Theory Voronoi_Congruence

  File:     Kummer_Congruence/Voronoi_Congruence.thy
  Author:   Manuel Eberl, University of Innsbruck
section ‹The Voronoi congruence›
theory Voronoi_Congruence
  imports Kummer_Library Rat_Congruence

unbundle bernoulli_notation

lemma sum_of_powers_mod_prime:
  assumes p: "prime p"
  shows   "[(x=1..<p. int x ^ m) = (if (p - 1) dvd m then -1 else 0)] (mod p)"
proof -
  obtain g where g: "residue_primroot p g"
    using assms prime_gt_1_nat prime_primitive_root_exists by auto
  have "coprime g p"
    using g by (auto simp: residue_primroot_def coprime_commute)
  have bij: "bij_betw (λi. g ^ i mod p) {..<p-1} {0<..<p}"
    using residue_primroot_is_generator[OF _ g] p
    by (simp add: totient_prime totatives_prime prime_gt_Suc_0_nat)
  have "(x=1..<p. int x ^ m) = (x{0<..<p}. int x ^ m)"
    by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have " = (i<p-1. int (g ^ i mod p) ^ m)"
    by (subst sum.reindex_bij_betw[OF bij, symmetric]) auto
  also have "[ = (i<p-1. int (g ^ i) ^ m)] (mod p)"
    by (intro cong_sum cong_pow cong_int) auto
  also have "(i<p-1. int (g ^ i) ^ m) = (i<p-1. int (g ^ m) ^ i)"
    by (simp flip: power_mult add: mult.commute)
  also have "[ = (i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)] (mod p)"
    by (intro cong_sum cong_pow cong_int) auto
  also have "[(i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) = (if (p - 1) dvd m then -1 else 0)] (mod p)"
  proof (cases "(p - 1) dvd m")
    case True
    have "[(i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) = (i<p-1. int (g ^ 0) ^ i)] (mod p)"
      using coprime g p p True
      by (intro cong_sum cong_pow cong_pow_totient cong_mod_left cong_refl cong_int)
         (auto simp: cong_0_iff totient_prime)
    also have "(i<p-1. int (g ^ 0) ^ i) = int p - 1"
      using prime_gt_1_nat[OF p] by (simp add: of_nat_diff)
    also have "[int p - 1 = 0 - 1] (mod int p)"
      by (intro cong_diff) (auto simp: Cong.cong_def)
    finally show ?thesis
      using True by auto
    case False
    have not_cong: "[g ^ m  1] (mod p)"
      using False g by (metis assms ord_divides residue_primroot_def totient_prime)
    hence neq1: "g ^ m mod p  1"
      using prime_gt_1_nat[OF p] by (auto simp: Cong.cong_def)
    have "real_of_int (int (i<p-1. (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)) = (i<p-1. real (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)"
      by simp
    also have " = (1 - real (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1)) / (1 - real (g ^ m mod p))"
      using prime_gt_1_nat[OF p] neq1 by (subst sum_gp_strict) (auto simp: of_nat_diff)
    finally have "real_of_int (int (i<p-1. (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)) * (1 - real (g ^ m mod p)) =
                  1 - real (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1)"
      using neq1 by (simp add: field_simps)
    also have "real_of_int (int (i<p-1. (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)) * (1 - real (g ^ m mod p)) =
               real_of_int ((i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) * (1 - int (g ^ m mod p)))"
      by simp
    also have "1 - real (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1) = real_of_int (1 - int (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1))"
      by simp
    finally have "(i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) * (1 - int (g ^ m mod p)) = 1 - int (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1)"
      by linarith
    also have "[1 - int (g ^ m mod p) ^ (p - 1) = 1 - int (g ^ m) ^ (p - 1)] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_diff cong_int cong_pow) auto
    also have "int (g ^ m) ^ (p - 1) = int ((g ^ (p - 1)) ^ m)"
      by (simp flip: power_mult add: mult.commute)
    also have "[1 - int ((g ^ (p - 1)) ^ m) = 1 - int ((g ^ 0) ^ m)] (mod p)"
      using coprime g p p
      by (intro cong_diff cong_int cong_pow_totient cong_refl)
         (auto simp: Cong.cong_def totient_prime)
    finally have "[(i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) * (1 - int (g ^ m mod p)) = 0] (mod p)"
      by simp
    hence "p dvd (i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i) * (1 - int (g ^ m mod p))"
      by (simp add: cong_0_iff)
    moreover from not_cong have "¬p dvd (1 - int (g ^ m mod p))"
      by (metis of_nat_1 cong_iff_dvd_diff mod_mod_trivial nat_int of_nat_mod Cong.cong_def)
    ultimately have "p dvd (i<p-1. int (g ^ m mod p) ^ i)"
      using p by (subst (asm) prime_dvd_mult_iff) auto
    thus ?thesis
      using False by (simp add: Cong.cong_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma sum_of_powers_mod_prime':
  fixes p m :: nat
  assumes p: "prime p" "¬(p - 1) dvd m"
  shows   "[(x=1..<p. x ^ m) = 0] (mod p)"
proof -
  have "[(x=1..<p. int x ^ m) = int 0] (mod p)"
    using sum_of_powers_mod_prime[of p m] assms by simp
  also have "(x=1..<p. int x ^ m) = int (x=1..<p. x ^ m)"
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis
    using cong_int_iff by blast

lemma voronoi_congruence_aux1:
  assumes "prime p" "j  4"
  shows   "multiplicity p (j + 1)  (if p  {2, 3} then 1 else 0) + j - 2"
proof (cases "p  {2, 3}")
  case True
  have "multiplicity p (j + 1) < j"
  proof (rule multiplicity_lessI)
    have "2 ^ (n + 2) > n + 3" for n
      by (induction n) auto
    from this[of "j - 2"] have "j + 1 < 2 ^ j"
      using assms(2) by (simp del: power_Suc add: Suc_diff_Suc eval_nat_numeral)
    also have "2 ^ j  p ^ j"
      using True by (intro power_mono) auto
    finally have "p ^ j > j + 1" .
    thus "¬p ^ j dvd j + 1"
      using dvd_imp_le by force 
  qed (use assms in auto)
  with True show ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  have "p  0" "p  1" "p  4"
    using assms by auto
  with False have "p  5"
    by force
  have "multiplicity p (j + 1) < j - 1"
  proof (rule multiplicity_lessI)
    have "5 ^ (n + 1) > n + 3" for n
      by (induction n) auto
    from this[of "j - 2"] have "j + 1 < 5 ^ (j - 1)"
      using assms(2) by (simp del: power_Suc add: Suc_diff_Suc eval_nat_numeral)
    also have "5 ^ (j - 1)  p ^ (j - 1)"
      using p  5 by (intro power_mono) auto
    finally have "p ^ (j - 1) > j + 1" .
    thus "¬p ^ (j - 1) dvd j + 1"
      using dvd_imp_le by force 
  qed (use assms in auto)
  with False show ?thesis
    by simp

  fixes S :: "nat  nat  nat" and D :: "nat  nat" and N :: "nat  int"
  defines "S  (λk n. r<n. r ^ k)"
  defines "N  bernoulli_num" and "D  bernoulli_denom"

lemma voronoi_congruence_aux2:
  fixes k n :: nat
  assumes k: "even k" "k  2" and n: "n > 0"
  shows   "real (S k n) = (jk. real (k choose j) / real (j + 1) * bernoulli (k - j) * real (n ^ (j + 1)))"
proof -
  have "real (S k n) = (rn-1. real r ^ k)"
    using n unfolding S_def of_nat_sum by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have " = (bernpoly (Suc k) (real n) - bernoulli (Suc k)) / (real k + 1)"
    using n by (subst sum_of_powers) (auto simp: of_nat_diff)
  also have "bernoulli (Suc k) = 0"
    using k by (intro bernoulli_odd_eq_0) auto
  also have "(bernpoly (Suc k) (real n) - 0) / (real k + 1) =
                bernpoly (Suc k) (real n) / real (k + 1)"
    by simp
  also have "bernpoly (Suc k) (real n) / real (k + 1) = (jSuc k. (Suc k choose j) / (k + 1) * bernoulli (Suc k - j) * n ^ j)"
    by (subst bernpoly_altdef)
       (auto simp: sum_divide_distrib sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right field_simps simp del: of_nat_Suc)
  also have " = (j=1..Suc k. (Suc k choose j) / (k+1) * bernoulli (Suc k - j) * n ^ j)"
    using k by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right) (auto simp: not_le simp: bernoulli_odd_eq_0)
  also have " = (jk. (Suc k choose Suc j) / (k+1) * bernoulli (k - j) * n ^ (j + 1))"
    by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λj. j+1" "λj. j-1"]) (auto simp: of_nat_diff)
  also have " = (jk. (k choose j) / (j+1) * bernoulli (k - j) * n ^ (j + 1))"
  proof (intro sum.cong refl, goal_cases)
    case (1 j)
    have "real (Suc j * (Suc k choose Suc j)) = real (Suc k * (k choose j))"
      by (subst Suc_times_binomial_eq) (simp add: mult_ac)
    thus ?case
      unfolding of_nat_mult by (simp add: field_simps del: of_nat_Suc binomial_Suc_Suc)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma voronoi_congruence_aux3:
  fixes k n :: nat
  assumes k: "even k" "k  2" and n: "n > 0"
  shows   "[D k * S k n = N k * n] (mod (n^2))"
proof -
  note [simp del] = div_mult_self3 div_mult_self4 div_mult_self2 div_mult_self1
  define A :: "nat  rat"
    where "A = (λj. of_nat (k choose j) * of_int (N (k - j)) / of_nat (D (k - j)) * of_nat n powi (int j - 1) / of_nat (Suc j))"
  have "real (S k n) = (jk. real (k choose j) / real (j + 1) * bernoulli (k - j) * real (n ^ (j + 1)))"
    by (rule voronoi_congruence_aux2) fact+
  also have " = (jk. of_rat (A j) * n2)"
    unfolding A_def using n
    by (intro sum.cong)
       (auto simp: power_int_diff power2_eq_square N_def D_def bernoulli_conv_num_denom 
                   of_rat_mult of_rat_divide field_simps of_rat_power simp del: of_nat_Suc)
  also have " = (jk. of_rat (A j)) * real (n ^ 2)"
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_right)
  also have "(jk. of_rat (A j)) = (jinsert 0 {1..k}. of_rat (A j))"
    using k by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have " = of_rat (A 0) + (j=1..k. of_rat (A j))"
    by (subst sum.insert) auto
  also have "of_rat (A 0) = bernoulli k / n"
    using n by (auto simp: A_def bernoulli_conv_num_denom N_def D_def field_simps
                           of_rat_mult of_rat_divide)
  also have "(bernoulli k / n + (j=1..k. of_rat (A j))) * real (n ^ 2) =
             real n * bernoulli k + (j=1..k. of_rat (A j)) * real (n ^ 2)"
    using n by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  finally have eq1: "real (S k n) = real n * bernoulli k + (j=1..k. of_rat (A j)) * real (n ^ 2)" .

  have "ab. coprime (fst ab) (snd ab)  coprime (snd ab) (int n)  snd ab > 0 
          6 * A j = of_int (fst ab) / of_int (snd ab)" (is "ab. ?P j ab") if j: "j  {1..k}" for j
  proof (cases "A j = 0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      by (intro exI[of _ "(0, 1)"]) auto
    case False
    obtain a b :: int where ab: "coprime a b" "b > 0" "6 * A j = of_int a / of_int b"
      by (metis Fract_of_int_quotient Rat_cases)
    have *: "qmultiplicity p (6 * A j)  0" if p: "prime p" "p dvd n" for p
    proof -
      consider "j = 1" | "j = 2" | "j = k - 1" | "odd j" "j  k - 1" | "j  3" "even j"
        using j by force
      thus ?thesis
      proof cases
        assume [simp]: "j = 1"
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "k = 2")
          case False
          have "(of_rat (6 * A j) :: real) = 3 * real k * bernoulli (k - 1)"
            by (simp add: A_def N_def D_def of_rat_mult of_rat_divide bernoulli_conv_num_denom)      
          also have "bernoulli (k - 1) = 0"
            using k False by (subst bernoulli_odd_eq_0) auto
          finally show ?thesis
            by simp
          case [simp]: True
          have "qmultiplicity (int p) (6 * A j) = qmultiplicity (int p) 3"
            by (simp add: A_def N_def D_def bernoulli_num_def floor_minus)
          also have "  0"
            by auto
          finally show ?thesis .
        assume [simp]: "j = 2"
        have "6 * A j = rat_of_int (2 * n * (k choose 2) * N (k - 2)) / rat_of_int (D (k - 2))"
          by (simp add: A_def)
        also have "qmultiplicity (int p)  =
                     int (multiplicity (int p) (2 * int n * int (k choose 2) * N (k - 2))) -
                     int (multiplicity (int p) (D (k - 2)))" using k n p
          by (subst qmultiplicity_divide_of_int) (auto simp: D_def N_def bernoulli_num_eq_0_iff)
        also have "  int 1 - int 1"
        proof (intro diff_mono; unfold of_nat_le_iff)
          show "multiplicity (int p) (2 * int n * int (k choose 2) * N (k - 2))  1"
            using k n j p by (intro multiplicity_geI) (auto simp: N_def bernoulli_num_eq_0_iff)
          show "multiplicity (int p) (D (k - 2))  1" using p
            by (intro squarefree_imp_multiplicity_prime_le_1)
               (auto simp: D_def squarefree_bernoulli_denom)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
        assume [simp]: "j = k - 1"
        have "6 * A j = -rat_of_nat (3 * n ^ (k - 2))"
          using k binomial_symmetric[of 1 k, symmetric]
          by (auto simp: A_def D_def N_def bernoulli_num_def floor_minus of_nat_diff
                         power_int_def nat_diff_distrib)
        also have "qmultiplicity (int p)   0"
          unfolding qmultiplicity_minus by (subst qmultiplicity_of_nat) auto
        finally show ?thesis .
        assume "odd j" "j  k - 1"
        with k j have "odd (k - j)" "k - j  1"
          by auto
        hence "6 * A j = 0"
          by (auto simp: A_def bernoulli_num_odd_eq_0 N_def)
        thus ?thesis
          by simp
        assume "j  3" "even j"
        with j have j: "j  {3..k}"
          by auto
        have "6 * A j = rat_of_int (6 * int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * n ^ (j - 1)) /
                        rat_of_int (int (D (k - j)) * int (j + 1))"
          using j by (simp add: A_def power_int_def nat_diff_distrib algebra_simps)
        also have "qmultiplicity p  =
                     int (multiplicity (int p) (6 * int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * n ^ (j - 1))) -
                     int (multiplicity (int p) (int (D (k - j)) * int (j + 1)))" using k n p j even j
          by (subst qmultiplicity_divide_of_int) (auto simp: D_def N_def bernoulli_num_eq_0_iff)
        also have "  ((if p  {2,3} then 1 else 0) + int j - 1) - ((if p  {2,3} then 1 else 0) + int j - 1)"
        proof (intro diff_mono, goal_cases)
          case 1
          have "multiplicity (int p) (6 * int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1))) =
                multiplicity (int p) (6 * (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1))))"
            by (simp add: mult_ac)
          also have "multiplicity (int p) (6 * (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1)))) =
                  multiplicity (int p) (2 * 3) + multiplicity (int p) (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1)))"
            using k n p j even j
            by (subst prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib) (auto simp: N_def bernoulli_num_eq_0_iff)
          also have "multiplicity (int p) (2 * 3) = (if p  {2, 3} then 1 else 0)"
            using p by (subst prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib) (auto simp: multiplicity_prime_prime)
          finally have "multiplicity (int p) (6 * int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1))) =
                        (if p  {2, 3} then 1 else 0) + 
                        multiplicity (int p) (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1)))" .
          moreover have "p ^ (j - 1) dvd n ^ (j - 1)"
            using p by (intro dvd_power_same)
          hence "multiplicity (int p) (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1)))  j - 1"
            using j k n even j p by (intro multiplicity_geI) (auto simp: N_def bernoulli_num_eq_0_iff)
          hence "int (multiplicity (int p) (int (k choose j) * N (k - j) * int (n ^ (j - 1))))  int j - 1"
            using j  3 by linarith
          ultimately show ?case
            by simp
          case 2
          have "multiplicity (int p) (int (D (k - j)) * int (j + 1)) =
                multiplicity (int p) (int (D (k - j))) + multiplicity (int p) (int (j + 1))"
            using p by (subst prime_elem_multiplicity_mult_distrib) (auto simp: D_def)
          moreover have "multiplicity (int p) (int (D (k - j)))  1" using p
            by (intro squarefree_imp_multiplicity_prime_le_1)
               (auto simp: D_def squarefree_bernoulli_denom)
          moreover have "multiplicity (int p) (int (j + 1))  (if p  {2, 3} then 1 else 0) + j - 2"
            by (subst multiplicity_int, rule voronoi_congruence_aux1)
               (use p j even j in auto)
          hence "int (multiplicity (int p) (int (j + 1)))  (if p  {2, 3} then 1 else 0) + int j - 2"
            using j by auto
          ultimately show ?case
            using j  3 by linarith
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
    have "coprime b n"
    proof (subst coprime_commute, rule coprimeI_by_prime_factors)
      fix p assume p: "p  prime_factors (int n)"
      hence "p > 0"
        by (auto simp: in_prime_factors_iff prime_gt_0_int)
      hence "qmultiplicity (nat p) (rat_of_int a / rat_of_int b)  0"
        using *[of "nat p"] p unfolding ab by (auto simp: in_prime_factors_iff nat_dvd_iff)
      thus "¬p dvd b"
        using ab False p > 0 p by (subst (asm) qmultiplicity_nonneg_iff) auto
    qed (use n in auto)
    with ab show ?thesis
      by (intro exI[of _ "(a, b)"]) auto
  then obtain f where f: "j. j  {1..k}  ?P j (f j)" 
    by metis

  define B :: int where "B = Lcm ((snd  f) ` {1..k})"
  have B: "coprime B n"
    unfolding B_def using f by (auto intro!: coprime_Lcm_left)
  define b' where "b' = (λj. B div snd (f j))"
  define T where "T = (j=1..k. fst (f j) * b' j)"

  have "real_of_int (B * int (D k * S k n)) =
         real_of_int B * (real (D k) * bernoulli k) * real n +
         real (D k) / 6 * (j=1..k. real_of_rat (6 * A j * of_int B)) * real n ^ 2"
    unfolding of_int_mult of_nat_mult of_int_of_nat_eq
    by (subst eq1) (simp_all add: algebra_simps of_rat_mult sum_distrib_left)
  also have "real (D k) * bernoulli k = real_of_int (N k)"
    by (simp add: bernoulli_conv_num_denom N_def D_def)
  also have "(j=1..k. real_of_rat (6 * A j * of_int B)) = T"
    unfolding T_def of_int_sum
  proof (intro sum.cong refl, goal_cases)
    case j: (1 j)
    have "6 * A j = of_int (fst (f j)) / of_int (snd (f j))"
      using f[OF j] by auto
    also have " * of_int B = of_int (fst (f j)) * (of_int B / of_int (snd (f j)))"
      by simp
    also have "of_int B / of_int (snd (f j)) = (of_int (B div snd (f j)) :: rat)"
      by (subst of_int_div) (use j in auto simp: B_def)
    finally show ?case
      by (simp add: of_rat_mult b'_def)
  also have "real (D k) / 6 = real (D k div 6)"
    by (subst real_of_nat_div) (use k in auto intro!: six_divides_bernoulli_denom simp: D_def)
  also have "of_int B * of_int (N k) * real n + real (D k div 6) * of_int T * (real n)2 =
             of_int (B * N k * int n + int (D k div 6) * T * int n ^ 2)"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  finally have "B * int (D k * S k n) = B * N k * int n + int (D k div 6) * T * int n ^ 2"
    by linarith
  hence "[B * int (D k * S k n) = B * N k * int n + int (D k div 6) * T * int n ^ 2] (mod (int n ^ 2))"
    by simp
  also have "[B * N k * int n + int (D k div 6) * T * int n ^ 2 =
              B * N k * int n + int (D k div 6) * T * 0] (mod (int n ^ 2))"
    by (intro cong_add cong_mult cong_refl) (auto simp: Cong.cong_def)
  finally have "[B * int (D k * S k n) = B * (N k * int n)] (mod (int n)2)"
    by (simp add: mult_ac)
  hence "[int (D k * S k n) = N k * int n] (mod (int n)2)"
    by (subst (asm) cong_mult_lcancel) (use B in auto)
  thus ?thesis
    by simp

text ‹
  Proposition 9.5.20
theorem voronoi_congruence:
  fixes k n :: nat and a :: int
  assumes k: "even k" "k  2" and n: "n > 0" and a: "coprime a n"
  shows   "[(a^k-1) * N k = k * a^(k-1) * D k * (m=1..<n. m^(k-1) * ((m * a) div n))] (mod n)"
proof -
  define a' where "a' = modular_inverse (int n) a"
  define q r where "q = (λm. (a * m) div n)" and "r = (λm. (a * m) mod n)"

  have "S k n = (m=1..<n. m ^ k)"
    using k unfolding S_def by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right) auto
  hence "a ^ k * S k n = (m=1..<n. (a * m) ^ k)"
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_left power_mult_distrib)
  also have "[(m=1..<n. (a * m) ^ k) = (m=1..<n. r m ^ k + k * q m * n * (m * a) ^ (k - 1))] (mod n2)"
  proof (rule cong_sum)
    fix m :: nat
    have "[(jk. int (k choose j) * (q m * n) ^ j * r m ^ (k - j)) = 
           (jk. if j > 1 then 0 else (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j)] (mod (n2))"
    proof (intro cong_sum, goal_cases)
      case (1 j)
      have dvd: "int n ^ 2 dvd int n ^ j" if "j > 1" for j
        using that by (intro le_imp_power_dvd) auto
      have eq: "int (k choose j) * (q m * n) ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) =
                 int (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j"
        using 1 by (simp add: algebra_simps flip: power_add)
      have "[int (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j = 
                  (if j > 1 then 0 else int (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j)] (mod (n2))"
        using dvd by (auto simp: cong_0_iff)
      thus ?case
        by (simp only: eq)
    also have "(jk. if j > 1 then 0 else (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j) =
               (j{0,1}. (k choose j) * q m ^ j * r m ^ (k - j) * n ^ j)"
      using k by (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) auto
    also have " = r m ^ k + (k * q m * n) * r m ^ (k-1)"
      by simp
    also have "[(k * q m * n) * (q m * 0 + r m) ^ (k-1) =
                 (k * q m * n) * (q m * n + r m) ^ (k-1)] (mod (int n)2)"
      by (intro cong_mult_square cong_pow cong_add cong_mult cong_refl) (auto simp: Cong.cong_def)
    hence "[r m ^ k + (k * q m * n) * r m ^ (k-1) =
              r m ^ k + (k * q m * n) * (q m * n + r m) ^ (k-1)] (mod n2)"
      by (intro cong_add) simp_all
    also have "q m * n + r m = (m * a)"
      by (simp add: q_def r_def)
    also have "(jk. int (k choose j) * (q m * n) ^ j * r m ^ (k - j)) = (q m * n + r m) ^ k"
      by (rule binomial_ring [symmetric])
    also have "q m * n + r m = a * m"
      by (simp add: q_def r_def)
    finally show "[(a * m) ^ k = r m ^ k + k * q m * n * (m * a) ^ (k - 1)] (mod n2)" .
  also have "(m=1..<n. r m ^ k + k * q m * n * (m * a) ^ (k - 1)) =
             (m=1..<n. r m ^ k) + n * k * a^(k-1) * (m=1..<n. q m * m^(k-1))"
    by (simp add: sum.distrib sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right mult_ac power_mult_distrib)
  also have "(m=1..<n. r m ^ k) = (m=1..<int n. r m ^ k)"
    by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ nat int]) auto
  also have " = (m=1..<int n. m ^ k)"
    by (rule sum.reindex_bij_betw)
       (use a bij_betw_int_remainders_mult[of a] in simp_all add: r_def)
  also have " = of_nat (m=1..<n. m ^ k)"
    unfolding of_nat_sum by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ int nat]) auto 
  also have "(m=1..<n. m ^ k) = S k n"
    using k unfolding S_def by (intro sum.mono_neutral_left) auto
  finally have "[a ^ k * S k n - S k n =
                  (S k n + n * k * a^(k-1) * (m=1..<n. q m * m^(k-1))) - S k n] (mod n2)"
    by (intro cong_diff cong_refl)
  hence "[D k * (n * k * a^(k-1) * (m=1..<n. q m * m^(k-1))) = D k * ((a^k-1) * S k n)] (mod n2)"
    by (intro cong_mult[OF cong_refl]) (simp_all add: algebra_simps cong_sym_eq)
  also have "D k * ((a^k-1) * S k n) = (a^k-1) * (D k * S k n)"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "[(a^k-1) * (D k * S k n) = (a^k-1) * (N k * int n)] (mod n2)"
    using k n by (intro cong_mult cong_refl voronoi_congruence_aux3)
  finally have "[n * (k * a^(k-1) * D k * (m=1..<n. q m * m^(k-1))) = n * ((a^k-1) * N k)] (mod n2)"
    by (simp add: mult_ac)
  hence "[k * a^(k-1) * D k * (m=1..<n. q m * m^(k-1)) = (a^k-1) * N k] (mod n)"
    unfolding power2_eq_square of_nat_mult by (rule cong_mult_cancel) (use n in auto)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: mult_ac cong_sym_eq q_def)

corollary voronoi_congruence':
  fixes k p :: nat and a :: int
  assumes k: "even k" "k  2" and p: "prime p" "¬(p - 1) dvd k" and a: "¬p dvd a" "[a ^ k  1] (mod p)"
  shows   "[ k = of_int (k * a^(k-1)) / of_int (a^k - 1) *
                    of_int (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * ((m * a) div p))] (qmod p)"
proof -
  have "¬p dvd D k"
    using p k by (auto simp: D_def prime_dvd_bernoulli_denom_iff)
  hence "coprime p (D k)"
    using p prime_imp_coprime by blast
  moreover have "¬p dvd (a ^ k - 1)"
    using a cong_iff_dvd_diff by blast
  hence "coprime p (a ^ k - 1)"
    using p prime_imp_coprime by (metis prime_nat_int_transfer)
  moreover have "coprime p a"
    using p prime_imp_coprime a by (metis prime_nat_int_transfer)
  ultimately have "[of_int (N k) / of_int (D k) = 
         of_int (int k * a ^ (k-1) * (m=1..<p. int m^(k-1) * (int m * a div p))) / of_int (a ^ k - 1)] (qmod p)"
    using assms voronoi_congruence[of k p a]
    by (subst qcong_fraction_iff) (auto simp: D_def coprime_commute prime_gt_0_nat mult_ac)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: bernoulli_rat_def mult_ac N_def D_def of_rat_divide)

corollary voronoi_congruence_harvey:
  fixes k p :: nat and c a :: int and h :: "nat  rat"
  assumes k: "even k" "k  {2..p-3}" and p: "prime p" "p  5" and c: "c  {0<..<p}" "[c^k  1] (mod p)"
  assumes a: "[a * c = 1] (mod p)"
  defines "h  (λm. of_int (m - c * ((a * m) mod p)) / of_int p + of_int (c - 1) / 2)"
  shows   "[ k = rat_of_nat k / rat_of_int (1 - c ^ k) * (m=1..<p. rat_of_nat m^(k-1) * h m)] (qmod p)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "p  0"
    using p by auto
  have "odd p"
    using p by (intro prime_odd_nat) auto
  note [simp del] = div_mult_self3 div_mult_self4 div_mult_self2 div_mult_self1
  have [simp]: "D k > 0"
    by (auto simp: D_def bernoulli_denom_pos)
  have "¬(p - 1) dvd k"
    using k p by (auto dest!: dvd_imp_le)
  hence [simp]: "coprime (D k) p"
    by (subst coprime_commute, intro prime_imp_coprime)
       (use p k in auto simp: D_def prime_dvd_bernoulli_denom_iff)
  have "¬p dvd c"
    using c p by (auto dest!: zdvd_imp_le)
  hence "coprime c p"
    using p prime_imp_coprime[of p c] by (auto simp: coprime_commute)
  have "coprime a p"
    using a coprime_iff_invertible_int by auto
  define n where "n = (c * a - 1) div p"
  have "[c * a = 1] (mod p)"
    using a by (simp add: mult_ac)
  hence "p dvd (c * a - 1)"
    by (simp add: cong_iff_dvd_diff)
  hence n: "c * a = n * p + 1"
    unfolding n_def by auto

  have "[c * a = 1] (mod int p)"
    using a by (simp add: mult_ac)
  hence "[(1 ^ k - c ^ k) * N k = ((c * a) ^ k - c ^ k) * N k] (mod p)"
    by (intro cong_mult cong_diff cong_refl cong_pow) (auto simp: cong_sym_eq)
  also have "((c * a) ^ k - c ^ k) * N k = c ^ k * (a ^ k - 1) * N k"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "[(a^k-1) * N k = k * a^(k-1) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p))] (mod p)"
    by (rule voronoi_congruence) (use k p coprime a p in auto)
  hence "[c ^ k * ((a^k-1) * N k) = 
          c ^ k * (k * a^(k-1) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p)))] (mod p)"
    by (rule cong_mult[OF cong_refl])
  hence "[c ^ k * (a^k-1) * N k = 
          k * (c ^ k * a^(k-1)) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p))] (mod p)"
    by (simp add: mult_ac)
  also have "c ^ k * a ^ (k - 1) = c * (c * a) ^ (k - 1)"
    using k by (cases k) (auto simp: algebra_simps)
  also have "[k * (c * (c * a) ^ (k-1)) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p)) =
              k * (c * 1 ^ (k-1)) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p))] (mod p)"
    by (intro cong_mult cong_pow cong_refl cong_modular_inverse1) (use a in simp_all add: mult_ac)
  also have "k * (c * 1 ^ (k-1)) * D k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * (m * a div p)) =
             D k * (k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * c * (m * a div p)))"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right)
  finally have "[of_int ((1 - c ^ k) * N k) =
                 of_int (D k * k * (m=1..<p. m^(k-1) * c * (m * a div p)))] (qmod p)"
    using p by (intro cong_imp_qcong) (auto simp: mult_ac prime_gt_1_nat)
  hence "[of_int (1 - c ^ k) * of_int (N k) / of_int (D k) =
                 of_int k * (m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * (of_int c * of_int (m * a div p)))] (qmod p)"
    using p by (subst qcong_divide_of_int_left_iff) (auto simp: mult_ac)
  also have "(m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * (of_int c * of_int (m * a div p))) = 
             (m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * h m + of_int n * of_nat m^k - of_int (c - 1) / 2 * of_nat m^(k-1))"
  proof (intro sum.cong, goal_cases)
    case (2 m)
    have *: "(m * a) div p * p = m * a - ((m * a) mod p)"
      by (metis minus_mod_eq_div_mult)
    have "c * ((m * a) div p * p) = c * a * m - c * ((m * a) mod p)"
      by (subst *) (simp_all add: algebra_simps)
    also have "c * a = n * p + 1"
      by fact
    finally have **: "c * ((m * a) div p) * p = n * m * p + m - c * ((m * a) mod p)"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps)
    have "of_int (c * ((m * a) div p)) = of_int (n * m * p + m - c * ((m * a) mod p)) / (of_int p :: rat)"
      by (subst ** [symmetric]) auto
    also have " = h m + of_int (n * m) - of_int (c - 1) / 2"
      by (simp add: h_def field_simps)
    finally have ***: "of_int c * of_int (m * a div p) = h m + of_int (n * m) - of_int (c - 1) / 2"
      by simp
    have "of_nat m^(k-1) * (of_int c * of_int (m * a div p)) =
           of_nat m^(k-1) * h m + of_int n * of_nat (m * m^(k-1)) - of_int (c - 1) / 2 * of_nat m^(k-1)"
      by (subst ***) (auto simp: algebra_simps)
    also have "m * m ^ (k - 1) = m ^ k"
      using k by (cases k) auto
    finally show ?case
      by simp
  qed auto
  also have " = (m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * h m) + of_int n * of_int (int (m=1..<p. m ^ k)) - 
                    of_int (c-1) / 2 * of_int (int (m=1..<p. m^(k-1)))"
    by (simp add: sum.distrib sum_subtractf sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right)
  also have "(m=1..<p. m ^ k) = S k p"
    using k unfolding S_def by (intro sum.mono_neutral_left) auto
  also have "(m=1..<p. m ^ (k - 1)) = S (k - 1) p"
    using k unfolding S_def by (intro sum.mono_neutral_left) auto
  also have "[of_int k * ((m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * h m) + of_int n * of_int (int (S k p)) - 
                    of_int (c-1) / 2 * of_int (int (S (k-1) p))) =
              of_int k * ((m=1..<p. of_nat m^(k-1) * h m) + of_int n * of_int (int 0) - 
                    of_int (c-1) / 2 * of_int (int 0))] (qmod p)"
  proof (intro qcong_mult qcong_add qcong_diff cong_imp_qcong qcong_sum qcong_pow qcong_refl cong_int cong_refl)
    have "quotient_of (rat_of_int (c - 1) / 2) = (if even c then c - 1 else c div 2, if even c then 2 else 1)"
      using c by (intro quotient_of_eqI) (auto elim!: oddE)
    thus "coprime (snd (quotient_of (rat_of_int (c - 1) / 2))) (int p)"
      using odd p by auto
    fix m assume m: "m  {1..<p}"
    have "[int m - c * (a * int m mod int p) = int m - c * (a * int m)] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_diff cong_mult cong_refl) auto
    also have "c * (a * int m) = (c * a) * int m"
      by (simp add: mult_ac)
    also have "[int m - (c * a) * int m = int m - 1 * int m] (mod p)"
      using a by (intro cong_diff cong_mult cong_refl) (auto simp: mult_ac)
    finally have "p dvd int m - c * (a * int m mod int p)"
      by (simp add: cong_0_iff)
    then obtain d where d: "int m - c * (a * int m mod int p) = int p * d"
      by (elim dvdE)

    have "h m = of_int (int m - c * (a * int m mod int p)) / of_nat p + of_int (c - 1) / 2"
      by (auto simp: h_def)
    also note d
    also have "rat_of_int (int p * d) / of_nat p = of_int d"
      by simp
    finally have h_eq: "h m = Rat.Fract (2 * d + c - 1) 2"
      by (auto simp: Rat.Fract_of_int_quotient)

    have "snd (quotient_of (h m)) dvd 2"
      unfolding h_eq quotient_of_Fract using dvd_rat_normalize(2) by simp
    with prime p odd p have "¬p dvd snd (quotient_of (h m))"
      by (metis dvd_trans int_dvd_int_iff of_nat_numeral primes_dvd_imp_eq two_is_prime_nat)
    show "coprime (snd (quotient_of (h m))) (int p)"
      by (subst coprime_commute, rule prime_imp_coprime)
         (use p ¬p dvd snd (quotient_of (h m)) in auto)
    have *: "[S k p = 0] (mod p)" if "¬(p - 1) dvd k" for k
    proof -
      have "k > 0"
        using that by (intro Nat.gr0I) auto
      hence "S k p = (m=1..<p. m ^ k)"
        unfolding S_def by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right) auto
      thus ?thesis
        using sum_of_powers_mod_prime'[of p k] that p by simp
    show "[S k p = 0] (mod p)"
      using k by (intro *) (auto dest!: dvd_imp_le)
    show "[S (k - 1) p = 0] (mod p)"
      using k by (intro *) (auto dest!: dvd_imp_le)
  qed (use p in auto simp: prime_gt_1_nat)
  finally have "[rat_of_int (1 - c ^ k) * rat_of_int (N k) / rat_of_int (int (D k)) =
                 rat_of_nat k * (m=1..<p. rat_of_nat m^(k-1) * h m)] (qmod p)"
    by simp
  moreover have "¬p dvd (1 - c ^ k)"
    using c by (auto simp: cong_iff_dvd_diff dvd_diff_commute)
  hence "coprime (1 - c ^ k) (int p)"
    using prime_imp_coprime[of p "1 - c ^ k"] p by (auto simp: coprime_commute)
  ultimately have "[rat_of_int (N k) / rat_of_int (int (D k)) =
                    rat_of_nat k * (m=1..<p. rat_of_nat m^(k-1) * h m) / rat_of_int (1 - c ^ k)] (qmod p)"
    using c by (subst qcong_divide_of_int_right_iff) (auto simp: mult_ac)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: bernoulli_rat_def mult_ac N_def D_def)

corollary voronoi_congruence_harvey':
  fixes k p :: nat and g :: nat and h :: "nat  rat" and a :: int
  assumes k: "even k" "k  {2..p-3}" and p: "prime p" "p  5"
  assumes g: "residue_primroot p g" "g  {0<..<p}"
  assumes a: "[a * int g = 1] (mod int p)"
  defines "h'  (λm. rat_of_int (int m mod p - g * ((a * m) mod p)) / of_int p + of_int (int g - 1) / 2)"
  shows   "[ k = 2 * of_nat k / of_int (1 - int g ^ k) *
                    (i=1..(p-1) div 2. of_nat (g^(i*(k-1))) * h' (g^i))] (qmod int p)"
proof -
  define h :: "nat  rat" where "h = (λm. of_int (m - g * ((a * m) mod p)) / of_int p + of_int (int g - 1) / 2)"
  define m1 where "m1 = g ^ ((p - 1) div 2)"
  have cong_m1: "[int m1 = - 1] (mod int p)"
    unfolding m1_def using residue_primroot_power_cong_neg1[of p g] g p by simp
  from p have [simp]: "p  0"
    by auto
  from p have "odd p"
    by (intro prime_odd_nat) auto
  from g have "coprime g p"
    by (auto simp: residue_primroot_def coprime_commute)
  have "coprime a p"
    using a coprime_iff_invertible_int by auto
  have "¬(p - 1) dvd k"
    using k p by (auto dest!: dvd_imp_le)

  have neq1: "[int g ^ k  1] (mod p)"
  proof -
    have "[int g ^ k = 1] (mod p)  [g ^ k = 1] (mod p)"
      using cong_int_iff by force
    also have "[g ^ k = 1] (mod p)  ord p g dvd k"
      by (rule ord_divides)
    also have "ord p g = totient p"
      using g(1) unfolding residue_primroot_def by blast
    also have " = p - 1"
      using p by (simp add: totient_prime)
    finally show ?thesis
      using ¬(p - 1) dvd k by simp

  have coprime_h': "coprime (snd (quotient_of (h' (g ^ i)))) (int p)" for i
  proof -
    define b where "b = (int (g ^ i) mod p - int g * (a * int (g ^ i) mod int p)) div p"
    have "[int g * (a * int (g ^ i) mod int p) = int g * (a * int (g ^ i))] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_mult cong_refl) auto
    also have "int g * (a * int (g ^ i)) = int g * a * int (g ^ i)"
      by (simp add: mult_ac)
    also have "[ = 1 * int (g ^ i) mod p] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_mult cong_mod_right) (use a in auto simp: mult_ac)
    finally have "p dvd (int (g ^ i) mod p - int g * (a * int (g ^ i) mod int p))"
      by (simp add: cong_iff_dvd_diff dvd_diff_commute)
    hence b: "(int (g ^ i) mod p - int g * (a * int (g ^ i) mod int p)) = p * b"
      unfolding b_def by simp

    have "h' (g ^ i) = Rat.Fract (2 * b + int g - 1) 2"
      unfolding h'_def b by (simp add: field_simps Rat.Fract_of_int_quotient)
    also have "snd (quotient_of ) dvd 2"
      unfolding quotient_of_Fract by (simp add: dvd_rat_normalize(2))
    finally have "¬p dvd snd (quotient_of (h' (g ^ i)))" using odd p
      by (metis assms(3) dvd_trans int_dvd_int_iff of_nat_numeral primes_dvd_imp_eq two_is_prime_nat)
    with p show ?thesis
      using prime_imp_coprime coprime_commute prime_nat_int_transfer by metis

  have bij: "bij_betw (λi. g ^ i mod p) {1..p-1} {0<..<p}"
    using residue_primroot_is_generator'[of p g] g p
    by (simp add: totient_prime totatives_prime prime_gt_Suc_0_nat)

  have "[ k = of_nat k / of_int (1 - int g ^ k) * (m=1..<p. of_nat m ^ (k-1) * h m)] (qmod p)"
    unfolding h_def by (rule voronoi_congruence_harvey) (use k p g neq1 a in simp_all)
  also have "(m{1..<p}. of_nat m ^ (k-1) * h m) = (m{0<..<p}. of_nat m ^ (k-1) * h (m mod p))"
    by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have "(m{0<..<p}. of_nat m ^ (k-1) * h (m mod p)) =
             (i=1..p-1. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h (g^i mod p mod p))"
    using bij by (intro sum.reindex_bij_betw [symmetric])
  also have " = (i=1..p-1. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h (g^i mod p))"
    by simp
  also have " = (i=1..p-1. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i))"
  proof (intro sum.cong, goal_cases)
    case (2 i)
    have "h' (g ^ i) - h (g ^ i mod p mod p) =
            of_nat g * of_int (a * int (g ^ i mod p) mod int p -  a * int (g ^ i) mod int p) / of_int p"
      unfolding h_def h'_def by (simp add: field_simps flip: of_nat_power of_nat_mod)
    also have "[a * int (g ^ i mod p) = a * int (g ^ i)] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_mult) (auto simp flip: of_nat_power of_nat_mod intro!: cong_int)
    hence "a * int (g ^ i mod p) mod int p = a * int (g ^ i) mod int p"
      by (auto simp: Cong.cong_def)
    finally show ?case
      by simp
  qed auto
  also have "{1..p-1} = {1..(p-1) div 2}  {(p-1) div 2<..p-1}"
    by auto
  also have "(i. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i)) =
             (i=1..(p-1) div 2. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i)) +
             (i{(p-1) div 2<..p-1}. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i))"
    by (subst sum.union_disjoint) auto
  also have "(i{(p-1) div 2<..p-1}. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i)) =
             (i=1..(p-1) div 2. of_nat (g^(i + (p-1) div 2) mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^(i + (p-1) div 2)))"
    using odd p
    by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λi. i + (p-1) div 2" "λi. i - (p-1) div 2"])
       (auto elim!: oddE)
  also have "[rat_of_nat k / rat_of_int (1 - int g ^ k) *
                ((i=1..(p-1) div 2. of_nat (g^i mod p) ^ (k-1) * h' (g^i)) + ) = 
              rat_of_nat k / rat_of_int (1 - int g ^ k) * (
                (i=1..(p-1) div 2. of_nat (g^(i*(k-1))) * h' (g^i)) +
                (i=1..(p-1) div 2. (-of_int (g^(i*(k-1)))) * (-h' (g^i))))] (qmod p)"
  proof (intro qcong_divide_of_int qcong_add qcong_sum qcong_refl qcong_mult)
    fix i :: nat
    have "rat_of_int (int (g ^ (i + (p - 1) div 2) mod p) ^ (k - 1)) =
          of_int ((int g ^ i * m1 mod p) ^ (k - 1))"
      by (simp add: power_add m1_def flip: of_nat_power of_nat_mult of_nat_mod)
    also have "[ = of_int (- (int g ^ (i * (k - 1))))] (qmod p)"
    proof (intro cong_imp_qcong)
      have "[(int g ^ i * int m1 mod int p) ^ (k - 1) = (int g ^ i * (-1)) ^ (k - 1)] (mod p)"
        by (intro cong_mult cong_pow cong_mod_left cong_refl cong_m1)
      also have "(int g ^ i * (-1)) ^ (k - 1) = -(int g ^ (i * (k - 1)))"
        using k by (simp add: power_minus' flip: power_mult)
      finally show "[(int g ^ i * m1 mod p) ^ (k - 1) = -(int g ^ (i * (k - 1)))] (mod p)" .
    qed (use p in auto)
    finally show "[rat_of_nat (g ^ (i + (p - 1) div 2) mod p) ^ (k - 1) = 
                   -(rat_of_int (int (g ^ (i * (k - 1)))))] (qmod int p)" 
      by simp
    fix i :: nat
    have "[int g ^ i * int m1 = int g ^ i * (-1)] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_mult cong_m1 cong_refl)
    hence "(int g ^ i * int m1 mod p) = -(int g ^ i) mod p"
      by (simp add: Cong.cong_def)
    also have nz: "int g ^ i mod p  0" using coprime g p
      by (metis assms(3) cong_cong_mod_int cong_imp_coprime cong_int_iff cong_refl
                coprime_common_divisor_nat coprime_power_left_iff mod_self of_nat_power
                power_0 power_one_right prime_factor_nat prime_power_inj zero_neq_one)
    hence "-(int g ^ i) mod p = int p - (int g ^ i mod p)"
      by (subst zmod_zminus1_eq_if) auto
    finally have eq1: "int g ^ i * int m1 mod int p = int p - int g ^ i mod int p" .

    have "[a * (int g ^ i * int m1) = a * (int g ^ i * (-1))] (mod p)"
      by (intro cong_mult cong_m1 cong_refl)
    hence "(a * (int g ^ i * int m1)) mod p = -(a * int g ^ i) mod p"
      by (simp add: Cong.cong_def)
    also have "(a * int g ^ i) mod p  0" using coprime a p
      by (metis nz coprime_commute mod_mod_trivial mult_mod_cancel_left mult_not_zero)
    hence "-(a * int g ^ i) mod p = int p - (a * int g ^ i mod p)"
      by (subst zmod_zminus1_eq_if) auto
    finally have eq2: "a * (int g ^ i * int m1) mod int p = int p - a * int g ^ i mod int p"
      by (simp add: mult_ac)

    have "h' (g ^ (i + (p - 1) div 2)) = h' (g ^ i * m1)"
      by (simp add: power_add m1_def)
    also have " = of_int (int p - (int g ^ i mod int p) - int g * (int p - a * int g ^ i mod int p)) /
                     rat_of_nat p + (rat_of_nat g - 1) / 2"
      by (simp add: h'_def eq1 eq2)
    also have " = -h' (g ^ i)"
      by (simp add: h'_def field_simps)
    finally have "h' (g ^ (i + (p - 1) div 2)) = - h' (g ^ i)"
      by simp
    moreover have "coprime (snd (quotient_of (- h' (g ^ i)))) (int p)"
      by (metis calculation coprime_h')
    ultimately show "[h' (g ^ (i + (p - 1) div 2)) = -h' (g ^ i)] (qmod int p)"
      by (auto intro!: qcong_refl)
    fix i :: nat
    show "[rat_of_nat (g ^ i mod p) ^ (k - 1) = rat_of_nat (g ^ (i * (k - 1)))] (qmod int p)"
      unfolding of_nat_power [symmetric]
    proof (rule cong_imp_qcong_of_nat)
      have "[(g ^ i mod p) ^ (k - 1) = (g ^ i) ^ (k - 1)] (mod p)"
        by (intro cong_pow) auto
      also have "(g ^ i) ^ (k - 1) = g ^ (i * (k - 1))"
        by (simp add: power_mult)
      finally show "[(g ^ i mod p) ^ (k - 1) = g ^ (i * (k - 1))] (mod p)" .
    qed (use p  5 in auto)
    fix i :: nat
    show "coprime (snd (quotient_of (h' (g ^ i)))) (int p)"
      using coprime_h'[of i] by auto
    show "coprime (1 - int g ^ k) (int p)"
      by (meson assms(3) cong_iff_dvd_diff dvd_diff_commute neq1 residues_prime.intro
    thus "1 - int g ^ k  0"
      using p  5 by fastforce
    thus "1 - int g ^ k  0" .
  qed (use p  5 in auto)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: mult_ac)

unbundle no_bernoulli_notation

