Theory Fresh_Identifiers.Fresh_Nat
section ‹Fresh identifier generation for natural numbers›
theory Fresh_Nat
imports Fresh
text ‹Assuming ‹x ≤ y›, ‹fresh2 xs x y› returns an element
outside the interval ‹(x,y)› that is fresh for ‹xs› and closest to this interval,
favoring smaller elements: ›
function fresh2 :: "nat set ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
"fresh2 xs x y =
(if x ∉ xs ∨ infinite xs then x else
if y ∉ xs then y else
fresh2 xs (x-1) (y+1))"
by auto
apply(relation "measure (λ(xs,x,y). (Max xs) + 1 - y)")
by (simp_all add: Suc_diff_le)
lemma fresh2_notIn: "finite xs ⟹ fresh2 xs x y ∉ xs"
by (induct xs x y rule: fresh2.induct) auto
lemma fresh2_eq: "x ∉ xs ⟹ fresh2 xs x y = x"
by auto
declare fresh2.simps[simp del]
instantiation nat :: fresh
text ‹‹fresh xs x y› returns an element
that is fresh for ‹xs› and closest to ‹x›, favoring smaller elements: ›
definition fresh_nat :: "nat set ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
"fresh_nat xs x ≡ fresh2 xs x x"
instance by standard (use fresh2_notIn fresh2_eq in ‹auto simp add: fresh_nat_def›)
text ‹Code generation›
lemma fresh2_list[code]:
"fresh2 (set xs) x y =
(if x ∉ set xs then x else
if y ∉ set xs then y else
fresh2 (set xs) (x-1) (y+1))"
by (auto simp: fresh2.simps)
text ‹Some tests: ›
value "[fresh {} (1::nat),
fresh {3,5,2,4} 3]"