Theory ValueSimilarity
theory ValueSimilarity
imports Value CValue Pointwise
text ‹
This theory formalizes Section 3 of \<^cite>‹"functionspaces"›. Their domain $D$ is our type @{typ Value},
their domain $E$ is our type @{typ CValue} and $A$ corresponds to @{typ "(C → CValue)"}.
In our case, the construction of the domains was taken care of by the HOLCF package
(\<^cite>‹"holcf"›), so where \<^cite>‹"functionspaces"› refers to elements of the domain approximations
$D_n$ resp. $E_n$, these are just elements of @{typ Value} resp. @{typ CValue} here. Therefore the
\emph{n-injection} $\phi_n^E \colon E_n \to E$ is the identity here.
The projections correspond to the take-functions generated by the HOLCF package:
\psi_n^E &\colon E \to E_n &\text{ corresponds to }&&@{term CValue_take}‹::›&@{typeof "CValue_take :: nat ⇒ CValue → CValue" } \\
\psi_n^A &\colon A \to A_n &\text{ corresponds to }&&@{term C_to_CValue_take}‹::›&@{typeof "C_to_CValue_take :: nat ⇒ (C → CValue) → (C → CValue)"} \\
\psi_n^D &\colon D \to D_n &\text{ corresponds to }&&@{term Value_take}‹::›&@{typeof Value_take}.
The syntactic overloading of $e(a)(c)$ to mean either $\mathrm{ |mathsf{Ap}}_{E_n}^|bot$ or $\mathrm{ |mathsf{AP}}_{E}^|bot$
turns into our non-overloaded ‹_ ↓CFn _›‹::›@{typeof "(↓CFn)"}.
text ‹
To have our presentation closer to \<^cite>‹"functionspaces"›, we introduce some notation:
notation Value_take ("ψ⇧D⇘_⇙")
notation C_to_CValue_take ("ψ⇧A⇘_⇙")
notation CValue_take ("ψ⇧E⇘_⇙")
subsubsection ‹A note about section 2.3›
text ‹
Section 2.3 of \<^cite>‹"functionspaces"› contains equations (2) and (3) which do not hold in general.
We demonstrate that fact here using our corresponding definition, but the counter-example carries
over to the original formulation. Lemma (2) is a generalisation of (3) to the resourced semantics,
so the counter-example for (3) is the simpler and more educating:
lemma counter_example:
assumes "Equation (3)": "⋀ n d d'. ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(d ↓Fn d') = ψ⇧D⇘Suc n⇙⋅d ↓Fn ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d'"
shows "False"
define n :: nat where "n = 1"
define d where "d = Fn⋅(Λ e. (e ↓Fn ⊥))"
define d' where "d' = Fn⋅(Λ _. Fn⋅(Λ _. ⊥))"
have "Fn⋅(Λ _. ⊥) = ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(d ↓Fn d')"
by (simp add: d_def d'_def n_def cfun_map_def)
have "… = ψ⇧D⇘Suc n⇙⋅d ↓Fn ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d'"
using "Equation (3)".
also have "… = ⊥"
by (simp add: d_def d'_def n_def)
finally show False by simp
text ‹
For completeness, and to avoid making false assertions, the counter-example to equation (2):
lemma counter_example2:
assumes "Equation (2)": "⋀ n e a c. ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅((e ↓CFn a)⋅c) = (ψ⇧E⇘Suc n⇙⋅e ↓CFn ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅a)⋅c"
shows "False"
define n :: nat where "n = 1"
define e where "e = CFn⋅(Λ e r. (e⋅r ↓CFn ⊥)⋅r)"
define a :: "C → CValue" where "a = (Λ _ . CFn⋅(Λ _ _. CFn⋅(Λ _ _. ⊥)))"
fix c :: C
have "CFn⋅(Λ _ _. ⊥) = ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅((e ↓CFn a)⋅c)"
by (simp add: e_def a_def n_def cfun_map_def)
have "… = (ψ⇧E⇘Suc n⇙⋅e ↓CFn ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅a)⋅c"
using "Equation (2)".
also have "… = ⊥"
by (simp add: e_def a_def n_def)
finally show False by simp
text ‹A suitable substitute for the lemma can be found in 4.3.5 (1) in \<^cite>‹"fullabstraction"›,
which in our setting becomes the following (note the extra invocation of @{term "Value_take n"} on
the left hand side):
lemma "Abramsky 4,3,5 (1)":
"ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(d ↓Fn ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d') = ψ⇧D⇘Suc n⇙⋅d ↓Fn ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d'"
by (cases d) (auto simp add: Value.take_take)
text ‹
The problematic equations are used in the proof of the only-if direction of proposition 9 in
\<^cite>‹"functionspaces"›. It can be fixed by applying take-induction, which inserts the
extra call to @{term "Value_take n"} in the right spot.
subsubsection ‹Working with @{typ Value} and @{typ CValue}›
text ‹Combined case distinguishing and induction rules.›
lemma value_CValue_cases:
"x = ⊥" "y = ⊥" |
f where "x = Fn⋅f" "y = ⊥" |
g where "x = ⊥" "y = CFn⋅g" |
f g where "x = Fn⋅f" "y = CFn ⋅ g" |
b⇩1 where "x = B⋅(Discr b⇩1)" "y = ⊥" |
b⇩1 g where "x = B⋅(Discr b⇩1)" "y = CFn⋅g" |
b⇩1 b⇩2 where "x = B⋅(Discr b⇩1)" "y = CB⋅(Discr b⇩2)" |
f b⇩2 where "x = Fn⋅f" "y = CB⋅(Discr b⇩2)" |
b⇩2 where "x = ⊥" "y = CB⋅(Discr b⇩2)"
by (metis CValue.exhaust Discr_undiscr Value.exhaust)
lemma Value_CValue_take_induct:
assumes "adm (case_prod P)"
assumes "⋀ n. P (ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x) (ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅y)"
shows "P x y"
have "case_prod P (⨆n. (ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x, ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅y))"
by (rule admD[OF ‹adm (case_prod P)› ch2ch_Pair[OF ch2ch_Rep_cfunL[OF Value.chain_take] ch2ch_Rep_cfunL[OF C_to_CValue_chain_take]]])
(simp add: assms(2))
hence "case_prod P (x,y)"
by (simp add: lub_Pair[OF ch2ch_Rep_cfunL[OF Value.chain_take] ch2ch_Rep_cfunL[OF C_to_CValue_chain_take]]
Value.reach C_to_CValue_reach)
thus ?thesis by simp
subsubsection ‹Restricted similarity is defined recursively›
text ‹The base case›
inductive similar'_base :: "Value ⇒ CValue ⇒ bool" where
bot_similar'_base[simp,intro]: "similar'_base ⊥ ⊥"
inductive_cases [elim!]:
"similar'_base x y"
text ‹The inductive case›
inductive similar'_step :: "(Value ⇒ CValue ⇒ bool) ⇒ Value ⇒ CValue ⇒ bool" for s where
bot_similar'_step[intro!]: "similar'_step s ⊥ ⊥" |
bool_similar'_step[intro]: "similar'_step s (B⋅b) (CB⋅b)" |
Fun_similar'_step[intro]: "(⋀ x y . s x (y⋅C⇧∞) ⟹ s (f⋅x) (g⋅y⋅C⇧∞)) ⟹ similar'_step s (Fn⋅f) (CFn⋅g)"
inductive_cases [elim!]:
"similar'_step s x ⊥"
"similar'_step s ⊥ y"
"similar'_step s (B⋅f) (CB⋅g)"
"similar'_step s (Fn⋅f) (CFn⋅g)"
text ‹
We now create the restricted similarity relation, by primitive recursion over @{term n}.
This cannot be done using an inductive definition, as it would not be monotone.
fun similar' where
"similar' 0 = similar'_base" |
"similar' (Suc n) = similar'_step (similar' n)"
declare similar'.simps[simp del]
abbreviation similar'_syn ("_ ◃▹⇘_⇙ _" [50,50,50] 50)
where "similar'_syn x n y ≡ similar' n x y"
lemma similar'_botI[intro!,simp]: "⊥ ◃▹⇘n⇙ ⊥"
by (cases n) (auto simp add: similar'.simps)
lemma similar'_FnI[intro]:
assumes "⋀x y. x ◃▹⇘n⇙ y⋅C⇧∞ ⟹ f⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ g⋅y⋅C⇧∞"
shows "Fn⋅f ◃▹⇘Suc n⇙ CFn⋅g"
using assms by (auto simp add: similar'.simps)
lemma similar'_FnE[elim!]:
assumes "Fn⋅f ◃▹⇘Suc n⇙ CFn⋅g"
assumes "(⋀x y. x ◃▹⇘n⇙ y⋅C⇧∞ ⟹ f⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ g⋅y⋅C⇧∞) ⟹ P"
shows P
using assms by (auto simp add: similar'.simps)
lemma bot_or_not_bot':
"x ◃▹⇘n⇙ y ⟹ (x = ⊥ ⟷ y = ⊥)"
by (cases n) (auto simp add: similar'.simps elim: similar'_base.cases similar'_step.cases)
lemma similar'_bot[elim_format, elim!]:
"⊥ ◃▹⇘n⇙ x ⟹ x = ⊥"
"y ◃▹⇘n⇙ ⊥ ⟹ y = ⊥"
by (metis bot_or_not_bot')+
lemma similar'_typed[simp]:
"¬ B⋅b ◃▹⇘n⇙ CFn⋅g"
"¬ Fn⋅f ◃▹⇘n⇙ CB⋅b"
by (cases n, auto simp add: similar'.simps elim: similar'_base.cases similar'_step.cases)+
lemma similar'_bool[simp]:
"B⋅b⇩1 ◃▹⇘Suc n⇙ CB⋅b⇩2 ⟷ b⇩1 = b⇩2"
by (auto simp add: similar'.simps elim: similar'_base.cases similar'_step.cases)
subsubsection ‹Moving up and down the similarity relations›
text ‹
These correspond to Lemma 7 in |cite{functionspaces}.
lemma similar'_down: "d ◃▹⇘Suc n⇙ e ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e"
and similar'_up: "d ◃▹⇘n⇙ e ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘Suc n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e"
proof (induction n arbitrary: d e)
case (Suc n) case 1 with Suc
show ?case
by (cases d e rule:value_CValue_cases) auto
case (Suc n) case 2 with Suc
show ?case
by (cases d e rule:value_CValue_cases) auto
qed auto
text ‹
A generalisation of the above, doing multiple steps at once.
lemma similar'_up_le: "n ≤ m ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘m⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e"
by (induction rule: dec_induct )
(auto dest: similar'_up simp add: Value.take_take CValue.take_take min_absorb2)
lemma similar'_down_le: "n ≤ m ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘m⇙ ψ⇧E⇘m⇙⋅e ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e"
by (induction rule: inc_induct )
(auto dest: similar'_down simp add: Value.take_take CValue.take_take min_absorb1)
lemma similar'_take: "d ◃▹⇘n⇙ e ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅d ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅e"
apply (drule similar'_up)
apply (drule similar'_down)
apply (simp add: Value.take_take CValue.take_take)
subsubsection ‹Admissibility›
text ‹
A technical prerequisite for induction is admissibility of the predicate, i.e.\ that the predicate
holds for the limit of a chain, given that it holds for all elements.
lemma similar'_base_adm: "adm (λ x. similar'_base (fst x) (snd x))"
proof (rule admI, goal_cases)
case (1 Y)
then have "Y = (λ _ . ⊥)" by (metis prod.exhaust fst_eqD inst_prod_pcpo similar'_base.simps snd_eqD)
thus ?case by auto
lemma similar'_step_adm:
assumes "adm (λ x. s (fst x) (snd x))"
shows "adm (λ x. similar'_step s (fst x) (snd x))"
proof (rule admI, goal_cases)
case prems: (1 Y)
from ‹chain Y›
have "chain (λ i. fst (Y i))" by (rule ch2ch_fst)
thus ?case
proof(cases rule: Value_chainE)
case bot
hence *: "⋀ i. fst (Y i) = ⊥" by metis
with prems(2)[unfolded split_beta]
have "⋀i. snd (Y i) = ⊥" by auto
hence "Y = (λ i. (⊥, ⊥))" using * by (metis surjective_pairing)
thus ?thesis by auto
case (B n b)
hence "∀i. fst (Y (i + n)) = B⋅b" by (metis add.commute not_add_less1)
with prems(2)
have "∀i. Y (i + n) = (B⋅b, CB⋅b)"
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x = "i + n" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "i" in allE)
apply (erule similar'_step.cases)
apply auto
by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
hence "similar'_step s (fst (⨆ i. Y (i + n))) (snd (⨆ i. Y (i + n)))" by auto
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: lub_range_shift[OF ‹chain Y›])
fix n
fix Y'
assume "chain Y'" and "(λi. fst (Y i)) = (λ m. (if m < n then ⊥ else Fn⋅(Y' (m-n))))"
hence Y': "⋀ i. fst (Y (i+n)) = Fn⋅(Y' i)" by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' not_add_less2)
with prems(2)[unfolded split_beta]
have "⋀i. ∃ g'. snd (Y (i+n)) = CFn⋅g'"
by -(erule_tac x = "i + n" in allE, auto elim!: similar'_step.cases)
then obtain Y'' where Y'': "⋀ i. snd (Y (i+n)) = CFn⋅(Y'' i)" by metis
from prems(1) have "⋀i. Y i ⊑ Y (Suc i)"
by (simp add: po_class.chain_def)
then have *: "⋀i. Y (i + n) ⊑ Y (Suc i + n)"
by simp
have "chain Y''"
apply (rule chainI)
apply (rule iffD1[OF CValue.inverts(1)])
apply (subst (1 2) Y''[symmetric])
apply (rule snd_monofun)
apply (rule *)
have "similar'_step s (Fn⋅(⨆ i. (Y' i))) (CFn ⋅ (⨆ i. Y'' i))"
proof (rule Fun_similar'_step)
fix x y
from prems(2) Y' Y''
have "⋀i. similar'_step s (Fn⋅(Y' i)) (CFn⋅(Y'' i))" by metis
assume "s x (y⋅C⇧∞)"
have "⋀i. s (Y' i⋅x) (Y'' i⋅y⋅C⇧∞)" by auto
hence "case_prod s (⨆ i. ((Y' i)⋅x, (Y'' i)⋅y⋅C⇧∞))"
apply -
apply (rule admD[OF adm_case_prod[where P = "λ_ . s", OF assms]])
apply (simp add: ‹chain Y'› ‹chain Y''›)
apply simp
thus "s ((⨆ i. Y' i)⋅x) ((⨆ i. Y'' i)⋅y⋅C⇧∞)"
by (simp add: lub_Pair ch2ch_Rep_cfunL contlub_cfun_fun ‹chain Y'› ‹chain Y''›)
hence "similar'_step s (fst (⨆ i. Y (i+n))) (snd (⨆ i. Y (i+n)))"
by (simp add: Y' Y''
cont2contlubE[OF cont_fst chain_shift[OF prems(1)]] cont2contlubE[OF cont_snd chain_shift[OF prems(1)]]
contlub_cfun_arg[OF ‹chain Y''›] contlub_cfun_arg[OF ‹chain Y'›])
thus "similar'_step s (fst (⨆ i. Y i)) (snd (⨆ i. Y i))"
by (simp add: lub_range_shift[OF ‹chain Y›])
lemma similar'_adm: "adm (λx. fst x ◃▹⇘n⇙ snd x)"
by (induct n) (auto simp add: similar'.simps intro: similar'_base_adm similar'_step_adm)
lemma similar'_admI: "cont f ⟹ cont g ⟹ adm (λx. f x ◃▹⇘n⇙ g x)"
by (rule adm_subst[OF _ similar'_adm, where t = "λx. (f x, g x)", simplified]) auto
subsubsection ‹The real similarity relation›
text ‹
This is the goal of the theory: A relation between @{typ Value} and @{typ CValue}.
definition similar :: "Value ⇒ CValue ⇒ bool" (infix "◃▹" 50) where
"x ◃▹ y ⟷ (∀n. ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y)"
lemma similarI:
"(⋀ n. ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y) ⟹ x ◃▹ y"
unfolding similar_def by blast
lemma similarE:
"x ◃▹ y ⟹ ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y"
unfolding similar_def by blast
lemma similar_bot[simp]: "⊥ ◃▹ ⊥" by (auto intro: similarI)
lemma similar_bool[simp]: "B⋅b ◃▹ CB⋅b"
by (rule similarI, case_tac n, auto)
lemma [elim_format, elim!]: "x ◃▹ ⊥ ⟹ x = ⊥"
unfolding similar_def
apply (cases x)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x = "Suc 0" in allE, auto)+
lemma [elim_format, elim!]: "x ◃▹ CB⋅b ⟹ x = B⋅b"
unfolding similar_def
apply (cases x)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x = "Suc 0" in allE, auto)+
lemma [elim_format, elim!]: "⊥ ◃▹ y ⟹ y = ⊥"
unfolding similar_def
apply (cases y)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x = "Suc 0" in allE, auto)+
lemma [elim_format, elim!]: "B⋅b ◃▹ y ⟹ y = CB⋅b"
unfolding similar_def
apply (cases y)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x = "Suc 0" in allE, auto)+
lemma take_similar'_similar:
assumes "x ◃▹⇘n⇙ y"
shows "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y"
proof(rule similarI)
fix m
from assms
have "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y" by (rule similar'_take)
have "n ≤ m ∨ m ≤ n" by auto
show "ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅(ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x) ◃▹⇘m⇙ ψ⇧E⇘m⇙⋅(ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅y)"
by (auto elim: similar'_up_le similar'_down_le dest: similar'_take
simp add: min_absorb2 min_absorb1 Value.take_take CValue.take_take)
lemma bot_or_not_bot:
"x ◃▹ y ⟹ (x = ⊥ ⟷ y = ⊥)"
by (cases x y rule:value_CValue_cases) auto
lemma bool_or_not_bool:
"x ◃▹ y ⟹ (x = B⋅b) ⟷ (y = CB⋅b)"
by (cases x y rule:value_CValue_cases) auto
lemma slimilar_bot_cases[consumes 1, case_names bot bool Fn]:
assumes "x ◃▹ y"
obtains "x = ⊥" "y = ⊥" |
b where "x = B⋅(Discr b)" "y = CB⋅(Discr b)" |
f g where "x = Fn⋅f" "y = CFn ⋅ g"
using assms
by (metis CValue.exhaust Value.exhaust bool_or_not_bool bot_or_not_bot discr.exhaust)
lemma similar_adm: "adm (λx. fst x ◃▹ snd x)"
unfolding similar_def
by (intro adm_lemmas similar'_admI cont2cont)
lemma similar_admI: "cont f ⟹ cont g ⟹ adm (λx. f x ◃▹ g x)"
by (rule adm_subst[OF _ similar_adm, where t = "λx. (f x, g x)", simplified]) auto
text ‹
Having constructed the relation we can how show that it indeed is the desired relation,
relating $|bot$ with $|bot$ and functions with functions, if they take related arguments to related values.
This corresponds to Proposition 9 in |cite{functionspaces}.
lemma similar_nice_def: "x ◃▹ y ⟷ (x = ⊥ ∧ y = ⊥ ∨ (∃ b. x = B⋅(Discr b) ∧ y = CB⋅(Discr b)) ∨ (∃ f g. x = Fn⋅f ∧ y = CFn⋅g ∧ (∀ a b. a ◃▹ b⋅C⇧∞ ⟶ f⋅a ◃▹ g⋅b⋅C⇧∞)))"
(is "?L ⟷ ?R")
assume "?L"
thus "?R"
proof (cases x y rule:slimilar_bot_cases)
case bot thus ?thesis by simp
case bool thus ?thesis by simp
case (Fn f g)
note ‹?L›[unfolded Fn]
have "∀a b. a ◃▹ b⋅C⇧∞ ⟶ f⋅a ◃▹ g⋅b⋅C⇧∞"
proof(intro impI allI)
fix a b
assume "a ◃▹ b⋅C⇧∞"
show "f⋅a ◃▹ g⋅b⋅C⇧∞"
proof(rule similarI)
fix n
have "adm (λ(b, a). ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(f⋅b) ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(g⋅a⋅C⇧∞))"
by (intro adm_case_prod similar'_admI cont2cont)
thus "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(f⋅a) ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(g⋅b⋅C⇧∞)"
proof (induct a b rule: Value_CValue_take_induct[consumes 1])
txt ‹This take induction is required to avoid the wrong equation shown above.›
fix m
from ‹a ◃▹ b⋅C⇧∞›
have "ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅a ◃▹⇘m⇙ ψ⇧E⇘m⇙⋅(b⋅C⇧∞)" by (rule similarE)
hence "ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅a ◃▹⇘max m n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘m⇙⋅(b⋅C⇧∞)" by (rule similar'_up_le[rotated]) auto
from ‹Fn⋅f ◃▹ CFn⋅g›
have "ψ⇧D⇘Suc (max m n)⇙⋅(Fn⋅f) ◃▹⇘Suc (max m n)⇙ ψ⇧E⇘Suc (max m n)⇙⋅(CFn⋅g)" by (rule similarE)
have "ψ⇧D⇘max m n⇙⋅(f⋅(ψ⇧D⇘max m n⇙⋅(ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅a))) ◃▹⇘max m n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘max m n⇙⋅(g⋅(ψ⇧A⇘max m n⇙⋅(ψ⇧A⇘m⇙⋅b))⋅C⇧∞)"
by auto
hence " ψ⇧D⇘max m n⇙⋅(f⋅(ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅a)) ◃▹⇘max m n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘max m n⇙⋅(g⋅(ψ⇧A⇘m⇙⋅b)⋅C⇧∞)"
by (simp add: Value.take_take cfun_map_map CValue.take_take ID_def eta_cfun min_absorb2 min_absorb1)
thus "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(f⋅(ψ⇧D⇘m⇙⋅a)) ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(g⋅(ψ⇧A⇘m⇙⋅b)⋅C⇧∞)"
by (rule similar'_down_le[rotated]) auto
thus ?thesis unfolding Fn by simp
assume "?R"
thus "?L"
proof(elim conjE disjE exE ssubst)
show "⊥ ◃▹ ⊥" by simp
fix b
show "B⋅(Discr b) ◃▹ CB⋅(Discr b)" by simp
fix f g
assume imp: "∀a b. a ◃▹ b⋅C⇧∞ ⟶ f⋅a ◃▹ g⋅b⋅C⇧∞"
show "Fn⋅f ◃▹ CFn⋅g"
proof (rule similarI)
fix n
show "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(Fn⋅f) ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(CFn⋅g)"
proof(cases n)
case 0 thus ?thesis by simp
case (Suc n)
{ fix x y
assume "x ◃▹⇘n⇙ y⋅C⇧∞"
hence "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x ◃▹ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(y⋅C⇧∞)" by (rule take_similar'_similar)
hence "f⋅(ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x) ◃▹ g⋅(ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅y)⋅C⇧∞" using imp by auto
hence "ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅(f⋅(ψ⇧D⇘n⇙⋅x)) ◃▹⇘n⇙ ψ⇧E⇘n⇙⋅(g⋅(ψ⇧A⇘n⇙⋅y)⋅C⇧∞)"
by (rule similarE)
with Suc
show ?thesis by auto
lemma similar_FnI[intro]:
assumes "⋀x y. x ◃▹ y⋅C⇧∞ ⟹ f⋅x ◃▹ g⋅y⋅C⇧∞"
shows "Fn⋅f ◃▹ CFn⋅g"
by (metis assms similar_nice_def)
lemma similar_FnD[elim!]:
assumes "Fn⋅f ◃▹ CFn⋅g"
assumes "x ◃▹ y⋅C⇧∞"
shows "f⋅x ◃▹ g⋅y⋅C⇧∞"
using assms
by (subst (asm) similar_nice_def) auto
lemma similar_FnE[elim!]:
assumes "Fn⋅f ◃▹ CFn⋅g"
assumes "(⋀x y. x ◃▹ y⋅C⇧∞ ⟹ f⋅x ◃▹ g⋅y⋅C⇧∞) ⟹ P"
shows P
by (metis assms similar_FnD)
subsubsection ‹The similarity relation lifted pointwise to functions.›
abbreviation fun_similar :: "('a::type ⇒ Value) ⇒ ('a ⇒ (C → CValue)) ⇒ bool" (infix "◃▹⇧*" 50) where
"fun_similar ≡ pointwise (λx y. x ◃▹ y⋅C⇧∞)"
lemma fun_similar_fmap_bottom[simp]: "⊥ ◃▹⇧* ⊥"
by auto
lemma fun_similarE[elim]:
assumes "m ◃▹⇧* m'"
assumes "(⋀x. (m x) ◃▹ (m' x)⋅C⇧∞) ⟹ Q"
shows Q
using assms unfolding pointwise_def by blast