Theory Kneser_Cauchy_Davenport_main_proofs
section‹Kneser's Theorem and the Cauchy--Davenport Theorem: main proofs›
theory Kneser_Cauchy_Davenport_main_proofs
context additive_abelian_group
subsection‹Proof of Kneser's Theorem›
text‹The proof we formalise follows the paper \cite{DeVos_Kneser}. This version of Kneser's Theorem
corresponds to Theorem 3.2 in \cite{Ruzsa_book}, or to Theorem 4.3 in \cite{Nathanson_book}. ›
theorem Kneser:
assumes "A ⊆ G" and "B ⊆ G" and "finite A" and "finite B" and hAne: "A ≠ {}" and hBne: "B ≠ {}"
shows "card (sumset A B) ≥ card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card (stabilizer (sumset A B))"
have "⋀ n A B. additive_abelian_group G (⊕) 𝟬 ⟹ A ⊆ G ⟹ B ⊆ G ⟹
finite A ⟹ finite B ⟹ A ≠ {} ⟹ B ≠ {} ⟹ card (sumset A B) + card A = n ⟹
card (sumset A B) ≥ card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card ((stabilizer (sumset A B)))"
fix n
show "⋀ A B. additive_abelian_group G (⊕) 𝟬 ⟹ A ⊆ G ⟹ B ⊆ G ⟹
finite A ⟹ finite B ⟹ A ≠ {} ⟹ B ≠ {} ⟹ card (sumset A B) + card A = n ⟹
card (sumset A B) ≥ card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card ((stabilizer (sumset A B)))"
proof(induction n arbitrary : G "(⊕)" 𝟬 rule: nat_less_induct)
fix n
fix A B G :: "'a set"
fix add (infixl "[⊕]" 65)
fix zero ("[𝟬]")
assume hind: "∀m<n. ∀x xa xb :: 'a set. ∀ xc xd.
additive_abelian_group xb xc xd ⟶ x ⊆ xb ⟶
xa ⊆ xb ⟶ finite x ⟶ finite xa ⟶ x ≠ {} ⟶ xa ≠ {} ⟶
card (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x xa) + card x = m ⟶
card (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x (additive_abelian_group.stabilizer xb xc
(additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x xa))) + card (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc xa
(additive_abelian_group.stabilizer xb xc (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x xa))) -
card (additive_abelian_group.stabilizer xb xc (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x xa))
≤ card (additive_abelian_group.sumset xb xc x xa)" and
hGroupG: "additive_abelian_group G ([⊕]) [𝟬]" and hAG: "A ⊆ G" and hBG: "B ⊆ G" and
hA: "finite A" and hB: "finite B" and hAne: "A ≠ {}" and hBne: "B ≠ {}" and
hcardsum: "card (additive_abelian_group.sumset G ([⊕]) A B) + card A = n"
interpret G: additive_abelian_group G "([⊕])" "[𝟬]" using hGroupG by simp
have hindG: "∀m<n. ∀C D. C ⊆ G ⟶
D ⊆ G ⟶ finite C ⟶ finite D ⟶ C ≠ {} ⟶ D ≠ {} ⟶
card (G.sumset C D) + card C = m ⟶
card (G.sumset C (G.stabilizer
(G.sumset C D))) + card (G.sumset D
(G.stabilizer (G.sumset C D))) -
card (G.stabilizer (G.sumset C D))
≤ card (G.sumset C D)" using hind hGroupG by blast
show "card (G.sumset A (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B))) +
card (G.sumset B (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B))) -
card (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B)) ≤ card (G.sumset A B)"
proof(cases "G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B) = {[𝟬]}")
case hstab0: True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "card A = 1")
case True
then obtain a where "A = {a}" and "a ∈ G"
by (metis hAG card_1_singletonE insert_subset)
then show ?thesis using G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq
G.stabilizer_left_sumset_invariant G.stabilizer_subset_group G.sumset_commute
G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_self hBG by (metis diff_add_inverse eq_imp_le)
case False
then have "card A ≥ 2" using Suc_1 order_antisym_conv
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 bot.extremum card_seteq hA hAne le_add2 not_less_eq_eq)
then obtain a a' where haA: "{a', a} ⊆ A" and hanot: "a' ≠ a" and ha1G: "a ∈ G" and
ha2G: "a' ∈ G"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) card_2_iff hAG insert_subset
obtain_subset_with_card_n subset_trans)
then have "(a' [⊕] (G.inverse a)) ∉ G.stabilizer B" using G.stabilizer_sub_sumset_right
hstab0 subset_singletonD by (metis G.commutative G.inverse_closed
G.invertible G.invertible_right_inverse2 G.right_unit empty_iff insert_iff)
then obtain b where hb: "b ∈ B" and "(a' [⊕] (G.inverse a)) [⊕] b ∉ B"
using G.stabilizer_def G.not_mem_stabilizer_obtain hBG hB hBne ha1G ha2G
G.composition_closed G.inverse_closed by (metis (no_types, lifting))
then have habG: "a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a ∉ B"
using hb hBG ha1G ha2G by (metis G.associative G.commutative G.inverse_closed subset_iff)
have hbG: "b ∈ G" using hb hBG by auto
let ?B' = "G.sumset (G.differenceset B {b}) {a}"
have hB': "finite ?B'" using hB
by (simp add: G.finite_minusset G.finite_sumset)
have hB'G: "?B' ⊆ G" using G.sumset_subset_carrier by blast
have hB'ne: "?B' ≠ {}" using hBne hbG ha1G sumset_is_empty_iff hBG by auto
have hstabeq: "G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B) = G.stabilizer (G.sumset A ?B')"
using hbG ha1G hAG hBG G.stabilizer_unchanged by blast
have hstab0': "G.stabilizer (G.sumset A ?B') = {[𝟬]}" using hstab0 hstabeq by blast
have ha1B': "a ∈ ?B'"
have "(b [⊕] G.inverse b) [⊕] a ∈ ?B'" using hBG hbG ha1G hb G.minusset.minussetI by blast
thus "a ∈ ?B'" by (simp add: hbG ha1G)
then have hinter_nempty: "A ∩ ?B' ≠ {}" using ha1B' haA by blast
have ha2B': "a' ∉ ?B'"
have h1: "(a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b ∉ G.differenceset B {b}"
assume "(a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b ∈ G.differenceset B {b}"
then obtain b' where "(a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b = b' [⊕] G.inverse b"
and "b' ∈ B" using hbG G.minusset.simps G.sumset.cases by force
then have "(a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) ∈ B" using hbG
by (smt (verit) G.composition_closed hBG ha1G ha2G G.inverse_closed G.invertible
G.invertible_right_cancel subsetD)
thus "False" using habG by auto
have "((a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b) [⊕] a ∉ ?B'"
assume "((a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b) [⊕] a ∈ ?B'"
then obtain b' where "((a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b) [⊕] a = b' [⊕] a"
and "b' ∈ G.differenceset B {b}" using ha1G G.sumset.simps by auto
then have "((a' [⊕] b [⊕] G.inverse a) [⊕] G.inverse b) ∈ G.differenceset B {b}"
using ha1G by (smt (z3) G.sumset.simps G.additive_abelian_group_axioms
G.composition_closed ha2G hbG G.inverse_closed G.invertible G.invertible_right_cancel)
thus "False" using h1 by auto
thus "a' ∉ ?B'" using ha1G hbG
by (smt (verit, del_insts) G.associative G.commutative G.composition_closed ha2G
G.inverse_closed G.invertible G.invertible_left_inverse G.right_unit)
have hinterA: "A ∩ ?B' ≠ A" using haA ha2B' by auto
have hintercard0: "0 < card (A ∩ ?B')"
using hA hB hinter_nempty card_gt_0_iff by blast
have hintercardA: "card (A ∩ ?B') < card A" using hA hB hinterA card_mono
by (simp add: psubsetI psubset_card_mono)
have inj: "inj_on (λ x. x [⊕] G.inverse b [⊕] a) G" using inj_onI ha1G hb G.invertible
G.inverse_closed G.composition_closed by (smt (verit) G.invertible_right_cancel hbG)
have 1: "card (G.sumset A B) = card (G.sumset A ?B')"
using G.card_differenceset_singleton_mem_eq G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq hAG hB'G
ha1G hbG G.sumset_assoc G.sumset_commute G.sumset_subset_carrier
by (smt (verit, del_insts))
obtain C where hCconv: "G.convergent C A ?B'" and hCmin: "⋀ Y. Y ∈ G.convergent_set A ?B'
⟹ card (G.stabilizer Y) ≥ card (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.exists_convergent_min_stabilizer[of n A ?B']
hindG hA hB' hAG hB'G hinter_nempty hAne hcardsum hintercardA 1 hGroupG by auto
have hC: "C ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" and hCne: "C ≠ {}" and
hCcard: "card C + card (G.stabilizer C) ≥
card (A ∩ ?B') + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))"
using G.convergent_def hCconv by auto
then have hCfinite: "finite C" using hC G.finite_sumset hA hB'
by (meson finite_subset)
have htranslate: "card (G.sumset A {[𝟬]}) + card (G.sumset ?B' {[𝟬]}) - card {[𝟬]} ≤
card (G.sumset A ?B')"
proof(cases "G.stabilizer C = {[𝟬]}")
case hCstab0: True
have "card (G.sumset A {[𝟬]}) + card (G.sumset ?B' {[𝟬]}) - card {[𝟬]} = card A + card ?B' -
card {[𝟬]}" using hAG hB'G G.card_minusset' by fastforce
also have "... = card (A ∩ ?B') + card (A ∪ ?B') - card {[𝟬]}"
using hA hB' card_Un_Int by fastforce
also have "... = card (A ∩ ?B') + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) - card {[𝟬]}"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 Int_commute hAG G.sumset_subset_carrier)
also have "... ≤ card C" using hCcard hCstab0 by auto
also have "... ≤ card (G.sumset A ?B')"
using hC card_mono G.finite_sumset hA hB' by metis
finally show ?thesis by simp
case hCstab_ne0: False
have hCG: "C ⊆ G" using hC by (meson subset_trans G.sumset_subset_carrier)
then have hstabC: "finite (G.stabilizer C)" using G.stabilizer_finite hCne hC
G.finite_sumset hA hB' by (metis Nat.add_0_right add_leE card.infinite hCcard
hintercard0 le_0_eq not_gr0)
then have hcardstabC_gt_1: "card (G.stabilizer C) > 1" using G.zero_mem_stabilizer
hCstab_ne0 hCG by (metis card_1_singletonE card_gt_0_iff diffs0_imp_equal empty_iff
gr_zeroI insertE less_one zero_less_diff)
have "G.sumset (G.stabilizer C) (G.sumset A ?B') ≠ G.sumset A ?B'"
using G.finite_sumset G.stabilizer_is_nonempty G.stabilizer_subset_group
G.sumset_eq_sub_stabilizer G.sumset_subset_carrier hA hB' hCstab_ne0 hstab0'
subset_singletonD by metis
moreover have "card (G.sumset (G.stabilizer C) (G.sumset A ?B')) ≥ card (G.sumset A ?B')"
using G.card_le_sumset G.finite_sumset hA hB' hstabC
by (meson hCG G.sumset_subset_carrier G.unit_closed G.zero_mem_stabilizer)
ultimately have "¬ G.sumset (G.stabilizer C) (G.sumset A ?B') ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'"
using G.finite_sumset hA hB' card_seteq by metis
then obtain x where hx1: "x ∈ G.sumset (G.stabilizer C) (G.sumset A ?B')" and
hx2: "x ∉ G.sumset A ?B'" by auto
then obtain a1 b1 c where "x = c [⊕] (a1 [⊕] b1)" and "c ∈ G.stabilizer C" and
ha1A: "a1 ∈ A" and hb1B': "b1 ∈ ?B'" and ha1memG: "a1 ∈ G" and hb1memG: "b1 ∈ G"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) G.sumset.cases)
then have hx: "x ∈ G.sumset (G.stabilizer C) {a1 [⊕] b1}"
using hx1 by (meson G.composition_closed hAG hB'G insertI1 G.stabilizer_subset_group
subsetD G.sumset.sumsetI)
then have hnotsubAB: "¬ G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'"
using hx2 G.sumset_commute by auto
let ?A1 = "A ∩ (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C))"
let ?A2 = "A ∩ (G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C))"
let ?B1 = "?B' ∩ (G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C))"
let ?B2 = "?B' ∩ (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C))"
let ?C1 = "C ∪ (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)"
let ?C2 = "C ∪ (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)"
let ?H1 = "G.stabilizer (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)"
let ?H2 = "G.stabilizer (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)"
have hA1ne: "?A1 ≠ {}" using ha1A G.zero_mem_stabilizer hCG
by (metis (full_types) disjoint_iff_not_equal hAG insertCI G.right_unit subset_eq
G.sumset.sumsetI G.unit_closed)
have hB1ne: "?B1 ≠ {}" using hb1B' G.zero_mem_stabilizer hCG
by (metis G.composition_closed disjoint_iff_not_equal insertCI G.left_unit
G.sumset.cases G.sumset.sumsetI G.sumset_commute G.unit_closed)
have hnotsubC: "¬ G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ⊆ C" using hnotsubAB hC by blast
have habstabempty: "G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ∩ C = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ∩ C ≠ {}"
then obtain z where
hz: "G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ∩ G.sumset {z} (G.stabilizer C) ≠ {}" and
hzC: "z ∈ C" using G.stabilizer_coset_Un hCG by blast
then have "G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) = G.sumset {z} (G.stabilizer C)" using hz
G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_iff hCG G.sumset.simps hx by auto
then have "G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C) ⊆ C" using hzC
by (simp add: hCG G.stabilizer_coset_subset)
thus "False" using hnotsubC by simp
have hA1B1sub: "G.sumset ?A1 ?B1 ⊆ G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C)" and
hB2A2sub: "G.sumset ?B2 ?A2 ⊆ G.sumset {a1 [⊕] b1} (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.sumset_Inter_subset_sumset ha1memG hb1memG by auto
then have hA1B1Cempty: "G.sumset ?A1 ?B1 ∩ C = {}" using habstabempty by blast
then have hcardC1: "card ?C1 = card C + card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)" using card_Un_disjoint
G.finite_sumset hA hB' finite_Int hC finite_subset Int_commute by metis
have hA1B1cardless: "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1) < card (G.sumset A B)"
have "G.sumset ?A1 ?B1 ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" using G.sumset_mono by auto
moreover have "G.sumset ?A1 ?B1 ≠ G.sumset A ?B'"
using hA1B1Cempty hC hCne hA1B1sub by auto
ultimately show "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1) < card (G.sumset A B)"
using G.finite_sumset hA hB' psubset_card_mono psubset_eq 1 by metis
have hB2A2Cempty: "G.sumset ?B2 ?A2 ∩ C = {}" using habstabempty hB2A2sub by blast
then have hcardC2: "card ?C2 = card C + card (G.sumset ?B2 ?A2)" using card_Un_disjoint
G.finite_sumset hA hB' finite_Int hC finite_subset Int_commute G.sumset_commute by metis
have hA2B2cardless: "card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2) < card (G.sumset A B)"
have "G.sumset ?A2 ?B2 ⊂ G.sumset A ?B'"
using G.sumset_mono hB2A2Cempty hC hCne hB2A2sub G.sumset_commute psubset_eq
by (metis Int_absorb1 Int_lower1)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: 1 G.finite_sumset hA hB' psubset_card_mono)
have "card ?A1 ≤ card A" using card_mono hA by (metis Int_lower1)
then have "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1) + card ?A1 < card (G.sumset A B) + card A"
using hA1B1cardless by linarith
then obtain l where hln: "l < n" and hind1: "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1) + card ?A1 = l"
using hcardsum by auto
have "card ?A2 ≤ card A" using card_mono hA Int_lower1 by metis
then have "card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2) + card ?A2 < card (G.sumset A B) + card A"
using hA2B2cardless by linarith
then obtain k where hkn: "k < n" and hind2: "card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2) + card ?A2 = k"
using hcardsum by auto
have hH1stabC: "?H1 ⊂ G.stabilizer C" using G.stabilizer_sumset_psubset_stabilizer
hA1ne hB1ne ha1memG hb1memG hnotsubAB by presburger
then have "card ?H1 < card (G.stabilizer C)" using psubset_card_mono hstabC by auto
moreover have hC1H1: "?H1 = G.stabilizer ?C1" using G.stabilizer_eq_stabilizer_union
by (metis Int_commute hA hA1B1Cempty hA1ne hB' hB1ne hC hCfinite hCne ha1memG hb1memG hnotsubAB)
ultimately have hC1notconv: "¬ G.convergent ?C1 A ?B'" using hCmin G.convergent_set_def
le_antisym less_imp_le_nat less_not_refl2 by fastforce
have hC1ne: "?C1 ≠ {}" and hC2ne: "?C2 ≠ {}" using hCne by auto
have hC1AB': "?C1 ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" and hC2AB': "?C2 ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" using hC
by (auto simp add: G.sumset_mono)
have hA1G: "?A1 ⊆ G" and hA1 : "finite ?A1" and hB1G: "?B1 ⊆ G" and hB1: "finite ?B1"
using hAG hB'G hA hB' finite_Int by auto
then have hindA1B1: "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) + card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1) - card ?H1 ≤
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)" using hindG hGroupG hA1ne hB1ne hind1 hln hAG hB'G
hA hB' by metis
have hC1notconv_ineq:
"(int (card ?C1) + card ?H1 - card (A ∩ ?B')) < int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1))"
using hC1notconv hC1ne hC1AB' hC1H1 G.convergent_def by auto
have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)
≤ (int (card C) + card (G.stabilizer C) - card (A ∩ ?B')) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using hCcard by linarith
then have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1) <
(int (card C) + card (G.stabilizer C) - card (A ∩ ?B')) -
(int (card ?C1) + card ?H1 - card (A ∩ ?B'))" using hC1notconv_ineq by linarith
also have "... = int (card (G.stabilizer C)) - card ?H1 - card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)"
using hcardC1 by presburger
also have "... ≤ int (card (G.stabilizer C)) - card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)"
using hindA1B1 by linarith
text‹ Finally, we deduce the inequality that is referred to as
inequality (1) in \cite{DeVos_Kneser} for @{term ?A1} and @{term ?B1}. ›
finally have hA1B1ineq: "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) -
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1) < int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)" by simp
have hB2ne: "?B2 ≠ {}" using G.sumset_inter_ineq hA1B1ineq ha1A ha1G hA hB' hAne hB'ne
hstabC hH1stabC ha1memG of_nat_0_le_iff by (smt (verit, del_insts))
have hA2ne: "?A2 ≠ {}" using G.sumset_inter_ineq[of "A" "b1" "C" "?B'" "a1"] hA1B1ineq
hb1B' hb1memG hA hB' hAne hB'ne hstabC hH1stabC of_nat_0_le_iff G.sumset_commute Un_commute by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG))
have hH2stabC: "?H2 ⊂ G.stabilizer C" using G.stabilizer_sumset_psubset_stabilizer
G.commutative hA2ne hB2ne ha1memG hb1memG hnotsubAB by presburger
then have "card ?H2 < card (G.stabilizer C)" using psubset_card_mono hstabC by auto
moreover have hC2H2: "?H2 = G.stabilizer ?C2" using G.stabilizer_eq_stabilizer_union
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) G.sumset_commute Int_commute hA hA2ne hB' hB2A2Cempty
hB2ne hC hCfinite hCne ha1memG hb1memG hnotsubAB)
ultimately have hC2notconv: "¬ G.convergent ?C2 A ?B'"
using hCmin G.convergent_set_def le_antisym less_imp_le_nat less_not_refl2
by fastforce
have hA2G: "?A2 ⊆ G" and hA2 : "finite ?A2" and hB2G: "?B2 ⊆ G" and hB2: "finite ?B2"
using hAG hB'G hA hB' finite_Int by auto
then have hindA2B2: "card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) + card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2) - card ?H2 ≤
card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)"
using hindG hGroupG hA2ne hB2ne hind2 hkn hAG hB'G hA hB' by metis
have hC2notconv_ineq:
"(int (card ?C2) + card ?H2 - card (A ∩ ?B')) < int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2))"
using hC2notconv hC2ne hC2AB' hC2H2 G.convergent_def by auto
have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2)
≤ (int (card C) + card (G.stabilizer C) - card (A ∩ ?B')) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2)"
using hCcard by linarith
then have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2) <
(int (card C) + card (G.stabilizer C) - card (A ∩ ?B')) -
(int (card ?C2) + card ?H2 - card (A ∩ ?B'))" using hC2notconv_ineq by linarith
also have "... = int (card (G.stabilizer C)) - card ?H2 - card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)"
using hcardC2 G.sumset_commute by simp
also have "... ≤ int (card (G.stabilizer C)) - card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) - card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2)"
using hindA2B2 by linarith
text‹ Analogously, we deduce the inequality that is referred to as
inequality (1) in \cite{DeVos_Kneser} for @{term ?A2} and @{term ?B2}. ›
finally have hA2B2ineq: "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) -
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2) < int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) - card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2)" by simp
have hfinsumH2:"finite (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2)"
using G.finite_sumset hA hB' finite_UnI hstabC hH2stabC finite_subset psubset_imp_subset
by metis
have hsubsumH2: "G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2 ⊆ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.sumset.cases hAG hB'G G.stabilizer_subset_group hH2stabC psubset_imp_subset
by (smt (verit, best) subset_Un_eq G.sumset_commute G.sumset_subset_Un1)
then have hsumH2card_le: "card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2) ≤
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))"
using card_mono G.finite_sumset G.stabilizer_finite hC hCne hCG hA hB'
by (metis finite_UnI hstabC)
have hfinsumH1: "finite (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using finite_sumset finite_Un psubsetE by (metis G.finite_sumset G.stabilizer_finite
G.sumset_subset_carrier Int_Un_eq(4) hA hA1 hB' hB1 hC1H1 hH1stabC habstabempty)
have hsubsumH1: "G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1 ⊆ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.sumset.cases psubsetE subset_refl G.sumset_mono hH1stabC by simp
have hsumH1card_le: "card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1) ≤ card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))"
using card_mono G.finite_sumset G.stabilizer_finite by (metis finite_UnI hA hB' hstabC hsubsumH1)
have ha1b1stabCne: "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) ≠ G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C)"
assume ha1b1: "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) = G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C)"
have hfin: "finite (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1 ∪ G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)"
using finite_UnI G.finite_sumset hA1 hB1 hH1stabC hstabC psubset_imp_subset
by (metis finite_subset)
have "int (card (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) -
card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1) ≤ int (card (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C))) -
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1 ∪ G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)"
using card_Un_le[of "G.sumset ?A1 ?H1" "G.sumset ?B1 ?H1"] by linarith
also have "... ≤ card (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1 ∪ G.sumset ?B1 ?H1))"
using diff_card_le_card_Diff[of "G.sumset ?A1 ?H1 ∪ G.sumset ?B1 ?H1"
"G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C)"] hfin by linarith
also have "... ≤ card (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (?A1 ∪ ?B1) ?H1)"
using G.sumset_subset_Un1 by auto
also have "... ≤ card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
have hsub: "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (?A1 ∪ ?B1) ?H1 ⊆
G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1"
fix x assume hx: "x ∈ G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (?A1 ∪ ?B1) ?H1"
then obtain c where hxac: "x = a1 [⊕] c" and hc: "c ∈ G.stabilizer C"
using G.sumset.cases by blast
then have "x ∈ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)" using ha1A hAG
G.stabilizer_subset_group by (simp add: subset_iff G.sumset.sumsetI)
moreover have "x ∉ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1"
assume hx1: "x ∈ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1"
then obtain y h1 where hxy: "x = y [⊕] h1" and hy: "y ∈ A ∪ ?B'" and
hh1: "h1 ∈ ?H1" using G.sumset.cases by blast
then have hyG: "y ∈ G" and hcG: "c ∈ G" and hh1G: "h1 ∈ G"
using hAG hB'G G.stabilizer_subset_group hc by auto
then have "y = a1 [⊕] (c [⊕] G.inverse h1)" using hxac hxy ha1A hAG
by (metis G.associative G.commutative G.composition_closed in_mono
G.inverse_closed G.invertible G.invertible_left_inverse2)
moreover have "h1 ∈ G.stabilizer C" using hh1 hH1stabC by auto
moreover hence "c [⊕] G.inverse h1 ∈ G.stabilizer C" using hc
G.stabilizer_is_subgroup subgroup_def G.group_axioms
group.invertible subgroup.subgroup_inverse_iff
submonoid.sub_composition_closed hh1G by metis
ultimately have "y ∈ G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C)" using ha1G hcG hAG ha1A hh1G
by blast
then have "y ∈ ?A1 ∪ ?B1" using hy by (simp add: ha1b1)
thus "False" using hx hxy hh1 hh1G hyG by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1" by simp
moreover have "finite (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (?A1 ∪ ?B1) ?H1)"
using finite_subset G.finite_sumset hstabC by simp
moreover hence "finite (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using finite_subset G.finite_sumset hstabC hA hB' finite_UnI by simp
moreover have "card (G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (?A1 ∪ ?B1) ?H1) ≤
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C) - G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using card_mono hsub calculation(3) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using card_Diff_subset by linarith
also have "... = int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using card_Diff_subset[OF hfinsumH1 hsubsumH1] hsumH1card_le by linarith
finally have "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) - card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)
≤ int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) - card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1)"
using hCG subset_iff G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq G.stabilizer_subset_group
hAG ha1A by auto
thus "False" using hA1B1ineq by linarith
have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) -
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H1) ≥ 0" by (simp add: hsumH1card_le)
then have "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1) > 0" using hA1B1ineq by linarith
moreover have "int (card ?H1) dvd int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)" using
G.stabilizer_subset_stabilizer_dvd hH1stabC psubset_imp_subset int_dvd_int_iff dvd_diff
G.card_stabilizer_divide_sumset[OF hA1G] G.card_stabilizer_divide_sumset[OF hB1G]
by fastforce
ultimately have "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1) - card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1) ≥ int (card ?H1)"
using zdvd_imp_le by blast
moreover have hA1_le_sum: "card ?A1 ≤ card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1)"
using G.sumset_commute G.card_le_sumset G.zero_mem_stabilizer hA1G hA1 hH1stabC hstabC
by (metis finite_subset psubset_imp_subset G.unit_closed)
moreover have hB1_le_sum: "card ?B1 ≤ card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)"
using G.sumset_commute G.card_le_sumset G.zero_mem_stabilizer hB1G hB1 hH1stabC hstabC
by (metis finite_subset psubset_imp_subset G.unit_closed)
text‹ The above facts combined allow us to deduce the inequality that is referred to as
inequality (2) in \cite{DeVos_Kneser} for @{term ?A1}, @{term ?B1} and @{term ?H1}. ›
ultimately have 21: "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) ≥ int (card ?H1) + card ?A1 + card ?B1"
by linarith
have "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) -
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') ?H2) ≥ 0" by (simp add: hsumH2card_le)
then have "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) - card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2) > 0" using hA2B2ineq by linarith
moreover have "int (card ?H2) dvd int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) - card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2)" using psubset_imp_subset
G.stabilizer_subset_stabilizer_dvd hH2stabC int_dvd_int_iff dvd_diff
G.card_stabilizer_divide_sumset[OF hA2G] G.card_stabilizer_divide_sumset[OF hB2G]
by fastforce
ultimately have "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) -
card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2) - card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2) ≥ int (card ?H2)"
using zdvd_imp_le by blast
moreover have hA2_le_sum: "card ?A2 ≤ card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2)"
using G.sumset_commute G.card_le_sumset G.zero_mem_stabilizer G.stabilizer_subset_group
hA2G hA2 hH2stabC hstabC psubset_imp_subset by (metis finite_subset G.unit_closed)
moreover have hB2_le_sum: "card ?B2 ≤ card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2)"
using G.sumset_commute G.card_le_sumset G.zero_mem_stabilizer G.stabilizer_subset_group
hB2G hB2 hH2stabC hstabC psubset_imp_subset by (metis finite_subset G.unit_closed)
text‹Analogously, the above facts combined allow us to deduce the inequality that is referred to as
inequality (2) in \cite{DeVos_Kneser} for @{term ?A2}, @{term ?B2} and @{term ?H2}. ›
ultimately have 22: "int (card (G.stabilizer C)) ≥ int (card ?H2) + card ?A2 + card ?B2"
by linarith
let ?S = "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) - (?A1 ∪ ?B2)"
let ?T = "G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C) - (?A2 ∪ ?B1)"
have hS : "finite ?S" and hT: "finite ?T" using G.finite_sumset hstabC by auto
have hST: "?S ∩ ?T = {}" using ha1b1stabCne Diff_Int2 Diff_Int_distrib2 Int_Diff Int_Un_eq(4)
Int_absorb Int_commute Int_empty_right Int_insert_right Un_empty empty_Diff hA1ne
hA2ne G.sumset_commute G.sumset_is_empty_iff G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_iff
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) G.sumset_assoc)
have hSTcard_le: "card ?S + card ?T + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) ≤
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))"
have "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) ⊆ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)" and
"G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C) ⊆ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.sumset_mono ha1A hb1B' subset_refl empty_subsetI insert_subset by auto
moreover have "(G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) ⊆ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)"
using G.sumset_mono subset_refl empty_subsetI insert_subset G.zero_mem_stabilizer
by metis
ultimately have hsub: "?S ∪ ?T ∪ (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) ⊆
G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C)" by blast
have "?S ∩ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]} = {}" by auto
moreover have "(?S ∪ ?T) ∩ G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]} = {}" by auto
ultimately have "card ?S + card ?T + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) =
card (?S ∪ ?T ∪ (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}))" using card_Un_disjoint hS hT
G.finite_sumset finite_UnI hA hB' hST by (metis finite.emptyI finite.insertI)
also have "... ≤ card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))" using card_mono
G.finite_sumset finite_UnI hA hB' hstabC hsub by metis
finally show ?thesis by simp
have hAB_not_conv: "¬ G.convergent (G.sumset A ?B') A ?B'" using hCmin hstab0
G.convergent_set_def hcardstabC_gt_1 hstab0' by fastforce
then have "card (G.sumset A ?B') + card {[𝟬]} < card (A ∩ ?B') +
card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]})" using G.convergent_def hAne hB'ne hAG hB'G hstab0'
subset_refl by auto
then have hAB'sum: "int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]})) + card (A ∩ ?B') -
card (G.sumset A ?B') > 1" by simp
moreover have "int (card ?A1) + card ?B1 ≤ int (card (G.sumset ?A1 ?H1)) +
card (G.sumset ?B1 ?H1)" using hA1_le_sum hB1_le_sum by linarith
moreover hence "int (card ?A1) + card ?B1 - card ?H1 ≤ card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)"
using hindA1B1 by linarith
ultimately have "int (card ?S) + card ?T + card ?A1 + card ?B1 - card ?H1 <
int (card ?S) + card ?T + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) + card (A ∩ ?B') -
card (G.sumset A ?B') + card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1)" by linarith
also have "... ≤ int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) + card (A ∩ ?B') - card C"
have "G.sumset ?A1 ?B1 ∪ C ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" using hC G.sumset_mono by auto
then have "card (G.sumset ?A1 ?B1) + card C ≤
card (G.sumset A ?B')" using card_Un_disjoint hCfinite G.finite_sumset hA1 hB1 hA1B1Cempty
card_mono hA hB' by metis
then show ?thesis using hSTcard_le by linarith
text‹From this, inequality (3) \cite{DeVos_Kneser} follows for @{term ?A1},
@{term ?B1} and @{term ?H1}.›
finally have 31: "int (card ?S) + card ?T + card ?A1 + card ?B1 - card ?H1 <
card (G.stabilizer C)" using hCcard by linarith
have "int (card ?A2) + card ?B2 ≤ int (card (G.sumset ?A2 ?H2)) +
card (G.sumset ?B2 ?H2)" using hA2_le_sum hB2_le_sum by linarith
moreover hence "int (card ?A2) + card ?B2 - card ?H2 ≤ card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)"
using hindA2B2 by linarith
ultimately have "int (card ?S) + card ?T + card ?A2 + card ?B2 - card ?H2 <
int (card ?S) + card ?T + card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') {[𝟬]}) + card (A ∩ ?B') -
card (G.sumset A ?B') + card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2)" using hAB'sum by linarith
also have "... ≤ int (card (G.sumset (A ∪ ?B') (G.stabilizer C))) + card (A ∩ ?B') - card C"
have "G.sumset ?A2 ?B2 ∪ C ⊆ G.sumset A ?B'" using hC G.sumset_mono by auto
then have "card (G.sumset ?A2 ?B2) + card C ≤
card (G.sumset A ?B')" using card_Un_disjoint hCfinite G.finite_sumset hA2 hB2 hA1B1Cempty
card_mono hA hB' hB2A2Cempty G.sumset_commute by metis
then show ?thesis using hSTcard_le by linarith
text‹From this, inequality (3) \cite{DeVos_Kneser} follows for @{term ?A2},
@{term ?B2} and @{term ?H2}.›
finally have 32: "int (card ?S) + card ?T + card ?A2 + card ?B2 - card ?H2 <
card (G.stabilizer C)" using hCcard by linarith
text‹ Adding together the four inequalities obtained by versions of inequalities
(2) and (3) and dividing by 2 gives the following inequality: ›
have 4: "2 * int (card (G.stabilizer C)) > int (card ?A1) + card ?B2 + card ?S + card ?T + card ?B1 + card ?A2"
using 21 22 31 32 by linarith
have "G.sumset {a1} (G.stabilizer C) = (?S ∪ ?A1) ∪ ?B2" and
hb1T: "G.sumset {b1} (G.stabilizer C) = (?T ∪ ?A2) ∪ ?B1" by auto
then have "card (G.stabilizer C) ≤ card ?S + card ?A1 + card ?B2"
using card_Un_le[of "?S" "?A1"] card_Un_le[of "?S ∪ ?A1" "?B2"]
G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq G.stabilizer_subset_group ha1A hAG by auto
moreover have "card (G.stabilizer C) ≤ card ?T + card ?A2 + card ?B1"
using hb1T card_Un_le[of "?T" "?A2"] card_Un_le[of "?T ∪ ?A2" "?B1"]
G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq G.stabilizer_subset_group hb1B' hB'G by auto
text‹ Combining the inequality labelled @{term 4} above with the above facts, the claim
ultimately show ?thesis using 4 by linarith
text‹It remains to transfer the statement of inequality labelled @{term 1} into an analogous
one, which replaces @{term ?B'} with @{term B}. ›
have 2: "card (G.sumset A (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B))) =
card (G.sumset A (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A ?B')))"
using hstabeq by auto
have 3: "card (G.sumset B (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B))) =
card (G.sumset ?B' (G.stabilizer (G.sumset A ?B')))" using hstabeq hstab0' G.sumset_commute
by (metis G.card_differenceset_singleton_mem_eq G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq
G.sumset_D(1) G.sumset_commute G.sumset_subset_carrier Int_absorb1 Int_commute hBG ha1G hbG)
then show ?thesis using 1 2 3 hstabeq hstab0' htranslate by auto
case hstabne0: False
let ?K = "G.stabilizer (G.sumset A B)"
have hcardK_gt_1: "card ?K > 1" using G.stabilizer_finite G.sumset_subset_carrier G.finite_sumset
hA hB hstabne0 G.zero_mem_stabilizer by (metis card_0_eq card_1_singletonE G.card_sumset_0_iff
empty_iff hAG hAne hBG hBne insertE less_one linorder_neqE_nat)
interpret K: subgroup_of_additive_abelian_group ?K G "([⊕])" "[𝟬]"
using G.stabilizer_is_subgroup subgroup_of_additive_abelian_group_def
by (metis G.abelian_group_axioms G.group_axioms hGroupG subgroup_of_abelian_group_def
let ?φ = "K.Class"
have hφ: "⋀ a. a ∈ G ⟹ ?φ a = (λ x. G.sumset {x} ?K) a"
using K.Left_Coset_Class_unit G.Left_Coset_eq_sumset_stabilizer by simp
interpret GK: additive_abelian_group "G.Factor_Group G ?K" K.quotient_composition "K.Class [𝟬]"
fix x y assume "x ∈ K.Partition" and "y ∈ K.Partition"
then obtain a b where "x = K.Class a" and "y = K.Class b" and "a ∈ G" and "b ∈ G"
by (meson K.representant_exists)
then show "K.quotient_composition x y = K.quotient_composition y x"
using K.Class_commutes_with_composition G.commutative by presburger
have hGroupGK: "additive_abelian_group (G.Factor_Group G ?K) K.quotient_composition (K.Class [𝟬])" ..
text‹Here, we specialize the induction hypothesis to the factor group.›
let ?K_repr = "K.φ ` K.Partition"
have "⋀ x y. x ∈ ?K_repr ⟹ y ∈ ?K_repr ⟹ K.quot_comp_alt x y = K.quot_comp_alt y x"
using K.quot_comp_alt_def G.commutative K.phi_image_subset subsetD by (metis (full_types))
then interpret K_repr: additive_abelian_group ?K_repr K.quot_comp_alt "K.φ ?K"
using[OF K.phi_image_group]
by (auto simp add: additive_abelian_group_def abelian_group_def K.phi_image_group
commutative_monoid_axioms_def commutative_monoid_def)
have hindrepr: "⋀ m C D. m < n ⟶ C ⊆ ?K_repr ⟶ D ⊆ ?K_repr ⟶ finite C ⟶
finite D ⟶ C ≠ {} ⟶ D ≠ {} ⟶ card (K_repr.sumset C D) + card C = m ⟶
card (K_repr.sumset C (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset C D))) +
card (K_repr.sumset D (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset C D))) - card (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset C D)) ≤
card (K_repr.sumset C D)" using hind K_repr.additive_abelian_group_axioms by blast
have hindfactor: "⋀ m C D. m < n ⟶ C ⊆ K.Partition ⟶ D ⊆ K.Partition ⟶ finite C ⟶
finite D ⟶ C ≠ {} ⟶ D ≠ {} ⟶ card (GK.sumset C D) + card C = m ⟶
card (GK.sumset C (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D))) +
card (GK.sumset D (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D))) - card (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D)) ≤
card (GK.sumset C D)"
proof(intro impI)
fix m C D assume hmn: "m < n" and hCK: "C ⊆ K.Partition" and hDK: "D ⊆ K.Partition" and
hC: "finite C" and hD: "finite D" and hCne: "C ≠ {}" and hDne: "D ≠ {}" and
hCDcard: "card (GK.sumset C D) + card C = m"
let ?C = "K.φ ` C" and ?D = "K.φ ` D"
have hCrepr: "?C ⊆ ?K_repr" and hDrepr: "?D ⊆ ?K_repr" using hCK hDK by auto
have hCfin: "finite ?C" and hDfin: "finite ?D" and hCne_1: "?C ≠ {}" and hDne_1: "?D ≠ {}" using hC hD hCne hDne by auto
have hcardC: "card ?C = card C" using K.phi_inj_on hC card_image inj_on_subset hCK by metis
have "card (GK.sumset C D) = card (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D)"
using card_image K.phi_inj_on inj_on_subset K.phi_image_sumset_eq
GK.sumset_subset_carrier hCK hDK by (smt (verit, best))
then have "card (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D) + card ?C = m" using hCDcard hcardC by presburger
then have "card (K_repr.sumset ?C (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D))) +
card (K_repr.sumset ?D (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D))) - card (K_repr.stabilizer (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D)) ≤
card (K_repr.sumset ?C ?D)"
using hindrepr hCfin hDfin hCne_1 hDne_1 hCrepr hDrepr hmn by blast
then show "card (GK.sumset C (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D))) +
card (GK.sumset D (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D))) - card (GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset C D)) ≤
card (GK.sumset C D)" using K.phi_image_sumset_eq K.phi_image_stabilizer_eq
K.phi_inj_on inj_on_subset hCK hDK card_image
by (smt (z3) GK.stabilizer_subset_group GK.sumset_subset_carrier)
have hstab0: "GK.stabilizer (?φ ` (G.sumset A B)) = {K.Class [𝟬]}"
show "GK.stabilizer (?φ ` G.sumset A B) ⊆ {K.Class [𝟬]}"
fix x assume hx: "x ∈ GK.stabilizer (?φ ` G.sumset A B)"
moreover have "?φ ` G.sumset A B ⊆ K.Partition"
using K.natural.map_closed G.sumset_subset_carrier by blast
ultimately have hsum: "GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B) = ?φ ` G.sumset A B"
using GK.stabilizer_def by auto
obtain x' where hxφ: "x = ?φ x'" and hx'G: "x' ∈ G"
using hx GK.stabilizer_subset_group K.representant_exists by force
have hsumset: "GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B) = (λ a. ?φ (x' [⊕] a)) ` G.sumset A B"
show "GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B) ⊆ (λa. ?φ (x' [⊕] a)) ` G.sumset A B"
fix y assume "y ∈ GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B)"
then obtain z where "z ∈ G.sumset A B" and "y = K.quotient_composition (?φ x') (?φ z)"
using GK.sumset.cases hxφ by blast
then show "y ∈ (λa. ?φ (x' [⊕] a)) ` G.sumset A B"
using K.Class_commutes_with_composition G.composition_closed hx'G G.sumset.cases
imageI by metis
show "(λa. ?φ (x' [⊕] a)) ` G.sumset A B ⊆ GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B)"
fix y assume "y ∈ (λa. ?φ (x' [⊕] a)) ` G.sumset A B"
then obtain z where hz: "z ∈ G.sumset A B" and "y = ?φ (x' [⊕] z)" by blast
then have "y = K.quotient_composition (?φ x') (?φ z)" using
K.Class_commutes_with_composition G.composition_closed hx'G G.sumset.cases by metis
then show "y ∈ GK.sumset {x} (?φ ` G.sumset A B)"
using hxφ hz imageI hx GK.sumset.sumsetI K.natural.map_closed
by (metis G.composition_closed hx'G insertCI G.sumset.cases)
have "G.sumset {x'} (G.sumset A B) ⊆ G.sumset (G.sumset A B) ?K"
fix y assume "y ∈ G.sumset {x'} (G.sumset A B)"
then obtain z where hz: "z ∈ G.sumset A B" and hy: "y = x' [⊕] z" using G.sumset.cases by blast
then have "?φ (x' [⊕] z) ∈ ?φ ` G.sumset A B" using hsum hsumset by blast
then obtain w where hw: "{w} ⊆ G.sumset A B" and "w ∈ G.sumset A B"
and "?φ (x' [⊕] z) = ?φ w" by auto
then have "(x' [⊕] z) ∈ G.differenceset (G.sumset {w} ?K) ?K"
using hφ G.sumset_subset_carrier hx'G hz G.sumset_eq_subset_differenceset
G.composition_closed G.stabilizer_is_nonempty G.stabilizer_subset_group G.sumset.cases
K.Class_self G.differenceset_stabilizer_eq G.sumset_assoc by metis
moreover have "G.differenceset (G.sumset {w} ?K) ?K ⊆ G.sumset {w} ?K"
using hw by (simp add: G.differenceset_stabilizer_eq G.sumset_assoc)
ultimately show "y ∈ G.sumset (G.sumset A B) ?K" using hy hw G.sumset_mono subsetD
subset_refl by blast
moreover have "G.sumset (G.sumset A B) ?K = G.sumset A B"
using G.sumset_commute G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_self G.sumset_subset_carrier by auto
ultimately have "G.sumset {x'} (G.sumset A B) = G.sumset A B"
by (metis G.finite_sumset G.sumset_subset_carrier card_subset_eq
G.card_sumset_singleton_subset_eq hA hB hx'G)
then have "x' ∈ ?K" using hx'G by (meson empty_subsetI G.finite_sumset hA hB insert_subset
G.sumset_eq_sub_stabilizer G.sumset_subset_carrier)
then show "x ∈ {K.Class [𝟬]}" using hxφ
by (metis K.Block_self K.Normal_def K.quotient.unit_closed insertCI)
show "{K.Class [𝟬]} ⊆ GK.stabilizer (K.Class ` G.sumset A B)"
using GK.zero_mem_stabilizer by auto
interpret group_epimorphism ?φ G "([⊕])" "[𝟬]" "G.Factor_Group G ?K"
K.quotient_composition "K.Class [𝟬]" ..
interpret GKN: normal_subgroup_in_kernel K.Class G "([⊕])" "[𝟬]" "G.Factor_Group G ?K"
K.quotient_composition "K.Class [𝟬]" ?K
show "?K ⊆ Ker" using K.Block_self K.Normal_def K.quotient.unit_closed by blast
have hsumK: "card (G.sumset A B) = card ?K * card (?φ ` (G.sumset A B))"
using G.finite_sumset hA hB G.sumset_subset_carrier G.Union_stabilizer_Class_eq
G.sumset_subset_carrier K.Union_Coset_card_eq by simp
have hGKsumset: "GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B) = ?φ ` (G.sumset A B)"
show "GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B) ⊆ ?φ ` G.sumset A B"
fix x assume "x ∈ GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)"
then obtain a b where ha: "a ∈ A" and hb: "b ∈ B" and
"x = K.quotient_composition (?φ a) (?φ b)" using GK.sumset.cases by blast
then have "x = ?φ (a [⊕] b)" by (meson K.Class_commutes_with_composition hAG hBG in_mono)
then show "x ∈ ?φ ` G.sumset A B" using ha hb hAG hBG by blast
show "?φ ` G.sumset A B ⊆ GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)"
fix x assume "x ∈ ?φ ` G.sumset A B"
then obtain c where "c ∈ G.sumset A B" and "x = ?φ c" by blast
then obtain a b where "a ∈ A" and "b ∈ B" and "x = ?φ (a [⊕] b)"
using G.sumset.cases by metis
then show "x ∈ GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)" using GK.sumset.cases
K.Class_commutes_with_composition hAG hBG in_mono
by (smt (verit, best) GK.sumset.simps K.natural.map_closed imageI)
have hAK: "card (G.sumset A ?K) = card ?K * card (?φ ` A)" using hAG K.Union_Coset_card_eq hA
G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_Class_Union G.Class_image_sumset_stabilizer_eq
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) card_0_eq G.card_sumset_0_iff G.finite_sumset hAne hB hBG hBne
G.stabilizer_finite G.sumset_subset_carrier)
have hBK: "card (G.sumset B ?K) = card ?K * card (?φ ` B)" using hBG K.Union_Coset_card_eq hB
G.sumset_stabilizer_eq_Class_Union G.Class_image_sumset_stabilizer_eq
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) card_0_eq G.card_sumset_0_iff G.finite_sumset hA hAG hAne hBne
G.stabilizer_finite G.sumset_subset_carrier)
have "card (?φ ` A) ≤ card A" by (simp add: card_image_le hA)
moreover have "card (?φ ` (G.sumset A B)) < card (G.sumset A B)" using hsumK hcardK_gt_1
G.card_sumset_0_iff hA hB hAne hBne by (metis card_eq_0_iff card_image_le hAG hBG
le_neq_implies_less less_not_refl3 mult_cancel2 nat_mult_1)
ultimately have "card (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)) + card (?φ ` A) < card (G.sumset A B) + card A"
using hGKsumset by auto
then obtain m where "m < n" and "card (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)) + card (?φ ` A) = m"
using hcardsum by blast
moreover have hφAsub: "?φ ` A ⊆ G.Factor_Group G ?K"
fix x assume "x ∈ ?φ ` A" then obtain a where "a ∈ G" and "?φ a = x" using hAG by blast
then show "x ∈ G.Factor_Group G ?K" by blast
moreover have hφBsub: "?φ ` B ⊆ G.Factor_Group G ?K"
fix x assume "x ∈ ?φ ` B" then obtain b where "b ∈ G" and "?φ b = x" using hBG by blast
then show "x ∈ G.Factor_Group G ?K" by blast
moreover have hφA: "finite (?φ ` A)" and hφB: "finite (?φ ` B)" and hφAne: "?φ ` A ≠ {}" and
hφBne: "?φ ` B ≠ {}" using hA hB hAne hBne by auto
moreover have "additive_abelian_group (G.Factor_Group G ?K) K.quotient_composition
(K.Class [𝟬])" ..
moreover have "GK.stabilizer (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)) = {K.Class [𝟬]}"
using hstab0 hGKsumset by auto
ultimately have hindφ: "card (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B)) ≥
card (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) {K.Class [𝟬]}) + card (GK.sumset (?φ ` B) {K.Class [𝟬]}) - 1"
using hindfactor[of "m" "?φ ` A" "?φ ` B"] by simp
have hφsumA: "GK.sumset (?φ ` A) {K.Class [𝟬]} = ?φ ` A"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 Int_commute hφAsub)
have hφsumB: "GK.sumset (?φ ` B) {K.Class [𝟬]} = ?φ ` B"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 Int_commute hφBsub)
have "card (G.sumset A ?K) + card (G.sumset B ?K) - card ?K =
card ?K * (card (?φ ` A) + card (?φ ` B) - 1)"
using hAK hBK add_mult_distrib2 diff_mult_distrib2 nat_mult_1_right by presburger
also have "... ≤ card ?K * card (GK.sumset (?φ ` A) (?φ ` B))"
using hindφ hφsumA hφsumB by simp
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: hGKsumset hsumK)
thus ?thesis using assms hAne hBne additive_abelian_group_axioms by blast
subsection‹Strict version of Kneser's Theorem›
text‹We show a strict version of Kneser's Theorem as presented in Theorem 3.2 of \cite{Ruzsa_book}.›
theorem Kneser_strict_aux: fixes A and B assumes hAG: "A ⊆ G" and hBG: "B ⊆ G" and hA: "finite A"
and hB: "finite B" and hAne: "A ≠ {}" and hBne: "B ≠ {}" and
hineq: "card (sumset A B) > card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card (stabilizer (sumset A B))"
shows "card (sumset A B) ≥ card A + card B"
let ?H = "stabilizer (sumset A B)"
have hfin: "finite ?H" using stabilizer_subset_group stabilizer_finite sumset_subset_carrier
finite_sumset assms sumset_is_empty_iff sumset_stabilizer_eq_self by metis
have "card ?H dvd card (sumset A B)" and "card ?H dvd (card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card ?H)"
using card_stabilizer_divide_sumset hAG hBG card_stabilizer_sumset_divide_sumset by auto
then have "card (sumset A B) ≥ card (sumset A ?H) + card (sumset B ?H)" using hineq
by (metis diff_le_mono2 dvd_add_right_iff dvd_imp_le le_diff_conv less_imp_add_positive)
moreover have "card A + card B ≤ card (sumset A ?H) + card (sumset B ?H)"
using card_le_sumset sumset_commute assms stabilizer_subset_group stabilizer_is_nonempty
Int_emptyI inf.orderE add_mono hfin by metis
ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
theorem Kneser_strict: fixes A and B assumes "A ⊆ G" and "B⊆ G" and "finite A" and "finite B"
and "stabilizer (sumset A B) = H" and "A ≠ {}" and "B ≠ {}" and " card (sumset A B) < card A + card B"
shows "card (sumset A B) = card (sumset A (stabilizer (sumset A B))) +
card (sumset B (stabilizer (sumset A B))) - card (stabilizer (sumset A B))"
using Kneser Kneser_strict_aux assms le_antisym nat_less_le by metis
subsection‹The Cauchy--Davenport Theorem›
text‹We show the Cauchy--Davenport Theorem as a corollary of Kneser's Theorem, following a comment on
Theorem 3.2 in \cite{Ruzsa_book}.›
interpretation Z_p: additive_abelian_group "{ ((p :: nat)-1)}" "(λ x y. ((x + y) mod int p))" "0::int"
using additive_abelian_group_def residue_group[of "p"] by fastforce
theorem Cauchy_Davenport:
fixes p :: nat
assumes "prime p" and "A ≠ {}" and "B ≠ {}" and "finite A" and "finite B" and
"A ⊆ {0..p-1}" and "B ⊆ {0..p-1}"
shows "card (Z_p.sumset p A B) ≥ Min {p, card A + card B -1}"
proof(cases "Z_p.stabilizer p (Z_p.sumset p A B) = {0}")
case True
moreover have "Z_p.sumset p A {0} = A" and "Z_p.sumset p B {0} = B" using assms Z_p.sumset_D(1) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using Z_p.Kneser[of "A" "p" "B"] assms by fastforce
case hne: False
let ?H = "Z_p.stabilizer p (Z_p.sumset p A B)"
have "?H = {}" using hne Z_p.stabilizer_is_subgroup[of "p" "Z_p.sumset p A B"]
residue_group_simple[OF assms(1)] by blast
moreover have "p ≥ 2" using assms(1) by (simp add: prime_ge_2_nat)
ultimately have "card ?H = p" using card_atLeastAtMost by (simp add: of_nat_diff)
then have "p ≤ card (Z_p.sumset p A B)"
using Z_p.card_stabilizer_le card_0_eq assms Z_p.card_sumset_0_iff Z_p.sumset.cases
Z_p.sumset_subset_carrier Z_p.finite_sumset by metis
then show ?thesis by auto