Theory FlowPolicies

theory FlowPolicies
imports Views

  Flow policies
record 'domain FlowPolicy_rec = 
  D :: "'domain set"
  v_rel :: "('domain × 'domain) set"
  n_rel :: "('domain × 'domain) set"
  c_rel :: "('domain × 'domain) set"
  The three relations of a flow policy form a partition of DxD.
  Moreover, the relation v_rel is reflexive.
definition FlowPolicy :: "'domain FlowPolicy_rec  bool"
"FlowPolicy fp  
   ((v_rel fp)  (n_rel fp)  (c_rel fp) = ((D fp) × (D fp)))
  (v_rel fp)  (n_rel fp) = {}
  (v_rel fp)  (c_rel fp) = {}
  (n_rel fp)  (c_rel fp) = {} 
  (d  (D fp). (d, d)  (v_rel fp))"

  Domain assignments and the view of a domain 
type_synonym ('e, 'domain) dom_type = "'e  'domain"

  A domain assignment should only assign domains to actual events.
definition dom :: "('e, 'domain) dom_type  'domain set  'e set  bool"
"dom domas dset es  
(e. d. ((domas e = Some d)  (e  es  d  dset)))"

  The combination of a domain assignment and a flow policy
  yields a view for each domain.
definition view_dom :: "'domain FlowPolicy_rec  'domain  ('e, 'domain) dom_type  'e V_rec"
  "view_dom fp d domas  
    V = {e. d'. (domas e = Some d'  (d', d)  (v_rel fp))}, 
     N = {e. d'. (domas e = Some d'  (d', d)  (n_rel fp))}, 
     C = {e. d'. (domas e = Some d'  (d', d)  (c_rel fp))} "
