Theory AttributesIndep

(*  Title:       Jive Data and Store Model
    Author:      Norbert Schirmer <schirmer at>  and  
                 Nicole Rauch <rauch at>, 2005
    Maintainer:  Nicole Rauch <rauch at>
    License:     LGPL

section ‹Program-Independent Lemmas on Attributes›

theory AttributesIndep
imports "../Isa_Counter_Store/Attributes"

text ‹The following lemmas validate the functions defined in the Attributes theory.
They also aid in subsequent proving tasks. Since they are
program-independent, it is of no use to add them to the generation process of
Attributes.thy. Therefore, they have been extracted to this theory.

lemma cls_catt [simp]: 
  "CClassT c  dtype f  cls (catt c f) = c"
  apply (case_tac c)
  apply (case_tac [!] f)
  apply simp_all
   ― ‹solves all goals where @{text "CClassT c ≤ dtype f"}
  apply (fastforce elim: subtype_wrong_elims simp add: subtype_defs)+
   ― ‹solves all the rest where @{text "¬ CClassT c ≤ dtype f"} can be derived›

lemma att_catt [simp]: 
  "CClassT c  dtype f  att (catt c f) = f"
  apply (case_tac c)
  apply (case_tac [!] f)
  apply simp_all
   ― ‹solves all goals where @{text "CClassT c ≤ dtype f"}
  apply (fastforce elim: subtype_wrong_elims simp add: subtype_defs)+
   ― ‹solves all the rest where @{text "¬ CClassT c ≤ dtype f"} can be 

text ‹The following lemmas are just a demonstration of simplification.›

lemma rtype_att_catt: 
  "CClassT c  dtype f  rtype (att (catt c f)) = rtype f"
  by simp

lemma widen_cls_dtype_att [simp,intro]: 
  "(CClassT (cls cf)  dtype (att cf)) "
  by (cases cf, simp_all)
