Theory Build
section ‹Building a balanced ‹k›-d Tree from a List of Points›
theory Build
text ‹
Build a balanced ‹k›-d Tree by recursively partition the points into two lists.
The partitioning criteria will be the median at a particular axis ‹k›.
The left list will contain all points ‹p› with @{term "p$k ≤ median"}.
The right list will contain all points with median at axis @{term "median < p$k"}.
The left and right list differ in length by one or none.
The axis ‹k› will the widest spread axis.
subsection "Auxiliary Lemmas"
lemma length_filter_mset_sorted_nth:
assumes "distinct xs" "n < length xs" "sorted xs"
shows "{# x ∈# mset xs. x ≤ xs ! n #} = mset (take (n + 1) xs)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: n rule: list.induct)
case (Cons x xs)
thus ?case
proof (cases n)
case 0
thus ?thesis
using Cons.prems(1,3) filter_mset_is_empty_iff by fastforce
case (Suc n')
thus ?thesis
using Cons by simp
qed auto
lemma length_filter_sort_nth:
assumes "distinct xs" "n < length xs"
shows "length (filter (λx. x ≤ sort xs ! n) xs) = n + 1"
proof -
have "length (filter (λx. x ≤ sort xs ! n) xs) = length (filter (λx. x ≤ sort xs ! n) (sort xs))"
by (simp add: filter_sort)
also have "... = size (mset (filter (λx. x ≤ sort xs ! n) (sort xs)))"
using size_mset by metis
also have "... = size ({# x ∈# mset (sort xs). x ≤ sort xs ! n #})"
using mset_filter by simp
also have "... = size (mset (take (n + 1) (sort xs)))"
using length_filter_mset_sorted_nth assms sorted_sort distinct_sort length_sort by metis
finally show ?thesis
using assms(2) by auto
subsection ‹Widest Spread Axis›
definition calc_spread :: "('k::finite) ⇒ 'k point list ⇒ real" where
"calc_spread k ps = (case ps of [] ⇒ 0 | ps ⇒
let ks = map (λp. p$k) (tl ps) in
fold max ks ((hd ps)$k) - fold min ks ((hd ps)$k)
fun widest_spread :: "('k::finite) list ⇒ 'k point list ⇒ 'k × real" where
"widest_spread [] _ = undefined"
| "widest_spread [k] ps = (k, calc_spread k ps)"
| "widest_spread (k # ks) ps = (
let (k', s') = widest_spread ks ps in
let s = calc_spread k ps in
if s ≤ s' then (k', s') else (k, s)
lemma calc_spread_spec:
"calc_spread k ps = spread k (set ps)"
using Max.set_eq_fold[of "(hd ps)$k"] Min.set_eq_fold[of "(hd ps)$k"]
by (auto simp: Let_def spread_def calc_spread_def split: list.splits, metis set_map)
lemma widest_spread_calc_spread:
"ks ≠ [] ⟹ (k, s) = widest_spread ks ps ⟹ s = calc_spread k ps"
by (induction ks ps rule: widest_spread.induct) (auto simp: Let_def split: prod.splits if_splits)
lemma widest_spread_axis_Un:
shows "widest_spread_axis k K P ⟹ spread k' P ≤ spread k P ⟹ widest_spread_axis k (K ∪ { k' }) P"
and "widest_spread_axis k K P ⟹ spread k P ≤ spread k' P ⟹ widest_spread_axis k' (K ∪ { k' }) P"
unfolding widest_spread_axis_def by auto
lemma widest_spread_spec:
"(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps ⟹ widest_spread_axis k (set ks) (set ps)"
proof (induction ks ps arbitrary: k s rule: widest_spread.induct)
case (3 k⇩0 k⇩1 ks ps)
obtain K' S' where K'_def: "(K', S') = widest_spread (k⇩1 # ks) ps"
by (metis surj_pair)
hence IH: "widest_spread_axis K' (set (k⇩1 # ks)) (set ps)"
using "3.IH" by blast
hence 0: "S' = spread K' (set ps)"
using K'_def widest_spread_calc_spread calc_spread_spec by blast
define S where "S = calc_spread k⇩0 ps"
hence 1: "S = spread k⇩0 (set ps)"
using calc_spread_spec by blast
show ?case
proof (cases "S ≤ S'")
case True
hence "widest_spread_axis K' (set (k⇩0 # k⇩1 # ks)) (set ps)"
using 0 1 widest_spread_axis_Un(1)[OF IH, of k⇩0] by auto
thus ?thesis
using True K'_def S_def "3.prems" by (auto split: prod.splits)
case False
hence "widest_spread_axis k⇩0 (set (k⇩0 # k⇩1 # ks)) (set ps)"
using 0 1 widest_spread_axis_Un(2)[OF IH, of k⇩0] "3.prems"(1) by auto
thus ?thesis
using False K'_def S_def "3.prems" by (auto split: prod.splits)
qed (auto simp: widest_spread_axis_def)
subsection ‹Fast Axis Median›
definition axis_median :: "('k::finite) ⇒ 'k point list ⇒ real" where
"axis_median k ps = (let n = (length ps - 1) div 2 in fast_select n (map (λp. p$k) ps))"
lemma length_filter_le_axis_median:
assumes "0 < length ps" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)"
shows "length (filter (λp. p$k ≤ axis_median k ps) ps) = (length ps - 1) div 2 + 1"
proof -
let ?n = "(length ps - 1) div 2"
let ?ps = "map (λp. p$k) ps"
let ?m = "fast_select ?n ?ps"
have 0: "?n < length ?ps"
using assms(1) by (auto, linarith)
have 1: "distinct ?ps"
using assms(2) by blast
have "?m = select ?n ?ps"
using fast_select_correct[OF 0] by blast
hence "length (filter (λp. p$k ≤ axis_median k ps) ps) =
length (filter (λp. p$k ≤ sort ?ps ! ?n) ps)"
unfolding axis_median_def by (auto simp add: Let_def select_def simp del: fast_select.simps)
also have "... = length (filter (λv. v ≤ sort ?ps ! ?n) ?ps)"
by (induction ps) (auto, metis comp_apply)
also have "... = ?n + 1"
using length_filter_sort_nth[OF 1 0] by blast
finally show ?thesis .
definition partition_by_median :: "('k::finite) ⇒ 'k point list ⇒ 'k point list × real × 'k point list" where
"partition_by_median k ps = (
let m = axis_median k ps in
let (l, r) = partition (λp. p$k ≤ m) ps in
(l, m, r)
lemma set_partition_by_median:
"(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps ⟹ set ps = set l ∪ set r"
unfolding partition_by_median_def by (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma filter_partition_by_median:
assumes "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
shows "∀p ∈ set l. p$k ≤ m"
and "∀p ∈ set r. ¬p$k ≤ m"
using assms unfolding partition_by_median_def by (auto simp: Let_def)
lemma sum_length_partition_by_median:
assumes "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
shows "length ps = length l + length r"
using assms sum_length_filter_compl[of "(λp. p $ k ≤ axis_median k ps)"]
unfolding partition_by_median_def by (simp add: Let_def o_def)
lemma length_l_partition_by_median:
assumes "0 < length ps" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
shows "length l = (length ps - 1) div 2 + 1"
using assms unfolding partition_by_median_def by (auto simp: Let_def length_filter_le_axis_median)
corollary lengths_partition_by_median_1:
assumes "0 < length ps" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
shows "length l - length r ≤ 1"
and "length r ≤ length l"
and "0 < length l"
and "length r < length ps"
using length_l_partition_by_median[OF assms] sum_length_partition_by_median[OF assms(3)] by auto
corollary lengths_partition_by_median_2:
assumes "1 < length ps" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
shows "0 < length r"
and "length l < length ps"
proof -
have *: "0 < length ps"
using assms(1) by auto
show "0 < length r" "length l < length ps"
using length_l_partition_by_median[OF * assms(2,3)] sum_length_partition_by_median[OF assms(3)]
using assms(1) by linarith+
lemmas length_partition_by_median =
sum_length_partition_by_median length_l_partition_by_median
lengths_partition_by_median_1 lengths_partition_by_median_2
subsection ‹Building the Tree›
function (domintros, sequential) build :: "('k::finite) list ⇒ 'k point list ⇒ 'k kdt" where
"build _ [] = undefined"
| "build _ [p] = Leaf p"
| "build ks ps = (
let (k, _) = widest_spread ks ps in
let (l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps in
Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)
by pat_completeness auto
lemma build_domintros3:
assumes "(k, s) = widest_spread ks (x # y # zs)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k (x # y # zs)"
assumes "build_dom (ks, l)" "build_dom (ks, r)"
shows "build_dom (ks, x # y # zs)"
proof -
fix k s l m r
assume "(k, s) = widest_spread ks (x # y # zs)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k (x # y # zs)"
hence "build_dom (ks, l)" "build_dom (ks, r)"
using assms by (metis Pair_inject)+
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: build.domintros(3))
lemma build_termination:
assumes "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)"
shows "build_dom (ks, ps)"
using assms
proof (induction ps rule: length_induct)
case (1 xs)
consider (A) "xs = []" | (B) "∃x. xs = [x]" | (C) "∃x y zs. xs = x # y # zs"
by (induction xs rule: induct_list012) auto
then show ?case
proof cases
case C
then obtain x y zs where xyzs_def: "xs = x # y # zs"
by blast
obtain k s where ks_def: "(k, s) = widest_spread ks xs"
by (metis surj_pair)
obtain l m r where lmr_def: "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k xs"
by (metis prod_cases3)
note defs = xyzs_def ks_def lmr_def
have "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p $ k) l)" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p $ k) r)"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def
by (auto simp: Let_def "1.prems" distinct_map_filter)
moreover have "length l < length xs" "length r < length xs"
using length_partition_by_median(8)[OF _ "1.prems"] length_partition_by_median(6)[OF _ "1.prems"]
using defs by auto
ultimately have "build_dom (ks, l)" "build_dom (ks, r)"
using "1.IH" by blast+
thus ?thesis
using build_domintros3 defs by blast
qed (auto intro: build.domintros)
lemma build_psimp_1:
"ps = [p] ⟹ build k ps = Leaf p"
by (simp add: build.domintros(2) build.psimps(2))
lemma build_psimp_2:
assumes "(k, s) = widest_spread ks (x # y # zs)" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k (x # y # zs)"
assumes "build_dom (ks, l)" "build_dom (ks, r)"
shows "build ks (x # y # zs) = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
proof -
have 0: "build_dom (ks, x # y # zs)"
using assms build_domintros3 by blast
thus ?thesis
using build.psimps(3)[OF 0] assms(1,2) by (auto split: prod.splits)
lemma length_xs_gt_1:
"1 < length xs ⟹ ∃x y ys. xs = x # y # ys"
by (cases xs, auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)
lemma build_psimp_3:
assumes "1 < length ps" "(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps" "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
assumes "build_dom (ks, l)" "build_dom (ks, r)"
shows "build ks ps = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
using build_psimp_2 length_xs_gt_1 assms by blast
lemmas build_psimps[simp] = build_psimp_1 build_psimp_3
subsection ‹Main Theorems›
theorem set_build:
"0 < length ps ⟹ ∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps) ⟹ set ps = set_kdt (build ks ps)"
proof (induction ps rule: length_induct)
case (1 ps)
show ?case
proof (cases "1 < length ps")
case True
obtain k s where ks_def: "(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps"
by (metis surj_pair)
obtain l m r where lmr_def: "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have D: "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) l)" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) r)"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def
by (auto simp: "1.prems"(2) Let_def distinct_map_filter)
moreover have "length l < length ps" "0 < length l"
"length r < length ps" "0 < length r"
using length_partition_by_median(8)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(5)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(6)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(7)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
lmr_def by blast+
ultimately have "set l = set_kdt (build ks l)" "set r = set_kdt (build ks r)"
using "1.IH" by blast+
moreover have "set ps = set l ∪ set r"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def by (auto simp: Let_def)
moreover have "build ks ps = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
using build_psimp_3[OF True ks_def lmr_def] build_termination D by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
case False
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems" by (cases ps) auto
theorem invar_build:
"0 < length ps ⟹ ∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps) ⟹ set ks = UNIV ⟹ invar (build ks ps)"
proof (induction ps rule: length_induct)
case (1 ps)
show ?case
proof (cases "1 < length ps")
case True
obtain k s where ks_def: "(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps"
by (metis surj_pair)
obtain l m r where lmr_def: "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have D: "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) l)" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) r)"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def
by (auto simp: "1.prems"(2) Let_def distinct_map_filter)
moreover have "length l < length ps" "0 < length l"
"length r < length ps" "0 < length r"
using length_partition_by_median(8)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(5)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(6)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(7)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
lmr_def by blast+
ultimately have "invar (build ks l)" "invar (build ks r)"
using "1.IH" "1.prems"(3) by blast+
moreover have "∀p ∈ set l. p$k ≤ m" "∀p ∈ set r. m < p$k"
using filter_partition_by_median(1)[OF lmr_def]
filter_partition_by_median(2)[OF lmr_def] by auto
moreover have "widest_spread_axis k UNIV (set l ∪ set r)"
using widest_spread_spec[OF ks_def] "1.prems"(3) set_partition_by_median[OF lmr_def] by simp
moreover have "build ks ps = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
using build_psimp_3[OF True ks_def lmr_def] build_termination D by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using set_build[OF ‹0 < length l› D(1)] set_build[OF ‹0 < length r› D(2)] by simp
case False
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems" by (cases ps) auto
theorem size_build:
"0 < length ps ⟹ ∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps) ⟹ size_kdt (build ks ps) = length ps"
proof (induction ps rule: length_induct)
case (1 ps)
show ?case
proof (cases "1 < length ps")
case True
obtain k s where ks_def: "(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps"
by (metis surj_pair)
obtain l m r where lmr_def: "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have D: "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) l)" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) r)"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def
by (auto simp: "1.prems"(2) Let_def distinct_map_filter)
moreover have "length l < length ps" "0 < length l"
"length r < length ps" "0 < length r"
using length_partition_by_median(8)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(5)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(6)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(7)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
lmr_def by blast+
ultimately have "size_kdt (build ks l) = length l" "size_kdt (build ks r) = length r"
using "1.IH" by blast+
moreover have "build ks ps = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
using build_psimp_3[OF True ks_def lmr_def] build_termination D by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using length_partition_by_median(1)[OF lmr_def] by simp
case False
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems" by (cases ps) auto
theorem balanced_build:
"0 < length ps ⟹ ∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps) ⟹ balanced (build ks ps)"
proof (induction ps rule: length_induct)
case (1 ps)
show ?case
proof (cases "1 < length ps")
case True
obtain k s where ks_def: "(k, s) = widest_spread ks ps"
by (metis surj_pair)
obtain l m r where lmr_def: "(l, m, r) = partition_by_median k ps"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have D: "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) l)" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) r)"
using lmr_def unfolding partition_by_median_def
by (auto simp: "1.prems"(2) Let_def distinct_map_filter)
moreover have "length l < length ps" "0 < length l"
"length r < length ps" "0 < length r"
using length_partition_by_median(8)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(5)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(6)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2)]
length_partition_by_median(7)[OF True "1.prems"(2)]
lmr_def by blast+
ultimately have IH: "balanced (build ks l)" "balanced (build ks r)"
using "1.IH" by blast+
have "build ks ps = Node k m (build ks l) (build ks r)"
using build_psimp_3[OF True ks_def lmr_def] build_termination D by blast
moreover have "length r + 1 = length l ∨ length r = length l"
using length_partition_by_median(1)[OF lmr_def]
length_partition_by_median(3)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) lmr_def]
length_partition_by_median(4)[OF "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) lmr_def]
by linarith
ultimately show ?thesis
using balanced_Node_if_wbal1[OF IH] balanced_Node_if_wbal2[OF IH]
size_build[OF ‹0 < length l› D(1)] size_build[OF ‹0 < length r› D(2)]
by auto
case False
thus ?thesis
using "1.prems" by (cases ps) (auto simp: balanced_def)
lemma complete_if_balanced_size_2powh:
assumes "balanced kdt" "size_kdt kdt = 2 ^ h"
shows "complete kdt"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ complete kdt"
hence "2 ^ (min_height kdt) < size_kdt kdt" "size_kdt kdt < 2 ^ height kdt"
by (simp_all add: min_height_size_if_incomplete size_height_if_incomplete)
hence "height kdt - min_height kdt > 1"
using assms(2) by simp
hence "¬ balanced kdt"
using balanced_def by force
thus "False"
using assms(1) by simp
theorem complete_build:
"length ps = 2 ^ h ⟹ ∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps) ⟹ complete (build k ps)"
by (simp add: balanced_build complete_if_balanced_size_2powh size_build)
corollary height_build:
assumes "length ps = 2 ^ h" "∀k. distinct (map (λp. p$k) ps)"
shows "h = height (build k ps)"
using complete_build[OF assms] size_build[OF _ assms(2)] by (simp add: assms(1) complete_iff_size)