Theory Existence

section ‹Existence›
theory Existence imports

subsection ‹Definition›

definition has_laplace :: "(real  complex)  complex  complex  bool"
  (infixr has'_laplace 46)
  where "(f has_laplace L) s  ((λt. exp (t *R - s) * f t) has_integral L) {0..}"

lemma has_laplaceI:
  assumes "((λt. exp (t *R - s) * f t) has_integral L) {0..}"
  shows "(f has_laplace L) s"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: has_laplace_def)

lemma has_laplaceD:
  assumes "(f has_laplace L) s"
  shows "((λt. exp (t *R - s) * f t) has_integral L) {0..}"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: has_laplace_def)

lemma has_laplace_unique:
  "L = M" if
  "(f has_laplace L) s"
  "(f has_laplace M) s"
  using that
  by (auto simp: has_laplace_def has_integral_unique)

subsection ‹Condition for Existence: Exponential Order›

definition "exponential_order M c f  0 < M  (F t in at_top. norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t))"

lemma exponential_orderI:
  assumes "0 < M" and eo: "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t)"
  shows "exponential_order M c f"
  by (auto intro!: assms simp: exponential_order_def)

lemma exponential_orderD:
  assumes "exponential_order M c f"
  shows "0 < M" "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t)"
  using assms by (auto simp: exponential_order_def)

  fixes f::"real  complex"

definition laplace_integrand::"complex  real  complex"
  where "laplace_integrand s t = exp (t *R - s) * f t"

lemma laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable_on_Icc:
  "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..b}"
  if "AE x{a..b} in lebesgue. cmod (f x)  B" "f integrable_on {a..b}"
  apply (cases "b  a")
  subgoal by (auto intro!: absolutely_integrable_onI integrable_negligible[OF negligible_real_ivlI])
proof goal_cases
  case 1
  have "compact ((λx. exp (- (x *R s))) ` {a .. b})"
    by (rule compact_continuous_image) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
  then obtain C where C: "0  C" "a  x  x  b  cmod (exp (- (x *R s)))  C" for x
    using 1
    apply (auto simp: bounded_iff dest!: compact_imp_bounded)
    by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff exp_ge_zero order_refl order_trans scaleR_complex.sel(1))

  have m: "(λx. indicator {a..b} x *R f x)  borel_measurable lebesgue"
    apply (rule has_integral_implies_lebesgue_measurable)
    apply (rule integrable_integral)
    apply (rule that)
  have "complex_set_integrable lebesgue {a..b} (λx. exp (- (x *R s)) * (indicator {a .. b} x *R f x))"
    unfolding set_integrable_def
    apply (rule integrableI_bounded_set_indicator[where B="C * B"])
       apply (simp; fail)
      apply (rule borel_measurable_times)
       apply measurable
        apply (simp add: measurable_completion)
       apply (simp add: measurable_completion)
      apply (rule m)
    apply (simp add: emeasure_lborel_Icc_eq)
    using that(1)
    apply eventually_elim
    apply (auto simp: norm_mult)
    apply (rule mult_mono)
    using C
    by auto
  then show ?case
    unfolding set_integrable_def
    by (simp add: laplace_integrand_def[abs_def] indicator_inter_arith[symmetric])

lemma laplace_integrand_integrable_on_Icc:
  "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..b}"
  if "AE x{a..b} in lebesgue. cmod (f x)  B" "f integrable_on {a..b}"
  using laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable_on_Icc[OF that]
  using set_lebesgue_integral_eq_integral(1) by blast

lemma eventually_laplace_integrand_le:
  "F t in at_top. cmod (laplace_integrand s t)  M * exp (- (Re s - c) * t)"
  if "exponential_order M c f"
  using exponential_orderD(2)[OF that]
proof (eventually_elim)
  case (elim t)
  show ?case
    unfolding laplace_integrand_def
    apply (rule norm_mult_ineq[THEN order_trans])
    apply (auto intro!: mult_left_mono[THEN order_trans, OF elim])
    apply (auto simp: exp_minus divide_simps algebra_simps exp_add[symmetric])

  assumes eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and cs: "c < Re s"
  shows laplace_integrand_integrable_on_Ici_iff:
    "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..} 
      (k>a. laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..k})"
    (is ?th1)
  and laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable_on_Ici_iff:
    "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..} 
      (k>a. laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..k})"
    (is ?th2)
proof -
  have "F t in at_top. a < (t::real)"
    using eventually_gt_at_top by blast
  then have "F t in at_top. t > a  cmod (laplace_integrand s t)  M * exp (- (Re s - c) * t)"
    using eventually_laplace_integrand_le[OF eo]
    by eventually_elim (auto)
  then obtain A where A: "A > a" and le: "t  A  cmod (laplace_integrand s t)  M * exp (- (Re s - c) * t)" for t
    unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder
    by blast

  let ?f = "λ(k::real) (t::real). indicat_real {A..k} t *R laplace_integrand s t"

  from exponential_orderD[OF eo] have "M  0" by simp
  have 2: "(λt. M * exp (- (Re s - c) * t)) integrable_on {A..}"
    unfolding integrable_on_cmult_iff[OF M  0] norm_exp_eq_Re
    by (rule integrable_on_exp_minus_to_infinity) (simp add: cs)

  have 3: "t{A..}  cmod (?f k t)  M * exp (- (Re s - c) * t)"
    (is "t_ ?lhs t  ?rhs t")
    for t k
  proof safe
    fix t assume "A  t"
    have "?lhs t  cmod (laplace_integrand s t)"
      by (auto simp: indicator_def)
    also have "  ?rhs t" using A  t le by (simp add: laplace_integrand_def)
    finally show "?lhs t  ?rhs t" .

  have 4: "t{A..}. ((λk. ?f k t)  laplace_integrand s t) at_top"
  proof safe
    fix t assume t: "t  A"
    have "F k in at_top. k  t"
      by (simp add: eventually_ge_at_top)
    then have "F k in at_top. laplace_integrand s t = ?f k t"
      by eventually_elim (use t in auto simp: indicator_def)
    then show "((λk. ?f k t)  laplace_integrand s t) at_top" using tendsto_const
      by (rule Lim_transform_eventually[rotated])

  show th1: ?th1
  proof safe
    assume "k>a. laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..k}"
    note li = this[rule_format]
    have liA: "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {A..k}" for k
    proof cases
      assume "k  A"
      then have "{A..k} = (if A = k then {k} else {})" by auto
      then show ?thesis by (auto intro!: integrable_negligible)
      assume n: "¬ k  A"
      show ?thesis
        by (rule integrable_on_subinterval[OF li[of k]]) (use A n in auto)
    have "?f k integrable_on {A..k}" for k
      using liA[of k] negligible_empty
      by (rule integrable_spike) auto
    then have 1: "?f k integrable_on {A..}" for k
      by (rule integrable_on_superset) auto
    note 1 2 3 4
    note * = this[unfolded set_integrable_def]
    from li[of A] dominated_convergence_at_top(1)[OF *]
    show "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..}"
      by (rule integrable_Un') (use a < A in auto simp: max_def li)
  qed (rule integrable_on_subinterval, assumption, auto)

  show ?th2
  proof safe
    assume ai: "k>a. laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..k}"
    then have "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..A}"
      using A by auto
    from ai have "k>a. laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..k}"
      using set_lebesgue_integral_eq_integral(1) by blast
    with th1 have i: "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {a..}" by auto
    have 1: "?f k integrable_on {A..}" for k
      apply (rule integrable_on_superset[where S="{A..k}"])
      using _ negligible_empty
        apply (rule integrable_spike[where f="laplace_integrand s"])
        apply (rule integrable_on_subinterval)
         apply (rule i)
      by (use a < A in auto)
    have "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {A..}"
      using _ dominated_convergence_at_top(1)[OF 1 2 3 4] 2
      by (rule absolutely_integrable_integrable_bound) (use le in auto)
    have "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on ({a..A}  {A..})"
      by (rule set_integrable_Un) auto
    also have "{a..A}  {A..} = {a..}" using a < A by auto
    finally show "local.laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {a..}" .
  qed (rule set_integrable_subset, assumption, auto)

theorem laplace_exists_laplace_integrandI:
  assumes "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {0..}"
  obtains F where "(f has_laplace F) s"
proof -
  from assms
  have "(f has_laplace integral {0..} (laplace_integrand s)) s"
    unfolding has_laplace_def laplace_integrand_def by blast
  thus ?thesis ..

  assumes eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and pc: "k. AE x{0..k} in lebesgue. cmod (f x)  B k" "k. f integrable_on {0..k}"
    and s: "Re s > c"
  shows laplace_integrand_integrable: "laplace_integrand s integrable_on {0..}" (is ?th1)
    and laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable:
      "laplace_integrand s absolutely_integrable_on {0..}" (is ?th2)
  using eo laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable_on_Icc[OF pc] s
  by (auto simp: laplace_integrand_integrable_on_Ici_iff

lemma piecewise_continuous_on_AE_boundedE:
  assumes pc: "k. piecewise_continuous_on a k (I k) f"
  obtains B where "k. AE x{a..k} in lebesgue. cmod (f x)  B k"
  apply atomize_elim
  apply (rule choice)
  apply (rule allI)
  subgoal for k
    using bounded_piecewise_continuous_image[OF pc[of k]]
    by (force simp: bounded_iff)

theorem piecewise_continuous_on_has_laplace:
  assumes eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and pc: "k. piecewise_continuous_on 0 k (I k) f"
    and s: "Re s > c"
  obtains F where "(f has_laplace F) s"
proof -
  from piecewise_continuous_on_AE_boundedE[OF pc]
  obtain B where AE: "AE x{0..k} in lebesgue. cmod (f x)  B k" for k by force
  have int: "f integrable_on {0..k}" for k
    using pc
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_integrable)
  show ?thesis
    using pc
    apply (rule piecewise_continuous_on_AE_boundedE)
    apply (rule laplace_exists_laplace_integrandI)
     apply (rule laplace_integrand_integrable)
        apply (rule eo)
       apply assumption
      apply (rule int)
     apply (rule s)
    by (rule that)


subsection ‹Concrete Laplace Transforms›

lemma exp_scaleR_has_vector_derivative_left'[derivative_intros]:
  "((λt. exp (t *R A)) has_vector_derivative A * exp (t *R A)) (at t within S)"
  by (metis exp_scaleR_has_vector_derivative_right exp_times_scaleR_commute)

  fixes a::complex―‹TODO: generalize›
  assumes a: "0 < Re a"
  shows integrable_on_cexp_minus_to_infinity: "(λx. exp (x *R - a)) integrable_on {c..}"
    and integral_cexp_minus_to_infinity:  "integral {c..} (λx. exp (x *R - a)) = exp (c *R - a) / a"
proof -
  from a have "a  0" by auto
  define f where "f = (λk x. if x  {c..real k} then exp (x *R -a) else 0)"
    fix k :: nat assume k: "of_nat k  c"
    from a  0 k
      have "((λx. exp (x *R -a)) has_integral (-exp (k *R -a)/a - (-exp (c *R -a)/a))) {c..real k}"
      by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
         (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros exp_scaleR_has_vector_derivative_left
            simp: divide_inverse_commute
               simp del: scaleR_minus_left scaleR_minus_right)
    hence "(f k has_integral (exp (c *R -a)/a - exp (k *R -a)/a)) {c..}" unfolding f_def
      by (subst has_integral_restrict) simp_all
  } note has_integral_f = this

  have integrable_fk: "f k integrable_on {c..}" for k
  proof -
    have "(λx. exp (x *R -a)) integrable_on {c..of_real k}" (is ?P)
      unfolding f_def by (auto intro!: continuous_intros integrable_continuous_real)
    then have int: "(f k) integrable_on {c..of_real k}"
      by (rule integrable_eq) (simp add: f_def)
    show ?thesis
      by (rule integrable_on_superset[OF int]) (auto simp: f_def)
  have limseq: "x. x {c..}  (λk. f k x)  exp (x *R - a)"
    apply (auto intro!: Lim_transform_eventually[OF tendsto_const] simp: f_def)
    by (meson eventually_sequentiallyI nat_ceiling_le_eq)
  have bnd: "x. x  {c..}  cmod (f k x)  exp (- Re a * x)" for k
    by (auto simp: f_def)

  have [simp]: "f k = (λ_. 0)" if "of_nat k < c" for k using that by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff f_def)
  have integral_f: "integral {c..} (f k) =
                      (if real k  c then exp (c *R -a)/a - exp (k *R -a)/a else 0)"
    for k using integral_unique[OF has_integral_f[of k]] by simp

  have "(λk. exp (c *R -a)/a - exp (k *R -a)/a)  exp (c*R-a)/a - 0/a"
    apply (intro tendsto_intros filterlim_compose[OF exp_at_bot]
          filterlim_tendsto_neg_mult_at_bot[OF tendsto_const] filterlim_real_sequentially)+
     apply (rule tendsto_norm_zero_cancel)
    by (auto intro!: assms a  0 filterlim_real_sequentially
        filterlim_compose[OF exp_at_bot] filterlim_compose[OF filterlim_uminus_at_bot_at_top]
        filterlim_at_top_mult_tendsto_pos[OF tendsto_const])
  note A = dominated_convergence[where g="λx. exp (x *R -a)",
    OF integrable_fk integrable_on_exp_minus_to_infinity[where a="Re a" and c=c, OF 0 < Re a]
      bnd limseq]
  from A(1) show "(λx. exp (x *R - a)) integrable_on {c..}" .
  from eventually_gt_at_top[of "nat c"] have "eventually (λk. of_nat k > c) sequentially"
    by eventually_elim linarith
  hence "eventually (λk. exp (c *R -a)/a - exp (k *R -a)/a = integral {c..} (f k)) sequentially"
    by eventually_elim (simp add: integral_f)
  ultimately have "(λk. integral {c..} (f k))  exp (c *R -a)/a - 0/a"
    by (rule Lim_transform_eventually)
  from LIMSEQ_unique[OF A(2) this]
  show "integral {c..} (λx. exp (x *R -a)) = exp (c *R -a)/a" by simp

lemma has_integral_cexp_minus_to_infinity:
  fixes a::complex―‹TODO: generalize›
  assumes a: "0 < Re a"
  shows "((λx. exp (x *R - a)) has_integral exp (c *R - a) / a) {c..}"
  using integral_cexp_minus_to_infinity[OF assms]
    integrable_on_cexp_minus_to_infinity[OF assms]
  using has_integral_integrable_integral by blast

lemma has_laplace_one:
  "((λ_. 1) has_laplace inverse s) s" if "Re s > 0"
proof (safe intro!: has_laplaceI)
  from that have "((λt. exp (t *R - s)) has_integral inverse s) {0..}"
    by (rule has_integral_cexp_minus_to_infinity[THEN has_integral_eq_rhs])
       (auto simp: inverse_eq_divide)
  then show "((λt. exp (t *R - s) * 1) has_integral inverse s) {0..}" by simp

lemma has_laplace_add:
  assumes f: "(f has_laplace F) S"
  assumes g: "(g has_laplace G) S"
  shows "((λx. f x + g x) has_laplace F + G) S"
  apply (rule has_laplaceI)
  using has_integral_add[OF has_laplaceD[OF f ] has_laplaceD[OF g]]
  by (auto simp: algebra_simps)

lemma has_laplace_cmul:
  assumes "(f has_laplace F) S"
  shows "((λx. r *R f x) has_laplace r *R F) S"
  apply (rule has_laplaceI)
  using has_laplaceD[OF assms, THEN has_integral_cmul[where c=r]]
  by auto

lemma has_laplace_uminus:
  assumes "(f has_laplace F) S"
  shows "((λx. - f x) has_laplace - F) S"
  using has_laplace_cmul[OF assms, of "-1"]
  by auto

lemma has_laplace_minus:
  assumes f: "(f has_laplace F) S"
  assumes g: "(g has_laplace G) S"
  shows "((λx. f x - g x) has_laplace F - G) S"
  using has_laplace_add[OF f has_laplace_uminus[OF g]]
  by simp

lemma has_laplace_spike:
  "(f has_laplace L) s"
  if L: "(g has_laplace L) s"
    and "negligible T"
    and "t. t  T  t  0  f t = g t"
  by (auto intro!: has_laplaceI has_integral_spike[where S="T", OF _ _ has_laplaceD[OF L]] that)

lemma has_laplace_frequency_shift:―‹First Translation Theorem in Schiff›
  "((λt. exp (t *R b) * f t) has_laplace L) s"
  if "(f has_laplace L) (s - b)"
  using that
  by (auto intro!: has_laplaceI dest!: has_laplaceD
      simp: mult_exp_exp algebra_simps)

theorem has_laplace_derivative_time_domain:
  "(f' has_laplace s * L - f0) s"
  if L: "(f has_laplace L) s"
    and f': "t. t > 0  (f has_vector_derivative f' t) (at t)"
    and f0: "(f  f0) (at_right 0)"
    and eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and cs: "c < Re s"
    ―‹Proof and statement follow "The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications" by Joel L. Schiff.›
proof (rule has_laplaceI)
  have ce: "continuous_on S (λt. exp (t *R - s))" for S
    by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
  have de: "((λt. exp (t *R - s)) has_vector_derivative (- s * exp (- (t *R s)))) (at t)" for t
    by (auto simp: has_vector_derivative_def intro!: derivative_eq_intros ext)
  have "((λx. -s * (f x * exp (- (x *R s)))) has_integral - s * L) {0..}"
    apply (rule has_integral_mult_right)
    using has_laplaceD[OF L]
    by (auto simp: ac_simps)

  define g where "g x = (if x  0 then f0 else f x)" for x

  have eog: "exponential_order M c g"
  proof -
    from exponential_orderD[OF eo] have "0 < M"
      and ev: "F t in at_top. cmod (f t)  M * exp (c * t)" .
    have "F t::real in at_top. t > 0" by simp
    with ev have "F t in at_top. cmod (g t)  M * exp (c * t)"
      by eventually_elim (auto simp: g_def)
    with 0 < M show ?thesis
      by (rule exponential_orderI)
  have Lg: "(g has_laplace L) s"
    using L
    by (rule has_laplace_spike[where T="{0}"]) (auto simp: g_def)
  have g': "t. 0 < t  (g has_vector_derivative f' t) (at t)"
    using f'
    by (rule has_vector_derivative_transform_within_open[where S="{0<..}"]) (auto simp: g_def)
  have cg: "continuous_on {0..k} g" for k
    apply (auto simp: g_def continuous_on_def)
     apply (rule filterlim_at_within_If)
    subgoal by (rule tendsto_intros)
      apply (rule tendsto_within_subset)
       apply (rule f0)
      by auto
    subgoal premises prems for x
    proof -
      from prems have "0 < x" by auto
      from order_tendstoD[OF tendsto_ident_at this]
      have "eventually ((<) 0) (at x within {0..k})" by auto
      then have "F x in at x within {0..k}. f x = (if x  0 then f0 else f x)"
        by eventually_elim auto
      note [simp] = at_within_open[where S="{0<..}"]
      have "continuous_on {0<..} f"
        by (rule continuous_on_vector_derivative)
          (auto simp add: intro!: f')
      then have "(f  f x) (at x within {0..k})"
        using 0 < x
        by (auto simp: continuous_on_def intro: Lim_at_imp_Lim_at_within)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (rule Lim_transform_eventually[rotated])
  then have pcg: "piecewise_continuous_on 0 k {} g" for k
    by (auto simp: piecewise_continuous_on_def)
  from piecewise_continuous_on_AE_boundedE[OF this]
  obtain B where B: "AE x{0..k} in lebesgue. cmod (g x)  B k" for k by auto
  have 1: "laplace_integrand g s absolutely_integrable_on {0..}"
    apply (rule laplace_integrand_absolutely_integrable[OF eog])
      apply (rule B)
     apply (rule piecewise_continuous_on_integrable)
     apply (rule pcg)
    apply (rule cs)
  then have csi: "complex_set_integrable lebesgue {0..} (λx. exp (x *R - s) * g x)"
    by (auto simp: laplace_integrand_def[abs_def])
  from has_laplaceD[OF Lg, THEN has_integral_improperE, OF csi]
  obtain J where J: "k. ((λt. exp (t *R - s) * g t) has_integral J k) {0..k}"
    and [tendsto_intros]: "(J  L) at_top"
    by auto
  have "((λx. -s * (exp (x *R - s) * g x)) has_integral -s * J k) {0..k}" for k
    by (rule has_integral_mult_right) (rule J)
  then have *: "((λx. g x * (- s * exp (- (x *R s)))) has_integral -s * J k) {0..k}" for k
    by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
  have "F k::real in at_top. k  0"
    using eventually_ge_at_top by blast
  then have evI: "F k in at_top. ((λt. exp (t *R - s) * f' t) has_integral
    g k * exp (k *R - s) + s * J k - g 0) {0..k}"
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim k)
    show ?case
      apply (subst mult.commute)
      apply (rule integration_by_parts_interior[OF bounded_bilinear_mult], fact)
      apply (rule cg) apply (rule ce) apply (rule g') apply force apply (rule de)
      apply (rule has_integral_eq_rhs)
       apply (rule *)
      by auto
  have t1: "((λx. g x * exp (x *R - s))  0) at_top"
    apply (subst mult.commute)
    unfolding laplace_integrand_def[symmetric]
    apply (rule Lim_null_comparison)
    apply (rule eventually_laplace_integrand_le[OF eog])
    apply (rule tendsto_mult_right_zero)
    apply (rule filterlim_compose[OF exp_at_bot])
    apply (rule filterlim_tendsto_neg_mult_at_bot)
      apply (rule tendsto_intros)
    using cs apply simp
    apply (rule filterlim_ident)
  show "((λt. exp (t *R - s) * f' t) has_integral s * L - f0) {0..}"
    apply (rule has_integral_improper_at_topI[OF evI])
      apply (rule tendsto_eq_intros)
       apply (rule tendsto_intros)
        apply (rule t1)
       apply (rule tendsto_intros)
        apply (rule tendsto_intros)
       apply (rule tendsto_intros)
       apply (rule tendsto_intros)
      by (simp add: g_def)

lemma exp_times_has_integral:
  "((λt. exp (c * t)) has_integral (if c = 0 then t else exp (c * t) / c) - (if c = 0 then t0 else exp (c * t0) / c)) {t0 .. t}"
  if "t0  t"
  for c t::real
  apply (cases "c = 0")
    using that
    apply auto
    apply (rule has_integral_eq_rhs)
     apply (rule has_integral_const_real)
    by auto
    apply (rule fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
    using that
    by (auto simp: has_vector_derivative_def intro!: derivative_eq_intros)

lemma integral_exp_times:
  "integral {t0 .. t} (λt. exp (c * t)) = (if c = 0 then t - t0 else exp (c * t) / c - exp (c * t0) / c)"
  if "t0  t"
  for c t::real
  using exp_times_has_integral[OF that, of c] that
  by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma filtermap_times_pos_at_top: "filtermap ((*) e) at_top = at_top"
  if "e > 0"
  for e::real
  apply (rule filtermap_fun_inverse[of "(*) (inverse e)"])
    apply (rule filterlim_tendsto_pos_mult_at_top)
      apply (rule tendsto_intros)
  subgoal using that by simp
    apply (rule filterlim_ident)
    apply (rule filterlim_tendsto_pos_mult_at_top)
      apply (rule tendsto_intros)
  subgoal using that by simp
   apply (rule filterlim_ident)
  using that by auto

lemma exponential_order_additiveI:
  assumes "0 < M" and eo: "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  K + M * exp (c * t)" and "c  0"
  obtains M' where "exponential_order M' c f"
proof -
  consider "c = 0" | "c > 0" using c  0 by arith
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume "c = 0"
    have "exponential_order (max K 0 + M) c f"
      using eo
       apply (auto intro!: exponential_orderI add_nonneg_pos 0 < M simp: c = 0)
      apply (auto simp: max_def)
      using eventually_elim2 by force
    then show ?thesis ..
    assume "c > 0"
    have "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  K + M * exp (c * t)"
      by fact
    have "F t in (filtermap exp (filtermap ((*) c) at_top)). K < t"
      by (simp add: filtermap_times_pos_at_top c > 0 filtermap_exp_at_top)
    then have "F t in at_top. K < exp (c * t)"
      by (simp add: eventually_filtermap)
    have "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  (1 + M) * exp (c * t)"
      by eventually_elim (auto simp: algebra_simps)
    with add_nonneg_pos[OF zero_le_one 0 < M]
    have "exponential_order (1 + M) c f"
      by (rule exponential_orderI)
    then show ?thesis ..

lemma exponential_order_integral:
  fixes f::"real  'a::banach"
  assumes I: "t. t  a  (f has_integral I t) {a .. t}"
    and eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and "c > 0"
  obtains M' where "exponential_order M' c I"
proof -
  from exponential_orderD[OF eo] have "0 < M"
    and bound: "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t)"
    by auto
  have "F t in at_top. t > a"
    by simp
  from bound this
  have "F t in at_top. norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t)  t > a"
    by eventually_elim auto
  then obtain t0 where t0: "t. t  t0  norm (f t)  M * exp (c * t)" "t0 > a"
    by (auto simp: eventually_at_top_linorder)
  have "F t in at_top. t > t0" by simp
  then have "F t in at_top. norm (I t)  norm (integral {a..t0} f) - M * exp (c * t0) / c + (M / c) * exp (c * t)"
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim t) then have that: "t  t0" by simp
    from t0 have "a  t0" by simp
    have "f integrable_on {a .. t0}" "f integrable_on {t0 .. t}"
      subgoal by (rule has_integral_integrable[OF I[OF a  t0]])
        apply (rule integrable_on_subinterval[OF has_integral_integrable[OF I[where t=t]]])
        using t0 > a that by auto
    have "I t = integral {a .. t0} f + integral {t0 .. t} f"
      by (metis Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine I a  t0 dual_order.strict_trans
          has_integral_integrable_integral less_eq_real_def that)
    also have "norm   norm (integral {a .. t0} f) + norm (integral {t0 .. t} f)" by norm
    have "norm (integral {t0 .. t} f)  integral {t0 .. t} (λt. M * exp (c * t))"
      apply (rule integral_norm_bound_integral)
        apply fact
      by (auto intro!: integrable_continuous_interval continuous_intros t0)
    also have " = M * integral {t0 .. t} (λt. exp (c * t))"
      by simp
    also have "integral {t0 .. t} (λt. exp (c * t)) = exp (c * t) / c - exp (c * t0) / c"
      using c > 0 t0  t
      by (subst integral_exp_times) auto
    finally show ?case
      using c > 0
      by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
  from exponential_order_additiveI[OF divide_pos_pos[OF 0 < M 0 < c] this less_imp_le[OF 0 < c]]
  obtain M' where "exponential_order M' c I" .
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma integral_has_vector_derivative_piecewise_continuous:
  fixes f :: "real  'a::euclidean_space"―‹TODO: generalize?›
  assumes "piecewise_continuous_on a b D f"
  shows "x. x  {a .. b} - D 
    ((λu. integral {a..u} f) has_vector_derivative f(x)) (at x within {a..b} - D)"
  using assms
proof (induction a b D f rule: piecewise_continuous_on_induct)
  case (empty a b f)
  then show ?case
    by (auto intro: integral_has_vector_derivative)
  case (combine a i b I f1 f2 f)
  then consider "x < i" | "i < x" by auto arith

  then show ?case
  proof cases―‹TODO: this is very explicit...›
    case 1
    have evless: "F xa in nhds x. xa < i"
      apply (rule order_tendstoD[OF _ x < i])
      by (simp add: filterlim_ident)
    have eq: "at x within {a..b} - insert i I = at x within {a .. i} - I"
      unfolding filter_eq_iff
    proof safe
      fix P
      assume "eventually P (at x within {a..i} - I)"
      with evless show "eventually P (at x within {a..b} - insert i I)"
        unfolding eventually_at_filter
        by eventually_elim auto
      fix P
      assume "eventually P (at x within {a..b} - insert i I)"
      with evless show "eventually P (at x within {a..i} - I)"
        unfolding eventually_at_filter
        apply eventually_elim
        using 1 combine
        by auto
    have "f x = f1 x" using combine 1 by auto
    have i_eq: "integral {a..y} f = integral {a..y} f1" if "y < i" for y
      using negligible_empty
      apply (rule integral_spike)
      using combine 1 that
      by auto
    from evless have ev_eq: "F x in nhds x. x  {a..i} - I  integral {a..x} f = integral {a..x} f1"
      by eventually_elim (auto simp: i_eq)
    show ?thesis unfolding eq f x = f1 x
      apply (subst has_vector_derivative_cong_ev[OF ev_eq])
      using combine.IH[of x]
      using combine.hyps combine.prems 1
      by (auto simp: i_eq)
    case 2
    have evless: "F xa in nhds x. xa > i"
      apply (rule order_tendstoD[OF _ x > i])
      by (simp add: filterlim_ident)
    have eq: "at x within {a..b} - insert i I = at x within {i .. b} - I"
      unfolding filter_eq_iff
    proof safe
      fix P
      assume "eventually P (at x within {i..b} - I)"
      with evless show "eventually P (at x within {a..b} - insert i I)"
        unfolding eventually_at_filter
        by eventually_elim auto
      fix P
      assume "eventually P (at x within {a..b} - insert i I)"
      with evless show "eventually P (at x within {i..b} - I)"
        unfolding eventually_at_filter
        apply eventually_elim
        using 2 combine
        by auto
    have "f x = f2 x" using combine 2 by auto
    have i_eq: "integral {a..y} f = integral {a..i} f + integral {i..y} f2" if "i < y" "y  b" for y
    proof -
      have "integral {a..y} f = integral {a..i} f + integral {i..y} f"
        apply (cases "i = y")
        subgoal by auto
          apply (rule Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine[symmetric])
          using combine that apply auto
          apply (rule integrable_Un'[where A="{a .. i}" and B="{i..y}"])
            by (rule integrable_spike[where S="{i}" and f="f1"])
              (auto intro: piecewise_continuous_on_integrable)
            apply (rule integrable_on_subinterval[where S="{i..b}"])
            by (rule integrable_spike[where S="{i}" and f="f2"])
              (auto intro: piecewise_continuous_on_integrable)
          subgoal by (auto simp: max_def min_def)
          subgoal by auto
      also have "integral {i..y} f = integral {i..y} f2"
        apply (rule integral_spike[where S="{i}"])
        using combine 2 that
        by auto
      finally show ?thesis .
    from evless have ev_eq: "F y in nhds x. y  {i..b} - I  integral {a..y} f = integral {a..i} f + integral {i..y} f2"
      by eventually_elim (auto simp: i_eq)
    show ?thesis unfolding eq
      apply (subst has_vector_derivative_cong_ev[OF ev_eq])
      using combine.IH[of x] combine.prems combine.hyps 2
      by (auto simp: i_eq intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
qed (auto intro: has_vector_derivative_within_subset)

lemma has_derivative_at_split:
  "(f has_derivative f') (at x)  (f has_derivative f') (at_left x)  (f has_derivative f') (at_right x)"
  for x::"'a::{linorder_topology, real_normed_vector}"
  by (auto simp: has_derivative_at_within filterlim_at_split)

lemma has_vector_derivative_at_split:
  "(f has_vector_derivative f') (at x) 
   (f has_vector_derivative f') (at_left x) 
   (f has_vector_derivative f') (at_right x)"
  using has_derivative_at_split[of f "λh. h *R f'" x]
  by (simp add: has_vector_derivative_def)

lemmas differentiableI_vector[intro]

lemma differentiable_at_splitD:
  "f differentiable at_left x"
  "f differentiable at_right x"
  if "f differentiable (at x)"
  for x::real
  using that[unfolded vector_derivative_works has_vector_derivative_at_split]
  by auto

lemma integral_differentiable:
  fixes f :: "real  'a::banach"
  assumes "continuous_on {a..b} f"
    and "x  {a..b}"
  shows "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {a..b}"
  using integral_has_vector_derivative[OF assms]
  by blast

theorem integral_has_vector_derivative_piecewise_continuous':
  fixes f :: "real  'a::euclidean_space"―‹TODO: generalize?›
  assumes "piecewise_continuous_on a b D f" "a < b"
    "(x. a < x  x < b  x  D  (λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x) 
    (x. a  x  x < b  (λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable at_right x) 
    (x. a < x  x  b  (λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable at_left x)"
  using assms
proof (induction a b D f rule: piecewise_continuous_on_induct)
  case (empty a b f)
  have "a < x  x < b  (λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable (at x)" for x
    using integral_differentiable[OF empty(1), of x]
    by (auto simp: at_within_interior)
  then show ?case
    using integral_differentiable[OF empty(1), of a]
      integral_differentiable[OF empty(1), of b]
      a < b
    by (auto simp: at_within_Icc_at_right at_within_Icc_at_left le_less
        intro: differentiable_at_withinI)
  case (combine a i b I f1 f2 f)
  from piecewise_continuous_on a i I f1 have "finite I"
    by (auto elim!: piecewise_continuous_onE)

  from combine(4) have "piecewise_continuous_on a i (insert i I) f1"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_insert_rightI)
  then have "piecewise_continuous_on a i (insert i I) f"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_congI) (auto simp: combine)
  from combine(5) have "piecewise_continuous_on i b (insert i I) f2"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_insert_leftI)
  then have "piecewise_continuous_on i b (insert i I) f"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_congI) (auto simp: combine)
  ultimately have "piecewise_continuous_on a b (insert i I) f"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_combine)
  then have f_int: "f integrable_on {a .. b}"
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_integrable)

  from combine.IH
  have f1: "x>a  x < i  x  I  (λu. integral {a..u} f1) differentiable (at x)"
    "xa  x < i  (λt. integral {a..t} f1) differentiable (at_right x)"
    "x>a  x  i  (λt. integral {a..t} f1) differentiable (at_left x)"
   and f2: "x>i  x < b  x  I  (λu. integral {i..u} f2) differentiable (at x)"
    "xi  x < b  (λt. integral {i..t} f2) differentiable (at_right x)"
    "x>i  x  b  (λt. integral {i..t} f2) differentiable (at_left x)"
    for x
    by auto

  have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x" if "a < x" "x < b" "x  i" "x  I" for x
  proof -
    from that consider "x < i" |"i < x" by arith
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      have at: "at x within {a<..<i} - I = at x"
        using that 1
        by (intro at_within_open) (auto intro!: open_Diff finite_imp_closed finite I)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f1) differentiable at x within {a<..<i} - I"
        using that 1 f1 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {a<..<i} - I"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 1 by (auto intro!: integral_cong)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
      case 2
      have at: "at x within {i<..<b} - I = at x"
        using that 2
        by (intro at_within_open) (auto intro!: open_Diff finite_imp_closed finite I)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f2) differentiable at x within {i<..<b} - I"
        using that 2 f2 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f) differentiable at x within {i<..<b} - I"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 2 by (auto intro!: integral_spike[where S="{i,x}"])
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {i<..<b} - I"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        subgoal using that 2 by auto
        apply auto
        apply (subst Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine)
        using that 2 a  i
        apply auto
        by (auto intro: integrable_on_subinterval f_int)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
  have "(λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable at_right x" if "a  x" "x < b" for x
  proof -
    from that consider "x < i" |"i  x" by arith
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      have at: "at x within {x..i} = at_right x"
        using x < i by (rule at_within_Icc_at_right)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f1) differentiable at x within {x..i}"
        using that 1 f1 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {x..i}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 1 by (auto intro!: integral_spike[where S="{i,x}"])
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
      case 2
      have at: "at x within {x..b} = at_right x"
        using x < b by (rule at_within_Icc_at_right)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f2) differentiable at x within {x..b}"
        using that 2 f2 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f) differentiable at x within {x..b}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 2 by (auto intro!: integral_spike[where S="{i,x}"])
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {x..b}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        subgoal using that 2 by auto
        apply auto
        apply (subst Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine)
        using that 2 a  i
        apply auto
        by (auto intro: integrable_on_subinterval f_int)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
  have "(λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable at_left x" if "a < x" "x  b" for x
  proof -
    from that consider "x  i" |"i < x" by arith
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      have at: "at x within {a..x} = at_left x"
        using a < x by (rule at_within_Icc_at_left)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f1) differentiable at x within {a..x}"
        using that 1 f1 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {a..x}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 1 by (auto intro!: integral_spike[where S="{i,x}"])
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
      case 2
      have at: "at x within {i..x} = at_left x"
        using i < x by (rule at_within_Icc_at_left)
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f2) differentiable at x within {i..x}"
        using that 2 f2 by auto
      then have "(λu. integral {a..i} f + integral {i..u} f) differentiable at x within {i..x}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        using that combine.hyps 2 by (auto intro!: integral_spike[where S="{i,x}"])
      then have "(λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable at x within {i..x}"
        apply (rule differentiable_transform_within[OF _ zero_less_one])
        subgoal using that 2 by auto
        apply auto
        apply (subst Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine)
        using that 2 a  i
        apply auto
        by (auto intro: integrable_on_subinterval f_int)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: at)
  show ?case
    by auto
  case (weaken a b i I f)
  from weaken.IH[OF a < b]
  obtain l u where IH:
    "x. a < x  x < b  x  I  (λu. integral {a..u} f) differentiable (at x)"
    "x. a  x  x < b  (λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable (at_right x)"
    "x. a < x  x  b  (λt. integral {a..t} f) differentiable (at_left x)"
    by metis
  then show ?case by auto

lemma "closure (-S)  closure S = frontier S"
  by (auto simp add: frontier_def closure_complement)

theorem integral_time_domain_has_laplace:
  "((λt. integral {0 .. t} f) has_laplace L / s) s"
  if pc: "k. piecewise_continuous_on 0 k D f"
    and eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and L: "(f has_laplace L) s"
    and s: "Re s > c"
    and c: "c > 0"
    and TODO: "D = {}" ― ‹TODO: generalize to actual piecewise_continuous_on›
  for f::"real  complex"
proof -
  define I where "I = (λt. integral {0 .. t} f)"
  have I': "(I has_vector_derivative f t) (at t within {0..x} - D)"
    if "t  {0 .. x} - D"
    for x t
    unfolding I_def
    by (rule integral_has_vector_derivative_piecewise_continuous; fact)
  have fi: "f integrable_on {0..t}" for t
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_on_integrable) fact
  have Ic: "continuous_on {0 .. t} I" for t
    unfolding I_def using fi
    by (rule indefinite_integral_continuous_1)
  have Ipc: "piecewise_continuous_on 0 t {} I" for t
    by (rule piecewise_continuous_onI) (auto intro!: Ic)
  have I: "(f has_integral I t) {0 .. t}" for t
    unfolding I_def
    using fi
    by (rule integrable_integral)
  from exponential_order_integral[OF I eo 0 < c] obtain M'
    where Ieo: "exponential_order M' c I" .
  have Ili: "laplace_integrand I s integrable_on {0..}"
    using Ipc
    apply (rule piecewise_continuous_on_AE_boundedE)
    apply (rule laplace_integrand_integrable)
    apply (rule Ieo)
      apply assumption
     apply (rule integrable_continuous_interval)
     apply (rule Ic)
    apply (rule s)
  then obtain LI where LI: "(I has_laplace LI) s"
    by (rule laplace_exists_laplace_integrandI)

  from piecewise_continuous_onE[OF pc] have finite D by auto
  have I'2: "(I has_vector_derivative f t) (at t)" if "t > 0" "t  D" for t
    apply (subst at_within_open[symmetric, where S="{0<..<t+1} - D"])
    subgoal using that by auto
    subgoal by (auto intro!:open_Diff finite_imp_closed finite D)
    subgoal using I'[where x="t + 1"]
      apply (rule has_vector_derivative_within_subset)
      using that
      by auto
  have I_tndsto: "(I  0) (at_right 0)"
    apply (rule tendsto_eq_rhs)
     apply (rule continuous_on_Icc_at_rightD)
      apply (rule Ic)
    apply (rule zero_less_one)
    by (auto simp: I_def)
  have "(f has_laplace s * LI - 0) s"
    by (rule has_laplace_derivative_time_domain[OF LI I'2 I_tndsto Ieo s])
      (auto simp: TODO)
  from has_laplace_unique[OF this L] have "LI = L / s"
    using s c by auto
  with LI show "(I has_laplace L / s) s" by simp

subsection ‹higher derivatives›

definition "nderiv i f X = ((λf. (λx. vector_derivative f (at x within X)))^^i) f"

definition "ndiff n f X  (i<n. x  X. nderiv i f X differentiable at x within X)"

lemma nderiv_zero[simp]: "nderiv 0 f X = f"
  by (auto simp: nderiv_def)

lemma nderiv_Suc[simp]:
  "nderiv (Suc i) f X x = vector_derivative (nderiv i f X) (at x within X)"
  by (auto simp: nderiv_def)

lemma ndiff_zero[simp]: "ndiff 0 f X"
  by (auto simp: ndiff_def)

lemma ndiff_Sucs[simp]:
  "ndiff (Suc i) f X 
    (ndiff i f X) 
    (x  X. (nderiv i f X) differentiable (at x within X))"
  apply (auto simp: ndiff_def )
  using less_antisym by blast

theorem has_laplace_vector_derivative:
  "((λt. vector_derivative f (at t)) has_laplace s * L - f0) s"
  if L: "(f has_laplace L) s"
    and f': "t. t > 0  f differentiable (at t)"
    and f0: "(f  f0) (at_right 0)"
    and eo: "exponential_order M c f"
    and cs: "c < Re s"
proof -
  have f': "(t. 0 < t  (f has_vector_derivative vector_derivative f (at t)) (at t))"
    using f'
    by (subst vector_derivative_works[symmetric])
  show ?thesis
    by (rule has_laplace_derivative_time_domain[OF L f' f0 eo cs])

lemma has_laplace_nderiv:
  "(nderiv n f {0<..} has_laplace s^n * L - (i<n. s^(n - Suc i) * f0 i)) s"
  if L: "(f has_laplace L) s"
    and f': "ndiff n f {0<..}"
    and f0: "i. i < n  (nderiv i f {0<..}  f0 i) (at_right 0)"
    and eo: "i. i < n  exponential_order M c (nderiv i f {0<..})"
    and cs: "c < Re s"
  using f' f0 eo
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: L)
  case (Suc n)
  have awo: "at t within {0<..} = at t" if "t > 0" for t::real
    using that
    by (subst at_within_open) auto
  have "((λa. vector_derivative (nderiv n f {0<..}) (at a)) has_laplace
    s * ( s ^ n * L - (i<n. s^(n - Suc i) * f0 i)) - f0 n) s"
    (is "(_ has_laplace ?L) _")
    apply (rule has_laplace_vector_derivative)
        apply (rule Suc.IH)
    subgoal using Suc.prems by auto
    subgoal using Suc.prems by auto
    subgoal using Suc.prems by auto
    subgoal using Suc.prems by (auto simp: awo)
    subgoal using Suc.prems by auto
     apply (rule Suc.prems; force)
    apply (rule cs)
  also have "?L = s ^ Suc n * L - (i<Suc n. s ^ (Suc n - Suc i) * f0 i)"
    by (auto simp: algebra_simps sum_distrib_left diff_Suc Suc_diff_le
        split: nat.splits
        intro!: sum.cong)
  finally show ?case
    by (rule has_laplace_spike[where T="{0}"]) (auto simp: awo)
