Theory ResourcedDenotational
theory ResourcedDenotational
imports "Abstract-Denotational-Props" "CValue-Nominal" "C-restr"
type_synonym CEnv = "var ⇒ (C → CValue)"
interpretation semantic_domain
"Λ f . Λ r. CFn⋅(Λ v. (f⋅(v))|⇘r⇙)"
"Λ x y. (Λ r. (x⋅r ↓CFn y|⇘r⇙)⋅r)"
"Λ b r. CB⋅b"
"Λ scrut v1 v2 r. CB_project⋅(scrut⋅r)⋅(v1⋅r)⋅(v2⋅r)"
notation ESem_syn ("𝒩⟦ _ ⟧⇘_⇙" [60,60] 60)
notation EvalHeapSem_syn ("❙𝒩⟦ _ ❙⟧⇘_⇙" [0,0] 110)
notation HSem_syn ("𝒩⦃_⦄_" [60,60] 60)
notation AHSem_bot ("𝒩⦃_⦄" [60] 60)
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Here we re-state the simplification rules, cleaned up by beta-reducing the locale parameters.
lemma CESem_simps:
"𝒩⟦ Lam [x]. e ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C⋅r). CFn⋅(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ(x := v)⇙)|⇘r⇙))"
"𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C⋅r). ((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ↓CFn ρ x|⇘r⇙)⋅r)"
"𝒩⟦ Var x ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C⋅r). (ρ x) ⋅ r)"
"𝒩⟦ Bool b ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C⋅r). CB⋅(Discr b))"
"𝒩⟦ (scrut ? e⇩1 : e⇩2) ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C⋅r). CB_project⋅((𝒩⟦ scrut ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r)⋅((𝒩⟦ e⇩1 ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r)⋅((𝒩⟦ e⇩2 ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r))"
"𝒩⟦ Let as body ⟧⇘ρ⇙ = (Λ (C ⋅ r). (𝒩⟦body⟧⇘𝒩⦃as⦄ρ⇙) ⋅ r)"
by (auto simp add: eta_cfun)
lemma CESem_bot[simp]:"(𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (nominal_induct e arbitrary: σ rule: exp_strong_induct) auto
lemma CHSem_bot[simp]:"((𝒩⦃ Γ ⦄) x)⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (cases "x ∈ domA Γ") (auto simp add: lookup_HSem_heap lookup_HSem_other)
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Sometimes we do not care much about the resource usage and just want a simpler formula.
lemma CESem_simps_no_tick:
"(𝒩⟦ Lam [x]. e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ CFn⋅(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ(x := v)⇙)|⇘r⇙)"
"(𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ ((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ↓CFn ρ x|⇘r⇙)⋅r"
"𝒩⟦ Var x ⟧⇘ρ⇙ ⊑ ρ x"
"(𝒩⟦ (scrut ? e⇩1 : e⇩2) ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ CB_project⋅((𝒩⟦ scrut ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r)⋅((𝒩⟦ e⇩1 ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r)⋅((𝒩⟦ e⇩2 ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r)"
"𝒩⟦ Let as body ⟧⇘ρ⇙ ⊑ 𝒩⟦body⟧⇘𝒩⦃as⦄ρ⇙"
apply -
apply (rule below_trans[OF monofun_cfun_arg[OF below_C]], simp)
apply (rule below_trans[OF monofun_cfun_arg[OF below_C]], simp)
apply (rule cfun_belowI, rule below_trans[OF monofun_cfun_arg[OF below_C]], simp)
apply (rule below_trans[OF monofun_cfun_arg[OF below_C]], simp)
apply (rule cfun_belowI, rule below_trans[OF monofun_cfun_arg[OF below_C]], simp)
lemma CELam_no_restr: "(𝒩⟦ Lam [x]. e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ CFn⋅(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ(x := v)⇙))"
have "(𝒩⟦ Lam [x]. e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ CFn⋅(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ(x := v)⇙)|⇘r⇙)" by (rule CESem_simps_no_tick)
also have "… ⊑ CFn⋅(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ(x := v)⇙))"
by (intro cont2cont monofun_LAM below_trans[OF C_restr_below] monofun_cfun_arg below_refl fun_upd_mono)
finally show ?thesis by this (intro cont2cont)
lemma CEApp_no_restr: "(𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ ((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ↓CFn ρ x)⋅r"
have "(𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ⊑ ((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ⇙)⋅r ↓CFn ρ x|⇘r⇙)⋅r" by (rule CESem_simps_no_tick)
also have "ρ x|⇘r⇙ ⊑ ρ x" by (rule C_restr_below)
finally show ?thesis by this (intro cont2cont)