Theory Linear_Homogenous_Recurrences
section ‹Homogenous linear recurrences›
theory Linear_Homogenous_Recurrences
text ‹
The following is the numerator of the rational generating function of a
linear homogenous recurrence.
definition lhr_fps_numerator where
"lhr_fps_numerator m cs f = (let N = length cs - 1 in
Poly [(∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i)). k ← [0..<N+m]])"
lemma lhr_fps_numerator_code [code abstract]:
"coeffs (lhr_fps_numerator m cs f) = (let N = length cs - 1 in
strip_while ((=) 0) [(∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i)). k ← [0..<N+m]])"
by (simp add: lhr_fps_numerator_def Let_def)
lemma lhr_fps_aux:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: field"
assumes "⋀n. n ≥ m ⟹ (∑k≤N. c k * f (n + k)) = 0"
assumes cN: "c N ≠ 0"
defines "p ≡ Poly [c (N - k). k ← [0..<Suc N]]"
defines "q ≡ Poly [(∑i≤min N k. c (N - i) * f (k - i)). k ← [0..<N+m]]"
shows "Abs_fps f = fps_of_poly q / fps_of_poly p"
proof -
include fps_notation
define F where "F = Abs_fps f"
have [simp]: "F $ n = f n" for n by (simp add: F_def)
have [simp]: "coeff p 0 = c N"
by (simp add: p_def nth_default_def del: upt_Suc)
have "(fps_of_poly p * F) $ n = coeff q n" for n
proof (cases "n ≥ N + m")
case True
let ?f = "λi. N - i"
have "(fps_of_poly p * F) $ n = (∑i≤n. coeff p i * f (n - i))"
by (simp add: fps_mult_nth atLeast0AtMost)
also from True have "… = (∑i≤N. coeff p i * f (n - i))"
by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right) (auto simp: nth_default_def p_def)
also have "… = (∑i≤N. c (N - i) * f (n - i))"
by (intro sum.cong) (auto simp: nth_default_def p_def simp del: upt_Suc)
also from True have "… = (∑i≤N. c i * f (n - N + i))"
by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ ?f ?f]) auto
also from True have "… = 0" by (intro assms) simp_all
also from True have "… = coeff q n"
by (simp add: q_def nth_default_def del: upt_Suc)
finally show ?thesis .
case False
hence "(fps_of_poly p * F) $ n = (∑i≤n. coeff p i * f (n - i))"
by (simp add: fps_mult_nth atLeast0AtMost)
also have "… = (∑i≤min N n. coeff p i * f (n - i))"
by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right)
(auto simp: p_def nth_default_def simp del: upt_Suc)
also have "… = (∑i≤min N n. c (N - i) * f (n - i))"
by (intro sum.cong) (simp_all add: p_def nth_default_def del: upt_Suc)
also from False have "… = coeff q n" by (simp add: q_def nth_default_def)
finally show ?thesis .
hence "fps_of_poly p * F = fps_of_poly q"
by (intro fps_ext) simp
with cN show "F = fps_of_poly q / fps_of_poly p"
by (subst unit_eq_div2) (simp_all add: mult_ac)
lemma lhr_fps:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: field" and cs :: "'a list"
defines "N ≡ length cs - 1"
assumes cs: "cs ≠ []"
assumes "⋀n. n ≥ m ⟹ (∑k≤N. cs ! k * f (n + k)) = 0"
assumes cN: "last cs ≠ 0"
shows "Abs_fps f = fps_of_poly (lhr_fps_numerator m cs f) /
fps_of_poly (lr_fps_denominator cs)"
proof -
define p and q
where "p = Poly (map (λk. ∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i)) [0..<N + m])"
and "q = Poly (map (λk. cs ! (N - k)) [0..<Suc N])"
from assms have "Abs_fps f = fps_of_poly p / fps_of_poly q" unfolding p_def q_def
by (intro lhr_fps_aux) (simp_all add: last_conv_nth)
also have "p = lhr_fps_numerator m cs f"
unfolding p_def lhr_fps_numerator_def by (auto simp: Let_def N_def)
also from cN have "q = lr_fps_denominator cs"
unfolding q_def lr_fps_denominator_def
by (intro poly_eqI)
(auto simp add: nth_default_def rev_nth N_def not_less cs simp del: upt_Suc)
finally show ?thesis .
fun lhr where
"lhr cs fs n =
(if (cs :: 'a :: field list) = [] ∨ last cs = 0 ∨ length fs < length cs - 1 then undefined else
(if n < length fs then fs ! n else
(∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k)) / -last cs))"
declare lhr.simps [simp del]
lemma lhr_rec:
assumes "cs ≠ []" "last cs ≠ 0" "length fs ≥ length cs - 1" "n ≥ length fs"
shows "(∑k<length cs. cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k)) = 0"
proof -
from assms have "{..<length cs} = insert (length cs - 1) {..<length cs - 1}" by auto
also have "(∑k∈… . cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k)) =
(∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k)) +
last cs * lhr cs fs n" using assms
by (cases cs) (simp_all add: algebra_simps last_conv_nth)
also from assms have "… = 0" by (subst (2) lhr.simps) (simp_all add: field_simps)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma lhrI:
assumes "cs ≠ []" "last cs ≠ 0" "length fs ≥ length cs - 1"
assumes "⋀n. n < length fs ⟹ f n = fs ! n"
assumes "⋀n. n ≥ length fs ⟹ (∑k<length cs. cs ! k * f (n + 1 - length cs + k)) = 0"
shows "f n = lhr cs fs n"
using assms
proof (induction cs fs n rule: lhr.induct)
case (1 cs fs n)
show ?case
proof (cases "n < length fs")
case False
with 1 have "0 = (∑k<length cs. cs ! k * f (n + 1 - length cs + k))" by simp
also from 1 have "{..<length cs} = insert (length cs - 1) {..<length cs - 1}" by auto
also have "(∑k∈… . cs ! k * f (n + 1 - length cs + k)) =
(∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * f (n + 1 - length cs + k)) +
last cs * f n" using 1 False
by (cases cs) (simp_all add: algebra_simps last_conv_nth)
also have "(∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * f (n + 1 - length cs + k)) =
(∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k))"
using False 1 by (intro sum.cong refl) simp
finally have "f n = (∑k<length cs - 1. cs ! k * lhr cs fs (n + 1 - length cs + k)) / -last cs"
using ‹last cs ≠ 0› by (simp add: field_simps eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0)
also from 1(2-4) False have "… = lhr cs fs n" by (subst lhr.simps) simp
finally show ?thesis .
qed (insert 1(2-5), simp add: lhr.simps)
locale linear_homogenous_recurrence =
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: comm_semiring_0" and cs fs :: "'a list"
assumes base: "n < length fs ⟹ f n = fs ! n"
assumes cs_not_null [simp]: "cs ≠ []" and last_cs [simp]: "last cs ≠ 0"
and hd_cs [simp]: "hd cs ≠ 0" and enough_base: "length fs + 1 ≥ length cs"
assumes rec: "n ≥ length fs - length cs ⟹ (∑k<length cs. cs ! k * f (n + k)) = 0"
lemma lhr_fps_numerator_altdef:
"lhr_fps_numerator (length fs + 1 - length cs) cs f =
lhr_fps_numerator (length fs + 1 - length cs) cs ((!) fs)"
proof -
define N where "N = length cs - 1"
define m where "m = length fs + 1 - length cs"
have "lhr_fps_numerator m cs f =
Poly (map (λk. (∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i))) [0..<N + m])"
by (simp add: lhr_fps_numerator_def Let_def N_def)
also from enough_base have "N + m = length fs"
by (cases cs) (simp_all add: N_def m_def algebra_simps)
also {
fix k assume k: "k ∈ {0..<length fs}"
hence "f (k - i) = fs ! (k - i)" if "i ≤ min N k" for i
using enough_base that by (intro base) (auto simp: Suc_le_eq N_def m_def algebra_simps)
hence "(∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i)) = (∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * fs ! (k - i))"
by simp
hence "map (λk. (∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * f (k - i))) [0..<length fs] =
map (λk. (∑i≤min N k. cs ! (N - i) * fs ! (k - i))) [0..<length fs]"
by (intro map_cong) simp_all
also have "Poly … = lhr_fps_numerator m cs ((!) fs)" using enough_base
by (cases cs) (simp_all add: lhr_fps_numerator_def Let_def m_def N_def)
finally show ?thesis unfolding m_def .
lemma solve_lhr_aux:
assumes "linear_homogenous_recurrence f cs fs"
assumes "is_factorization_of fctrs (lr_fps_denominator' cs)"
shows "f = interp_ratfps_solution (solve_factored_ratfps' (lhr_fps_numerator
(length fs + 1 - length cs) cs ((!) fs)) fctrs)"
proof -
interpret linear_homogenous_recurrence f cs fs by fact
note assms(2)
hence "is_alt_factorization_of fctrs (reflect_poly (lr_fps_denominator' cs))"
by (intro reflect_factorization)
(simp_all add: lr_fps_denominator'_def
nth_default_def hd_conv_nth [symmetric])
also have "reflect_poly (lr_fps_denominator' cs) = lr_fps_denominator cs"
unfolding lr_fps_denominator_def lr_fps_denominator'_def
by (subst coeffs_eq_iff) (simp add: coeffs_reflect_poly strip_while_rev [symmetric]
no_trailing_unfold last_rev del: strip_while_rev)
finally have factorization: "is_alt_factorization_of fctrs (lr_fps_denominator cs)" .
define m where "m = length fs + 1 - length cs"
obtain a ds where fctrs: "fctrs = (a, ds)" by (cases fctrs) simp_all
define p and p' where "p = lhr_fps_numerator m cs ((!) fs)" and "p' = smult (inverse a) p"
obtain b es where sol: "solve_factored_ratfps' p fctrs = (b, es)"
by (cases "solve_factored_ratfps' p fctrs") simp_all
have sol': "(b, es) = solve_factored_ratfps p' ds"
by (subst sol [symmetric]) (simp add: fctrs p'_def solve_factored_ratfps_def
solve_factored_ratfps'_def case_prod_unfold)
have factorization': "lr_fps_denominator cs = interp_alt_factorization fctrs"
using factorization by (simp add: is_alt_factorization_of_def)
from assms(2) have distinct: "distinct (map fst ds)"
by (simp add: fctrs is_factorization_of_def)
have coeff_0_denom: "coeff (lr_fps_denominator cs) 0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: lr_fps_denominator_def nth_default_def
hd_conv_nth [symmetric] hd_rev)
have "coeff (lr_fps_denominator' cs) 0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: lr_fps_denominator'_def nth_default_def hd_conv_nth [symmetric])
with assms(2) have no_zero: "0 ∉ fst ` set ds" by (simp add: zero_in_factorization_iff fctrs)
from assms(2) have a_nz [simp]: "a ≠ 0"
by (auto simp: fctrs interp_factorization_def is_factorization_of_def lr_fps_denominator'_nz)
hence unit1: "is_unit (fps_const a)" by simp
moreover have "is_unit (fps_of_poly (interp_alt_factorization fctrs))"
by (simp add: coeff_0_denom factorization' [symmetric])
ultimately have unit2: "is_unit (fps_of_poly (∏p←ds. [:1, - fst p:] ^ Suc (snd p)))"
by (simp add: fctrs case_prod_unfold interp_alt_factorization_def del: power_Suc)
have "Abs_fps f = fps_of_poly (lhr_fps_numerator m cs f) /
fps_of_poly (lr_fps_denominator cs)"
proof (intro lhr_fps)
fix n assume n: "n ≥ m"
have "{..length cs - 1} = {..<length cs}" by (cases cs) auto
also from n have "(∑k∈… . cs ! k * f (n + k)) = 0"
by (intro rec) (simp_all add: m_def algebra_simps)
finally show "(∑k≤length cs - 1. cs ! k * f (n + k)) = 0" .
qed (simp_all add: m_def)
also have "lhr_fps_numerator m cs f = lhr_fps_numerator m cs ((!) fs)"
unfolding lhr_fps_numerator_def using enough_base
by (auto simp: Let_def poly_eq_iff nth_default_def base
m_def Suc_le_eq intro!: sum.cong)
also have "fps_of_poly … / fps_of_poly (lr_fps_denominator cs) =
fps_of_poly (lhr_fps_numerator m cs ((!) fs)) /
(fps_const (fst fctrs) *
fps_of_poly (∏p←snd fctrs. [:1, - fst p:] ^ Suc (snd p)))"
unfolding assms factorization' interp_alt_factorization_def
by (simp add: case_prod_unfold Let_def fps_of_poly_smult)
also from unit1 unit2 have "… = fps_of_poly p / fps_const a /
fps_of_poly (∏(c,n)←ds. [:1, -c:]^Suc n)"
by (subst is_unit_div_mult2_eq) (simp_all add: fctrs case_prod_unfold p_def)
also from unit1 have "fps_of_poly p / fps_const a = fps_of_poly p'"
by (simp add: fps_divide_unit fps_of_poly_smult fps_const_inverse p'_def)
also from distinct no_zero have "… / fps_of_poly (∏(c,n)←ds. [:1, -c:]^Suc n) =
Abs_fps (interp_ratfps_solution (solve_factored_ratfps' p fctrs))"
by (subst solve_factored_ratfps) (simp_all add: case_prod_unfold sol' sol)
finally show ?thesis unfolding p_def m_def
by (intro ext) (simp add: fps_eq_iff)
"lhr_fps as fs = (
let m = length fs + 1 - length as;
p = lhr_fps_numerator m as (λn. fs ! n);
q = lr_fps_denominator as
in ratfps_of_poly p / ratfps_of_poly q)"
lemma lhr_fps_correct:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ 'a :: {field_char_0,field_gcd}"
assumes "linear_homogenous_recurrence f cs fs"
shows "fps_of_ratfps (lhr_fps cs fs) = Abs_fps f"
proof -
interpret linear_homogenous_recurrence f cs fs by fact
define m where "m = length fs + 1 - length cs"
let ?num = "lhr_fps_numerator m cs f"
let ?num' = "lhr_fps_numerator m cs ((!) fs)"
let ?denom = "lr_fps_denominator cs"
have "{..length cs - 1} = {..<length cs}" by (cases cs) auto
moreover have "length cs ≥ 1" by (cases cs) auto
ultimately have "Abs_fps f = fps_of_poly ?num / fps_of_poly ?denom"
by (intro lhr_fps) (insert rec, simp_all add: m_def)
also have "?num = ?num'"
by (rule lhr_fps_numerator_altdef [folded m_def])
also have "fps_of_poly ?num' / fps_of_poly ?denom =
fps_of_ratfps (ratfps_of_poly ?num' / ratfps_of_poly ?denom)"
by simp
also from enough_base have "… = fps_of_ratfps (lhr_fps cs fs)"
by (cases cs) (simp_all add: base fps_of_ratfps_def case_prod_unfold lhr_fps_def m_def)
finally show ?thesis ..