Theory Computations

section‹Computations: This section can be skipped›
theory Computations
imports Kauffman_Matrix

lemma unlink_computation:
 "rat_poly_plus (rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) (rat_poly_times A A))
       (rat_poly_times 2 (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times B B))))
       (rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) (rat_poly_times B B))) =
 have "(rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) (rat_poly_times A A)) = A^4"
        by (simp add: numeral_Bit0)
 moreover have "(rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) (rat_poly_times B B))
             = B^4"
        by (simp add: numeral_Bit0)
 moreover have "(rat_poly_times 2 (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times B B))))
               = 2"
       using inverse1  by (metis mult_2_right one_add_one rat_poly.assoc rat_poly.comm)
 ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma computation_swingpos:
" rat_poly_plus (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) B))
     (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)
       (rat_poly_times A (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B))) =
    rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A)" (is "?l = ?r")
     have 1:"(A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)
               = A - (B^3)"
             by (metis power3_eq_cube)
     then have 2:"(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) B)
                 = A*B - (B^3)*B"
              by (metis minus_right_distributivity)
    then have "... = 1 - (B^4)"
              by (simp add: inverse1 numeral_Bit0 power3_eq_cube)
    then have "(rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) B))
                      = B - (B^4)*B"
             using 2  
             by (metis minus_right_distributivity mult.commute mult.right_neutral)
   then have 3:"(rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) B))
                  = B - (B^5)"
             by (metis (no_types, lifting) inverse1 minus_right_distributivity 
             mult.left_commute mult.right_neutral power2_eq_square power_numeral_odd)
    have "(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)
       (rat_poly_times A (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)))
                 =  (A - (B^3))*(A*( A - (B^3)))"
             using 1 by auto
    moreover then have "... =  (A - (B^3))*(A*A - (A*(B^3)))"
                    by (metis minus_left_distributivity) 
    moreover then have "... = (A - (B^3))*(A*A - (B^2))"
                   using inverse1 
                    by (simp add: power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube)
    moreover then have "... = A*(A*A - (B^2)) - (B^3)*(A*A - (B^2))"
                  by (metis minus_right_distributivity)
    moreover then have "... = ((A^3) - B) - B + (B^5)"
     have "A*(A*A - (B^2)) = (A*A*A - A*(B^2))"
                  by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
     moreover have "... = (A*A*A - A*(B*B))"
                   by (metis power2_eq_square)
     moreover have "...  = ((A^3) - ((A::rat_poly)*B)*B)"
                  by (simp add: power3_eq_cube)
     moreover have "... = ((A^3) - ((1::rat_poly)*B))"
                  by (metis inverse1)
     moreover have "... = (A^3) - B"
                  by auto    
     ultimately have s1:"(A::rat_poly)*(A*A - (B^2)) = (A^3) - (B::rat_poly)"
                 by metis
     have s2:"((B::rat_poly)^3)*(A*A - (B^2)) = (B^3)*(A*A) - (B^(3::nat))*(B^2)"
                    by (metis minus_left_distributivity power3_eq_cube)  
     moreover then have "... = (((B::rat_poly)^3)*(A*A) - (B^5))"
                    using power_add
                     have "(B^(3::nat))*(B^2) =  (B^5)"
                          by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 power_Suc power_numeral_odd)
                     then show ?thesis using s2 by auto
     moreover then have "... =  ((((B::rat_poly)*B*B)*(A*A)) - (B^5))"
                     by (metis power3_eq_cube)   
     moreover then have "... = ((((B::rat_poly)*(B*(B*A)*A))) - (B^5))"                     
                     by auto
     moreover then have "... = ((((B::rat_poly)*(B*(1)*A))) - (B^5))"  
                     using inverse2 by auto
     moreover then have "... =  ((((B::rat_poly)*(B*A))) - (B^5))"  
                     by auto
     moreover then have "... = ((((B::rat_poly))) - (B^5))"  
                     using inverse2 
                     by simp  
     ultimately have "((B::rat_poly)^3)*(A*A - (B^2)) = ((B::rat_poly) - (B^5))"  
                      by auto
     then have "A*(A*A - (B^2)) - (B^3)*(A*A - (B^2))
                       = (A^3) - (B::rat_poly) - ((B::rat_poly) - (B^5))"  
                    using s1 by auto
     then show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately have "(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)
       (rat_poly_times A (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)))
             = ((A^3) - B) - B + (B^5)"
                    by auto
   then have "?l =  B - (B^5) +  ((A^3) - B) - B + (B^5)"
               using 3 by auto
   then have 4:"?l = (A^3) - B"
              by auto
   have "?r =  A*((A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)*A)"
             by auto
   moreover then have "... = A*(A - (B^3))*A"
              using 1 by auto
   moreover have "... = A*(A*A - (B^3)*A)"
             by (simp add: minus_left_distributivity mult.commute)
   moreover have "... = A*(A*A - (B*B*B)*A)"
              by (metis power3_eq_cube)
   moreover have "... = A*(A*A - (B*B*(B*A)))"
               by auto
   moreover have "... = A*(A*A - B*B)"
              using inverse2 minus_left_distributivity by auto
   moreover have "... = A*A*A - A*(B*B)"
              by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
   moreover have "... = A^3 - (A*B)*B"
              by (metis ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult_ac(1) power3_eq_cube)
   moreover have "... = A^3 - B"
             using inverse1 by (metis monoid_mult_class.mult.left_neutral)
   ultimately have "?r =  A^3 - B"
               by auto
   then show ?thesis using 4 by auto

lemma computation2:
" rat_poly_plus (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) A))
     (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
       (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A))) =
    rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B)" (is "?l = ?r")
 have 1:"(B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
               = B - (A^3)"
             by (metis power3_eq_cube)
 then have 2:"(rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) A)
                 = B*A - (A^3)*A"
              by (metis minus_right_distributivity)
 then have "... = 1 - (A^4)"
              using inverse2 
              by (metis mult.commute one_plus_numeral power_add power_one_right semiring_norm(2)
 then have "(rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) A))
                      = A - (A^4)*A"
             using 2 
             by (simp add: minus_left_distributivity)
 then have 3:"(rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) A))
                  = A - (A^5)"
             by (simp add: numeral_Bit0 numeral_Bit1) 
 have "(rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
       (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)))
                 =  (B - (A^3))*(B*( B - (A^3)))"
             using 1 by auto
 moreover then have "... =  (B - (A^3))*(B*B - (B*(A^3)))"
             by (metis minus_left_distributivity) 
 moreover then have "... = (B - (A^3))*(B*B - (A^2))"
             using inverse2
             by (simp add: power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube)
 moreover then have "... = B*(B*B - (A^2)) - (A^3)*(B*B - (A^2))"
            by (metis minus_right_distributivity)
 moreover then have "... = ((B^3) - A) - A + (A^5)"
  have "B*(B*B - (A^2)) = (B*B*B - B*(A^2))"
                  by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)             
  moreover have "... = (B*B*B - B*(A*A))"
                  by (metis power2_eq_square)
  moreover have "...  = ((B^3) - ((B::rat_poly)*A)*A)"
                  by (simp add: power3_eq_cube)
  moreover have "... = ((B^3) - ((1::rat_poly)*A))"
                  by (metis inverse2)
  moreover have "... = (B^3) - A"
                  by auto   
  ultimately have s1:"(B::rat_poly)*(B*B - (A^2)) = (B^3) - (A::rat_poly)"
                  by metis
  have s2:"((A::rat_poly)^3)*(B*B - (A^2)) = (A^3)*(B*B) - (A^(3::nat))*(A^2)"
                  by (metis minus_left_distributivity power3_eq_cube)  
  moreover then have "... = (((A::rat_poly)^3)*(B*B) - (A^5))"
                  using power_add
                   have "(A^(3::nat))*(A^2) = A^5"
                     by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 power_Suc power_numeral_odd)
                   then show ?thesis using s2 by auto
  moreover then have "... =  ((((A::rat_poly)*A*A)*(B*B)) - (A^5))"
                   by (metis power3_eq_cube)   
  moreover then have "... = ((((A::rat_poly)*(A*(A*B)*B))) - (A^5))"                     
                   by auto
  moreover then have "... = ((((A::rat_poly)*(A*(1)*B))) - (A^5))"  
                  using inverse1 by auto
  moreover then have "... =  ((((A::rat_poly)*(A*B))) - (A^5))"  
                  by auto
  moreover then have "... = ((((A::rat_poly))) - (A^5))"  
                      using inverse1 by auto
  ultimately have "((A::rat_poly)^3)*(B*B - (A^2)) = ((A::rat_poly) - (A^5))"  
                      by auto
  then have "B*(B*B - (A^2)) - (A^3)*(B*B - (A^2))
                       = (B^3) - (A::rat_poly) - ((A::rat_poly) - (A^5))"  
                    using s1 by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto
 ultimately have "(rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
       (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)))
             = ((B^3) - A) - A + (A^5)"
          by auto
 then have "?l =  A - (A^5) +  ((B^3) - A) - A + (A^5)"
               using 3 by auto
 then have 4:"?l = (B^3) - A"
              by auto
 have "?r =  B*((B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)*B)"
             by auto
 moreover then have "... = B*(B - (A^3))*B"
              using 1 by auto
 moreover have "... = B*(B*B - (A^3)*B)"
              using minus_left_distributivity by (simp add: minus_left_distributivity mult.commute)
 moreover have "... = B*(B*B - (A*A*A)*B)"
              by (metis power3_eq_cube)
 moreover have "... = B*(B*B - (A*A*(A*B)))"
               by auto
 moreover have "... = B*(B*B - A*A)"
              using  inverse1 by auto
 moreover have "... = B*B*B - B*(A*A)"
              by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 moreover have "... = B^3 - (B*A)*A"
              by (metis ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult_ac(1) power3_eq_cube)
 moreover have "... = B^3 - A"
             using inverse2 by (metis monoid_mult_class.mult.left_neutral)
 ultimately have "?r =  B^3 - A"
               by auto
 then show ?thesis using 4 by auto

lemma computation_swingneg:"rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B) =
     (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
       (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)))
     (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) A))"
 using computation2 by auto     

lemma computation_toppos:"rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A) =
    rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B"(is "?l = ?r")
 have "(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A)
                = ((A - ((B*B)*B))*A)"
                   by auto
 moreover then have "... = (A*A) - ((B*B)*B)*A"
                  by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)  
 moreover then have "... = (A*A) - (B*B)*(B*A)"
                  by auto
 moreover then have "... = (A*A) - (B*B)"
                  using inverse2 by auto             
 ultimately have "?l = rat_poly_inv ((A*A) - (B*B))"
                  by auto
 then have 1:"?l = (B*B) - (A*A)"
                by auto
 have "?r =(B - ((A*A) *A))*B"
           by auto 
 moreover have "... = B*B - ((A*A)*A)*B"
           by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)  
 moreover have "... = (B*B) - ((A*A)*(A*B))"
          by auto
 moreover have "... = ((B::rat_poly)*B) - (A*A)"
       using inverse1  by auto   
 ultimately have "?r = (B*B) - (A*A)"
          by auto
 then show ?thesis using 1 by auto
(*rat_poly_times A (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) =
    rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A))*)

lemma computation_downpos_prelim:
"rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B) =
    rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A"(is "?l = ?r")
 have "(rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B)
                = ((B - ((A*A)*A))*B)"
                   by auto
 moreover then have "... = (B*B) - ((A*A)*A)*B"
                  by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)  
 moreover then have "... = (B*B) - (A*A)*(A*B)"
                  by auto
 moreover then have "... = (B*B) - (A*A)"
                  using inverse1 by auto            
 ultimately have "?l = rat_poly_inv ((B*B) - (A*A))"
                  by auto
 then have 1:"?l = (A*A) - (B*B)"
                by auto
 have "?r =(A - ((B*B) *B))*A"
           by auto 
 moreover have "... = A*A - ((B*B)*B)*A"
           by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)  
 moreover have "... = (A*A) - ((B*B)*(B*A))"
          by auto
 moreover have "... = ((A::rat_poly)*A) - (B*B)"
       using inverse2   by auto         
 ultimately have "?r = (A*A) - (B*B)"
          by auto
 then show ?thesis using 1 by auto

lemma computation_downpos:"rat_poly_times A (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) =
    rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A))"
       using computation_downpos_prelim by (metis rat_poly.comm)

lemma computatition_positive_flip:"rat_poly_plus
     (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A)))
     (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times A B))) =
    rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times A A))" (is "?l = ?r")
 have "(rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times A B)))
                 = (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B 1))"
          using inverse1 by auto
 moreover have "... = - B"
        by auto
 ultimately have 1:"(rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times A B))) = - B"
       by auto
 have " (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A))
         = A*((A - ((B*B)*B))*A)"
          by auto
 moreover then have "... = A*((A*A) - ((B*B)*B*A))"
          by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 moreover then have "... = A*((A*A) - ((B*B)*1))"
         using inverse2 by auto
 moreover then have "... = A*((A*A) - (B*B))"
          by auto
 moreover then have "... = A*(A*A) - (A*(B*B))"
         by (metis minus_left_distributivity)
 moreover then have "... = (A*(A*A)) - (1*B)"
         using inverse1 by auto
 moreover then have "... =  (A*(A*A)) - B"
         by auto
 ultimately have "(rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A))
                     = (A*(A*A)) - B"
            by auto
 then have "rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A))
                  = B - (A*A*A)"
           by auto
 then have 3:"?l = - (A*A*A)"
           using 1 by auto
 moreover have "?r = - (A*A*A)"
            by auto
 ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma computation_negative_flip:"rat_poly_plus
     (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B)))
     (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times B A))) =
    rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times B B))" (is "?l = ?r")
 have "(rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times B A)))
                 = (rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A 1))"
          using inverse2 by auto
 moreover have "... = - A"
        by auto
 ultimately have 1:"(rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times A (rat_poly_times B A))) = - A"
       by auto
 have " (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B))
         = B*((B - ((A*A)*A))*B)"
          by auto
 moreover then have "... = B*((B*B) - ((A*A)*A*B))"
          by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 moreover then have "... = B*((B*B) - ((A*A)*1))"
         using inverse1 by auto
 moreover then have "... = B*((B*B) - (A*A))"
          by auto
 moreover then have "... = B*(B*B) - (B*(A*A))"
         by (metis minus_left_distributivity)
 moreover then have "... = (B*(B*B)) - (1*A)"
         using inverse2 by auto
 moreover then have "... =  (B*(B*B)) - A"
         by auto
 ultimately have "(rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B))
                     = (B*(B*B)) - A"
            by auto
 then have "rat_poly_inv (rat_poly_times B (rat_poly_times (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A) B))
                  = A - (B*B*B)"
           by auto
 then have 3:"?l = - (B*B*B)"
           using 1 by auto
 moreover have "?r = - (B*B*B)"
            by auto
 ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma computation_pull_pos_neg:
"rat_poly_plus (rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A))
     (rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A) = 0"
 have " rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A
                       = ((A*A)*A)"
                  by auto
 then have "rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
                     = B*B - B*((A*A)*A)"
                using minus_left_distributivity by auto    
  moreover have "... = B*B - (B*(A*(A*A)))"
                by auto
  moreover have "... = B*B - ((B*A)*(A*A))"
                by auto
  moreover have "... = B*B - A*A"
                using inverse2 by auto
  ultimately have 1:"rat_poly_times B (B - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times A A) A)
                               =  B*B - A*A"
                by auto
  have "rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B = (B*B)*B"
                by auto
  then have "(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A)
                  = (A*A) - ((B*B)*B)*A"
              using minus_right_distributivity by auto
  moreover have "... = (A*A) - ((B*B)*(B*A))"
                     by auto
  moreover have "... = (A*A) - (B*B)"
                    using inverse2 by auto
  ultimately have 2:"(rat_poly_times (A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B) A)
                  = (A*A) - (B*B)"
                    by auto
  have "B*B - A*A + (A*A) - (B*B) = 0"
                  by auto
  with 1 2 show ?thesis by auto

lemma aux1:"(A - rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times B B) B)
         = A - (B^3)"
 using power3_eq_cube by (metis)

lemma square_subtract:"(((p::rat_poly) - (q::rat_poly))^2)
         = (p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)"
 have 1:"(((p::rat_poly) - (q::rat_poly))^2)
             = (p- q)*(p - q)"
             by (metis power2_eq_square)
 then have "(p - q)*(p - q) = (p - q)*p - (p - q)*q"
             by (metis minus_right_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 moreover have "(p - q)*p = p*p - q*p"
                 by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 moreover have "(p - q)*q = p*q - q*q"
                 by (metis minus_left_distributivity rat_poly.comm)
 ultimately have "(p - q)*(p - q) = p*p - q*p - (p*q - q*q)"
                by auto
 moreover have "... = (p*p) - q*p - p*q + q*q"
               by auto
 moreover have "... = (p^2) -p*q - p*q + (q^2)"
               using power2_eq_square by (simp add: power2_eq_square)

 ultimately show ?thesis using 1 by auto

lemma cube_minus:"p q.((((p::rat_poly) - (q::rat_poly))^3) 
                = (p^3) - 3*(p^2)*(q) + 3*(p)*(q^2) - (q^3))" 
 apply(rule allI)
 apply(rule allI)
 fix p q
 have 1:"(((p::rat_poly) - (q::rat_poly))^3) = (p - q)*(p-q)^2"
               by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 power_Suc)
 then have "(p-q)^2 = (p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)"
            using square_subtract by auto
 then have 2:"(p - q)*(p-q)^2 = (p - q)*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2))"
                    by auto
 moreover have 3:"(p - q)*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2))
                   = p*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)) 
               - (q*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)))"
            by (metis minus_right_distributivity)
 moreover have "p*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)) 
                   = p*(p^2) - p*(2*p*q) + (p*(q^2))"
               using minus_left_distributivity by (simp add: distrib_left)
 moreover have "p*(p^2) = p^3"
                by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 power_Suc)
 moreover have "p*(2*p*q) = 2*(p^2)*q"
                by (metis (no_types, lifting) distrib_left mult_2 power2_eq_square 
 ultimately have 4:"p*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)) 
                   = (p^3) - (2*(p^2)*q) + (p*(q^2))"
                by auto
 have "q*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)) 
                   = q*(p^2) - q*(2*p*q) + (q*(q^2))"
               by (simp add: distrib_left minus_left_distributivity) 
 moreover have "q*(p^2) = (p^2)*q"
               by simp
 moreover have "q*(2*p*q) = 2*p*(q^2)"
               by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
 ultimately have 5:"q*((p^2) - (2*p*q) + (q^2)) 
                   = (p^2)*q - 2*p*(q^2) + (q^3)"
               by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 numeral_3_eq_3 power_Suc)
 with 1 2 3 4 have "(p - q)^3
                      = (p^3) - (2*(p^2)*q) + (p*(q^2)) 
                          - ((p^2)*q - 2*p*(q^2) + (q^3))"
               by auto
 moreover have "... = (p^3) - (2*(p^2)*q) + (p*(q^2)) 
                     - (p^2)*q + 2*p*(q^2) - (q^3)"
                by auto
 moreover have "... = (p^3) - 3*(p^2)*(q) + 3*(p)*(q^2) - (q^3)" 
                by auto
 ultimately show 
    "(p - q) ^ 3 
        = rat_poly_plus (p ^ 3 - 
                              (rat_poly_times 3 (p2)) q) 
                              (rat_poly_times (rat_poly_times 3 p) (q2)) 
                                                               - q ^ 3"
        by auto 

lemma power_mult: "((p::rat_poly)^m)^n= (p)^(m*(n::nat))"
 by (metis power_mult)

lemma cube_minus2:
fixes p q
shows "(((p::rat_poly) - (q::rat_poly))^3) 
                = (p^3) - 3*(p^2)*(q) + 3*(p)*(q^2) - (q^3)" 
 using cube_minus by auto

lemma subst_poly:assumes "a = b" shows "(p::rat_poly)*a = p*b"
 using assms by auto

lemma sub1: 
 assumes "p*q = 1"
 shows "r*(p*q) = r*1"
 using assms by metis

lemma n_distrib:"(A^(n::nat))*(B^n) = (A*B)^n"
 by (induct n)(auto)

lemma rat_poly_id_pow:"(1::rat_poly)^n = 1"
 by (induct n)(auto)

lemma power_prod:"(A^(n::nat))*(B^n) = (1::rat_poly)"
 apply(simp add:n_distrib)
 apply(simp add:inverse1)
lemma "(pCons 0 1)  0"
 by (metis non_zero var_def)      
