Theory WellformedL

theory WellformedL
  imports Wellformed "SyntaxL"

chapter ‹Wellformedness Lemmas›

section ‹Prelude›

lemma b_of_subst_bb_commute:
   "(b_of (τ[bv::=b]τb)) =  (b_of τ)[bv::=b]bb"
proof -
  obtain z' and b' and c' where "τ =  z' : b' | c'  " using obtain_fresh_z by metis
  moreover hence "(b_of (τ[bv::=b]τb)) = b_of  z' : b'[bv::=b]bb | c' " using subst_tb.simps by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using subst_tv.simps subst_tb.simps by simp

lemmas wf_intros = wfV_wfC_wfG_wfT_wfTs_wfTh_wfB_wfCE_wfTD.intros wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.intros

lemmas freshers = fresh_prodN b.fresh c.fresh v.fresh ce.fresh fresh_GCons fresh_GNil fresh_at_base 

section ‹Strong Elimination›

text ‹Inversion/elimination for well-formed polymorphic constructors ›
lemma wf_strong_elim:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" 
           and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and s::s and tm::"'a::fs" 
          and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list and Θ::Θ
   shows  "Θ; ; Γ  wf (V_consp tyid dc b v) : b''  ( bv dclist x b' c. b'' = B_app tyid b 
             AF_typedef_poly tyid bv dclist  set Θ 
            (dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist 
               Θ;   wf b   atom bv  (Θ, , Γ, b, v)   Θ; ; Γ wf v : b'[bv::=b]bb  atom bv  tm)" and           
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf  c            True" and
         "Θ;  wf Γ                 True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ             True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  True" and 
         "wf Θ True" and       
         "Θ;  wf b  True " and      
         "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b'     True" and
         "Θ  wf td    True"
      "V_consp tyid dc b v" b'' and c and Γ and τ and ts and Θ and b and b' and td 
     avoiding: tm
  case (wfV_conspI bv dclist Θ x b' c  Γ)
  then show ?case by force

section ‹Context Extension›

definition wfExt :: "Θ    Γ  Γ  bool" (" _ ; _  wf _ < _ " [50,50,50] 50)   where
  "wfExt T B G1 G2 = (wfG T B G2  wfG T B G1  toSet G1  toSet G2)" 

section ‹Context›

lemma wfG_cons[ms_wb]:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "P;   wf (z,b,c)  #ΓΓ"
  shows "P;  wf Γ  atom z  Γ  wfB P  b" 
  using wfG_elims(2)[OF assms] by metis

lemma wfG_cons2[ms_wb]:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "P;   wf zbc  #ΓΓ"
  shows "P;  wf Γ" 
proof -
  obtain z and b and c where zbc: "zbc=(z,b,c)" using prod_cases3 by blast
  hence  "P;   wf (z,b,c)  #ΓΓ" using assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using zbc wfG_cons assms by simp

lemma wf_g_unique: 
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "Θ;  wf  Γ" and "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ" and "(x,b',c')  toSet Γ"
  shows "b=b'  c=c'"
using assms proof(induct Γ rule: Γ.induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (GCons a Γ)
  consider "(x,b,c)=a  (x,b',c')=a" | "(x,b,c)=a  (x,b',c')a" | "(x,b,c)a  (x,b',c')=a" | "(x,b,c) a  (x,b',c')a" by blast
  then show ?case proof(cases)
    case 1
    then show ?thesis  by auto
    case 2
    hence "atom x  Γ"  using wfG_elims(2) GCons by blast
    moreover have "(x,b',c')  toSet Γ" using GCons 2 by force
    ultimately show ?thesis    using forget_subst_gv fresh_GCons fresh_GNil fresh_gamma_elem Γ.distinct subst_gv.simps 2 GCons by metis
    case 3
    hence "atom x  Γ"  using wfG_elims(2) GCons by blast
    moreover have "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ" using GCons 3 by force
    ultimately show ?thesis
           using forget_subst_gv fresh_GCons fresh_GNil fresh_gamma_elem Γ.distinct subst_gv.simps 3 GCons by metis
    case 4
    then obtain x'' and b'' and c''::c where xbc: "a=(x'',b'',c'')" 
      using prod_cases3 by blast
    hence "Θ;  wf ((x'',b'',c'')  #ΓΓ)" using GCons wfG_elims by blast
    hence "Θ;  wf Γ  (x, b, c)  toSet Γ  (x, b', c')  toSet Γ"  using  GCons wfG_elims 4 xbc
          prod_cases3 set_GConsD   using forget_subst_gv fresh_GCons fresh_GNil fresh_gamma_elem Γ.distinct subst_gv.simps 4 GCons by meson
    thus ?thesis using GCons by auto    

lemma lookup_if1:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ" and  "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x"
  shows "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ  (b' c'. (x,b',c')  toSet Γ  b'=b  c'=c)"
using assms proof(induct Γ rule: Γ.induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons xbc Γ)
  then obtain x' and b' and c'::c where xbc: "xbc=(x',b',c')" 
    using prod_cases3 by blast
  then show ?case using wf_g_unique GCons lookup_in_g xbc
     lookup.simps set_GConsD wfG.cases 
     insertE insert_is_Un toSet.simps wfG_elims by metis

lemma lookup_if2:
  assumes "wfG P  Γ" and   "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ  (b' c'. (x,b',c')  toSet Γ  b'=b  c'=c)"
  shows "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x" 
using assms proof(induct Γ rule: Γ.induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons xbc Γ)
  then obtain x' and b' and c'::c where xbc: "xbc=(x',b',c')" 
    using prod_cases3 by blast
  then show ?case proof(cases "x=x'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using lookup.simps GCons xbc by simp
    case False
    then show ?thesis using lookup.simps GCons xbc toSet.simps Un_iff set_GConsD wfG_cons2 
      by (metis (full_types) Un_iff set_GConsD toSet.simps(2) wfG_cons2)
lemma lookup_iff:
  fixes Θ::Θ and Γ::Γ
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ"
  shows "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x  (x,b,c)  toSet Γ  (b' c'. (x,b',c')  toSet Γ  b'=b  c'=c)"
  using assms lookup_if1 lookup_if2 by meson

lemma wfG_lookup_wf:
  fixes Θ::Θ and Γ::Γ and b::b and ::
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ" and "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x"
  shows "Θ;  wf b"
using assms proof(induct Γ rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ')
  then show ?case proof(cases "x=x'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using lookup.simps wfG_elims(2) GCons by fastforce 
    case False
    then show ?thesis using lookup.simps wfG_elims(2) GCons by fastforce 

lemma wfG_unique:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "wfG B Θ ((x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" and "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet ((x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" and "x1=x"
  shows "b1 = b  c1 = c"
proof - 
  have "(x, b, c)  toSet ((x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" by simp
  thus ?thesis using wf_g_unique assms by blast

lemma wfG_unique_full:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "wfG Θ B (Γ'@(x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" and "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'@(x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" and "x1=x"
  shows "b1 = b  c1 = c"
proof - 
  have "(x, b, c)  toSet (Γ'@(x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" by simp
  thus ?thesis using wf_g_unique assms by blast

section ‹Converting between wb forms›

text ‹ We cannot prove wfB properties here for expressions and statements as need some more facts about @{term Φ}
   context which we can prove without this lemma. Trying to cram everything into a single large
   mutually recursive lemma is not a good idea ›

lemma wfX_wfY1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s
           and css::branch_list
  shows  wfV_wf: "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b   Θ;  wf Γ  wf Θ  " and              
         wfC_wf: "Θ; ; Γ wf c  Θ;  wf Γ  wf Θ " and
         wfG_wf :"Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ"  and
         wfT_wf: "Θ; ; Γ wf τ   Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ  Θ;   wf b_of τ" and
         wfTs_wf:"Θ; ; Γ wf ts   Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ" and 
         "wf Θ  True" and       
         wfB_wf: "Θ;  wf b    wf Θ" and      
         wfCE_wf: "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b  Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ "  and
         wfTD_wf: "Θ wf td   wf Θ"
proof(induct    rule:wfV_wfC_wfG_wfT_wfTs_wfTh_wfB_wfCE_wfTD.inducts)

  case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b c x)
  hence "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ" using lookup_iff lookup_in_g by presburger
  hence "b  fst`snd`toSet Γ" by force
  hence "wfB Θ  b" using wfV_varI using wfG_lookup_wf by auto
  then show ?case using wfV_varI wfV_elims wf_intros by metis
  case (wfV_litI Θ  Γ l)
  moreover have "wfTh Θ" using wfV_litI by metis
  ultimately  show ?case using   wf_intros base_for_lit.simps l.exhaust by metis
  case (wfV_pairI Θ  Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
  then show ?case using wfB_pairI by simp
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c  Γ v)
  then show ?case using   wf_intros  by metis
  case (wfTI z Γ Θ  b c)
  then show ?case using wf_intros b_of.simps wfG_cons2 by metis

lemma wfX_wfY2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s
           and css::branch_list
         wfE_wf: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf e : b  Θ;  wf Γ  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ   wf Θ  Θ  wf Φ  " and
         wfS_wf: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf s : b  Θ;  wf Γ  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ   wf Θ  Θ  wf Φ   " and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b   Θ;  wf Γ  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ   wf Θ  Θ  wf Φ " and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b   Θ;  wf Γ  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ   wf Θ  Θ  wf Φ " and       
         wfPhi_wf: "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)   wf Θ" and
         wfD_wf:   "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ  Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ " and       
         wfFTQ_wf: "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  Θ  wf Φ   wf Θ" and
         wfFT_wf:  "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft  Θ  wf Φ   wf Θ"           
proof(induct    rule:wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.inducts)
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Δ Φ s b)
  then show ?case using wfD_elims by auto
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfY1 by auto
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  then have "Θ;   wf Γ" using wfX_wfY1 by auto
  moreover have "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ" using wfS_assertI by auto
  moreover have "wf Θ    Θ  wf Φ " using wfS_assertI by auto
  ultimately  show ?case by auto

lemmas wfX_wfY=wfX_wfY1 wfX_wfY2

lemma setD_ConsD:
  "ut  setD (ut' #Δ D) = (ut = ut'  ut  setD D)"
proof(induct D rule: Δ_induct)
  case DNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (DCons u' t' x2)
  then show ?case using setD.simps by auto

lemma wfD_wfT:
  fixes Δ::Δ and τ::τ
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ"
  shows "(u,τ)  setD Δ. Θ; ; Γ wf τ"
using assms proof(induct Δ rule: Δ_induct)
  case DNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (DCons u' t' x2)
  then show ?case using wfD_elims DCons setD_ConsD
    by (metis case_prodI2 set_ConsD)

lemma subst_b_lookup_d:
  assumes "u  fst ` setD Δ"
  shows  "u  fst ` setD Δ[bv::=b]Δb" 
using assms proof(induct Δ rule: Δ_induct)
  case DNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (DCons u' t'  x2) 
  hence "uu'" using DCons by simp
  show ?case using DCons subst_db.simps by simp

lemma wfG_cons_splitI:
  fixes  Φ::Φ and Γ::Γ
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ" and "atom x  Γ" and "wfB Θ  b" and
      "c  { TRUE, FALSE }  Θ;  wf Γ " and
      "c  { TRUE, FALSE }  Θ  ; ;  (x,b,C_true)  #ΓΓ wf c"
    shows "Θ;  wf ((x,b,c)  #ΓΓ)"
  using wfG_cons1I wfG_cons2I assms by metis

lemma wfG_consI:
  fixes  Φ::Φ and Γ::Γ and c::c
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ" and "atom x  Γ" and "wfB Θ  b" and
   "Θ  ;  ; (x,b,C_true)  #ΓΓ wf c"
  shows "Θ  ;  wf ((x,b,c)  #ΓΓ)"
  using wfG_cons1I wfG_cons2I wfG_cons_splitI wfC_trueI assms by metis

lemma wfG_elim2:
  fixes c::c
  assumes  "wfG P   ((x,b,c)  #ΓΓ)" 
  shows "P;  ; (x, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ  wf c  wfB P  b" 
proof(cases "c  {TRUE,FALSE}")
  case True
  have "P;  wf Γ   atom x  Γ  wfB P  b"  using wfG_elims(2)[OF assms] by auto
  hence "P;  wf ((x,b,TRUE)  #ΓΓ)  wfB P  b" using wfG_cons2I by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfC_trueI wfC_falseI True by auto
  case False
  then show ?thesis using wfG_elims(2)[OF assms] by auto

lemma wfG_cons_wfC:
  fixes Γ::Γ and c::c
  assumes "Θ ; B  wf (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ"
  shows "Θ ; B ; ((x, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ) wf c"
  using assms wfG_elim2 by auto

lemma wfG_wfB:
  assumes "wfG P  Γ" and "b  fst`snd`toSet Γ"
  shows "wfB P  b"
using assms proof(induct Γ rule:Γ_induct)
case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ')
  show ?case proof(cases "b=b'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using wfG_elim2  GCons by auto
    case False
    hence "b  fst`snd`toSet Γ'" using GCons by auto
    moreover have "wfG P  Γ'" using wfG_cons GCons by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using GCons by auto

lemma wfG_cons_TRUE:
  fixes Γ::Γ and b::b
  assumes "P;  wf Γ" and "atom z  Γ" and "P;  wf b"
  shows "P  ;  wf (z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ" 
  using wfG_cons2I wfG_wfB assms by simp

lemma wfG_cons_TRUE2:
  assumes "P;  wf (z,b,c)  #ΓΓ" and "atom z  Γ"
  shows "P;  wf (z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ" 
  using  wfG_cons wfG_cons2I assms by simp

lemma wfG_suffix:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ'@Γ)"
  shows "wfG P  Γ"
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x b c Γ')
  hence " P;  wf Γ' @ Γ" using wfG_elims by auto
  then show ?case using GCons  wfG_elims by auto

lemma wfV_wfCE:
  fixes v::v
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b" 
  shows " Θ ;   ; Γ wf CE_val v : b"
proof -
  have  "Θ wf ([]::Φ) "  using wfPhi_emptyI wfV_wf wfG_wf assms by metis
  moreover have "Θ; ; Γ  wf []Δ" using wfD_emptyI wfV_wf wfG_wf assms by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis using wfCE_valI assms by auto
section ‹Support›

lemma wf_supp1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css ::branch_list

  shows  wfV_supp: "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b   supp v  atom_dom Γ  supp " and       
         wfC_supp: "Θ; ; Γ wf c  supp c  atom_dom Γ  supp " and
         wfG_supp: "Θ;  wf Γ   atom_dom Γ  supp Γ" and
         wfT_supp: "Θ; ; Γ wf τ   supp τ  atom_dom Γ  supp  " and
         wfTs_supp: "Θ; ; Γ wf ts   supp ts  atom_dom Γ  supp " and 
         wfTh_supp: "wf Θ  supp Θ = {}" and       
         wfB_supp: "Θ;  wf b  supp b  supp " and      
         wfCE_supp: "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b  supp ce   atom_dom Γ  supp " and
         wfTD_supp: "Θ  wf td  supp td   {}" 
proof(induct    rule:wfV_wfC_wfG_wfT_wfTs_wfTh_wfB_wfCE_wfTD.inducts)
  case (wfB_consI Θ s dclist )
  then show ?case by(auto simp add: b.supp pure_supp)
  case (wfB_appI Θ  b s bv dclist)
  then show ?case by(auto simp add: b.supp pure_supp)
  case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b c x)
  then show ?case using v.supp wfV_elims  
     empty_subsetI insert_subset supp_at_base 
     fresh_dom_free2 lookup_if1 
    by (metis sup.coboundedI1)
  case (wfV_litI Θ  Γ l)
  then show ?case using supp_l_empty v.supp by simp
  case (wfV_pairI Θ  Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
   then show ?case using v.supp wfV_elims  by (metis Un_subset_iff)
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c  Γ v)
  then show ?case using v.supp wfV_elims  
    Un_commute b.supp sup_bot.right_neutral supp_b_empty pure_supp by metis
  case (wfV_conspI typid bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  Γ v b)
  then show ?case  unfolding v.supp 
    using wfV_elims  
    Un_commute b.supp sup_bot.right_neutral supp_b_empty pure_supp 
    by (simp add: Un_commute pure_supp sup.coboundedI1)
  case (wfC_eqI Θ  Γ e1 b e2)
  hence "supp e1  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using   c.supp wfC_elims 
    image_empty list.set(1) sup_bot.right_neutral  by (metis IntI UnE empty_iff subsetCE subsetI)
  moreover have "supp e2  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using   c.supp wfC_elims 
    image_empty list.set(1) sup_bot.right_neutral IntI UnE empty_iff subsetCE subsetI
    by (metis wfC_eqI.hyps(4))
  ultimately show ?case using c.supp by auto
  case (wfG_cons1I c Θ  Γ x b)
  then show ?case using atom_dom.simps  dom_supp_g supp_GCons by metis
  case (wfG_cons2I c Θ  Γ x b)
  then show ?case using atom_dom.simps  dom_supp_g supp_GCons by metis
  case wfTh_emptyI
  then show ?case  by (simp add: supp_Nil)
  case (wfTh_consI Θ lst)
  then show ?case using supp_Cons by fast
  case (wfTD_simpleI Θ lst s)
  then have "supp (AF_typedef s lst ) = supp lst  supp s" using type_def.supp  by auto
  then show ?case using wfTD_simpleI pure_supp 
    by (simp add: pure_supp supp_Cons supp_at_base)
  case (wfTD_poly Θ bv lst s)
  then have "supp (AF_typedef_poly s bv lst ) = supp lst - { atom bv }  supp s" using type_def.supp  by auto
  then show ?case using wfTD_poly pure_supp 
    by (simp add: pure_supp supp_Cons supp_at_base)
  case (wfTs_nil Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using supp_Nil by auto
  case (wfTs_cons Θ  Γ τ dc ts)
  then show ?case using supp_Cons supp_Pair pure_supp[of dc] by blast
  case (wfCE_valI Θ  Γ v b)
  thus ?case using ce.supp wfCE_elims by simp
  case (wfCE_plusI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (CE_op Plus v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using ce.supp pure_supp 
    by (simp add: wfCE_plusI opp.supp)  
  then show ?case using  ce.supp wfCE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by auto
  case (wfCE_leqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (CE_op LEq v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using ce.supp pure_supp 
    by (simp add: wfCE_plusI opp.supp)  
  then show ?case using  ce.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by auto
  case (wfCE_eqI Θ  Γ v1 b v2 )
  hence "supp (CE_op Eq v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using ce.supp pure_supp 
    by (simp add: wfCE_eqI opp.supp)  
  then show ?case using  ce.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by auto
  case (wfCE_fstI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
  thus ?case using ce.supp wfCE_elims by simp
  case (wfCE_sndI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
 thus ?case using ce.supp wfCE_elims by simp
  case (wfCE_concatI Θ   Γ v1 v2)
  thus ?case using ce.supp wfCE_elims by simp
  case (wfCE_lenI Θ   Γ  v1)
  thus ?case using ce.supp wfCE_elims by simp
   case (wfTI z Θ  Γ b c)
  hence "supp c  supp z  atom_dom Γ  supp " using  supp_at_base dom_cons  by metis
  moreover have "supp b  supp "  using wfTI by auto
  ultimately have " supp   z : b  | c   atom_dom Γ  supp "  using τ.supp supp_at_base by force
  thus ?case by auto

lemma wf_supp2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and 
        ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and 
        ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css ::branch_list
         wfE_supp: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf e : b  (supp e   atom_dom Γ  supp   atom ` fst ` setD Δ)" and (* ∧ ( Φ = [] ⟶ supp e ∩ supp ℬ = {})" and*)
         wfS_supp: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf s : b  supp s  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b   supp cs  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b   supp css  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " and      
         wfPhi_supp: "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)   supp Φ = {}" and
         wfD_supp: "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ  supp Δ  atom`fst`(setD Δ)  atom_dom Γ  supp  " and      
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  supp ftq = {}" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft  supp ft  supp "      
proof(induct    rule:wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.inducts)
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  hence "supp (AE_val v)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp wf_supp1 by simp
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (AE_op Plus v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  
    using  wfE_plusI opp.supp wf_supp1 e.supp pure_supp Un_least 
    by (metis sup_bot.left_neutral)

  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (AE_op LEq v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp Un_least 
    sup_bot.left_neutral  using opp.supp wf_supp1 by auto
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  hence "supp (AE_op Eq v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp Un_least 
    sup_bot.left_neutral  using opp.supp wf_supp1 by auto
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
 hence "supp (AE_fst  v1 )  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp   sup_bot.left_neutral  using opp.supp wf_supp1 by auto
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
 hence "supp (AE_snd  v1 )  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp     wfE_plusI opp.supp wf_supp1  by (metis Un_least)
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (AE_concat v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp 
    wfE_plusI opp.supp wf_supp1  by (metis Un_least)
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  hence "supp (AE_split v1 v2)  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp 
    wfE_plusI opp.supp wf_supp1  by (metis Un_least)
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  hence "supp (AE_len v1 )  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using e.supp pure_supp 
    using e.supp pure_supp   sup_bot.left_neutral  using opp.supp wf_supp1 by auto
  then show ?case using  e.supp wfE_elims UnCI subsetCE subsetI x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
  then obtain b where "Θ; ; Γ wf v : b" using wfE_elims by metis          
  hence  "supp v  atom_dom Γ  supp "  using wfE_appI wf_supp1 by metis
  hence "supp (AE_app f v)  atom_dom Γ  supp " using e.supp pure_supp by fast
  then show ?case using  e.supp(2)  UnCI subsetCE subsetI wfE_appI  using b.supp(3) pure_supp x_not_in_b_set by metis
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f xa ba ca s)
  then obtain b where "Θ; ; Γ wf v : ( b[bv::=b']b)" using wfE_elims by metis          
  hence  "supp v  atom_dom Γ  supp  "  using wfE_appPI wf_supp1 by auto
  moreover have "supp b'  supp  " using wf_supp1(7) wfE_appPI by simp
  ultimately show ?case unfolding  e.supp using  wfE_appPI pure_supp by fast
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
     then  obtain τ where "(u,τ)  setD Δ" using wfE_elims(10) by metis
  hence "atom u  atom`fst`setD Δ" by force
  hence "supp (AE_mvar u )  atom`fst`setD Δ" using e.supp
    by (simp add: supp_at_base)
  thus ?case using UnCI subsetCE subsetI e.supp wfE_mvarI supp_at_base subsetCE supp_at_base u_not_in_b_set 
    by (simp add: supp_at_base)
  case (wfS_valI Θ Φ  Γ v b Δ)
  then show ?case using wf_supp1 
    by (metis s_branch_s_branch_list.supp(1) sup.coboundedI2 sup_assoc sup_commute) 
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  then show ?case  by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  then show ?case unfolding  s_branch_s_branch_list.supp (3) using wf_supp1(4)[OF wfS_let2I(3)] by auto
  case (wfS_ifI Θ  Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
  then show ?case  using wf_supp1(1)[OF wfS_ifI(1)]  by auto
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Δ Φ s b)
  then show ?case  using  wf_supp1(1)[OF wfS_varI(2)]  wf_supp1(4)[OF wfS_varI(1)]  by auto
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  hence "supp u  atom ` fst ` setD Δ" proof(induct Δ rule:Δ_induct)
    case DNil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (DCons u' t' Δ')
    show ?case proof(cases "u=u'")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using toSet.simps DCons supp_at_base by fastforce
      case False
      then show ?thesis  using toSet.simps DCons supp_at_base wfS_assignI 
        by (metis empty_subsetI fstI image_eqI insert_subset)
  then show ?case using s_branch_s_branch_list.supp(8) wfS_assignI wf_supp1(1)[OF wfS_assignI(6)] by auto
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  then show ?case using wf_supp1(1)[OF wfS_matchI(1)] by auto
 case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  moreover have "supp s  supp x  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " 
    using dom_cons supp_at_base wfS_branchI by auto
  moreover hence "supp s - set [atom x]  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " using supp_at_base by force
  ultimately have
     "(supp s - set [atom x])  (supp dc )  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp "
     by (simp add: pure_supp)
  thus ?case using s_branch_s_branch_list.supp(2) by auto
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using supp_DNil by auto
  case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  have "supp ((u, τ)  #Δ Δ) = supp u  supp τ  supp Δ" using supp_DCons supp_Pair by metis
  also have "...   supp u  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  atom_dom Γ  supp " 
    using wfD_cons wf_supp1(4)[OF wfD_cons(3)] by auto
  also have "...  atom ` fst ` setD ((u, τ)  #Δ Δ)  atom_dom Γ  supp " using supp_at_base by auto
  finally show ?case by auto
  case (wfPhi_emptyI Θ)
  then show ?case using supp_Nil by auto
  case (wfPhi_consI f Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case using fun_def.supp
    by (simp add: pure_supp supp_Cons)
  case (wfFTI Θ B' b s x c τ Φ)
  have " supp (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s) = supp c  (supp τ  supp s) - set [atom x]  supp b" using fun_typ.supp by auto
  thus ?case using wfFTI wf_supp1 
  proof -
    have f1: "supp τ  {atom x}  atom_dom GNil  supp B'"
      using dom_cons wfFTI.hyps wf_supp1(4) by blast (* 0.0 ms *)
    have "supp b  supp B'"
      using wfFTI.hyps(1) wf_supp1(7) by blast (* 0.0 ms *)
    then show ?thesis
      using f1 supp (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s) = supp c  (supp τ  supp s) - set [atom x]  supp b 
             wfFTI.hyps(4) wfFTI.hyps by auto (* 234 ms *)
  case (wfFTNone Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case by (simp add: fun_typ_q.supp(2))
  case (wfFTSome Θ Φ bv ft)
  then show ?case using fun_typ_q.supp
    by (simp add: supp_at_base)
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  then have "supp c  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " using wf_supp1 
    by (metis Un_assoc Un_commute le_supI2)
  moreover have "supp s   atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " proof 
    fix z
    assume *:"z  supp s"
    have **:"atom x  supp s" using wfS_assertI fresh_prodN fresh_def by metis
    have "z  atom_dom ((x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ)  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " using wfS_assertI * by blast
    have "z   atom_dom ((x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ)  z  atom_dom Γ" using * ** by auto 
    thus  "z  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp " using * ** 
      using z  atom_dom ((x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ)  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp  by blast
  ultimately show ?case by auto

lemmas wf_supp = wf_supp1 wf_supp2

lemma wfV_supp_nil:
  fixes v::v
  assumes "P ; {||} ; GNil wf v : b" 
  shows "supp v = {}"
  using wfV_supp[of P " {||}"  GNil v b] dom.simps toSet.simps
  using assms by auto

lemma wfT_TRUE_aux:
  assumes "wfG P  Γ" and "atom z  (P, , Γ)" and "wfB P  b"
  shows "wfT P  Γ ( z : b  | TRUE )"  
proof (rule)
  show atom z  (P, , Γ) using assms by auto
  show P;  wf b using assms by auto
  show P ; ;  (z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ  wf TRUE using wfG_cons2I wfC_trueI assms by auto

lemma wfT_TRUE:
  assumes "wfG P  Γ" and "wfB P  b"
  shows "wfT P  Γ ( z : b  | TRUE )" 
proof -
  obtain z'::x where *:"atom z'  (P, , Γ)" using obtain_fresh by metis
  hence " z : b  | TRUE  =  z' : b  | TRUE " by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfT_TRUE_aux assms * by metis

lemma phi_flip_eq:
  assumes "wfPhi T P"
  shows  "(x  xa)  P = P"
  using wfPhi_supp[OF assms] flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def by blast

lemma wfC_supp_cons:
  fixes c'::c and G::Γ
  assumes "P;  ; (x', b' , TRUE)  #ΓG wf c'" 
  shows "supp c'  atom_dom G  supp x'  supp " and "supp c'  supp G  supp x'  supp "
proof -
  show "supp c'  atom_dom G  supp x'  supp "
    using  wfC_supp[OF assms] dom_cons supp_at_base by blast
  moreover have "atom_dom G  supp G"
    by (meson assms wfC_wf wfG_cons wfG_supp)
  ultimately show "supp c'  supp G  supp x'  supp " using wfG_supp assms wfG_cons wfC_wf by fast

lemma wfG_dom_supp:
  fixes x::x
  assumes "wfG P  G"
  shows "atom x  atom_dom G  atom x  supp G"
using assms proof(induct G rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using dom.simps  supp_of_atom_list
    using supp_GNil by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' G)

  show ?case proof(cases "x' = x")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using dom.simps supp_of_atom_list supp_at_base 
      using supp_GCons by auto
    case False
    have "(atom x  atom_dom ((x', b', c')   #Γ G)) = (atom x  atom_dom G)" using atom_dom.simps False by simp
    also have "... = (atom x  supp  G)" using GCons wfG_elims by metis
    also have "... = (atom x  (supp (x', b', c')  supp G))" proof
      show "atom x  supp G  atom x  supp (x', b', c')  supp G" by auto
      assume "atom x  supp (x', b', c')  supp G"
      then consider "atom x  supp (x', b', c')" | "atom x  supp G" by auto
      then show "atom x  supp G" proof(cases)
        case 1
        assume " atom x  supp (x', b', c') "
        hence "atom x   supp c'" using supp_triple False supp_b_empty supp_at_base by force

        moreover have "P;  ; (x', b' , TRUE)  #ΓG wf c'" using wfG_elim2 GCons by simp
        moreover hence "supp c'  supp G  supp x'  supp " using wfC_supp_cons by auto
        ultimately have  "atom x  supp G  supp x' "   using x_not_in_b_set by auto
        then show ?thesis using False supp_at_base  by (simp add: supp_at_base)
        case 2
        then show ?thesis by simp
    also have "... = (atom x  supp ((x', b', c')   #Γ G))"  using supp_at_base False supp_GCons by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma wfG_atoms_supp_eq : 
  fixes x::x
  assumes "wfG P  G"
  shows "atom x  atom_dom G  atom x  supp G"
  using wfG_dom_supp assms by auto

lemma beta_flip_eq:
  fixes x::x and xa::x and ::
  shows  "(x  xa)   = "
proof - 
  have "atom x    atom xa  " using x_not_in_b_set fresh_def supp_set by metis
  thus ?thesis  by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def)

lemma theta_flip_eq2:
  assumes "wf Θ"
  shows  " (z  za )  Θ = Θ"
proof -
  have "supp Θ = {}" using wfTh_supp assms by simp
  thus ?thesis 
      by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def)

lemma theta_flip_eq:
  assumes "wfTh Θ"
  shows  "(x  xa)  Θ = Θ"
  using wfTh_supp flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def 
  by (simp add: assms theta_flip_eq2)

lemma wfT_wfC:
  fixes c::c 
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf  z : b | c " and "atom z  Γ"
  shows "Θ; ; (z,b,TRUE)  #ΓΓ wf c"
proof -
  obtain za ba ca where *:" z : b  | c  =  za : ba  | ca   atom za  (Θ,,Γ)   Θ; ; (za, ba, TRUE)   #Γ Γ  wf ca"
    using wfT_elims[OF assms(1)] by metis
  hence c1: "[[atom z]]lst. c = [[atom za]]lst. ca" using τ.eq_iff by meson
  show ?thesis proof(cases "z=za")
    case True
    hence "ca = c" using  c1  by (simp add: Abs1_eq_iff(3))
    then show ?thesis using * True by simp
    case False
    have " wf Θ" using wfT_wf wfG_wf assms by metis
    moreover have "atom za  Γ" using * fresh_prodN by auto
    ultimately have  "Θ; ; (z  za )  (za, ba, TRUE)   #Γ Γ  wf (z  za )  ca" 
      using wfC.eqvt theta_flip_eq2  beta_flip_eq * GCons_eqvt assms flip_fresh_fresh  by metis
    moreover have "atom z  ca"     
    proof -
      have "supp ca  atom_dom Γ  { atom za }  supp " using  * wfC_supp atom_dom.simps toSet.simps by fastforce
      moreover have "atom z  atom_dom Γ " using assms fresh_def wfT_wf  wfG_dom_supp wfC_supp by metis
      moreover hence  "atom z  atom_dom Γ  { atom za }" using False by simp
      moreover have "atom z  supp " using x_not_in_b_set by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def False by fast
    moreover hence  "(z  za )  ca = c" using type_eq_subst_eq1(3)  * by metis 
    ultimately show  ?thesis using assms G_cons_flip_fresh * by auto

lemma u_not_in_dom_g:
  fixes u::u
  shows  "atom u  atom_dom  G"
  using toSet.simps atom_dom.simps u_not_in_x_atoms by auto

lemma bv_not_in_dom_g:
  fixes bv::bv
  shows  "atom bv  atom_dom  G"
  using toSet.simps atom_dom.simps u_not_in_x_atoms by auto
text ‹An important lemma that confirms that @{term Γ} does not rely on mutable variables›
lemma u_not_in_g:
  fixes u::u
  assumes "wfG Θ B G"
  shows  "atom u  supp G"
using assms proof(induct G rule: Γ_induct)
case GNil
  then show ?case using supp_GNil fresh_def 
    using fresh_set_empty by fastforce
  case (GCons x b c Γ')
   moreover hence "atom u  supp b"  using 
    wfB_supp wfC_supp u_not_in_x_atoms wfG_elims wfX_wfY by auto
   moreover hence "atom u  supp x"  using u_not_in_x_atoms supp_at_base by blast
   moreover hence "atom u  supp c" proof -
     have "Θ ; B ; (x, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ'   wf c" using wfG_cons_wfC GCons by simp
     hence "supp c  atom_dom ((x, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ')  supp B" using wfC_supp by blast
     thus ?thesis using u_not_in_dom_g u_not_in_b_atoms 
       using u_not_in_b_set by auto
   ultimately have "atom u  supp (x,b,c)" using supp_Pair by simp
   thus  ?case using supp_GCons GCons wfG_elims by blast

text ‹An important lemma that confirms that types only depend on immutable variables›
lemma u_not_in_t:
  fixes u::u
  assumes "wfT Θ B G τ"
  shows  "atom u  supp τ"
proof -
  have "supp τ  atom_dom G  supp B" using  wfT_supp assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using u_not_in_dom_g u_not_in_b_set  by blast 

lemma wfT_supp_c:
  fixes :: and z::x
  assumes "wfT P  Γ ( z : b  | c )" 
  shows "supp c - { atom z }  atom_dom Γ  supp  "
  using wf_supp τ.supp assms 
  by (metis Un_subset_iff empty_set list.simps(15)) 

lemma wfG_wfC[ms_wb]:
  assumes "wfG P  ((x,b,c)  #ΓΓ)"
  shows "wfC P  ((x,b,TRUE)  #ΓΓ) c"
using assms proof(cases "c  {TRUE,FALSE}")
  case True
  have "atom x  Γ  wfG P  Γ  wfB P  b" using wfG_cons assms by auto
  hence "wfG P   ((x,b,TRUE)  #ΓΓ)" using wfG_cons2I by auto
  then show ?thesis using wfC_trueI wfC_falseI True by auto
  case False
  then show ?thesis using wfG_elims assms by blast

lemma wfT_wf_cons: 
  assumes "wfT P  Γ  z : b  | c " and "atom z  Γ"
  shows "wfG P  ((z,b,c)  #ΓΓ)"
using assms proof(cases "c  { TRUE,FALSE }")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using wfT_wfC wfC_wf wfG_wfB  wfG_cons2I assms wfT_wf by fastforce
  case False
  then show ?thesis using wfT_wfC wfC_wf wfG_wfB  wfG_cons1I wfT_wf wfT_wfC assms by fastforce

lemma wfV_b_fresh:
  fixes b::b and v::v and bv::bv 
  assumes  "Θ; ; Γ wf v: b" and "bv |∉| "
  shows "atom bv  v"
using wfV_supp  bv_not_in_dom_g fresh_def assms bv_not_in_bset_supp by blast

lemma wfCE_b_fresh:
  fixes b::b and ce::ce and bv::bv 
  assumes  "Θ; ; Γ wf ce: b" and "bv |∉| "
  shows "atom bv  ce"
using bv_not_in_dom_g fresh_def assms bv_not_in_bset_supp wf_supp1(8) by fast
section ‹Freshness›

lemma wfG_fresh_x:
  fixes Γ::Γ and z::x
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ" and "atom z  Γ" 
  shows "atom z  (Θ,, Γ)"
unfolding fresh_prodN apply(intro conjI)
  using wf_supp1 wfX_wfY assms fresh_def x_not_in_b_set by(metis empty_iff)+

lemma wfG_wfT:
  assumes "wfG P  ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)   #Γ G)" and "atom x  c"
  shows "P;  ; G wf  z : b | c " 
proof - 
  have " P;  ; (x, b, TRUE)   #Γ G  wf c[z::=V_var x]cv  wfB P  b" using  assms 
    using wfG_elim2 by auto
  moreover have "atom x   (P ,,G)" using wfG_elims assms wfG_fresh_x by metis
  ultimately have  "wfT P  G  x : b | c[z::=V_var x]cv " using wfTI assms by metis
  moreover have " x : b | c[z::=V_var x]cv  =  z : b | c " using type_eq_subst atom x  c by auto
  ultimately show  ?thesis by auto

lemma wfT_wfT_if:
  assumes "wfT Θ  Γ ( z2 : b  | CE_val v  ==  CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP  c[z::=V_var z2]cv  )" and "atom z2  (c,Γ)"
  shows "wfT Θ  Γ  z : b |  c " 
proof -
  have *: "atom z2  (Θ, , Γ)" using wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY assms fresh_Pair by metis
  have "wfB Θ   b" using assms wfT_elims by metis
  have "Θ; ; (GCons (z2,b,TRUE) Γ) wf  (CE_val v  ==  CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP  c[z::=V_var z2]cv)"  using wfT_wfC assms fresh_Pair by auto
  hence "Θ; ; ((z2,b,TRUE)  #ΓΓ) wf c[z::=V_var z2]cv"  using wfC_elims by metis
  hence "wfT Θ  Γ  ( z2 : b  | c[z::=V_var z2]cv)" using assms fresh_Pair wfTI wfB Θ  b * by auto
  moreover have " z : b |  c  =  z2 : b | c[z::=V_var z2]cv "  using type_eq_subst assms fresh_Pair by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using wfTI assms by argo

lemma wfT_fresh_c:
  fixes x::x
  assumes "wfT P  Γ  z : b | c " and "atom x  Γ" and "x  z"
  shows "atom x  c"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ atom x  c"
  hence *:"atom x  supp c" using fresh_def by auto
  moreover have "supp c - set [atom z]  supp b  atom_dom Γ  supp "
    using assms  wfT_supp τ.supp by blast
  moreover hence "atom x  supp c - set [atom z]" using assms  * by auto
  ultimately have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using x_not_in_b_set by auto
  thus False using assms wfG_atoms_supp_eq wfT_wf fresh_def by metis

lemma wfG_x_fresh [simp]: 
  fixes x::x
  assumes "wfG P  G"
  shows "atom x  atom_dom G  atom x  G"
  using wfG_atoms_supp_eq assms fresh_def  by metis

lemma wfD_x_fresh:
  fixes x::x
  assumes "atom x  Γ" and "wfD P B Γ Δ"
  shows "atom x  Δ"
using assms proof(induct Δ rule: Δ_induct)
  case DNil
  then show ?case using supp_DNil fresh_def by auto
  case (DCons u' t'  Δ')
  have wfg: "wfG P B Γ" using wfD_wf DCons by blast
  hence wfd: "wfD P B Γ Δ'" using wfD_elims DCons by blast
  have "supp t'  atom_dom Γ  supp B" using wfT_supp DCons wfD_elims  by metis
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using DCons(2) fresh_def wfG_supp wfg by blast
  ultimately have  "atom x  t'" using fresh_def DCons wfG_supp wfg x_not_in_b_set by blast
  moreover have "atom x  u'" using supp_at_base fresh_def by fastforce
  ultimately have "atom x  (u',t')" using supp_Pair by fastforce
  thus ?case using DCons fresh_DCons wfd by fast

lemma wfG_fresh_x2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and z::x and Δ::Δ and Φ::Φ
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ" and "Θ  wf Φ" and "atom z  Γ" 
  shows "atom z  (Θ,Φ,, Γ,Δ)"
  unfolding fresh_prodN apply(intro conjI)
  using wfG_fresh_x assms fresh_prod3 wfX_wfY apply metis
  using wf_supp2(5)  assms fresh_def apply blast
  using assms wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY fresh_prod3 apply metis
  using assms wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY fresh_prod3 apply metis
  using wf_supp2(6)  assms fresh_def wfD_x_fresh by metis

lemma wfV_x_fresh:
  fixes v::v and b::b and Γ::Γ and x::x
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b" and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "atom x  v"
proof -
  have "supp v  atom_dom Γ  supp   " using assms wfV_supp by auto
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using fresh_def assms
     dom.simps subsetCE  wfG_elims wfG_supp  by (metis dom_supp_g)
  moreover have "atom x  supp " using x_not_in_b_set by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def by fast

lemma wfE_x_fresh:
  fixes e::e and b::b and Γ::Γ and Δ::Δ and Φ::Φ  and x::x
  assumes "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b" and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "atom x  e"
proof -
  have "wfG Θ  Γ" using assms wfE_wf by auto
  hence "supp e  atom_dom Γ  supp   atom`fst`setD Δ" using wfE_supp dom.simps assms by auto
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using fresh_def assms
     dom.simps subsetCE  wfG Θ  Γ  wfG_supp  by (metis dom_supp_g)
  moreover have "atom x  atom`fst`setD Δ" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def x_not_in_b_set by fast 

lemma wfT_x_fresh:
  fixes τ::τ and Γ::Γ and  x::x
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf τ" and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "atom x  τ"
proof -
  have "wfG Θ  Γ" using assms wfX_wfY by auto
  hence "supp τ  atom_dom Γ  supp " using wfT_supp dom.simps assms by auto
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using fresh_def assms
     dom.simps subsetCE  wfG Θ  Γ  wfG_supp  by (metis dom_supp_g)
  moreover have "atom x  supp " using x_not_in_b_set by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def by fast 

lemma wfS_x_fresh:
  fixes s::s  and Δ::Δ and x::x
  assumes "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  wf s : b" and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "atom x  s"
proof - 
  have "supp s  atom_dom Γ  atom ` fst ` setD Δ  supp "  using  wf_supp assms by metis
  moreover have "atom x  atom ` fst ` setD Δ" by auto
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom Γ" using assms fresh_def wfG_dom_supp wfX_wfY by metis
  moreover have "atom x  supp " using supp_b_empty supp_fset 
    by (simp add: x_not_in_b_set)
  ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def by fast 

lemma wfTh_fresh:
  fixes x
  assumes "wfTh T"
  shows "atom x  T"
  using wf_supp1 assms fresh_def by fastforce

lemmas wfTh_x_fresh = wfTh_fresh

lemma wfPhi_fresh:
  fixes x
  assumes "wfPhi T P"
  shows "atom x  P"
  using wf_supp assms fresh_def by fastforce

lemmas wfPhi_x_fresh = wfPhi_fresh
lemmas wb_x_fresh = wfTh_x_fresh wfPhi_x_fresh wfD_x_fresh wfT_x_fresh wfV_x_fresh

lemma wfG_inside_fresh[ms_fresh]:
  fixes Γ::Γ and x::x
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ'@((x,b,c)  #ΓΓ))"
  shows "atom x  atom_dom Γ'"
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x1 b1 c1 Γ1)
  moreover hence "atom x  atom ` fst `({(x1,b1,c1)})" proof -
    have *: "P;   wf (Γ1 @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" using wfG_elims append_g.simps GCons by metis
    have "atom x1   (Γ1 @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" using GCons wfG_elims append_g.simps by metis
    hence "atom x1  atom_dom  (Γ1 @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" using wfG_dom_supp fresh_def * by metis
    thus ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show ?case using append_g.simps atom_dom.simps toSet.simps wfG_elims dom.simps
    by (metis image_insert insert_iff insert_is_Un)

lemma wfG_inside_x_in_atom_dom:
  fixes c::c and x::x  and Γ::Γ 
  shows "atom x  atom_dom ( Γ'@ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)   #Γ Γ)"
  by(induct Γ'  rule: Γ_induct, (simp add: toSet.simps atom_dom.simps)+)

lemma wfG_inside_x_neq:
  fixes c::c and x::x  and Γ::Γ and G::Γ and xa::x
  assumes "G=( Γ'@ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)   #Γ Γ)" and "atom xa  G" and " Θ;  wf G"
  shows "xa  x"
proof - 
  have "atom xa  atom_dom G"  using fresh_def wfG_atoms_supp_eq assms by metis
  moreover have "atom x  atom_dom G" using wfG_inside_x_in_atom_dom assms by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma wfG_inside_x_fresh:
  fixes c::c and x::x  and Γ::Γ and G::Γ and xa::x
  assumes "G=( Γ'@ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)   #Γ Γ)" and "atom xa  G" and " Θ;  wf G"
  shows "atom xa  x"
  using fresh_def supp_at_base wfG_inside_x_neq assms by auto

lemma wfT_nil_supp:
  fixes t::τ
  assumes "Θ ; {||} ; GNil wf t" 
  shows "supp t = {}"
  using wfT_supp atom_dom.simps assms toSet.simps by force

section ‹Misc›

lemma wfG_cons_append:
  fixes b'::b
  assumes "Θ;  wf ((x', b', c')   #Γ Γ') @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ"
  shows "Θ;  wf (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)   atom x'  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)  Θ;  wf b'  x'  x"
proof - 
  have "((x', b', c')   #Γ Γ') @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ = (x', b', c')   #Γ (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)" using append_g.simps by auto
  hence *:"Θ;  wf  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)   atom x'  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)  Θ;  wf b'" using assms wfG_cons by metis
  moreover have "atom x'  x" proof(rule wfG_inside_x_fresh[of "(Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)"])
    show "Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ = Γ' @ (x, b, c[x::=V_var x]cv)   #Γ Γ" by simp
      show "  atom x'  Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ" using * by auto
      show "Θ;   wf Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ  " using * by auto
  ultimately show  ?thesis by auto

lemma flip_u_eq:
  fixes  u::u and u'::u and Θ::Θ and τ::τ
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf τ" 
  shows "(u  u')  τ = τ" and  "(u  u')  Γ = Γ"  and "(u  u')  Θ = Θ" and "(u  u')   = "
proof -
  show "(u  u')  τ = τ" using wfT_supp flip_fresh_fresh
    by (metis assms(1) fresh_def u_not_in_t)
  show "(u  u')  Γ = Γ" using u_not_in_g wfX_wfY assms flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def by metis
  show  "(u  u')  Θ = Θ" using theta_flip_eq assms wfX_wfY by metis
  show  "(u  u')   = " using u_not_in_b_set flip_fresh_fresh fresh_def by metis

lemma wfT_wf_cons_flip: 
  fixes c::c and x::x
  assumes "wfT P  Γ  z : b  | c " and "atom x  (c,Γ)"
  shows "wfG P  ((x,b,c[z::=V_var x]cv)  #ΓΓ)"
proof -
  have " x : b | c[z::=V_var x]cv  =  z : b  | c " using assms freshers type_eq_subst by metis
  hence *:"wfT P  Γ   x : b | c[z::=V_var x]cv " using assms by metis
  show ?thesis proof(rule wfG_consI)
    show P;   wf Γ using assms wfT_wf by auto
    show atom x  Γ using assms   by auto
    show P;   wf b using assms wfX_wfY b_of.simps  by metis
    show P;  ; (x, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ  wf c[z::=V_var x]cv using wfT_wfC * assms fresh_Pair by metis

section ‹Context Strengthening›

text ‹We can remove an entry for a variable from the context if the variable doesn't appear in the 
term and the variable is not used later in the context or any other context›

lemma fresh_restrict:
  fixes y::"'a::at_base" and Γ::Γ
  assumes  "atom y   (Γ' @ (x, b, c)   #Γ Γ)"
  shows "atom y  (Γ'@Γ)"
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using fresh_GCons fresh_GNil by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ'')
  then show ?case using fresh_GCons fresh_GNil by auto

lemma wf_restrict1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
        and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
  shows  "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b         Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c')  #ΓΓ2)  atom x  v  atom x  Γ1   Θ; ;  Γ1@Γ2 wf  v : b" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf  c            Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c')  #ΓΓ2)  atom x  c atom x  Γ1  Θ ;   ; Γ1@Γ2  wf  c" and
         "Θ;  wf Γ                 Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c')  #ΓΓ2)   atom x  Γ1  Θ;  wf Γ1@Γ2" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ             Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c')  #ΓΓ2)  atom x  τ atom x  Γ1   Θ; ;  Γ1@Γ2 wf  τ" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  True" and 
         "wf Θ True" and
         "Θ;  wf b  True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ce : b     Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c')  #ΓΓ2)  atom x  ce   atom x  Γ1  Θ; ;  Γ1@Γ2  wf  ce : b"  and 
         "Θ  wf td  True"
proof(induct   arbitrary: Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1  and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1  and Γ1 and Γ1 
  case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b c y)
  hence "yx" using v.fresh by auto
  hence "Some (b, c) = lookup (Γ1@Γ2) y" using lookup_restrict wfV_varI by metis
  then show ?case using wfV_varI wf_intros by metis
  case (wfV_litI Θ Γ l)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfV_pairI Θ  Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
  show ?case proof
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf v1 : b1" using wfV_pairI by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf v2 : b2" using wfV_pairI by auto
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c  Γ v)
  show ?case proof
    show "AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ" using wfV_consI by auto
    show "(dc,  x : b  | c )  set dclist" using wfV_consI by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf v : b" using wfV_consI by auto
   case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  b Γ v)
    show ?case proof
    show "AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ" using wfV_conspI by auto
    show "(dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist" using wfV_conspI by auto
    show "Θ;     wf  b" using wfV_conspI by auto
    show " Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf v : b'[bv::=b]bb" using wfV_conspI by auto
    show "atom bv  (Θ, , Γ1 @ Γ2, b, v)" unfolding fresh_prodN fresh_append_g  using wfV_conspI fresh_prodN fresh_GCons fresh_append_g by metis
  case (wfCE_valI Θ  Γ v b)
  then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_plusI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
   then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_leqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_eqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_fstI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
   then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_sndI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
 then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_concatI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_lenI Θ  Γ v1)
  then show ?case using ce.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfTI z Θ  Γ b c)
  hence "x  z" using wfTI
   fresh_GCons fresh_prodN fresh_PairD(1) fresh_gamma_append not_self_fresh by metis
  show ?case proof
    show atom z  (Θ, , Γ1 @ Γ2) using wfTI fresh_restrict[of z] using wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY wfTI fresh_prodN by metis
    show Θ;  wf b using wfTI by auto
    have "Θ; ; ((z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ1) @ Γ2  wf c " proof(rule  wfTI(5)[of "(z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ1" ])
      show (z, b, TRUE)   #Γ Γ = ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ1) @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2 using wfTI by auto
      show atom x  c using wfTI τ.fresh x  z by auto
      show atom x  (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ1 using wfTI x  z fresh_GCons by simp
    thus  Θ; ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ1 @ Γ2  wf c  by auto
  case (wfC_eqI Θ  Γ e1 b e2)
  show ?case proof
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2  wf e1 : b " using wfC_eqI c.fresh fresh_Nil by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2  wf e2 : b " using wfC_eqI c.fresh fresh_Nil by auto
  case (wfC_trueI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfC_falseI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfC_conjI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfC_disjI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_notI Θ Γ c1)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfC_impI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfG_nilI Θ)
  then show ?case using wfV_varI wf_intros 
    by (meson GNil_append Γ.simps(3))
  case (wfG_cons1I c1 Θ  G x1 b1)
  show  ?case proof(cases "Γ1=GNil")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons1I wfG_consI by auto
    case False
    then obtain G'::Γ where *:"(x1, b1, c1)  #Γ G' = Γ1" using  GCons_eq_append_conv wfG_cons1I by auto
    hence **:"G=G' @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2" using wfG_cons1I by auto

    have " Θ;  wf (x1, b1, c1)  #Γ (G' @ Γ2)" proof(rule Wellformed.wfG_cons1I)
      show c1  {TRUE, FALSE} using wfG_cons1I by auto
      show atom x1  G' @ Γ2 using wfG_cons1I(4) ** fresh_restrict by metis
      have " atom x  G'" using wfG_cons1I *  using fresh_GCons by blast
      thus  Θ;  wf G' @ Γ2 using wfG_cons1I(3)[of G'] **  by auto
      have "atom x  c1  atom x  (x1, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G'" using fresh_GCons atom x  Γ1 * by auto
      thus  Θ; ; (x1, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G' @ Γ2  wf c1 using wfG_cons1I(6)[of "(x1, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G'"]  ** * wfG_cons1I by auto
      show Θ;  wf b1 using wfG_cons1I by auto
    thus ?thesis using * by auto
  case (wfG_cons2I c1 Θ  G x1 b1)
  show  ?case proof(cases "Γ1=GNil")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons2I wfG_consI by auto
    case False
    then obtain G'::Γ where *:"(x1, b1, c1)  #Γ G' = Γ1" using  GCons_eq_append_conv wfG_cons2I by auto
    hence **:"G=G' @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2" using wfG_cons2I by auto

    have " Θ;  wf (x1, b1, c1)  #Γ (G' @ Γ2)" proof(rule Wellformed.wfG_cons2I)
      show c1  {TRUE, FALSE} using wfG_cons2I by auto
      show atom x1  G' @ Γ2 using wfG_cons2I ** fresh_restrict by metis
      have " atom x  G'" using wfG_cons2I *  using fresh_GCons by blast
      thus  Θ;  wf G' @ Γ2 using wfG_cons2I **  by auto     
      show Θ;   wf b1 using wfG_cons2I by auto
    thus ?thesis using * by auto

lemma wf_restrict2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
        and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
  shows          "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b     Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  atom x  e   atom x  Γ1  atom x  Δ  Θ; Φ; ;  Γ1@Γ2 ;  Δ wf  e : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b    True" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  True" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  True" and     
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  True " and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ   Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  atom x  Γ1  atom x  Δ  Θ; ; Γ1@Γ2 wf  Δ" and       
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft  True" 
proof(induct   arbitrary: Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1  and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1  and Γ1 and Γ1 
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ Γ Δ f x b c τ s' v)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf Δ  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b'  using wfE_appPI by auto

    have "atom bv   Γ1 @ Γ2" using  wfE_appPI fresh_prodN fresh_restrict  by metis
    thus  atom bv  (Φ, Θ, , Γ1 @ Γ2, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b)  
      using wfE_appPI fresh_prodN by auto

    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2 wf v : b[bv::=b']b  using wfE_appPI wf_restrict1 by auto
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ Γ Δ u τ)
  then show ?case using e.fresh wf_intros by metis
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using c.fresh wf_intros wf_restrict1 by metis
  case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  show ?case proof
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2  wf Δ" using wfD_cons fresh_DCons by metis
    show "Θ; ; Γ1 @ Γ2  wf τ " using wfD_cons fresh_DCons fresh_Pair wf_restrict1 by metis
    show "u  fst ` setD Δ" using wfD_cons by auto
  case (wfFTNone Θ ft)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfFTSome Θ bv ft)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfFTI Θ B b Φ x c s τ)
  then show ?case by auto

lemmas wf_restrict=wf_restrict1 wf_restrict2

lemma wfT_restrict2:
  fixes τ::τ
  assumes "wfT Θ  ((x, b, c) #Γ Γ) τ" and "atom x  τ" 
  shows "Θ; ; Γ wf τ"
  using wf_restrict1(4)[of Θ  "((x, b, c) #Γ Γ)"  τ GNil x "b" "c" Γ] assms fresh_GNil append_g.simps by auto

lemma wfG_intros2:
  assumes "wfC P  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) c"
  shows  "wfG P   ((x,b,c) #ΓΓ)"
proof - 
  have "wfG P    ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ)" using wfC_wf  assms by auto
  hence *:"wfG P  Γ  atom x  Γ  wfB P  b" using wfG_elims by metis
  show ?thesis using assms proof(cases "c  {TRUE,FALSE}")
    case True 
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons2I * by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons1I * assms by auto

section ‹Type Definitions›

lemma wf_theta_weakening1: 
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and  ::  and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list and t::τ

  shows  "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b   wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;  ; Γ wf v : b" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf c  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;  ; Γ wf  c" and
         "Θ;  wf Γ   wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;    wf Γ" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'   Θ' ;  ; Γ wf  τ" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;  ;  Γ  wf ts" and 
         "wf P  True " and
         "Θ;  wf b   wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;   wf b"  and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ce : b  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;  ; Γ wf ce : b" and
         "Θ  wf td  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ'  wf td"
proof(nominal_induct b and c and Γ and τ and ts and P and b and b and td 
      avoiding: Θ'     
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c  Γ v)
  show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ' using wfV_consI by auto
    show (dc,  x : b  | c )  set dclist using wfV_consI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf v : b using wfV_consI by auto
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  b Γ v)
    show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ' using wfV_conspI by auto
    show (dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf v : b'[bv::=b]bb using wfV_conspI by auto
    show "Θ' ;    wf b "  using wfV_conspI by auto
    show "atom bv  (Θ', , Γ, b, v)" using wfV_conspI fresh_prodN by auto
  case (wfTI z Θ  Γ b c)
  thus ?case using Wellformed.wfTI by auto
  case (wfB_consI Θ s dclist)
  show ?case proof 
    show wf Θ' using wfB_consI by auto
    show AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ'  using wfB_consI by auto
  case (wfB_appI Θ  b s bv dclist)
  show ?case proof 
    show wf Θ' using wfB_appI by auto
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ'  using wfB_appI by auto
    show "Θ' ;     wf b" using wfB_appI by simp
qed(metis wf_intros)+

lemma wf_theta_weakening2: 
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and  ::  and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list and t::τ
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ  ; Δ wf e : b  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t  wf cs : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b" and     
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' wf (Φ::Φ)" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ  wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ;  ; Γ wf  Δ" and
         "Θ ; Φ  wf ftq   wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ  wf ftq" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;  wf ft   wf Θ'  set Θ  set Θ'  Θ' ; Φ ;  wf ft" 
proof(nominal_induct b and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and  ftq and ft 
      avoiding: Θ'     
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ'  wf Φ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf Δ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ' ;   wf b' using wfE_appPI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show atom bv  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b) using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf v : b[bv::=b']b using wfE_appPI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid  dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ' ;  ;  Γ wf v : B_id tid using wfS_matchI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show AF_typedef tid dclist  set Θ' using wfS_matchI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ  wf Δ using wfS_matchI by auto
    show Θ'  wf Φ using wfS_matchI by auto
    show Θ'; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid; dclist wf cs : b using wfS_matchI by auto
   case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ   wf τ using wfS_varI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf v : b_of τ using wfS_varI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show atom u  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, τ, v, b) using wfS_varI by auto
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; (u, τ)  #Δ Δ wf s : b using wfS_varI by auto
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b' using wfS_letI by auto
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_letI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf Δ using wfS_letI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, e, b) using wfS_letI by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; Γ ; Δ wf s1 : b_of τ using wfS_let2I by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ   wf τ using wfS_let2I wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s2 : b using wfS_let2I by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, s1, b, τ) using wfS_let2I by auto
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_branchI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, Γ, τ) using wfS_branchI by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf Δ using wfS_branchI by auto
   case (wfPhi_consI f Φ Θ ft)
  show ?case proof
    show "f  name_of_fun ` set Φ" using wfPhi_consI by auto
    show "Θ' ; Φ wf ft"  using wfPhi_consI by auto
    show "Θ' wf Φ"  using wfPhi_consI by auto
  case (wfFTNone Θ ft)
  then show ?case using  wf_intros by metis
  case (wfFTSome Θ bv ft)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfFTI Θ B b Φ x c s τ)
  thus ?case using Wellformed.wfFTI wf_theta_weakening1 by simp
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case proof  
    show Θ' ; Φ ;  ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_assertI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ   wf c using wfS_assertI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    show Θ' ;  ; Γ wf Δ using wfS_assertI wf_theta_weakening1 by auto
    have "atom x  Θ'" using wf_supp(6)[OF wf Θ'] fresh_def by auto
    thus  atom x  (Φ, Θ', , Γ, Δ, c, b, s) using wfS_assertI fresh_prodN fresh_def by simp
qed(metis wf_intros wf_theta_weakening1 )+

lemmas wf_theta_weakening = wf_theta_weakening1 wf_theta_weakening2

lemma lookup_wfTD:
  fixes td::type_def
  assumes  "td  set Θ" and "wf Θ"
  shows "Θ wf td"
 using assms  proof(induct Θ )
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons td'  Θ')
  then consider "td = td'" | "td  set Θ'" by auto
  then have "Θ' wf td" proof(cases)
    case 1
    then show ?thesis using Cons using wfTh_elims by auto
    case 2
    then show ?thesis using Cons using wfTh_elims by auto
  then show ?case using wf_theta_weakening Cons  by (meson set_subset_Cons)

subsection ‹Simple›

lemma wfTh_dclist_unique:
  assumes   "wfTh Θ" and "AF_typedef tid dclist1  set Θ" and  "AF_typedef tid dclist2  set Θ" 
  shows "dclist1 = dclist2"
using assms proof(induct Θ rule: Θ_induct)
  case TNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (AF_typedef tid' dclist' Θ')
  then show ?case using wfTh_elims
    by (metis image_eqI name_of_type.simps(1) set_ConsD type_def.eq_iff(1))
  case (AF_typedef_poly tid bv dclist Θ')
  then show ?case using wfTh_elims by auto

lemma wfTs_ctor_unique:
  fixes dclist::"(string*τ) list"
  assumes  "Θ ; {||}  ; GNil wf  dclist" and "(c, t1)  set dclist"  and "(c,t2)  set dclist"  
  shows "t1 = t2" 
  using assms proof(induct dclist rule: list.inducts)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x1 x2)
  consider "x1 = (c,t1)" | "x1 = (c,t2)" | "x1  (c,t1)  x1  (c,t2)" by auto
  thus ?case proof(cases)
    case 1
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTs_elims set_ConsD
      by (metis fst_conv image_eqI prod.inject)
    case 2
      then show ?thesis using Cons wfTs_elims set_ConsD
      by (metis fst_conv image_eqI prod.inject)
    case 3
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTs_elims by (metis set_ConsD)

lemma wfTD_ctor_unique:
  assumes  "Θ wf (AF_typedef tid dclist)" and "(c, t1)  set dclist"  and "(c,t2)  set dclist"  
  shows "t1 = t2" 
  using wfTD_elims wfTs_elims assms  wfTs_ctor_unique by metis

lemma wfTh_ctor_unique:
  assumes   "wfTh Θ" and "AF_typedef tid dclist  set Θ" and "(c, t1)  set dclist"  and "(c,t2)  set dclist"  
  shows "t1 = t2" 
  using lookup_wfTD wfTD_ctor_unique assms by metis

lemma wfTs_supp_t:
  fixes dclist::"(string*τ) list"
  assumes "(c,t)  set dclist" and "Θ ; B ; GNil wf dclist" 
  shows "supp t  supp B"
using assms proof(induct dclist arbitrary: c t rule:list.induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons ct dclist')
  then consider "ct = (c,t)" | "(c,t)  set dclist'" by auto
  then show ?case proof(cases)
    case 1
    then have "Θ ; B ; GNil wf t" using Cons wfTs_elims by blast
    thus ?thesis using wfT_supp atom_dom.simps by force
    case 2
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTs_elims by metis

lemma wfTh_lookup_supp_empty:
  fixes t::τ
  assumes  "AF_typedef tid dclist  set Θ" and "(c,t)  set dclist" and "wf Θ"
  shows "supp t = {}" 
proof - 
  have "Θ ; {||} ; GNil wf dclist" using assms lookup_wfTD  wfTD_elims by metis
  thus ?thesis using wfTs_supp_t assms by force

lemma wfTh_supp_b:
  assumes  "AF_typedef tid dclist  set Θ" and "(dc, z : b | c  )  set dclist" and "wf Θ"
  shows "supp b = {}" 
  using assms wfTh_lookup_supp_empty τ.supp by blast

lemma wfTh_b_eq_iff:
  fixes bva1::bv and bva2::bv and dc::string 
  assumes "(dc,  x1 : b1  | c1 )  set dclist1" and "(dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 )  set dclist2" and
   "wfTs P {|bva1|} GNil dclist1" and  "wfTs P {|bva2|} GNil dclist2" 
  "[[atom bva1]]lst.dclist1 = [[atom bva2]]lst.dclist2"
 shows  "[[atom bva1]]lst. (dc, x1 : b1  | c1 ) = [[atom bva2]]lst. (dc, x2 : b2  | c2 )"
using assms proof(induct dclist1 arbitrary: dclist2)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons dct1' dclist1')
  show ?case proof(cases "dclist2 = []")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using Cons by auto
    case False
    then obtain dct2' and dclist2' where cons:"dct2' # dclist2' = dclist2" using list.exhaust by metis
    hence *:"[[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dclist2'  [[atom bva1]]lst. dct1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dct2'" 
      using Cons lst_head_cons Cons cons by metis
    hence **: "fst dct1' = fst dct2'" using lst_fst[THEN lst_pure] 
      by (metis (no_types) [[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dclist2'  [[atom bva1]]lst. dct1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dct2' 
            x2 x1 t2' t2a t2 t1. [[atom x1]]lst. (t1, t2a) = [[atom x2]]lst. (t2, t2')  t1 = t2 fst_conv surj_pair)    
    show ?thesis proof(cases "fst dct1' = dc")
      case True
      have "dc  fst ` set dclist1'" using  wfTs_elims Cons by (metis True fstI)
      hence 1:"(dc,  x1 : b1  | c1 ) = dct1'" using Cons by (metis fstI image_iff set_ConsD)
      have "dc  fst ` set dclist2'" using  wfTs_elims Cons cons 
        by (metis "**" True fstI)
      hence 2:"(dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 ) = dct2' " using Cons cons  by (metis  fst_conv image_eqI set_ConsD)
      then show ?thesis using Cons *  1 2   by blast
      case False
      hence "fst dct2'  dc" using **  by auto
      hence "(dc,  x1 : b1  | c1 )  set dclist1'  (dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 )  set dclist2' " using Cons cons False 
        by (metis fstI set_ConsD)
      moreover have "[[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dclist2'" using * False  by metis
      ultimately  show ?thesis using Cons ** *  
        using cons wfTs_elims(2) by blast

subsection ‹Polymorphic›

lemma wfTh_wfTs_poly:
  fixes dclist::"(string * τ) list"
  assumes "AF_typedef_poly tyid bva dclist  set P" and "wf P"
  shows  "P ; {|bva|}  ; GNil wf  dclist"
proof -
  have *:"P wf AF_typedef_poly tyid bva dclist" using lookup_wfTD assms by simp

  obtain bv lst where *:"P ; {|bv|}  ; GNil wf lst   
       (c. atom c  (dclist, lst)  atom c  (bva, bv, dclist, lst)  (bva  c)  dclist = (bv  c)  lst)"  
    using wfTD_elims(2)[OF *] by metis

  obtain c::bv where  **:"atom c  ((dclist, lst),(bva, bv, dclist, lst))" using obtain_fresh by metis
  have "P ; {|bv|}  ; GNil wf lst" using * by metis
  hence "wfTs ((bv  c)  P)  ((bv  c)  {|bv|})  ((bv  c)  GNil) ((bv  c)  lst)" using ** wfTs.eqvt by metis
  hence "wfTs P  {|c|}  GNil ((bva  c)  dclist)" using * theta_flip_eq fresh_GNil assms 
  proof -
    have "b ba. (ba::bv  b)  P = P"  by (metis wf P theta_flip_eq)
    then show ?thesis
      using "*" "**" (bv  c)  P ; (bv  c)  {|bv|} ; (bv  c)  GNil wf (bv  c)  lst by fastforce
  hence "wfTs ((bva  c)  P)  ((bva  c)  {|bva|})  ((bva  c)  GNil) ((bva  c)  dclist)" 
         using wfTs.eqvt fresh_GNil 
         by (simp add: assms(2) theta_flip_eq2)

  thus ?thesis using wfTs.eqvt permute_flip_cancel by metis

lemma wfTh_dclist_poly_unique:
  assumes   "wfTh Θ" and "AF_typedef_poly tid bva dclist1  set Θ" and  "AF_typedef_poly tid bva2 dclist2  set Θ" 
  shows "[[atom bva]]lst. dclist1 = [[atom bva2]]lst.dclist2"
using assms proof(induct Θ rule: Θ_induct)
  case TNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (AF_typedef tid' dclist' Θ')
  then show ?case using wfTh_elims by auto
  case (AF_typedef_poly tid bv dclist Θ')
  then show ?case using wfTh_elims  image_eqI name_of_type.simps set_ConsD type_def.eq_iff 
    by (metis Abs1_eq(3))

lemma wfTh_poly_lookup_supp:
  fixes t::τ
  assumes  "AF_typedef_poly tid bv dclist  set Θ" and "(c,t)  set dclist" and "wf Θ"
  shows "supp t  {atom bv}" 
proof - 
  have "supp dclist   {atom bv}"   using assms lookup_wfTD  wf_supp1 type_def.supp 
    by (metis Diff_single_insert Un_subset_iff list.simps(15) supp_Nil supp_of_atom_list)
  then show ?thesis using assms(2) proof(induct dclist)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    case (Cons a dclist)
    then show ?case using supp_Pair supp_Cons 
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) Un_empty_left Un_empty_right pure_supp subset_Un_eq subset_singletonD supp_list_member)
lemma wfTh_poly_supp_b:
  assumes  "AF_typedef_poly tid  bv dclist  set Θ" and "(dc, z : b | c  )  set dclist" and "wf Θ"
  shows "supp b  {atom bv}" 
  using assms wfTh_poly_lookup_supp τ.supp by force

lemma subst_g_inside:  
  fixes x::x and c::c and Γ::Γ  and Γ'::Γ
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ' @ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)  #Γ Γ)" 
  shows  "(Γ' @ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v]Γv =  (Γ'[x::=v]Γv@Γ)"  
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using subst_gb.simps by simp
  case (GCons x' b' c' G) 
  hence wfg:"wfG P  (G @ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)  #Γ Γ)  atom x'  (G @ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv)  #Γ Γ)" using wfG_elims(2) 
    using GCons.prems append_g.simps by metis 
  hence "atom x  atom_dom ((x', b', c')  #Γ G)"  using  GCons wfG_inside_fresh by fast
  hence "xx'" 
    using  GCons append_Cons  wfG_inside_fresh atom_dom.simps toSet.simps by simp
  hence "((GCons (x', b', c') G) @ (GCons (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv) Γ))[x::=v]Γv  =  
         (GCons (x', b', c') (G @ (GCons (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv) Γ)))[x::=v]Γv" by auto
  also have "... =  GCons (x', b', c'[x::=v]cv) ((G @ (GCons (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]cv) Γ))[x::=v]Γv)"  
      using subst_gv.simps xx' by simp
  also have "... = (x', b', c'[x::=v]cv)  #Γ (G[x::=v]Γv @ Γ)" using GCons  wfg by blast
  also have "... = ((x', b', c')  #Γ G)[x::=v]Γv @ Γ"  using subst_gv.simps xx'  by simp
  finally show ?case by auto

lemma wfTh_td_eq: 
  assumes "td1  set (td2 # P)" and "wfTh (td2 # P)" and "name_of_type td1 = name_of_type td2"
  shows "td1 = td2"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume as: "td1  td2"
  have "name_of_type td2  name_of_type ` set P" using wfTh_elims(2)[OF assms(2)] by metis
  moreover have "td1  set P" using assms as by simp
  ultimately have "name_of_type td1  name_of_type td2"
    by (metis rev_image_eqI)
  thus False using assms by auto

lemma wfTh_td_unique:
  assumes "td1  set P" and "td2   set P" and "wfTh P" and "name_of_type td1 = name_of_type td2"
  shows "td1 = td2"
using assms proof(induct P rule: list.induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons td Θ')
  consider "td = td1" | "td = td2" | "td  td1  td  td2" by auto
  then  show ?case proof(cases)
    case 1
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTh_elims wfTh_td_eq by metis
    case 2
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTh_elims wfTh_td_eq by metis
    case 3
    then show ?thesis using Cons wfTh_elims by auto

lemma wfTs_distinct:
 fixes dclist::"(string * τ) list"
 assumes "Θ ; B  ; GNil wf  dclist"
 shows "distinct (map fst dclist)"
using assms proof(induct dclist rule: list.induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x1 x2)
  then show ?case
      by (metis Cons.hyps Cons.prems distinct.simps(2) fst_conv list.set_map list.simps(9) wfTs_elims(2)) 

lemma wfTh_dclist_distinct:
  assumes "AF_typedef s dclist  set P" and "wfTh P"
  shows "distinct (map fst  dclist)"
proof - 
  have "wfTD P (AF_typedef s dclist)" using assms lookup_wfTD by auto
  hence "wfTs P {||} GNil dclist" using wfTD_elims by metis
  thus ?thesis using wfTs_distinct by metis

lemma wfTh_dc_t_unique2:
  assumes "AF_typedef s dclist'  set P" and "(dc,tc' )  set dclist'" and "AF_typedef s dclist  set P" and "wfTh P" and
        "(dc,  tc)  set dclist"
      shows "tc= tc'"
proof - 
  have "dclist = dclist'" using assms wfTh_td_unique name_of_type.simps by force
  moreover have "distinct (map fst  dclist)"  using wfTh_dclist_distinct assms by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using assms 
    by (meson eq_key_imp_eq_value)

lemma wfTh_dc_t_unique:
  assumes "AF_typedef s dclist'  set P" and "(dc,  x' : b'  | c'  )  set dclist'" and "AF_typedef s dclist  set P" and "wfTh P" and
        "(dc,   x : b  | c )  set dclist"
      shows " x' : b'  | c' =  x : b  | c "
  using assms wfTh_dc_t_unique2 by metis

lemma wfTs_wfT:
  fixes dclist::"(string *τ) list" and t::τ
  assumes "Θ; ; GNil  wf dclist"  and "(dc,t)  set dclist" 
  shows "Θ; ; GNil  wf t"
using assms proof(induct dclist rule:list.induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x1 x2)
  thus ?case using  wfTs_elims(2)[OF Cons(2)] by auto

lemma wfTh_wfT:
  fixes t::τ
  assumes "wfTh P"  and "AF_typedef tid dclist  set P" and "(dc,t)  set dclist" 
  shows "P ; {||} ; GNil  wf t"
proof - 
  have "P  wf AF_typedef tid dclist" using lookup_wfTD assms by auto
  hence "P ; {||} ; GNil wf dclist" using wfTD_elims by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfTs_wfT assms by auto

lemma td_lookup_eq_iff:
  fixes dc :: string and bva1::bv and bva2::bv
  assumes "[[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1 = [[atom bva2]]lst. dclist2" and "(dc,  x : b  | c )  set dclist1" 
  shows "x2 b2 c2. (dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 )  set dclist2" 
using assms proof(induct dclist1 arbitrary: dclist2)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons dct1' dclist1')
  then obtain dct2' and dclist2' where cons:"dct2' # dclist2' = dclist2"   using  lst_head_cons_neq_nil[OF Cons(2)] list.exhaust by metis
  hence *:"[[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dclist2'  [[atom bva1]]lst. dct1' = [[atom bva2]]lst. dct2'" 
    using Cons lst_head_cons Cons cons by metis
  show ?case proof(cases "dc=fst dct1'")
    case True
    hence "dc = fst dct2'" using * lst_fst[ THEN lst_pure ] 
    proof -
      show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) "local.*" True x2 x1 t2' t2a t2 t1. [[atom x1]]lst. (t1, t2a) = [[atom x2]]lst. (t2, t2')  t1 = t2 prod.exhaust_sel) (* 31 ms *)
    obtain x2 b2 and c2 where "snd dct2' =  x2 : b2  | c2 " using obtain_fresh_z by metis
    hence "(dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 ) = dct2'" using  dc = fst dct2' 
      by (metis prod.exhaust_sel)
    then show ?thesis using cons by force
    case False
    hence "(dc,  x : b  | c )  set dclist1'" using Cons by auto
    then show ?thesis using Cons 
      by (metis "local.*" cons list.set_intros(2))

lemma lst_t_b_eq_iff:
  fixes bva1::bv and bva2::bv
  assumes "[[atom bva1]]lst.  x1 : b1  | c1  = [[atom bva2]]lst.  x2 : b2  | c2 " 
  shows "[[atom bva1]]lst. b1 = [[atom bva2]]lst.b2" 
proof(subst  Abs1_eq_iff_all(3)[of bva1 b1  bva2 b2],rule,rule,rule)
  fix c::bv
  assume "atom c  (  x1 : b1  | c1  ,   x2 : b2  | c2 )" and "atom c  (bva1, bva2, b1, b2)"

  show "(bva1  c)  b1 = (bva2  c)  b2" using assms Abs1_eq_iff(3) assms 
    by (metis Abs1_eq_iff_fresh(3) atom c  (bva1, bva2, b1, b2) τ.fresh τ.perm_simps type_eq_subst_eq2(2))

lemma wfTh_typedef_poly_b_eq_iff:  
  assumes "AF_typedef_poly tyid bva1 dclist1  set P" and "(dc,  x1 : b1  | c1 )  set dclist1"
  and "AF_typedef_poly tyid bva2 dclist2  set P" and "(dc,  x2 : b2  | c2 )  set dclist2" and "wf P"
shows "b1[bva1::=b]bb = b2[bva2::=b]bb"
proof - 
  have "[[atom bva1]]lst. dclist1 = [[atom bva2]]lst.dclist2" using assms wfTh_dclist_poly_unique by metis
  hence "[[atom bva1]]lst. (dc, x1 : b1  | c1 ) = [[atom bva2]]lst. (dc, x2 : b2  | c2 )" using wfTh_b_eq_iff assms wfTh_wfTs_poly by metis
  hence "[[atom bva1]]lst.  x1 : b1  | c1  = [[atom bva2]]lst.  x2 : b2  | c2 " using lst_snd by metis
  hence "[[atom bva1]]lst. b1 = [[atom bva2]]lst.b2" using lst_t_b_eq_iff by metis
  thus ?thesis using subst_b_flip_eq_two subst_b_b_def by metis

section ‹Equivariance Lemmas›

lemma x_not_in_u_set[simp]:
  fixes  x::x and us::"u fset"
  shows "atom x  supp us"
  by(induct us,auto, simp add: supp_finsert supp_at_base)

lemma wfS_flip_eq:
  fixes s1::s and x1::x and s2::s and x2::x  and Δ::Δ
  assumes "[[atom x1]]lst. s1 = [[atom x2]]lst. s2" and "[[atom x1]]lst. t1 = [[atom x2]]lst. t2"  and "[[atom x1]]lst. c1 = [[atom x2]]lst. c2" and "atom x2  Γ" and
           " Θ; ; Γ wf Δ"  and
        "Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x1, b, c1)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s1 : b_of t1"
       shows  "Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x2, b, c2)  #Γ Γ ; Δ  wf s2 : b_of t2"
proof(cases "x1=x2")
  case True
  hence "s1 = s2  t1 = t2  c1 = c2" using assms Abs1_eq_iff by metis
  then show ?thesis using assms True by simp
  case False
  have "wf Θ  Θ wf Φ   Θ; ; Γ wf Δ" using wfX_wfY assms by metis
  moreover have "atom x1  Γ" using wfX_wfY wfG_elims assms by metis
  moreover hence "atom x1  Δ  atom x2  Δ " using wfD_x_fresh assms by auto
  ultimately have " Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x2  x1)  ((x1, b, c1)  #Γ  Γ) ; Δ  wf (x2  x1)  s1 :  (x2  x1)  b_of t1"
    using wfS.eqvt theta_flip_eq phi_flip_eq assms  flip_base_eq beta_flip_eq flip_fresh_fresh supp_b_empty by metis
  hence   " Θ ; Φ  ;  ;  ((x2, b, (x2  x1)  c1)  #Γ  ((x2  x1)  Γ)) ; Δ  wf (x2  x1)  s1 :   b_of ((x2  x2)  t1)"  by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using assms Abs1_eq_iff 
  proof -
   have f1: "x2 = x1  t2 = t1  x2  x1  t2 = (x2  x1)  t1  atom x2  t1"
     by (metis (full_types) Abs1_eq_iff(3) [[atom x1]]lst. t1 = [[atom x2]]lst. t2) (* 125 ms *)
   then have "x2  x1  s2 = (x2  x1)  s1  atom x2  s1  b_of t2 = (x2  x1)  b_of t1"
     by (metis b_of.eqvt) (* 0.0 ms *)
   then show ?thesis
    using f1 by (metis (no_types) Abs1_eq_iff(3) G_cons_flip_fresh3 [[atom x1]]lst. c1 = [[atom x2]]lst. c2 [[atom x1]]lst. s1 = [[atom x2]]lst. s2 Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x1, b, c1)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s1 : b_of t1 Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x2  x1)  ((x1, b, c1)  #Γ Γ) ; Δ wf (x2  x1)  s1 : (x2  x1)  b_of t1 atom x1  Γ atom x2  Γ) (* 593 ms *)

section ‹Lookup›

lemma wf_not_in_prefix:
  assumes "Θ ; B wf (Γ'@(x,b1,c1) #ΓΓ)"
  shows "x  fst ` toSet Γ'"
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ.induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (GCons xbc Γ')
  then obtain x' and b' and c'::c where xbc: "xbc=(x',b',c')" 
    using prod_cases3 by blast
  hence *:"(xbc  #Γ Γ') @ (x, b1, c1)  #Γ Γ = ((x',b',c') #Γ(Γ'@ ((x, b1, c1)  #Γ Γ)))" by simp
  hence "atom x'  (Γ'@(x,b1,c1) #ΓΓ)" using wfG_elims(2) GCons by metis
  moreover have "Θ ; B wf (Γ' @ (x, b1, c1)  #Γ Γ)" using GCons wfG_elims * by metis
  ultimately have  "atom x'  atom_dom (Γ'@(x,b1,c1) #ΓΓ)" using wfG_dom_supp GCons append_g.simps xbc fresh_def by fast
  hence "x'  x" using GCons fresh_GCons xbc by fastforce
  then show ?case using GCons xbc toSet.simps
    using Un_commute Θ ; B wf Γ' @ (x, b1, c1)  #Γ Γ atom_dom.simps by auto

lemma lookup_inside_wf[simp]:
  assumes "Θ ; B wf (Γ'@(x,b1,c1) #ΓΓ)"
  shows "Some (b1,c1) = lookup (Γ'@(x,b1,c1) #ΓΓ) x"
  using wf_not_in_prefix lookup_inside assms by fast

lemma lookup_weakening:
  fixes Θ::Θ and Γ::Γ and Γ'::Γ
  assumes "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x" and "toSet Γ  toSet Γ'" and "Θ;  wf Γ'" and "Θ;  wf Γ"
  shows "Some (b,c) = lookup Γ' x"
proof -
  have "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ  (b' c'. (x,b',c')  toSet Γ  b'=b  c'=c)" using assms lookup_iff toSet.simps by force
  hence "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ'" using assms by auto
  moreover have "(b' c'. (x,b',c')  toSet Γ'  b'=b  c'=c)" using assms wf_g_unique 
    using calculation by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using lookup_iff 
    using assms(3) by blast

lemma wfPhi_lookup_fun_unique:
  fixes Φ::Φ
  assumes "Θ wf Φ" and "AF_fundef f fd  set Φ" 
  shows "Some (AF_fundef f fd) = lookup_fun Φ f"
using assms proof(induct Φ rule: list.induct )
  case Nil
  then show ?case using lookup_fun.simps by simp
  case (Cons  a  Φ')
  then obtain f' and fd' where a:"a = AF_fundef f' fd'" using fun_def.exhaust by auto  
  have wf: "Θ wf Φ'  f'  name_of_fun ` set Φ' " using wfPhi_elims Cons a by metis
  then show ?case  using Cons lookup_fun.simps using Cons  lookup_fun.simps wf a 
      by (metis image_eqI name_of_fun.simps set_ConsD)

lemma lookup_fun_weakening:
  fixes Φ'::Φ
  assumes "Some fd = lookup_fun Φ f" and "set Φ  set Φ'" and "Θ wf Φ'"
  shows "Some fd = lookup_fun Φ' f"
using assms proof(induct Φ )
  case Nil
  then show ?case using lookup_fun.simps by simp
  case (Cons  a  Φ'')
  then obtain f' and fd' where a: "a = AF_fundef f' fd'" using fun_def.exhaust by auto
  then show ?case proof(cases "f=f'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using lookup_fun.simps Cons wfPhi_lookup_fun_unique a 
      by (metis lookup_fun_member subset_iff)
    case False
    then show ?thesis  using lookup_fun.simps Cons 
      using a = AF_fundef f' fd' by auto

lemma  fundef_poly_fresh_bv:
  assumes "atom bv2  (bv1,b1,c1,τ1,s1)"
  shows  * : "(AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x1 ((bv1bv2)  b1) ((bv1bv2) c1) ((bv1bv2)  τ1) ((bv1bv2)  s1)) = (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1)))" 
        (is "(AF_fun_typ_some ?bv ?fun_typ = AF_fun_typ_some ?bva ?fun_typa)")
proof -
  have 1:"atom bv2  set [atom x1]" using bv_not_in_x_atoms by simp
  have 2:"bv1  bv2" using assms by auto
  have 3:"(bv2  bv1)  x1 = x1" using pure_fresh flip_fresh_fresh 
    by (simp add: flip_fresh_fresh)
  have "  AF_fun_typ x1 ((bv1  bv2)  b1) ((bv1  bv2)  c1) ((bv1  bv2)  τ1) ((bv1  bv2)  s1) = (bv2  bv1)  AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1"
    using 1 2 3 assms   by (simp add: flip_commute)
  moreover have "(atom bv2  c1  atom bv2  τ1  atom bv2  s1  atom bv2  set [atom x1])   atom bv2  b1" 
     using 1 2 3 assms  fresh_prod5 by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding  fun_typ_q.eq_iff  Abs1_eq_iff(3) fun_typ.fresh 1 2 by fastforce

text ‹It is possible to collapse some of the easy to prove inductive cases into a single proof at the qed line
   but this makes it fragile under change. For example, changing the lemma statement might make one of the previously
   trivial cases non-trivial and so the collapsing needs to be unpacked. Is there a way to find which case
   has failed in the qed line?›

lemma wb_b_weakening1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
          and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list

  shows  "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf v : b" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf c  |⊆| ℬ'   Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf  c" and
         "Θ;   wf Γ    |⊆| ℬ'   Θ; ℬ' wf Γ " and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ   |⊆| ℬ'   Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf  τ" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts     |⊆| ℬ'  Θ; ℬ' ; Γ  wf ts" and 
         "wf P  True " and     
         "wfB Θ  b    |⊆| ℬ'  wfB Θ ℬ' b" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ce : b   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ; ℬ' ;  Γ wf ce : b" and
         "Θ  wf td  True"
proof(nominal_induct b and c and Γ and τ and ts and P and b and b and td 
     avoiding:  ℬ'
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  b Γ v)
  show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ using wfV_conspI by metis
    show (dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI  by auto
    show Θ ;  ℬ'  wf b using wfV_conspI by auto
    show atom bv   (Θ, ℬ', Γ, b, v)  using fresh_prodN wfV_conspI by auto
    thus Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf v : b'[bv::=b]bb using wfV_conspI by simp
 case (wfTI z Θ  Γ b c)
  show ?case proof 
    show "atom z   (Θ, ℬ', Γ)" using wfTI by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ'  wf b " using wfTI by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ' ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf c " using wfTI by auto
qed( (auto simp add: wf_intros | metis wf_intros)+ )

lemma wb_b_weakening2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
          and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list

         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ  ; Δ wf e : b   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ ; Φ ; ℬ' ;  Γ ; Δ wf e : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ ; Φ ; ℬ' ;  Γ ; Δ wf s : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t  wf cs : b   |⊆| ℬ'   Θ ; Φ ; ℬ' ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b   |⊆| ℬ'   Θ ; Φ ; ℬ' ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b" and       
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ   |⊆| ℬ'   Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf  Δ" and
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ ; Φ  ; ℬ' wf ft"
proof(nominal_induct b and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and ftq and ft  
   avoiding:  ℬ'
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros  wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros  wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros  wb_b_weakening1 
    by meson
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfE_fstI  wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros  wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1) 
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f ft v)
  then show ?case using wf_intros using wb_b_weakening1  by meson
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ ℬ1 Γ Δ b' bv1 v1 τ1 f1 x1 b1 c1 s1)

  have "Θ ; Φ  ; ℬ' ; Γ ; Δ wf AE_appP f1 b' v1 : (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b']b" 
    show "Θ  wf Φ" using wfE_appPI by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf Δ "  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ'  wf b' "  using wfE_appPI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
    thus " atom bv1  (Φ, Θ, ℬ', Γ, Δ, b', v1, (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b']b)"  
      using  wfE_appPI fresh_prodN by auto

    show "Some (AF_fundef f1 (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1))) = lookup_fun Φ f1"  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf v1 : b1[bv1::=b']b "  using wfE_appPI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfS_valI Θ Φ  Γ v b Δ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ ; Φ  ; ℬ' ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b' using wfS_letI by auto
    show Θ ; Φ  ; ℬ' ; (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_letI by auto
    show Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf Δ using wfS_letI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, ℬ', Γ, Δ, e, b) using wfS_letI by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  then show ?case using wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_let2I by simp
  case (wfS_ifI Θ  Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
  then show ?case using  wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_ifI by simp
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Δ Φ s b)
  then show ?case using wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_varI by simp
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  then show ?case using wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_assignI by simp
case (wfS_whileI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_whileI by simp
  case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfS_seqI   by metis
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  then show ?case using  wb_b_weakening1 Wellformed.wfS_matchI by metis
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  then show ?case  using Wellformed.wfS_branchI by auto
  case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b dclist)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_cons Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b css dclist)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfPhi_emptyI Θ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfPhi_consI f Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfFTSome Θ bv ft)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros wb_b_weakening1 by metis
  case (wfFTI Θ B b s x c τ Φ)
  show ?case proof
    show "Θ; ℬ'  wf b"   using wfFTI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
    show "supp c  {atom x}" using wfFTI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
    show "Θ; ℬ' ; (x, b, c) #Γ GNil   wf τ " using wfFTI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
    show "Θ  wf Φ " using wfFTI wb_b_weakening1 by auto
    from B |⊆| ℬ' have "supp B  supp ℬ'" proof(induct B)
      case empty
      then show ?case by auto
      case (insert x B)
      then show ?case 
        by (metis fsubset_funion_eq subset_Un_eq supp_union_fset)
    thus  "supp s  {atom x}  supp ℬ'" using wfFTI by auto
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ ; Φ ; ℬ' ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b using wb_b_weakening1 wfS_assertI by simp
    show Θ; ℬ' ; Γ   wf c  using wb_b_weakening1 wfS_assertI by simp
    show Θ; ℬ' ; Γ wf Δ using wb_b_weakening1 wfS_assertI by simp
    have "atom x   ℬ'" using x_not_in_b_set fresh_def by metis
    thus  atom x  (Φ, Θ, ℬ', Γ, Δ, c, b, s) using wfS_assertI fresh_prodN by simp

lemmas wb_b_weakening = wb_b_weakening1 wb_b_weakening2

lemma wfG_b_weakening:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes " |⊆| ℬ'" and "Θ;  wf Γ"
  shows "Θ; ℬ'  wf Γ "
  using wb_b_weakening assms by auto

lemma wfT_b_weakening:
  fixes Γ::Γ and Θ::Θ and τ::τ
  assumes " |⊆| ℬ'" and "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ"
  shows "Θ; ℬ' ; Γ  wf τ "
  using wb_b_weakening assms by auto

lemma wfB_subst_wfB:
  fixes τ::τ and b'::b and b::b
  assumes "Θ ; {|bv|}  wf b" and "Θ;   wf b'"
  shows "Θ;   wf b[bv::=b']bb "
using assms proof(nominal_induct b rule:b.strong_induct)
  case B_int
  hence  "Θ ; {||}  wf B_int" using wfB_intI wfX_wfY by fast
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wb_b_weakening by fastforce
  case B_bool
  hence  "Θ ; {||}  wf B_bool" using wfB_boolI wfX_wfY by fast
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wb_b_weakening by fastforce
  case (B_id x )
  hence " Θ;   wf (B_id x)" using wfB_consI wfB_elims wfX_wfY by metis
  then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps(4) by auto
  case (B_pair x1 x2)
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps 
    by (metis wfB_elims(1) wfB_pairI)
  case B_unit
  hence  "Θ ; {||}  wf B_unit" using wfB_unitI wfX_wfY by fast
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wb_b_weakening by fastforce
  case B_bitvec
  hence  "Θ ; {||}  wf B_bitvec" using wfB_bitvecI wfX_wfY by fast
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wb_b_weakening by fastforce
  case (B_var x)
  then show ?case 
  proof -
    have False
      using B_var.prems(1) wfB.cases by fastforce (* 781 ms *)
    then show ?thesis  by metis 
  case (B_app s b)
  then obtain bv' dclist where *:"AF_typedef_poly s bv' dclist  set Θ  Θ ; {|bv|}   wf b" using wfB_elims by metis
  show ?case unfolding subst_b_simps proof
    show "wf Θ " using B_app wfX_wfY by metis
    show "Θ ;     wf b[bv::=b']bb " using * B_app forget_subst wfB_supp fresh_def 
      by (metis ex_in_conv subset_empty subst_b_b_def supp_empty_fset)
    show "AF_typedef_poly s bv' dclist  set Θ" using * by auto

lemma wfT_subst_wfB:
  fixes τ::τ and b'::b
  assumes "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x, b, c)  #Γ GNil   wf τ" and "Θ;   wf b'"
  shows "Θ;   wf (b_of τ)[bv::=b']bb "
proof -
  obtain b where  "Θ ; {|bv|} wf b  b_of τ = b" using wfT_elims b_of.simps assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using wfB_subst_wfB assms by auto

lemma wfG_cons_unique:
  assumes "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "wfG Θ  (((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "x = x1"
  shows "b1 = b  c1 = c" 
proof -
  have "x1  fst ` toSet Γ" 
  proof -
    have "atom x1  Γ" using assms wfG_cons by metis
    then show ?thesis
      using fresh_gamma_elem 
      by (metis assms(2) atom_dom.simps dom.simps rev_image_eqI wfG_cons2 wfG_x_fresh)
  thus ?thesis using assms by force

lemma wfG_member_unique:
  assumes "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "wfG Θ  (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "x = x1"
  shows "b1 = b  c1 = c" 
  using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using wfG_suffix wfG_cons_unique append_g.simps by metis
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ')
  moreover hence "(x1, b1, c1)  toSet (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)" using wf_not_in_prefix by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case using wfG_cons by fastforce

section ‹Function Definitions›

lemma wb_phi_weakening:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list and Φ::Φ
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ  ; Δ wf e : b  Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'  Θ ; Φ' ;  ;  Γ ; Δ wf e : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b   Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'  Θ ; Φ' ;  ;  Γ ; Δ wf s : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'    Θ ; Φ' ;  ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t  wf cs : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'   Θ ; Φ' ;  ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b" and      
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  True" and
          "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ  True" and       
          "Θ ; Φ  wf ftq  Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'  Θ ; Φ'  wf ftq" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;  wf ft   Θ  wf Φ'  set Φ   set Φ'  Θ ; Φ' ;  wf ft"      
          b and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and  ftq and ft 
          avoiding:  Φ'         
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
  then show ?case using wf_intros lookup_fun_weakening by metis
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ  wf Φ' using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b' using wfE_appPI by auto
    show atom bv  (Φ', Θ, , Γ, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b) using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ' f 
      using wfE_appPI lookup_fun_weakening by metis
    show Θ; ; Γ wf v : b[bv::=b']b using wfE_appPI by auto
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_valI Θ Φ  Γ v b Δ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfS_letI by fastforce
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 b' x s2 b)
  then show ?case   using Wellformed.wfS_let2I by fastforce
  case (wfS_ifI Θ  Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ; ; Γ   wf τ using wfS_varI by simp
    show Θ; ; Γ wf v : b_of τ using wfS_varI by simp
    show atom u  (Φ', Θ, , Γ, Δ, τ, v, b) using wfS_varI by simp
    show Θ ; Φ' ;  ; Γ ; (u, τ)  #Δ Δ wf s : b using wfS_varI by simp
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_whileI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  then show ?case  using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfS_branchI by fastforce
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ ; Φ' ;  ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ ; Δ wf s : b  using wfS_assertI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ   wf c using wfS_assertI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ  using wfS_assertI by auto
    have "atom x  Φ'" using wfS_assertI wfPhi_supp fresh_def by blast
    thus  atom x  (Φ', Θ, , Γ, Δ, c, b, s)  using fresh_prodN wfS_assertI wfPhi_supp fresh_def by auto
  case (wfFTI Θ B b s x c τ Φ)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ ; B  wf b  using wfFTI by auto
    show supp c  {atom x} using wfFTI by auto
    show Θ ; B ; (x, b, c) #Γ GNil   wf τ using wfFTI by auto
    show Θ  wf Φ' using wfFTI by auto
    show supp s  {atom x}  supp B using wfFTI by auto
qed(auto|metis wf_intros)+

lemma wfT_fun_return_t:
  fixes τa'::τ and τ'::τ
  assumes "Θ; ; (xa, b, ca)  #Γ GNil  wf τa'" and "(AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s') = (AF_fun_typ xa b ca τa' sa')"
  shows  "Θ; ; (x, b, c)  #Γ GNil  wf τ'"
proof - 
  obtain cb::x where xf: "atom cb   (c, τ', s', sa', τa', ca, x , xa)" using obtain_fresh by blast
  hence  "atom cb  (c, τ', s', sa', τa', ca)   atom cb  (x, xa, ((c, τ'), s'), (ca, τa'), sa')" using  fresh_prod6 fresh_prod4 fresh_prod8 by auto
  hence *:"c[x::=V_var cb]cv = ca[xa::=V_var cb]cv  τ'[x::=V_var cb]τv = τa'[xa::=V_var cb]τv" using assms τ.eq_iff Abs1_eq_iff_all by auto

  have **: "Θ; ; (xa  cb )  ((xa, b, ca)  #Γ GNil)  wf (xa  cb )  τa'" using assms True_eqvt beta_flip_eq theta_flip_eq wfG_wf 
    by (metis GCons_eqvt GNil_eqvt wfT.eqvt wfT_wf)

  have "Θ; ; (x  cb )  ((x, b, c)  #Γ GNil)  wf (x  cb )  τ'" proof -
    have "(xa  cb )  xa = (x  cb )  x"  using xf by auto
    hence "(x  cb )  ((x, b, c)  #Γ GNil) = (xa  cb )  ((xa, b, ca)  #Γ GNil)"  using * ** xf G_cons_flip fresh_GNil by simp
    thus ?thesis using ** * xf by simp
  thus ?thesis  using  beta_flip_eq theta_flip_eq  wfT_wf wfG_wf  * ** True_eqvt wfT.eqvt permute_flip_cancel by metis

lemma wfFT_wf_aux:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q and s::s and Δ::Δ
  assumes "Θ ; Φ  ; B wf (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)" 
  shows "Θ ; B ; (x,b,c) #Γ GNil wf τ  Θ  wf  Φ  supp s  { atom x }  supp B"
proof -
  obtain xa and ca and sa and τ' where *:"Θ ; B  wf b    (Θ wf Φ  )  
    supp sa  {atom xa}  supp B   (Θ ; B ; (xa, b, ca)  #Γ GNil   wf τ')    
  AF_fun_typ x b c τ s = AF_fun_typ xa b ca τ' sa " 
    using wfFT.simps[of Θ Φ B "AF_fun_typ x b c τ s"] assms by auto
  moreover hence **: "(AF_fun_typ x b c τ s) = (AF_fun_typ xa b ca τ' sa)" by simp
  ultimately have "Θ ; B ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ"  using wfT_fun_return_t by metis
  moreover have " (Θ wf Φ  ) "  using * by auto
  moreover have "supp s  { atom x }  supp B" proof -
    have "[[atom x]]lst.s = [[atom xa]]" using ** fun_typ.eq_iff lst_fst lst_snd by metis
    thus ?thesis using lst_supp_subset * by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma wfFT_simple_wf:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q and s::s and Δ::Δ
  assumes "Θ ; Φ  wf (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))" 
  shows "Θ ; {||} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ  Θ wf Φ  supp s  { atom x } "
proof -
  have  *:"Θ ; Φ  ; {||} wf (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)" using wfFTQ_elims assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfFT_wf_aux by force

lemma wfFT_poly_wf:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ftq :: fun_typ_q and s::s and Δ::Δ
  assumes "Θ ; Φ  wf (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))" 
  shows "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ  Θ wf Φ  Θ ; Φ  ; {|bv|}  wf (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)"
proof -
  obtain bv1 ft1 where  *:"Θ ; Φ  ; {|bv1|} wf ft1  [[atom bv1]]lst. ft1 = [[atom bv]]lst. AF_fun_typ x b c τ s" 
    using wfFTQ_elims(3)[OF assms]  by metis

  show ?thesis proof(cases "bv1 = bv")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using *  fun_typ_q.eq_iff  Abs1_eq_iff   by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) wfFT_wf_aux)
    case False
    obtain x1 b1 c1 t1 s1 where **: "ft1 = AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 t1 s1" using fun_typ.eq_iff 
      by (meson fun_typ.exhaust)

    hence eqv: "(bv  bv1)   AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 t1 s1 = AF_fun_typ x b c τ s  atom bv1  AF_fun_typ x b c τ s" using 
         Abs1_eq_iff(3) * False by metis

    have "(bv  bv1)  Θ ; (bv  bv1)  Φ ; (bv  bv1)  {|bv1|} wf (bv  bv1)  ft1" using wfFT.eqvt * by metis   
    moreover have "(bv  bv1)  Φ = Φ" using phi_flip_eq wfX_wfY * by metis
    moreover have "(bv  bv1)  Θ =Θ" using wfX_wfY *  theta_flip_eq2 by metis
    moreover have "(bv  bv1)  ft1 = AF_fun_typ x b c τ s" using eqv ** by metis
    ultimately have  "Θ ; Φ  ; {|bv|} wf AF_fun_typ x b c τ s"  by auto
    thus ?thesis using wfFT_wf_aux by auto

lemma wfFT_poly_wfT:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Θ ; Φ  wf (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))"
  shows "Θ ; {| bv |} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ"
  using wfFT_poly_wf assms by simp

lemma b_of_supp:
  "supp (b_of t)  supp t"
proof(nominal_induct t rule:τ.strong_induct)
  case (T_refined_type x b c)
  then show ?case by auto

lemma wfPhi_f_simple_wf:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q and s::s and Φ'::Φ
   assumes "AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ " and "Θ wf Φ" and "set Φ  set Φ'" and "Θ wf Φ'"
  shows "Θ ; {||} ; (x,b,c) #Γ GNil wf τ  Θ wf Φ  supp s  { atom x }"
using assms proof(induct Φ rule: Φ_induct)
  case PNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (PConsSome f1 bv x1 b1 c1 τ1 s' Φ'')
  hence "AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ''" by auto
  moreover have " Θ  wf Φ''  set Φ''  set Φ'" using wfPhi_elims(3) PConsSome by auto
  ultimately show  ?case using PConsSome wfPhi_elims wfFT_simple_wf by auto
  case (PConsNone f' x' b' c' τ' s' Φ'')
  show ?case proof(cases "f=f'")
    case True
    have "AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x' b' c' τ' s') = AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)" 
      by (metis PConsNone.prems(1) PConsNone.prems(2) True fun_def.eq_iff image_eqI name_of_fun.simps set_ConsD wfPhi_elims(2))
    hence *:"Θ ; Φ'' wf AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s) " using wfPhi_elims(2)[OF PConsNone(3)] by metis
    hence "Θ ; Φ'' ; {||} wf (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)" using wfFTQ_elims(1) by metis
    thus ?thesis using wfFT_simple_wf[OF *] wb_phi_weakening PConsNone by force
    case False
    hence "AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ''" using PConsNone by simp
    moreover have " Θ  wf Φ''  set Φ''  set Φ'" using wfPhi_elims(3) PConsNone by auto
    ultimately show  ?thesis using PConsNone wfPhi_elims wfFT_simple_wf by auto

lemma wfPhi_f_simple_wfT:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "Θ ; {||} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ"
  using wfPhi_f_simple_wf assms  using lookup_fun_member by blast

lemma  wfPhi_f_simple_supp_b:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp b = {}"
proof -
  have "Θ ; {||} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ" using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfT_wf wfG_cons wfB_supp by fastforce

lemma wfPhi_f_simple_supp_t:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp τ  { atom x }"
  using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT wfT_supp assms by fastforce

lemma  wfPhi_f_simple_supp_c:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp c  { atom x }"
proof -
  have "Θ ; {||} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ" using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfG_wfC wfC_supp wfT_wf by fastforce

lemma  wfPhi_f_simple_supp_s:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp s  {atom x}"
proof -
  have "AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ" using lookup_fun_member assms by auto
  hence "supp s  { atom x }" using wfPhi_f_simple_wf assms by blast
  thus ?thesis using wf_supp(3)  atom_dom.simps toSet.simps  x_not_in_u_set x_not_in_b_set setD.simps 
    using wf_supp2(2) by fastforce

lemma wfPhi_f_poly_wf:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q and s::s and Φ'::Φ
   assumes "AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ " and "Θ wf Φ" and "set Φ  set Φ'" and "Θ wf Φ'"
  shows "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ  Θ wf Φ'  Θ ; Φ' ;  {|bv|} wf  (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)"
using assms proof(induct Φ rule: Φ_induct)
  case PNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (PConsNone f x b c τ s' Φ'')
  moreover have " Θ  wf Φ''  set Φ''  set Φ'" using wfPhi_elims(3) PConsNone by auto
  ultimately show  ?case using PConsNone wfPhi_elims wfFT_poly_wf by auto
  case (PConsSome f1 bv1 x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1 Φ'')
  show ?case proof(cases "f=f1")
  case True
    have "AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1) = AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)"       
      by (metis PConsSome.prems(1) PConsSome.prems(2) True fun_def.eq_iff list.set_intros(1) option.inject wfPhi_lookup_fun_unique)
    hence *:"Θ ; Φ''  wf AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s) " using wfPhi_elims PConsSome by metis  
    thus ?thesis using wfFT_poly_wf * wb_phi_weakening PConsSome 
      by (meson set_subset_Cons)
    case False
    hence "AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ''" using PConsSome 
      by (meson fun_def.eq_iff set_ConsD)
    moreover have " Θ  wf Φ''  set Φ''  set Φ'" using wfPhi_elims(3) PConsSome 
      by (meson dual_order.trans set_subset_Cons)
    ultimately show  ?thesis using PConsSome wfPhi_elims wfFT_poly_wf 
      by blast

lemma wfPhi_f_poly_wfT:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "Θ ; {| bv |} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ"
using assms proof(induct Φ rule: Φ_induct)
  case PNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (PConsSome f1 bv1 x1 b1 c1 τ1 s' Φ')
  then show ?case proof(cases "f1=f")
    case True
    hence "lookup_fun (AF_fundef f1 (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s'))  # Φ') f = Some (AF_fundef f1 (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s')))" using 
       lookup_fun.simps  using PConsSome.prems by simp
    then show ?thesis using PConsSome.prems wfPhi_elims wfFT_poly_wfT
      by (metis option.inject)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using PConsSome using lookup_fun.simps 
      using wfPhi_elims(3) by auto
  case (PConsNone f' x' b' c' τ' s' Φ')
  then show ?case proof(cases "f'=f")
    case True
    then have *:"Θ ; Φ' wf AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x' b' c' τ' s') " using lookup_fun.simps PConsNone wfPhi_elims by metis
    thus ?thesis using PConsNone wfFT_poly_wfT wfPhi_elims lookup_fun.simps 
      by (metis fun_def.eq_iff fun_typ_q.distinct(1) option.inject)
    case False  
    thus ?thesis using PConsNone wfPhi_elims 
      by (metis False lookup_fun.simps(2))

lemma  wfPhi_f_poly_supp_b:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp b  supp bv"
proof -
  have "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ" using wfPhi_f_poly_wfT assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfT_wf wfG_cons wfB_supp by fastforce

lemma wfPhi_f_poly_supp_t:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp τ  { atom x , atom bv }"
 using wfPhi_f_poly_wfT[OF assms, THEN wfT_supp]  atom_dom.simps  supp_at_base by auto

lemma wfPhi_f_poly_supp_b_of_t:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp (b_of τ)  { atom bv }"
proof - 
  have "atom x  supp (b_of τ)" using x_fresh_b  by auto
  moreover have "supp (b_of τ)  { atom x , atom bv }" using wfPhi_f_poly_supp_t  
    using   supp_at_base b_of.simps wfPhi_f_poly_supp_t τ.supp b_of_supp assms by fast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma wfPhi_f_poly_supp_c:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp c  { atom x, atom bv }"
proof - 
  have "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil wf τ" using wfPhi_f_poly_wfT assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfG_wfC wfC_supp wfT_wf 
    using supp_at_base by fastforce

lemma  wfPhi_f_poly_supp_s:
  fixes τ::τ and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and ft :: fun_typ_q
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Θ wf Φ"
  shows "supp s  {atom x, atom bv}"
proof -

  have "AF_fundef f  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))  set Φ" using lookup_fun_member assms by auto
  hence *:"Θ ; Φ  ; {|bv|} wf (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)" using assms wfPhi_f_poly_wf by simp
  thus ?thesis using wfFT_wf_aux[OF *]  using supp_at_base by auto

lemmas wfPhi_f_supp = wfPhi_f_poly_supp_b wfPhi_f_simple_supp_b wfPhi_f_poly_supp_c 
    wfPhi_f_simple_supp_t wfPhi_f_poly_supp_t wfPhi_f_simple_supp_t wfPhi_f_poly_wfT wfPhi_f_simple_wfT 
    wfPhi_f_poly_supp_s wfPhi_f_simple_supp_s

lemma fun_typ_eq_ret_unique: 
  assumes "(AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1') =  (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')"
  shows  "τ1'[x1::=v]τv = τ2'[x2::=v]τv"
proof -
  have "[[atom x1]]lst. τ1' = [[atom x2]]lst. τ2'" using assms lst_fst fun_typ.eq_iff lst_snd by metis
  thus ?thesis using subst_v_flip_eq_two[of x1 τ1' x2 τ2' v] subst_v_τ_def by metis

lemma fun_typ_eq_body_unique: 
  fixes v::v and x1::x and x2::x and s1'::s and s2'::s
  assumes "(AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1') =  (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')"
  shows  "s1'[x1::=v]sv = s2'[x2::=v]sv"
proof -
  have "[[atom x1]]lst. s1' = [[atom x2]]lst. s2'" using assms lst_fst fun_typ.eq_iff lst_snd by metis
  thus ?thesis using subst_v_flip_eq_two[of x1 s1' x2 s2' v] subst_v_s_def by metis

lemma fun_ret_unique:
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2'))) = lookup_fun Φ f"
  shows "τ1'[x1::=v]τv = τ2'[x2::=v]τv"
proof -
  have *: " (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')))" using option.inject assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using fun_typ_eq_ret_unique fun_def.eq_iff fun_typ_q.eq_iff by metis

lemma fun_poly_arg_unique:
  fixes bv1::bv and bv2::bv and b::b and τ1::τ and τ2::τ
  assumes "[[atom bv1]]lst. (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1) = [[atom bv2]]lst. (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2 s2)" (is "[[atom ?x]]lst. ?a = [[atom ?y]]lst. ?b")
  shows " x1 : b1[bv1::=b]bb | c1[bv1::=b]cb  =  x2 : b2[bv2::=b]bb | c2[bv2::=b]cb " 
proof -
  obtain c::bv where *:"atom c  (b,b1,b2,c1,c2)  atom c  (bv1, bv2, AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1, AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2 s2)" using obtain_fresh fresh_Pair by metis
  hence "(bv1  c)  AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1 = (bv2  c)  AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2 s2" using  Abs1_eq_iff_all(3)[of ?x ?a ?y ?b] assms by metis
  hence "AF_fun_typ x1 ((bv1  c)  b1) ((bv1  c)  c1) ((bv1  c)  τ1) ((bv1  c)  s1) = AF_fun_typ x2 ((bv2  c)  b2) ((bv2  c)  c2) ((bv2  c)  τ2) ((bv2  c)  s2)" 
    using fun_typ_flip by metis    
  hence **:" x1 :((bv1  c)  b1) | ((bv1  c)  c1)  =  x2 : ((bv2  c)  b2) | ((bv2  c)  c2) " (is " x1 : ?b1 | ?c1  =  x2 : ?b2 | ?c2 ") using fun_arg_unique_aux by metis
  hence " x1 :((bv1  c)  b1) | ((bv1  c)  c1) [c::=b]τb =  x2 : ((bv2  c)  b2) | ((bv2  c)  c2) [c::=b]τb" by metis
  hence " x1 :((bv1  c)  b1)[c::=b]bb | ((bv1  c)  c1)[c::=b]cb  =  x2 : ((bv2  c)  b2)[c::=b]bb | ((bv2  c)  c2)[c::=b]cb " using subst_tb.simps by metis  
  thus ?thesis using *  flip_subst_subst subst_b_c_def subst_b_b_def fresh_prodN flip_commute by metis

lemma fun_poly_ret_unique:
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2'))) = lookup_fun Φ f"
  shows "τ1'[bv1::=b]τb[x1::=v]τv = τ2'[bv2::=b]τb[x2::=v]τv"
proof -
  have *: " (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')))" using option.inject assms by metis
  hence "AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1') = AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')" 
      (is "AF_fun_typ_some bv1 ?ft1 = AF_fun_typ_some bv2 ?ft2") using fun_def.eq_iff by metis
  hence **:"[[atom bv1]]lst. ?ft1 = [[atom bv2]]lst. ?ft2" using fun_typ_q.eq_iff(1) by metis

  hence *:"subst_ft_b ?ft1 bv1 b = subst_ft_b ?ft2 bv2 b" using subst_b_flip_eq_two subst_b_fun_typ_def by metis
  have "[[atom x1]]lst. τ1'[bv1::=b]τb = [[atom x2]]lst. τ2'[bv2::=b]τb" 
    apply(rule lst_snd[of _ "c1[bv1::=b]cb" _ _ "c2[bv2::=b]cb"])
    apply(rule lst_fst[of _ _ "s1'[bv1::=b]sb" _ _ "s2'[bv2::=b]sb"])
    using *  subst_ft_b.simps fun_typ.eq_iff by metis
  thus ?thesis using subst_v_flip_eq_two subst_v_τ_def by metis

lemma fun_poly_body_unique:
  assumes "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = lookup_fun Φ f" and "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2'))) = lookup_fun Φ f"
  shows "s1'[bv1::=b]sb[x1::=v]sv = s2'[bv2::=b]sb[x2::=v]sv"
proof - 
  have *: " (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1'))) = (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')))" 
    using option.inject assms by metis
  hence "AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1' s1') = AF_fun_typ_some bv2 (AF_fun_typ x2 b2 c2 τ2' s2')" 
      (is "AF_fun_typ_some bv1 ?ft1 = AF_fun_typ_some bv2 ?ft2") using fun_def.eq_iff by metis
  hence **:"[[atom bv1]]lst. ?ft1 = [[atom bv2]]lst. ?ft2" using fun_typ_q.eq_iff(1) by metis

  hence *:"subst_ft_b ?ft1 bv1 b = subst_ft_b ?ft2 bv2 b" using subst_b_flip_eq_two subst_b_fun_typ_def by metis
  have "[[atom x1]]lst. s1'[bv1::=b]sb = [[atom x2]]lst. s2'[bv2::=b]sb" 
    using lst_snd lst_fst subst_ft_b.simps fun_typ.eq_iff 
    by (metis "local.*")

  thus ?thesis using subst_v_flip_eq_two subst_v_s_def by metis

lemma funtyp_eq_iff_equalities:
  fixes s'::s and s::s
  assumes " [[atom x']]lst. ((c', τ'), s') = [[atom x]]lst. ((c, τ), s)" 
  shows " x' : b  | c'  =  x : b  | c    s'[x'::=v]sv = s[x::=v]sv  τ'[x'::=v]τv = τ[x::=v]τv"
proof - 
  have  "[[atom x']]lst. s' = [[atom x]]lst. s" and "[[atom x']]lst. τ' = [[atom x]]lst. τ" and
           " [[atom x']]lst. c' = [[atom x]]lst. c" using lst_snd lst_fst assms by metis+
  thus ?thesis using   subst_v_flip_eq_two  τ.eq_iff 
    by (metis assms fun_typ.eq_iff fun_typ_eq_body_unique fun_typ_eq_ret_unique)

section ‹Weakening›

lemma wfX_wfB1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and :: and Φ::Φ and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
           and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
  shows  wfV_wfB: "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b  Θ;  wf b" and     
         "Θ; ; Γ wf c  True" and
         "Θ;   wf Γ    True" and
         wfT_wfB: "Θ; ; Γ wf τ   Θ;  wf b_of τ " and
         "Θ; ; Γ wf ts   True" and 
         "wf Θ  True" and     
         "Θ;   wf b   True" and       
         wfCE_wfB: "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b  Θ;   wf b" and
         "Θ  wf td  True"
proof(induct   rule:wfV_wfC_wfG_wfT_wfTs_wfTh_wfB_wfCE_wfTD.inducts)
 case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b c x)
  hence "(x,b,c)  toSet Γ" using lookup_iff wfV_wf  using lookup_in_g by presburger
  hence "b  fst`snd`toSet Γ" by force
  hence "wfB Θ  b" using wfG_wfB wfV_varI by metis
  then show ?case using wfV_elims wfG_wf  wf_intros by metis
  case (wfV_litI Θ Γ l)
  moreover have "wfTh Θ" using wfV_wf wfG_wf wfV_litI by metis
  ultimately  show ?case using wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros base_for_lit.simps l.exhaust by metis
  case (wfV_pairI Θ Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
   then show ?case using  wfG_wf  wf_intros by metis
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c B Γ v)
  then show ?case
    using wfV_wf wfG_wf   wfB_consI by metis  
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  b Γ v)
  then show ?case
    using wfV_wf wfG_wf  using wfB_appI by metis
  case (wfCE_valI Θ  Γ v b)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims by auto
  case (wfCE_plusI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims by auto
  case (wfCE_leqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using  wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros wfX_wfY by metis
  case (wfCE_eqI Θ  Γ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using  wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros wfX_wfY by metis
  case (wfCE_fstI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using  wfB_elims by metis
  case (wfCE_sndI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims by metis
  case (wfCE_concatI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims by auto
  case (wfCE_lenI Θ  Γ v1)
  then show ?case using  wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros wfX_wfY by metis
qed(auto | metis wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros )+

lemma wfX_wfB2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and b::b and :: and Φ::Φ and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
           and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
         wfE_wfB: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf e : b  Θ;   wf b"  and
         wfS_wfB: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ wf s : b  Θ;   wf b" and
         wfCS_wfB: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b   Θ;   wf b" and
         wfCSS_wfB: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b   Θ;   wf b" and     
         "Θ wf Φ  True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ wf Δ   True" and   
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft   |⊆| ℬ'  Θ ; Φ  ; ℬ' wf ft" 
proof(induct   rule:wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.inducts) 
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_boolI  wfX_wfY by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 
    using wfB_pairI by auto
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case using wfB_elims wfX_wfB1 
    using wfB_intI wfX_wfY1(1) by auto
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
  hence "Θ; ;(x,b,c) #Γ GNil  wf τ"  using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT wfT_b_weakening by fast
  then show ?case using b_of.simps using wfT_b_weakening
     by (metis b_of.cases bot.extremum wfT_elims(2))
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
  hence "Θ ; {| bv |} ;(x,b,c) #Γ GNil  wf τ"  using wfPhi_f_poly_wfT wfX_wfY by blast
  then show ?case using wfE_appPI b_of.simps using wfT_b_weakening wfT_elims  wfT_subst_wfB subst_b_b_def  by metis
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  hence "Θ; ; Γ wf τ" using wfD_wfT by fast
  then show ?case using wfT_elims b_of.simps by metis
  case (wfFTNone Θ ft)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfFTSome Θ bv ft)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfS_valI Θ Φ  Γ v b Δ)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_ifI Θ  Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 
    using wfB_unitI wfX_wfY2(5) by auto
  case (wfS_whileI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dc t cs b)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfS_cons Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dc t cs b dclist css)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto      
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfPhi_emptyI Θ)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfPhi_consI f Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 by auto
  case (wfFTI Θ B b Φ x c s τ)
  then show ?case using wfX_wfB1 
    by (meson Wellformed.wfFTI wb_b_weakening2(8))
qed(metis wfV_wf wfG_wf  wf_intros wfX_wfB1)

lemmas wfX_wfB = wfX_wfB1 wfX_wfB2

lemma wf_weakening1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list

  shows  wfV_weakening: "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'  Θ; ; Γ' wf v : b" and
         wfC_weakening: "Θ; ; Γ  wf c  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'   Θ; ; Γ' wf  c" and
         "Θ;   wf Γ    True" and
         wfT_weakening: "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'   Θ; ; Γ' wf  τ" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts    True" and 
         "wf P  True " and
         wfB_weakening: "wfB Θ  b    |⊆| ℬ'  wfB Θ  b" and 
         wfCE_weakening: "Θ; ; Γ  wf ce : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'  Θ; ;  Γ' wf ce : b"  and
         "Θ  wf td  True"
          b and c and Γ and τ and ts and P and b and b and td 
          avoiding:  Γ'          
 case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b c x)
  hence "Some (b, c) = lookup Γ' x" using  lookup_weakening  by metis
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfV_varI wfV_varI by metis
  case (wfTI z Θ   Γ  b c)  (* This proof pattern is used elsewhere when proving weakening for typing predicates *)
  show ?case proof
    show atom z  (Θ, , Γ') using wfTI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b using wfTI by auto
    have *:"toSet ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  toSet ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ')" using toSet.simps wfTI by auto
    thus  Θ; ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'   wf c using wfTI(8)[OF _ *] wfTI wfX_wfY
      by (simp add: wfG_cons_TRUE)
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x b' c  b Γ v)
  show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ using wfV_conspI by auto
    show (dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b using wfV_conspI by auto
    show atom bv  (Θ, , Γ', b, v) using wfV_conspI by simp
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf v : b'[bv::=b]bb using wfV_conspI by auto
qed(metis wf_intros)+

lemma wf_weakening2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
         wfE_weakening: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ  ; Δ wf e : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'  Θ; Φ; ;  Γ' ; Δ wf e : b" and
         wfS_weakening: "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'  Θ; Φ; ;  Γ' ; Δ wf s : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'   Θ; Φ; ; Γ' ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'   Θ; Φ; ; Γ' ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b" and       
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  True" and
         wfD_weakning: "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ  Θ;  wf Γ'  toSet Γ  toSet Γ'   Θ; ; Γ' wf  Δ" and       
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft    True" 
          b and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and ftq and ft
          avoiding:  Γ'          
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf Δ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b' using wfE_appPI by auto
    show atom bv  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b) using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf v : b[bv::=b']b using wfE_appPI wf_weakening1 by auto
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  show ?case proof(rule)
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ' ; Δ wf e : b' using wfS_letI by auto
    have "toSet ((x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  toSet  ((x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ')"  using wfS_letI by auto
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ' ; Δ wf s : b  using wfS_letI by (meson wfG_cons wfG_cons_TRUE wfS_wf)
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf Δ  using wfS_letI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, e, b)  using wfS_letI by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ' ; Δ wf s1 : b_of τ using wfS_let2I by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ'   wf τ  using wfS_let2I wf_weakening1 by auto
    have "toSet ((x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  toSet  ((x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ')"  using wfS_let2I by auto
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ' ; Δ wf s2 : b  using wfS_let2I    by (meson wfG_cons wfG_cons_TRUE wfS_wf)
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, s1, b, τ)  using wfS_let2I by auto
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  show ?case proof
    show "Θ; ; Γ'  wf τ " using wfS_varI wf_weakening1 by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ' wf v : b_of τ "  using wfS_varI wf_weakening1 by auto
    show "atom u  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, τ, v, b)"  using wfS_varI by auto
    show "Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ' ; (u, τ)  #Δ Δ  wf s : b "  using wfS_varI by auto
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ  Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  show ?case proof
    have "toSet ((x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  toSet  ((x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ')"  using wfS_branchI by auto
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ' ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_branchI  by (meson wfG_cons wfG_cons_TRUE wfS_wf)
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, Γ', τ) using wfS_branchI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf Δ using wfS_branchI by auto
  case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b dclist)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_cons Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b css dclist)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case proof(rule)
    show Θ; ; Γ'   wf c using wfS_assertI wf_weakening1 by auto
    have "Θ;   wf (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ'" proof(rule wfG_consI)
      show Θ;   wf Γ' using wfS_assertI by auto
      show atom x  Γ' using wfS_assertI by auto
      show Θ;   wf B_bool using wfS_assertI wfB_boolI wfX_wfY by metis
      have "Θ;   wf (x, B_bool, TRUE) #Γ Γ'" proof
        show "(TRUE)  {TRUE, FALSE}" by auto
        show Θ;   wf Γ' using wfS_assertI by auto
        show atom x  Γ' using wfS_assertI by auto
        show Θ;   wf B_bool using wfS_assertI wfB_boolI wfX_wfY by metis
      thus  Θ; ; (x, B_bool, TRUE) #Γ Γ' wf c 
       using  wf_weakening1(2)[OF Θ; ; Γ' wf c  Θ;   wf (x, B_bool, TRUE) #Γ Γ'] by force
    thus  Θ; Φ; ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ' ; Δ wf s : b using wfS_assertI by fastforce   
    show Θ; ; Γ' wf Δ using wfS_assertI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ', Δ, c, b, s) using wfS_assertI by auto
qed(metis wf_intros wf_weakening1)+

lemmas wf_weakening = wf_weakening1 wf_weakening2

lemma wfV_weakening_cons:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and c::c
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b"  and "atom y  Γ" and "Θ; ; ((y,b',TRUE) #Γ Γ) wf c" 
  shows "Θ; ; (y,b',c) #ΓΓ wf  v : b"
proof -
  have "wfG Θ  ((y,b',c) #ΓΓ)" using wfG_intros2 assms by auto
  moreover have "toSet Γ  toSet ((y,b',c) #ΓΓ)" using toSet.simps by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using wf_weakening  using assms(1) by blast

lemma wfG_cons_weakening:
  fixes Γ'::Γ
  assumes "Θ;  wf ((x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)" and  "Θ;  wf Γ'" and "toSet Γ  toSet Γ'" and "atom x  Γ'"
  shows  "Θ;  wf ((x, b, c)  #Γ Γ')"
proof(cases "c  {TRUE,FALSE}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using wfG_wfB  wfG_cons2I assms by auto
  case False
  hence *:"Θ;  wf Γ   atom x  Γ   Θ; ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf c" 
    using  wfG_elims(2)[OF assms(1)] by auto
  have a1:"Θ;  wf  (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'" using wfG_wfB wfG_cons2I assms by simp
  moreover have a2:"toSet ((x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ )  toSet ((x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ')" using toSet.simps assms by blast
  moreover have " Θ;  wf (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'" proof
    show "(TRUE)  {TRUE, FALSE}" by auto
    show "Θ;   wf Γ'" using assms by auto
    show "atom x  Γ'" using assms by auto
    show "Θ;   wf b" using assms wfG_elims by metis
  hence " Θ; ;  (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'  wf c" using wf_weakening  a1 a2 * by auto
  then show ?thesis using wfG_cons1I[of c Θ  Γ' x b, OF False ] wfG_wfB assms by simp

lemma wfT_weakening_aux:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and c::c
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ  wf  z : b | c "  and "Θ;  wf  Γ'" and "toSet Γ  toSet Γ'" and "atom z  Γ'"
  shows "Θ; ; Γ'  wf   z : b | c " 
  show atom z  (Θ, , Γ') 
    using wf_supp wfX_wfY assms fresh_prodN fresh_def x_not_in_b_set wfG_fresh_x by metis
  show Θ;   wf b using assms wfT_elims by metis
  show Θ; ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'   wf c proof - 
    have *:"Θ; ; (z,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ wf c" using wfT_wfC fresh_weakening assms by auto
    moreover have a1:"Θ;  wf  (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'" using wfG_cons2I assms Θ;  wf  b by simp
    moreover have a2:"toSet ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ )  toSet ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ')" using toSet.simps assms by blast
    moreover have " Θ;   wf (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ' " proof
      show "(TRUE)  {TRUE, FALSE}" by auto
      show "Θ;   wf Γ'" using assms by auto
      show "atom z  Γ'" using assms by auto
      show "Θ;   wf b" using assms wfT_elims by metis
    thus ?thesis  using wf_weakening a1 a2 * by auto

lemma wfT_weakening_all:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and τ::τ
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ"  and "Θ; ℬ' wf  Γ'" and "toSet Γ  toSet Γ'" and " |⊆| ℬ'" 
  shows "Θ; ℬ' ; Γ'  wf  τ" 
  using wb_b_weakening assms wfT_weakening by metis

lemma wfT_weakening_nil:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and τ::τ
  assumes "Θ ; {||} ; GNil  wf τ"  and "Θ; ℬ' wf  Γ'" 
  shows "Θ; ℬ' ; Γ'  wf  τ" 
  using wfT_weakening_all
  using assms(1) assms(2) toSet.simps(1) by blast

lemma wfTh_wfT2: 
  fixes x::x and v::v and τ::τ and G::Γ
  assumes "wfTh Θ" and "AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ" and 
      "(dc, τ)  set dclist"  and "Θ ; B wf G"
  shows "supp τ = {}" and "τ[x::=v]τv = τ" and "wfT Θ B G τ"
proof -
  show  "supp τ = {}" proof(rule ccontr)
    assume a1: "supp τ  {}"
    have  "supp Θ  {}" proof -
      obtain dclist where dc: "AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ  (dc, τ)  set dclist" 
        using assms  by auto
      hence "supp (dc,τ)   {}" 
        using a1  by (simp add: supp_Pair)
      hence "supp dclist   {}" using dc supp_list_member by auto
      hence "supp (AF_typedef s dclist)  {}"  using type_def.supp by auto
      thus ?thesis using supp_list_member dc by auto
    thus False using assms wfTh_supp by simp
  thus "τ[x::=v]τv = τ"  by (simp add: fresh_def)
  have "wfT Θ {||} GNil τ" using assms wfTh_wfT by auto
  thus "wfT Θ B G τ" using assms wfT_weakening_nil by simp

lemma wf_d_weakening:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and s::s and :: and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
         and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ  ; Δ wf e : b  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ'  setD Δ  setD Δ'  Θ; Φ; ;  Γ ; Δ' wf e : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ'  setD Δ  setD Δ'  Θ; Φ; ;  Γ ; Δ' wf s : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t  wf cs : b  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ'  setD Δ  setD Δ'   Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ' ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  Θ; ; Γ wf Δ'  setD Δ  setD Δ'    Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ' ; tid ; dclist wf css : b" and       
         "Θ wf (Φ::Φ)  True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ  True" and        
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft    True"
          b and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and  ftq and ft 
          avoiding:  Δ'         
  case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
   case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv v τ f x b c s)
   show ?case proof(rule, (rule wfE_appPI)+)
    show atom bv  (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b)  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f  using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf v : b[bv::=b']b  using wfE_appPI by auto
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfE_mvarI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfE_mvarI by auto
    show (u, τ)  setD Δ' using wfE_mvarI by auto
  case (wfS_valI Θ Φ  Γ v b Δ)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b' x s b)
  show ?case proof(rule)
    show Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ' wf e : b' using wfS_letI by auto
    have "Θ;   wf  (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ"  using wfG_cons2I wfX_wfY wfS_letI by metis
    hence "Θ; ; (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf Δ'" using wf_weakening2(6) wfS_letI by force
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b', TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ' wf s : b using wfS_letI by metis
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfS_letI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', e, b) using wfS_letI by auto
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case proof
    have "Θ; ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ wf Δ'" proof(rule  wf_weakening2(6))
      show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfS_assertI by auto
      show Θ;   wf (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ using wfS_assertI wfX_wfY by metis
      show toSet Γ  toSet ((x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ) using wfS_assertI by auto
    thus  Θ; Φ; ; (x, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ ; Δ' wf s : b using wfS_assertI wfX_wfY by metis
    show Θ; ; Γ   wf c using wfS_assertI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfS_assertI by auto
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', c, b, s) using wfS_assertI by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ x s2 b)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ' wf s1 : b_of τ using wfS_let2I by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ   wf τ using wfS_let2I by auto
    have "Θ;   wf  (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ"  using wfG_cons2I wfX_wfY wfS_let2I by metis
    hence "Θ; ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf Δ'" using wf_weakening2(6) wfS_let2I by force
    thus  Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ' wf s2 : b using  wfS_let2I by metis
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', s1, b,τ) using wfS_let2I by auto
  case (wfS_ifI Θ  Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ; ; Γ   wf τ using wfS_varI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf v : b_of τ  using wfS_varI by auto
    show atom u   (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', τ, v, b)  using wfS_varI setD.simps by auto
    have "Θ; ; Γ wf (u, τ)  #Δ Δ'" using wfS_varI wfD_cons setD.simps u_fresh_d by metis 
    thus  Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ ; (u, τ)  #Δ Δ' wf s : b  using wfS_varI setD.simps by blast
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  show ?case proof
    show (u, τ)  setD Δ' using wfS_assignI setD.simps by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfS_assignI by auto
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfS_assignI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf v : b_of τ using wfS_assignI by auto
  case (wfS_whileI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  x τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  show ?case proof
    have "Θ;   wf  (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ"  using wfG_cons2I wfX_wfY wfS_branchI by metis
    hence "Θ; ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf Δ'" using wf_weakening2(6) wfS_branchI by force
    thus  Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ ; Δ' wf s : b using wfS_branchI by simp
    show atom x  (Φ, Θ, , Γ, Δ', Γ, τ) using wfS_branchI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ wf Δ' using wfS_branchI by auto
  case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b dclist)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_cons Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b css dclist)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by metis

section ‹Useful well-formedness instances›

text ‹Well-formedness for particular constructs that we will need later›

lemma wfC_e_eq:
  fixes ce::ce and Γ::Γ
  assumes "Θ ;   ; Γ wf ce : b" and "atom x  Γ "
  shows "Θ ;   ; ((x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  wf (CE_val (V_var x)  ==  ce )"
proof - 
  have "Θ;  wf b" using assms wfX_wfB by auto
  hence wbg: "Θ;  wf Γ" using wfX_wfY assms by auto
  show ?thesis proof
    show *:"Θ ;   ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf CE_val (V_var x) : b"
      show "Θ ;   ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf V_var x : b " proof
        show "Θ  ;   wf (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ " using wfG_cons2I wfX_wfY assms Θ;  wf b by auto
        show "Some (b, TRUE) = lookup ((x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ) x" using lookup.simps by auto
    show "Θ ;   ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf ce : b"
      using assms wf_weakening1(8)[OF assms(1), of "(x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ "] * toSet.simps wfX_wfY
      by (metis Un_subset_iff equalityE)

lemma wfC_e_eq2:
  fixes e1::ce and e2::ce
  assumes  "Θ  ;  ; Γ wf e1 : b"  and  "Θ  ;  ; Γ wf e2 : b"  and " wf Θ" and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "Θ; ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_var x)) == e1)   #Γ Γ wf  (CE_val (V_var x)) == e2 "
proof(rule wfC_eqI)
  have *: "Θ;   wf (x, b, CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  #Γ Γ" proof(rule wfG_cons1I )
    show "(CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  {TRUE, FALSE}" by auto
    show "Θ;   wf Γ" using assms wfX_wfY by metis
    show *:"atom x  Γ" using assms by auto
    show "Θ; ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1" using wfC_e_eq assms * by auto
    show "Θ;   wf b" using assms wfX_wfB by auto
  show "Θ; ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  #Γ Γ wf CE_val (V_var x) : b" using assms * wfCE_valI wfV_varI by auto
  show "Θ; ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  #Γ Γ wf e2 : b" proof(rule wf_weakening1(8))
    show "Θ; ; Γ wf e2 : b " using assms by auto
    show "Θ;   wf (x, b, CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  #Γ Γ" using * by auto
    show "toSet Γ  toSet ((x, b, CE_val (V_var x)  ==  e1 )  #Γ Γ)" by auto

lemma wfT_wfT_if_rev:
  assumes "wfV P  Γ v  (base_for_lit l)" and "wfT P  Γ t" and atom z1  Γ
  shows "wfT P  Γ ( z1 : b_of t  | CE_val v  ==  CE_val (V_lit l) IMP  (c_of t z1)  )"
  show P;   wf b_of t using wfX_wfY assms by meson
  have wfg: " P;   wf  (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ" using assms wfV_wf  wfG_cons2I wfX_wfY 
    by (meson wfG_cons_TRUE)
  show P;  ; (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf [ v ]ce  ==  [ [ l ]v ]ce   IMP  c_of t z1 proof
    show *: P;  ; (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf [ v ]ce  ==  [ [ l ]v ]ce 
    proof(rule wfC_eqI[where b="base_for_lit l"])
      show "P;  ; (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf [ v ]ce : base_for_lit l" 
        using assms wf_intros wf_weakening wfg   by (meson wfV_weakening_cons)
      show "P;  ; (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ wf [ [ l ]v ]ce : base_for_lit l" using wfg assms wf_intros wf_weakening wfV_weakening_cons by meson
    have " t =  z1 : b_of t | c_of t z1 " using c_of_eq 
      using assms(2) assms(3) b_of_c_of_eq wfT_x_fresh by auto
    thus  P;  ; (z1, b_of t, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf c_of t z1 using wfT_wfC assms wfG_elims * by simp
  show atom z1   (P, , Γ) using assms wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY by metis

lemma wfT_eq_imp:
  fixes zz::x and ll::l and τ'::τ
  assumes "base_for_lit ll = B_bool" and "Θ ; {||} ; GNil wf τ'" and
          "Θ ; {||} wf (x, b_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE , c_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE  x)  #Γ GNil" and "atom zz  x"
  shows "Θ ; {||} ; (x, b_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE , c_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE  x)  #Γ
                 GNil   wf  zz : b_of τ'  | [ [ x ]v ]ce  ==  [ [ ll ]v ]ce   IMP  c_of τ' zz  "
proof(rule wfT_wfT_if_rev)
  show Θ ; {||} ; (x, b_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE , c_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE  x)  #Γ GNil wf [ x ]v : base_for_lit ll 
    using wfV_varI lookup.simps base_for_lit.simps assms by simp
  show Θ ; {||} ; (x, b_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE , c_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE  x)  #Γ GNil   wf τ' 
    using wf_weakening assms toSet.simps by auto
  show atom zz  (x, b_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE , c_of  z' : B_bool  | TRUE  x)  #Γ GNil 
    unfolding fresh_GCons fresh_prod3 b_of.simps c_of_true 
    using x_fresh_b fresh_GNil   c_of_true c.fresh assms by metis

lemma wfC_v_eq:
  fixes ce::ce and Γ::Γ and v::v
  assumes "Θ ;   ; Γ  wf v : b" and "atom x  Γ "
  shows "Θ ;   ; ((x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)  wf (CE_val (V_var x)  ==  CE_val v )"
  using wfC_e_eq wfCE_valI assms wfX_wfY  by auto

lemma wfT_e_eq:
  fixes ce::ce
  assumes "Θ ;   ; Γ wf ce : b" and "atom z  Γ"
  shows "Θ; ; Γ wf  z : b | CE_val (V_var z) == ce "
  show "Θ;  wf b" using wfX_wfB assms by auto
  show " atom z  (Θ, , Γ)" using assms wfG_fresh_x wfX_wfY by metis
  show "Θ ;   ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf CE_val (V_var z)  ==  ce "
    using wfTI wfC_e_eq assms wfTI by auto

lemma wfT_v_eq:
  assumes " wfB Θ  b" and "wfV  Θ  Γ v b" and "atom z  Γ"
  shows "wfT Θ  Γ  z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)"
  using wfT_e_eq wfE_valI assms wfX_wfY 
  by (simp add: wfCE_valI)

lemma wfC_wfG:
  fixes Γ::Γ and c::c and b::b
  assumes "Θ ; B ; Γ wf c" and "Θ ; B  wf b" and "atom x  Γ" 
  shows "Θ ; B wf (x,b,c)#Γ Γ" 
proof - 
  have " Θ ; B  wf (x, b, TRUE) #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons2I assms wfX_wfY by fast
  hence " Θ ; B ; (x, b, TRUE) #Γ Γ   wf c " using wfC_weakening assms by force
  thus ?thesis using wfG_consI assms wfX_wfY by metis

section ‹Replacing the constraint on a variable in a context›

lemma wfG_cons_fresh2:
  fixes Γ'::Γ
  assumes "wfG P  (( (x',b',c')  #Γ Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ))"
  shows "x'x" 
proof - 
  have "atom x'  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)" 
    using assms wfG_elims(2) by blast
  thus ?thesis 
    using  fresh_gamma_append[of "atom x'" Γ' "(x, b, c)  #Γ Γ"] fresh_GCons fresh_prod3[of "atom x'" x b c] by auto

lemma replace_in_g_inside:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ'@((x,b0,c0') #ΓΓ))" 
  shows "replace_in_g (Γ'@((x,b0,c0') #ΓΓ)) x c0 = (Γ'@((x,b0,c0) #ΓΓ))"
using assms proof(induct Γ' rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using replace_in_g.simps by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ'')
  hence "P;  wf ((x', b', c')  #Γ (Γ''@ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ ))" by simp
  hence "x  x'" using  wfG_cons_fresh2 by metis
  then show ?case using replace_in_g.simps GCons  by (simp add: wfG_cons)

lemma wfG_supp_rig_eq:
  fixes Γ::Γ
  assumes  "wfG P  (Γ'' @ (x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ)" and "wfG P  (Γ'' @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)"
  shows "supp (Γ'' @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)  supp  = supp (Γ'' @ (x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ)  supp "
using assms proof(induct Γ'')
  case GNil
  have "supp (GNil @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)  supp   = supp ((x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)  supp " using supp_Cons supp_GNil by auto
  also have "... = supp x  supp b0  supp c0'  supp Γ  supp  " using supp_GCons by auto
  also have "... = supp x  supp b0  supp c0  supp Γ  supp  " using GNil wfG_wfC[THEN wfC_supp_cons(2) ] by fastforce
  also have "... =  (supp ((x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ))  supp  " using supp_GCons by auto
  finally have "supp (GNil @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)  supp  = supp (GNil @ (x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ)  supp " using supp_Cons supp_GNil by auto
  then show ?case using supp_GCons wfG_cons2 by auto
  case (GCons xbc Γ1)
  moreover have " (xbc  #Γ Γ1) @ (x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ  =  (xbc  #Γ (Γ1 @ (x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ))"  by simp
  moreover have " (xbc  #Γ Γ1) @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ  =  (xbc  #Γ (Γ1 @ (x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ))"  by simp
  ultimately have  "(P;   wf Γ1 @ ((x, b0, c0)  #Γ Γ))    P;   wf Γ1 @ ((x, b0, c0')  #Γ Γ)" using wfG_cons2 by metis
  thus ?case using GCons supp_GCons by auto

lemma fresh_replace_inside[ms_fresh]:
  fixes y::x and Γ::Γ
  assumes  "wfG P  (Γ'' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)" and "wfG P  (Γ'' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)"
  shows "atom y  (Γ'' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) = atom y  (Γ'' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)"
  unfolding fresh_def  using wfG_supp_rig_eq assms x_not_in_b_set by fast

lemma wf_replace_inside1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and c''::c and c'::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b'::b and b::b and s::s  
           and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list

shows  wfV_replace_inside: "Θ; ; G wf v : b'  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c  Θ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) wf v : b'" and
       wfC_replace_inside: "Θ; ; G  wf c''  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c  Θ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) wf  c''" and
       wfG_replace_inside: "Θ;  wf G  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c    Θ;  wf  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) " and
       wfT_replace_inside: "Θ; ; G wf τ  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c   Θ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) wf  τ" and
       "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts   True" and 
       "wf P  True" and
        "Θ;  wf b  True" and  
       wfCE_replace_inside: "Θ ;   ; G  wf ce : b'  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c  Θ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) wf ce : b'" and
       "Θ  wf td    True"
          b' and  c'' and G and τ and ts and P and b and b' and td 
      avoiding: Γ' c'
  case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ2 b2 c2 x2)
  then show ?case using wf_intros by (metis lookup_in_rig_eq lookup_in_rig_neq replace_in_g_inside)
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x1 b' c1  b1 Γ1 v)
  show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ using wfV_conspI by auto
    show (dc,  x1 : b'  | c1 )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ ;     wf b1 using wfV_conspI by auto
    show *: Θ; ; Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ wf v : b'[bv::=b1]bb using wfV_conspI by auto
    moreover have "Θ;   wf Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" using wfV_wf wfV_conspI by simp
    ultimately have "atom bv  Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" unfolding fresh_def using wfV_wf  wfG_supp_rig_eq  wfV_conspI 
      by (metis Un_iff fresh_def)
    thus atom bv  (Θ, , Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ, b1, v)  
      unfolding fresh_prodN using fresh_prodN wfV_conspI by metis    
  case (wfTI z Θ  G  b1 c1)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ;   wf b1 using wfTI by auto

    have "Θ;  wf (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" using wfG_consI  wfTI  wfG_cons  wfX_wfY by metis
    moreover hence *:"wfG Θ  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)"  using wfX_wfY 
       by (metis append_g.simps(2) wfG_cons2 wfTI.hyps wfTI.prems(1) wfTI.prems(2))
    hence atom z  Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ 
      using fresh_replace_inside[of Θ  Γ' x b c Γ c' z,OF *] wfTI wfX_wfY wfG_elims by metis
    thus atom z  (Θ, , Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) using wfG_fresh_x[OF *] by auto 

    have "(z, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G = ((z, b1, TRUE)  #Γ Γ') @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" 
      using wfTI append_g.simps by metis
    thus Θ; ; (z, b1, TRUE)  #Γ Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ   wf c1 
      using wfTI(9)[OF _ wfTI(11)] by fastforce
  case (wfG_nilI Θ)
  hence "GNil = (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" using append_g.simps Γ.distinct GNil_append by auto
  hence "False" using Γ.distinct by auto
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfG_cons1I c1 Θ  G x1 b1)
  show  ?case proof(cases "Γ'=GNil")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons1I wfG_consI by auto
    case False
    then  obtain G'::Γ where *:"(x1, b1, c1)  #Γ G' = Γ'" using wfG_cons1I wfG_cons1I(7) GCons_eq_append_conv by auto
    hence **:" G = G' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons1I by auto
    hence " Θ;   wf G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" using  wfG_cons1I by auto
    have "Θ;   wf (x1, b1, c1)  #Γ G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" proof(rule Wellformed.wfG_cons1I)
      show "c1  {TRUE, FALSE}" using wfG_cons1I by auto
      show "Θ;   wf G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ " using wfG_cons1I(3)[of G',OF **] wfG_cons1I by auto
      show "atom x1  G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ"  using wfG_cons1I * ** fresh_replace_inside  by metis
      show "Θ; ; (x1, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ  wf c1" using wfG_cons1I(6)[of " (x1, b1, TRUE)  #Γ G'"] wfG_cons1I ** by auto
      show "Θ;  wf b1" using wfG_cons1I by auto
    thus ?thesis using * by auto
  case (wfG_cons2I c1 Θ  G x1 b1)
   show  ?case proof(cases "Γ'=GNil")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using wfG_cons2I wfG_consI by auto
    case False
    then  obtain G'::Γ where *:"(x1, b1, c1)  #Γ G' = Γ'" using wfG_cons2I GCons_eq_append_conv by auto
    hence **:" G = G' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons2I by auto
    moreover have " Θ;  wf G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons2I * ** by auto
    moreover hence "atom x1  G' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons2I * ** fresh_replace_inside  by metis
    ultimately show  ?thesis using Wellformed.wfG_cons2I[OF wfG_cons2I(1), of Θ  "G'@ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ"  x1 b1] wfG_cons2I * ** by auto
qed(metis  wf_intros )+

lemma wf_replace_inside2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and c''::c and c'::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b'::b and b::b and s::s  
           and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
       "Θ ; Φ ;   ; G ; D  wf e : b'  G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c  Θ ; Φ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ); D wf e : b'" and
       "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b  True" and
       "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  True" and
       "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  True" and
       "Θ wf Φ  True" and
       "Θ; ; G  wf Δ   G =  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)  Θ; ; ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) wf c  Θ ;   ; (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) wf Δ" and     
       "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
       "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft    True"
          b' and b and b and b and  Φ and Δ and  ftq and ft 
      avoiding: Γ' c'
case (wfE_valI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v b)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_valI by auto
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_plusI by auto
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_leqI by auto
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_eqI by metis
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_fstI by metis
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_sndI by metis
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_concatI by auto
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_splitI by auto
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_lenI by metis
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ  Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_appI by metis
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ'' Δ b' bv v τ f x1 b1 c1 s)
  show ?case proof
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ wf Δ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b' using wfE_appPI by auto
    show *:Θ; ; Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ wf v : b1[bv::=b']b using wfE_appPI wf_replace_inside1 by auto

    moreover have "Θ;   wf Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ" using wfV_wf wfE_appPI by metis
    ultimately have "atom bv   Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ"  
      unfolding fresh_def using wfV_wf wfG_supp_rig_eq wfE_appPI Un_iff fresh_def  by metis 

    thus  atom bv  (Φ, Θ, , Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']b)
      using wfE_appPI  fresh_prodN by metis
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f using wfE_appPI by auto
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfE_mvarI by metis
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ  Γ)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfD_emptyI by metis
  case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfD_emptyI 
    by (simp add: wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.wfD_cons)
  case (wfFTNone Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfD_emptyI by metis
  case (wfFTSome Θ Φ bv ft)
  then show ?case using wf_replace_inside1 Wellformed.wfD_emptyI by metis

lemmas wf_replace_inside = wf_replace_inside1 wf_replace_inside2

lemma wfC_replace_cons:
  assumes "wfG P  ((x,b,c1) #ΓΓ)" and "wfC P  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) c2" 
  shows "wfC P  ((x,b,c1) #ΓΓ) c2" 
proof -
  have "wfC P  (GNil@((x,b,c1) #ΓΓ)) c2" proof(rule wf_replace_inside1(2))
    show " P;  ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf c2 " using wfG_elim2 assms by auto
    show (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ = GNil @ (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ using append_g.simps by auto
    show P;  ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ   wf c1  using wfG_elim2 assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using append_g.simps by auto

lemma wfC_refl:
  assumes "wfG Θ  ((x, b', c') #ΓΓ)" 
  shows   "wfC Θ  ((x, b', c') #ΓΓ) c'"
  using wfG_wfC assms wfC_replace_cons by auto

lemma wfG_wfC_inside:
  assumes " (x, b, c)   toSet G" and "wfG Θ B G" 
  shows  "wfC Θ B G c"
  using assms proof(induct G rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x' b' c' Γ')
  then consider (hd) "(x, b, c) = (x',b',c')" | (tail) "(x, b, c)  toSet Γ'" using toSet.simps by auto
  then show ?case proof(cases)
    case hd
    then show ?thesis using GCons wf_weakening
      by (metis wfC_replace_cons wfG_cons_wfC)
    case tail
    then show ?thesis using GCons wf_weakening 
      by (metis insert_iff insert_is_Un subsetI toSet.simps(2) wfG_cons2)

lemma wfT_wf_cons3:
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf  z : b | c " and "atom y  (c,Γ)"
  shows  "Θ;  wf (y, b, c[z::=V_var y]cv)  #Γ  Γ"
proof -
  have " z : b | c  =  y : b |  (y  z)  c " using type_eq_flip assms by auto
  moreover hence " (y  z)  c = c[z::=V_var y]cv" using  assms subst_v_c_def by auto
  ultimately have " z : b | c  =  y : b |  c[z::=V_var y]cv " by metis
  thus  ?thesis using assms wfT_wf_cons[of Θ  Γ y b] fresh_Pair by metis

lemma wfT_wfC_cons:
  assumes "wfT P  Γ  z1 : b  | c1 " and "wfT P  Γ  z2 : b  | c2 "  and "atom x  (c1,c2,Γ)"
  shows "wfC P  ((x,b,c1[z1::=V_var x]v) #ΓΓ) (c2[z2::=V_var x]v)" (is "wfC P  ?G ?c")
proof -
  have eq: " z2 : b  | c2  =  x : b | c2[z2::=V_var x]cv " using type_eq_subst assms fresh_prod3 by simp
  have eq2: " z1 : b  | c1  =  x : b | c1[z1::=V_var x]cv " using type_eq_subst assms fresh_prod3 by simp
  moreover have "wfT P  Γ  x : b  | c1[z1::=V_var x]cv " using assms eq2 by auto
  moreover hence "wfG P  ((x,b,c1[z1::=V_var x]cv) #ΓΓ)" using wfT_wf_cons fresh_prod3 assms by auto
  moreover have "wfT P  Γ  x : b  | c2[z2::=V_var x]cv " using assms eq by auto
  moreover hence "wfC P  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ)  (c2[z2::=V_var x]cv)" using wfT_wfC assms fresh_prod3 by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using wfC_replace_cons subst_v_c_def by simp

lemma wfT_wfC2:
  fixes c::c  and x::x
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf  z : b | c " and "atom x  Γ"
  shows "Θ; ; (x,b,TRUE)#ΓΓ wf c[z::=[x]v]v"
proof(cases "x=z")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using wfT_wfC assms by auto
  case False
  hence "atom x  c" using wfT_fresh_c assms by metis
  hence " x : b  | c[z::=[ x ]v]v  =  z : b | c " 
    using τ.eq_iff Abs1_eq_iff(3)[of x "c[z::=[ x ]v]v" z c] 
    by (metis flip_subst_v type_eq_flip)
  hence " Θ; ; Γ   wf  x : b  | c[z::=[ x ]v]v " using assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using wfT_wfC assms by auto

lemma wfT_wfG: 
  fixes x::x and Γ::Γ and z::x and c::c and b::b
  assumes "Θ; ; Γ wf  z : b | c " and "atom x  Γ" 
  shows "Θ;   wf (x,b, c[z::=[ x ]v]v) #Γ Γ"
proof - 
  have "Θ; ; (x, b, TRUE) #Γ Γ   wf c[z::=[ x ]v]v" using wfT_wfC2 assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using wfG_consI assms wfT_wfB b_of.simps wfX_wfY by metis

lemma wfG_replace_inside2:
  fixes Γ::Γ 
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)" and "wfG P  ((x,b,c) #ΓΓ)"
  shows "wfG P  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)"
proof - 
  have "wfC P  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) c" using wfG_wfC assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wf_replace_inside1(3)[OF assms(1)] by auto

lemma wfG_replace_inside_full:
  fixes Γ::Γ 
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ)" and "wfG P  (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))"
  shows "wfG P  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ)"
proof - 
  have "wfG P  ((x,b,c) #ΓΓ)" using wfG_suffix assms by auto
  thus ?thesis using wfG_replace_inside assms by auto

lemma wfT_replace_inside2:
  assumes "wfT Θ  (Γ' @ (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ) t" and "wfG Θ  (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))"
  shows "wfT Θ  (Γ' @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ) t"
proof -
  have "wfG Θ  (((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" using wfG_suffix assms by auto
  hence "wfC Θ  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) c" using wfG_wfC by auto
  thus ?thesis   using wf_replace_inside assms by metis

lemma wfD_unique:
  assumes "wfD P   Γ Δ" and " (u,τ')  setD Δ" and "(u,τ)  setD Δ"
  shows "τ'=τ"
using assms  proof(induct Δ rule: Δ_induct)
  case DNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (DCons u' t' D)
  hence *: "wfD P  Γ ((u',t') #Δ D)" using Cons by auto
  show ?case proof(cases "u=u'")
    case True
    then have "u  fst ` setD D" using wfD_elims *  by blast
    then show ?thesis using DCons by force
    case False
    then show ?thesis using DCons wfD_elims *  by (metis fst_conv setD_ConsD)

lemma replace_in_g_forget:
  fixes x::x
  assumes "wfG P B G"
  shows "atom x  atom_dom G  (G[xc]) = G" and
  "atom x  G   (G[xc]) = G"
proof -
  show "atom x  atom_dom G  G[xc] = G" by (induct G rule: Γ_induct,auto)
  thus  "atom x  G   (G[xc]) = G" using wfG_x_fresh assms by simp

lemma replace_in_g_fresh_single:
  fixes G::Γ and x::x
  assumes  Θ;  wf G[x'c''] and "atom x  G" and Θ;  wf G
  shows "atom x  G[x'c'']" 
  using rig_dom_eq wfG_dom_supp assms fresh_def atom_dom.simps dom.simps by metis

section ‹Preservation of well-formedness under substitution›

lemma wfC_cons_switch:
  fixes c::c and c'::c
  assumes "Θ; ; (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ  wf c'"
  shows "Θ; ; (x, b, c')  #Γ Γ  wf c"
proof -
  have *:"Θ;  wf  (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" using wfC_wf assms by auto
  hence "atom x  Γ  wfG Θ  Γ  Θ;  wf b" using wfG_cons by auto
  hence " Θ; ; (x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf TRUE " using wfC_trueI wfG_cons2I by simp
  hence "Θ; ;(x, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ  wf c'" 
    using wf_replace_inside1(2)[of Θ  "(x, b, c)  #Γ Γ" c' GNil x b c Γ TRUE] assms by auto
  hence "wfG Θ  ((x,b,c') #ΓΓ)" using wf_replace_inside1(3)[OF *, of GNil x b c Γ c'] by auto
  moreover have "wfC Θ  ((x,b,TRUE) #ΓΓ) c" proof(cases "c  { TRUE, FALSE }")
    case True
    have "Θ;  wf  Γ  atom x  Γ  Θ;  wf b" using wfG_elims(2)[OF *] by auto
    hence "Θ;  wf  (x,b,TRUE) #Γ Γ" using wfG_cons_TRUE by auto
    then show ?thesis using wfC_trueI wfC_falseI True by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis using wfG_elims(2)[OF *] by auto
  ultimately show  ?thesis using wfC_replace_cons by auto

lemma subst_g_inside_simple:
  fixes Γ1::Γ and Γ2::Γ 
  assumes "wfG P  (Γ1@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ2))"
  shows "(Γ1@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ2))[x::=v]Γv = Γ1[x::=v]Γv@Γ2" 
using assms proof(induct Γ1 rule: Γ_induct)
  case GNil
  then show ?case using subst_gv.simps by simp
  case (GCons x' b' c' G)
  hence *:"P;   wf (x', b', c')  #Γ (G @ (x, b, c)  #Γ Γ2)" by auto
  hence "xx'" 
    using  GCons append_Cons  wfG_cons_fresh2[OF *] by auto
  hence "((GCons (x', b', c') G) @ (GCons (x, b, c)  Γ2))[x::=v]Γv  =  
         (GCons (x', b', c') (G @ (GCons (x, b, c)  Γ2)))[x::=v]Γv" by auto
  also have "... =  GCons (x', b', c'[x::=v]cv) ((G @ (GCons (x, b, c)  Γ2))[x::=v]Γv)"  
      using subst_gv.simps xx' by simp
  also have "... = (x', b', c'[x::=v]cv)  #Γ (G[x::=v]Γv @  Γ2)" using GCons * wfG_elims by metis
  also have "... = ((x', b', c')  #Γ G)[x::=v]Γv @  Γ2"  using subst_gv.simps xx'  by simp
  finally show ?case by blast

lemma subst_c_TRUE_FALSE:
  fixes c::c
  assumes "c  {TRUE,FALSE}" 
  shows "c[x::=v']cv  {TRUE, FALSE}"
using assms by(nominal_induct c rule:c.strong_induct,auto simp add: subst_cv.simps)

lemma lookup_subst:
  assumes "Some (b, c) = lookup Γ x" and "x  x'" 
  shows "c'. Some (b,c') = lookup Γ[x'::=v']Γv x"
using assms proof(induct Γ rule: Γ_induct)
case GNil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (GCons x1 b1 c1 Γ1)
  then show ?case proof(cases "x1=x'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using subst_gv.simps GCons by auto
    case False
    hence  *:"((x1, b1, c1)  #Γ Γ1)[x'::=v']Γv =  ((x1, b1, c1[x'::=v']cv)  #Γ Γ1[x'::=v']Γv)" using subst_gv.simps by auto
    then show ?thesis proof(cases "x1=x")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using lookup.simps *
        using GCons.prems(1) by auto
      case False
      then show ?thesis using lookup.simps *
        using GCons.prems(1)  by (simp add: GCons.hyps assms(2))

lemma lookup_subst2:
  assumes "Some (b, c) = lookup (Γ'@((x',b1,c0[z0::=[x']v]cv)#ΓΓ)) x" and "x  x'" and
          "Θ;  wf (Γ'@((x',b1,c0[z0::=[x']v]cv)#ΓΓ))" 
  shows "c'. Some (b,c') = lookup (Γ'[x'::=v']Γv@Γ) x"
  using assms lookup_subst subst_g_inside by metis

lemma wf_subst1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
  shows  wfV_subst: "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b         Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ; ;Γ2 wf v' : b'   Θ ;    ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v[x::=v']vv : b" and
         wfC_subst: "Θ; ; Γ  wf  c            Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ; ; Γ2 wf v' : b'  Θ; ;  Γ[x::=v']Γv wf c[x::=v']cv" and
          wfG_subst: "Θ;  wf Γ                 Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ;   ; Γ2 wf v' : b'  Θ;  wf Γ[x::=v']Γv" and
          wfT_subst: "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ             Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ;   ; Γ2 wf v' : b'  Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf τ[x::=v']τv" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  True" and 
         "wf Θ True" and
         "Θ;  wf b  True " and
          wfCE_subst: "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b     Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ;   ; Γ2 wf v' : b'   Θ ;    ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf  ce[x::=v']cev : b" and
         "Θ  wf td    True"
      b and c and Γ and τ and ts and Θ and b and  b and td 
      avoiding: x v' 
      arbitrary: Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1
 case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b1 c1 x1)
  show ?case proof(cases "x1=x")
    case True
    hence "(V_var x1)[x::=v']vv = v' " using subst_vv.simps by auto
    moreover have "b' = b1" using wfV_varI True  lookup_inside_wf
      by (metis option.inject prod.inject)
    moreover have " Θ;   ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v' : b'" using  wfV_varI subst_g_inside_simple wf_weakening 
      append_g_toSetU sup_ge2  wfV_wf by metis
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    hence "(V_var x1)[x::=v']vv = (V_var x1) " using subst_vv.simps by auto
    moreover have "Θ;  wf Γ[x::=v']Γv" using wfV_varI by simp
    moreover obtain c1' where "Some (b1, c1') = lookup Γ[x::=v']Γv x1"  using    wfV_varI  False  lookup_subst by metis
    ultimately show ?thesis using  Wellformed.wfV_varI[of Θ   "Γ[x::=v']Γv" b1 c1' x1] by metis
  case (wfV_litI Θ Γ l)
  then show ?case using  subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfV_pairI Θ Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b c Γ v)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x' b' c  b Γ va)
  show ?case unfolding subst_vv.simps proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ and (dc,  x' : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ ;  wf b using wfV_conspI by auto
    have "atom bv  Γ[x::=v']Γv" using fresh_subst_gv_if wfV_conspI by metis
    moreover have "atom bv  va[x::=v']vv" using wfV_conspI fresh_subst_if  by simp
    ultimately show atom bv  (Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, b, va[x::=v']vv) unfolding fresh_prodN  using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf va[x::=v']vv : b'[bv::=b]bb using wfV_conspI by auto
  case (wfTI z Θ  Γ  b c)
  have "  Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv   wf  z : b  | c[x::=v']cv  " proof
    have  Θ; ; ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv   wf c[x::=v']cv 
    proof(rule  wfTI(9))
      show (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ = ((z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ1) @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2 using wfTI append_g.simps by simp
      show Θ; ; Γ2 wf v' : b' using wfTI by auto
    thus *:Θ; ; (z, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv   wf c[x::=v']cv 
      using subst_gv.simps subst_cv.simps wfTI fresh_x_neq by auto

    have "atom z  Γ[x::=v']Γv" using fresh_subst_gv_if wfTI by metis
    moreover have "Θ;   wf  Γ[x::=v']Γv" using wfTI wfX_wfY wfG_elims subst_gv.simps * by metis
    ultimately show  atom z   (Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv) using wfG_fresh_x  by metis
    show Θ;   wf b using wfTI by auto   
  thus ?case using subst_tv.simps wfTI by auto
  case (wfC_trueI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfC_falseI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfC_eqI Θ  Γ e1 b e2)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_cv.simps,rule)
    show "Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf e1[x::=v']cev : b " using wfC_eqI subst_dv.simps by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf e2[x::=v']cev : b " using wfC_eqI by auto
  case (wfC_conjI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfC_disjI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfC_notI Θ Γ c1)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfC_impI Θ Γ c1 c2)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfG_nilI Θ)
  then show ?case using subst_cv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfG_cons1I c Θ  Γ y b)

  show ?case proof(cases "x=y")
    case True
    hence "((y, b, c)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv  = Γ" using subst_gv.simps by auto
    moreover have  "Θ;   wf Γ"  using  wfG_cons1I by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    have "Γ1  GNil" using wfG_cons1I False by auto
    then obtain G where "Γ1 = (y, b, c)  #Γ G" using GCons_eq_append_conv wfG_cons1I by auto
    hence *:"Γ = G @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2" using wfG_cons1I by auto
    hence  "((y, b, c)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv  =(y, b, c[x::=v']cv) #ΓΓ[x::=v']Γv" using subst_gv.simps False by auto
    moreover have "Θ;  wf (y, b, c[x::=v']cv) #ΓΓ[x::=v']Γv" proof(rule  Wellformed.wfG_cons1I)
      show c[x::=v']cv  {TRUE, FALSE} using wfG_cons1I subst_c_TRUE_FALSE by auto
      show Θ;  wf Γ[x::=v']Γv using wfG_cons1I * by auto
      have "Γ = (G @ ((x, b', c') #ΓGNil)) @ Γ2" using * append_g_assoc by auto
      hence "atom y  Γ2" using fresh_suffix  atom y  Γ  by auto
      hence "atom y  v'" using wfG_cons1I wfV_x_fresh by metis
      thus atom y  Γ[x::=v']Γv using fresh_subst_gv wfG_cons1I by auto
      have "((y, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv = (y, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv" using subst_gv.simps subst_cv.simps False by auto
      thus  Θ; ; (y, b, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf c[x::=v']cv using wfG_cons1I(6)[of "(y,b,TRUE) #ΓG"] * subst_gv.simps 
        wfG_cons1I by fastforce
      show "Θ;  wf b " using wfG_cons1I by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto   
  case (wfG_cons2I c Θ  Γ y b)
  show ?case proof(cases "x=y")
    case True
    hence "((y, b, c)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv  = Γ" using subst_gv.simps by auto
    moreover have  "Θ;  wf Γ"  using  wfG_cons2I by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    have "Γ1  GNil" using wfG_cons2I False by auto
    then obtain G where "Γ1 = (y, b, c)  #Γ G"  using GCons_eq_append_conv wfG_cons2I by auto
    hence *:"Γ = G @ (x, b', c')  #Γ Γ2" using wfG_cons2I by auto
    hence  "((y, b, c)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv  =(y, b, c[x::=v']cv) #ΓΓ[x::=v']Γv" using subst_gv.simps False by auto
    moreover have "Θ;  wf (y, b, c[x::=v']cv) #ΓΓ[x::=v']Γv" proof(rule  Wellformed.wfG_cons2I)
      show c[x::=v']cv  {TRUE, FALSE} using subst_cv.simps wfG_cons2I by auto
      show Θ;  wf Γ[x::=v']Γv using wfG_cons2I * by auto
      have "Γ = (G @ ((x, b', c') #ΓGNil)) @ Γ2" using * append_g_assoc by auto
      hence "atom y  Γ2" using fresh_suffix wfG_cons2I by metis
      hence "atom y  v'" using wfG_cons2I  wfV_x_fresh by metis
      thus atom y  Γ[x::=v']Γv using fresh_subst_gv wfG_cons2I by auto
      show "Θ;  wf b " using wfG_cons2I by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto  
  case (wfCE_valI Θ  Γ v b)
   then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfCE_plusI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfCE_leqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfCE_eqI Θ  Γ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_cev.simps
    using  Wellformed.wfCE_eqI by metis
  case (wfCE_fstI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfCE_fstI subst_cev.simps by metis
  case (wfCE_sndI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
 then show ?case using subst_cev.simps  wf_intros by metis
  case (wfCE_concatI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
 then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
  case (wfCE_lenI Θ  Γ v1)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros by auto
qed(metis subst_sv.simps wf_intros)+

lemma wf_subst2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def
  shows    "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf e : b     Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ;   ; Γ2 wf v' : b'   Θ ; Φ ;    ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ;  Δ[x::=v']Δv wf  e[x::=v']ev : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b    Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ ;  ; Γ2 wf v' : b'   Θ ; Φ ;    ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf  s[x::=v']sv : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t wf cs : b  Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ; ; Γ2  wf v' : b'   Θ; Φ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv ; tid ; dc ; t wf  subst_branchv cs x v' : b" and
         "Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ; ; Γ2  wf v' : b'   Θ; Φ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv ; tid ; dclist wf  subst_branchlv css x v' : b" and        
         "Θ  wf (Φ::Φ)  True " and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf Δ   Γ=Γ1@((x,b',c') #ΓΓ2)  Θ;   ; Γ2   wf v' : b'  Θ ;   ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf  Δ[x::=v']Δv" and    
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft    True"
      b and b and b and b and  Φ and Δ and ftq and ft 
      avoiding: x v' 
      arbitrary: Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1
  case (wfE_valI Θ Γ v b)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros wf_subst1 
    by (metis subst_ev.simps(1))
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps  wf_intros wf_subst1 by auto
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case 
    using subst_vv.simps  subst_ev.simps subst_ev.simps wf_subst1 Wellformed.wfE_leqI 
    by auto
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case 
    using subst_vv.simps  subst_ev.simps subst_ev.simps wf_subst1 Wellformed.wfE_eqI     
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types) subst_ev.simps(4) wfE_eqI.hyps(1) wfE_eqI.hyps(4) wfE_eqI.hyps(5) wfE_eqI.hyps(6) wfE_eqI.hyps(7) wfE_eqI.prems(1) wfE_eqI.prems(2) wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.wfE_eqI wfV_subst) (* 31 ms *)
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case using subst_vv.simps subst_ev.simps wf_subst1 Wellformed.wfE_fstI 
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps(5) wfE_fstI.hyps(1) wfE_fstI.hyps(4) wfE_fstI.hyps(5) wfE_fstI.prems(1) wfE_fstI.prems(2) wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.wfE_fstI wf_subst1(1)) (* 78 ms *)
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case 
      by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps wfE_sndI Wellformed.wfE_sndI wf_subst1(1)) 
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case 
    by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps wfE_sndI Wellformed.wfE_concatI wf_subst1(1)) 
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case 
      by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps wfE_sndI Wellformed.wfE_splitI wf_subst1(1)) 
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ Γ Δ v1)
then show ?case 
      by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps wfE_sndI Wellformed.wfE_lenI wf_subst1(1))
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ Γ Δ f x b c τ s' v)
then show ?case 
      by (metis (full_types) subst_ev.simps wfE_sndI Wellformed.wfE_appI wf_subst1(1))
   case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv1 v1 τ1 f1 x1 b1 c1 s1)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_ev.simps, rule)
    show "Θ  wf Φ" using wfE_appPI wfX_wfY by metis
    show "Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf Δ[x::=v']Δv " using wfE_appPI by auto
    show "Some (AF_fundef f1 (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1))) = lookup_fun Φ f1" using wfE_appPI by auto
    show "Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v1[x::=v']vv : b1[bv1::=b']b " using wfE_appPI wf_subst1 by auto
    show "Θ;   wf b' " using wfE_appPI by auto
    have "atom bv1  Γ[x::=v']Γv" using fresh_subst_gv_if wfE_appPI by metis
    moreover have "atom bv1  v1[x::=v']vv" using wfE_appPI fresh_subst_if  by simp
    moreover have "atom bv1  Δ[x::=v']Δv" using wfE_appPI fresh_subst_dv_if by simp
    ultimately show "atom bv1  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, b', v1[x::=v']vv, (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b']b)" 
      using wfE_appPI fresh_prodN by metis
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ  Γ Δ u τ)
  have " Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf (AE_mvar u) : b_of τ[x::=v']τv" proof
    show "Θ  wf Φ " using wfE_mvarI by auto
    show "Θ;   ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf Δ[x::=v']Δv " using wfE_mvarI by auto
    show "(u, τ[x::=v']τv)  setD Δ[x::=v']Δv" using wfE_mvarI subst_dv_member by auto
  thus ?case using subst_ev.simps b_of_subst by auto
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ Γ)
  then show ?case using subst_dv.simps  wf_intros wf_subst1 by auto
   case (wfD_cons Θ  Γ Δ τ u)
  moreover hence "u  fst ` setD Δ[x::=v']Δv" using subst_dv.simps subst_dv_iff  using subst_dv_fst_eq by presburger
  ultimately show ?case using subst_dv.simps Wellformed.wfD_cons wf_subst1 by auto
  case (wfPhi_emptyI Θ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (wfPhi_consI f Θ Φ ft)
  then show ?case by auto
   case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x2 c Γ Δ s b)
   show ?case unfolding subst_sv.simps proof
     show Θ; Φ; ; (x2, B_bool, c[x::=v']cv) #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b 
       using wfS_assertI(4)[of "(x2, B_bool, c) #Γ Γ1" x ]  wfS_assertI by auto

     show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv   wf c[x::=v']cv using wfS_assertI wf_subst1 by auto
     show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf Δ[x::=v']Δv  using wfS_assertI wf_subst1 by auto
     show atom x2  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, c[x::=v']cv, b, s[x::=v']sv)  
      apply(unfold fresh_prodN,intro conjI) 
      apply(simp add: wfS_assertI )+
      apply(metis fresh_subst_gv_if wfS_assertI)
      apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_dv_if wfS_assertI)
      apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_e_def wfS_assertI)        
      apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_τ_def wfS_assertI)  
      by(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_s_def wfS_assertI)  
  case (wfS_letI Θ Φ  Γ Δ e b1 y s b2)
  have "Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf LET y = (e[x::=v']ev) IN (s[x::=v']sv) : b2"  
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf e[x::=v']ev : b1 using wfS_letI by auto
    have  Θ ; Φ  ;  ; ((y, b1, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b2 
      using wfS_letI(6) wfS_letI append_g.simps by metis 
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (y, b1, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b2 
      using wfS_letI subst_gv.simps by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf Δ[x::=v']Δv using wfS_letI by auto
    show atom y  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, e[x::=v']ev, b2) 
      apply(unfold fresh_prodN,intro conjI) 
       apply(simp add: wfS_letI )+
       apply(metis fresh_subst_gv_if wfS_letI)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_dv_if wfS_letI)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_e_def wfS_letI)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_τ_def wfS_letI)      
  thus ?case using subst_sv.simps wfS_letI by auto
  case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 τ y s2 b)
  have "Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf LET y : τ[x::=v']τv = (s1[x::=v']sv) IN (s2[x::=v']sv) : b"  
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s1[x::=v']sv :  b_of (τ[x::=v']τv) using wfS_let2I b_of_subst by simp
    have Θ ; Φ  ;  ; ((y, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s2[x::=v']sv : b  
      using wfS_let2I append_g.simps by metis
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (y, b_of τ[x::=v']τv, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s2[x::=v']sv : b 
      using wfS_let2I subst_gv.simps append_g.simps using b_of_subst by simp
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv   wf τ[x::=v']τv using wfS_let2I wf_subst1 by metis
    show atom y  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, s1[x::=v']sv, b, τ[x::=v']τv) 
      apply(unfold fresh_prodN,intro conjI) 
       apply(simp add: wfS_let2I )+
       apply(metis fresh_subst_gv_if wfS_let2I)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_dv_if wfS_let2I)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_e_def wfS_let2I)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_v_if subst_v_τ_def wfS_let2I)+
  thus ?case using subst_sv.simps(3) subst_tv.simps wfS_let2I by auto
  case (wfS_varI Θ  Γ τ v u Φ Δ b s)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_sv.simps, auto simp add: u_fresh_xv,rule) 
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv   wf τ[x::=v']τv using wfS_varI wf_subst1 by auto
    have "b_of (τ[x::=v']τv) = b_of τ" using b_of_subst by auto
    thus Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v[x::=v']vv : b_of τ[x::=v']τv using wfS_varI wf_subst1 by auto
    have *:"atom u  v'" using wfV_supp wfS_varI fresh_def by metis
    show   atom u  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, τ[x::=v']τv, v[x::=v']vv,  b) 
      unfolding fresh_prodN apply(auto simp add: wfS_varI)
      using wfS_varI fresh_subst_gv * fresh_subst_dv by metis+
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; (u, τ[x::=v']τv)  #Δ Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b using wfS_varI by auto
  case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ  Γ Φ v)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_sv.simps, rule wf_intros)
    show (u, τ[x::=v']τv)  setD Δ[x::=v']Δv using subst_dv_iff wfS_assignI  using subst_dv_fst_eq 
      using subst_dv_member by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf Δ[x::=v']Δv using wfS_assignI by auto
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v[x::=v']vv : b_of τ[x::=v']τv using wfS_assignI b_of_subst wf_subst1 by auto
    show "Θ  wf Φ "  using wfS_assignI by auto
  case (wfS_matchI Θ  Γ v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b)
  show ?case  proof(subst subst_sv.simps, rule wf_intros)
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf v[x::=v']vv : B_id tid using wfS_matchI wf_subst1  by auto
    show AF_typedef tid dclist  set Θ using wfS_matchI by auto
    show Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv ; tid ; dclist  wf subst_branchlv cs x v'  : b using wfS_matchI by simp
    show "Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv  wf Δ[x::=v']Δv " using wfS_matchI by auto
    show "Θ  wf Φ " using wfS_matchI by auto
  case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ  y τ Γ Δ s b tid dc)
  have " Θ ; Φ  ;  ; Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv ; tid ; dc ; τ wf  dc y  (s[x::=v']sv) : b" 
    have Θ ; Φ  ;  ; ((y, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ)[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b 
      using wfS_branchI append_g.simps by metis
    thus Θ ; Φ  ;  ; (y, b_of τ, TRUE)  #Γ Γ[x::=v']Γv ; Δ[x::=v']Δv wf s[x::=v']sv : b 
      using subst_gv.simps b_of_subst wfS_branchI by simp
    show atom y  (Φ, Θ, , Γ[x::=v']Γv, Δ[x::=v']Δv, Γ[x::=v']Γv, τ) 
       apply(unfold fresh_prodN,intro conjI) 
       apply(simp add: wfS_branchI )+
       apply(metis fresh_subst_gv_if wfS_branchI)
       apply(simp add: fresh_prodN fresh_subst_dv_if wfS_branchI)
       apply(metis fresh_subst_gv_if wfS_branchI)+      
    show Θ; ; Γ[x::=v']Γv wf Δ[x::=v']Δv using wfS_branchI by auto
  thus ?case using subst_branchv.simps wfS_branchI by auto
  case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b dclist)
  then show ?case using subst_branchlv.simps wf_intros by metis
  case (wfS_cons Θ Φ  Γ Δ tid dclist' cs b css dclist)
  then show ?case using subst_branchlv.simps wf_intros by metis

qed(metis subst_sv.simps wf_subst1 wf_intros)+

lemmas wf_subst = wf_subst1 wf_subst2

lemma wfG_subst_wfV:
  assumes "Θ;  wf Γ' @ (x, b, c0[z0::=V_var x]cv)  #Γ Γ" and "wfV Θ  Γ v b"
  shows "Θ;  wf Γ'[x::=v]Γv @ Γ "
  using assms wf_subst subst_g_inside_simple by auto

lemma wfG_member_subst:
  assumes "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'@Γ)" and "wfG Θ  (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "x  x1"
  shows "c1'. (x1,b1,c1')  toSet ((Γ'[x::=v]Γv)@Γ)" 
proof -
  consider (lhs) "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet Γ'"  |  (rhs) "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet Γ" using  append_g_toSetU assms by auto
  thus ?thesis  proof(cases)
    case lhs
    hence "(x1,b1,c1[x::=v]cv)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv)" using   wfG_inside_fresh[THEN subst_gv_member_iff[OF lhs]] assms by metis
    hence "(x1,b1,c1[x::=v]cv)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv@Γ)"  using append_g_toSetU  by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case rhs
    hence "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv@Γ)"  using append_g_toSetU  by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma wfG_member_subst2:
  assumes "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "wfG Θ  (Γ'@((x,b,c) #ΓΓ))" and "x  x1"
  shows "c1'. (x1,b1,c1')  toSet ((Γ'[x::=v]Γv)@Γ)" 
proof -
  consider (lhs) "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet Γ'"  |  (rhs) "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet Γ" using  append_g_toSetU assms by auto
  thus ?thesis  proof(cases)
    case lhs
    hence "(x1,b1,c1[x::=v]cv)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv)" using   wfG_inside_fresh[THEN subst_gv_member_iff[OF lhs]] assms by metis
    hence "(x1,b1,c1[x::=v]cv)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv@Γ)"  using append_g_toSetU  by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case rhs
    hence "(x1,b1,c1)  toSet (Γ'[x::=v]Γv@Γ)"  using append_g_toSetU  by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma wbc_subst:
  fixes Γ::Γ and Γ'::Γ and v::v
  assumes "wfC Θ  (Γ'@((x,b,c') #ΓΓ)) c"  and  "Θ; ; Γ wf v : b"
  shows "Θ; ; ((Γ'[x::=v]Γv)@Γ) wf c[x::=v]cv" 
proof - 
  have "(Γ'@((x,b,c') #ΓΓ))[x::=v]Γv = ((Γ'[x::=v]Γv)@Γ)" using assms subst_g_inside_simple wfC_wf by metis
  thus ?thesis  using wf_subst1(2)[OF assms(1) _ assms(2)] by metis

lemma wfG_inside_fresh_suffix:
  assumes "wfG P B (Γ'@(x,b,c) #ΓΓ)"
  shows "atom x  Γ"
proof -
  have "wfG P B ((x,b,c) #ΓΓ)"  using wfG_suffix assms by auto
  thus ?thesis  using wfG_elims by metis

lemmas wf_b_subst_lemmas = subst_eb.simps wf_intros 
    forget_subst subst_b_b_def subst_b_v_def subst_b_ce_def fresh_e_opp_all subst_bb.simps wfV_b_fresh ms_fresh_all(6)

lemma wf_b_subst1:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and s::s and b'::b and ce::ce and td::type_def
            and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
  shows  "Θ ; B'  ; Γ  wf v : b'   {|bv|} = B'    Θ ;  B  wf b   Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb  wf  v[bv::=b]vb : b'[bv::=b]bb" and
         "Θ ; B' ;  Γ  wf  c             {|bv|} = B'  Θ ;  B wf  b  Θ ; B ;  Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf  c[bv::=b]cb" and
         "Θ ;  B' wf Γ            {|bv|} = B'        Θ ; B wf b  Θ ; B wf  Γ[bv::=b]Γb" and
         "Θ ;  B' ; Γ  wf τ         {|bv|} = B'   Θ ; B  wf  b  Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf  τ[bv::=b]τb" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  True" and 
         "wf Θ True" and        
         "Θ ;  B'  wf b'   {|bv|} = B'   Θ ;  B  wf  b   Θ ; B  wf b'[bv::=b]bb " and        
         "Θ ;  B' ;  Γ wf ce : b'     {|bv|} = B'  Θ ;  B  wf  b   Θ ;  B  ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb  wf  ce[bv::=b]ceb : b'[bv::=b]bb"  and
         "Θ  wf td    True"
      b' and c and Γ and τ and ts and Θ and b' and  b' and td 
      avoiding: bv b B
  case (wfB_intI Θ )
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfB_boolI Θ )
 then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfB_unitI Θ )
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfB_bitvecI Θ )
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfB_pairI Θ  b1 b2)
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfB_consI Θ s dclist )
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps Wellformed.wfB_consI by simp
  case (wfB_appI Θ ba s bva dclist )
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps Wellformed.wfB_appI forget_subst wfB_supp 
    by (metis bot.extremum_uniqueI ex_in_conv fresh_def subst_b_b_def supp_empty_fset)
  case (wfV_varI Θ ℬ1 Γ b1 c x)
  show ?case unfolding subst_vb.simps proof
    show "Θ ; B  wf Γ[bv::=b]Γb " using wfV_varI by auto
    show "Some (b1[bv::=b]bb, c[bv::=b]cb) = lookup Γ[bv::=b]Γb x" using subst_b_lookup wfV_varI by simp
  case (wfV_litI Θ  Γ l)
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfV_litI subst_b_base_for_lit by simp
  case (wfV_pairI Θ ℬ1 Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
  show ?case unfolding subst_vb.simps proof(subst subst_bb.simps,rule)
    show "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v1[bv::=b]vb : b1[bv::=b]bb" using wfV_pairI by simp
    show "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v2[bv::=b]vb : b2[bv::=b]bb " using wfV_pairI by simp
  case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b' c ℬ' Γ v) 
  show ?case unfolding subst_vb.simps proof(subst subst_bb.simps, rule  Wellformed.wfV_consI) 
    show 1:"AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ" using wfV_consI by auto
    show 2:"(dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist"  using wfV_consI by auto
    have "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v[bv::=b]vb : b'[bv::=b]bb"  using wfV_consI by auto
    moreover hence "supp b' = {}" using 1 2 wfTh_lookup_supp_empty τ.supp wfX_wfY by blast
    moreover hence  "b'[bv::=b]bb = b'" using  forget_subst subst_bb_def fresh_def       by (metis empty_iff subst_b_b_def)
    ultimately show  "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v[bv::=b]vb : b'" using wfV_consI by simp
  case (wfV_conspI s bva dclist Θ dc x b' c ℬ' ba Γ v)
  have *:"atom bv  b'" using  wfTh_poly_supp_b[of s bva dclist Θ dc x b' c] fresh_def wfX_wfY atom bva  bv 
    by (metis insert_iff not_self_fresh singleton_insert_inj_eq' subsetI subset_antisym wfV_conspI wfV_conspI.hyps(4) wfV_conspI.prems(2))
  show ?case unfolding subst_vb.simps subst_bb.simps proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bva dclist  set Θ using wfV_conspI by auto
    show (dc,  x : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    thus Θ ; B  wf ba[bv::=b]bb using wfV_conspI by metis
    have "atom bva  Γ[bv::=b]Γb" using fresh_subst_if subst_b_Γ_def wfV_conspI by metis
    moreover have "atom bva  ba[bv::=b]bb"  using fresh_subst_if subst_b_b_def wfV_conspI by metis
    moreover have "atom bva  v[bv::=b]vb"  using fresh_subst_if subst_b_v_def wfV_conspI by metis 
    ultimately show atom bva  (Θ, B, Γ[bv::=b]Γb, ba[bv::=b]bb, v[bv::=b]vb) 
      unfolding fresh_prodN using wfV_conspI fresh_def supp_fset by auto 
    show Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v[bv::=b]vb : b'[bva::=ba[bv::=b]bb]bb 
      using wfV_conspI  subst_bb_commute[of bv b' bva ba b] * wfV_conspI by metis
  case (wfTI z Θ ℬ' Γ'  b' c)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_tb.simps, rule Wellformed.wfTI)
    show "atom z   (Θ, B, Γ'[bv::=b]Γb)" using wfTI   subst_g_b_x_fresh by simp
    show "Θ ;  B  wf b'[bv::=b]bb " using wfTI by auto
    show "Θ ;  B ; (z, b'[bv::=b]bb, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'[bv::=b]Γb   wf c[bv::=b]cb " using wfTI by simp
  case (wfC_eqI Θ ℬ' Γ e1 b' e2)
  thus ?case using Wellformed.wfC_eqI subst_db.simps  subst_cb.simps wfC_eqI by metis
  case (wfG_nilI Θ ℬ')
  then show ?case using Wellformed.wfG_nilI subst_gb.simps by simp
  case (wfG_cons1I c' Θ ℬ' Γ' x b')
  show ?case proof(subst subst_gb.simps, rule Wellformed.wfG_cons1I)
    show "c'[bv::=b]cb  {TRUE, FALSE}" using wfG_cons1I(1)
      by(nominal_induct c' rule: c.strong_induct,auto+) 
    show "Θ ;  B  wf Γ'[bv::=b]Γb "  using wfG_cons1I by auto
    show "atom x  Γ'[bv::=b]Γb"  using wfG_cons1I subst_g_b_x_fresh by auto
    show "Θ ;  B ; (x, b'[bv::=b]bb, TRUE)  #Γ Γ'[bv::=b]Γb   wf c'[bv::=b]cb"  using wfG_cons1I by auto
    show "Θ ;  B  wf b'[bv::=b]bb "  using wfG_cons1I by auto
  case (wfG_cons2I c' Θ ℬ' Γ' x b')
  show ?case proof(subst subst_gb.simps, rule Wellformed.wfG_cons2I)
    show "c'[bv::=b]cb  {TRUE, FALSE}" using wfG_cons2I by auto
    show "Θ ;  B  wf Γ'[bv::=b]Γb "  using wfG_cons2I by auto
    show "atom x  Γ'[bv::=b]Γb"  using wfG_cons2I subst_g_b_x_fresh by auto
    show "Θ ;  B  wf b'[bv::=b]bb "  using wfG_cons2I by auto
  case (wfCE_valI Θ  Γ v b)
  then show ?case using subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   
    by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas wfCE_b_fresh)
  case (wfCE_plusI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   
    by metis
  case (wfCE_leqI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
  then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   
    by metis
  case (wfCE_eqI Θ  Γ v1 b v2)
  then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   
    by metis
  case (wfCE_fstI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
   then show ?case 
     by (metis (no_types) subst_bb.simps(5) subst_ceb.simps(3) wfCE_fstI.hyps(2) 
        wfCE_fstI.prems(1) wfCE_fstI.prems(2) Wellformed.wfCE_fstI) 
  case (wfCE_sndI Θ  Γ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case 
     by (metis (no_types) subst_bb.simps(5) subst_ceb.simps wfCE_sndI.hyps(2) 
        wfCE_sndI wfCE_sndI.prems(2) Wellformed.wfCE_sndI) 
  case (wfCE_concatI Θ  Γ v1 v2)
   then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY wf_b_subst_lemmas wfCE_b_fresh  
   proof -
     show ?thesis
       using wfCE_concatI.hyps(2) wfCE_concatI.hyps(4) wfCE_concatI.prems(1) wfCE_concatI.prems(2) 
           Wellformed.wfCE_concatI by auto (* 46 ms *)
  case (wfCE_lenI Θ  Γ v1)
   then show ?case using  subst_bb.simps subst_ceb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY wf_b_subst_lemmas wfCE_b_fresh  by metis
qed(auto simp add: wf_intros)

lemma wf_b_subst2:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and s::s and b'::b and ce::ce and td::type_def
            and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
  shows  "Θ ; Φ ;  B' ;  Γ ; Δ wf e : b'     {|bv|} = B'  Θ ; B  wf  b   Θ ; Φ ;  B  ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb ;  Δ[bv::=b]Δb wf  e[bv::=b]eb : b'[bv::=b]bb" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ wf s : b    True" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t  wf cs : b  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ ;   ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist wf css : b  True" and      
         "Θ  wf (Φ::Φ)  True " and
         "Θ ;  B' ; Γ  wf Δ    {|bv|} = B'  Θ ; B   wf b  Θ ;  B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf  Δ[bv::=b]Δb" and      
         "Θ ; Φ   wf ftq  True" and
         "Θ ; Φ  ;  wf ft    True"
      b' and b and b and b and Φ and Δ and  ftq and ft 
      avoiding: bv b B
  case (wfE_valI Θ' Φ' ℬ' Γ' Δ' v' b')
  then show ?case unfolding subst_vb.simps subst_eb.simps using wf_b_subst1(1) Wellformed.wfE_valI  by auto    
  case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps  
      using wf_b_subst_lemmas wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_plusI 
    proof -
      have "b ba v g f ts. (( ts ; f ; g[bv::=ba]Γb wf v[bv::=ba]vb : b[bv::=ba]bb)  ¬ ts ;  ; g wf v : b )  ¬ ts ; f wf ba"
        using wfE_plusI.prems(1) wf_b_subst1(1) by force (* 0.0 ms *)
      then show "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb ; Δ[bv::=b]Δb wf [ plus v1[bv::=b]vb v2[bv::=b]vb ]e : B_int[bv::=b]bb"
        by (metis wfE_plusI.hyps(1) wfE_plusI.hyps(4) wfE_plusI.hyps(5) wfE_plusI.hyps(6) wfE_plusI.prems(1) wfE_plusI.prems(2) wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.wfE_plusI wf_b_subst_lemmas(86))
  case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
   then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps  
     using wf_b_subst_lemmas wf_b_subst1  Wellformed.wfE_leqI       
   proof -
     have "ts f b ba g v. ¬ (ts ; f wf b)  ¬ (ts ; {|ba|} ; g wf v : B_int)  (ts ; f ; g[ba::=b]Γb wf v[ba::=b]vb : B_int)"
       by (metis wf_b_subst1(1) wf_b_subst_lemmas(86)) (* 46 ms *)
     then show "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb ; Δ[bv::=b]Δb wf [ leq v1[bv::=b]vb v2[bv::=b]vb ]e : B_bool[bv::=b]bb"
       by (metis (no_types) wfE_leqI.hyps(1) wfE_leqI.hyps(4) wfE_leqI.hyps(5) wfE_leqI.hyps(6) wfE_leqI.prems(1) wfE_leqI.prems(2) wfE_wfS_wfCS_wfCSS_wfPhi_wfD_wfFTQ_wfFT.wfE_leqI wf_b_subst_lemmas(87)) (* 46 ms *)
  case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 bb v2)
  show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps subst_bb.simps proof
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfX_wfY wfE_eqI by metis
    show Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf Δ[bv::=b]Δb using wfX_wfY wfE_eqI by metis
    show Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v1[bv::=b]vb : bb using subst_bb.simps wfE_eqI 
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) empty_iff insert_iff wf_b_subst1(1))
    show Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v2[bv::=b]vb : bb using wfX_wfY wfE_eqI       
      by (metis insert_iff singleton_iff wf_b_subst1(1) wf_b_subst_lemmas(86) wf_b_subst_lemmas(87) wf_b_subst_lemmas(90))
    show bb  {B_bool, B_int, B_unit} using wfE_eqI by auto
  case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps   using wf_b_subst_lemmas(84) wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_fstI         
    by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas(89))
  case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps   using wf_b_subst_lemmas(86) wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_sndI 
  by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas(89))
  case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps   using wf_b_subst_lemmas(86) wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_concatI  
  by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas(91))
  case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1 v2)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps   using wf_b_subst_lemmas(86) wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_splitI    
    by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas(89) wf_b_subst_lemmas(91))
  case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ  Γ Δ v1)
  then show ?case unfolding subst_eb.simps   using wf_b_subst_lemmas(86) wf_b_subst1(1)  Wellformed.wfE_lenI  
    by (metis wf_b_subst_lemmas(91) wf_b_subst_lemmas(89))
  case (wfE_appI Θ Φ ℬ' Γ Δ f x b' c τ s v)
  hence bf: "atom bv  b'" using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT wfT_supp bv_not_in_dom_g  wfPhi_f_simple_supp_b fresh_def by fast
  hence bseq: "b'[bv::=b]bb = b'" using subst_bb.simps wf_b_subst_lemmas by metis
  have "Θ ; Φ  ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb ; Δ[bv::=b]Δb wf (AE_app f (v[bv::=b]vb)) : (b_of (τ[bv::=b]τb))" 
    show "Θ  wf Φ" using wfE_appI by auto
    show "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf Δ[bv::=b]Δb " using wfE_appI by simp 
    have "atom bv  τ" using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT[OF wfE_appI(5) wfE_appI(1),THEN wfT_supp]  bv_not_in_dom_g fresh_def by force
    hence " τ[bv::=b]τb = τ"  using forget_subst subst_b_τ_def by metis
    thus  "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b' c τ[bv::=b]τb s))) = lookup_fun Φ f" using wfE_appI by simp
    show "Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v[bv::=b]vb : b'" using wfE_appI bseq wf_b_subst1 by metis
  then show ?case using subst_eb.simps b_of_subst_bb_commute by simp
  case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ  Γ Δ b' bv1 v1 τ1 f x1 b1 c1 s1)
  then have *: "atom bv  b1" using wfPhi_f_supp(1)  wfE_appPI(7,11) 
      by (metis fresh_def fresh_finsert singleton_iff subsetD fresh_def supp_at_base wfE_appPI.hyps(1))
  have "Θ ; Φ  ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb ; Δ[bv::=b]Δb wf AE_appP f b'[bv::=b]bb (v1[bv::=b]vb) : (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b'[bv::=b]bb]b"
    show Θ  wf Φ using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf Δ[bv::=b]Δb using wfE_appPI by auto
    show Θ ; B  wf b'[bv::=b]bb using wfE_appPI wf_b_subst1 by auto
    have "atom bv1  Γ[bv::=b]Γb" using fresh_subst_if subst_b_Γ_def wfE_appPI by metis
    moreover have "atom bv1  b'[bv::=b]bb"  using fresh_subst_if subst_b_b_def wfE_appPI by metis
    moreover have "atom bv1  v1[bv::=b]vb"  using fresh_subst_if subst_b_v_def wfE_appPI by metis 
    moreover have "atom bv1  Δ[bv::=b]Δb" using fresh_subst_if subst_b_Δ_def wfE_appPI by metis 
    moreover have "atom bv1  (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b'[bv::=b]bb]bb" using fresh_subst_if subst_b_b_def wfE_appPI by metis 
    ultimately show "atom bv1  (Φ, Θ, B, Γ[bv::=b]Γb, Δ[bv::=b]Δb, b'[bv::=b]bb, v1[bv::=b]vb, (b_of τ1)[bv1::=b'[bv::=b]bb]b)"
      using wfE_appPI using fresh_def fresh_prodN subst_b_b_def by metis
    show Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv1 (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ1 s1))) = lookup_fun Φ f using wfE_appPI by auto

    have  Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v1[bv::=b]vb : b1[bv1::=b']b[bv::=b]bb  
      using wfE_appPI  subst_b_b_def * wf_b_subst1 by metis
    thus  Θ ; B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf v1[bv::=b]vb : b1[bv1::=b'[bv::=b]bb]b 
       using  subst_bb_commute subst_b_b_def *  by auto
  moreover have "atom bv  b_of τ1" proof -
    have "supp  (b_of τ1)  { atom bv1 }" using wfPhi_f_poly_supp_b_of_t
      using b_of.simps  wfE_appPI  wfPhi_f_supp(5) by simp
    thus ?thesis using  wfE_appPI 
      fresh_def fresh_finsert singleton_iff subsetD fresh_def supp_at_base wfE_appPI.hyps by metis
  ultimately show ?case using subst_eb.simps(3) subst_bb_commute subst_b_b_def * by simp
  case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ ℬ' Γ Δ u τ)

  have "Θ ; Φ  ;  B ; subst_gb  Γ bv b ; subst_db  Δ bv b wf (AE_mvar u)[bv::=b]eb : (b_of (τ[bv::=b]τb))" 
  proof(subst subst_eb.simps,rule Wellformed.wfE_mvarI)
    show "Θ  wf Φ "  using wfE_mvarI by simp
    show "Θ ;  B ; Γ[bv::=b]Γb wf Δ[bv::=b]Δb"  using wfE_mvarI by metis
    show "(u, τ[bv::=b]τb)  setD Δ[bv::=b]Δb" 
      using wfE_mvarI subst_db.simps set_insert subst_d_b_member by simp
  thus  ?case using  b_of_subst_bb_commute by auto

  case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ  Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
  then show ?case using subst_bb.simps wf_intros wfX_wfY   by metis
  case (wfD_emptyI Θ ℬ' Γ)
  then show ?case using subst_db.simps Wellformed.wfD_emptyI wf_b_subst1 by simp
  case (wfD_cons Θ ℬ' Γ' Δ τ u)
  show ?case proof(subst subst_db.simps, rule Wellformed.wfD_cons )
    show "Θ ;  B ; Γ'[bv::=b]Γb wf Δ[bv::=b]Δb " using wfD_cons by auto
    show "Θ ;  B ; Γ'[bv::=b]Γb   wf τ[bv::=b]τb  "  using wfD_cons wf_b_subst1 by auto
    show "u  fst ` setD Δ[bv::=b]Δb" using wfD_cons subst_b_lookup_d by metis
  case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ  x c Γ Δ s b)
  show ?case by auto

lemmas wf_b_subst = wf_b_subst1 wf_b_subst2

lemma wfT_subst_wfT:
  fixes τ::τ and b'::b and bv::bv 
  assumes "Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c) #ΓGNil   wf τ" and "Θ ; B wf b'"
  shows "Θ ;  B ; (x,b[bv::=b']bb,c[bv::=b']cb) #ΓGNil  wf  (τ[bv::=b']τb)"
proof - 
  have  "Θ ;  B ; ((x,b,c) #ΓGNil)[bv::=b']Γb  wf  (τ[bv::=b']τb)"
    using wf_b_subst assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using subst_gb.simps wf_b_subst_lemmas wfCE_b_fresh  by metis

lemma wf_trans:
  fixes Γ::Γ and  Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b::b and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and s::s
          and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list and Θ::Θ
  shows  "Θ; ; Γ  wf v : b'         Γ = (x, b, c2)  #Γ G   Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf c2    Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf v : b'" and
          "Θ; ; Γ  wf  c            Γ = (x, b, c2)  #Γ G  Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf c2  Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf c" and
         "Θ;  wf Γ                 True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf τ             True" and
         "Θ; ; Γ  wf ts  True" and 
         "wf Θ True" and      
         "Θ;  wf b  True " and       
         "Θ; ; Γ wf ce : b'     Γ = (x, b, c2)  #Γ G  Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf c2   Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G   wf ce : b' " and
         "Θ  wf td    True"
     b' and c and Γ and τ and ts and Θ and  b and  b' and td 
     avoiding: c1
   arbitrary: Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and Γ1 and  Γ1 and Γ1 
  case (wfV_varI Θ  Γ b' c' x')
  have wbg: "Θ;   wf (x, b, c1)  #Γ G " using wfC_wf wfV_varI by simp
  show ?case proof(cases "x=x'")
    case True
    have "Some (b', c1) = lookup ((x, b, c1)  #Γ G) x'" using lookup.simps wfV_varI  using True by auto
    then show ?thesis using Wellformed.wfV_varI wbg by simp
    case False
    then have "Some (b', c') = lookup ((x, b, c1)  #Γ G) x'" using lookup.simps wfV_varI 
      by simp
    then show ?thesis using Wellformed.wfV_varI wbg by simp
 case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc x1 b' c  b1 Γ v)
  show ?case proof
    show AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ using wfV_conspI by auto
    show (dc,  x1 : b'  | c )  set dclist using wfV_conspI by auto
    show Θ;   wf b1 using wfV_conspI by auto
    show atom bv  (Θ, , (x, b, c1)  #Γ G, b1, v) unfolding fresh_prodN fresh_GCons using wfV_conspI  fresh_prodN fresh_GCons by simp
    show Θ; ; (x, b, c1)  #Γ G wf v : b'[bv::=b1]bb using wfV_conspI by auto
qed( (auto | metis wfC_wf wf_intros) +)
