Theory Cooper

(*  Author:     Tobias Nipkow, 2007  *)

theory Cooper
imports PresArith


text‹This section formalizes Cooper's algorithm~cite"Cooper72".›

lemma set_atoms0_iff:
 "qfree φ  a  set(Z.atoms0 φ)  a  atoms φ  hd_coeff a  0"
by(induct φ) (auto split:if_split_asm)

"hd_coeffs1 φ =
 (let m = zlcms(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ))
  in And (Atom(Dvd m 0 [1])) (mapfm (hd_coeff1 m) φ))"

lemma I_hd_coeffs1:
assumes "qfree φ"
shows "(x. Z.I (hd_coeffs1 φ) (x#xs)) = (x. Z.I φ (x#xs))" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
  let ?l = "zlcms(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ))"
  have "?l>0" by(simp add: zlcms_pos set_atoms0_iff[OF qfree φ])
  have "?L = (x. ?l dvd x+0  Z.I (mapfm (hd_coeff1 ?l) φ) (x#xs))"
    by(simp add:hd_coeffs1_def)
  also have " = (x. Z.I (mapfm (hd_coeff1 ?l) φ) (?l*x#xs))"
    by(rule unity_coeff_ex[THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq,symmetric])
  also have " = ?R"
    by(simp add: I_hd_coeff1_mult[OF ?l>0 qfree φ] dvd_zlcms)
  finally show ?thesis .

fun min_inf :: "atom fm  atom fm" ("inf-") where
"inf- (And φ1 φ2) = and (inf- φ1) (inf- φ2)" |
"inf- (Or φ1 φ2) = or (inf- φ1) (inf- φ2)" |
"inf- (Atom(Le i (k#ks))) =
  (if k<0 then TrueF else if k>0 then FalseF else Atom(Le i (0#ks)))" |
"inf- φ = φ"

"qe_cooper1 φ =
 (let as = Z.atoms0 φ; d = zlcms(map divisor as); ls = lbounds as
  in or (Disj [0..d - 1] (λn. subst n [] (inf- φ)))
        (Disj ls (λ(i,ks).
           Disj [0..d - 1] (λn. subst (i + n) (-ks) φ))))"

lemma min_inf:
  "nqfree f  aset(Z.atoms0 f). hd_coeff_is1 a
    x.y<x. Z.I (inf- f) (y # xs) = Z.I f (y # xs)"
  (is "_  _  x. ?P f x")
proof(induct f rule: min_inf.induct)
  case (3 i k ks)
  { assume "k=0" hence ?case using 3 by simp }
  { assume "k= -1"
    hence "?P (Atom(Le i (k#ks))) (-i + ks,xs - 1)" using 3 by auto
    hence ?case .. }
  { assume "k=1"
    hence "?P (Atom(Le i (k#ks))) (i - ks,xs - 1)" using 3 by auto
    hence ?case .. }
  ultimately show ?case using 3 by auto
  case (1 f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (And f1 f2) (min x1 x2)" by simp
  thus ?case ..
  case (2 f1 f2)
  then obtain x1 x2 where "?P f1 x1" "?P f2 x2" by fastforce+
  hence "?P (Or f1 f2) (min x1 x2)" by simp
  thus ?case ..
qed simp_all

lemma min_inf_repeats:
  "nqfree φ  aset(Z.atoms0 φ). divisor a dvd d 
  Z.I (inf- φ) ((x - k*d)#xs) = Z.I (inf- φ) (x#xs)"
proof(induct φ rule:min_inf.induct)
  case ("4_4" da i ks)
  show ?case
  proof (cases ks)
    case Nil thus ?thesis by simp
    case (Cons j js)
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      assume "j=0" thus ?thesis using Cons by simp
      assume "j0"
      hence "da dvd d" using Cons "4_4" by simp
      hence "da dvd i + (j * x - j * (k * d) + js,xs) 
             da dvd i + (j * x + js,xs)"
      proof -
        have "da dvd i + (j * x - j * (k * d) + js,xs) 
              da dvd (i + j*x + js,xs) - (j*k)*d"
          by(simp add: algebra_simps)
        also have "  da dvd i + j*x + js,xs" using da dvd d
          by (metis dvd_diff zdvd_zdiffD dvd_mult mult.commute)
        also have "  da dvd i + (j * x + js,xs)"
          by(simp add: algebra_simps)
        finally show ?thesis .
      then show ?thesis using Cons by (simp add:ring_distribs)
  case ("4_5" da i ks)
  show ?case
  proof (cases ks)
    case Nil thus ?thesis by simp
    case (Cons j js)
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      assume "j=0" thus ?thesis using Cons by simp
      assume "j0"
      hence "da dvd d" using Cons "4_5" by simp
      hence "da dvd i + (j * x - j * (k * d) + js,xs) 
             da dvd i + (j * x + js,xs)"
      proof -
        have "da dvd i + (j * x - j * (k * d) + js,xs) 
              da dvd (i + j*x + js,xs) - (j*k)*d"
          by(simp add: algebra_simps)
        also have "  da dvd i + j*x + js,xs" using da dvd d
          by (metis dvd_diff zdvd_zdiffD dvd_mult mult.commute)
        also have "  da dvd i + (j * x + js,xs)"
          by(simp add: algebra_simps)
        finally show ?thesis .
      then show ?thesis using Cons by (simp add:ring_distribs)
qed simp_all

lemma atoms_subset: "qfree f  set(Z.atoms0(f::atom fm))  atoms f"
by (induct f) auto

(* copied from Amine *)
lemma β:
  " nqfree φ;  aset(Z.atoms0 φ). hd_coeff_is1 a;
     aset(Z.atoms0 φ). divisor a dvd d; d > 0;
     ¬(j{0 .. d - 1}. (i,ks)  set(lbounds(Z.atoms0 φ)).
         x = i - ks,xs + j); Z.I φ (x#xs) 
   Z.I φ ((x-d)#xs)"
proof(induct φ)
  case (Atom a)
  show ?case
  proof (cases a)
    case (Le i js)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases js)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Le Atom by simp
      case (Cons k ks) thus ?thesis using Le Atom
        by (auto simp:lbounds_def Ball_def split:if_split_asm) arith
    case (Dvd m i js)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases js)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using Dvd Atom by simp
      case (Cons k ks)
      show ?thesis
      proof cases
        assume "k=0" thus ?thesis using Cons Dvd Atom by simp
        assume "k0"
        hence "m dvd d" using Cons Dvd Atom by auto
        have "m dvd i + (x + ks,xs)  m dvd i + (x - d + ks,xs)"
          (is "?L  _")
        proof -
          assume ?L
          hence "m dvd i + (x + ks,xs) - d"
            by (metis m dvd d dvd_diff)
          thus ?thesis by(simp add:algebra_simps)
        thus ?thesis using Atom Dvd Cons by(auto split:if_split_asm)
    case (NDvd m i js)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases js)
      case Nil thus ?thesis using NDvd Atom by simp
      case (Cons k ks)
      show ?thesis
      proof cases
        assume "k=0" thus ?thesis using Cons NDvd Atom by simp
        assume "k0"
        hence "m dvd d" using Cons NDvd Atom by auto
        have "m dvd i + (x - d + ks,xs)  m dvd i + (x + ks,xs)"
          (is "?L  _")
        proof -
          assume ?L
          hence "m dvd i + (x + ks,xs) - d" by(simp add:algebra_simps)
          thus ?thesis by (metis m dvd d zdvd_zdiffD)
        thus ?thesis using Atom NDvd Cons by(auto split:if_split_asm)
qed force+

lemma periodic_finite_ex:
  assumes dpos: "(0::int) < d" and modd: "x k. P x = P(x - k*d)"
  shows "(x. P x) = (j{0..d - 1}. P j)"
  (is "?LHS = ?RHS")
  assume ?LHS
  then obtain x where P: "P x" ..
  have "x mod d = x - (x div d)*d"
    by(simp add:mult_div_mod_eq [symmetric] ac_simps eq_diff_eq)
  hence Pmod: "P x = P(x mod d)" using modd by simp
  have "P(x mod d)" using dpos P Pmod by simp
  moreover have "x mod d  {0..d - 1}" using dpos by auto
  ultimately show ?RHS ..
qed auto

lemma cpmi_eq: "(0::int) < D  (z. x. x < z  (P x = P1 x))
 x.¬(j{0..D - 1}. bB. P(b+j))  P (x)  P (x - D) 
 x. k. P1 x = P1(x-k*D)
 (x. P(x)) = ((j{0..D - 1}. P1(j))  (j{0..D - 1}. bB. P(b+j)))"
apply(rule iffI)
prefer 2
apply(drule minusinfinity)
apply assumption+
apply clarsimp
apply(subgoal_tac "k. 0k  x. P x  P (x - k*D)")
apply(frule_tac x = x and z=z in decr_lemma)
apply(subgoal_tac "P1(x - (¦x - z¦ + 1) * D)")
prefer 2
apply(subgoal_tac "0  (¦x - z¦ + 1)")
prefer 2 apply arith
 apply fastforce
apply(drule (1)  periodic_finite_ex)
apply blast
apply(blast dest:decr_mult_lemma)

theorem cp_thm:
  assumes nq: "nqfree φ"
  and u: "aset(Z.atoms0 φ). hd_coeff_is1 a"
  and d: "aset(Z.atoms0 φ). divisor a dvd d"
  and dp: "d > 0"
  shows "(x. Z.I φ (x#xs)) =
   (j{0..d - 1}. Z.I (inf- φ) (j#xs) 
   ((i,ks)  set(lbounds(Z.atoms0 φ)). Z.I φ ((i - ks,xs + j) # xs)))"
  (is "(x. ?P (x)) = ( j ?D. ?M j  ((i,ks) ?B. ?P (?I i ks + j)))")
  from min_inf[OF nq u] have th: "z.x<z. ?P x = ?M x" by blast
  let ?B' = "{?I i ks |i ks. (i,ks)  ?B}"
  have BB': "(j?D. (i,ks) ?B. ?P (?I i ks + j)) = (j  ?D. b  ?B'. ?P (b + j))" by auto
  hence th2: " x. ¬ ( j  ?D.  b  ?B'. ?P ((b + j)))  ?P (x)  ?P ((x - d))"
    using β[OF nq u d dp, of _ xs] by(simp add:Bex_def) metis
  from min_inf_repeats[OF nq d]
  have th3: " x k. ?M x = ?M (x-k*d)" by simp
  from cpmi_eq[OF dp th th2 th3] BB' show ?thesis by simp blast

(* end of Amine *)

lemma qfree_min_inf[simp]: "qfree φ  qfree (inf- φ)"
by (induct φ rule:min_inf.induct) simp_all

lemma I_qe_cooper1:
assumes norm: "aatoms φ. divisor a  0"
and hd: "aset(Z.atoms0 φ). hd_coeff_is1 a" and "nqfree φ"
shows "Z.I (qe_cooper1 φ) xs = (x. Z.I φ (x#xs))"
proof -
  let ?as = "Z.atoms0 φ"
  let ?d = "zlcms(map divisor ?as)"
  have "?d > 0" using norm atoms_subset[of φ] nqfree φ
    by(fastforce intro:zlcms_pos)
  have alld: "aset(Z.atoms0 φ). divisor a dvd ?d" by(simp add:dvd_zlcms)
  from cp_thm[OF nqfree φ hd alld ?d>0]
  show ?thesis using nqfree φ
    by (simp add:qe_cooper1_def I_subst[symmetric] split_def algebra_simps) blast

lemma divisor_hd_coeff1_neq0:
  "qfree φ  a  atoms φ  divisor a  0 
   divisor (hd_coeff1 (zlcms (map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ))) a)  0"
apply (case_tac a)

apply simp
apply(rename_tac list) apply(case_tac list) apply simp apply(simp split:if_split_asm)

apply simp
apply(rename_tac list)apply(case_tac list) apply simp
apply(clarsimp split:if_split_asm)
apply(subgoal_tac "a  set(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ))")
 apply(subgoal_tac "iset(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ)). i  0")
  apply (metis dvd_zlcms mult_eq_0_iff dvd_mult_div_cancel zlcms0_iff)
 apply (simp add:set_atoms0_iff)
apply(fastforce simp:image_def set_atoms0_iff Bex_def)

apply simp
apply(rename_tac list) apply(case_tac list) apply simp
apply(clarsimp split:if_split_asm)
apply(subgoal_tac "a  set(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ))")
 apply(subgoal_tac "iset(map hd_coeff (Z.atoms0 φ)). i  0")
  apply (metis dvd_zlcms mult_eq_0_iff dvd_mult_div_cancel zlcms0_iff)
 apply (simp add:set_atoms0_iff)
apply(fastforce simp:image_def set_atoms0_iff Bex_def)

lemma hd_coeff_is1_hd_coeff1:
  "hd_coeff (hd_coeff1 m a)  0  hd_coeff_is1 (hd_coeff1 m a)"
by (induct a rule: hd_coeff1.induct) (simp_all add:zsgn_def)

lemma I_cooper1_hd_coeffs1: "Z.normal φ  nqfree φ
        Z.I (qe_cooper1(hd_coeffs1 φ)) xs = (x. Z.I φ (x # xs))"
apply(simp add:Z.normal_def)
apply(subst I_qe_cooper1)
   apply(clarsimp simp:hd_coeffs1_def image_def set_atoms0_iff divisor_hd_coeff1_neq0)
  apply (clarsimp simp:hd_coeffs1_def qfree_map_fm set_atoms0_iff
 apply(simp add:hd_coeffs1_def nqfree_map_fm)
apply(simp add: I_hd_coeffs1)

definition "qe_cooper = Z.lift_nnf_qe (qe_cooper1  hd_coeffs1)"

lemma qfree_cooper1_hd_coeffs1: "qfree φ  qfree (qe_cooper1 (hd_coeffs1 φ))"
by(auto simp:qe_cooper1_def hd_coeffs1_def qfree_map_fm
        intro!: qfree_or qfree_and qfree_list_disj qfree_min_inf)

lemma normal_min_inf: "Z.normal φ  Z.normal(inf- φ)"
by(induct φ rule:min_inf.induct) simp_all

lemma normal_cooper1: "Z.normal φ  Z.normal(qe_cooper1 φ)"
by(simp add:qe_cooper1_def Logic.or_def Z.normal_map_fm normal_min_inf split_def)

lemma normal_hd_coeffs1: "qfree φ  Z.normal φ  Z.normal(hd_coeffs1 φ)"
by(auto simp: hd_coeffs1_def image_def set_atoms0_iff
              divisor_hd_coeff1_neq0 Z.normal_def)

theorem I_cooper: "Z.normal φ   Z.I (qe_cooper φ) xs = Z.I φ xs"
by(simp add:qe_cooper_def Z.I_lift_nnf_qe_normal qfree_cooper1_hd_coeffs1 I_cooper1_hd_coeffs1 normal_cooper1 normal_hd_coeffs1)

theorem qfree_cooper: "qfree (qe_cooper φ)"
by(simp add:qe_cooper_def Z.qfree_lift_nnf_qe qfree_cooper1_hd_coeffs1)
