Theory Groups_On_With

(*  Title:       Groups_On_With
    Author:      Richard Schmoetten <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Richard Schmoetten <>

theory Groups_On_With

section ‹Locales for non-abelian groups›
text ‹Extends the approach used for smooth manifolds in sessionHOL-Types_To_Sets
  (under Examples) to also include non-commutative groups.
  We can use the localesemigroup_add_on_with as it is defined in the theory above.
  Notice "add" is merely a name for the group operation, we will want to apply this to groups under
  (matrix) multiplication too.›

subsection ‹Locale definitions leading to non-abelian groups›

locale monoid_on_with = semigroup_add_on_with +
  fixes z
  assumes add_zero: "a  S  pls z a = a  pls a z = a"
  assumes zero_mem: "z  S"

lemma carrier_ne: "S  {}" using zero_mem by auto

  assumes "a  S"
  shows add_zeroL: "pls z a = a"
    and add_zeroR: "pls a z = a"
  by (simp_all add: add_zero assms)


locale group_on_with = monoid_on_with +
  fixes mns um
  assumes left_minus: "a  S  pls (um a) a = z"
    and diff_conv_add_uminus: "a  S  b  S  mns a b = pls a (um b)"
    and uminus_mem: "a  S  um a  S"

text ‹Axiom @{thm diff_conv_add_uminus} ensures division/subtraction agrees with inverse/unary-minus,
  while leaving the flexibility to provide any fitting implementation of the operations
  (since they are constrained only on the carrier set).›

lemma right_minus: "a  S  pls a (um a) = z"
  by (metis (full_types) add_assoc add_zero add_zeroR local.left_minus uminus_mem)

lemma add_uminus: "a  S  pls a (um a) = z  pls (um a) a = z"
  by (simp add: left_minus right_minus)

text ‹A group's identity is unique: we show this both inside and outside localegroup_on_with.
  The in-locale version is mildly more powerful, requiring invariance only on one side.
  The non-locale lemma is used later to prove there is a canonical instantiation of the group
  inverse and division, and to provide the sublocale grp_on› of localegroup_on_with,
  which requires fewer parameters.›

lemma id_is_unique:
  assumes "x. xS  pls x other_id = x  pls other_id x = x" "other_idS"
  shows "other_id = z"
  using assms zero_mem add_zero add_zeroR
  by metis

lemma uminus_uminus: "xS  um (um x) = x"
  by (metis (full_types) add_assoc add_zeroL add_zeroR local.right_minus uminus_mem)


lemma id_is_unique:
  fixes G::"'a set" and mult::"'a'a'a" and e::'a
  defines "is_id  λe. eG  (aG. mult e a = a  mult a e = a)"
  assumes ident: "is_id e"
  shows "e = (THE e. is_id e)" "is_id e'  e'=e"
  using the_equality apply (metis assms) by (metis assms)

text ‹Inverses are unique too, and we show this in several lemmas both inside and outside the locale
  group_on_with›, as above.›

lemma inv_is_uniqueL:
  fixes G::"'a set" and mult::"'a'a'a" and e::'a
  defines "is_id  λe. eG  (aG. mult e a = a)"
  assumes assoc: "aG. bG. cG. mult (mult a b) c = mult a (mult b c)"
    and ident: "is_id e"
    and inver: "xG. yG. mult x y = e"
    and "xG" "yG" "zG" "mult x y = e" "mult x z = e"
  shows "y=z"
  by (metis assms)

lemma inv_is_uniqueR:
  fixes G::"'a set" and mult::"'a'a'a" and e::'a
  defines "is_id  λe. eG  (aG. mult a e = a)"
  assumes assoc: "aG. bG. cG. mult (mult a b) c = mult a (mult b c)"
    and ident: "is_id e"
    and inver: "xG. yG. mult x y = e"
    and "xG" "yG" "zG" "mult y x = e" "mult z x = e"
  shows "y=z"
  by (metis assms)

lemma inv_is_unique:
  fixes G::"'a set" and mult::"'a'a'a" and e::'a
  defines "is_id  λe. eG  (aG. mult e a = a  mult a e = a)"
  assumes assoc: "aG. bG. cG. mult (mult a b) c = mult a (mult b c)"
    and ident: "is_id e"
    and "xG" "yG" "zG" "mult y x = e" "mult x z = e"
  shows "y=z"
  by (metis assms)

lemma (in group_on_with) inv_is_unique:
  fixes other_inv
  assumes "xS. pls x (other_inv x) = z  pls (other_inv x) x = z"
    and "xS. other_inv x  S"
  shows "xS. other_inv x = um x"
   (*by (metis (full_types) add_assoc add_zeroL add_zeroR assms right_minus uminus_mem)*) 
  fix x assume "xS"
  consider "pls x (other_inv x) = z" | "pls (other_inv x) x = z" using assms x  S by auto
  thus "other_inv x = um x"
  proof (cases)
    case 1
    hence "um x = pls (um x) (pls x (other_inv x))" by (simp add: xS add_zeroR uminus_mem)
    also have " = pls (pls (um x) x) (other_inv x)" by (simp add: xS add_assoc assms(2) uminus_mem)
    finally show "other_inv x = um x" by (simp add: xS add_zero assms(2) left_minus)
    case 2
    hence "um x = pls (pls (other_inv x) x) (um x)" using add_zero[OF uminus_mem[OF xS]] by simp
    also have " = pls (other_inv x) (pls x (um x))" by (simp add: xS add_assoc assms(2) uminus_mem)
    finally show "other_inv x = um x" by (simp add: xS add_zeroR assms(2) right_minus)

lemma group_on_with_alt_intro:
  fixes G::"'a set" and mult::"'a'a'a" and e::'a
    and is_id is_inv
  defines "is_id  λe. eG  (aG. mult e a = a  mult a e = a)"
      and "is_inv  λx y. yG  mult x y = e  mult y x = e"
  assumes closed: "aG. bG. mult a b  G"
      and assoc: "aG. bG. cG. mult (mult a b) c = mult a (mult b c)"
      and ident: "is_id e" (* no need for uniqueness, which is implied *)
      and inver: "xG. y. is_inv x y" (* no need for uniqueness, which is implied *)
  shows "group_on_with G mult e (λx z. mult x (THE y. is_inv z y)) (λx. THE y. is_inv x y)"
    (is "group_on_with G mult e ?div ?inv")
proof (unfold_locales)
  show "eG"
    using ident is_id_def by auto
  have inv: "xG. mult x (?inv x) = e" "xG. ?inv x  G" "xG. mult (?inv x) x = e"
  proof (safe)
    fix x assume "xG"
    have 1: "eG  (aG. mult e a = a)" "xG. yG. mult x y = e"
      using ident is_id_def inver is_inv_def by auto
    obtain y where y: "is_inv x y"
      using inver xG by blast
    have y_Uniq: "y = ?inv x"
      using y inv_is_uniqueL[OF assoc 1 xG] unfolding is_inv_def by (simp add: the_equality)
    thus 2: "mult x (?inv x) = e"
      using is_inv_def y by blast
    show "?inv x  G"
      using y y_Uniq is_inv_def by simp
    show "mult (?inv x) x = e"
      using 2 is_id_def by (metis is_inv_def y y_Uniq)
  fix x assume "x  G"
  show "mult e x = x  mult x e = x"
    using x  G ident is_id_def by auto
  show "mult (?inv x) x = e"
    using inv(3) by (simp add: x  G)
  show "?inv x  G"
    by (simp add: x  G inv(2))
qed (simp add: assoc closed)+

locale grp_on = monoid_on_with +
  assumes inv_ex: "xS. yS. pls x y = z  pls y x = z"

definition "is_invs x y  yS  pls x y = z  pls y x = z"
definition "invs  (λx. THE y. is_invs x y)"
definition "mns  (λx y. pls x (invs y))"

lemma is_group_on_with:
  shows "group_on_with S pls z mns invs"
  apply (unfold mns_def invs_def is_invs_def, intro group_on_with_alt_intro)
  using inv_ex by (auto simp: add_mem add_assoc add_zero zero_mem)

lemma grp_on_cong:
  assumes "x y. xS  yS  pls x y = pls' x y"
  shows "grp_on S pls' z"
  using assms add_assoc add_mem add_zeroR inv_ex zero_mem by (unfold_locales, auto)

sublocale group_on_with S pls z mns invs
  using is_group_on_with by simp


lemma (in group_on_with) is_grp_on:
  shows "grp_on S pls z"
  using add_uminus uminus_mem by (unfold_locales, blast)

subsection ‹(Homo)morphism of groups›

locale group_on_with_pair =
  G1: group_on_with G1 pls1 z1 mns1 um1 +
  G2: group_on_with G2 pls2 z2 mns2 um2
  for G1 G2 pls1 pls2 z1 z2 mns1 mns2 um1 um2

locale group_hom_betw =
  group_on_with_pair +
  fixes f
  assumes group_hom: "xG1  yG1  f (pls1 x y) =  pls2 (f x) (f y)"
    and closure: "x  G1  f x  G2"

lemma maps_id: "f z1 = z2"
  using G2.id_is_unique closure group_hom
  by (metis (full_types) G1.add_zeroR G1.zero_mem G2.add_assoc G2.add_zeroR G2.right_minus G2.uminus_mem)

lemma maps_inv: "f (um1 x) = um2 (f x)" if "xG1" for x
  using G2.inv_is_unique G1.uminus_mem closure group_hom that maps_id
  by (smt (z3) G1.left_minus G2.add_assoc G2.add_zeroL G2.add_zeroR G2.right_minus G2.uminus_mem)

