Theory MLSS_Calculus

theory MLSS_Calculus
  imports "HOL-Library.Sublist" MLSS_Semantics MLSS_Typing_Defs

section ‹A Tableau Calculus for MLSS›
text ‹
  In this theory, we define a tableau calculus for MLSS.

subsection ‹Closedness›

fun member_seq :: "'a pset_term  'a pset_atom list  'a pset_term  bool" where
  "member_seq s [] t  s = t"
| "member_seq s ((s' s u) # cs) t  s = s'  member_seq u cs t"
| "member_seq _ _ _  False"

fun member_cycle :: "'a pset_atom list  bool" where
  "member_cycle ((s s t) # cs) = member_seq s ((s s t) # cs) s"
| "member_cycle _ = False"

inductive bclosed :: "'a branch  bool" where
  contr: " φ  set b; Neg φ  set b   bclosed b"
| memEmpty: "AT (t s ( n))  set b  bclosed b"
| neqSelf: "AF (t =s t)  set b  bclosed b"
| memberCycle: " member_cycle cs; set cs  Atoms (set b)   bclosed b"

abbreviation "bopen b  ¬ bclosed b"

subsection ‹Linear Expansion Rules›

fun tlvl_terms :: "'a pset_atom  'a pset_term set" where
  "tlvl_terms (t1 s t2) = {t1, t2}"
| "tlvl_terms (t1 =s t2) = {t1, t2}"

lemma tlvl_intros[intro, simp]:
  "t1  tlvl_terms (t1 s t2)"
  "t2  tlvl_terms (t2 s t1)"
  "t1  tlvl_terms (t1 =s t2)"
  "t2  tlvl_terms (t2 =s t1)"
  by auto
fun subst_tlvl :: "'a pset_term  'a pset_term  'a pset_atom  'a pset_atom" where
  "subst_tlvl t1 t2 (s1 s s2) =
    (if s1 = t1 then t2 else s1) s (if s2 = t1 then t2 else s2)"
| "subst_tlvl t1 t2 (s1 =s s2) =
    (if s1 = t1 then t2 else s1) =s (if s2 = t1 then t2 else s2)"

inductive lexpands_fm :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "And p q  set b  lexpands_fm [p, q] b"
| "Neg (Or p q)  set b  lexpands_fm [Neg p, Neg q] b"
| " Or p q  set b; Neg p  set b   lexpands_fm [q] b"
| " Or p q  set b; Neg q  set b   lexpands_fm [p] b"
| " Neg (And p q)  set b; p  set b   lexpands_fm [Neg q] b"
| " Neg (And p q)  set b; q  set b   lexpands_fm [Neg p] b"
| "Neg (Neg p)  set b  lexpands_fm [p] b"

inductive lexpands_un :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b  lexpands_un [AF (s s t1), AF (s s t2)] b"
| " AT (s s t1)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_un [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b"
| " AT (s s t2)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_un [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b"
| " AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b; AF (s s t1)  set b 
     lexpands_un [AT (s s t2)] b"
| " AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b 
     lexpands_un [AT (s s t1)] b"
| " AF (s s t1)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_un [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b"

inductive lexpands_int :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b  lexpands_int [AT (s s t1), AT (s s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_int [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t2)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_int [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b; AT (s s t1)  set b 
     lexpands_int [AF (s s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b; AT (s s t2)  set b 
     lexpands_int [AF (s s t1)] b"
| " AT (s s t1)  set b; AT (s s t2)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_int [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b"

inductive lexpands_diff :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "AT (s s t1 -s t2)  set b  lexpands_diff [AT (s s t1), AF (s s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1)  set b; t1 -s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_diff [AF (s s t1 -s t2)] b"
| " AT (s s t2)  set b; t1 -s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_diff [AF (s s t1 -s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1 -s t2)  set b; AT (s s t1)  set b 
     lexpands_diff [AT (s s t2)] b"
| " AF (s s t1 -s t2)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b 
     lexpands_diff [AF (s s t1)] b"
| " AT (s s t1)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b; t1 -s t2  subterms (last b) 
     lexpands_diff [AT (s s t1 -s t2)] b"

inductive lexpands_single :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "Single t1  subterms (last b)  lexpands_single [AT (t1 s Single t1)] b"
| "AT (s s Single t1)  set b  lexpands_single [AT (s =s t1)] b"
| "AF (s s Single t1)  set b  lexpands_single [AF (s =s t1)] b"

inductive lexpands_eq :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  " AT (t1 =s t2)  set b; AT l  set b; t1  tlvl_terms l 
     lexpands_eq [AT (subst_tlvl t1 t2 l)] b"
| " AT (t1 =s t2)  set b; AF l  set b; t1  tlvl_terms l 
     lexpands_eq [AF (subst_tlvl t1 t2 l)] b"
| " AT (t1 =s t2)  set b; AT l  set b; t2  tlvl_terms l 
     lexpands_eq [AT (subst_tlvl t2 t1 l)] b"
| " AT (t1 =s t2)  set b; AF l  set b; t2  tlvl_terms l 
     lexpands_eq [AF (subst_tlvl t2 t1 l)] b"
| " AT (s s t)  set b; AF (s' s t)  set b 
     lexpands_eq [AF (s =s s')] b"

fun polarise :: "bool  'a fm  'a fm" where
  "polarise True φ = φ"
| "polarise False φ = Neg φ"

lemma lexpands_eq_induct'[consumes 1, case_names subst neq]:
  assumes "lexpands_eq b' b"
  assumes "t1 t2 t1' t2' p l b. 
       AT (t1 =s t2)  set b; polarise p (Atom l)  set b;
       (t1', t2')  {(t1, t2), (t2, t1)}; t1'  tlvl_terms l 
       P [polarise p (Atom (subst_tlvl t1' t2' l))] b"
  assumes "s t s' b.  AT (s s t)  set b; AF (s' s t)  set b   P [AF (s =s s')] b"
  shows "P b' b"
  using assms(1)
  apply(induction rule: lexpands_eq.induct)
  by (metis assms(2-) insertI1 insertI2 polarise.simps)+

inductive lexpands :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "lexpands_fm b' b  lexpands b' b"
| "lexpands_un b' b  lexpands b' b"
| "lexpands_int b' b  lexpands b' b"
| "lexpands_diff b' b  lexpands b' b"
| "lexpands_single b' b  lexpands b' b"
| "lexpands_eq b' b  lexpands b' b"

lemma lexpands_induct[consumes 1]:
  assumes "lexpands b' b"
  shows "
    (p q b. And p q  set b  P [p, q] b) 
    (p q b. Neg (Or p q)  set b  P [Neg p, Neg q] b) 
    (p q b. Or p q  set b  Neg p  set b  P [q] b) 
    (p q b. Or p q  set b  Neg q  set b  P [p] b) 
    (p q b. Neg (And p q)  set b  p  set b  P [Neg q] b) 
    (p q b. Neg (And p q)  set b  q  set b  P [Neg p] b) 
    (p b. Neg (Neg p)  set b  P [p] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b  P [AF (s s t1), AF (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AT (s s t1)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t2 b t1. AT (s s t2)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b  AF (s s t1)  set b  P [AT (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b  AF (s s t2)  set b  P [AT (s s t1)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AF (s s t1)  set b  AF (s s t2)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b  P [AT (s s t1), AT (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AF (s s t1)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t2 b t1. AF (s s t2)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AF (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b  AT (s s t1)  set b  P [AF (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AF (s s t1 s t2)  set b  AT (s s t2)  set b  P [AF (s s t1)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AT (s s t1)  set b  AT (s s t2)  set b  t1 s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AT (s s t1 s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AT (s s t1 -s t2)  set b  P [AT (s s t1),  AF (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AF (s s t1)  set b  t1 -s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AF (s s t1 -s t2)] b) 
    (s t2 b t1. AT (s s t2)  set b  t1 -s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AF (s s t1 -s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AF (s s t1 -s t2)  set b  AT (s s t1)  set b  P [AT (s s t2)] b) 
    (s t1 t2 b. AF (s s t1 -s t2)  set b  AF (s s t2)  set b  P [AF (s s t1)] b) 
    (s t1 b t2. AT (s s t1)  set b  AF (s s t2)  set b  t1 -s t2  subterms (last b)  P [AT (s s t1 -s t2)] b) 
    (t1 b. Single t1  subterms (last b)  P [AT (t1 s Single t1)] b) 
    (s t1 b. AT (s s Single t1)  set b  P [AT (s =s t1)] b) 
    (s t1 b. AF (s s Single t1)  set b  P [AF (s =s t1)] b) 
    (t1 t2 b l. AT (t1 =s t2)  set b  AT l  set b  t1  tlvl_terms l  P [AT (subst_tlvl t1 t2 l)] b) 
    (t1 t2 b l. AT (t1 =s t2)  set b  AF l  set b  t1  tlvl_terms l  P [AF (subst_tlvl t1 t2 l)] b) 
    (t1 t2 b l. AT (t1 =s t2)  set b  AT l  set b  t2  tlvl_terms l  P [AT (subst_tlvl t2 t1 l)] b) 
    (t1 t2 b l. AT (t1 =s t2)  set b  AF l  set b  t2  tlvl_terms l  P [AF (subst_tlvl t2 t1 l)] b)   
    (s t b s'. AT (s s t)  set b  AF (s' s t)  set b  P [AF (s =s s')] b)  P b' b"
  using assms
  apply(induction rule: lexpands.induct)
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_fm.induct) by metis+
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_un.induct) by metis+
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_int.induct) by metis+
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_diff.induct) by metis+
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_single.induct) by metis+
  subgoal apply(induction rule: lexpands_eq.induct) by metis+

subsection ‹Fulfilling Expansion Rules›

inductive bexpands_nowit :: "'a branch set  'a branch  bool" where
  " Or p q  set b;
     p  set b; Neg p  set b 
     bexpands_nowit {[p], [Neg p]} b"
| " Neg (And p q)  set b;
     Neg p  set b; p  set b 
     bexpands_nowit {[Neg p], [p]} b"
| " AT (s s t1 s t2)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b);
     AT (s s t1)  set b; AF (s s t1)  set b 
     bexpands_nowit {[AT (s s t1)], [AF (s s t1)]} b"
| " AT (s s t1)  set b; t1 s t2  subterms (last b);
     AT (s s t2)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b 
     bexpands_nowit {[AT (s s t2)], [AF (s s t2)]} b"
| " AT (s s t1)  set b; t1 -s t2  subterms (last b);
     AT (s s t2)  set b; AF (s s t2)  set b 
     bexpands_nowit {[AT (s s t2)], [AF (s s t2)]} b"

inductive bexpands_wit ::
  "'a pset_term  'a pset_term  'a  'a branch set  'a branch  bool" for t1 t2 x where
  " AF (t1 =s t2)  set b; t1  subterms (last b); t2  subterms (last b);
     x. AT (x s t1)  set b  AF (x s t2)  set b;
     x. AT (x s t2)  set b  AF (x s t1)  set b;
     x  vars b; ¬ urelem (last b) t1; ¬ urelem (last b) t2 
     bexpands_wit t1 t2 x {[AT (Var x s t1), AF (Var x s t2)],
                              [AT (Var x s t2), AF (Var x s t1)]} b"

inductive_cases bexpands_wit_cases[consumes 1]: "bexpands_wit t1 t2 x bs' b"

lemma bexpands_witD:
  assumes "bexpands_wit t1 t2 x bs' b"
  shows "bs' = {[AT (Var x s t1), AF (Var x s t2)],
               [AT (Var x s t2), AF (Var x s t1)]}"
        "AF (t1 =s t2)  set b" "t1  subterms (last b)" "t2  subterms (last b)"
        "x. AT (x s t1)  set b  AF (x s t2)  set b"
        "x. AT (x s t2)  set b  AF (x s t1)  set b"
        "¬ urelem (last b) t1" "¬ urelem (last b) t2"
        "x  vars b"
  using bexpands_wit.cases[OF assms] by metis+

inductive bexpands :: "'a branch set  'a branch  bool" where
  "bexpands_nowit bs' b  bexpands bs' b"
| "bexpands_wit t1 t2 x bs' b  bexpands bs' b"

lemma bexpands_disjnt:
  assumes "bexpands bs' b" "b'  bs'"
  shows "set b  set b' = {}"
  using assms
proof(induction bs' b rule: bexpands.induct)
  case (1 bs b)
  then show ?case
    by (induction rule: bexpands_nowit.induct) (auto intro: list.set_intros(1))
  case (2 t1 t2 x bs b)
  then show ?case
  proof(induction rule: bexpands_wit.induct)
    case (1 b)
    from x  vars b
    have "AT (Var x s t1)  set b" "AF (Var x s t1)  set b"
      unfolding vars_branch_def by auto
    with 1 show ?case
      by (auto intro: list.set_intros(1) simp: disjnt_iff vars_fm_vars_branchI)

lemma bexpands_branch_not_Nil:
  assumes "bexpands bs' b" "b'  bs'"
  shows "b'  []"
  using assms
proof(induction bs' b rule: bexpands.induct)
  case (1 bs' b)
  then show ?case
    by (induction rule: bexpands_nowit.induct) auto
  case (2 t1 t2 x bs' b)
  then show ?case
    by (induction rule: bexpands_wit.induct) auto

lemma bexpands_nonempty: "bexpands bs' b  bs'  {}"
proof(induction rule: bexpands.induct)
  case (1 bs' b)
  then show ?case by (induction rule: bexpands_nowit.induct) auto
  case (2 t1 t2 x bs' b)
  then show ?case by (induction rule: bexpands_wit.induct) auto

lemma bexpands_strict_mono:
  assumes "bexpands bs' b" "b'  bs'"
  shows "set b  set (b' @ b)"
  using bexpands_disjnt[OF assms] bexpands_branch_not_Nil[OF assms]
  by (simp add: less_le) (metis Un_Int_eq(1) set_empty2)

inductive_cases bexpands_cases[consumes 1, case_names no_param param]: "bexpands bs b"

subsection ‹Expansion Closure›

inductive expandss :: "'a branch  'a branch  bool" where
  "expandss b b"
| "lexpands b3 b2  set b2  set (b3 @ b2)  expandss b2 b1  expandss (b3 @ b2) b1"
| "bexpands bs b2  b3  bs  expandss b2 b1  expandss (b3 @ b2) b1"

lemma expandss_trans: "expandss b3 b2  expandss b2 b1  expandss b3 b1"
  by (induction rule: expandss.induct) (auto simp: expandss.intros)

lemma expandss_suffix:
  "expandss b1 b2  suffix b2 b1"
  apply(induction rule: expandss.induct)
    apply(auto simp: suffix_appendI)

lemmas expandss_mono = set_mono_suffix[OF expandss_suffix]

lemma expandss_last_eq[simp]:
  "expandss b' b  b  []  last b' = last b"
  by (metis expandss_suffix last_appendR suffix_def)

lemma expandss_not_Nil:
  "expandss b' b  b  []  b'  []"
  using expandss_suffix suffix_bot.extremum_uniqueI by blast

subsection ‹Well-Formed Branch›

definition "wf_branch b  φ. expandss b [φ]"

lemma wf_branch_singleton[simp]: "wf_branch [φ]"
  unfolding wf_branch_def using expandss.intros(1) by blast

lemma wf_branch_not_Nil[simp, intro?]: "wf_branch b  b  []"
  unfolding wf_branch_def
  using expandss_suffix suffix_bot.extremum_uniqueI by blast

lemma wf_branch_expandss: "wf_branch b  expandss b' b  wf_branch b'"
  using expandss_trans wf_branch_def by blast

lemma wf_branch_lexpands:
  "wf_branch b  lexpands b' b  set b  set (b' @ b)  wf_branch (b' @ b)"
  by (metis expandss.simps wf_branch_expandss)
