: assumes fact: "poly_mod.factorization_m (p^n) C (c,fs)"
and sf: "square_free_m C"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "factorization_m C (c,fs)"
proof -
let ?q = "p^n"
from n m1 have q: "?q > 1" by simp
interpret q: poly_mod_2 ?q by (standard, insert q, auto)
from fact[unfolded q.factorization_m_def]
have eq: "q.Mp C = q.Mp (Polynomial.smult c (prod_mset fs))"
and irr: "⋀ f. f ∈# fs ⟹ q.irreducible⇩d_m f"
and mon: "⋀ f. f ∈# fs ⟹ monic (q.Mp f)"
by auto
from arg_cong[OF eq, of Mp]
have eq: "eq_m C (smult c (prod_mset fs))"
by (simp add: Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp m1 n)
show ?thesis unfolding factorization_m_def split
proof (rule conjI[OF eq], intro ballI conjI)
fix f
assume f: "f ∈# fs"
from mon[OF this] have mon_qf: "monic (q.Mp f)" .
hence lc: "lead_coeff (q.Mp f) = 1" by auto
from mon_qf show mon_f: "monic (Mp f)"
by (metis Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp m1 monic_Mp n)
from irr[OF f] have irr: "q.irreducible⇩d_m f" .
hence "q.degree_m f ≠ 0" unfolding q.irreducible⇩d_m_def by auto
also have "q.degree_m f = degree_m f" using mon[OF f]
by (metis Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp m1 monic_degree_m n)
finally have deg: "degree_m f ≠ 0" by auto
from f obtain gs where fs: "fs = {#f#} + gs"
by (metis mset_subset_eq_single subset_mset.add_diff_inverse)
from eq[unfolded fs] have "Mp C = Mp (f * smult c (prod_mset gs))" by auto
from square_free_m_factor[OF square_free_m_cong[OF sf this]]
have sf_f: "square_free_m f" by simp
have sf_Mf: "square_free_m (q.Mp f)"
by (rule square_free_m_cong[OF sf_f], auto simp: Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp n m1)
have "coprime (lead_coeff (q.Mp f)) p" using mon[OF f] prime by simp
from berlekamp_hensel[OF this sf_Mf refl n, unfolded lc] obtain gs where
qfact: "q.factorization_m (q.Mp f) (1, mset gs)"
and "⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ irreducible_m g" by blast
hence fact: "q.Mp f = q.Mp (prod_list gs)"
and gs: "⋀ g. g∈ set gs ⟹ irreducible⇩d_m g ∧ q.irreducible⇩d_m g ∧ monic (q.Mp g)"
unfolding q.factorization_m_def by auto
from q.factorization_m_degree[OF qfact]
have deg: "q.degree_m (q.Mp f) = sum_mset (image_mset q.degree_m (mset gs))"
using mon_qf by fastforce
from irr[unfolded q.irreducible⇩d_m_def]
have "sum_mset (image_mset q.degree_m (mset gs)) ≠ 0" by (fold deg, auto)
then obtain g gs' where gs1: "gs = g # gs'" by (cases gs, auto)
assume "gs' ≠ []"
then obtain h hs where gs2: "gs' = h # hs" by (cases gs', auto)
from deg gs[unfolded q.irreducible⇩d_m_def]
have small: "q.degree_m g < q.degree_m f"
"q.degree_m h + sum_mset (image_mset q.degree_m (mset hs)) < q.degree_m f"
unfolding gs1 gs2 by auto
have "q.eq_m f (g * (h * prod_list hs))"
using fact unfolding gs1 gs2 by simp
with irr[unfolded q.irreducible⇩d_m_def, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, of g "h * prod_list hs"]
small(1) have "¬ q.degree_m (h * prod_list hs) < q.degree_m f" by auto
hence "q.degree_m f ≤ q.degree_m (h * prod_list hs)" by simp
also have "… = q.degree_m (prod_mset ({#h#} + mset hs))" by simp
also have "… ≤ sum_mset (image_mset q.degree_m ({#h#} + mset hs))"
by (rule q.degree_m_prod_mset_le)
also have "… < q.degree_m f" using small(2) by simp
finally have False by simp
hence gs1: "gs = [g]" unfolding gs1 by (cases gs', auto)
with fact have "q.Mp f = q.Mp g" by auto
from arg_cong[OF this, of Mp] have eq: "Mp f = Mp g"
by (simp add: Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp m1 n)
from gs[unfolded gs1] have g: "irreducible⇩d_m g" by auto
with eq show "irreducible⇩d_m f" unfolding irreducible⇩d_m_def by auto
lemma unique_monic_hensel_factorization:
assumes ufact: "unique_factorization_m C (1,Fs)"
and C: "monic C" "square_free_m C"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "∃ Gs. poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^n) C (1, Gs)"
using ufact C
proof (induct Fs arbitrary: C rule: wf_induct[OF wf_measure[of size]])
case (1 Fs C)
let ?q = "p^n"
from n m1 have q: "?q > 1" by simp
interpret q: poly_mod_2 ?q by (standard, insert q, auto)
note [simp] = Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp[OF n m1]
note IH = 1(1)[rule_format]
note ufact = 1(2)
hence fact: "factorization_m C (1, Fs)" unfolding unique_factorization_m_alt_def by auto
note monC = 1(3)
note sf = 1(4)
let ?n = "size Fs"
fix d gs
assume qfact: "q.factorization_m C (d,gs)"
from q.factorization_m_lead_coeff[OF this] q.monic_Mp[OF monC]
have d1: "q.M d = 1" by auto
from factorization_pn_to_factorization_p[OF qfact sf n]
have "factorization_m C (d,gs)" .
with ufact d1 have "q.M d = 1" "M d = 1" "image_mset Mp gs = image_mset Mp Fs"
unfolding unique_factorization_m_alt_def Mf_def by auto
} note pre_unique = this
show ?case
proof (cases Fs)
case empty
with fact C have "Mp C = 1" unfolding factorization_m_def by auto
hence "degree (Mp C) = 0" by simp
with degree_m_eq_monic[OF monC m1] have "degree C = 0" by simp
with monC have C1: "C = 1" using monic_degree_0 by blast
with fact have fact: "q.factorization_m C (1,{#})"
by (auto simp: q.factorization_m_def)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI, rule q.unique_factorization_mI[OF fact])
fix d gs
assume fact: "q.factorization_m C (d,gs)"
from pre_unique[OF this, unfolded empty]
show "q.Mf (d, gs) = q.Mf (1, {#})" by (auto simp: q.Mf_def)
case (add D H) note FDH = this
let ?D = "Mp D"
let ?H = "Mp (prod_mset H)"
from fact have monFs: "⋀ F. F ∈# Fs ⟹ monic (Mp F)"
and prod: "eq_m C (prod_mset Fs)" unfolding factorization_m_def by auto
hence monD: "monic ?D" unfolding FDH by auto
from square_free_m_cong[OF sf, of "D * prod_mset H"] prod[unfolded FDH]
have "square_free_m (D * prod_mset H)" by (auto simp: ac_simps)
from square_free_m_prod_imp_coprime_m[OF this]
have "coprime_m D (prod_mset H)" .
hence cop': "coprime_m ?D ?H" unfolding coprime_m_def dvdm_def Mp_Mp by simp
from fact have eq': "eq_m (?D * ?H) C"
unfolding FDH by (simp add: factorization_m_def ac_simps)
note unique_hensel_binary[OF prime cop' eq' Mp_Mp Mp_Mp monD n]
from ex1_implies_ex[OF this] this
obtain A B where CAB: "q.eq_m (A * B) C" and monA: "monic A" and DA: "eq_m ?D A"
and HB: "eq_m ?H B" and norm: "q.Mp A = A" "q.Mp B = B"
and unique: "⋀ D' H'. q.eq_m (D' * H') C ⟹
monic D' ⟹
eq_m (Mp D) D' ⟹ eq_m (Mp (prod_mset H)) H' ⟹ q.Mp D' = D' ⟹ q.Mp H' = H'
⟹ D' = A ∧ H' = B" by blast
note hensel_bin_wit = CAB monA DA HB norm
from monA have monA': "monic (q.Mp A)" by (rule q.monic_Mp)
from q.monic_Mp[OF monC] CAB have monicP:"monic (q.Mp (A * B))" by auto
have f4: "⋀p. coeff (A * p) (degree (A * p)) = coeff p (degree p)"
by (simp add: coeff_degree_mult monA)
have f2: "⋀p n i. coeff p n mod i = coeff (poly_mod.Mp i p) n"
using poly_mod.M_def poly_mod.Mp_coeff by presburger
hence "coeff B (degree B) = 0 ∨ monic B"
using monicP f4 by (metis (no_types) norm(2) q.degree_m_eq q.m1)
hence monB: "monic B"
using f4 monicP by (metis norm(2) leading_coeff_0_iff)
from monA monB have lcAB: "lead_coeff (A * B) = 1" by (rule monic_mult)
hence copAB: "coprime (lead_coeff (A * B)) p" by auto
from arg_cong[OF CAB, of Mp]
have CAB': "eq_m C (A * B)" by auto
from sf CAB' have sfAB: "square_free_m (A * B)" using square_free_m_cong by blast
from CAB' ufact have ufact: "unique_factorization_m (A * B) (1, Fs)"
using unique_factorization_m_cong by blast
have "(1 :: nat) ≠ 0" "p = p ^ 1" by auto
note u_factor = unique_factorization_factorI[OF prime ufact copAB sfAB this]
from fact DA have "irreducible⇩d_m D" "eq_m A D" unfolding add factorization_m_def by auto
hence "irreducible⇩d_m A" using Mp_irreducible⇩d_m by fastforce
from irreducible⇩d_lifting[OF n _ this] have irrA: "q.irreducible⇩d_m A" using monA
by (simp add: m1 poly_mod.degree_m_eq_monic q.m1)
from add have lenH: "(H,Fs) ∈ measure size" by auto
from HB fact have factB: "factorization_m B (1, H)"
unfolding FDH factorization_m_def by auto
from u_factor(2)[OF factB] have ufactB: "unique_factorization_m B (1, H)" .
from sfAB have sfB: "square_free_m B" by (rule square_free_m_factor)
from IH[OF lenH ufactB monB sfB] obtain Bs where
IH2: "q.unique_factorization_m B (1, Bs)" by auto
from CAB have "q.Mp C = q.Mp (q.Mp A * q.Mp B)" by simp
also have "q.Mp A * q.Mp B = q.Mp A * q.Mp (prod_mset Bs)"
using IH2 unfolding q.unique_factorization_m_alt_def q.factorization_m_def by auto
also have "q.Mp … = q.Mp (A * prod_mset Bs)" by simp
finally have factC: "q.factorization_m C (1, {# A #} + Bs)" using IH2 monA' irrA
by (auto simp: q.unique_factorization_m_alt_def q.factorization_m_def)
show ?thesis
proof (rule exI, rule q.unique_factorization_mI[OF factC])
fix d gs
assume dgs: "q.factorization_m C (d,gs)"
from pre_unique[OF dgs, unfolded add] have d1: "q.M d = 1" and
gs_fs: "image_mset Mp gs = {# Mp D #} + image_mset Mp H" by (auto simp: ac_simps)
have "∀f m p ma. image_mset f m ≠ add_mset (p::int poly) ma ∨
(∃mb pa. m = add_mset (pa::int poly) mb ∧ f pa = p ∧ image_mset f mb = ma)"
by (simp add: msed_map_invR)
then obtain g hs where gs: "gs = {# g #} + hs" and gD: "Mp g = Mp D"
and hsH: "image_mset Mp hs = image_mset Mp H"
using gs_fs by (metis add_mset_add_single union_commute)
from dgs[unfolded q.factorization_m_def split]
have eq: "q.Mp C = q.Mp (smult d (prod_mset gs))"
and irr_mon: "⋀ g. g∈#gs ⟹ q.irreducible⇩d_m g ∧ monic (q.Mp g)"
using d1 by auto
note eq
also have "q.Mp (smult d (prod_mset gs)) = q.Mp (smult (q.M d) (prod_mset gs))"
by simp
also have "… = q.Mp (prod_mset gs)" unfolding d1 by simp
finally have eq: "q.eq_m (q.Mp g * q.Mp (prod_mset hs)) C" unfolding gs by simp
from gD have Dg: "eq_m (Mp D) (q.Mp g)" by simp
have "Mp (prod_mset H) = Mp (prod_mset (image_mset Mp H))" by simp
also have "… = Mp (prod_mset hs)" unfolding hsH[symmetric] by simp
finally have Hhs: "eq_m (Mp (prod_mset H)) (q.Mp (prod_mset hs))" by simp
from irr_mon[of g, unfolded gs] have mon_g: "monic (q.Mp g)" by auto
from unique[OF eq mon_g Dg Hhs q.Mp_Mp q.Mp_Mp]
have gA: "q.Mp g = A" and hsB: "q.Mp (prod_mset hs) = B" by auto
have "q.factorization_m B (1, hs)" unfolding q.factorization_m_def split
by (simp add: hsB norm irr_mon[unfolded gs])
with IH2 have hsBs: "q.Mf (1,hs) = q.Mf (1,Bs)" unfolding q.unique_factorization_m_alt_def by blast
show "q.Mf (d, gs) = q.Mf (1, {# A #} + Bs)"
using gA hsBs d1 unfolding gs q.Mf_def by auto
theorem berlekamp_hensel_unique:
assumes cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "poly_mod.square_free_m p f"
and res: "berlekamp_hensel p n f = gs"
and n: "n ≠ 0"
shows "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs) "
"⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g "
proof -
let ?q = "p^n"
interpret q: poly_mod_2 ?q unfolding poly_mod_2_def using m1 n by simp
from berlekamp_hensel[OF assms]
have bh_fact: "q.factorization_m f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)" by auto
from berlekamp_hensel[OF assms]
show "⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g" by blast
from prime have p1: "p > 1" by (simp add: prime_int_iff)
let ?lc = "coeff f (degree f)"
define ilc where "ilc ≡ inverse_mod ?lc (p ^ n)"
from cop p1 n have inv: "q.M (ilc * ?lc) = 1"
by (auto simp add: q.M_def ilc_def inverse_mod_pow)
hence ilc0: "ilc ≠ 0" by (cases "ilc = 0", auto)
fix q
assume "ilc * ?lc = ?q * q"
from arg_cong[OF this, of q.M] have "q.M (ilc * ?lc) = 0"
unfolding q.M_def by auto
with inv have False by auto
} note not_dvd = this
let ?in = "q.Mp (smult ilc f)"
have mon: "monic ?in" unfolding q.Mp_coeff coeff_smult
by (subst q.degree_m_eq[OF _ q.m1], insert not_dvd, auto simp: inv ilc0)
have "q.Mp f = q.Mp (smult (q.M (?lc * ilc)) f)" using inv by (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… = q.Mp (smult ?lc (smult ilc f))" by simp
finally have f: "q.Mp f = q.Mp (smult ?lc (smult ilc f))" .
from arg_cong[OF f, of Mp]
have "Mp f = Mp (smult ?lc (smult ilc f))"
by (simp add: Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp n p1)
from arg_cong[OF this, of square_free_m, unfolded Mp_square_free_m] sf
have "square_free_m (smult (coeff f (degree f)) (smult ilc f))" by simp
from square_free_m_smultD[OF this] have sf: "square_free_m (smult ilc f)" .
have Mp_in: "Mp ?in = Mp (smult ilc f)"
by (simp add: Mp_Mp_pow_is_Mp n p1)
from Mp_square_free_m[of ?in, unfolded Mp_in] sf have sf: "square_free_m ?in"
unfolding Mp_square_free_m by simp
obtain a b where "finite_field_factorization_int p ?in = (a,b)" by force
from finite_field_factorization_int[OF sf this]
have ufact: "unique_factorization_m ?in (a, mset b)" by auto
from unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF this]
have fact: "factorization_m ?in (a, mset b)" .
from factorization_m_lead_coeff[OF this] monic_Mp[OF mon]
have "M a = 1" by auto
with ufact have "unique_factorization_m ?in (1, mset b)"
unfolding unique_factorization_m_def Mf_def by auto
from unique_monic_hensel_factorization[OF this mon sf n]
obtain hs where "q.unique_factorization_m ?in (1, hs)" by auto
hence unique: "q.unique_factorization_m (smult ilc f) (1, hs)"
unfolding unique_factorization_m_def Mf_def by auto
from q.factorization_m_smult[OF q.unique_factorization_m_imp_factorization[OF unique], of ?lc]
have "q.factorization_m (smult (ilc * ?lc) f) (?lc, hs)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
moreover have "q.Mp (smult (q.M (ilc * ?lc)) f) = q.Mp f" unfolding inv by simp
ultimately have fact: "q.factorization_m f (?lc, hs)"
unfolding q.factorization_m_def by auto
have "q.unique_factorization_m f (?lc, hs)"
proof (rule q.unique_factorization_mI[OF fact])
fix d us
assume other_fact: "q.factorization_m f (d,us)"
from q.factorization_m_lead_coeff[OF this] have lc: "q.M d = lead_coeff (q.Mp f)" ..
have lc: "q.M d = q.M ?lc" unfolding lc
by (metis bh_fact q.factorization_m_lead_coeff)
from q.factorization_m_smult[OF other_fact, of ilc] unique
have eq: "q.Mf (d * ilc, us) = q.Mf (1, hs)" unfolding q.unique_factorization_m_def by auto
thus "q.Mf (d, us) = q.Mf (?lc, hs)" using lc unfolding q.Mf_def by auto
with bh_fact show "q.unique_factorization_m f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
unfolding q.unique_factorization_m_alt_def by metis
lemma hensel_lifting_unique:
assumes n: "n ≠ 0"
and res: "hensel_lifting p n f fs = gs"
and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p"
and sf: "poly_mod.square_free_m p f"
and fact: "poly_mod.factorization_m p f (c, mset fs)"
and c: "c ∈ {0..<p}"
and norm: "(∀fi∈set fs. set (coeffs fi) ⊆ {0..<p})"
shows "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
"sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
"⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ monic g ∧ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧
poly_mod.irreducible_m p g ∧
poly_mod.degree_m p g = degree g "
proof -
note hensel = hensel_lifting[OF assms]
show "sort (map degree fs) = sort (map degree gs)"
"⋀ g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ monic g ∧ poly_mod.Mp (p^n) g = g ∧
poly_mod.irreducible_m p g ∧
poly_mod.degree_m p g = degree g" using hensel by auto
from berlekamp_hensel_unique[OF cop sf refl n]
have "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p ^ n) f (lead_coeff f, mset (berlekamp_hensel p n f))" by auto
with hensel(1) show "poly_mod.unique_factorization_m (p^n) f (lead_coeff f, mset gs)"
by (metis poly_mod.unique_factorization_m_alt_def)