Theory LinArith

(*  Author:     Tobias Nipkow, 2007  *)

section‹Linear real arithmetic›

theory LinArith
imports QE "HOL-Library.ListVector" Complex_Main

declare iprod_assoc[simp]


subsubsection‹Syntax and Semantics›

datatype atom = Less real "real list" | Eq real "real list"

fun is_Less :: "atom  bool" where
"is_Less (Less r rs) = True" |
"is_Less f = False"

abbreviation "is_Eq  Not  is_Less"

lemma is_Less_iff: "is_Less f = (r rs. f = Less r rs)"
by(induct f) auto

lemma is_Eq_iff: "(i j. a  Less i j) = (i j. a = Eq i j)"
by(cases a) auto

fun negR :: "atom  atom fm" where
"negR (Less r t) = Or (Atom(Less (-r) (-t))) (Atom(Eq r t))" |
"negR (Eq r t) = Or (Atom(Less r t)) (Atom(Less (-r) (-t)))"

fun hd_coeff :: "atom  real" where
"hd_coeff (Less r cs) = (case cs of []  0 | c#_  c)" |
"hd_coeff (Eq r cs) = (case cs of []  0 | c#_  c)"

definition "dependsR a = (hd_coeff a  0)"

fun decrR :: "atom  atom" where
"decrR (Less r rs) = Less r (tl rs)" |
"decrR (Eq r rs) = Eq r (tl rs)"

fun IR :: "atom  real list  bool" where
"IR (Less r cs) xs = (r < cs,xs)" |
"IR (Eq r cs) xs = (r = cs,xs)"

definition "atoms0 = ATOM.atoms0 dependsR"
(* FIXME !!! (incl: display should hide params)*)

interpretation R: ATOM negR "(λa. True)" IR dependsR decrR
  rewrites "ATOM.atoms0 dependsR = atoms0"
proof goal_cases
  case 1
  thus ?case
        apply(case_tac a)
         apply simp_all
     apply(case_tac a)
      apply simp_all
      apply arith
     apply arith
    apply(case_tac a)
    apply(simp_all add:dependsR_def split:list.splits)
  case 2
  thus ?case by(simp add:atoms0_def)

setup Sign.revert_abbrev "" @{const_abbrev R.I}
setup Sign.revert_abbrev "" @{const_abbrev R.lift_nnf_qe}

subsubsection‹Shared constructions›

fun combine :: "(real * real list)  (real * real list)  atom" where
"combine (r1,cs1) (r2,cs2) = Less (r1-r2) (cs2 - cs1)"

(* More efficient combination than rhs of combine_conv below; unused
lemma combine_code:
  "combine (r1,c1,cs1) (r2,c2,cs2) =
  Less (c1*r2-c2*r1) (zipwith0 (%x y. c1*y-c2*x) cs1 cs2)"
apply(rule sym)
apply(induct cs1 arbitrary:cs2)
 apply simp
apply(case_tac cs2)
 apply simp
apply simp

definition "lbounds as = [(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs). Less r (c#cs)  as, c>0]"
definition "ubounds as = [(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs). Less r (c#cs)  as, c<0]"
definition "ebounds as = [(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs). Eq r (c#cs)  as, c0]"

lemma set_lbounds:
 "set(lbounds as) = {(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs)|r c cs. Less r (c#cs)  set as  c>0}"
by(force simp: lbounds_def split:list.splits atom.splits if_splits)
lemma set_ubounds:
 "set(ubounds as) = {(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs)|r c cs. Less r (c#cs)  set as  c<0}"
by(force simp: ubounds_def split:list.splits atom.splits if_splits)
lemma set_ebounds:
  "set(ebounds as) = {(r/c, (-1/c) *s cs)|r c cs. Eq r (c#cs)  set as  c0}"
by(force simp: ebounds_def split:list.splits atom.splits if_splits)

abbreviation EQ where
"EQ f xs  {(r - cs,xs)/c|r c cs. Eq r (c#cs)  set(R.atoms0 f)  c0}"
abbreviation LB where
"LB f xs  {(r - cs,xs)/c|r c cs. Less r (c#cs)  set(R.atoms0 f)  c>0}"
abbreviation UB where
"UB f xs  {(r - cs,xs)/c|r c cs. Less r (c#cs)  set(R.atoms0 f)  c<0}"

fun asubst :: "real * real list  atom  atom" where
"asubst (r,cs) (Less s (d#ds)) = Less (s - d*r) (d *s cs + ds)" |
"asubst (r,cs) (Eq s (d#ds)) = Eq (s - d*r) (d *s cs + ds)" |
"asubst (r,cs) (Less s []) = Less s []" |
"asubst (r,cs) (Eq s []) = Eq s []"

abbreviation "subst φ rcs  mapfm (asubst rcs) φ"

definition eval :: "real * real list  real list  real" where
"eval rcs xs = fst rcs + snd rcs,xs"

lemma I_asubst:
 "IR (asubst t a) xs = IR a (eval t xs # xs)"
proof(cases a)
  case (Less r cs)
  thus ?thesis by(cases t, cases cs,
    simp_all add:eval_def distrib_left iprod_left_add_distrib)
  case (Eq r cs)
  thus ?thesis
    by(cases t, cases cs, simp_all add:eval_def distrib_left iprod_left_add_distrib)

lemma I_subst:
  "qfree φ  R.I (subst φ t) xs = R.I φ (eval t xs # xs)"
by(induct φ)(simp_all add:I_asubst)
lemma I_subst_pretty:
  "qfree φ  R.I (subst φ (r,cs)) xs = R.I φ ((r + cs,xs) # xs)"
by(simp add:I_subst eval_def)

fun min_inf :: "atom fm  atom fm" ("inf-") where
"inf- (And φ1 φ2) = and (inf- φ1) (inf- φ2)" |
"inf- (Or φ1 φ2) = or (inf- φ1) (inf- φ2)" |
"inf- (Atom(Less r (c#cs))) =
  (if c<0 then TrueF else if c>0 then FalseF else Atom(Less r cs))" |
"inf- (Atom(Eq r (c#cs))) = (if c=0 then Atom(Eq r cs) else FalseF)" |
"inf- φ = φ"

fun plus_inf :: "atom fm  atom fm" ("inf+") where
"inf+ (And φ1 φ2) = and (inf+ φ1) (inf+ φ2)" |
"inf+ (Or φ1 φ2) = or (inf+ φ1) (inf+ φ2)" |
"inf+ (Atom(Less r (c#cs))) =
  (if c>0 then TrueF else if c<0 then FalseF else Atom(Less r cs))" |
"inf+ (Atom(Eq r (c#cs))) = (if c=0 then Atom(Eq r cs) else FalseF)" |
"inf+ φ = φ"

lemma qfree_min_inf: "qfree φ  qfree(inf- φ)"
by(induct φ rule:min_inf.induct) simp_all

lemma qfree_plus_inf: "qfree φ  qfree(inf+ φ)"
by(induct φ rule:plus_inf.induct) simp_all

lemma min_inf:
  "nqfree f  x. yx. R.I (inf- f) xs = R.I f (y # xs)"
  (is "_  x. ?P f x")
proof(induct f)
  case (Atom a)
  show ?case
  proof (cases a)
    case (Less r cs)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases cs)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Less by simp
      case (Cons c cs)
      { assume "c=0" hence ?thesis using Less Cons by simp }
      { assume "c<0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs + 1)/c)" using Less Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      { assume "c>0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs - 1)/c)" using Less Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
    case (Eq r cs)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases cs)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Eq by simp
      case (Cons c cs)
      { assume "c=0" hence ?thesis using Eq Cons by simp }
      { assume "c<0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs + 1)/c)" using Eq Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      { assume "c>0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs - 1)/c)" using Eq Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
  case (And f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (And f1 f2) (min x1 x2)" by(force simp:and_def)
  thus ?case ..
  case (Or f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (Or f1 f2) (min x1 x2)" by(force simp:or_def)
  thus ?case ..
qed simp_all

lemma plus_inf:
  "nqfree f  x. yx. R.I (inf+ f) xs = R.I f (y # xs)"
  (is "_  x. ?P f x")
proof(induct f)
  case (Atom a)
  show ?case
  proof (cases a)
    case (Less r cs)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases cs)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Less by simp
      case (Cons c cs)
      { assume "c=0" hence ?thesis using Less Cons by simp }
      { assume "c<0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs - 1)/c)" using Less Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      { assume "c>0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs + 1)/c)" using Less Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
    case (Eq r cs)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases cs)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Eq by simp
      case (Cons c cs)
      { assume "c=0" hence ?thesis using Eq Cons by simp }
      { assume "c<0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs - 1)/c)" using Eq Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      { assume "c>0"
        hence "?P (Atom a) ((r - cs,xs + 1)/c)" using Eq Cons
          by(auto simp add: field_simps)
        hence ?thesis .. }
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
  case (And f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (And f1 f2) (max x1 x2)" by(force simp:and_def)
  thus ?case ..
  case (Or f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (Or f1 f2) (max x1 x2)" by(force simp:or_def)
  thus ?case ..
qed simp_all

context notes [[simp_depth_limit = 4]]

lemma LBex:
 " nqfree f; R.I f (x#xs); ¬R.I (inf- f) xs; x  EQ f xs 
   l LB f xs. l < x"
apply(induct f)
apply simp
apply simp
apply(rename_tac a)
apply(case_tac a)
apply(auto simp add: dependsR_def field_simps split:if_splits list.splits)
apply fastforce+

lemma UBex:
 " nqfree f; R.I f (x#xs); ¬R.I (inf+ f) xs; x  EQ f xs 
   u UB f xs. x < u"
apply(induct f)
apply simp
apply simp
apply(rename_tac a)
apply(case_tac a)
apply(auto simp add: dependsR_def field_simps split:if_splits list.splits)
apply fastforce+


lemma finite_LB: "finite(LB f xs)"
proof -
  have "LB f xs = (λ(r,cs). r + cs,xs) ` set(lbounds(R.atoms0 f))"
    by (force simp:set_lbounds image_def field_simps)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma finite_UB: "finite(UB f xs)"
proof -
  have "UB f xs = (λ(r,cs). r + cs,xs) ` set(ubounds(R.atoms0 f))"
    by (force simp:set_ubounds image_def field_simps)
  thus ?thesis by simp
