Theory Progress


theory Progress
  imports TypePreservation
text‹We say that a term $t$ is in \emph{weak-head-normal} form when one of the following conditions are met:
    \item $t$ is a value,
    \item there exists $\alpha$ and $v$ such that $t = \mu:\tau.[\alpha]\ v$ with $\alpha \in fcv(v)$
          whenever $\alpha = 0$.
fun (sequential) is_nf :: "trm  bool" where
  "is_nf (μ U: (<β> v)) = (is_val v  (β = 0  0  fmv_trm v 0))" |
  "is_nf v = is_val v"
lemma progress':
  "Γ, Δ T t : T  lambda_closed t  ( s. ¬(t  s))  is_nf t"
  "Γ, Δ C c  lambda_closedC c   ( β t. c = (<β> t)  ( d. ¬(t  d))  is_nf t)"                            
proof (induct rule: typing_trm_typing_cmd.inducts)
  case (app Γ Δ t T1 T2 s)
  then show ?case
    by -(erule type_arrow_elim; force)  
  case (activate Γ Δ T c)
  then show ?case
    proof(cases c)
      case (MVar α t)
      then show ?thesis
        using activate by (case_tac t; force)
qed force+

theorem progress:
  assumes "Γ, Δ T t : T" "lambda_closed t"
  shows   "is_nf t  ( s. t  s)"
using assms by (fastforce intro: progress')