Theory OpenFlow_Serialize
theory OpenFlow_Serialize
imports OpenFlow_Matches
definition "serialization_test_entry ≡ OFEntry 7 {EtherDst 0x1, IPv4Dst (PrefixMatch 0xA000201 32), IngressPort ''s1-lan'', L4Dst 0x50 0, L4Src 0x400 0x3FF, IPv4Proto 6, EtherType 0x800} [ModifyField_l2dst 0xA641F185E862, Forward ''s1-wan'']"
value "(map ((<<) (1::48 word) ∘ (*) 8) ∘ rev) [0..<6]"
definition "serialize_mac (m::48 word) ≡ (intersperse (CHR '':'') ∘ map (hex_string_of_word 1 ∘ (λh. (m >> h * 8) && 0xff)) ∘ rev) [0..<6]"
lemma "serialize_mac 0xdeadbeefcafe = ''de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe''" by eval
definition "serialize_action pids a ≡ (case a of
Forward oif ⇒ ''output:'' @ pids oif |
ModifyField_l2dst na ⇒ ''mod_dl_dst:'' @ serialize_mac na)"
definition "serialize_actions pids a ≡ if length a = 0 then ''drop'' else (intersperse (CHR '','') ∘ map (serialize_action pids)) a"
lemma "serialize_actions (λoif. ''42'') (ofe_action serialization_test_entry) =
''mod_dl_dst:a6:41:f1:85:e8:62,output:42''" by eval
lemma "serialize_actions anything [] = ''drop''"
by(simp add: serialize_actions_def)
definition "prefix_to_string pfx ≡ ipv4_cidr_toString (pfxm_prefix pfx, pfxm_length pfx)"
primrec serialize_of_match where
"serialize_of_match pids (IngressPort p) = ''in_port='' @ pids p" |
"serialize_of_match _ (VlanId i) = ''dl_vlan='' @ dec_string_of_word0 i" |
"serialize_of_match _ (VlanPriority _) = undefined" |
"serialize_of_match _ (EtherType i) = ''dl_type=0x'' @ hex_string_of_word0 i" |
"serialize_of_match _ (EtherSrc m) = ''dl_src='' @ serialize_mac m" |
"serialize_of_match _ (EtherDst m) = ''dl_dst='' @ serialize_mac m" |
"serialize_of_match _ (IPv4Proto i) = ''nw_proto='' @ dec_string_of_word0 i" |
"serialize_of_match _ (IPv4Src p) = ''nw_src='' @ prefix_to_string p" |
"serialize_of_match _ (IPv4Dst p) = ''nw_dst='' @ prefix_to_string p" |
"serialize_of_match _ (L4Src i m) = ''tp_src='' @ dec_string_of_word0 i @ (if m = - 1 then [] else ''/0x'' @ hex_string_of_word 3 m)" |
"serialize_of_match _ (L4Dst i m) = ''tp_dst='' @ dec_string_of_word0 i @ (if m = - 1 then [] else ''/0x'' @ hex_string_of_word 3 m)"
definition serialize_of_matches :: "(string ⇒ string) ⇒ of_match_field set ⇒ string"
"serialize_of_matches pids ≡ (@) ''hard_timeout=0,idle_timeout=0,'' ∘ intersperse (CHR '','') ∘ map (serialize_of_match pids) ∘ sorted_list_of_set"
lemma "serialize_of_matches pids of_matches=
(List.append ''hard_timeout=0,idle_timeout=0,'')
(intersperse (CHR '','') (map (serialize_of_match pids) (sorted_list_of_set of_matches)))"
by (simp add: serialize_of_matches_def)
export_code serialize_of_matches checking SML
lemma "serialize_of_matches (λoif. ''42'') (ofe_fields serialization_test_entry) =
by eval
definition "serialize_of_entry pids e ≡ (case e of (OFEntry p f a) ⇒ ''priority='' @ dec_string_of_word0 p @ '','' @ serialize_of_matches pids f @ '','' @ ''action='' @ serialize_actions pids a)"
lemma "serialize_of_entry (the ∘ map_of [(''s1-lan'',''42''),(''s1-wan'',''1337'')]) serialization_test_entry =
by eval