Theory TheoremD7
theory TheoremD7
imports TheoremD6
context LocalLexing begin
lemma Derives1_keep_first_terminal: "Derives1 (x#u) i r (y#v) ⟹ is_terminal x ⟹ x = y"
by (metis Derives1_leftmost Derives1_take leftmost_cons_terminal list.sel(1) not_le take_Cons')
lemma Derives1_nonterminal_head:
assumes "Derives1 u i r (N#v)"
assumes "is_nonterminal N"
shows "∃ u' M. u = M#u' ∧ is_nonterminal M"
proof -
from assms have nonempty_u: "u ≠ []"
by (metis Derives1_bound less_nat_zero_code list.size(3))
have "∃ u' M. u = M#u'"
using count_terminals.cases nonempty_u by blast
then obtain u' M where split_u: "u = M#u'" by blast
have is_sentence_u: "is_sentence u" using assms
using Derives1_sentence1 by blast
then have "is_terminal M ∨ is_nonterminal M"
using is_sentence_cons is_symbol_distinct split_u by blast
then show ?thesis
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
have "is_terminal N"
using "1.hyps" Derives1_keep_first_terminal
assms(1) split_u by blast
with assms have "False" using is_terminal_nonterminal by blast
then show ?case by blast
case 2 with split_u show ?case by blast
lemma sentence_starts_with_nonterminal:
assumes "is_nonterminal N"
assumes "derives u []"
shows "∃ X r. u@[N] = X#r ∧ is_nonterminal X"
proof (cases "u = []")
case True thus ?thesis using assms(1) by blast
case False
then have "∃ X r. u = X#r" using count_terminals.cases by blast
then obtain X r where Xr: "u = X#r" by blast
then have "is_nonterminal X"
by (metis False assms(2) count_terminals.simps derives_count_terminals_leq
derives_is_sentence is_sentence_cons is_symbol_distinct not_le zero_less_Suc)
with Xr show ?thesis by auto
lemma Derives1_nonterminal_head':
assumes "Derives1 u i r (v1@[N]@v2)"
assumes "is_nonterminal N"
assumes "derives v1 []"
shows "∃ u' M. u = M#u' ∧ is_nonterminal M"
proof -
from sentence_starts_with_nonterminal[OF assms(2,3)]
obtain X r where "v1 @ [N] = X # r ∧ is_nonterminal X" by blast
then show ?thesis
by (metis Derives1_nonterminal_head append_Cons append_assoc assms(1))
lemma thmD7_helper:
assumes "LeftDerivation [𝔖] D (N#v)"
assumes "is_nonterminal N"
assumes "𝔖 ≠ N"
shows "∃ n M a a1 a2 w. n < length D ∧ (M, a) ∈ ℜ ∧ LeftDerivation [𝔖] (take n D) (M#w) ∧
a = a1 @ [N] @ a2 ∧ derives a1 []"
proof -
have "∃ n u v. LeftDerivation [𝔖] (take n D) (u@[N]@v) ∧ derives u []"
apply (rule_tac x="length D" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="v" in exI)
using assms by simp
then show ?thesis
proof (induct rule: ex_minimal_witness)
case (Minimal K)
have nonzero_K: "K ≠ 0"
proof (cases "K = 0")
case True
with Minimal have "∃ u v. [𝔖] = u@[N]@v"
using LeftDerivation.simps(1) take_0 by auto
with assms have "False" by (simp add: Cons_eq_append_conv)
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
then show ?thesis by arith
from Minimal(1)
obtain u v where uv: "LeftDerivation [𝔖] (take K D) (u @ [N] @ v) ∧ derives u []" by blast
from nonzero_K have "take K D ≠ []"
using Minimal.hyps(2) less_nat_zero_code nat_neq_iff take_eq_Nil uv by force
then have "∃ E e. (take K D) = E@[e]" using rev_exhaust by blast
then obtain E e where Ee: "take K D = E@[e]" by blast
with uv have "∃ x. LeftDerivation [𝔖] E x ∧ LeftDerives1 x (fst e) (snd e) (u @ [N] @ v)"
by (simp add: LeftDerivation_append)
then obtain x where x: "LeftDerivation [𝔖] E x ∧ LeftDerives1 x (fst e) (snd e) (u @ [N] @ v)"
by blast
then have "∃ w M. x = M#w ∧ is_nonterminal M"
using Derives1_nonterminal_head' LeftDerives1_implies_Derives1 assms(2) uv by blast
then obtain w M where split_x: "x = M#w" and is_nonterminal_M: "is_nonterminal M" by blast
from Ee nonzero_K have E: "E = take (K - 1) D"
by (metis Minimal.hyps(2) butlast_snoc butlast_take dual_order.strict_implies_order
le_less_linear take_all uv)
have "leftmost (fst e) (M#w)" using x LeftDerives1_def split_x by blast
with is_nonterminal_M have fst_e: "fst e = 0"
by (simp add: leftmost_cons_nonterminal leftmost_unique)
have Derives1: "Derives1 x 0 (snd e) (u @ [N] @ v)"
using LeftDerives1_implies_Derives1 fst_e x by auto
have x_splits_at: "splits_at x 0 [] M w"
by (simp add: split_x splits_at_def)
from Derives1 x_splits_at
have pq: "∃p q. u = [] @ p ∧ v = q @ w ∧ snd (snd e) = p @ [N] @ q"
proof (induct rule: Derives1_X_is_part_of_rule)
case (Suffix α) thus ?case by blast
case (Prefix β)
then have derives_β: "derives β []"
using Derives1_implies_derives1 derives1_implies_derives derives_trans uv by blast
with Prefix(1) x Minimal E nonzero_K show "False"
by (meson diff_less less_nat_zero_code less_one nat_neq_iff)
from this[simplified] obtain q where q: "v = q @ w ∧ snd (snd e) = u @ N # q" by blast
have M_def: "fst (snd e) = M"
using Derives1 Derives1_nonterminal x_splits_at by blast
show ?case
apply (rule_tac x="K-1" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="M" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="snd (snd e)" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="u" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="q" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="w" in exI)
by (metis Derives1 Derives1_rule E Ee M_def One_nat_def Suc_pred pq append_Nil
append_same_eq dual_order.strict_implies_order le_less_linear nonzero_K not_Cons_self2
not_gr0 not_less_eq prod.collapse q self_append_conv split_x take_all uv x)
lemma head_of_item_β_is_next_symbol:
"wellformed_item x ⟹ item_β x = t#δ ⟹ next_symbol x = Some t"
using next_symbol_def next_symbol_starts_item_β wellformed_complete_item_β by fastforce
lemma next_symbol_predicts: "next_symbol x = Some N ⟹ (N, a) ∈ ℜ ⟹ k = item_end x ⟹
init_item (N, a) k ∈ Predict k {x}"
using Predict_def bin_def by auto
lemma thmD7_LeftDerivation: "LeftDerivation [𝔖] D (N#γ) ⟹ is_nonterminal N ⟹ (N, α) ∈ ℜ ⟹
init_item (N, α) 0 ∈ π 0 {} Init"
proof (induct "length D" arbitrary: D N γ α rule: less_induct)
case less
let ?trivial = "𝔖 = N"
have "?trivial ∨ ¬ ?trivial" by blast
then show ?case
proof (induct rule: disjCases2)
case 1
then have "init_item (N, α) 0 ∈ Init"
apply (subst Init_def)
by (auto simp add: less)
then show ?case
by (meson π_regular contra_subsetD regular_implies_setmonotone subset_setmonotone)
case 2
from thmD7_helper[OF less(2) less(3) 2]
obtain n M a a1 a2 w where "n < length D" and "(M, a) ∈ ℜ" and
"LeftDerivation [𝔖] (take n D) (M # w)" and "a = a1 @ [N] @ a2" and "derives a1 []"
by blast
note M = this
let ?x = "init_item (M, a) 0"
have x_dom: "?x ∈ π 0 {} Init"
apply (rule less(1)[OF _ M(3) _ M(2)])
using M(1) apply simp
using M(2) by simp
have wellformed_x: "wellformed_item ?x" by (simp add: M(2))
let ?y = "inc_dot (length a1) ?x"
have "?y ∈ π 0 {} {?x}"
apply (rule thmD6[where ω="[N] @ a2"])
using wellformed_x by (auto simp add: M)
with x_dom have y_dom: "?y ∈ π 0 {} Init"
using π_subset_elem_trans empty_subsetI insert_subset by blast
have wellformed_y: "wellformed_item ?y"
using M(4) wellformed_inc_dot wellformed_x by auto
have "item_β ?y = N#a2" by (simp add: M(4) item_β_def)
then have next_symbol_y: "next_symbol ?y = Some N"
by (simp add: head_of_item_β_is_next_symbol wellformed_y)
let ?z = "init_item (N, α) 0"
have "?z ∈ Predict 0 {?y}"
by (simp add: less.prems(3) next_symbol_predicts next_symbol_y)
then have "?z ∈ π 0 {} {?y}" using Predict_subset_π by auto
with y_dom show "?z ∈ π 0 {} Init"
using π_subset_elem_trans empty_subsetI insert_subset by blast
theorem thmD7: "is_derivation (N#γ) ⟹ is_nonterminal N ⟹ (N, α) ∈ ℜ ⟹
init_item (N, α) 0 ∈ π 0 {} Init"
by (metis ℒ⇩P_is_word derives_implies_leftderives_cons empty_in_ℒ⇩P is_derivation_def
leftderives_implies_LeftDerivation self_append_conv2 thmD7_LeftDerivation)