Theory Test_Lazy_Case

section ‹Usage›

theory Test_Lazy_Case
imports Lazy_Case

text ‹
  This entry provides a @{command datatype} plugin and a separate command.
  The plugin runs by default on all defined datatypes, but it can be disabled individually:

datatype (plugins del: lazy_case) 'a tree = Node | Fork 'a "'a tree list"

context begin

text ‹
  The @{command lazify} command can be used to add lazy constants if the plugin has been disabled
  during datatype definition.

lazify tree


text ‹Nested and mutual recursion are supported.›

  'a mlist1 = MNil1 | MCons1 'a "'a mlist2" and
  'a mlist2 = MNil2 | MCons2 'a "'a mlist1"

text ‹Records are supported.›

record meep =
  x1 :: nat
  x2 :: int

section ‹Examples›

definition test where
"test x  (if x then True else False)"

definition test' where
"test' = case_bool True False"

definition test'' where
"test'' xs = (case xs of []  False | _  True)"

fun fac :: "nat  nat" where
"fac n = (if n  1 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1))"

lemma map_tree[code]:
  "map_tree f t = (case t of Node  Node | Fork x ts  Fork (f x) (map (map_tree f) ts))"
by (induction t) auto

text ‹The generated code uses neither target-language \texttt{if-then-else} nor match expressions.›

export_code test test' test'' fac map_tree in SML


MLfun get_code_eqs ctxt const =
    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
    val graph = #eqngr (Code_Preproc.obtain true { ctxt = ctxt, consts = [const], terms = [] })
    fun mk_eqs name = name
      |> Code_Preproc.cert graph
      |> Code.equations_of_cert thy ||> these
      |> pair name
    AList.lookup (=) (maps (map mk_eqs) (rev (Graph.strong_conn graph))) const
    |> the |> snd
    |> map (fst o snd)
    |> map_filter I

fun check_absence ctxt const =
    val forbidden =
      @{const_name HOL.If} :: map (fst o dest_Const o #casex) (Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugars_of ctxt)
    val check = exists_subterm (fn Const (c, _) => member (=) forbidden c | _ => false)
    get_code_eqs ctxt const
    |> map Thm.prop_of
    |> forall (not o check)
    |> @{assert}

ML_valcheck_absence @{context} @{const_name fac}: unit
ML_valcheck_absence @{context} @{const_name test}: unit
ML_valcheck_absence @{context} @{const_name test'}: unit
ML_valcheck_absence @{context} @{const_name test''}: unit
ML_valcheck_absence @{context} @{const_name map_tree}: unit

