Theory Karatsuba_Preliminaries
section "Preliminaries"
text "Some general preliminaries."
theory Karatsuba_Preliminaries
imports Main "Expander_Graphs.Extra_Congruence_Method" "HOL-Number_Theory.Residues"
lemma prop_ifI:
assumes "Q ⟹ P R"
assumes "¬ Q ⟹ P S"
shows "P (if Q then R else S)"
using assms by argo
lemma let_prop_cong:
assumes "T = T'"
assumes "P (f T) (f' T')"
shows "P (let x = T in f x) (let x = T' in f' x)"
using assms by simp
lemma set_subseteqD:
assumes "set xs ⊆ A"
shows "⋀i. i < length xs ⟹ xs ! i ∈ A"
using assms by fastforce
lemma set_subseteqI:
assumes "⋀i. i < length xs ⟹ xs ! i ∈ A"
shows "set xs ⊆ A"
using assms
by (metis in_set_conv_nth subsetI)
lemma Nat_max_le_sum: "max (a :: nat) b ≤ a + b"
by simp
lemma upt_add_eq_append':
assumes "a ≤ b" "b ≤ c"
shows "[a..<c] = [a..<b] @ [b..<c]"
using assms upt_add_eq_append[of a b "c - b"] by auto
lemma map_add_const_upt: "map (λj. j + c) [a..<b] = [a + c..<b + c]"
proof (cases "a < b")
case True
then have "map (λj. j + c) [a..<b] = map (λj. j + c) (map (λj. j + a) [0..<b-a])"
using map_add_upt[of a "b - a"] by simp
also have "... = map (λj. j + (a + c)) [0..<b-a]"
by simp
also have "... = [a+c..<b+c]"
using map_add_upt[of "a + c" "b - a"] True by simp
finally show ?thesis .
case False
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma filter_even_upt_even: "filter even [0..<2*n] = map ((*) 2) [0..<n]"
by (induction n) simp_all
lemma filter_even_upt_odd: "filter even [0..<2*n + 1] = map ((*) 2) [0..<n + 1]"
by (simp add: filter_even_upt_even)
lemma filter_odd_upt_even: "filter odd [0..<2*n] = map (λi. 2*i + 1) [0..<n]"
by (induction n) simp_all
lemma filter_odd_upt_odd: "filter odd [0..<2*n + 1] = map (λi. 2*i + 1) [0..<n]"
by (simp add: filter_odd_upt_even)
lemma length_filter_even: "length (filter even [0..<n]) = (if even n then n div 2 else n div 2 + 1)"
by (induction n) simp_all
lemma length_filter_odd: "length (filter odd [0..<n]) = n div 2"
by (induction n) simp_all
lemma filter_even_nth:
assumes "i < length (filter even [0..<n])"
shows "filter even [0..<n] ! i = 2 * i"
proof (cases "even n")
case True
then obtain n' where "n = 2 * n'" by blast
then show ?thesis using filter_even_upt_even[of n'] assms by auto
case False
then obtain n' where "n = 2 * n' + 1" using oddE by blast
show ?thesis
using assms
apply (simp only: ‹n = 2 * n' + 1› filter_even_upt_odd length_map nth_map)
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = "(*) 2"])
by (metis add_0 diff_zero length_upt nth_upt)
lemma filter_odd_nth:
assumes "i < length (filter odd [0..<n])"
shows "filter odd [0..<n] ! i = 2 * i + 1"
proof (cases "even n")
case True
then obtain n' where "n = 2 * n'" by blast
then show ?thesis using filter_odd_upt_even assms by auto
case False
then obtain n' where "n = 2 * n' + 1" using oddE by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms
by (simp only: filter_odd_upt_odd length_map)
(simp add: ‹n = 2 * n' + 1› length_filter_odd)
fun sublist where
"sublist 0 n xs = take n xs"
| "sublist (Suc m) (Suc n) (a # xs) = sublist m n xs"
| "sublist (Suc m) 0 xs = []"
| "sublist (Suc m) (Suc n) [] = []"
lemma length_sublist[simp]: "length (sublist m n xs) = card ({m..<n} ∩ {0..<length xs})"
by (induction m n xs rule: sublist.induct) simp_all
lemma length_sublist':
assumes "m ≤ n"
assumes "n ≤ length xs"
shows "length (sublist m n xs) = n - m"
using assms by simp
lemma nth_sublist:
assumes "m ≤ n"
assumes "n ≤ length xs"
assumes "i < n - m"
shows "sublist m n xs ! i = xs ! (m + i)"
using assms
by (induction m n xs arbitrary: i rule: sublist.induct) simp_all
lemma filter_map_map2:
assumes "length b = m"
assumes "length c = m"
shows "[f (b!i) (c!i). i ← [0..<m]] = map2 f b c"
using assms by (intro nth_equalityI) simp_all
fun map3 where
"map3 f (x # xs) (y # ys) (z # zs) = f x y z # map3 f xs ys zs"
| "map3 f _ _ _ = []"
lemma map3_as_map: "map3 f xs ys zs = map (λ((x, y), z). f x y z) (zip (zip xs ys) zs)"
by (induction f xs ys zs rule: map3.induct; simp)
lemma filter_map_map3:
assumes "length b = m"
assumes "length c = m"
shows "[f (b!i) (c!i) i. i ← [0..<m]] = map3 f b c [0..<m]"
using assms
apply (intro nth_equalityI)
unfolding map3_as_map by simp_all
fun map4 where
"map4 f (x # xs) (y # ys) (z # zs) (w # ws) = f x y z w # map4 f xs ys zs ws"
| "map4 f _ _ _ _ = []"
lemma map4_as_map: "map4 f xs ys zs ws = map (λ(((x,y),z),w). f x y z w) (zip (zip (zip xs ys) zs) ws)"
by (induction f xs ys zs ws rule: map4.induct; simp)
lemma nth_map2:
assumes "i < length xs"
assumes "i < length ys"
shows "map2 f xs ys ! i = f (xs ! i) (ys ! i)"
using assms by simp
lemma nth_map3:
assumes "i < length xs"
assumes "i < length ys"
assumes "i < length zs"
shows "map3 f xs ys zs ! i = f (xs ! i) (ys ! i) (zs ! i)"
using assms unfolding map3_as_map by simp
lemma nth_map4:
assumes "i < length xs"
assumes "i < length ys"
assumes "i < length zs"
assumes "i < length ws"
shows "map4 f xs ys zs ws ! i = f (xs ! i) (ys ! i) (zs ! i) (ws ! i)"
using assms unfolding map4_as_map by simp
lemma nth_map4':
assumes "i < l"
assumes "length xs = l"
assumes "length ys = l"
assumes "length zs = l"
assumes "length ws = l"
shows "map4 f xs ys zs ws ! i = f (xs ! i) (ys ! i) (zs ! i) (ws ! i)"
using assms unfolding map4_as_map by simp
lemma map2_of_map_r: "map2 f xs (map g ys) = map2 (λx y. f x (g y)) xs ys"
by (intro nth_equalityI) simp_all
lemma map2_of_map_l: "map2 f (map g xs) ys = map2 (λx y. f (g x) y) xs ys"
by (intro nth_equalityI) simp_all
lemma map2_of_map2_r: "map2 f xs (map2 g ys zs) = map3 (λx y z. f x (g y z)) xs ys zs"
unfolding map3_as_map by (intro nth_equalityI) simp_all
lemma map_of_map3: "map f (map3 g xs ys zs) = map3 (λx y z. f (g x y z)) xs ys zs"
unfolding map3_as_map by (intro nth_equalityI) simp_all
lemma cyclic_index_lemma:
fixes n :: nat
assumes "σ < n" "ρ < n" "i < n"
shows "(σ + ρ) mod n = i ⟷ ρ = (n + i - σ) mod n"
assume "(σ + ρ) mod n = i"
then have "(int σ + int ρ) mod (int n) = int i"
using zmod_int by fastforce
also have "... = (int n + int i) mod int n"
using ‹i < n› by auto
finally have "(int σ + int ρ - int σ) mod (int n) = (int n + int i - int σ) mod int n"
using mod_diff_cong by blast
then have "(int ρ) mod (int n) = (int n + int i - int σ) mod (int n)"
by simp
also have "... = (int (n + i - σ)) mod (int n)"
using assms by (simp add: int_ops(6))
finally show "ρ = (n + i - σ) mod n"
using zmod_int assms by (metis mod_less of_nat_eq_iff)
assume "ρ = (n + i - σ) mod n"
then have "(σ + ρ) mod n = (σ + (n + i - σ)) mod n"
by presburger
also have "... = (n + i) mod n"
using assms by simp
also have "... = i"
using assms by simp
finally show "(σ + ρ) mod n = i" .
lemma (in residues) residues_minus_eq: "x ⊖⇘R⇙ y = (x - y) mod m"
proof -
have "x ⊖⇘R⇙ y = x ⊕⇘R⇙ (⊖⇘R⇙ y)"
using a_minus_def by fast
also have "⊖⇘R⇙ y = (- y) mod m"
using res_neg_eq[of y] .
also have "x ⊕⇘R⇙ ((-y) mod m) = (x + ((-y) mod m)) mod m"
by (simp add: R_m_def residue_ring_def)
also have "... = (x - y) mod m"
by (simp add: mod_add_right_eq)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma residue_ring_carrier_eq: "{0..(n::int) - 1} = {0..<n}"
by auto
context ring
fun nat_embedding :: "nat ⇒ 'a" where
"nat_embedding 0 = 𝟬"
| "nat_embedding (Suc n) = nat_embedding n ⊕ 𝟭"
fun int_embedding :: "int ⇒ 'a" where
"int_embedding n = (if n ≥ 0 then nat_embedding (nat n) else ⊖ nat_embedding (nat (-n)))"
lemma nat_embedding_closed[simp]: "nat_embedding x ∈ carrier R"
by (induction x)(simp_all)
lemma int_embedding_closed[simp]: "int_embedding x ∈ carrier R"
by simp
lemma nat_embedding_a_hom: "nat_embedding (x + y) = nat_embedding x ⊕ nat_embedding y"
apply (induction x arbitrary: y)
using a_comm a_assoc by simp_all
lemma nat_embedding_m_hom: "nat_embedding (x * y) = nat_embedding x ⊗ nat_embedding y"
apply (induction x arbitrary: y)
by (simp_all add: nat_embedding_a_hom l_distr a_comm)
lemma nat_embedding_exp_hom: "nat_embedding (x ^ y) = nat_embedding x [^] y"
apply (induction y)
by (simp_all add: nat_embedding_m_hom group_commutes_pow)
lemma int_embedding_neg_hom: "int_embedding (- x) = ⊖ int_embedding x"
by simp
lemma int_exp_hom: "int x ^ i = int (x ^ i)"
by simp